5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

does the game save after an IR trade is completed?
Couldn't tell you for sure because I didn't test it and and don't remember, but I would be very surprised if it didn't. Every other game has done that and the ramifications otherwise are too big. If this is BW2, then you could have done spinner calibration, which does require a save but not IVs. I misread your original message and thought it was shiny, so your SID is irrelevant here. We'll never know for sure.

Im a bit clueless as to why I’m unable to successfully rng my first Pokémon. I’m trying hidden grotto abuse and thanks to your tips and a few guides I had hoped I understood how it works… but apparently not. I’ll list what I did:

0) Calibrate 3ds parameters, check a few recent hidden grottos, check daycare
1) clear item/Pokémon inside said grotto, put max repel on, save
2) search seed in PokeFinder, set 3ds to that time
3) use needle calibration method to verify that I am able to hit that exact seed
4) set the correct time again, start game, find no Pokémon inside grotto after 256 steps and leaving/reentering grotto

I repeated step 4 a lot to rule out that I just got lucky on first try of step 3.
Can anyone spot the mistake? I’m on a New Nintendo 3ds XL, Game in German language… Help is much appreciated!

Kind regards
Few final things I would suggest: check all the grottos since if your assumption is wrong, this'll never work, try a different seed, make sure you aren't turning on cgear, and exit the grotto after clearing it then go back in and save (double check it's still empty). I've never heard anyone suggest the last thing, but hey it's something different you haven't seemed to have tried. Timer0 is always an option, but I don't spot anything blatantly wrong with your process.
Hey yall! Im trying to calibrate my ds with pprng and keep facing an issue where pprng is not saving the entirety of my MAC address? It's saving all of the other needed information like TID fine, it just refuses to save the last two digits of my MAC address.

I'm trying to manip gen 5 on a 3DS, mac address is E0-0C-7F-23-CD-D9 and im using pprng 1.15.1 on a macbook.
This is my first time ever doing this and i'm not very tech literate so i'm trying my best but I have no idea what the issue is here. All the information is fine except for the 'D9'. Tried posting this elsewhere to no reply so i'll take literally any advice.
Hey yall! Im trying to calibrate my ds with pprng and keep facing an issue where pprng is not saving the entirety of my MAC address? It's saving all of the other needed information like TID fine, it just refuses to save the last two digits of my MAC address.

I'm trying to manip gen 5 on a 3DS, mac address is E0-0C-7F-23-CD-D9 and im using pprng 1.15.1 on a macbook.
This is my first time ever doing this and i'm not very tech literate so i'm trying my best but I have no idea what the issue is here. All the information is fine except for the 'D9'. Tried posting this elsewhere to no reply so i'll take literally any advice.
Full disclosure I don't have a mac, but this sounds like a bug, my guess is related to the new architecture migration. I'm not sure if you can try a different version of PPRNG, but worth a shot if you can. Alternatively, you can try Pokefinder, which is a cross-platform tool still being developed. It may not have all of the features of PPRNG yet (or it might, idk where development is at) but it should allow you to get further than where you are now at least. Both RNG Reporter and PPRNG have stopped development and were "replaced" with pokefinder a few years back.
Full disclosure I don't have a mac, but this sounds like a bug, my guess is related to the new architecture migration. I'm not sure if you can try a different version of PPRNG, but worth a shot if you can. Alternatively, you can try Pokefinder, which is a cross-platform tool still being developed. It may not have all of the features of PPRNG yet (or it might, idk where development is at) but it should allow you to get further than where you are now at least. Both RNG Reporter and PPRNG have stopped development and were "replaced" with pokefinder a few years back.

Gotcha, that would make sense as i had to go through a lot to find a version past 1.15. Thought Pokefinder didnt work because i could only find links to a download that only worked for gen 3&4 but the one you sent has gen 5 stuff. Doesnt seem like pokefinder has been updated to have everything i need since theres no wild option, but its definitely better than not being able to do anything at all lol. Thankyou so much for the link !
Alright, I seem to have finally calibrated properly, but something's kind of off about the resulting mon...

  • RNG Reporter 9.96
  • Larvesta egg from Route 18, Black Version (U)
  • Target seed: C33AD4357525C077 (06/25/18 11:17:16) - 31/8/31/31/31/31; Initial frame: 40; target frame 49 (Timid M: 50%)
  • Delay: 1 second, DS Lite; MAC: 001B7A6EFEF8, Timer0: C7C
  • Seed verified using DS clock from main menu boot
  • Result:
    • x/31/31/31/31/x Larvesta, Quiet, Serious; Capable of taking hits (M: 50%). Result was only raised to about Lv10 to get an IV estimate, but it doesn't seem likely that any more Rare Candies would produce an appropriately high Speed or HP IV (they're both under 15)
    • I don't have access to a Chatter mon, frames were advanced using Save
    • There's a wandering NPC inside the building. I'm not sure just bad the irregular frame advances have to be considering PIDRNG suggests the first Serious result is well in the 300s...
    • First two Quiet results based on a quick search: frames 69 and 75
Alright, I seem to have finally calibrated properly, but something's kind of off about the resulting mon...

