why is itchyy announcing the suspect for the council
Why are we calling a vote of random people a suspect
https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/tournament-rules-and-general-guidelines.3642760/#post-8776866How do you not lock the tier for playoffs or like at least for the first round depending on when the vote is done
they're the goatwhy is itchyy announcing the suspect for the council
Ban | Do Not Ban | Abstain |
STABLE | Dj Breloominati | ACII |
PA | Neomon | Inkreativ |
HCTC | Urfgurgle | 187 Fan |
Crucify | Vrji | Mr. Mime Fan |
Close | Euphonos | Soulwind |
Jabiru | Synonimous | |
Jamez | ||
Itchy | ||
Zioziotrip | ||
Trashuny | ||
Gym Socks | ||
Morgan | ||
Elo Bandit | ||
Yami |
(1) Euphonos Updated Specs![]() Cresselia (F) @ Choice Specs Ability: Levitate EVs: 152 HP / 76 Def / 208 SpA / 72 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe (if Fire) IVs: 3 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD (if Ground) - Psychic - Grass Knot - Ice Beam - Hidden Power [Fire / Ground] | 2) Synonimous Specs![]() Cresselia @ Choice Specs Ability: Levitate EVs: 152 HP / 160 SpA / 68 SpD / 128 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk (if no Hidden Power) IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe (if Fire) IVs: 3 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD (if Ground) - Grass Knot - Ice Beam - Psychic - Shadow Ball / Signal Beam / Hidden Power |
(3) Compendium Scarf![]() Cresselia @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 12 Def / 100 SpA / 144 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Trick - Moonlight / Rest - Psychic - Ice Beam | (4) Compendium Calm Mind![]() Cresselia @ Mail Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP / 164 Def / 96 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Calm Mind - Rest - Psychic - Thunder Wave / Reflect / Shadow Ball |
Salamence A+ to A:
Salamence, while being one of the two viable dragon types in adv(kingdra's on the rise rn), is unfortunately left unable to utilise its dragon typing well due to dragon types being special in adv, forcing it to use the so amazing hp flying as its primary stab. Even as a dragon, it loses to sceptile, being teched with hp ice, swampert with its huge bulk, and like any pokemon with ice coverage? I honestly believe salamence's dragon type is its biggest weakness, giving it a nasty 4x ice weakness, just like ttar's crippling 4x fighting weakness. Salamence is never a safe pick what with zapdos, arcanine, houndoom, blaziken, and anything else easily running hp ice to lure it. Additionally, band zapdos is in my opinion the better band flyer, gaining guaranteed matchups vs alakazam and sceptile while not worrying about hp ice, and having a chance to even beat regice.
Honestly speaking of of Zapdos, imo it should get suspected at least, it’s the hardest hitting special attackers in the game, +1 petaya kills everything, the things that are supposed to beats it (besides Raikou) can’t even beat it reliably, the agility set is on the rise which can make Zapdos outspeed everything, metal sound is also busted for shit like Blissey and Dusclops can which without it, can wall it easily.
Sceptile S- to S:
Between its standard sets of band, petaya, spdef leech, and defensive leech, sceptile has an amazing team preview, beating nearly every pokemon and only losing to like regice, armaldo, aerodactyl, arcanine, and scizor.
Alakazam A to A+:
Between calm mind encore, petaya, and trick band, alakazam can beat a surprising amount of pokemon, and should absolutely be respected as the metagame beast it is. I recently also found that alakazam can beat rain dancers like ludicolo or kingdra by substituting turn 1 and spamming it till rain ends, then 2HKO'ing after. I explained that badly here's a replay: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen31v1-1457841141-qmtbv7gyotrd6gaog2wqhfz7mz3ktsbpw.
Swampert A- to A or A+:
Blissey A- to A:
After clefable was banned, the role of a tanky normal type opened up and blissey is the perfect fit. Blissey's large HP lets it beat leech+stoss stallers like sceptile and ludicolo, something that registeel can't do, and it's specially bulky enough to that it doesn't lose sleep over most zam sets, except for the rare trick band. counter, of course, lets it beat banders like tyranitar and aerodactyl, handedly living a band sky attack and non-adamant ttar's band dynamic punch.
Armaldo B- to B+/A-:
My absolute go-to sceptile check, incredibly solid mon right now. Anybody running the ever popular fire water grass or rock grass fire cores are instantly 2-0'd by armaldo, as no fire or grass type Pokémon could feasibly prepare for armaldo.
