5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

It doesn't have to be 1600-1700. Really anything higher than about 1250 is fine. You just need enough time to get into the game. How high you go is up to how patient you are.

yeah thanks because last time i had something like 600 but i only had 11 seconds to get to my game :) and i have to hit zero on exactly zero right? not like 0 and something milliseconds?

Oh and do i keep calibration at -95 or how do i change that?
yeah thanks because last time i had something like 600 but i only had 11 seconds to get to my game :) and i have to hit zero on exactly zero right? not like 0 and something milliseconds?

Oh and do i keep calibration at -95 or how do i change that?

Yeah.. exactly 0.

You change the calibration as needed. Basically, try for something. If you miss, find out what you hit and use the update box to calibrate. Bearsfan has some videos that will help you out with that.
Does RNG Reporter's "Calculate starting PID frame" assume 1 Chatter/save when determining the starting frame? I've only done PID abuse twice, but both times, when I did 0 Chatters/saves/steps/turns (in an area with no NPCs), the frame I got was 1 less than what RNG Reporter picked as the starting frame (yes, I made sure to click the checkbox for the roamer since Tornadus is roaming).
I don't think so. I caught my thundurus so I don't have that box checked, and whenever I go to a place with no NPCs, 0 chatters = the calculated starting frame. I've only done that sort of abuse like 5~8 times though and each time worked, so it might be coincidence.
Im starting to believe that the ESV for swarming pokemon is different for each frame because I thought I hit it at 3 but then when going for synch on a 3 slot it just didnt work.
Im starting to believe that the ESV for swarming pokemon is different for each frame because I thought I hit it at 3 but then when going for synch on a 3 slot it just didnt work.


Thank you to the kind folks who have helped me previously, but I'm experiencing a rather odd issue with Breeding now.

I hit my seed, advance the PID frame with Chatot 20 times as calculated, verify my seed, then hatch. The nature, ability, and gender come out correctly, but the Pokemon inherits the wrong IVs! RNG Reporter says it will inherit 31 IVs in HP, Attack, and Special Attack, but the Potential Rater only reports that Attack is at 31 IVs. What am I doing wrong? I am not using power items or an everstone, and it is not with international parents.
I hit my seed, advance the PID frame with Chatot 20 times as calculated

This is most likely the problem. How are you calculating it? If you are pressing the "calculate initial PID frame", that doesn't work if there are wandering NPCs around, which is the case with route 3. Most likely it says your starting frame is in the high 4x, but your real starting frame is most likely around 53~. You can remedy this via two ways

- Find your shifted starting frame: Because the NPCs will advance your PID frame and you can't control that, you need to find out what you real starting frame is. The method outlined in Tesserection's breeding guide is to bring up the menu asap when you load the game, do 1 chatter, then get your egg immediately. Verify you hit your seed and find out where you shifted starting frame is. Then you can do the appropriate # of chatters.

- When you did 20 chatters, you most likely overshot the PID frame you wanted by a few. Take the breeded pokemon and find out what PID frame it corresponds to (note its gender, nature, ability #, and IVs). For the IVs, you might be able to figure out which IVs came from the parents and therefore narrow down what frame you hit (It's most likely in the mid 70s). Then you can see how much you overshot by and do that many less chatters

e.g. If you find out you hit frame 75 but you wanted frame 72, do 3 less chatters i.e. do 17 chatters
I'm using the new version of RNG reporter.
What are you trying to capture\hatch?
I'm trying to catch a wild shiny pkm. I'm not minding on what appears I just want it shinny because I'm testing.
What is your target seed and frame? What is the delay of that seed? What is the MAC address of the DS you are using?
MAC address and everything is put right. My issue is that the pokemon doesn't comes out shiny or with the right nature. My frame was 6 so I walked 128 steps with 5 pkms in my party(using max repel). What does the "nearby shinny" number means? I've only RNGed stationary pokemon (non shinny). Oh yeah lastly I'm doing it in the Non C Gear way. (Since I find 0 results of shininess on the C Gearing way).
How did you verify your seed?
If it didn't come out shinny, I knew I did it wrong...
Someone help me out please. |o|
@Shinyshuppet1: By hitting your seed even though it was searched using the check nearby shiny box that doesn't mean you'll encounter a shiny pokémon. It means the seed has a PID frame that contains a shiny so you still have to advance the PID frame in order to get the shiny.

By hitting a seed and walking etc. you control the IV frame, thus the IVs of the pokémon encountered. By chattering or saving you'll control the PID frame which defines a pokémon species, gender, nature, ability and shinieness.

Right click the seed, select copy full seed to clipboard, go to the first screen (not Time Finder) and paste it where it says "Seed (hex)". Select method PIDRNG and depending on what you filled in for max results PIDs will show up. Find the one that has a shiny on it (the box with '!!!' wil contain !!!), you can do this easily by checking "shiny only" and then hitting generate. If you know your starting PID now all you have to do is advance the amount of frames needed. Do know that walking and turning in wild area's also advance the PID frame. 1 for every 19 steps and 2 for every turn in grass/ area with wild pokémon (I'm not so sure about this last sentence but you can read it in the guide) and randomly moving NPCs also advance the PID frame.
In the Time Finder, I have found myself a flawless seed.
Now I used that seed in the Pandoras Box.
Two questions are there.
First of all I want to hit. Is hitting it like turning on the game at that point?
Secondly there is a column there which is named starter and can be true or false.
What is it?
I'm following an RNGing for bred Pokemon guide and I was wondering...

