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SammyCe123 vs. TTTech - They ain't believe in us, god did.
Ivar57 vs. Icemaster - Icemaster likes SS Ubers, Ivar in 3
damflame 3 vs. Kinetic - Carried me in OMFL Quantum Tesseract vs. Fc - Fc likes SS Ubers, QT in 3
SammyCe123 vs Les2BG - Correct, Tiers 3-0
Ivar57 vs Betticus IV - Incorrect, Tiers 3-1
RoFnA vs damflame 3 - Incorrect, Tiers 1-4
Quantum Tesseract vs abriel - Correct, Tiers 3-0
ghostlike vs Fc - Incorrect, Tiers 0-5
Clas vs Kinetic - Incorrect, Tiers 2-3
pannu vs Icemaster - Incorrect, Tiers 2-2
Evie vs TTTech - Correct, Tiers 3-1
Total - 3-5, Tiers 17-16
SammyCe123 (BH/GG/MnM/PiC/STAB) vs. TTTech (AAA)
TTTech goes out of his way to scout and counterteam opponents which I think probably can work in a meta like AAA but I doubt he's going to get an advantage elsewhere.
BH - Doesn't seem like Tech is that heavily invested in BH not like it makes a difference in his builds, some small variance but Sammy should be able to prep for that and beat him again. However there's a fair chance neither player wants go to into this tier early if at all.
Ivar57 (AAA/BH/PiC/STAB) vs. Icemaster (GG/MnM)
Ivar now has 25 other people in his server like its unbelievable, however I do think Ice also has a bunch of his friends helping and a fair bit of these tiers are matchup to a degree. The issue is that Ivar is extremely consistent and solid overall in all regards so I think he should be able to hold, and any weird stuff Ivar has demonstrated to not give any chances to.
BH - Ivar obviously is going to be favoured here but Icemaster did bring a somewhat interesting team last week and unlike someone doesn't look like its from 2023. If he loads another solid team and doesn't forget about Imposter mechanics should be closer than expected. Still going to expect Ivar to pick this first or second.
damflame 3 (BH/PiC) vs. Kinetic (AAA/GG/MnM/STAB)
I'm predicting for Kinetic not because I'm biased but I think overall he played better than damflame last week despite both series being suspicious af. damflame made several rather notable mistakes though some are probably not replicable (see PiC) and got into pretty bad positions in tiers like MnM early.
BH - I hate to give to Aegislash enjoyer but damflame is simply more experienced and Kinetic while having good support and ideas had some inaccuracies in the game. Close though so I'm not sure how confident damflame would be in picking this.
Quantum Tesseract (AAA/BH/GG/MnM/PiC/STAB) vs. Fc ()
There's not that much to base off considering most of Fc's games were extremely decisive on matchup or misplays? I would consider giving Fc GG or STAB but they were instantly folding to common meta threat so idk anymore. QT builds are so standard that I feel it's harder to autolose on matchup, and they also give less info from their set.
BH - Self explanatory, against other players Fc's weird builds might be surprise and outmatchup which combined with solid plays can win but QT's builds do not have exceptionally exploitable weaknesses without treading into dangerous territories that typically require more meta knowledge to find and use.
6/8 predicts and one of them was just Ghostlike taking literally the "prove me I'm wrong on the field" by playing like a 5yo, so I'm way better than everyone else doing predicts and y'all should retire from the game (except Ren bc I'm stealing his "tiers to watch" is genius and way better than mine)
1/ SammyCe123 vs. 9/ TTTech - I've not been impressed by both players on R1, both were 'lucky' in MUs or opp plays and didn't have to do a lot of things to win. Still felt like Sammy was more solid while TTTech kinda had really good MUs in AAA and Zapdos in GG which is why I'm giving him the edge, but in game TTTech is def able to beat him. Curious to see how it goes, I either expect a stomp by Sammy or a tough win by TTTech in 5.
2/ Ivar57 vs. 10/ Icemaster - Icemaster's series was really funny to watch but Ivar is probably the player against his playstyle works the less. I would've liked to see him face someone else as I think he could've reached the finals or at least the semis despite playing 0.5 tier, but I think his run comes to an end. If any serie has to end in 3, it would be this one. Rooting for Icemaster though bc that would be really funny.
Tiers to watch : MnM, AAA (to see if Ivar still sucks in it) - expecting Ivar to win both though
14/ damflame 3 vs. 11/ Kinetic - If there has to be one damflame believer I will be this one. People said he didn't play perfectly his series but eh, he started in 0-2 and managed to come back which is pretty impressive (especially in PiC - we were watching with Siamato and I legit left the game at some point cuz I was sure it was over). Kinetic won a super weird impressive series vs Clas and he's def good, but ngl I still feel like if damflame is in a good day he's a more accomplished player and should win this. Expecting a bo5 by both players once again, and while they aren't the strongest players on paper, I think it will be a pretty cool bo5 to watch.
Tiers to watch : kinda hard to say, maybe GG and Mnm ?
4/ Quantum Tesseract vs. 12/ Fc - I trolled a bit ghostlike by saying he played like a 5yo, and it's true, but by no means it means Fc didn't deserve to win - once again a weird series as Fc got 6-0'd in two tiers I didn't expect this to happen, GG and Stab, while farming ghostlike in AAA (despite some Scald unluck). However, QT won convincingly in 3 vs abriel and they're a more solid player than ghostlike overall, I don't think Fc will be able to capitalize on his opp's mistakes once again.
