Search results

  1. yonmd

    Pending /battlefactory and /bssfactory revamp

    Having to type out /battlefactory or /bssfactory out every time to check pokemon sets is extremely irritating, and having to add the tier at the end on top of that is even worse. A revamp would be highly appreciated. Here are some ways the ui could be improved: 1. Bunch each tier for a mon into...
  2. yonmd

    Duplicate Make it so that rematch keeps the modifiers you had in the battle

    Keeping things like blitz or inverse shared power when you click rematch, just a quality of life thing
  3. yonmd

    Rejected Tying in battles should not effect elo and gxe at all and /offertie should be usable before turn 100

    Recently I've seen a replay in which two players were tied in an older gen. Instead of the more reasonable 0 change in elo and gxe the higher ladder player lost elo and the lower ladder player won elo and gxe. Here is a recreation on the gen 1 ladder: another thing is offer tie, which is...