  • RNG Reporter 9.96
  • Larvesta egg from Route 18, Black Version (U)
  • Target seed: C33AD4357525C077 (06/25/18 11:17:16) - 31/8/31/31/31/31; Initial frame: 40; target frame 49 (Timid M: 50%)
  • Delay: 1 second, DS Lite; MAC: 001B7A6EFEF8, Timer0: C7C
  • Seed verified using DS clock from main menu boot
  • Result:
    • x/31/31/31/31/x Larvesta, Quiet, Serious; Capable of taking hits (M: 50%). Result was only raised to about Lv10 to get an IV estimate, but it doesn't seem likely that any more Rare Candies would produce an appropriately high Speed or HP IV (they're both under 15)
    • I don't have access to a Chatter mon, frames were advanced using Save
    • There's a wandering NPC inside the building. I'm not sure just bad the irregular frame advances have to be considering PIDRNG suggests the first Serious result is well in the 300s...
    • First two Quiet results based on a quick search: frames 69 and 75
A few suggestions
  • Make sure you use the "Larvesta Egg" encounter type in the main window and time finder. You may be already, but just throwing it out there.
  • The Larvesta egg starts on IV frame 2, not 1. This is consistent with hitting your seed but taking the IVs from frame 2 (IV frame 2 has 8/31/31/31/31/8 IVs). You'll have to redo the search but enter a min/max frame of 2 in the Time Finder. I don't think the RNGR takes this into account even when using the right encounter method.
  • I don't see where any of the mentioned frames match the given seed. I'm seeing a starting and target frame of 47, which most likely wouldn't work here anyway since you have WNPCs.
  • There are a Serious and Quiet frame with that characteristic and gender on frames 60 and 65, respectively, which is reasonable.
Hopefully that should give you a starting point to fixing it.
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A few suggestions
  • The Larvesta egg starts on IV frame 2, not 1. This is consistent with hitting your seed but taking the IVs from frame 2 (IV frame 2 has 8/31/31/31/31/8 IVs). You'll have to redo the search but enter a min/max frame of 2 in the Time Finder. I don't think the RNGR takes this into account even when using the right encounter method.
  • I don't see where any of the mentioned frames match the given seed. I'm seeing a starting and target frame of 47, which most likely wouldn't work here anyway since you have WNPCs.
This was really helpful, thanks! I was googling a lot of tutorials about IV frames and was getting really conflicting information about how RNG Reporter accounts for different starting frames, and absolutely no one mentions the Larvesta egg besides Kaphotics on the first page of this thread.
Could I ask for what you did in RNGR to get that starting/target frame / nature lookup as well? Calculate Initial PIDRNG Frame returns 40 every time I hit the button and I'm not sure if I missed some sort of profile or parameter field in the setup process.
This was really helpful, thanks! I was googling a lot of tutorials about IV frames and was getting really conflicting information about how RNG Reporter accounts for different starting frames, and absolutely no one mentions the Larvesta egg besides Kaphotics on the first page of this thread.
Could I ask for what you did in RNGR to get that starting/target frame / nature lookup as well? Calculate Initial PIDRNG Frame returns 40 every time I hit the button and I'm not sure if I missed some sort of profile or parameter field in the setup process.
No problem!

Sure, here's a picture of my setup
Steps were: select Method > select Encounter Type > paste seed > click Calculate Initial PIDRNG Frame button > Generate. To get the characteristics, right click on the outputted frames > click Display Characteristics in Search > click Get IVs from IVRNG (Frame 2) > click OK

My guess is you're hitting the calc initial frame button before pasting the seed, which calcs it for seed 0 (and is 40). Setting filters in the top right and then clicking Generate again will allow you to filter the frames for a specific gender/nature
Heya, I need some help with egg RNG. I can't seem to hit my seed and I can't figure out why. I followed the instructions on part 5 of Smogon's guide, the egg section on Titan's guide, and watched im a blisy's video multiple times to try to troubleshoot and I'm completely stumped. I'm a complete beginner, but I previously managed to get a 6IV shiny Axew using the same 2DS and game (White) by following those tutorials. It seems like it just decided to stop working.

