grape tylenol

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hosted by grape tylenol
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>> Check out ADV LC! <<
>> Check out ADV Ubers! <<​

Welcome to the ADV LC vs ADV Ubers crew battle thread! Following their victories in the ADV LC vs ADV ZU and ADV LC vs ADV RU crew battles, the Porygoners have done some restructuring in the off season and are ready to take on a new tier and new players. This will be a two week battle, with the first week being fought in ADV Ubers, and the second week being fought in ADV LC. The teams are The Porygoners (ADV LC) and The Latino Latios (ADV Ubers.) May the best tier win!

Week 1 - ADV Ubers
:porygon: The Porygoners (4) vs. (2) The Latino Latios:latios:
BlackKnight_Gawain vs. Lasen
vs. zf
tko vs. Taka
Shing vs. Ajencis
vs. Inspirited
aurora vs. Quinn

Week 2 - ADV LC
:porygon: The Porygoners (3) vs. (2) The Latino Latios:latios:
BlackKnight_Gawain vs. Taka
vs. Ajencis
tko vs. Quinn
Shing vs. Inspirited
reggg vs. zf
aurora vs. Lasen

  • General tournament rules and regulations apply.
  • This tournament will be 2 weeks long. All of the matches in the first week will be played in [Gen 3] Ubers. All of the matches in the second week will be played in [Gen 3] LC.
  • All matches will be best of one. If a tie occurs, the match will be replayed until a player wins.
  • The overall winner of the tournament will be the team with the most wins between the two weeks.
  • If a tiebreaker is necessary, the format will be decided by grape tylenol and Lasen.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or Smogtours.
  • Replays are mandatory for all matches played to promote metagame development and prevent disputes.
The deadline to complete matches for this week is Sunday, October 20th, at 10:00 PM GMT-4.
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RE: reggg vs zf
Neither player made a signifcant effort to schedule the match, so this will be ruled a dead game.

...and with that dead game, the Porygoners win week 2 and the crew battle! A bit of a disappointing ending after a potential for a Latino Latios comeback, but perhaps the next crew battle will have a more exciting outcome. Thank you to ADV Ubers for accepting the challenge!