2v2 Doubles at a Devon Field! Arcanite vs Blue_Tornado!

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Yep, that tasted purple!
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Open Challenge
2Vs.2 Doubles

The Arena is a Devon field, so guess what? It's raining.
All moves permitted, except encore

0 recovers/rests

I'll take it

no items
all abilities
switch = I dare you to try


Riolu (*) Sir. Auron (Male)

(Adds * to Attack; Subtracts * From Defense)

Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


  • Steadfast: (Innate)If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference.
  • Inner Focus: (Innate)When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
  • Prankster (DW): (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level. (Not yet active)


HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: * (-)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 60

EC: 2/6
MC: 1
DC: 2/5
KO: 0


Quick Attack (*)
Foresight (*)
Endure (*)
Counter (*)
Force Palm (*)
Feint (*)
Reversal (*)
Screech (*)

Blaze Kick (*)
Hi Jump Kick (*)
Crunch (*)

Drain Punch (*)
Work Up (*)
Rock Slide (*)
Swords Dance


Dratini (M) [Bahamut]

Rash: (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)

: Dragon STAB; Roar has have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)


  • Shed Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
  • Marvel Scale: (Innate) This Pokemon’s coat shimmers when afflicted with a status condition, reducing the Base Attack Power of incoming physical attacks by two (2).

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3 (+)
SpD: Rank 1 (-)
Spe: 50

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
KO: 0

Thunder Wave
Dragon Rage

Dragon Pulse
Light Screen

Fire Blast
Ice Beam


Staryu (*) Fuma Shuriken

: (Adds One (1) Rank to Special Attack; Subtracts One (1) Rank From Attack)

Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.


  • Illuminate: (Can be Activated) at any point in a match this Pokemon can illuminate the area without using an action, the light is less powerful than Flash.
  • Natural Cure: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body has the ability to heal itself of status afflictions over time, it goes into effect six (6) actions after being inflicted with a status. In switch battles, this Pokemon heals all status effects when switched out.
  • Analytic (DW): (Can be enabled) If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power. (Not yet active)


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
KO: 0

Water Gun
Rapid Spin
Power Gem
Cosmic Power
Hydro Pump

Ice Beam

Yeah, you can only bring 3 Pokemon total to a 2v2 match, BT.

Dratini(*) [Mystery] (F)
Nature: Quiet (Adds One (1) Rank to Special Attack; Divides Base Speed by 1.15 and gives a flat 10 point decrease in evasion, effectively adding 10 accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 95) on an opponent’s attacks.
Type: Dragon
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.

Shen Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Marvel Scale (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s coat shimmers when afflicted with a status condition, reducing the Base Attack Power of incoming physical attacks by two (2).


HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: **
Spe: 43 (50 / 1.15v)

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Thunder Wave(*)
Dragon Rage(*)
Dragon Dance

Dragon Pulse(*)
Light Screen(*)



Tangela [Messy] (F)
Nature: Naughty (Adds One (1) Rank to Attack; Subtracts One (1) Rank From Special Defense)
Type: Grass
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.

Chlorophyll: (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Regenerator (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Pokeball and 10 HP is restored.


HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3 (+)
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 1 (-)
Spe: 60

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Sleep Powder
Vine Whip

Giga Drain
Leech Seed
Rage Powder

Hidden Power [Fire] (7)
Sunny Day


Larvesta [Panic] (M)
Nature: Hasty (Multiples Base Speed by 1.15 and provides a flat accuracy boost on all attacks equal to its new Base Speed squared, then divided based on its evolution stage. (Formula: ACC Boost = (New Base^2)/Divisor [Round Up] Cap: 30) The Divisor is 1000 for fully evolved Pokemon, 700 for Pokemon that are the second of three stages, 500 for Pokemon that are the first of two stages, and 350 for Pokemon that are the first of three stages. This accuracy boost is added to their Dodge Command chance; Subtracts One (1) Rank from Defense)
Type: Bug/Fire
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.

