5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Well I'm in the desert resort trying to get myself a Darumaka, I saved right next to one of the NPC's, and she moves at least once when I sweet scent. Sometimes twice. Should I advance the PID by one less then? (I don't know if they advance it more than one) .-.
Try doing your advances normally, then seeing how much you overshot by looking at your frames. Then adjust your advances to that. Like if you had to do 17 advances, and you overshot by 4, just do 13. You might have to do it a couple times, but it works after a while. :P

They advance random amounts, I've seen them go from 1 - 4.
Thanks Turtwig ^^

Edit: Also, since my frame is one 1, if I hit my seed right I should be getting pokemon that have the desired IV's, right? Or is it just for the certain encounter slot I'm looking for?
Well I'm in the desert resort trying to get myself a Darumaka, I saved right next to one of the NPC's, and she moves at least once when I sweet scent. Sometimes twice. Should I advance the PID by one less then? (I don't know if they advance it more than one) .-.

Trying to get a Darumaka in the desert!? I tried that, and it was borderline impossible... How are you even managing to use Sweet Scent? I thought the sandstorm is supposed to make it "fade away" and be ineffective? O_o? Er, at least that's what happened to me...

If you still can't get your desired Darumaka, try just capturing a female Darumaka with the desired IVs (you don't even have to do anything to advance the PIDRNG - just walk through the Pokemon-infested sand and with some persistence, you'll eventually run into one through sheer luck)... then go catch another Pokemon in Darumaka's Egg Group with the same desired IVs (which is esp. easy if you RNG something where there's ZERO NPCs)... then go put them in the Day Care and try RNG breeding - it saved me a ton of time, and there's only one wandering NPC... and, the selling point: no sandstorm.

Edit: Also, since my frame is one 1, if I hit my seed right I should be getting pokemon that have the desired IV's, right? Or is it just for the certain encounter slot I'm looking for?
I assume the frame 1 you speak of is the one that's specified in the Time Finder. If you hit your seed, and you don't walk around at all after entering the game (so, you Sweet Scent as soon as you enter the game, or after Chattering w/ Chatots), then you'll always get Pokemon with the desired IVs. But do note: your PIDRNG frame does not have to be 1 as well for you to get your desired IVs...
A method to getting rid of the sandstorm is mentioned in the third post.

Thanks Turtwig ^^

Edit: Also, since my frame is one 1, if I hit my seed right I should be getting pokemon that have the desired IV's, right? Or is it just for the certain encounter slot I'm looking for?

Yup, you should be getting all the correct IVs right away. All you'd have to do is use ESV to find out when to get a Darumaka.
Trying to get a Darumaka in the desert!? I tried that, and it was borderline impossible... How are you even managing to use Sweet Scent? I thought the sandstorm is supposed to make it "fade away" and be ineffective? O_o? Er, at least that's what happened to me...

If you still can't get your desired Darumaka, try just capturing a female Darumaka with the desired IVs (you don't even have to do anything to advance the PIDRNG - just walk through the Pokemon-infested sand and with some persistence, you'll eventually run into one through sheer luck)... then go catch another Pokemon in Darumaka's Egg Group with the same desired IVs (which is esp. easy if you RNG something where there's ZERO NPCs)... then go put them in the Day Care and try RNG breeding - it saved me a ton of time, and there's only one wandering NPC... and, the selling point: no sandstorm.

I assume the frame 1 you speak of is the one that's specified in the Time Finder. If you hit your seed, and you don't walk around at all after entering the game (so, you Sweet Scent as soon as you enter the game, or after Chattering w/ Chatots), then you'll always get Pokemon with the desired IVs. But do note: your PIDRNG frame does not have to be 1 as well for you to get your desired IVs...

I know I could easily breed one, but I'm weird and want one in a different pokeball. :(
And it is pretty impossible, I've been trying to do this forever, and the NPC's keep screwing me up, and I'm pretty sure I'm not getting the IV's right either...so it must be my timer0 messing with me. O.o
Sigh, I should probably just go to sleep. XP
I know I could easily breed one, but I'm weird and want one in a different pokeball. :(
And it is pretty impossible, I've been trying to do this forever, and the NPC's keep screwing me up, and I'm pretty sure I'm not getting the IV's right either...so it must be my timer0 messing with me. O.o
Sigh, I should probably just go to sleep. XP
LOL - you're not the only one - I only breed when I need Egg moves, a DW ability, or when the Pokemon I want is found in a place with too many NPCs / weather. Otherwise, I try to catch my Pokemon in Pokeballs that match their color :D like my Shiny Joltik who's in a Quick Ball, or my Shiny Kyurem who's in a Great Ball.

However, after so many tries, if you still have not yet caught one Pokemon whose IVs match your seed, then try reviewing all of the info you entered into the Time Finder / DS Parameters. You may have entered something incorrectly (which I seem to do often)... or check to see that you're using the correct Date / Time in your DS. Because, by now, you should've at least caught a Pokemon with the correct IVs... even if it IS the wrong Pokemon (wrong PID).

Also, if you notice that you keep hitting another set of IVs, take note of it and enter it into the DS Parameter Finder - see if you can identify how off you are from your target... and, if ZERO results appear, then you KNOW you've made a mistake somewhere with your set-up.

