2013 International Challenge (OVER!)

I'll enter, tho I'm not sure whether I'll use the VGC CCAT product a third time. I may do so out of laziness but I kinda wanna do something different.
New wifi tournament, I come back while it lasts, even tho I'll be traveling during the tournament so I'll probably be using my phone's wifi spot.


is a Community Leaderis a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Wi-Fi Leader
Signed up, though I kinda wanted to redo my team. Oh well, that'll have to wait till next month.

Youngster Joe, from NC, in the Master Division.
Trainer Quote: "Recently, music seems Oddish."


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
All signed up, now I just need to finalize my team, and lock it in.

Also, I'm Agonist from Maine (Master Division).
I'm in. Still need someone to PP Max the majority of my team. Also need someone to help me trade them over to from my Black version to Black 2.

I'm Eric from Pennsylvania (Master Division).
Well, I'm Brandon (Senior Division).

Just had the most hax in my life, lol. First, I miss 2 heat waves in a row against a metagross, then a rock slide (Which cost me the game). I played someone named "April".

Level 51

the orchestra plays the prettiest themes
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SCL Champion
fml, I accidentally locked in an Amoonguss with Giga Drain / Clear Smog / Stun Spore / Spore u_u !

Oh and the first batle I fought was a ragequit
before it even started
Japan da best .___________.

voodoo pimp

marco pimp
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Finishing up the night at 4-1-7. The DCs have never been so bad for me in any previous tournament, don't know what's up this time.


Bye RNGmon
is a Researcher Alumnus
6 disconnectors. 2 losses due to hax.

These WiFi tournaments are still horrible.

I'm losing my time by playing this. I'm out.


is a Community Leaderis a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Wi-Fi Leader
Finishing up the night at 4-1-7. The DCs have never been so bad for me in any previous tournament, don't know what's up this time.
6 disconnectors. 2 losses due to hax.

These WiFi tournaments are still horrible.

I'm losing my time by playing this. I'm out.
Huh, maybe I'm just lucky so far, but I haven't had any DC's yet.

So far, I haven't seemed to get in the groove yet. Sitting at 5 Wins, 3 Losses, lot of it due to dumb decisions on my behalf. Hopefully I'll make a comeback.
Aw yeah! Got a nice team ready to play, gonna do this well. Aiming for a top ten finish!

Fantom0, from South-West England. Caption is (I think) "GOOD LUCK! is the reason for RAGE!"

Or Rage Quit in your case? Yeah don't DC against people from the same country....or at all really. It does nothing to help your reputation.

Good luck on that top 10 finish ;)
6 disconnectors. 2 losses due to hax.

These WiFi tournaments are still horrible.

I'm losing my time by playing this. I'm out.

On the last day of the competition is sure that you will get a lot of disconnectios, but this maddnes is running from the first day!!!!

This is by far the worst wi-fi tourny......

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I haven't had any disconnections against me yet but am tempted to stop as I keep facing much tougher challengers that easily counter my team, so I'm lucky if I can at least maintain a rating above 1500 at this rate.
I really haven't seen any disconnectors yet, but I'll agree with Evan that my opponents seem, on average, more dangerous than in past tournaments!
I have has a few nice battles to report:

44-30008-60736: This guy's lead pair confounded and crushed me the first time I faced him. This was our second battle, where I learned from my mistakes!

49-54311-69105: I was a bit afraid of Trick Room since I didn't brig a Taunter. Things worked out alright...

93-70560-55960: I don't really remember what happens in this one. It must've been good for me to save it though!
Or Rage Quit in your case? Yeah don't DC against people from the same country....or at all really. It does nothing to help your reputation.

Good luck on that top 10 finish ;)
I don't remember playing you :-/
Sorry, I hate hax with a passion, it honestly is nothing to do with being a sore loser or anything. And also I have no reputation.
Thanks for the good luck though. I hope you do well too

Well stopping after today with 14 wins, 2 losses (including the one NidoRich told me about) and 4 dcs or something like that. Points at 1681.
Nope Fantom you did not play me but you did play 2 well known Brits who you DC'd on.

Innocent until proven guilty I guess but these two in question don't lie
Nope Fantom you did not play me but you did play 2 well known Brits who you DC'd on.

Innocent until proven guilty I guess but these two in question don't lie
Hmm I guess I cannot deny that. Still not sure who they were, but if you send me their names, I'll forfeit if I see them again. Again, sorry, I've just been very tired as of late and prone to d/cing in hax-induced rage. It's no excuse, but hey, let's just enjoy the rest of the tournament.

Level 51

the orchestra plays the prettiest themes
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SCL Champion
Although I haven't disconnected from any of the 51 matches I've finished so far, I get tons of hax (thunder hits out of rain + para + fully paralysed so I can't use GHOST GEM SHADOW BALL [which would be a 2HKO] on Cress on the switch so it gets to Swagger ally Metagross which wrecks with +2 :/). Not to mention all the times my Politoed gets Swaggered so it can't reset Rain with Rain Dance, and stuff gets flinched at just the right (wrong) moment. Because of this I would love to forfeit some of these important matches where I get overloaded with hax

However I am unable to do this because of all the idiots who run into me and forfeit after the first turn because I've destroyed half of their worthless team in one fell swoop. This may explain how someone carrying Suicune / Entei / Raikou / Haxorus / Cresselia / Metagross is actually in 16XX, and this is also the main reason I'm not at 1700 yet and never will be.

I do agree that most of the opponents this round seem to be substantially better at the game, even though I'm only traversing the Senior section. Anyway, today's the second-last day, which means I probably won't hit 1700 (currently at ~1650, peaked at 1684), or hit my goal of top 100. Good luck on that top 10 goal of yours though, Fantom0 o_O not sure how you rose so fast in your first 16 battles but w/e u_u


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