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Metagame 1v1 Old Gens





Liverpool Sludge (Venusaur-Mega) @ Venusaurite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 148 Def / 112 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Synthesis
- Charm
- Leech Seed
- Sludge Bomb

Swords Of Hope (Aegislash) @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 248 HP / 240 SpA / 20 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- Flash Cannon
- Laser Focus

Burnt Temple (Charizard-Mega-X) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute / Will-o-wisp
- Dragon Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage

• Mega Venusaur beats Water-types like Mega Gyarados, Greninja, Primarina, and Tapu Fini for the team. It also handles Zeraora, Magnezone, Serperior, non-Substitute Mega Charizard X, and Choice Scarf Dragonite.

• Aegislash covers Magearna, Mew, Mega Gardevoir, Tapu Lele, Mega Metagross, Mega Slowbro, and Meloetta.

• Mega Charizard X rounds out the team with a strong mirror matchup and wins vs Steel- and Grass-types. Substitute is useful versus Z-move or Choice Band Dragonite as well as Thunder Wave Togekiss and Leech Seed or Toxic users.

• Description by Elo Bandit and ad067
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the adv vr is a joke rn so here are some of the mons i want rises/drops for
suggested rises:
Arcanine from C+ to A-
fire that actually beats hera consistently + beats mence and is super consistent v sceptile w agili overheat white herb
also subpetaya trolls marowak hard and does nothing else which is cool and as much as i hate to admit it this mon is the best fire in the tier

Moltres from B- to A-
b- is actually disrespect bruh this shit in the same tier as miltank?????? sunny day is a cool tech u can run on subpetaya to guarantee regice/registeel mus while also beating ludicolo n shit, also fast band hera has seen 0 usage yet so the problem of modest molt being slower than fast band hera isnt real

hera from A to S
best pokemon in da metagame by far, spdef salac is fucking stupid and beats all regis + all waters but gyara + raikou + grasses like what the fuck, subliechi isnt actually seen but makes regirock mu easier as well as trolling metagross. This mon also has some epic tech like bulk up n even hp subliechi to fuck w marowak. also fast band beating molt is actual bullshit even if no one runs fast band

vaporeon from A- to A+
better starmie atp cuz u just run acid armor 3a and do everything starmie does except now u beat ursa etc. normal acid armor rest is also p cool, has good mus vs every water type and is a good answer to metagross even w/o rest
cuck mods deleted the vaporeon copypasta just know if u clicked this u wouldve gotten owned

hariyama from B- to A-
thick fat band is one of the greatest sets oat, beating every fire and alos having great odds v raikou n shit. also this mon is bulky as fuck and can decently easily bulk aerodactyl but remember that this mon has like regidrago eving so do not invest in hp

gyara from B+ to A
broken ass mon
sub dd flail is super scary to deal w in the builder, soft sand taunt and band gyara are also cool sets that are very viable

dragonite from C+ to A-
although it looks like worse mence at first, dnite is much bulkier which is great for cb sets, to the point where i rarely ever run band mence anymore cuz band dnite is just better 9 times out of 10. also having agility along w other great special moves gives this mon the ability to cheese kingdra n gyara

shedinja from C to B-
actually not terrible, beats most waters n grasses, scope lens sd trolls swampert n registeel, beats raik and heracross LOL,
also it has 100% winrate in advlt yup

suggested drops:

sceptile from S- to A+
this mon is still good but the only thing people use is leech seed and not the epic dead gamer mna bulky subpetaya set that can either beat gyara or beat mence if u want. The fact that ppl only use leech rn makes it very easy to answer in the builder

starmie from A- to B+
outclassed by vaporeon, losign to ursa n metagross is tough

swampert from A- to B+
this shit literally doesnt beat raikou cuz ppl figured out that u can just run a fuckton of defense and hp grass, this mons best set rn is salac mixed so u actually beat moltres n maro

gengar from B to C
special sets r outclassed by alakazam, and as a physical ghost type it is legit outclassed by shedinja
only cool thing is curse but curse taunt sucks ass

entei from B+ to B-
i have not seen anyone use this mon in fucking forever, why use this when moltres and arc exist, cm is cool but this mon is so weak w/o calm mind boosts that its basically crit bait and you are forced into running cm rest flamethrower so you dont lose to sceptile so you only really have one moveslot to play around with

Aerodactyl from B to B-
this mon is balls and doesnt beat bulky raikou fraudulent flying type asw

Unrank jolteon cuz u lose to rest raikou

Unrank the entire fucking c- rank

all of these mons are ass and have no spot in the metagame whatsoever
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After my loss in the ADV LT playoffs, I'd like to share some sets and teams that I created/co-created and feel are important/stupid enough to have their own post.


:tauros: Tauros

Originally I crafted toxic tauros in the pre-zap ban meta because the band set at the time didn't have the best odds against defensive zapdos. Toxic tauros would beat zapdos 85% of the time(toxic accuracy) while also beating salamence, tyranitar, regirock, kingdra, counter blissey, and slower SubSeed sceptile. HP tanks charizard blast burn and speed outspeeds base 100s. idr what attack and defense are for but they work.
Tauros (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 208 HP / 108 Atk / 8 Def / 184 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Protect
- Return

:blissey: Blissey

Growl beats pert and other random physical attackers like toxic tauros if they toxic t1. Water pulse is for Entei and cheesing shit like Armaldo, aero, and ttar with confusion + serene grace. Tail whip wins vs blissey in the mirror mu. Make sure to use 31 Attack IVs for Tail Whip.
Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Def / 208 SpA / 48 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Soft-Boiled
- Ice Beam
- Tail Whip / Growl / Water Pulse


Epic lure for heracross, metagross, blissey, and regice. Attack is for odds to 3hko blissey with sludge bomb. Defense bulks metagross meteor mash. Spdef for maxium odds to live never melt ice regice. Speed outpaces heracross

SludgeSeed (Venusaur) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 248 HP / 32 Atk / 20 Def / 8 SpD / 200 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Protect
- Sludge Bomb
- Leech Seed


Speed outspeeds sceptile and alakazam at +1. Has good odds to live ice punch alakazam, lives blissey Ice beam and raikou hidden power ice. Attack is for OHKOing blissey at +2. DD + Sub can outplay a ton of petaya shit.

Dragonite @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 44 HP / 100 Atk / 152 SpD / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Hidden Power [Flying]
- Substitute
- Hyper Beam


Soft Sand EQ OHKOes 0 hp 0 def raikou and can outplay pressure stall with encore. Defense bulks Metagross meteor mash and speed outpaces 4 speed metagross.

Machamp @ Soft Sand
Ability: Guts
EVs: 16 HP / 180 Atk / 184 Def / 128 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Bulk Up
- Cross Chop
- Encore


Cool band set for mence if you need to a wak and regirock answer. Speed Outspeeds potenitally timid max speed ice beam tar, defense bulks +1 marowak Rock Slide, special attack 2hkoes spdef marowak, and spdef lives +1 blaze blast burn from charizard.

Messiah Mence (Salamence) @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 196 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def / 20 SpA / 4 SpD / 32 Spe
Lax Nature
- Hidden Power [Flying]
- Brick Break
- Hydro Pump
- Rock Slide / Earthquake


Probably my biggest innovation during lt. Mystic Water vaporeon almost completely outclasses kingdra. It acid armors which beats ursa, pert, gyarados with hp electric, and metagross. Speed outspeeds medicham, defense is to beat ursaring after an acid armor. Rest is dumped into special attack. Passed this to deddd during adv lt and it put in the work. I've also seen quick attack which is rly cool but idt it's that good. cool mon tho

Vaporeon @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 144 Def / 220 SpA / 144 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 3 Atk / 30 SpA
- Acid Armor
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]


Built this shit during adv lt with Justdelemon and Marshme1to as a lure for Kentari's salamence that he was spamming during the laddering section of lt. Speed was to outspeed salamence at +1 and potentially trick a kingdra that clicked rd or sub t1. Special attack was for bulkier variants of salamence. Spdef is zard and moltres. idr what defense for

Grumpig @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 56 SpA / 36 SpD / 108 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick
- Icy Wind
- Rest
- Psychic


did not invent band celebi but delemon converted me into a follower. This mon is fucking crazy. beats non-counter bliss, hera who dont click endure t1, raikou, kingdra, other grass types, waters, zam,can tech for modest moltres with ancient power, beat tar and regice with hp fighting, and do a shiton more crayz shit. This basic bitch spread has good odds to beat standard petaya raikou with just spamming return. Speed is for jolly 252 speed heracross. Unironically, the best celebi set rn.

