Name: Shiny's Clamperl
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 31 | 6 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Shell Armor
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Clamp | Water Gun | Whirlpool | Iron Defense
Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Alomomola (female)
Nature: Bold
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Hydration
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Water Sport | Aqua Ring | Aqua Jet | DoubleSlap
Fully Redis
Name: Shiny's Ducklett
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Keen Eye
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Water Pulse | Aerial Ace | BubbleBeam | FeatherDance
Fully Redis
Name: Shiny's Trubbish
Nature: Jolly
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Sticky Hold
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Spikes | Rock Blast | Poison Gas | Pound
Fully Redis
Name: Shiny's Panpour (female)
Nickname: Paisly
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: 6 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Speed
Ability: Gluttony
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Scratch | Nasty Plot | Hydro Pump
EV'd- Nasty Plot | Hydro Pump | Grass Knot | Ice Beam
Semi Redis
Because 101 speed is too troll
Name: Shiny's Vaporeon (female)
Nature: Bold
Ivs: 31 | x | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
Evs: 252 HP | 252 Def | 6 SpD
HP Grass 70
Ability: Anticipation
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
UT- Wish | Curse | Stored Power | Yawn
EV'd- Wish | Protect | Scald | Ice Beam
Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Wynaut
Nature: Bold
Ivs: 31 | x | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
Ability: Shadow Tag
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Counter | Mirror Coat | Safeguard | Destiny Bond
Fully Redis
Name: Shiny's Timburr
Nature: Adamant
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
Ability: Sheer Force
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Mach Punch | Drain Punch | Rock Slide | Protect
Semi Redis
Although it may be true that Guts deals more damage when Conkeldurr is statused, people will have less of a chance to status you thinking you may have Guts. Sometimes it's better to go with Sheer Force as it powers up Rock Slide which has better accuracy than Stone Edge and is about 99.75 % base power. The rumor about Sheer Force removing the effect of Drain Punch and Mach Punch aren't true either.
Name: Shiny's Riolus
Nature: Adamant/ Jolly
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
Ability: Inner Focus
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Agility | Bullet Punch | Hi Jump Kick | Crunch
Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Growlithe
Nickname: Bingo (or whatever your choice)
Nature: Adamant
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
Ability: Flash Fire
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Morning Sun | Flare Blitz | Close Combat | Crunch
Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Archen
Nickname: Patchy
Nature: Jolly
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
Ability: Defeatist
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Quick Attack | Leer | Wing Attack
Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Durant
Nickname: DuranDuran
Nature: Jolly
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Ability: Hustle
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Vicegrip | Sand Attack
Fully Redis with the nickname, Otherwise Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Yamask
Nickname: Desukan
Nature: Quiet
Ivs: 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 0
Ability: Mummy
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Protect | Nasty Plot | Memento | Shadow Ball
Semi Redis
This is designed to be a Trick Room Cofar-Coffi-Corfrig, know what I can't even prounounce it so I just nicknamed it after it's Japanese name.
Name: Flute's Murkrow
Nickname: Pimp'oKrow
Nature: Careful
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Prankster
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Peck | Whirlwind | Brave Bird | Roost
Fully Redis if given/kept the nickname, Otherwise Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Larvitar
Nickname: Larry
Nature: Careful
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Guts
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Leer | Pursuit | Curse | Stealth Rock
Fully Redis if it's named, Otherwise Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Gligar (Male)
Nickname: Nosferatu
Nature: Jolly
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Immunity
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Poison Sting | Baton Pass | Rock Polish | U Turn
Fully Redis if given/keep the nickname, Otherwise Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's Dratini(Male)
Nickname: Ryuka
Nature: Adamant
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 30 | x | 31 | 31
Ability: Marvel Scale
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Extremespeed | Wrap | Leer | Thunder Wave
Fully Redis if you give it a nickname, Otherwise Semi Redis
Name: Shiny's DW Eevee (female)
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 31 | x | 30 | 30 | 31 | 30
Evs: untouched
Ability: Anticipation
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Stored Power | Wish | Cuse | Yawn
Semi-Redis (great breeding parent, use it to establish your own)
Name: Shiny's Panpour (female)
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 31 | x | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: untouched
HP Ice
Ability: Gluttony
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Water Gun | Fury Swipes | Water Sport | Bite
Fully Redis
Pretty cool that I landed a female panpour, anyways this is a pretty cool gimmick for those of you who want a pretty pokeball attatched to it. It is also a very nice to use to breed your own
Name: Clamperl
Nature: Adamant
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Evs: Untouched
Ability: Shell Armor
OT: Raquel
ID: 41328
Water Pulse | Water Gun | Iron Defense | Whirlpool
Fully Redis for those who want a nickname, Otherwise Semi Redis