Now that the BS ranking matches are up again, and I don't have to worry about Battle Analyzer with the recent patch, I've broke into the 1700 range with my new team of Noviern/Goodra/Scizor/Blaziken/Gastrodon/Rotom-W.
Running two Megas (Scizor/Blaziken) is actually quite useful, as I can pick and choose which one to use depending on the enemy team. Mega Kang? Blaziken. Lots of Fairies/Special attackers? Scizor (I run bulky SpD).
Gastrodon and Rotom-W are both friggin amazing, each countering certain threats. Gastrodon counters Rotom-W and has amazing utility in general, mauling Rock/Ground types and fishing for Burns with Scald. Water immunity is hilarious too. I don't think there was any BS team I made that didn't have Gastrodon in it, it's just too useful. Rotom-W counters Talonflame, and also threatens the likes of Gyarados or other physical Water/Flying types. Has a handy immunity to Ground to bypass all the Earthquakes thrown everywhere, and WoW is fun to troll enemy physical attackers with.
Goodra is an amazing special tank in general, and serves as a nice partner to Gastrodon, absorbing all Grass attacks with Sap Sipper. Noivern is a new addition to my team, replacing Talonflame. Frisk is great to scout items (for example, a Focus Sash on a Diggersby who I thought was Choiced) and runs Switcheroo to ruin enemy walls or setup sweepers/baton pass chains with Choice Specs.
As always, I have to have good prediction to win, but I feel that this team is the best I've run so far. I've had some problems with Choice Specs Hydreigon, though the one battle I lost to one, I could have won had I brought in Goodra or Noivern as a lead against it. I've also had some hilarious battles, where I wonder how these opponents got to the 1600 range in the first place. For example:
I have Gastrodon out, enemy has something threatened by it. He switches to Kangaskhan, eating a Scald on the switch-in, going to about 70%. No Burn, but I'm not worried. He MEvos, uses PUP, gets hit by Rocky Helmet twice. Gets hit by Scald, goes to about 7%. Gets burned and dies. Disconnects.
Lead Noivern vs lead Ferrothorn, it has Lum Berry (wut?). Enemy switches in Noivern on my Choice locked Noivern Flamethrower. I switch in Scizor, praying he doesn't have Flamethrower, and tanks a Draco Meteor to about 80%. Not wanting to risk a Flamethrower because I'm not sure if Choiced or not, I press Bullet Punch and instead am greeted with Ferrothorn again. I hit SD, seeing that I'm screwed if it has Thunder Wave and I don't want my Noivern to get hit by it (my other mon was Gastrodon). It instead Gyro Balls me for pitiful damage. I Roost, wondering it he'll switch, and instead Leech Seeds me. The next few turns alternate between me SDing and Roosting until +6 and it Gyro Balling or Power Whipping me for crap damage. I get to +6, opponent sends in Medicham. It MEvos, I Bullet Punch, OHKO. Ferrothorn is OHKOd by X-Scissor and Noivern is mauled by Bullet Punch. Never let my Scizor get to +6.
Opponent has Lead Venusaur, I have lead Noivern. It has Venusaurite, so I switch to Goodra to absorb a Sleep Powder or Leech Seed. Surprisingly, he switches to Rotom-W instead. I tank anything it throws at me, so I press Draco Meteor. Amazingly, it decides to Trick, taking my Assault Vest and giving me... Choice Specs. What. The same guy later on put in his MVenusaur against my Goodra, and Sleep Powdered, but lol Sap Sipper. Incredibly, he decides to Giga Drain and have it be negated once again while I maul it with Choice Specs Dragon Pulse. His last mon was Talonflame against my three mons, so he forfeited.
These were all matches in the 1600 range. What.