Celebi @ Choice Band
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 100 Atk / 168 SpD / 240 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Return
- Giga Drain
- Aerial Ace
- Double-Edge


Made this shitty shit for delemon. Speed outsped ludicolo so you can sub t1 on the counter or rain dance. Defense was for maximizing odds against band armaldo who clicked earthquake t1. attack is a dump. dont use this even though it beats regirock.

hmm (Metagross) @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Atk / 76 Def / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Protect


niche subseed celebi set that looks to beat modest starmie, alakazam, opposing celebi, sceptile, and ludicolo. Spdef is for Modest starmie ice beam into +1 ice beam. Attack is a dump.

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 128 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Hidden Power [Bug]
- Substitute
- Protect
- Leech Seed


Anti-stall gardevoir that i came up with during lt. Bulk is because i had no where else for the evs and it helps against blissey ice beams if you get frozen. ngl i forgot what the special attack does. Imprison+rest beats almost every stall mon and a couple other special attackers. Thunderbolt is an option to beat raikou and fire punch gives a better registeel mu. Kinda ass set tho bc it goes 1-2 into every team because it lsoes to evryehr phsycial attacker.

Gardevoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpA / 216 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Imprison
- Rest
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt / Fire Punch


good/funny teams i made during adv lt. enjoy

:grumpig::vaporeon::celebi:https://pokepast.es/38a73e454b06d287 fire team using band celebi AND icy wind grumpig. had to go rest vaporeon on this team over mystic water because toxic tauros is crazy.

:heracross::machamp::tauros: https://pokepast.es/52f42e6bf07d9930 cute physpam team i built for marshmelto. nothing metagame changing; i just like it

:gardevoir::vaporeon::aerodactyl: https://pokepast.es/4b1ca8ce1f9e6cdd wacky team that was also mystic water vaporeon's debut. cool team but it somehow gets a bad mu against everything.

:gengar::venusaur::blissey: https://pokepast.es/e062573470bc990c metagross lure team cause no one expects wisp gar 2022. Sadly i didnt get to use it but the team still funny.

:vaporeon::medicham::dragonite: https://pokepast.es/b4c1301259321a94 wanted to try to build around medicham cause fighting type that beats zam wowl. kinda sucks tho but team is still cool.

also ig i should metion ADV has a Set Compendium Doc:

will prob be updated after LT or smth idk
After a while of SM council looking into things alongside my own procrastination, the SM 1v1 metagame will finally be suspect testing Mew!


Throughout the last couple of major team tournaments this year, Mew has become a much more pronounced issue as a result of its vastly increased arsenal of sets, namely beginning with the introduction of its Z-Transform set, which puts a major spin on Mew's matchups in comparison to the more traditional Z-move sets or stall, with this set making Mew reliably capable of dealing with what otherwise would be major threats such as Mega Gyarados, Meloetta, and Specs Greninja while simultaneously giving it a shot against mons like unsuspecting Zeraora who would usually click Charge first or Porygon-Z who needs to win a speed tie after Mew transforms. Beyond that, the team tournaments from this year have also brought a major spotlight to alternative sets that capitalize on Mew's basically infinite movepool, as well as it having the stats to do anything it wants, allowing it to essentially counter anything it wants with sets that saw actual tournament usage such as physical Poisonium, physical and special Groundium, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, dual screens Psychium, and etc. This intense variation to Mew's pool of viable options has resulted in people feeling that Mew has become a nightmare to both pick and build against, as well as pointing out that essentially nothing beats a team of both Mew and Dragonite on preview alone.

Qualifications for the suspect are as follows:
- SM Cup Finalists
- Played at least 3 games in WC VI and got 2+ wins
- Played at least 4 games in PL VI and got 2+ wins
If you have qualified and don't see your name here, please message me directly and I will double check and add you to the private smogon conversation for the suspect!

Additionally, for this suspect we will be trying out the idea proposed in this thread to have a series of live tours for the sake of providing players an additional means of qualifying for the suspect! The live tours for this suspect will be emulating those of the main 1v1 Live tournament, with each tournament taking place on the Smogtours server, as well as having the same scheme for dates and times, being:
  • September 3rd:
    • Saturday, 10 AM EST (GMT-4) / 2 PM GMT+0
    • Saturday, 2 PM EST (GMT-4) / 6 PM GMT+0
  • September 4th:
    • Sunday, 4 PM EST (GMT-4) / 8 PM GMT+0
  • September 10th:
    • Saturday, 10 AM EST (GMT-4) / 2 PM GMT+0
    • Saturday, 10 PM EST (GMT-4) / 1 AM GMT+0
  • September 11th:
    • Sunday, 4 AM EST (GMT-4) / 8 AM GMT+0
Tremendous shoutout to Elo Bandit for volunteering to host every single tournament!

- The sixth and final live tour on the 11th will be your last chance to qualify. If you care about Mew's place in the metagame or just like SM 1v1, be sure not to miss out!
- The point threshold for qualifying through live tours will be determined by the SM council once the live tours have wrapped up.
- Players who already qualified through SM Cup, Premier League, and World Cup will be able to cast their votes immediately while the live tour phase is going on.
- Players who have already qualified through the above means are still allowed to play in the live tours!
- Once the qualifiers from the live tours have been determined, they will have 4 days to cast their votes.
- Mew will require a 60% or higher ban vote threshold in order to be banned from the metagame.

In the meantime, feel free to discuss your thoughts on Mew's place in the SM metagame either in this thread or in the #1v1-old-gens channel of the 1v1 discord!
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Mentioned this a little bit in other channels, but I'll put it here for posterity. I think it's a real shame that we're limiting tour times, especially for a suspect, to what is ultimately a relatively small window of the day. I do genuinely think this will make it a lot harder for example for the likes of Australians to qualify. I recognise that the majority of users are American/European but I feel such over-catering is a dangerous path to go down, and I do genuinely hope its something strongly reconsidered in future suspects, so that everyone has a genuine opportunity to provide input and contribute to metagame development.
Mentioned this a little bit in other channels, but I'll put it here for posterity. I think it's a real shame that we're limiting tour times, especially for a suspect, to what is ultimately a relatively small window of the day. I do genuinely think this will make it a lot harder for example for the likes of Australians to qualify. I recognise that the majority of users are American/European but I feel such over-catering is a dangerous path to go down, and I do genuinely hope its something strongly reconsidered in future suspects, so that everyone has a genuine opportunity to provide input and contribute to metagame development.
I agree strongly but you posted at like 4am your time lmao
I really think that Charizard Y or Charizard X need to go in ORAS.

The immense ambiguity that comes from a charizard at preview due to its dual mega formes, both of which are incredibly good, leads to its unbelievably high usage stats in most of the recent major ORAS tours, having at least 40% usage in the most recent PL and WC.

I don’t think a healthy meta game should have one mon which is used that much, let alone a meta game like 1v1 where so much of each game is based on a singular guess at the start of the game, and the mon in question has two separate mega formes, each with different viable sets with the mega forme of the charizard not being possible to accurately guess at preview, let alone the specific set.

I’ve seen people saying certain things like victini will become broken in the absence of Zard X or manaphy will become broken in the absence of Zard Y (I still think this is stupid because Zard Y can easily lose to manaphy) but you shouldn’t be afraid of banning something unhealthy because it MIGHT make other things more broken. If a meta is so overcentralised on a pokémon that not only is it used 40% of the time but it’s so diverse that the meta relies on it to stabilise many other top tier pokémon I simply don’t think that’s healthy.

Ultimately I think ideally Zard Y should go out of the two, simply because I do think Zard X ultimately adds more to the meta game. The counter argument I’ve seen to this is that Manaphy becomes broken without Zard Y, however unless the people saying this have suddenly gained prophetic powers you simply can’t say that one pokemon will absolutely become broken with the absence of another, what’s more likely is that the meta game will shift and adapt to deal with Zard Y being gone and stop manaphy from simply becoming broken. Moreover, if the only thing stopping Manaphy from being broken is one singular mon (Zard Y) this seems to suggest that Manaphy is in fact broken and unhealthy in itself, and Zard Y already is not at all a reliable Manaphy check lol.

If the meta game is unhealthy now, with one mon being used 40% of the time in major tours, saying that one mon might become broken if you ban Zard Y seems stupid to me, you can’t accurately predict what will happen after it goes and leaving the meta in it’s current non optimal state because youre worried about future changes is stupid and not the healthiest way to go about tiering policy imo.

tldr: Zard X or Zard Y on their own simply aren’t unhealthy, but together they become ambiguous and incredibly hard to set guess at preview, which is what has lead to Zard’s insane usage in ORAS, and I think to make ORAS a more healthy meta game Zard needs to be looked at and one Zard needs to go. probably Zard Y.
Let's get two things straight, ORAS is a top heavy metagame, so anything to diversify the meta won't work since there's more than 10 top mons, and we have to ignore future metas while working on a current fix.

