1. It depends on your starting PID frame. To use this, go to the front page of RNG Reporter, set method to Method 5 PIDRNG, paste your full seed into the box, click "Calculate Initial PID" on the right, put in the sync nature if you have one, and then click generate. Then find the frame 5 PID you were aiming for before, and subtract the initial PID frame this frame. You save to one before and then Sweet Scent.I have several questions about Wild Capture RNGing, iffins ya'll don't mind.
1. First of all, I'm having trouble with the Encounter Slots function. I set my Encounter Slot to 5 to obtain a Mienfoo from Victory Road 7F, and if you look at the encounter table it shows that Mienfoo is actually encounter slot #5 across the board for Victory Road. However, when I successfully hit my seed, I get a Durant. It has the correct IVs, but wasn't it supposed to be a Mienfoo or is there something else I need to do to trigger the correct encounter slot?
2. If I walk 128 steps and advance myself to, say, Frame 4, would I still be on Frame 4 if I accidentally walked an additional step?
3. Speaking of which, does turning count as a step? I've had issues with anything above Frame 1 because I can never seem to get myself to advance properly. I have tried both with and without counting turning as a step, but it always seems to mess up and I would like to rule this out as the reason.
And one about Egg RNGing...
4. I have two flawless parents, but one is international. I read the RNG Guide on B/W breeding, but it does not cover international parents in the Time Finder window, which I think is the reason why I can never hit my IV frame when using my Jap ditto. Would I have to use the "Breeding BW (International)" setting in the main window? I have tried but it does not give me a time to enter the game for the RNG.
Thank you very much for your time and help! It is quite appreciated ^-^
2. The extra step may trip the counter if you're unlucky. Any extra step can cause the frames to advance.
3. No turning does not count as a step. It does advance your PID frame however.
4. You search for an egg frame normally, Frame 8 etc, the only thing that's changed is PID. And in the main page of RNG reporter, yes change the option to "BW Breeding International".
Hope this helped...