Scizor C+ to B+:
Salamence A+ to A:
Salamence, while being one of the two viable dragon types in adv(kingdra's on the rise rn), is unfortunately left unable to utilise its dragon typing well due to dragon types being special in adv, forcing it to use the so amazing hp flying as its primary stab. Even as a dragon, it loses to sceptile, being teched with hp ice, swampert with its huge bulk, and like any pokemon with ice coverage? I honestly believe salamence's dragon type is its biggest weakness, giving it a nasty 4x ice weakness, just like ttar's crippling 4x fighting weakness. Salamence is never a safe pick what with zapdos, arcanine, houndoom, blaziken, and anything else easily running hp ice to lure it. Additionally, band zapdos is in my opinion the better band flyer, gaining guaranteed matchups vs alakazam and sceptile while not worrying about hp ice, and having a chance to even beat regice.
Blastoise B+ to B-:
Meganium C to C- or UR:
I did some research?(if you can call it that) and it seems like meganium's niche is pretty much just 3-0'ing a sample team. Unfortunately, other pokemon can already do that, and beat other pokemon while they're at it.
Articuno is funny but like also viable:
Defense lives 3 band ursaring returns. Speed speed-creeps 252 adamant ursaring, I'm so good at EV's lol. Articuno's niche is regice but with pressure, and beating heracross/ursaring. Plus it's quirky which is all that matters. Articuno to me has a lot of upward mobility from here, I barely used it, and didn't even consider its pressure ability/great movepool(articuno gets stuff like haze, toxic, agility, and sleep talk, with some creativity it could have some really interesting sets imo). I'd say to put it in like C- tier with the knowledge that it can rise in the future.
Honestly speaking of of Zapdos, imo it should get suspected at least, it’s the hardest hitting special attackers in the game, +1 petaya kills everything, the things that are supposed to beats it (besides Raikou) can’t even beat it reliably, the agility set is on the rise which can make Zapdos outspeed everything, metal sound is also busted for shit like Blissey and Dusclops can which without it, can wall it easily.
Now for a nom of my own
Moltres from B- to B
I talked about a specific moltres set in here, but now I will discuss moltres as a whole. Imo moltres is pretty underrated, mostly for the reason that it is overshadowed in offensive capability by zard. However, moltres is able to run pressure stall sets, and utilize agility to more consistently beat threats like zapdos and leech scept(zard has to 50/50 spdef sceptile, either sub on your own expecting a sub on their end, or just blast burn t1 on a possible leech seed). Moltres feels like a more versatile zard, with pressure stall allowing you to beat cb regirock(lol), and petaya berry having great odds against zam, ursaring, registeel if you are running sunny day(goat move) and marowak. Also why is moltres in the same tier as jumpluff that mon sucks lol.
Primarily I take issue with the wording and subsequent implication that bringing Cresselia on a team was sufficient to provide those 13 wins, which is such an extreme oversimplification that I don't think it really adds to the argument but even taking it at its best and saying that it indicates an overwhelming strength at team preview, I still somewhat disagree. Earlier in this piece, I outlined 9 fairly reliable answers to all the various Cresselia sets, so the topic becomes a matter of whether said checks perform well into the rest of the meta/how well Cresselia can pair with mons to force an absurd amount of 1-2's or unfavourable matchups on preview which is a lot more detailed and nuanced coversation which I'd like to touch on a bit later. Similarly the fact that Cresselia won all 6 games where it was brought, whilst an impressive stat, is a bit misleading considering that five out of those six games was one specific set (particularly relevant is that this set is its latest advent, and to some extent I don't think the meta has as yet adapted to it at this point and particularly not earlier on in DPP cup) brought by one specific user (againt relevant because Euphonos is a top dpp player with a decent record in team tours (8/6 W/L, 57%), and the eventual winner of dpp cup) so it becomes an issue trying to separate the potency of Cresselia from the skill of the player.Cresselia was brought sixteen times, and its presence alone provided thirteen of those wins. The most fun part here is: when Cresselia gets picked six times, it was guaranteed to win a match. Most notably, I used this very Specs Cresselia set on five separate occasions:
vs. Close: G3 of DPP 1v1 Cup Quarterfinal - though I won because his Metagross missed a Meteor Mash which is actually boosted by Choice Band
vs. Dj Breloominati♬: G5 of DPP 1v1 Cup Final
vs. XSTATIC COLD: G5 of 1v1 Classic Quarterfinal
vs. pqs: G5 of 1v1 Classic Semifinal
vs. Jamez: G3 of 1v1 Classic Final