name: Choice Band
move 1: Hidden Power Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Recover / Toxic
item: Choice Band
ability: Hustle
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Due to the general lack of Pokemon that resist Rock-type moves and its access to Hustle, Corsola works well as a Choice Band user. Hidden Power Rock can be used with little to no drawbacks, as it OHKOes common checks to Corsola, such as Chinchou, and is favored to OHKO Flaaffy as well. Earthquake targets Pokemon that resist Rock-type moves such as Rhyhorn, Onix, and Magnemite. Additionally, it can 2HKO opposing Calm Mind Corsola, preventing it from setting up. Explosion can be used to gain momentum for offensive teams while also forcing an OHKO on a vast majority of the metagame, including bulky physical walls like Tropius and Mightyena. Even though Corsola hardly uses Recover or Toxic, since non-attacking moves are less than ideal, Recover can help maintain Corsola's longevity, allowing it to come in repeatedly on weaker attackers and heal up. Toxic is a niche option to prevent Corsola from being completely walled by Mightyena and physically defensive Lileep without having to use Explosion. Hustle is necessary for power, although it can hurt Corsola's consistency to perform this role. Corsola prefers maximum HP EVs to prevent it from being OHKOed by Chinchou.
Choice Band Corsola fits well on offensive teams as a solid wallbreaker. Special attackers such as Abra, Chinchou, Quilava, and Clamperl all appreciate Corsola removing or weakening their checks. Abra is worth mentioning, as its access to Encore provides Corsola with more opportunities to come in safely. Clamperl appreciates the free switch it has after Corsola has used Explosion. Corsola pairs well with other physical wallbreakers like Aipom, Doduo, Mightyena, and Volbeat, as they excel as secondary wallbreakers if Corsola misses due to Hustle. They also work well at breaking down teams with strong physically defensive cores that might have Pokemon like Mightyena, Wartortle, or Lileep. Salac Berry users, such as Beedrill and Anorith, appreciate Corsola, as it can wear down their physically defensive checks such as Koffing, Wartortle, and Corsola. Choice Band Corsola can also lure in and heavily damage typical checks to Calm Mind Corsola like Tropius and Chinchou, which the likes of Seaking and Tentacool appreciate. Corsola is very slow, increasing its susceptibility to revenge killers like Gloom and Flaafy, therefore, Porygon, Castform, and Dustox are good partners to stop them.
Other Options
Corsola has a small niche with access to Explosion, paired with a weather setting move or screens to support its teammates.
Checks and Counters
**Electric-types**: Flaaffy, Chinchou, and Magnemite all threaten Corsola with STAB-boosted Thunderbolt. However, all fail to 2HKO Corsola after it has used Calm Mind twice.
**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Gloom and Tropius are the two most common Grass-types that wall Corsola if it lacks Ice Beam. Lileep is worth mentioning, as it is bulky enough to avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Band Corsola but still crumbles to Explosion. Corsola needs to be wary of Hidden Power Grass users, like Ponyta, Noctowl, and Castform, who can pick it off if its HP is too low.
**Setup Sweepers**: Calm Mind Corsola is susceptible to being taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Beedrill, Tentacool, Gloom, and Tropius. Beedrill can comfortably use Swords Dance twice as Surf almost always 3HKOes, putting it in Swarm range and allowing it to OHKO Corsola. Tentacool can comfortably use Swords Dance 3 times and 2HKO it with Hidden Power Ground. If Corsola lacks Ice Beam, then Gloom and Tropius perform in much the same manner.
**Ground-types**: Cubone and Choice Band Rhyhorn can outspeed and threaten to OHKO Corsola.
**Status Users**: If Corsola lacks Natural Cure or Refresh, its offensive capabilities are reduced significantly by status users like Castform, Gloom, and Porygon. Toxic effectively targets every set, as it forces Corsola to use Explosion early and keeps Calm Mind Corsola from setting up. Thunder Wave and Stun Spore work in much the same vein and are particularly devastating for Hustle Corsola. Burns from Koffing greatly hinder Choice Band Corsola's role as a wallbreaker.
**Fighting-types and Fighting-type coverage**: Choice Band Meditite can OHKO Corsola with Brick Break. Other physical wallbreakers like Aipom, Mightyena, and Volbeat all can carry Fighting-type coverage moves to 2HKO Corsola.