Tiers to watch : Probably all, I expect those games to be close and tough
man fuck those johners wdym you have to play on Wednesday every week bring back TTTech so this tour finishes faster
3/4 but eh I got the bo5 between Damflame and Kinetic and the only series that ended in 3 was indeed Ivar - Icemaster sooooo.... I'm maybe not that wrong...
only 4 players left now so it's either 2/2 or I suck, here we go
1/ SammyCe123 vs. 4/ Quantum Tesseract - QT's games were more convincing to me and while they've not been on fire lately, it seems like QT got their level back and is on the way to win this tour. I'm still waiting for Sammy to make a very very strong BO and it might be the opportunity I was looking for. He got a bit lucky with Focus Blast miss vs TTTech but that's alright and won in BH which ig is impressive but since I don't understand the tier, I don't know if he played well or no lmao. Def a cool bo (and the only 2 players that lived up to their billing) that I'm eager to watch, but I'm giving a solid edge to QT for their experience and bc they've impressed me more so far. Also Sammy deserved to lose for johning two weeks in a row.
Tiers to watch : BH, AAA, and probably all cuz those players don't have weak meta
10/ Icemaster vs. 13/ damflame 3 - well I said I was rooting for damflame until my death so it won't change now (maybe in finals... we will see). Icemaster humiliated Ivar in a very impressive way and I must say I wasn't expecting that. He proved that he's def more than a funny guy and he's not there by chance. I was a bit surprised by Ivar's picks - BH was obvious and well Ice winning it was surprising, but stabmons (aka broken meta where you can get fished by a lot of things) and pic (he doesn't play that)..? ig he was confident, but I think it will goes differently with damflame. He's more experienced than Ivar in PiC and is quite good in GG too, so I expect him to win both. Icemaster has still an unknown level in his supposed main meta, MnM, so I don't see him favorite in any meta. He's definitely able to get 3 wins in AAA/BH/STAB/MnM, but Damflame too. Expect once again a tough bo in 4 or 5, but ultimately I think damflame is favorite here bc he has strong metas that are more clear imo. I will be rooting for the winner of this bo in finals anyway.
Tiers to watch : BH (maybe Ice can pull out a masterclass again), MnM
Since Aggronite giving Steel type is somewhat major of a change for mix and mega, please play your mix and mega games for this week and next week using the following command:
SammyCe123 vs TTTech - Correct, Tiers 2-2
Ivar57 vs Icemaster - Incorrect, Tiers 0-3
damflame 3 vs Kinetic - Incorrect, Tiers 4-1
Quantum Tesseract vs Fc - Correct, Tiers 3-1
Total - 2-2, Tiers 9-7
I hope these players all lose for johning to Wednesday.
SammyCe123 (AAA/GG/PiC) vs. Quantum Tesseract (BH/MnM/STAB)
QT's games have felt more impressive and way more enjoyable instead of taking 2 minutes on turn 1. However their AAA builds look so insanely slow even though Sammy got somewhat lucky with dodge. Hard to gauge Sammy MnM because opponent brought a terrible team. Giving advantage to QT because I think they have more advantage in the tiers despite Sammy having first pick.
BH - Sammy is very good but somehow brought a team more sauceless than QT's and only won because TTTech brought an even worse abomination. QT is top 2 BH player currently and since Sammy is as sauceless as Ivar I think it would be more difficult for him to try to outprep. This game is not going to be a short one in turns, or time because QT is only one of the players.
Icemaster (BH/GG) vs. damflame 3 (AAA/MnM/PiC/STAB)
This feels really close with multiple tiers basically being toss-ups? Its hard to gauge anything from the games when they were either matchup results or both played well. Thus we have resorted to using PS pick for non BH, better luck next time Ice.
BH - damflame 3's team was more interesting last week if it didn't have the same Hoopa-U that has been brought multiple times at this point and it wasn't even Psycho Boost. Icemaster tricked away his wincon's Band but it turns out to be a 500 iq play after getting Leftovers and overall played pretty well, and his team while mostly standard had some nuances. damflame is probably still better but I don't like some of the sets he's brought. Should be close and a very interesting game for the viewers.
SammyCe123 vs Quantum Tesseract - Incorrect, Tiers 4-1
Icemaster vs damflame 3 - Correct, Tiers 2-1
I now actually want Sammy to john so I can watch the game help. Osake dont forget yours.
SammyCe123 (AAA/GG/STAB) vs. damflame 3 (BH/MnM/PiC)
I think based on the still limited info comparatively damflame has been doing exceedingly well in game and have been very impressive with some of the games. I did give Sammy 3 tiers but I think those are pretty even and can go either way while the tiers I gave damflame are more convincing. Also damflame delivered one of the best spectator games of all time with the goat tinglu clicking Ruination 8 turns in a row in the PiC game.
BH - Sammys team was straight up awful this is what happens when you build 30 minutes prior to the game and you don't look at the team yourself and don't see that SSA Etern wins on the spot. He then proceeds to get several hax before still losing. Meanwhile damflame styled on his opponent with Dialga-A and continues to be insane with plays and predicts throughout the game, as well as getting bonus points for absolutely shitting on unviable Pokemon Mega Lucario.
Shoutouts to all of the wonderful people in this community that I've had the opportunity to play with this year. Thank you to HiZoFrixelRoFnAAkira 153Clas and a very special thank you to my partner in crime Ivar57 for all of the help this tour. I really couldn't have done this without you all <3