Hi, sadly nothing caught my eye, sorry :(![]()
#806. “Trickmaster”
OT: Christian | ID: 000285 | Alola (Ultra Sun)
Timid - Beast Boost
31 | 00 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Hi, is there anything in my old thread for one of these? Thanks for checking!
I wanted to CMT for ❝SHUCKIE❞ the Shuckle and ❝MARC❞ the Lickilicky.
I don't have these yet in my in-game trade collection yet.
I'd like to receive them in Gen 7 for safekeeping, before I send ❝SHUCKIE❞ to Gen 8 for the ribbons.
Feel free to pick anything from any generation.
Greetings, mate! Would it be possible to have your Shiny Regieleki and Tate's Blissey? I'll contact you when I'm able to trade :)
Greetings, mate! Would it be possible to have your Shiny Regieleki and Tate's Blissey? I'll contact you when I'm able to trade :)
12/15/2020 UPDATE (6 new Pokémon)
{#146 - “Maru-tuahu” }
IVs: 31/00/31/30/31/31 - Timid\Berserk - Chris\420218 - Galar (Shield)
Ev'd: Nasty Plot | Fiery Wrath | Hurricane | Protect
[252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe]
Info about Maru-tuahu
Ever since the Galarian birds were shown in the trailer back in June, 2020, I immediately fell in love with them, especially with G-Moltres. Morevoer, after seeing this beast was absolutely flawless in Ranked battles, I decided to give it a go and start Soft-resetting for good IVs. Maru-tuahu, though, came in a very unexpected way. While I was mainly aiming for 25+/x/25+/31/31/31 G-Moltres, I was completely in a shock when CaptureSight (an overlay app for Nintendo Switch that helps checking IVs and Pokémon info) showed me that I even got a 31/00/31/30/31/31 G-Moltres! I did my best to catch it in a Luxury Ball, and after a few tries I managed to catch it. Rechecked the IVs in-game, and found out CaptureSight wasn't deceiving me. Maru-tuahu is a Polynesian name coming from the story of Maru-tuahu, the son of Hotunui, and of Kahurere-Moa, the dughter of Paka, in which Maru-tuahu used feathers to make himself look like a black shiny cormorant: [...] It was not very long before the two young girls came back from the village to meet their so called husband, that they might all go in together; and when they came up to him, there he was seated on the ground, looking quite different to what he did before, for he now appeared "as handsome as the large crested cormorant". The set Maru-tuahu runs is a VGC set that is usually paired with Draining Kiss Comfey, which, thanks to a +3 priority move, bypasses Follow Me and activates the Weakness Policy on Maru-tuahu that then can proceed to sweep.
Sounds like a planNaturally, I'll clone them now and then we'll trade whenever it's convenient for you. No stress!
Hi Gaudi! Mari-tuahu is sadly NFT as it’s listed in the section, but I can make a unique exception here if you manage to get a G-Articuno with similar IVs to Maru-tuahu (you said you were going to SR for it). Let me know what you think, if not, we can trade for something else :)Hello fellow friend!
I'm interested in this beauiful Polynesian birdie.
Even if i have to update it, feel free to check my thread!
Hi Christian! In response to your interest in my Arcanine, I'd be interested in your Sara-hebi here :) let me know if that would be alright.![]()
#206. “Sara-hebi” () ♀![]()
OT: CHRIS | ID: 18923 | Orre (Colosseum)
Adamant - Serene Grace
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 31
252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Def
Stealth Rock | Body Slam | Toxic | Roost
Hi Tate ~ Absolutely, I’ll clone Sara-hebi for you; you can message me on Discord whenever you’re available for trading :)Hi Christian! In response to your interest in my Arcanine, I'd be interested in your Sara-hebi here :) let me know if that would be alright.
From the rules:Hello. I am looking for a shiny sassy nature stakataka in generation 7, preferably not in beast ball. I am also looking for a baby shiny chansey with counter and seismic toss and heal bell. I have a few shiny eevee, some having hidden abilities and a few extra event shiny poipole in exchange. Thank you.
Please only post in this thread if you have or have had a trade thread on Smogon.![]()