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name: Choice Band
move 1: Hidden Power Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Recover / Toxic
item: Choice Band
ability: Hustle
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Due to the general lack of Pokemon that resist Rock-type moves and its access to Hustle, Corsola works well as a Choice Band user. Hidden Power Rock can be used with little to no drawbacks, as it OHKOes common checks to Corsola, such as Chinchou, and is favored to OHKO Flaaffy as well. Earthquake targets Pokemon that resist Rock-type moves such as Rhyhorn, Onix, and Magnemite. Additionally, it can 2HKO opposing Calm Mind Corsola, preventing it from setting up. Explosion can be used to gain momentum for offensive teams while also forcing an OHKO on a vast majority of the metagame, including bulky physical walls like Tropius and Mightyena. Even though Corsola hardly uses Recover or Toxic, since non-attacking moves are less than ideal, Recover can help maintain Corsola's longevity, allowing it to come in repeatedly on weaker attackers and heal up. Toxic is a niche option to prevent Corsola from being completely walled by Mightyena and physically defensive Lileep without having to use Explosion. Hustle is necessary for power, although it can hurt Corsola's consistency to perform this role. Corsola prefers maximum HP EVs to prevent it from being OHKOed by Chinchou.
Choice Band Corsola fits well on offensive teams as a solid wallbreaker. Special attackers such as Abra, Chinchou, Quilava, and Clamperl all appreciate Corsola removing or weakening their checks. Abra is worth mentioning, as its access to Encore provides Corsola with more opportunities to come in safely. Clamperl appreciates the free switch it has after Corsola has used Explosion. Corsola pairs well with other physical wallbreakers like Aipom, Doduo, Mightyena, and Volbeat, as they excel as secondary wallbreakers if Corsola misses due to Hustle. They also work well at breaking down teams with strong physically defensive cores that might have Pokemon like Mightyena, Wartortle, or Lileep. Salac Berry users, such as Beedrill and Anorith, appreciate Corsola, as it can wear down their physically defensive checks such as Koffing, Wartortle, and Corsola. Choice Band Corsola can also lure in and heavily damage typical checks to Calm Mind Corsola like Tropius and Chinchou, which the likes of Seaking and Tentacool appreciate. Corsola is very slow, increasing its susceptibility to revenge killers like Gloom and Flaafy, therefore, Porygon, Castform, and Dustox are good partners to stop them.
Other Options
Corsola has a small niche with access to Explosion, paired with a weather setting move or screens to support its teammates.
Checks and Counters
**Electric-types**: Flaaffy, Chinchou, and Magnemite all threaten Corsola with STAB-boosted Thunderbolt. However, all fail to 2HKO Corsola after it has used Calm Mind twice.
**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Gloom and Tropius are the two most common Grass-types that wall Corsola if it lacks Ice Beam. Lileep is worth mentioning, as it is bulky enough to avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Band Corsola but still crumbles to Explosion. Corsola needs to be wary of Hidden Power Grass users, like Ponyta, Noctowl, and Castform, who can pick it off if its HP is too low.
**Setup Sweepers**: Calm Mind Corsola is susceptible to being taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Beedrill, Tentacool, Gloom, and Tropius. Beedrill can comfortably use Swords Dance twice as Surf almost always 3HKOes, putting it in Swarm range and allowing it to OHKO Corsola. Tentacool can comfortably use Swords Dance 3 times and 2HKO it with Hidden Power Ground. If Corsola lacks Ice Beam, then Gloom and Tropius perform in much the same manner.
**Ground-types**: Cubone and Choice Band Rhyhorn can outspeed and threaten to OHKO Corsola.
**Status Users**: If Corsola lacks Natural Cure or Refresh, its offensive capabilities are reduced significantly by status users like Castform, Gloom, and Porygon. Toxic effectively targets every set, as it forces Corsola to use Explosion early and keeps Calm Mind Corsola from setting up. Thunder Wave and Stun Spore work in much the same vein and are particularly devastating for Hustle Corsola. Burns from Koffing greatly hinder Choice Band Corsola's role as a wallbreaker.
**Fighting-types and Fighting-type coverage**: Choice Band Meditite can OHKO Corsola with Brick Break. Other physical wallbreakers like Aipom, Mightyena, and Volbeat all can carry Fighting-type coverage moves to 2HKO Corsola.
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