Flame Body: (Innate) This Pokemon’s external temperature is kept at such a high level that any contact attack used on this Pokemon has a 30% chance of burning the opponent.
Swarm (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any Bug-typed attack is increased by 2. (eg Silver Wind goes from 6 to 8, Scissor Cross from 8 to 10)


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60 * 1.15^)

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

String Shot
Leech Life
Take Down

Magnet Rise
Morning Sun
Zen Headbutt

Wild Charge

Okay, Arcanite sends out his 2 mons, then Blue_Tornado sends out his 2 mons and abilities. After that, Arcanite orders!

Alright, let's play risky, Panic and Messy!

Safety first. If Staryu or Dratini ever pull a Hydro Pump or Thunder Wave respectively, Messy should forgo any of her actions for Rage Powder. Now, Panic, since they're not too far from eachother, this being the beginning of the match, you should be safe to String Shot them both, lowering their speed and mobility. Just in case something goes horribly wrong, you should put priority on that Staryu. Then you ought to assault Staryu with repeated Volt Charges. As for Messy, whenever you're not using Rage Powder, be sure to use the following moves in this order: Sleep Powder on Dratini, Sunny Day for that pesky rain and finally, Solarbeam on Staryu.

Panic: String Shot (both), Volt Charge (Staryu), Volt Charge (Staryu).
Messy: Sleep Powder (Dratini), Sunny Day, Solarbeam (Staryu). Rage Powder takes priority whenever the opponent uses Hydro or T-Wave, but this order should always stay the same.
Bahamut, Thunder Wave on Tangela! Follow up with Light Screen. Then Fire off a Fire Blast at Tangela if sleep powder misses or if full paralysis kicks in (hasn't ever done so yet)!

Fuma, go for an Ice beam on Tangela, Then hit Larvesta with a Power Gem. Finish off with another Ice Beam on Tangela!

Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 90| 90
Energy: 100 | 100

Actions: Thunder Wave (Tangela) - Light Screen - Fire Blast (Tangela) | Ice Beam (Tangela) - Power Gem (Larvesta) - Ice Beam (Tangela)


Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 100| 90
Energy: 100 | 100

Actions: Sleep Powder (Dratini) - Sunny Day - SolarBeam (Staryu), sub Rage Powder if Hydro Pump/Thunder Wave | String Shot - Volt Change (Staryu) - Volt Change (Staryu)

Speed Order: Fuma Shuriken - Panic - Messy - Bahamut


Round 1: Devon Field

Just a plan old rainy field. Warrants a plain old rainy battle imo. Let's keep it simple!

Being the fastest star in the galaxy, Fuma Shuriken storms the front and fires off a solid Ice Beam that crashes onto Messy with impressive force! Uhh... 40/1000. Don't you just want to reroll ANOTHER TIME? Sorry Messy, you're FROZEN SOLID! But hopefully you won't stay frozen for too long! Panic counter-moves and supports Messy by utilizing his String Shot ability to string Bahamut and Fuma Shuriken tightly in a knot, just like if you were getting abducted or something and the abductor tied you to a pole. Oh poor Messy! Look at her, trying to put a Rage Powder to save Panic through the icy cube, but it's impossible! Hrrrrm, Bahamut! Look at him squeezing a Thunder Wave into his mouth and spraying it right onto Messy anyway, who's just getting even more messier!

New Speeds: Fuma Shuriken (57 Spe) ; Bahamut (34 Spe) ; Messy (15 Spe). New Speed Order: Panic - Fuma Shuriken - Bahamut - Messy

Fuma Shuriken, noticing how much less of a threat Messy is, attempts to target Panic with a quick attack, but it's a bit too slow to notice the Volt Change attack! This wacks Fuma Shuriken back into electrical shock! Still, Fuma Shuriken courageously takes the attack and fires a Power Gem full of astronomical power straight onto the bug! PLOW! What a massive hit that was for a nonSTABed attack! Bahamut seems to be playing support today as he creates a Light Screen that surrounds him and Fuma Shuriken. That won't help against Volt Changes, however! Messy is still a bit messy, but look! Even though you can't really see it, she's attempting to conjure a Sleep Powder. It's not working though... god freeze, get out.

