read the rules
dltza pizza
dltza pizza
Read and understood username DLTZA lolOriginal OP by Level51
View attachment 702483
Art by GenOne
Drampa! Drampa! Burning bright,
On ladder room, half past midnight;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could guess thy one ability?
In what world and in what time
Would you need to run Cloud Nine?
Who would use a set like this?
Why'd my Ninetales' Blizzard miss?
And which user, and which donk,
Stays in on Fini with their Conk?
For when my Fini threatened harm,
What made your Conk click Hammer Arm?
Why the Hammer Arm, again?
In what dimension runs your brain?
Who clicks Protect in front of 'Cott?
Is that even a brain you've got?
When I claimed hax my enemy's fault
And shower'd Smogon with my salt:
Did I smile my reqs to see?
Do I qualify for TC?
Drampa! Drampa! Burning bright,
On ladder room, half past midnight;
What immortal mouth could tell,
How to escape from Elo hell?
Dust off your Dragapult and pitchforks! Ready your torches and your Chi-Yu! It's time for an all-new Doubles Ladder Tournament, with your host zoe! This tournament can earn you vital points towards qualifying for the 2024 Doubles Invitational. But before you get around to smashing Trick Room and trampling down the ladder, here are a few specifics you should know. Please read every one of the rules; important information lies within. This is to prevent confusion, especially regarding the qualification process.
The Rules
The engine of the tournament is the regular Pokemon Showdown Doubles OU ladder, not a new one. All normal Doubles Rules and Clauses apply. All qualification will be done on this ladder. The top 16 players (selected as described below) will be placed into a best of 3 single elimination bracket playoffs. You need to make a new alt account for this tournament. Your alt name must begin with DLTZA to make determining the top players for each cycle easier. For example, I might register the alt "DLTZA zoe" for laddering. To give us a way to identify each account, please include in your sign-up post your alt name(s) in plain text, as well as a picture of your laddering alt(s). You are not required to make a new alt for each ladder cycle. In order to sign up for the Doubles Ladder Tournament, please create a post in this thread listing your alts. You are allowed an unlimited number of alts, so don't worry about starting over with a new one; just remember to follow the name format for each alt you create, and please update your post each time you create a new alt. Include in your post a picture of your "clean" alt before playing any games on it. If an alt in the Top 4 at the end of a cycle is not registered in this thread at the time the cycle ends, it will be ignored. You must create and register a new alt in this thread before you play any battles on it.- The ladder portion of the tournament spans 4 cycles lasting 7 days each. The cutoff times for each cycle are listed below; at the cutoff time, one of the moderators will take a screenshot of the ladder. In order to qualify for the playoffs, your alt must be among the top 4 newly made alts in this screenshot. If a player in the top 4 of a given cycle is already qualified, their alt will be ignored when counting the top 4 alts for that cycle. Cycles will have adjusted end times to give players from different regions and timezones a better chance at being on at the end of the cycle.
In order to break potential ties, the unrounded ELO of each player who qualifies in a given cycle will be recorded in order to break any potential ties. Your unrounded ELO can be found by using the following URL:[your username here] For the playoffs stage, players will be seeded by their ELO at their respective screenshot time. Don't show unsportsmanlike behavior on the ladder. If we have a reason to believe you forfeited a game to boost a friend's account, you will be punished. If you try to prevent your opponent from joining the battle again after a disconnection, you will be punished. If you ask someone to forfeit to you, you will be punished. If you try to fish for matchups against yourself on alternate accounts (i.e. boosting), you will be punished. The consequences could range from disqualification for one cycle, the entire tournament, or even a tournament ban in extreme cases. Again, please please use your common sense. In keeping with OLT and other ladder tournaments, all ladder games involving a player with a DLT prefix are now forced to be public. If you have the "Don't allow spectators" box checked when you start a DLT game, your game will be public and you will be met with this message: "This battle is required to be public due to a player having a name starting with 'DLTZA'." In your sign-up post, please include a line reflecting the fact that you have read and understand the rules. Your alt may not be considered eligible if your post does not contain this line.You can discuss these rules or the tournament in general in the doubles discord!
Relevant Dates
(all times US Eastern time / GMT-5)
Cycle 1
START | January 6th at 12:00 am
END | January 12th at 5:59 am
Cycle 2
START | January 12th at 6:00 am
END | January 19th at 11:59 am
Cycle 3
START | January 19th at 12:00 pm
END | January 26th at 5:59 pm
Cycle 4
START | January 26th at 6:00 pm
END | February 2nd at 11:59pm
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Cycle 4
CP Payouts
1st: 12 CP
2nd: 10 CP
3-4: 8 CP
5-8: 7 CP
9-16: 6 CP
Good luck to all of our participants, and may the best ladderer win!