Gen 3 ADV LC Analysis Project

Final slate is up for grabs! Like last time we will be limiting writers to one reservation at a time for this slate. Keen observers may notice that C rank Pokemon are missing from this list. This is because the Pokemon in C rank are so rarely used that I am not confident in their place in the metagame, making it difficult to write a proper analysis for them. These Pokemon may be available to write for in the future if they see more usage either in tournament or on a hypothetical ladder.

Available to anyone
:cacnea: Offensive Spikes - BlueWollyWog
:cacnea: Utility Spikes - BlueWollyWog
:larvitar: Dragon Dance - Bella
:pineco: Spikes - churine [DONE]
:ponyta: Sunny Day
:lileep: Defensive - reggg
:magnemite: Offensive Utility - teamo
:onix: All-Out Attacker
:snorunt: Spikes - grape tylenol
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Small update: after the current WIP analyses are finished, this project will be put on hold as the upcoming Thunder Wave suspect test may drastically affect the meta and thus render any works in progress irrelevant to the meta. Naturally, there are two outcomes to the suspect test. In the event that Thunder Wave remains unbanned, I will post a slate with the remaining Pokemon here when the suspect test concludes. In the event that Thunder Wave is banned, the project will likely remain on hold for a while to allow the new metagame to settle before C&C work is started again.
Thunder Wave has been banned from ADV LC! This unfortunately comes with some bad news for the ADV LC analysis project. Before we get into that though, I'd like to highlight that we were able to put out nineteen full length analyses for ADV LC over the course of this project! I'd like to thank everyone involved for contributing and I hope that the analyses were helpful for anyone who read them!

Unfortunately with Thunder Wave banned most if not all of these analyses will now be irrelevant. For the time being, I will keep the analyses up as-is but add a disclaimer:
and will eventually archive* the analyses once they become completely irrelevant.
*If you're not familiar, archived analyses will no longer appear on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex but will still count for progress towards the Contributor badge.

So what about the future of the ADV LC analysis project? Well, the short answer is that there won't be one. Instead, we will be reverting to having ADV LC council maintaining sample sets on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex instead of full analyses. To be blunt, the activity on the project was not sufficient enough for a rapidly developing meta game like ADV LC, made clear by the nine Pokemon that still don't have an analysis despite this project starting four months ago. While this is unfortunate for new players looking to get a better idea of what a Pokemon does in the meta game, it does come with the upside of allowing sets to be quickly and easily updated. Thank you again to everyone who contributed over the course of this project, and who knows? Maybe it can be revisited again in the future.
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