Also, I don't know if it was mentioned but the ORAS council is actively trying to gauge people opinion and interest. We had two surveys, one after PL, and one after WC and both had no majority when it came to banning Zard. I think Snorlax was prematurely banned but w/e.

I have this opinion that Charizard alone isn't broken, or unhealthy and ORAS has deeper problems, and it's just a metagame that is different from other metagames. Fire-types being so different in ORAS is annoying to check, but Charizard alone isn't annoying to check; see: Charizard and Victini which are two fire types that may have different checks (Gyarados-Mega losing to Victini for example). ORAS being top heavy doesn't also help the metagame, checking both Charizard and Manaphy is annoying, so is checking both Manaphy and Victini, so is checking Mawile/Gross+Fire or Mawile/Gross + Manaphy. The root of the problem in ORAS isn't Charizard but it's the way the meta is played. It's also the oldest competitive metagame without any significant changes so it was bound to get stale.

’ve seen people saying certain things like victini will become broken in the absence of Zard X or manaphy will become broken in the absence of Zard Y (I still think this is stupid because Zard Y can easily lose to manaphy) but you shouldn’t be afraid of banning something unhealthy because it MIGHT make other things more broken. If a meta is so overcentralised on a pokémon that not only is it used 40% of the time but it’s so diverse that the meta relies on it to stabilise many other top tier pokémon I simply don’t think that’s healthy.

Ultimately I think ideally Zard Y should go out of the two, simply because I do think Zard X ultimately adds more to the meta game. The counter argument I’ve seen to this is that Manaphy becomes broken without Zard Y, however unless the people saying this have suddenly gained prophetic powers you simply can’t say that one pokemon will absolutely become broken with the absence of another, what’s more likely is that the meta game will shift and adapt to deal with Zard Y being gone and stop manaphy from simply becoming broken. Moreover, if the only thing stopping Manaphy from being broken is one singular mon (Zard Y) this seems to suggest that Manaphy is in fact broken and unhealthy in itself, and Zard Y already is not at all a reliable Manaphy check lol.

Being afraid of cascade reactions is nonsense. We should never look into the future because nobody will win. I can also say "Oh if Zard Y gets banned then why would you use X, it's just a less customizable Victini and will be worse than Victini". How do you know that banning X would break the metagame but not Y. It is true that banning one of them will reduce the other viability by a lot. My "future" opinion says Zard Y without X is literally an A- mon, and Zard X without Y is an A / A+ mon pushing both Victini and Manaphy to S territory. My future opinion and everyone's future opinion is wrong, because there's no way telling what may happen.

Both Charizard forms have a lot of Charizard checks + you can also "deter" the Charizard click. In most of the games, you don't really have to setguess Charizard since they share a lot of counters (Heatran, Diancie, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Greninja, Archeops, PZ is set dependant, Mega Altaria, Garchomp to name a few). I am aware that Charizard is starting to adapt to only some aka using Endure or literally some anti-heatran stuff but it still isn't overbearing and doesn't warrant panic.

On the topic of 40 / 50% thing. I do not really like using stats to prove something. We saw some triple zard teams in PL which boosts the usage numbers by a good chunk, and 40% for two "great" mons is fine. I would be more interested in getting stats for X alone and Y alone then combining them into one entity because that way you're arguing for a Charizard ban and not a Charizardite ban. WC sample size is so minimal that 3 people building and spamming Charizard will skew the usage to their favor. Maybe divide stats by teams/pools?. Anyway, I've already showed my discontent with using PL/WC usage stats and if I'm proved otherwise and that I should trust them then I'll be happy to admit defeat.

My opinion is simple, I am not in favor of banning anything. ORAS is balanced as of now. I would not mind a Manaphy or Charizard X suspect, I'm not going to oppose to it and if people think the metagame would be better and them getting banned then sure I wouldn't mind playing a metagame without them. It's really not rocket science, if the broken, restricting, most unhealthy element is Zard X then we ban Charizardite X and don't bend over everything and try and get a Charizardite Y ban. I believe Charizardite Y isn't really restricting and unhealthy and it's the easier mon to beat between both and should never be banned.

My vote/opinion isn't going to change for now, ORAS is balanced and I don't think anything should be banned.
wow birds69 boosted in adv lt who could've saw this coming??//???/?//?

:raikou: - :salamence: - :sceptile:
(edit: fixed mence since it was dd fsr)
submitting this sample team, raikou bulks aero and outspeeds gyara. more of a stall breaking set for stuff like blissey regis cradily etc
mence is mence, just read in the comp for what it bulks. beats stuff like gross and ursa which the team struggles with, just good on preview and stuff
sceptile is underrated, beats regirock, raikou, wak I think, ttar, etc. just a good glue mon that helps with the other's weaknesses.

the team struggles with armaldo but mence can win from a 2/3 hit from rock blast I think, other than that had good tour records beating prominent people like delemon, hungry, birds and some other people.



:registeel: S- -> A-/B+/C
struggles with 4mss if it wants to run counter or id, plus it's crit bait

:charizard: A- -> B
it 50-50s sceptile lol

:regice: A -> B+
basically registeel without beating some physical attackers but beating sceptile and wak but still crit bait

:entei: B+ -> B-
did someone actually use this during lt lol, basically arc but worse

:houndoom: B+ -> C+
forgot this existed, zero usage, it has reversal!!111!!1!!1!!

:dusclops: B+ -> B
guys it beats funny petaya raikou with choice band!!11!1!1

:swampert: A- -> B-
this thing was spammed during zap meta (it didn't even beat it LOL) and it doesn't even beat raikou, why is this so high

:gengar: B -> C
deddd summarized it, but like seriously this thing does 1 damage (this is the only replay I could find)

:blastoise: B+ -> C
it has 1 set that beats pressure stall zapdos (it doesn't beat petaya) and now that zap is gone it beats wak and

there's more in the lower ranks like flygon and lunatone but w/e


:arcanine: -> A-

:dragonite: -> A-

:raikou: A+ -> S-
with zap gone it's the best electric (and top 3 mon) in the tier. the only reason it's in A+ is that zap just outclassed it, but now that it's gone it quickly took it's place. petaya is good, scope lens is good, pressure stall is good, predictable but it's sets are just really good

:metagross: A+ -> S-/S
best mon in the tier. band demolishes stuff, with lots of coverage to work with like shadow ball, hp bug, etc. there's also endure salac which a lot of teams are unprepared for. almost made dynamic punch banned because of this thing

:salamence: A+ -> S-
tons of different sets, can run special or id, band is viable since zap is gone, dd is still very good, top 3 mon

:scizor: C+ -> B
lots of usage, still mediocre but why is it with lunatone LOL (I have never seen it), just being steel is very good

:ursaring: A- -> A
just strong, band hits a lot of passive mons hard like sceptile and raikou while sd is good vs stall. also helps that guts makes getting haxed actually good

there's a lot of stuff I'm missing so I may make another post, lmk if I'm missing something
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Hello, I'm here to show off a gimmick set that I've made for Porygon2 in ADV 1v1.


Bulky Conversion Ghost Lure
Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD or 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD [Impish - mostly there to just barely tank a 252+ Atk Band Ursa/Tauros Hyper Beam]
Careful Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Conversion
- Hidden Power [Fighting] / Recover
- Sharpen / Recover / Psych Up

Set Breakdown:
  • Shadow Ball + Conversion mainly exists to be immune to Seismic Toss, Counter, and some strong Normal/Fighting moves; Shadow Ball is meant to deal sufficient damage against Dusclops, Alakazam, Machamp (Band), and Hariyama (Band).
  • HP Fighting is there to beat the mons that aren't Clops/Zam, specifically Blissey, Registeel, Regirock (Band), Tauros (Band), and Ursaring (Band).
  • Sharpen just simply boosts P2's Attack stat.

"Other" Options that I'd Probably Wouldn't Recommend Using:
  • Recover exists to recover P2's HP.
  • Psych Up is there to obtain Calm Mind boosts from Dusclops and Blissey.
  • Black Belt over Leftovers to guarantee the chance to OHKO Iron Defense Registeel with crit +6 Attack Boosts from using Sharpen.