What do you put in the starting frame in the RNG reporter? The frame 8 for eggs? Or the frame the Time Finder gave you?

EDIT: More questions...

When RNG breeding a non-shiny Pokemon where do you find your target frame?
This is most likely the problem. How are you calculating it? If you are pressing the "calculate initial PID frame", that doesn't work if there are wandering NPCs around, which is the case with route 3. Most likely it says your starting frame is in the high 4x, but your real starting frame is most likely around 53~. You can remedy this via two ways

- Find your shifted starting frame: Because the NPCs will advance your PID frame and you can't control that, you need to find out what you real starting frame is. The method outlined in Tesserection's breeding guide is to bring up the menu asap when you load the game, do 1 chatter, then get your egg immediately. Verify you hit your seed and find out where you shifted starting frame is. Then you can do the appropriate # of chatters.

- When you did 20 chatters, you most likely overshot the PID frame you wanted by a few. Take the breeded pokemon and find out what PID frame it corresponds to (note its gender, nature, ability #, and IVs). For the IVs, you might be able to figure out which IVs came from the parents and therefore narrow down what frame you hit (It's most likely in the mid 70s). Then you can see how much you overshot by and do that many less chatters

e.g. If you find out you hit frame 75 but you wanted frame 72, do 3 less chatters i.e. do 17 chatters
I did all that. I found out my true starting frame was 46, and I wanted to get to 66, so 20 Chatters.
Yes, since you're catching a wild poke for testing the ivs will be on the regular frame.

Thanks, worked perfectly!

I've changed my weather to Autumn and managed to have absolutely no weather when I leave the lady's house. Now all I need to do is save and start RNGing.
Pokemon White, Route 8.. any NPCs that affect my PIDRNG?

I distinctly remember doing something like this back when SS and HG were released. Good times. By the way, WNPC = Wandering NPC (because I like abbreviations).

Listed are areas without any WNPCs. However, RNGing in locations with WNPCs is manageable simply by selecting a Frame 1 IV spread, mashing X to quickly access the menu screen, and capturing a wild Pokemon in order to discern one’s SSF (Shifted Starting Frame) while accounting for any WNPC advancements during Sweet Scent. WNPCs also move during the initial Season Intro Screen. Try saving your game next to a WNPC in order to quickly confirm if you hit your desired seed as they seem move in the same pattern based on your previous save. It’s somewhat tedious, but it’s very similar to RNGing Eggs on Route 3. Oh, how I miss breeding on Route 34 back in HGSS, but I digress.

Alternatively, there is the Careful Walkthrough Approach. Basically, it’s when you avoid as many WNPCs as possible when travelling through a route in order to complete the main story; using Repels to maneuver around them, saving your progress before attempting to walk by one, etc. If you planned this beforehand, then you have a single shot at an WNPC-free zone when going for targets in places like Abundant Shrine, Moor of Icirrus, or Village Bridge.

Enough talk, onto the list:

Wellspring Cave (1F-B1F)
Rumination Field (For the sake of being thorough)
Relic Castle (1F-B6F)
Lostlorn Forest
Chargestone Cave (B1F)
Celestial Tower (3F-5F)
Twist Mountain (Cave with Exit to Icirrus City)
Route 17*
P2 Laboratory*
Mistralton Cave (2F-Guidance Chamber)
Dragonspiral Tower Entrance (North of Icirrus City, not the area with the bridge)
Dragonspiral Tower Interior (1F-2F)
Route 9
Route 10 (South of Victory Road; the third area of the Badge Check Gates)
Victory Road (1F1, 1F2, 1F3, 2F2, 5F, 7F)
Victory Road (Exterior)
Trial Chamber
Marvelous Bridge
Giant Chasm (Outside)
Giant Chasm (Outer Cave)
Giant Chasm (Inner Cave; including Kyurem’s Cave)
Challenger’s Cave (1F)

*Route 17 and P2 Laboratory have no WNPCs of their own, but may be cursed with “invisible” PID advances due to the fact that they are clearly adjacent to Route 18, which has many WNPCs (similar to how the Desert Resort Entrance is adjacent to both Route 4 and the main Desert Resort area with the Zen Mode Darmanitans). I’ll test these out in the near future when going after Frillish, and Crustle, respectively.

To be honest, I was simply passing by as I routinely do (shameless info leeching), but I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on this thread for posing great questions and providing comprehensive answers which allow interested observers such as yours truly to gain access to a treasure trove of tips, which can be used for future RNG projects. In short, Long Live Smogon!
Just curious - when RNGing for the roamers, the house that I save in - does the PIDRNG still advance wildly while I'm in the house? Or, is it unchanging, so I can search in Time Finder for IV frames other than 1? (I'm seeing if I can broaden my search.)
Just curious - when RNGing for the roamers, the house that I save in - does the PIDRNG still advance wildly while I'm in the house? Or, is it unchanging, so I can search in Time Finder for IV frames other than 1? (I'm seeing if I can broaden my search.)

It's unchanging, so you could walk 128*x steps if you wanted. Just be warned that once you're in there, you can't change the # of pokemon you have. It would be better to bring say 2~3 instead of 5~6 because you can hit more frames that way.