I'm trying to get a modest 31/0/31/31/31/31 Larvesta using a perfect Ditto mother and a mediocre Larvesta father, neither has the nature I want so no everstone. I also make sure to boot the game 8 seconds before the target time. I tried several different seeds, but the result is always the same, the Chatot pitches never match the seed I chose and if I hatch the egg, the nature, characteristic and gender combination never matches any of the results either, in fact, I never got the same Chatot pitches twice, so I'm not even consistently hitting the wrong seed. I also tried catching a wild Pokemon to check its IVs for the adjacent seed tool and got no matches, but I'm still not sure what that means. Lastly I tried RNGing a wild swarm Pokemon to test if it was something wrong with my timing and I got it first try so no idea why the eggs don't work. It feels like hitting my head against a wall at this point.
Heya, I need some help with egg RNG. I can't seem to hit my seed and I can't figure out why. I followed the instructions on part 5 of Smogon's guide, the egg section on Titan's guide, and watched im a blisy's video multiple times to try to troubleshoot and I'm completely stumped. I'm a complete beginner, but I previously managed to get a 6IV shiny Axew using the same 2DS and game (White) by following those tutorials. It seems like it just decided to stop working.

I'm trying to get a modest 31/0/31/31/31/31 Larvesta using a perfect Ditto mother and a mediocre Larvesta father, neither has the nature I want so no everstone. I also make sure to boot the game 8 seconds before the target time. I tried several different seeds, but the result is always the same, the Chatot pitches never match the seed I chose and if I hatch the egg, the nature, characteristic and gender combination never matches any of the results either, in fact, I never got the same Chatot pitches twice, so I'm not even consistently hitting the wrong seed. I also tried catching a wild Pokemon to check its IVs for the adjacent seed tool and got no matches, but I'm still not sure what that means. Lastly I tried RNGing a wild swarm Pokemon to test if it was something wrong with my timing and I got it first try so no idea why the eggs don't work. It feels like hitting my head against a wall at this point.

Have you tested with other seeds? Or have the random NPCs shifted your starting frame? The Day Care does have spinner NPCs which can alter the initial frame you start chatots on, so make sure you go very quickly into it.

Have you checked if you hit the seed by grabbing and hatching the egg? Try again for it and see if it matches a frame (Test to see where the 31s are at the IV judge and note nature and gender).

If you consistently miss the seed, then search for a new one.
Have you tested with other seeds? Or have the random NPCs shifted your starting frame? The Day Care does have spinner NPCs which can alter the initial frame you start chatots on, so make sure you go very quickly into it.

Have you checked if you hit the seed by grabbing and hatching the egg? Try again for it and see if it matches a frame (Test to see where the 31s are at the IV judge and note nature and gender).

If you consistently miss the seed, then search for a new one.

I've tried about 4 seeds with the same results, I try each seed about 3 to 4 times before moving to another one. Also I always look at the first 10 frames on RNG Reporter's main window for the Chatots. When I inevitably find a mismatch between the Chatot pitches and RNG Reporter, I get the egg, hatch it, and don't see its info anywhere on the nearby frames.

I'm trying it right now to give a more concrete example:
  1. I choose a new seed, the spread I want is on frame 78. The starting frame is 44.
  2. I bring up the menu as fast as I can and hear the first three Chatot pitches, they seem to go mid > mid-high > high.
  3. On RNG Reporter, the only nearby match is frames 55 to 57, which go low > mid-high > high. I follow this one.
  4. On frame 61, RNG Reporter tells me the pitch should be high, but it's low instead.
  5. As there's a mismatch, I have no idea what frame I'm on and just take the egg to check what I hit.
  6. I get a male brave Larvesta with likes to thrash about as its characteristic.
  7. The closest Larvesta with this combination is on frame 152, which I was clearly nowhere near.
And this has happened every single time I tried RNGing a Larvesta. Any idea why this might be happening? From this experiment it seems I'm missing the seed, but I don't understand why.
Few things to check/try:
  • Are you using foreign parents?
  • Are your windows setup correctly? If you can, you can upload a screenshot of your windows.
  • You can narrow it down further by using the IV judge in Nimbasa if you're that far.
  • Make sure your parents aren't holding a power item or smth that may throw off the results.
  • Use one of the seeds you want to use for breeding and try a wild encounter or some other RNG you're comfortable with so you can see what seed(s) you're hitting (you may have already done this).
  • If you can provide the seed, parameters, target frame, and results you got, another pair of eyes might be able to help you find it.
Few things to check/try:
  • Are you using foreign parents?
  • Are your windows setup correctly? If you can, you can upload a screenshot of your windows.
  • You can narrow it down further by using the IV judge in Nimbasa if you're that far.
  • Make sure your parents aren't holding a power item or smth that may throw off the results.
  • Use one of the seeds you want to use for breeding and try a wild encounter or some other RNG you're comfortable with so you can see what seed(s) you're hitting (you may have already done this).
  • If you can provide the seed, parameters, target frame, and results you got, another pair of eyes might be able to help you find it.
The parents are both my ID and not holding items. I've also checked IVs using the battle institute to raise the hatched eggs to level 50.