Notable Calcs:
  • +3 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 414-488 (63.4 - 74.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +3 0 Atk burned Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 248+ Def Dusclops: 108-128 (38 - 45%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +5 0 Atk burned Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 248+ Def Dusclops: 153-180 (53.8 - 63.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +3 0 Atk Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Dusclops: 221-260 (77.8 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +3 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Registeel: 147-174 (40.3 - 47.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +5 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Registeel: 205-242 (56.3 - 66.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • +2 0 Atk Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 84 Def Machamp: 156-184 (40.6 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
  • +3 0 Atk Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 84 Def Machamp: 196-231 (51 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • +3 0 Atk Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 96 HP / 252+ Def Hariyama: 176-208 (38.8 - 45.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
  • +5 0 Atk Porygon2 Shadow Ball vs. 96 HP / 252+ Def Hariyama: 247-291 (54.5 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • +2 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Regirock: 91-108 (25 - 29.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
  • +4 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Regirock: 137-162 (37.7 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
[You either don't using a fighting move Turn 1, or sacrifice some EVs to outspeed the P2 (Machamp/Hariyama may need to land the Cross Chop for the latter option).]
  • +2 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 120 HP / 0 Def Ursaring: 214-252 (60.9 - 71.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • +2 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 208 HP / 0 Def Tauros: 176-208 (51.3 - 60.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • +2 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tauros: 176-208 (60.2 - 71.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • 252+ Atk Choice Band Ursaring Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Porygon2: 313-369 (83.6 - 98.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • 104 Atk Choice Band Tauros Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Porygon2: 294-346 (78.6 - 92.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • 252 Atk Choice Band Tauros Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Porygon2: 238-280 (63.6 - 74.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
  • 252+ Atk Choice Band Tauros Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Porygon2: 260-307 (69.5 - 82%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
[For a Careful nature Porygon2 to possibly avoid being OHKO'd by an Ursaring's 252+ Atk Band Hyper Beam, it may need at least 12 Speed EVs to outspeed (at the cost of some HP, Def, or SpD EVs).]
Any Zam that doesn't run the Barrier Set gets 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball, or OHKO'd by a Crit Shadow Ball (if P2 spams it nonstop since Turn 1).
In other words, spamming Recover with Alakazam after Turn 1 won't always guarantee Shadow Ball's possible and eventual loss of PP.
+6 0 Atk Porygon2 Hidden Power Fighting vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Registeel on a critical hit: 363-428 (99.7 - 117.5%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
(Good luck landing the crit, you'll definitely need it.)

Certified P2 Enthusiast here, I'm here to show off a set that I've made for Porygon2 in GSC 1v1 this recently; it was intended to replicate the set for the ADV 1v1 moveset I've had made last year. :)


Conversion Ghost Lure
Porygon2 @ Leftovers / [A Type Boosting Held Item] / Mint Berry
Ability: No Ability
- Nightmare
- Curse / Sharpen (lol)
- Conversion
- Double-Edge / Hidden Power* / Recover

*HP Typing Depends on which Opposing Mons you wanna check.

(Zamn, P2 doesn't get Shadow Ball for this gen... it only learns Nightmare for Ghost Move.)

Item Choices:
  • Leftovers is your standard held item for longevity.
  • "[A Type Boosting Held Item]" such as Pink Bow/Polkadot Bow (Double-Edge), or whatever other non-Normal type boosting held item (Hidden Power).
  • Mint Berry to temporarily be cured of Status such as Paralysis.
Move Options:
  • Curse is the primary option for the Conversion+Nightmare Strat for making P2 physically bulkier at the cost of speed. Sharpen just only boosts attack.
  • You could either try attacking with Double-Edge or Hidden Power*, or stall with Recover after inflicting Curse.
Currently I've didn't think much about match-ups (loses to Encore pretty much), but I just wanna show this off for fun regardless. :]
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Hey all, I want to make a post to advocate for a ban on Charizard-Mega-Y in ORAS 1v1.

I believe that Charizard is an extremely centralizing Pokemon with an abdundance of different movesets that is virtually impossible to consistently beat without dedicating more than one slot on your team to beating Charizard unless you run a Rock-type, which is a gamble in and of itself because there are next to no 100%-accurate Rock-type moves. The point being: you are either unable to consistently defeat Charizard in the builder without dedicating at least 2 slots to beating it due to its wide spread of possible movesets, or you are unable to consistently defeat Charizard in the game due to the inaccuracy of Rock-type moves. Even if you take enough countermeasures for every Charizard-set in existence with you, you can't garantuee a victory because you can't be sure wether you are facing a Charizard-Mega-X or a Charizard-Mega-Y, because these 2 pokemon run vastly different movesets and have next to no shared counters/checks, with the exception of inaccurate Rock-type moves. (not to mention that Charizary-Mega-Y often times has good odds to bail itself out of wrong picks resulting in matchups it is supposed to lose by simply flinching with Air Slash) I believe that this, alongside the extremely high usage in ORAS 1v1 tournament play, makes the Pokemon broken enough to warrant action being taken against it.

The next point I would like to address is what I believe is the correct course of action to take against Charizard. I think that there are three possible ways to deal with Charizard:
  • Ban Charizard
  • Ban Charizardite X
  • Ban Charizardite Y
The issue I have with outright banning Charizard or banning Charizardite X is that Charizard-Mega-X is a, in my opinion, healthy component in the current ORAS 1v1 metagame that keeps otherwise broken threats from going haywire, a prime example being Victini. I believe that Victini would be potentially even more broken than Charizard is in the current metagame, if we were to outright ban Charizard or Charizardite X. Charizard-Mega-X is both Victini's best counter and its best competition for the best physical Fire-attacker in the metagame. With Charizard-Mega-X gone, Victini would be able to defeat almost every Mega, a core element of the generation and a pool of pokemon found on just about every team, making it potentially just as centralizing as Charizard.

Charizard-Mega-Y meanwhile, had a 150BP STAB & sun-boosted Fire-move and a Base-SpA stat of 195 which lets it nuke an incredibly huge portion of what could otherwise be potentially viable and healthy additions to the metagame, heavily limiting the variance of Pokemon you can pick from when teambuilding, alongside, although I believe that goes without saying, an incredibly broken Pokemon in general due to it's massive offensive output. Alongside this, it also has great special bulk that lets it tank a vast amount of other strong nukes the tier has to offer, such as Hyper Beam Porygon-Z, modest Hydro Cannon Greninja and Psychotic Boost Deoxys-Speed. Add the fact that you are forced to make an educated guess at preview to pick your correct Charizard answer to this, and dealing with Charizard is way harder than dealing with any other Pokemon in the entire metagame. (Seriously, I can't count the amount of Slowbro's and Manaphy's I saw dying to Charizard-Mega-Y clicking Solar Beam on 2 hands anymore)

You may wonder what the difference is between a Charizard-Mega-X + Victini ban, and a theoretical Charizard-Mega-Y + Manaphy ban would be. The answer is simply the stability of the tier. Charizard-Mega-X has always been the driving force of the metagame, and the metagame has consistently developed around it. Then Charizard-Mega-Y became popular, and both forms started developing more oppresive sets. Banning Charizard-Mega-Y lets the metagame actually adapt around it and become stable. even if Manaphy becomes a lot better, Charizard-Mega-X is still there doing what it's always been doing; being the driving and defining force of the metagame.

Henceforth, I believe that Charizard-Mega-Y is the more unhealthy element that needs to be addressed to make the tier better, and I believe that only the Charizardite Y should be banned.

In the next section of this post, I would like to offer my opinion on a couple of the points DEG made in his post on Charizard in ORAS 1v1 earlier.