Panic just keeps charging in with a Volt Change, pounding Fuma Shuriken with even more electrical currents in its body. Fuma Shuriken gets knocked back hard in recoil, even to the point that it's lying on the ground! It gets right back after some relaxation time, however, and aims straight at the already frozen Messy. Ready, aim, FIRE! A marvelous Ice Beam is shot and hits Messy's already huge mess. It may have only hit the ice cube, but the fact that the cold surrounding Messy is getting colder is PAINFUL! Now here's what I think is the freedom part, ironically enough. See Bahamut? He's breathing fire in his mouth! It's a Fire Blast, and it's fired straight at the frozen Messy! Upon impact, it looks like the Fire Blast pierced through the layers of ice and mildly hit Messy, despite the rain pouring down! It was a bit too much ice for a full hit, however (in case of confusion, this is just the (raindrop) subtraction in the calculations). Free at last, Messy FINALLY makes a move - a Sleep Powder onto Bahamut! Oh wait, does the paralysis kick in? ... .. . .. . .. ahahahhaha, nope! Let's see what we got. A intense sleep, eh? Sleep tight Bahamut, you'll need it!

(I'd laugh if Shed Skin just removed the sleep right after the round lol.)


Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 90| 68
Energy: 77 | 81
Boosts/Drops: -1 Spe (both, 1 more round)
Sleep (Bahamut, 3 more actions), Light Screen (both, 4 more actions)


Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 38| 67
Energy: 94 | 82
Paralysis (Messy, 25%, 20% next round)


A1: Thunder Wave > [7 Energy]
A2: Light Screen > [8 Energy]
A3: Fire Blast (Tangela) > 12 - 3 (raindrop) + (3-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [18 Damage] [8 Energy]

Fuma Shuriken
A1: Ice Beam (Messy) > 10 + (4-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [22 Damage] [7 Energy]
A2: Power Gem (Panic) > 7 + (4-2 x 1.5) x 2.25 = [23 Damage] [5 Energy]
A3: Ice Beam (Messy) > 10 + (4-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [22 Damage] [7 Energy]

A1: screwed
A2: still screwed
A3: Sleep Powder (Bahamut) > [6 Energy]

A1: String Shot > [4 Energy]
A2: Volt Change > 7 + (2-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [11 Damage] [5 Energy]
A3: Volt Change > 7 + (2-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [11 Damage] [9 Energy]

Arcanite's actions!
Bahamut, when you wake up, I want you to hit Panic with Thunder Wave, then hit Messy with Fire Blast. Finish off with Ice Beam. If Messy has been KOed by the time you get round to attaking, Fire Dragon Pulses at Panic!

Fuma, you're totally awesome! Hit Messy with Ice beam. Then Fire a Power Gem at Panic. Finish off with another Ice beam at Messy. If Messy has been defeated, Hydro Pump Larvesta!
goddamn freeze

Messy: Giga Drain ~ Sunny Day ~ Giga Drain
Panic: Volt Charge ~ U-turn ~ Volt Charge
all of these are to hit staryu. die gdi.

if staryu dies, just change the last volt charge to flamethrower.

Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 90 | 68
Energy: 77 | 81
Boosts/Drops: -1 Spe (both, 1 more round)
Sleep (Bahamut, 3 more actions), Light Screen (both, 4 more actions)
Actions: gone for the round | Ice Beam (Messy) - Power Gem (Panic) - Ice Beam (Messy)/Hydro Pump (Panic)

Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 38 | 67
Energy: 94 | 82
Paralysis (Messy, 20%)
Giga Drain ~ Sunny Day ~ Giga Drain | Volt Charge ~ U-turn ~ Volt Charge (KILL FUMA KILL FUMA KILL FUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Speed Order: Panic - Fuma Shuriken - Bahamut - Messy


Round 2: Killing Fields

Let's get to it.

Panic's the amazing fastest of the four and goes for another Volt Change on Fuma Shuriken, further weakening its health. Fuma Shuriken only wobbles backward and aims a crisp, reflective Ice Beam at Messy for mass quite some massive damage! It only freezes parts of its left-sided spaghettis... nothing too big or serious. Who cares about Bahamut. Move on with Messy! Looks like she's into the Giga Drain game! She's wildly sucking out all of the essential nutrients out of Fuma Shuriken! Now that sure was healthy!