EDIT: COOL! This is post #7777 in this thread... must be my lucky day!
Have you guys tried the area between the route and Desert Resort? (Well, it's still Desort Resort but before the gate entrance.) There's only one NPC interfearing, which I have no idea where the hell it's coming from. Keep trying because it is possible, and easy IMO.
Have you guys tried the area between the route and Desert Resort? (Well, it's still Desort Resort but before the gate entrance.) There's only one NPC interfearing, which I have no idea where the hell it's coming from. Keep trying because it is possible, and easy IMO.
I did try there once… I thought I hit the jackpot in terms of avoiding NPCs… But the Sandstorm! That prevented me from using Sweet Scent, AND it kept advancing the PIDRNG frames. Without Sweet Scent, all I could do was wander through the sand until I ran into something… and well, with each step & turn, the PIDRNG advances by 2... and the number of steps needed to be taken until I meet a wild Pkmn varied each time I tried hitting my seed. -__- So for me, it was a lost cause…
^heres how to get rid of Sandstorm. Once thats done it will be cake :).

To remove fog or sand storm in any area, follow these steps as your last part of setting up to abuse.
  • Save the game in the area you are abusing.
  • Change your DS clock's date to one month ahead of what you just saved at in game.
  • Enter the game at any time and encounter a wild Pokemon. When the battle ends, the season will change and the fog/sand will disappear.
  • Save your game, now you can start abusing on whatever date your seed dictates.
Hello guys, I got a question about rnging shiny roamers. Take a look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTAFePaJhNs&feature=player_detailpage#t=63s. I don't know how he did it, but there is absolutely no rain when he exits the house. The rain starts getting strong as the character talks to the roamer, but the thing is: due to not having any rain at the beginning, the PID will be lower and more predictable, right? So does anyone know how he did it? Because in my edition and many other videos out there, there is always some slight rain after exiting the house.

And another question, regarding roamers as well. Where do I find the PID%6/Nature feature? I can't find it in the RNG Reporter! Is this another kind of software?
^heres how to get rid of Sandstorm. Once thats done it will be cake :).

To remove fog or sand storm in any area, follow these steps as your last part of setting up to abuse.
  • Save the game in the area you are abusing.
  • Change your DS clock's date to one month ahead of what you just saved at in game.
  • Enter the game at any time and encounter a wild Pokemon. When the battle ends, the season will change and the fog/sand will disappear.
  • Save your game, now you can start abusing on whatever date your seed dictates.

even in that desert with the ruins and volcarona in it?
Hello guys, I got a question about rnging shiny roamers. Take a look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTAFePaJhNs&feature=player_detailpage#t=63s. I don't know how he did it, but there is absolutely no rain when he exits the house. The rain starts getting strong as the character talks to the roamer, but the thing is: due to not having any rain at the beginning, the PID will be lower and more predictable, right? So does anyone know how he did it? Because in my edition and many other videos out there, there is always some slight rain after exiting the house.

Whether you get rain, snow, or no weather depends on the season. I think with fall and summer you'll get no rain, but don't quote me on that.

And another question, regarding roamers as well. Where do I find the PID%6/Nature feature? I can't find it in the RNG Reporter! Is this another kind of software?

The list of characteristics is included in RNG Reporter 9.81 for breeding Pokemon. It will be available in 9.82 for captures as well.
^heres how to get rid of Sandstorm. Once thats done it will be cake :).

To remove fog or sand storm in any area, follow these steps as your last part of setting up to abuse.
  • Save the game in the area you are abusing.
  • Change your DS clock's date to one month ahead of what you just saved at in game.
  • Enter the game at any time and encounter a wild Pokemon. When the battle ends, the season will change and the fog/sand will disappear.
  • Save your game, now you can start abusing on whatever date your seed dictates.
Well now - I wish someone told me that earlier, lol... So that's how people are doing it... In that case, Sæglópur, keep it up! This should be easier than breeding + you'll get to use a ball of your choice... unlike me with my Darumaka. -__-
I'm looking for a list of places where there are NO NPCs to mess with RNG.

I don't think there is one, but it should be something close to this

- All routes except route 9 has an interfering npc
- Undella town i think has interference
- i don't know about dream yard
- pinwheel has interference i think
- lostlorn forest does not
- desert resort does
- not sure on cold storage
- iccurus places has interference
- abundant shrine does, unless you battle all the trainers and don't leave (that's what i've heard)
- the bridge on the --> side may or may not (connects nimbassa and white/black forest/city)
- All places that are "inside" (building, cave, etc) has at least 1 floor that doesn't have interfering npcs. Only exception i think is challenger's cave
The patches just outside Dragonspiral tower don't have any NPC's if I remember correctly(this is where I did my initial calibration).
Is there a counter or something that calculates how many moves you took to advance the frame? I'm trying to RNG a shiny Gothorita via Non C-Gear but I keep missing the seed.
Is there a counter or something that calculates how many moves you took to advance the frame? I'm trying to RNG a shiny Gothorita via Non C-Gear but I keep missing the seed.
Moves? Like, how many steps you took while trying to advance the RNG that controls your target's IVs? ...if so, you could use Repels to "keep track" of the number of steps taken.
Yeah. That's what I mean. Are there any other ways beside repels?
Well - I, personally, don't use Repels - I use the POWER OF MATH! ...and, well, it's quite difficult for me to explain... If I try to explain it, I think I'll just confuse you, but it's basic algebra... in any case, that still doesn't answer your question - as far as I know, there's no other counter to keep track of how many steps you've taken upon entering the game. :\
Whether you get rain, snow, or no weather depends on the season. I think with fall and summer you'll get no rain, but don't quote me on that.

The list of characteristics is included in RNG Reporter 9.81 for breeding Pokemon. It will be available in 9.82 for captures as well.

Uh ok, I will try that out^^

I don't understand.. this PID%6/Nature feature will be available for roamers in 9.82? Or how did you mean that?