Let's get two things straight, ORAS is a top heavy metagame, so anything to diversify the meta won't work since there's more than 10 top mons, and we have to ignore future metas while working on a current fix.
Diversifying a metagame shouldn't ever be the goal of banning a Pokemon. The goal should always be to make a metagame healthier, and you're not ever going to accomplish that if you look to make the metagame more diverse or, even worse, ignore the consequences banning a certain Pokemon has. If banning one pokemon makes another Pokemon stupid broken, that is not in the slightest the 'fix' to the metagame that a ban is meant to be.
I have this opinion that Charizard alone isn't broken, or unhealthy and ORAS has deeper problems, and it's just a metagame that is different from other metagames. Fire-types being so different in ORAS is annoying to check, but Charizard alone isn't annoying to check; see: Charizard and Victini which are two fire types that may have different checks (Gyarados-Mega losing to Victini for example). ORAS being top heavy doesn't also help the metagame, checking both Charizard and Manaphy is annoying, so is checking both Manaphy and Victini, so is checking Mawile/Gross+Fire or Mawile/Gross + Manaphy. The root of the problem in ORAS isn't Charizard but it's the way the meta is played. It's also the oldest competitive metagame without any significant changes so it was bound to get stale.
What deeper problem is there? Fire types are as good as they are because of Charizard. You're mentioning a bunch of the most relevant threats in the metagame, but yet none of these come close to Charizard in terms of centralization. You address "deeper problems" in this paragraph, but in the same paragraph, you say that the very epitome of these problems, Charizard, which is virtually impossible to reliably beat without dedication more than 1 slot to it while building, is healthy. That doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.
Being afraid of cascade reactions is nonsense. We should never look into the future because nobody will win. I can also say "Oh if Zard Y gets banned then why would you use X, it's just a less customizable Victini and will be worse than Victini". How do you know that banning X would break the metagame but not Y. It is true that banning one of them will reduce the other viability by a lot. My "future" opinion says Zard Y without X is literally an A- mon, and Zard X without Y is an A / A+ mon pushing both Victini and Manaphy to S territory. My future opinion and everyone's future opinion is wrong, because there's no way telling what may happen.
As said before, I believe that it is stupid not to think about the future of the metagame when making decisions on wether or not to ban a certain Pokemon. Sure, you can't predict exactly what happens in the future, but I think that you, as a council member, are supposed to have enough metagame knowledge to make an educated estimation on what would happen in the event of the ban of a certain Pokemon and act accordingly to make the tier the best it can be.
Both Charizard forms have a lot of Charizard checks + you can also "deter" the Charizard click. In most of the games, you don't really have to setguess Charizard since they share a lot of counters (Heatran, Diancie, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Greninja, Archeops, PZ is set dependant, Mega Altaria, Garchomp to name a few). I am aware that Charizard is starting to adapt to only some aka using Endure or literally some anti-heatran stuff but it still isn't overbearing and doesn't warrant panic.
With all its set versatility, mega charizard lacks reliable counterplay. You being able to stack checks on a team isn't a valid argument on why zard isn't busted either. Charizard can tailor it's moveset towards beating almost all of its counters, if it wishes to do so. Brick Break beats Heatran, Diancie has to hit Diamond Storm and can still lose even then (https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen61v1-1656874740, https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen61v1-1240546990-a469vwq7fwqwfkv2z9xljzyulg9y9d7pw), Gyarados usually loses to Impish Wisp, nailing it down to a 50/50 + hitting Edge at best, Tyranitar can lose to all of Impish Wisp, Counter and Brick Break while also having to hit Edge, Greninja can lose to Charizard-Mega-Y, Archeops has to hit Head Smash, Porygon-Z can lose to Charizard-Mega-Y, Altaria-Mega can get flinched and even if it doesn't, it still loses if Charizard-Mega-Y runs Toxic, Garchomp can lose to Counter. (Here's a small Charizard set compendium containing the sets I am talking about: https://pokepast.es/2385c64dc0975a5f)

Now I am aware that you can't run all these sets at once, but the point is that it can. Are we really saying that a Pokemon that has no 100%-secure countermeasures and can run just about any set it wants on a lot of teams is healthy? There are more than enough examples of Charizard winning games it shouldn't by virtue of having a tailored set.

Tl;dr: Ban Charizard-Mega-Y. I believe that this course of action would improve the metagame a great deal as well as nerf Charizard's unpredictability on preview, making Charizard-Mega-X a more healthy threat to deal with. Having both Charizard's around in this metagame jas become a major problem because Charizard has enough raw matchup-wins and set variance (as it can easily afford to run non-standard sets, too) to beat just about any Pokemon in the metagame.
I'm not sure if either should be banned, but I don't think you should be discarding banning zard x cause you're afraid victini or another mon will then become broken. A ban should be based on the current meta and how healthy or unhealthy it is in the current meta imo. While I find zard-x to be fun to use, it is able to get past a lot of its checks through its various sets, with the most insane one being counter. Counter zard lives nearly every physical attack in the game and can roll mons like Band terrakion, which is just ridiculous. You can't just add a rock to your team mindlessly to beat both zards. I think it's clearly the better zard and with how few actual Counters it has, I really don't see how it can be considered the healthy one here. Again, I don't know if I would ban zard x or not rn but I think it's clearly the mon to suspect if you were to suspect any.
Talks about banning Mega Charizard Y is nonsense as it is a very healthy mon, it is a good Pokemon but nowhere need broken or unhealthy.

Charizard unless you run a Rock-type, which is a gamble in and of itself because there are next to no 100%-accurate Rock-type moves. The point being: you are either unable to consistently defeat Charizard in the builder without dedicating at least 2 slots to beating it due to its wide spread of possible movesets, or you are unable to consistently defeat Charizard in the game due to the inaccuracy of Rock-type moves.
If we want to go with the no-100% accurate move route then allow me to shed the light on Blast Burn, Air Slash, and Toxic moves on Mega Charizard Y that may miss. Talking about most relevant rock moves missing (Tomb, Slide) while ignoring that the mon you claim to be unhealthy uses inaccurate moves is nonsense. Charizard isn't only checked by Rock-types, that's a great misconception. We've seen a lot of mons do the job in previous tournaments, I've already named a few. You can safely defeat Charizard in the builder, of course if you use the same Pokemon every game to counter the high ranked mon you're bound to get teched (By Mega X, if anything.), you have enough mons that checks Charizard that you don't have to run same mons.

(not to mention that Charizary-Mega-Y often times has good odds to bail itself out of wrong picks resulting in matchups it is supposed to lose by simply flinching with Air Slash)
Not really a reason - going the hax road is dangerous. Togekiss can also hax out a losing matchup, why are we not suspecting it.

he issue I have with outright banning Charizard or banning Charizardite X is that Charizard-Mega-X is a, in my opinion, healthy component in the current ORAS 1v1 metagame that keeps otherwise broken threats from going haywire, a prime example being Victini. I believe that Victini would be potentially even more broken than Charizard is in the current metagame, if we were to outright ban Charizard or Charizardite X. Charizard-Mega-X is both Victini's best counter and its best competition for the best physical Fire-attacker in the metagame. With Charizard-Mega-X gone, Victini would be able to defeat almost every Mega, a core element of the generation and a pool of pokemon found on just about every team, making it potentially just as centralizing as Charizard.

Charizard-Mega-Y meanwhile, had a 150BP STAB & sun-boosted Fire-move and a Base-SpA stat of 195 which lets it nuke an incredibly huge portion of what could otherwise be potentially viable and healthy additions to the metagame, heavily limiting the variance of Pokemon you can pick from when teambuilding, alongside, although I believe that goes without saying, an incredibly broken Pokemon in general due to it's massive offensive output. Alongside this, it also has great special bulk that lets it tank a vast amount of other strong nukes the tier has to offer, such as Hyper Beam Porygon-Z, modest Hydro Cannon Greninja and Psychotic Boost Deoxys-Speed. Add the fact that you are forced to make an educated guess at preview to pick your correct Charizard answer to this, and dealing with Charizard is way harder than dealing with any other Pokemon in the entire metagame. (Seriously, I can't count the amount of Slowbro's and Manaphy's I saw dying to Charizard-Mega-Y clicking Solar Beam on 2 hands anymore)

You may wonder what the difference is between a Charizard-Mega-X + Victini ban, and a theoretical Charizard-Mega-Y + Manaphy ban would be. The answer is simply the stability of the tier. Charizard-Mega-X has always been the driving force of the metagame, and the metagame has consistently developed around it. Then Charizard-Mega-Y became popular, and both forms started developing more oppresive sets. Banning Charizard-Mega-Y lets the metagame actually adapt around it and become stable. even if Manaphy becomes a lot better, Charizard-Mega-X is still there doing what it's always been doing; being the driving and defining force of the metagame.

Henceforth, I believe that Charizard-Mega-Y is the more unhealthy element that needs to be addressed to make the tier better, and I believe that only the Charizardite Y should be banned.

This part is very funny since you're basing your reasoning on a "future metagame" which we cannot predict. In my opinion, if you ban Mega Charizard Y you've already enabled the Victini metagame you're afraid of. I wouldn't call Victini a "Physical" fire-type Pokemon. It has the tools to be special too without any problem. Victini would definitely become just a better Charizard X. By banning Charizard-Y, you want to enable mons to run "Physical" defense and grounds to beat Charizard X but this can quickly backfire, what are your expectations? Rhyperior? Swampert? or what, all of X "new counters" get filtered out by Victini.

You also mention Bro and Manaphy dying to Zard Y solar beam, but forget to mention that Bdrum/SD no X can break them as good as Y. Charizard having the Spdf to bulk Porygon-Z, Greninja, and Deoxys is also an intriguing point because you don't really need EVs to defeat them. Charizard X, the -more- customizable sibling can fit endure and filter out PZ/Greninja, hell, even Sub can 5050 Porygon-Z. This is just nonsense.

It's also funny to call Charizard Y the broken and unhealthy element, when it can simply just lose to any rock coverage pretty easily. It is Zard X that does everything you're talking about, beating the rocks? Zard X, beating the phys offensive mons? Wisp/Counter Zard X, Beating fat mons? SD/BDrum Zard X, Beating spa mons? Endure Zard X. I do not think , it's unhealthy/broken since it can't run everything and it has to "fish" the correct MU. But excuse me, you just said, Ban Y cause I'm scared of Victini metagame which is something that cannot be done. Victini is as scary in a non zard y metagame as a non zard x metagame let's get this straight.

