5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

I have several questions about Wild Capture RNGing, iffins ya'll don't mind.

1. First of all, I'm having trouble with the Encounter Slots function. I set my Encounter Slot to 5 to obtain a Mienfoo from Victory Road 7F, and if you look at the encounter table it shows that Mienfoo is actually encounter slot #5 across the board for Victory Road. However, when I successfully hit my seed, I get a Durant. It has the correct IVs, but wasn't it supposed to be a Mienfoo or is there something else I need to do to trigger the correct encounter slot?

2. If I walk 128 steps and advance myself to, say, Frame 4, would I still be on Frame 4 if I accidentally walked an additional step?

3. Speaking of which, does turning count as a step? I've had issues with anything above Frame 1 because I can never seem to get myself to advance properly. I have tried both with and without counting turning as a step, but it always seems to mess up and I would like to rule this out as the reason.

And one about Egg RNGing...

4. I have two flawless parents, but one is international. I read the RNG Guide on B/W breeding, but it does not cover international parents in the Time Finder window, which I think is the reason why I can never hit my IV frame when using my Jap ditto. Would I have to use the "Breeding BW (International)" setting in the main window? I have tried but it does not give me a time to enter the game for the RNG.

Thank you very much for your time and help! It is quite appreciated ^-^
1. It depends on your starting PID frame. To use this, go to the front page of RNG Reporter, set method to Method 5 PIDRNG, paste your full seed into the box, click "Calculate Initial PID" on the right, put in the sync nature if you have one, and then click generate. Then find the frame 5 PID you were aiming for before, and subtract the initial PID frame this frame. You save to one before and then Sweet Scent.

2. The extra step may trip the counter if you're unlucky. Any extra step can cause the frames to advance.

3. No turning does not count as a step. It does advance your PID frame however.

4. You search for an egg frame normally, Frame 8 etc, the only thing that's changed is PID. And in the main page of RNG reporter, yes change the option to "BW Breeding International".

Hope this helped...
I would like some help in learning how to use rng abuse to breed shiny eggs. I'm not really interested in IV or natures at the moment, but a lot of the guides around here seem fixated upon perfect IVs and complimentary natures, and its difficult for me (as an almost total fresh starter on this) to figure out what I need for the colour and what I don't.

I would appreciate any help you guys could give me, either in directing me to particular guides or related material. Thank you/

We can work something out over IRC, just pm/vm me when you're usually available.

Getting a shiny egg with no particular iv/nature isn't too hard. Getting one with particular iv/nature just takes a few extra steps.
1. It depends on your starting PID frame. To use this, go to the front page of RNG Reporter, set method to Method 5 PIDRNG, paste your full seed into the box, click "Calculate Initial PID" on the right, put in the sync nature if you have one, and then click generate. Then find the frame 5 PID you were aiming for before, and subtract the initial PID frame this frame. You save to one before and then Sweet Scent.
The rest has been very helpful - thank you! - but this part confused me. I have Frame 1 that I was aiming for before, not Frame 5. Frame 1, Encounter Slot 5. Also, this would mean I end up with....-45?

Could you please reiterate? I am completely lost now.
Rain does cause inconsistencies, but if you can keep your mashing consistent enough, you can find your starting frame. That's how people go about getting shiny roamers.
Great job keeping it consistent, I never could pull it off, ha.

That's good news. At one point, I thought I found my starting frame, so I Chatted to the target frame... but it ended-up being wrong. And because I needed Thundurus for VGC, I had to settle for the Modest... and going back to 2 Chatters, I got what I sought on the first try.

...It's actually kinda... freaky. >.< But I'll use this info for my Tornadus.
Another question, though: If I were to press as quickly as possible through the rain scene... what is my starting frame likely to be around? 500? 600? I'm not sure where to start my search...
The rest has been very helpful - thank you! - but this part confused me. I have Frame 1 that I was aiming for before, not Frame 5. Frame 1, Encounter Slot 5. Also, this would mean I end up with....-45?

Could you please reiterate? I am completely lost now.

There are two different types of frames.

First, your "normal" frame which determines IVs.

Second, the PID frame which determines encounter slot, gender, ability, and nature.

Your "normal" frame always starts at 1. Your PID frame starts around 50, in most cases.

In the main RNG Reporter window, if you change the dropdown box to Method 5 PIDRNG, you can see the PID frames. You need to advance the PID frame to the one with the desired encounter slot etc by saving, viewing chatter's summary, etc.
The rest has been very helpful - thank you! - but this part confused me. I have Frame 1 that I was aiming for before, not Frame 5. Frame 1, Encounter Slot 5. Also, this would mean I end up with....-45?

Could you please reiterate? I am completely lost now.
Okay so PID and IVs do not advance the same way. IVs are really only advanced by a battle, walking 128 steps and withdrawing Pokemon. IVs are the easier to control so moving on to PID. The starting frames for PID are around 50. That's the point of using the "Calculate Initial PID". Then click Generate. This should show you the starting frame you are hitting. If it doesn't then you're most likely in an area with NPCs. So say the starting frame calculated was 51. And the encounter slot 5 PID you want is on frame 57. You subtract the starting frame frame the target frame, so 57-51=6 saves and then Sweet Scent. If I'm still confusing you I'd be more than happy to help you via VM.
Okay so PID and IVs do not advance the same way. IVs are really only advanced by a battle, walking 128 steps and withdrawing Pokemon. IVs are the easier to control so moving on to PID. The starting frames for PID are around 50. That's the point of using the "Calculate Initial PID". Then click Generate. This should show you the starting frame you are hitting. If it doesn't then you're most likely in an area with NPCs. So say the starting frame calculated was 51. And the encounter slot 5 PID you want is on frame 57. You subtract the starting frame frame the target frame, so 57-51=6 saves and then Sweet Scent. If I'm still confusing you I'd be more than happy to help you via VM.

