name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Quick Attack
item: Charcoal
ability: Blaze
nature: Hasty
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Quilava's combination of good Speed and Special attack allows it to function as a strong wallbreaker, and its STAB Fire Blast threatens special walls such as Gloom and Dustox. Charcoal allows Quilava to secure an OHKO to physically defensive Tropius and Salac Berry Anorith with Overheat. Overheat also allows Quilava to secure an OHKO on Castform once it gets down to Blaze range. Quick Attack helps to pick off Abra and weakened faster attackers. Hidden Power Grass is Quilava's best attack against Rock-types as it helps shred Corsola, Onix, and Rhyhorn that would otherwise switch into Quilava's Fire-type attacks. If Quilava gets down to Blaze range, it can OHKO Pokemon such as Flaaffy and specially defensive Gloom. Quilava can use Charcoal to secure an OHKO on Mightyena with Fire Blast and Castform with Overheat when it is in Blaze range. Quilava's Hasty nature preserves power on Quick Attack while guaranteeing Blaze range after a Tropius Earthquake.
Quilava fits best on offense teams that require a special wallbreaker. Other special attackers such as Abra and Staryu benefit from Quilava as it is able to chip special walls like Delcatty and Porygon, helping clean them off. Quilava finds difficulty breaking down Ponyta, so physical walls such as Lileep and Wartortle are appreciated by Quilava as they can withstand Double-Edge. Quilava appreciates physical attackers such as Aipom and Anorith threaten special walls like Noctowl and Tentacool, allowing it to clean through the rest of the team. Electric-types such as Elekid and Voltorb complement Quilava since they can repel the water-types that harm it, while Quilava is capable of handling Grass-types. Gloom makes for an excellent teammate to Quilava, as it can stomach hits from Water-types like Staryu and Wartortle and threaten them out with Hidden Power Grass. Gloom can also use Stun Spore to debilitate faster Pokemon such as Aipom and Volbeat, allowing Quilava to eliminate them safely. Quilava is also vulernable to status from Pokemon such as Drowzee and Porygon, so clerics like Flaaffy and Mightyena are appreciated. Salac Berry sweepers such as Anorith and Beedrill appreciate Quilava being able to weaken physical walls like Koffing and Onix.
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name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Quick Attack
item: Charcoal
ability: Blaze
nature: Hasty
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Quilava's combination of good Speed and Special attack allows it to function as a strong wallbreaker, and its STAB Fire Blast threatens special walls such as Gloom and Dustox. Charcoal allows Quilava to secure an OHKO to physically defensive Tropius and Salac Berry Anorith with Overheat. Overheat also allows Quilava to secure an OHKO on Castform once it gets down to Blaze range. Quick Attack helps to pick off Abra and weakened faster attackers. Hidden Power Grass is Quilava's best attack against Rock-types as it helps shred Corsola, Onix, and Rhyhorn that would otherwise switch into Quilava's Fire-type attacks. If Quilava gets down to Blaze range, it can OHKO Pokemon such as Flaaffy and specially defensive Gloom. Quilava can use Charcoal to secure an OHKO on Mightyena with Fire Blast and Castform with Overheat when it is in Blaze range. Quilava's Hasty nature preserves power on Quick Attack while guaranteeing Blaze range after a Tropius Earthquake.
Quilava fits best on offense teams that require a special wallbreaker. Other special attackers such as Abra and Staryu benefit from Quilava as it is able to chip special walls like Delcatty and Porygon, helping clean them off. Quilava finds difficulty breaking down Ponyta, so physical walls such as Lileep and Wartortle are appreciated by Quilava as they can withstand Double-Edge. Quilava appreciates physical attackers such as Aipom and Anorith threaten special walls like Noctowl and Tentacool, allowing it to clean through the rest of the team. Electric-types such as Elekid and Voltorb complement Quilava since they can repel the water-types that harm it, while Quilava is capable of handling Grass-types. Gloom makes for an excellent teammate to Quilava, as it can stomach hits from Water-types like Staryu and Wartortle and threaten them out with Hidden Power Grass. Gloom can also use Stun Spore to debilitate faster Pokemon such as Aipom and Volbeat, allowing Quilava to eliminate them safely. Quilava is also vulernable to status from Pokemon such as Drowzee and Porygon, so clerics like Flaaffy and Mightyena are appreciated. Salac Berry sweepers such as Anorith and Beedrill appreciate Quilava being able to weaken physical walls like Koffing and Onix.
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