Honestly, if you care about the metagame stability then nothing should be done. The metagame is stable, there's nothing really broken, or unhealthy. There's a lot of Zard checks+Soft check and you can make a two-mon core with these mons, not like they're only rock types and you're forced into them. There's steels, dragons, waters, rocks, normals, fighters, technically every type has anti zard mons, and it cannot tech all of them simultaneously.

Diversifying a metagame shouldn't ever be the goal of banning a Pokemon. The goal should always be to make a metagame healthier, and you're not ever going to accomplish that if you look to make the metagame more diverse or, even worse, ignore the consequences banning a certain Pokemon has. If banning one pokemon makes another Pokemon stupid broken, that is not in the slightest the 'fix' to the metagame that a ban is meant to be.
In my opinion, the metagame is healthy and balanced. Banning Zard Y has as many negatives affect as banning Zard X and you cannot ignore that. Let's stop spiraling into hurrdurr victini gets broken cause I also have my own opinion about the matter.

What deeper problem is there? Fire types are as good as they are because of Charizard. You're mentioning a bunch of the most relevant threats in the metagame, but yet none of these come close to Charizard in terms of centralization. You address "deeper problems" in this paragraph, but in the same paragraph, you say that the very epitome of these problems, Charizard, which is virtually impossible to reliably beat without dedication more than 1 slot to it while building, is healthy. That doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.

"Charizard being impossible to reliably beat" is the definition of Zard X. Zard Y is p easy to beat. My point is clear, the metagame is healthy in all its elements, Charizard is healthy in the current metagame, Victini is healthy in the current metagame, Steels are healthy in the current metagame, but disturb the chain and it will all crumble. ORAS is top heavy, take out a member of the equation, and the top heavy mons spiral. If you want to go down the route of banchains, be my guest - I have no problem starting ban chains and changing the metagame every 2 months, I just don't think anything is unhealthy/broken now.

With all its set versatility, mega charizard lacks reliable counterplay. You being able to stack checks on a team isn't a valid argument on why zard isn't busted either. Charizard can tailor it's moveset towards beating almost all of its counters, if it wishes to do so. Brick Break beats Heatran, Diancie has to hit Diamond Storm and can still lose even then (https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen61v1-1656874740, https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen61v1-1240546990-a469vwq7fwqwfkv2z9xljzyulg9y9d7pw), Gyarados usually loses to Impish Wisp, nailing it down to a 50/50 + hitting Edge at best, Tyranitar can lose to all of Impish Wisp, Counter and Brick Break while also having to hit Edge,

Damn, it's pretty quirky that all these checks get teched by Zard X ahaha and Zard Y is just a thought on paper.

Greninja can lose to Charizard-Mega-Y, Archeops has to hit Head Smash, Porygon-Z can lose to Charizard-Mega-Y, Altaria-Mega can get flinched and even if it doesn't, it still loses if Charizard-Mega-Y runs Toxic,

Crazy that Greninja/PZ can lose to X with Endure/Sub, and Malt with a Zard X crit!

Tl;dr: Ban Charizard-Mega-Y. I believe that this course of action would improve the metagame a great deal as well as nerf Charizard's unpredictability on preview, making Charizard-Mega-X a more healthy threat to deal with. Having both Charizard's around in this metagame jas become a major problem because Charizard has enough raw matchup-wins and set variance (as it can easily afford to run non-standard sets, too) to beat just about any Pokemon in the metagame.

stop the larp, Zard Y is mid. If you want to ban something you ban X. I don't think anything should be banned.
Sigh. If y'all rly wanna ban zard X OR Y, then why not ban zard itself? Without X, Victini roams rampant and if Y is gone the same thing with Manaphy (prolly not true, but there competition wouldn't rly be there). Just because smth has little to no reliable counters doesn't mean its unhealthy. If that was the case, like DEG said - then why not suspect Ms. Haxx-Beyond-Compare. And a good zard player doesn't bring it when its in a bad matchup and just... brings smth else. But like that's how 1v1 works. So what? Zard's a friggin nuke - we get it. I get it. But its not unhealthy. You just gotta look at the team preview and there's a high chance your gonna find out its set. If you don't have a good matchup into it, the zard player brings zard. And vise versa. And if you think that it having set variety makes this worst, its called adapting. Your gonna find "new tech", and your going to ease matchups. Me, you and everyone else just gotta deal with it. That's all I got to say on this topic. If you ban any of zard, zard X or zard Y, think about the bans going forward. The rises in popularity. And the broken things that come after it. With all that being said, goodbye

Edit: BEG mentioned most of what I alr said
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Approaching a Pokemon like Mega Charizard in 1v1 is a complex matter to say the least. Given the fact that both Mega forms essentially function as subsets of the base form Charizard that is seen on preview, while simultaneously being tiered as if they were separate mons, it becomes a weird gray area to act on any of them at all. In times of uncertainty like this, it's important that we look to Smogon's Tiering Policy Framework to act as a guide for how we go about acting on a case like this, as well as whether or not action is even necessary:

Firstly, we should make sure that we have an agreeable understanding of what the purpose of tiering even is:
Overall Goal and Purpose of Tiering Policy:

