Heya, I need some help with egg RNG. I can't seem to hit my seed and I can't figure out why. I followed the instructions on part 5 of Smogon's guide, the egg section on Titan's guide, and watched im a blisy's video multiple times to try to troubleshoot and I'm completely stumped. I'm a complete beginner, but I previously managed to get a 6IV shiny Axew using the same 2DS and game (White) by following those tutorials. It seems like it just decided to stop working.
I'm trying to get a modest 31/0/31/31/31/31 Larvesta using a perfect Ditto mother and a mediocre Larvesta father, neither has the nature I want so no everstone. I also make sure to boot the game 8 seconds before the target time. I tried several different seeds, but the result is always the same, the Chatot pitches never match the seed I chose and if I hatch the egg, the nature, characteristic and gender combination never matches any of the results either, in fact, I never got the same Chatot pitches twice, so I'm not even consistently hitting the wrong seed. I also tried catching a wild Pokemon to check its IVs for the adjacent seed tool and got no matches, but I'm still not sure what that means. Lastly I tried RNGing a wild swarm Pokemon to test if it was something wrong with my timing and I got it first try so no idea why the eggs don't work. It feels like hitting my head against a wall at this point.