Continuing his assault, Panic leaps into a U-turn and smacks onto Fuma Shuriken even harder than the Volt Changes! That caught Fuma Shuriken's attention wide and clear as it summons a Power Gem and smashes the little fire bug with mad strength and steroids! Messy takes this time to ignore her paralysis and get a Sunny Day in the arena! Looks like it's not raining any longer!

Messy's paralysis has evaporated due to Leaf Guard! She's really fast now!

Oh, Messy, what a mess you are. This time around, you're not even paralyzed! You just won a Giga Drain in a starfish! Look at Panic, it's as if he's in a panic! Another Volt Change is used and Fuma Shuriken is the target! Fuma Shuriken ignores Panic's advance, however, and fires a Ice Beam straight at Messy! Pew pew that was! No additional frost is layered, though.


Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 90 | 12
Energy: 77 | 62
Sleep (wakes up before action 1 next round), Light Screen (both, 1 more action)

Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 10 | 44
Energy: 70 | 68


A1: i hate
A2: my
A3: life

Fuma Shuriken
A1: Ice Beam (Messy) > 10 + (4-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [22 Damage] [7 Energy]
A2: Power Gem (Panic) > 7 + (4-2 x 1.5) x 2.25 = [23 Damage] [5 Energy]
A3: Ice Beam (Messy) > 10 + (4-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [22 Damage] [7 Energy]

A1: Giga Drain (Fuma Shuriken) > 8 + 3 + (4-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = 21 - 5 (light screen) = [16 Damage/8 HP Healed] [7 Energy]
A2: Sunny Day > [10 Energy]
A3: Giga Drain (Fuma Shuriken) > 8 + 3 + (4-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = 21 - 5 = [16 Damage/8 HP Healed] [7 Energy] (full paralysis)

A1: Volt Change (FS) > 7 + (2-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = 11 - 5 = [6 Damage] [5 Energy]
A2: U-turn (FS) > 7 + 3 + (3-2 x 1.5) = [12 Damage] [4 Energy]
A3: Volt Change (FS) > 7 + (2-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = 11 - 5 = [6 Damage] [5 Energy]

lol now you know U-turn is stronger than Volt Change! It's also cheaper in energy!

It's sunny for 4 more rounds!

Blue Tornado's actions!
ok messy, since you're not paralyzed, go for a swift poisonpowder on dratini before panic finishes staryu off with u-turn. then, attack dratini with solarbeam and u-turn respectively until you faint! actually panic you should alternate and use flamethrower during the second action. so:

Messy: PoisonPowder, SolarBeam, SolarBeam-- all on dratini
Panic: U-turn (starmie), flamethrower (dratini), U-turn (dratini)
Why did the paralysis disappear? It should have gone to 15% surely?

Ok, Fuma, fire off a Fire blast at Messy until it hits! Then go for a Power Gem and then a Hydro Pump on Panic if you survive!

Fire Blast (Messy)>Power Gem (Panic)>Hydro Pump (Panic)

Dratini, use Thunder wave on Panic. Then go for a Fire Blast, and then a Dragon Pulse on Panic. If Fuma does not get to KO Messy, use Ice Beam on Messy before folowing the order of moves above.

(Ice Beam (Messy))>Thunder Wave (Panic)>Fire Blast (Panic)> Dragon Pulse (Panic)
I forgot to mention that String Shot's effects have wore off so that's done.
edit: oh where did that ice beam come from lol. editing.
edit: edited

Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 90 | 12
Energy: 77 | 62
Sleep (wakes up before action 1 next round), Light Screen (both, 1 more action)
Actions: Ice Beam (Messy) - Thunder Wave (Panic) - Fire Blast (Panic) | Fire... Blast? - Power Gem (Panic) - Hydro Pump (Panic)

Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 10 | 44
Energy: 70 | 68

Actions: PoisonPowder (Dratini) - SolarBeam x2 (Dratini) | U-turn (Staryu) - Flamethrower (Dratini) - U-turn (Dratini)

Speed Order: Messy - Fuma Shuriken - Panic - Bahamut


Round 3: Death Fields

Dun dun dun...