  • I.) To create a metagame that is conducive to the more "skilled" player winning over the less "skilled" player a majority of the time.
    • A.) "Skilled" is, as stated previously, a bit of a nebulous term, but it encompasses both team building ability and battling ability. More on this in the previous definitions section.
    • B.) What this means is that, with all of the probability management inherent in the mechanics of Pokemon and with all the team matchup factor inherent with the sheer number of threats in Pokemon, we strive to create a metagame in which the better player winning over the less skilled player happens significantly more than the less skilled player winning over the better player
    • C.) This does NOT provide justification for using win:loss ratios in tiering decisions...win:loss ratios don't tell us anything because they don't take skill into account.
    • D.) It is difficult to break down whether or not the metagame is achieving this, but certain metrics can help us. For example, looking at records on the Showdown Ladder and looking at Tour records for a tier. If we have people winning consistently, we are moving towards the goal of having better players win the majority of the time (for what it is worth, look at the Tour statistics from Adv - BW and you will note that every generation has had players who win consistently).
    • E.) What all 4 of the previous points seek to maximize is keeping the biggest determining factor in the match PLAYER CHOICE such that the better player wins the majority of the time.
  • II.) To ensure that both our ladder and tournament crowds are catered to regarding I.)
    • A.) Because ladder tends to be a scene where you play many battles in a short amount of time, "skill" for the ladder emphasizes beating the overall set of threats in a general sense.
    • B.) Because tournament battles tend to be a scene where a well played surprise wins the match, "skill" for tournament battles emphasizes the ability to both possess creativity and deal with creativity.
    • C.) The previous two are not mutually exclusive, just pointed out for emphasis. We strive to create a metagame in which someone can both deal with the general set of threats and be creative while dealing with creativity (read: balancing act between diversity and centralization).
    • D.) For tiering change suggestions, justification can be provided for either or both tournaments or ladder. Both is preferred as it makes an argument more complete.
      • 1.) There will very rarely be a case where a true suspect element is not a problem in both environments, so be sure to be complete in your suspect justification.
      • 2.) If something is overwhelmingly a problem in one environment and not the other, be sure to show how it is a problem in one and try to explain why it isn't a problem in the other.
      • 3.) We expect some differences in both environments, but if a suspect element is non-existent in one environment, it is worth delving into why this is the case and whether there is something else to look at.
  • III. To ensure that actions are taken with appropriate and complete justification.
    • A.) Statistics help frame the context of a discussion.
      • 1.) Be careful with adding spin to statistics instead of just reporting them; there are countless examples of using statistics incorrectly to draw deterministic conclusions that inevitably ruin a thread. Don't do this.
      • 2.) Usage statistics and their implications correlate most strongly with how we have defined broken.
        • a.) While they can certainly provide context for uncompetitive and unhealthy, the way we have defined both means something does NOT need to be highly used to be either.
        • b.) This doesn't mean they don't need to be used at all. If say, Shadow Tag / Gothitelle is brought up as an uncompetitive suspect element but it has only 1 usage in 100 competitive tournament battles, people would rightly be justified in pointing this out as a counterpoint.
        • c.) What specifically constitutes "enough usage" is specifically left open-ended and it will be judged on a case by case basis for each suspect element.
    • B.) Do not haphazardly and brazenly declare anything is uncompetitive or unhealthy and shoot down objective counterarguments.
      • 1.) It will be on you to demonstrate how a particular component of skill is drastically reduced to a significantly damaging extent in spite of any potential low usage.
      • 2.) This is NOT an easy task and suspects for uncompetitive or unhealthy will NOT be pushed through "willy nilly".
    • C.) We will expect and demand in-depth analysis into what particular factor(s) of skill is reduced, how the proposed suspect element is actually the cause, and why and how removing (or adding) this element will improve the metagame.
    • D.) If logs are provided, don't simply provide logs where the suspect element won the battle.
      • 1.) Show that the battle was won or lost in spite of the player's mostly correct moves.
      • 2.) If another person points out that the battler did not make optimal moves, be prepared to debate if the element's suspect nature was the cause of the loss or the player not making the best moves (or both).
    • E.) Arguments that show how a specific suspect element affects skill in relative terms to other elements in the metagame will be very, very, highly emphasized.
      • 1.) Arguments emphasizing relativity were emphasized in defining broken, but this is referring to the "how x is it" part of the argument, where x is any of uncompetitive, broken, unhealthy.
      • 2.) Simply stating Gothitelle is uncompetitive because it reduces player skill by limiting smart switches is not enough; show how it does so more than other elements in the metagame and how this is detrimental.
With this in mind, we should be able to agree that the idea of a "healthy" metagame should be one where the more skilled player wins over the less skilled player more often than not. The given state of diversity vs centralization in a metagame should not matter when deciding whether or not to ban something unless there is no outright clear "most problematic thing" to deal with (as outlined in Section B of defining Unhealthy):
IV.) Unhealthy - elements that are neither uncompetitive nor broken, yet deemed undesirable for the metagame such that they inhibit "skillful play" to a large extent
  • A.) These are elements that may not limit either team building or battling skill enough individually, but combine to cause an effect that is undesirable for the metagame.
    • 1.) We haven't really had an example of an unhealthy ban yet, but a potential example is Stealth Rock; it certainly is on the mind of every team building experience and games are often steeped in Stealth Rock strategy. Whether or not this adds up to limiting team building skill or battling skill is part of the conversation to be had.
    • 2.) One important thing to note with this is that distribution both matters (in the case of large distributions) and doesn't matter (in the case of low distributions).
      • a.) If Stealth Rock or Scald weren't so common, they probably would not be as controversial issues as they are.
      • b.) However, just because something isn't highly distributed, like Shadow Tag, doesn't mean it isn't unhealthy. Some tried to state that Shadow Tag wouldn't be broken on a 10/10/10/10/10/10 BST mon, but this is the wrong way to look at it.
      • c.) Things aren't broken (or unhealthy or uncompetitive) only in vacuums; they can contribute to the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Instead, consider how potentially broken elements would be with average distribution on average BST Pokemon. If Shadow Tag was on, let's say 4-5 OU potential Pokemon as opposed to 1-2 and the average BSTs were something like 80/80/80/80/80/80, would it be broken?The take away from this is to not ignore distribution, but if lowly distributed, to assume how the element would take away from team building or battling skill if it was distributed to average pokemon in an average quantity.(Yes, we will provide average statistics)
  • B.) This can also be a state of the metagame. If the metagame has too much diversity wherein team building ability is greatly hampered and battling skill is drastically reduced, we may seek to reduce the number of good to great threats. This can also work in reverse; if the metagame is too centralized a particular set of Pokemon, none of which are broken on their own, we may seek to add Pokemon to increase diversity.
    • 1.) The Mega-Metagross suspect could be said to fall under this umbrella; Mega-Metagross wasn't really broken, but it was the best Pokemon in a game with far too many good to great threats. It was felt that, for the sake of metagame health, we should seek to reduce the number of these threats (however, you'll note the community voted to keep it in the tier).
  • C.) This is the most controversial and subjective one, and will therefore be used the most sparingly. The OU Council will only use this amidst drastic community outcry and a conviction that the move will noticeably result in the better player winning over the lesser player.
  • D.) When trying to argue a particular element's suspect status, please avoid this category unless absolutely necessary. This is a last ditch, subjective catch-all, and tiering arguments should focus on uncompetitive or broken first. We are coming to a point in the generations where the number of threats is close to overwhelming, so we may touch upon this more often, but please try to focus on uncompetitive and broken first.
This creates a clear path of action forward, being to analyze the ORAS metagame to see if there are any glaringly Broken or Uncompetitive elements that need addressing first (something that I cover in regards to Charizard-Y vs X later in this post), as well as to see if the metagame is either overly diverse or centralized in order to determine if a suspect under the umbrella of being Unhealthy is necessary. While these factors may naturally vary based on how people interpret them, this does still provide us with an objective set of tangible courses of action, based upon what people believe the state of the metagame is:
  • The meta is overly diverse to the extent that skills in building and playing are greatly reduced = suspect the best legal Pokemon
  • The meta is overly centralized to the extent that skills in building and playing are greatly reduced = suspect the worst illegal Pokemon
  • The meta is neither overly diverse nor centralized = suspect nothing
Now, for the sake of exploring all possible options, let's just say that there actually is something that people consider either Broken or Uncompetitive enough in ORAS to warrant being suspected, in this case we'll just say Charizard, with it being the obvious most prevalent figure seeing discussion as of late. If we want to approach potential action against Charizard under the guise of Broken or Uncompetitive, we'll naturally have to consider how Smogon outlines these notions:
II.) Uncompetitive - elements that reduce the effect of player choice / interaction on the end result to an extreme degree, such that "more skillful play" is almost always rendered irrelevant
  • A.) This can be match up related; think the determination that BP took the battling skill aspect out of the player's hands and made it overwhelmingly a team match up issue, where even with the best moves made each time by a standard team often were not enough.
  • B.) This can be external factors; think endless battle clause, where the determining factor becomes internet connection over playing skill.
  • C.) This can be probability management issues; think OHKOs, SwagPlay, Evasion, or Moody, all of which turn the battle from emphasizing battling skill to emphasizing the result of the RNG more often than not.
  • D.) Note uncompetitive elements are almost always present in the battling skill aspect; they will, however, be present in the team building aspect should we allow them in the sense of having to rely on excessively specific counters (such as loading teams with Sturdy or Keen Eye Pokemon and the like).
III.) Broken - elements that are too good relative to the rest of the metagame such that "more skillful play" is almost always rendered irrelevant
  • A.) Important to note that it is a relative statement; a 200/200/200/200/200/200 BST Pokemon with standard movepool would be broken in a metagame where the average is say, 100/100/100/100/100/100, not where the average is 200/200/200/200/200/200
  • B.) Examples are mostly Pokemon and include strong Ubers like Kyogre, Groudon, and Arceus. These aren't necessarily completely uncompetitive because they don't take the determining factor out of the player's hands; both can use these Pokemon and both probably have a fair chance to win. They are broken because they almost dictate / require usage, and a standard team facing a standard team with one of them would be at a drastic disadvantage. These examples limit team building skill.
  • C.) Examples also include ones whose only counters or checks are extraordinarily gimmicky Pokemon that would put the team at a large disadvantage elsewhere. These examples also limit team building skill.
  • D.) Uncompetitive and Broken defined like this tend to be mutually exclusive in practice, but aren't necessarily entirely so.
    • 1.) BP was deemed uncompetitive because of how drastically it removed battling skill's effects and brought the battle down to match up, but it could also be deemed broken because of the unique ways in which you had to deal with it.
    • 2.) While this isn't always the case, an uncompetitive thing probably isn't broken, but a broken thing is more likely to be uncompetitive simply due to the unique counter / check component. For example, Mega Kangaskhan was deemed broken because it was simply too good relative to the rest of the metagame and caused the tier to centralize around it, but it could also be labeled as uncompetitive because of the severe team match up restriction it caused by punishing players if they did not pack one of the few gimmicky and obscure counters or checks for it.
When applying common arguments made against Charizard under these guidelines, it isn't unreasonable to suggest that it at least partially qualifies under both: For Broken, you have the aspect of counters to it being limited to mostly either dedicating multiple team slots to covering it or otherwise relying on inaccurate Rock-type moves, and for Uncompetitive, you could argue that its extreme versatility pushes the skillful notion of trying to "predict" its set to an extreme point that more closely resembles taking a shot in the dark as a result of how many things a Charizard on preview could potentially be in ORAS. Whether or not these aspects are sufficient enough to people to justify a suspect under the guise of Broken or Uncompetitive is something I can't really say, as someone who doesn't play much ORAS, though I don't think it would be unreasonable to say that these are essentially the only aspects of Broken and Uncompetitive that Charizard even partially qualifies under; whether or not a team without Charizard is at a direct disadvantage in comparison to a team with Charizard is something I leave to the actual ORAS players to decide.