I kid you not, I was setting up the same seed I tried in my previous post to show everything when the Chatot pitches matched and I got the egg I wanted. I tried going for a shiny Larvesta using the newly hatched egg as a parent to see if the problem reappeared and got it on the second try as well. However, on my first try the Chatots didn't match so I flew to victory Road and caught a Pokemon right after taking the egg and its IV spread didn't show up on the adjacent seed tool.
I'm not really sure why it worked twice in three attempts when I've been struggling with this for the past week but I'm glad I finally got it.
The parents are both my ID and not holding items. I've also checked IVs using the battle institute to raise the hatched eggs to level 50.

I kid you not, I was setting up the same seed I tried in my previous post to show everything when the Chatot pitches matched and I got the egg I wanted. I tried going for a shiny Larvesta using the newly hatched egg as a parent to see if the problem reappeared and got it on the second try as well. However, on my first try the Chatots didn't match so I flew to victory Road and caught a Pokemon right after taking the egg and its IV spread didn't show up on the adjacent seed tool.
I'm not really sure why it worked twice in three attempts when I've been struggling with this for the past week but I'm glad I finally got it.
Guess my username rubbed off a bit, only logical explanation. Grats!

As for the adjacent seed tool not matching, I never really used that back in the day so I don't recall if there's some bug with the display. If a parameter other than the Timer0 is fluctuating as well (which iirc does happen sometimes with people on 2/3ds), that may explain where there isn't a match since it only searches over the range of Timer0.
currently trying to rng thundurus in white (legit cart, timer0 c7f) and running into a bit of bother. using seed FB5BC0514F34E8B3 (30/31/30/31/31/31 with shiny frame at 816), but stopping chatots on frame 326 has only ever yielded 2 before target (rash, mischievous) and stopping on 327 -> 2 after target (careful, mischievous). because the cutscene's weird, i've also not had luck with trying to force advancements by eg. sitting on the text box for an extra 1.5 secs. i read something in the OP about the PIDRNG frames sometimes being sticky; should i keep just brute-forcing in the hopes they unstick, or is there something else i can do?

edit: i was just in the wrong place, got the thundurus by stopping on frame 410. question still stands though; is there any reason why mine was acting such a bastard?
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i read something in the OP about the PIDRNG frames sometimes being sticky; should i keep just brute-forcing in the hopes they unstick, or is there something else i can do?

edit: i was just in the wrong place, got the thundurus by stopping on frame 410. question still stands though; is there any reason why mine was acting such a bastard?
I don't know the exact mechanics, but from what I recall from when I did it years ago, the advancements are odd here. It seems to consistently gravitate toward certain frames, which basically means that some frames aren't hittable, and doing more Chatot calls might end up landing you on an earlier frame (or vice versa). You really have to just guess-and-check and hope you can hit your target. If you can't, you will probably have to find another seed/frame. This is a very annoying RNG, and it's why people tend to RNG their IDs to make a frame they know they can hit shiny rather than the guess-and-check approach you had no choice but to use.
I want to RNG Kyogre and Groudon on Emerald. Since I have to beat the Elite 4 to find them, does the seed reroll?

The game soft-resets after defeating the Elite 4, so yes, it rerolls. It'd be best for you to hunt your seed after that instead by extension.
EDIT: I got it.
... I had a White profile, thats why it did first not work. I got a correct profile and tried a few times, then it worked, yay.

Hi guys,
I am trying to RNG the dragonite in the hidden grotto. I already have it there and try to get it with perfect IVs.
I tried different seeds and different offsets of starting my game (like 1 or 2 seconds before the time), which usually worked when RNGing other stuff. Here, however I was not able to get perfect IVs once.
These are my timefinder settings:


And here RNG reporter:


I did not advance frames with Chatots, but immediately talked to Dragonite, because frame 48 is adamant as desired and I start with frame 47. Does this make sense?
Maybe I can reduce the problem to this single question: If I hit the right time, would I see a perfect IVs Dragonite on all frames?

(I feel like PIDRNG may have to do with my problem... I followed blisy, and in his guide in timefinder there is "IVs (Standard Seed)" and in RNG reporter there is "Gen 5 PIDRNG" selected. Should this maybe be changed?)

Any help highly appreciated!

I made 4 new profiles for B2 and for each one tried a seed multiple times. But no luck.
It is the first time I RNG on BW2. I RNGd on White before (and HGSS). Do I have to create a new profile for BW2? Because in the profile.xml it says "<Version>White</Version>"
May this be the problem? I did not assume that I had to make a new profile since it worked on HGSS with the same profile. But having 'White' explicitly stated in the profile makes me wonder.


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