Multi-gen 2v2 Doubles Premier League II - Player Signups

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art by momo!
Welcome to the second iteration of the 2v2 Doubles Premier League! This tournament will last an extended amount of time, so keep in mind that you must be available throughout the tournament's duration while signing up. When you sign up, you are not only committing to being active, but also to being a positive presence. No matter how your team performs in this tournament, you are promising to be a good sport and are promising to contribute to your team. Poor behavior, with this in mind, will be notice and will affect future managers' view on you in future iterations of this tournament.

Here are the teams and managers, with their respective discords:

:grookey:Gucci Gang Grookeys - Managed by STABLE and zio
:ditto:Dastardly Dittos - Managed by Monsareeasy and D2TheW
:sylveon:Snowpoint Sylveons - Managed by emma and Aliss
:ninetales-alola:Nico Nico Ninetales - Managed by PA and Kaif
:mawile-mega:Merry Mega Mawiles - Managed by Krytocon and Vrji
:ponyta:Team Horse - Managed by Le Creme Brule and Lkjc

Here are the initial slots for 2v2 Doubles Premier League II:
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SM 2v2 Doubles Bo5
ORAS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
BW 2v2 Doubles Bo5
In the possibility that we have enough signups for 8 slots, here is what that will be:
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SM 2v2 Doubles Bo5
SM 2v2 Doubles Bo5
ORAS 2v2 Doubles Bo5
BW 2v2 Doubles Bo5

Also, here's the signup format:
Player Name:
Tiers Played:
Any Foreseeable Inactivity:
Deadline is Friday, November 20th, at 11:59M EST. It is advised that you join our discord server for information and announcements.
I want to try this
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