What is missing, however, is anything that substantiates the idea of targeting Charizard-Y over X or base form Charizard. When you consider the notion for justifying a suspect through being Broken as a result of the reliance on inaccurate Rock-type moves as a necessity to cover Charizard, this is primarily due to the factor of needing to KO Charizard-X, since Y naturally drops to a sufficiently strong Rock Tomb or Rock Slide, thus making X into the factor for this argument that restricts more reasonable counterplay. In terms of Charizard-Y's general build, it's not really more stat-endowed than any of the other 600+ BSTs that occupy the top ranks, nor is its offensive potential even that much greater than its counterpart or other high-power special attackers like Mega Gardevoir, Porygon-Z, Petaya Greninja, Heatran, etc, all of this naturally contributing to why Charizard-Y isn't S+ rank alongside X. On the side of Uncompetitive, the argument of turning the otherwise skillful prediction of sets into a game of chance is something that goes both ways, naturally, with Charizard-X being difficult to predict against because it could be Charizard-Y, and Charizard-Y being difficult to predict against because it could be Charizard-X. As a result of this, the main reason left as to why people want to ban Charizard-Y over X or base form Charizard ultimately boils down to some kind of desire to preserve the metagame that Charizard-X creates around it.

As a reminder from the earlier paragraphs from this post, the main reason a Smogon tier should do any kind of tiering action should always be with the interest of making sure that the metagame after a potential change better allows for the more skilled player to more consistently win over the less skilled player. With this in mind, it ultimately comes to the question of whether or not a metagame with either Charizard, Manaphy, Victini, or any combination of the bunch, allows for more skillful play than a metagame without. Since I'm not an ORAS player myself, I don't really have much to say in that regard.

With all that said, though, when it comes to the options available for potentially considering Charizard-Y for a ban over X under the guise of either Broken or Uncompetitive, the objective courses of action based on Smogon tiering practices are as follows:
  • Broken: Countering Charizard is generally unreliable and requires either the dedication of multiple team slots or the usage of inaccurate Rock-type moves to consistently deal with it = suspect the most difficult to counter Pokemon
  • Uncompetitive: While predicting sets is a skillful aspect of the game, Charizard's notable versatility pushes it to an extreme point that makes it more of a guessing game than something that can be consistently deduced = suspect the most versatile Pokemon
While I personally don't have much investment in ORAS, I could see that a lot of people were pretty clearly torn or polarized on how to think about Charizard in the tier, so I figured it would be good to point out what proper tiering policy would look like in a nuanced case like this while trying my best to avoid injecting any of my own opinion into the matter. I hope this can help to clear up some of the blurred lines that naturally come from considering a case like this, thanks for reading.
im not gonna respond directly to any post above on the basis i have not and realistically will not read them. everything i say are my own thoughts as im sitting here on my couch this beautiful early sunday morning. im also not gonna talk about why zard is good bc thats just a fuckin waste of my time but i hope someone else did

when i first made the executive decision to put zardx S+ after pl, i did so on the basis that zardy was also obviously a tier above everything below it, but zardx was also a tier above zardy. but things fuckin change yo. i was in world cup and the increased popularity of stall manaphy where i just started having a paradigm shift as to how i thought about zard as a whole.

i also have to do an aside on the whole oras friendlies thing. man, i actually got so fucking mad whenever i saw people just dismiss them bc banned people or not in a team tournament or whatever the fucking shit. literally 20x the games get played in friendlies between the people who play care about the tier the most than get played in team tournaments, so i believe to ignore the metagame sense and innovation that people get from them is just wrong, and in bad faith when arguing shit like this.

anyway back to zard. fact is, in practice, picking zardy is incredibly rewarding and getting zardy picked vs you is incredibly frustrating. in experiencing this, i started to think why do i even use zardx over zardy. im not matchup charting this obviously bc matchup charts are fucking shit. completely ignore team structures and how the mons counters factor into a metagame as a whole. obvious example with this in oras is manaphy, grass and electric types Suck but yeah they beat that guy.

anyway back to mega charizard again. something that got said so fucking in my time is what does x do that y doesnt. most cited example is belly drum x beating slowbro and venusaur mega, two mons that most x sets lose to but y just beats bc its zardy. im sorry but belly drum x is just a shit lure set. and i think most zardx sets rn in 2022 are shit lure sets, which is take that people obviously hate but idc. i think the only really good x sets, like S tier sets for it, are fast sub and impish (aka max defense wisp/counter). sd flame charge is like o k but bleh. brick break is dick balls, rock tomb eq beats tran and literally no one else unless u do funky evs, steel wing is a lure for one mon, etc. special mention on endure x, running endure on x isnt actually that good in practice but its usable, i think the main issue with it is it makes you as the zard user have to guess more than you should want to in order to beat somthing like gren, and also my next main point which is not running fast sub or impish or sd is actually really bad opportunity cost right now because of how the meta is structured, especially with how good mew/togekiss/manaphy are right now. you can just get in bad situations so easily vs those mons, and you are so limited in what you can do with your team because of those broken guys.

now, beyond the meta context, why i think those are the only good x sets is because they are the ones that benefit from y's presence the most. oml before i go on i forgot to mention either zard on its own is obviously not broken, its in conjunction that they are broken. anyway, its fair to say that yeah zardy loses to rock coverage... or is it fair? IS IT???? dude derek asked me what reliably beats zardy with one streamlined line of play and doesnt lose to air slash flinch and the first two mons i named were fuckin band gren and garchomp, two actual chodes mons though gren is good actually just not band. anyway this also ties into how hard it is to actually tech zard right now, using some random ancient power or hp rock mon can just lose to 1. X clicking the mega evolution button and outrage/flare blitzing u in the cock, or 2. air slash flinch. and teching X with some physical wall or special attacker just loses to Y having 2000 spdef and putting up drought, while also being insanely strong. man, if Y didn't exist there could be so much stupid shit that could be used to beat x like oml. x literally loses to the item rocky helmet and fairy typing + disable by force most of the time bro oh My God dude victini mew togekiss manaphy are all for sure more broken than x without Y and sableye is so fucking bad oh my god romanian sableye really ruined sableye's legacy forever dude holy shit. enough about that meta though actually one more thing zardx is some excadrill lookin ass motherfucker in that meta bc it beats a lot of the brokens kek

anyway ENOUGH ok its obligatory i talk about zardy sets, modest is obviously insanely strong, timid is good bc timid ancient power is good, we're not at the stage yet where x mega's t1 vs opposing zard and its a game of whether we hard outrage or dd, endure is good but expected now, sub can be huge especially with toxic, toxic can also be huge with counter, smoking on every victini/dd malt spamming cuck teams pack, counter itself is just so huge bc it basically forces an opposing physical attacker that tries to beat zardy to hit it with a rock move or lose 252+ Atk Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 240 HP / 224 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 280-330 (78.4 - 92.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (random example calc). counters also actually just so good for everyones favorite set, that can be teched by gyara in a fuckin second if people were about it, weakness policy victini, and also the scarf dragons bc clicking scarf rock move is tough with impish zard being prominent. also somehow focus blast/secondary fire move (flamethrower/inferno) are usable in some cases now

so yeah anyway why am i really using zardx over zardy? beat victini? yeah ok. be better vs other zard..? i guess if ur not about the ancient power grind. beating band gren or scarf aegi?? yeah i mean ok... i guess... beating some fuckin unviably typed pokemon (electrics and rock types/coverage moves)? dude rock types are so bad btw holy shit please stop using them besides diancie and sometimes ttar (which are fairy and dark types, respectively). also air slash flinch is so frustrating btw, theres literally not even many targets you need to use flying coverage for the flinch is 95% of why you use it. bleh.

my train of thought is reaching the end of the line so to conclude this the paradigm shift i had of y being the main zard form over x took me a while to reach but im absolutely sure of it being the case, at least right now. maybe everyone just starts using electric types, who knows. i know this post probably wont change anyones mind, but if i make just one person reconsider what the think about the tier thats enough for me, and damn this post felt really good to make. also anyone can go ahead and point out logical fallacies or falsities i said in this post, i dont give a fuck, in fact ill give you one as my final thought. this is bad to say but tiering policy really fucking sucks especially for an old gen of an om. every time people bring up tiering policy its just to push their own agenda. because thats just what these suspects/ban discussions are about, and a lot of people love rules and guidelines, so its so easy and logical for them to fall back on instead of their knowledge and experience playing the tier. and in other cases, tiering policy is just a weapon to be used when people are stubborn, or to try to tell people why they are wrong. i guess my point with all of this is in many ways oras is just a bunch of broken mons teching each other, but i think mega charizard is firmly at the center of all of it. whether people accept that fact and dont want to change anything, or if they want to ban zardy, i think now more than ever what they decide is just how it should be. i guess thats my tiering policy.

thanks for reading, no tl;dr fuck you