Messy begins this incredibly messy round by spraying a PoisonPowder onto Bahamut! It hits successfully and poisons the little critter! (7 Energy.) Fuma Shuriken is told to use Fire Blast on Messy, but since it can't learn the move, it becomes totally confused! Panic then whacks the confused Fuma Shuriken with a quick U-turn, which ultimately puts it into a deep faint! (12 Damage/4 Energy.) With Fuma Shuriken gone, it looks like it's all up to our lovely, but sleepy, hero Bahamut! There he goes, waking up from his horrible nightmare, and firing off a Ice Beam onto Messy, defeating her once and for all! (7 Energy.)

2 damage is on for Bahamut... what lousy poison! Also, BROKEN LIGHT SCREEN!

Panic looks to be in a 1v1 here! He goes with a Flamethrower! It sizzles with delight as it roasts Bahamut for dinner! (10 + 3 + 3 (sun) + (2-1)x1.5 x .67 = 12 Damage/6 Energy.) Bahamut doesn't really mind as he retaliates with a Thunder Wave, ultimately slowing Panic down into sluggishness. (7 Energy.)

2to2to2to2to for Bahamut!

Bahamut makes an odd appearance of moving first and fires a blazing Fire Blast at Panic! (12 + 3 (sun) + (3-2)x1.5 = 17 Damage/7 Energy.) Panic seems to be successful at repelling his paralysis! Maybe it's his buggy instinct IDK. But there he goes, U-turning Bahamut for a smashing hit! (12 Damage/4 Energy.)

2 damage for boohamut.

So here's what we got:



Bahamut (M) | Fuma Shuriken
HP: 60 | 0
Energy: 56 | 0
Poison (2 DPA)

Messy (F) | Panic (M)
HP: 0 | 27
Energy: 0 | 54
Paralysis (Panic, 25%, 20% next round)

It's sunny for 3 more rounds!

Arcanite's actions!
'Stupid Facepalm of the week!'

Ok Bahamut, go for a Fire Blast, and follow it up with a Dragon Pulse! Finish off with Firaga Blast! If Larvesta tries to use a special (I.E. not physical move, use Light Screen (only once) before it can attack, but keep the moves in the original order after the Light Screen.
I thought Panic was faster than Staryu but ok.

Also-- if only this was a standard 2/5.

Magnet Rise up and away until you're directly above Dratini. The sun's rays should work in your favor here. Fire U-Turns from then on.

Bahamut (M)
HP: 60
Energy: 56
Poison (2 DPA)
Actions: Fire Blast - Dragon Pulse - Fire Blast

Panic (M)
HP: 27
Energy: 54
Paralysis (20%)
Actions: Magnet Rise toward Bahamut's top - U-turns


Round 4: Flaming Ashes

With the superior Speed advantage thanks to Panic's paralysis, Bahamut begins by combining the sun's strength into an intense Fire Blast! The flames consume Panic with great pressure, but he still has a bit of life in him! As he attempts to move a muscle, however, they curl up in full paralysis! With this opening, Bahamut fires off a deadly, game-ending Dragon Pulse that ultimately blasts Panic onto the field in groaning pain. As the dragonish energy leave the burn mark left on Panic, it appears that Panic can no longer fight!

That's the game, folks!

Fire Blast: 12 + 3 (sun) + (3-2 x 1.5) = [17 Damage/8 Energy]
Dragon Pulse: 9 + 3 + (3-2 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/6 Energy]



Bahamut (M)
HP: 56
Energy: 42
Poison (2 DPA)

Panic (M)
Energy: 0

KO Counters: Panic (1) | Bahamut (2)
1 EC and DC: Messy and Panic | Bahamut and Fuma Shuriken
2 MCs: Messy and Panic | Bahamut and Fuma Shuriken
2 Trainer Counters: Arcanite and Blue_Tornado
4 Ref Tokens: Flora
Winner: Arcanite

Thanks for playing! Sorry for the hax; I can't prevent that from happening.
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