What you said is exactly correct on the following conditions

- There can't be any wandering NPCs in the map or your starting frame won't be 51. You can easily remedy this though with chatots and finding your shifted starting frame

- This only works if you have an IV frame 1 spread
That's good news. At one point, I thought I found my starting frame, so I Chatted to the target frame... but it ended-up being wrong. And because I needed Thundurus for VGC, I had to settle for the Modest... and going back to 2 Chatters, I got what I sought on the first try.

...It's actually kinda... freaky. >.< But I'll use this info for my Tornadus.
Another question, though: If I were to press as quickly as possible through the rain scene... what is my starting frame likely to be around? 500? 600? I'm not sure where to start my search...

It's very difficult - if not impossible - to get sequential PID advances with the roamers, at least without letting the rain advance the PID frames a bit. (ie., If your starting frame is 600, 1 PID advance will usually never result in PID frame 601.) The weather and/or NPCs don't like us, so sometimes your PID advancements will land you somewhere around or even on the desired PID, and sometimes it'll be as much as ~20 frames off. It's very frustrating.

The starting frame will differ depending on whether it's raining/snowing before the roamer shows up or not. I know that with snow before the cutscene, I got a starting PID of around 700, and I think with no weather I got a starting PID of around 600.

I also outlined how I used a Pokemon caught directly after the cutscene to help find my starting PID in this post. That might help you to find your starting frame.

As you can see, I've been trying for a shiny Thundurus for the past couple days and am probably going to give up and just go for IVs/nature. The frame advancements are just way too inconsistent for my liking.
What do I do about the moving NPCs in Route 9? I'm trying out Non C-Gear abuse but I'm worried about the NPCs.
They move in fixed pattern, i.e., they don't advance the PIDRNG.
NPCs should never be a problem though. Just use frame 1 spread(s), hit seed, mash X to bring up menu as you go in game, sweet scent immediately, catch whatever you encounter and check near your calculated initial PID for a match. That's your actual starting PID. From there you do your PID advances normally.
What do I do about the moving NPCs in Route 9? I'm trying out Non C-Gear abuse but I'm worried about the NPCs.
No NPC on Route 9 advances the PID; they're all in a set pattern. I've spent quite a bit of time there upon the recommendation of a previous poster and had no issues with the NPCs.
I have a question regarding the "Find Shiny Egg" function of RNG Reporter. I know that the program is solid almost all around, but I'm slightly tempted to call this error a bug.

Alright, so when I input the data for the Shiny Egg tab and whatnot, I receive frame 94 as one on which a shiny egg occurs. However, when I go back to the main screen, choose BW - International breeding, and paste the seed in, the closest frame is 50000 or so. However, when I invoked the Everstone Nature, frame 94 appeared.

My problem is that how I understand it, when the Everstone Nature is used, the frames that are not bolded are frames that occur naturally instead of Everstone frames. When I generate the Everstone frames, frame 94 appears, but it is not bolded, meaning that it is a naturally occurring frame. However, when I generate non-Everstone spreads, frame 94 never shows up. Can someone explain this paradox to me?

Bumping for an answer?
Bumping for an answer?

You do have your answer already, and it's a few posts below your original question, just search for it.

Meh, let me help you.

The problem is in your assumption that using an everstone has no other effect than to influence the nature. Using or not using an everstone has a cascading effect on the whole egg frame, the result of which is that some PIDs which appear when using the stone don't appear when not using the stone (and vice-versa), and hence produce the results you describe above. Using a ditto has a similar effect.
I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm Non C-Gear abusing a shiny Gothorita but I can't seem to hit my second for the seed. I tried using EonTimer but it still doesn't seem to work...
It's very difficult - if not impossible - to get sequential PID advances with the roamers, at least without letting the rain advance the PID frames a bit. (ie., If your starting frame is 600, 1 PID advance will usually never result in PID frame 601.) The weather and/or NPCs don't like us, so sometimes your PID advancements will land you somewhere around or even on the desired PID, and sometimes it'll be as much as ~20 frames off. It's very frustrating.

Ah, now that answers my question in my previous post. Just what I feared - the natures I keep hitting are actually not (necessarily) adjacent to one another on the PIDRNG list. Well, I'll take a look at your post - Thank you...

I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm Non C-Gear abusing a shiny Gothorita but I can't seem to hit my second for the seed. I tried using EonTimer but it still doesn't seem to work...

How many seconds off are you from your target? Barely anyone, if any, uses a timer to hit their second. In B/W, with Standard non-C-Gear RNGing, you only need to hit your seed down to the second (as you already know). So, for example, if you wanted to hit 45 seconds, but you keep getting 46... Then, try entering the game at 44 seconds.
I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm Non C-Gear abusing a shiny Gothorita but I can't seem to hit my second for the seed. I tried using EonTimer but it still doesn't seem to work...
what type of DS do you use? If its a Lite or DS Original you should have a clock with a seconds on the main page.. if its a DSi you cant do standard seeds (non-cgear)

my suggestion to you if its the latter, go to gamestop DS originals are dirt cheap right now