ZU [ADV] Sunny Day Quilava [QC 1/2]

name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Ground
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Blaze
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Quilava is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate speed that can use Sunny Day to 2HKO special walls such as Porygon and Delcatty under sun. In addition to helping Quilava's teammates such as Gloom and Tropius, Sunny Day deters potential Water-type checks like Clamperl and Chinchou by reducing the damage of Water-type moves. Substitute allows Quilava to safely get itself into Petaya Berry range and block potential status from Castform and Drowzee that may weaken Quilava. Quilava can also safely get into Blaze range with Substitute. Hidden Power Ground is used to threaten a 2HKO against Ponyta, and a 3HKO against standard Tentacool, two Pokemon that would otherwise check Quilava. When Quilava is reduced to Petaya Berry and Blaze range, it can use sun-boosted Fire Blast to OHKO physically defensive Lileep and Rhyhorn. Fire Blast also provides a 68.8% chance to OHKO specially defensive Delcatty. Naive nature is preferred over Hasty as it makes it more difficult for Quick Attack users such as Doduo and opposing Quilava to pick it off.

Sunny Day Quilava fits well on sun and offense teams, functioning as a powerful wallbreaker. Chlorophyll users like Gloom, Sunflora, Tropius, and Weepinbell can benefit from Quilava setting up sun. Quilava is also able to break through checks to Grass-types such as opposing Gloom and Sunflora, which can allow its teammates to clean. Bulky Water-types such as Corsola and Wartortle wall this set, so Pokemon such as Gloom and Sunflora are able to pick off bulky Water-types for Quilava. Each Chlorophyll user can set up Sunny Day, powering up Fire Blast and reducing the need for it to set up sun for itself, as it is somewhat frail. Quilava values paralysis spreaders like Castform and Porygon hindering opposing Chlorophyll threats as well as faster Pokemon like Ponyta and Volbeat. Physical wallbreakers such as Anorith, Cubone, and Choice Band Seaking are appreciated by Quilava, as they help break special walls like Drowzee, Porygon, and Noctowl. Pokemon such as Onix and Koffing are capable of dealing with faster threats like Aipom for Quilava and its Chlorophyll partners if sun isn't up, and they can set sun for it as well.

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This is a great start! Please @ me once you've implemented this so I can recheck it before proceeding with a QC
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name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Blaze
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Paragraph 1: (Quilava itself is using sun to wallbreak, so mention that first and foremost before discussing how Sunny Day is supporting anything else) Quilava is a reliable Sunny Day user because it is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate Speed to abuse its special attack and great Special Pttack. In addition to helping Quilava's teammates, Sunny Day deters potential Water-type checks mention some by reducing their damage output (if you're going to bring this up, I recommend being specific about Water-type moves being hindered). Combining Sunny Day with Fire Blast can make switching into Quilava extremely challenging (Add some examples of Pokemon that can no longer switch into Quilava in sun). Substitute allows Quilava to safely get itself into Petaya Berry range and block potential status (Mention status users like Porygon that would try to status Quilava) that may weaken Quilava (Add a Blaze mention here). Hidden Power Ground threatens to 2HKO Ponyta, and it has a 91.4% chance to 2HKO Chinchou after Leftovers, two Pokemon that would otherwise check Quilava (Add Tentacool before Chinchou, bc Quil needs 2 of sun/Blaze/Petaya before Fire Blast 2HKOs it. I'd emphasize Ponyta as the biggest threat here with its Fire immunity, as Quil can OHKO Chinchou at +1 in Blaze). Hidden Power Ground is used to threaten a 2HKO with Ponyta, and allow a 91.4% chance to 2HKO Chinchou after Leftovers, two Pokemon that would otherwise check Quilava (RP) When Quilava is reduced to Petaya Berry range, it can use sun-boosted Fire Blast to OHKO physically defensive Lileep and Rhyhorn. Fire Blast also provides a 68.8% chance to OHKO specially defensive Delcatty. (Mention how Quilava also uses Blaze to wallbreak and beat Rock-types on top of the Petaya Berry + sun, and it's also using Substitute to get into range of it. This is a smaller point, but I recommend adding why a Naive nature is used over Hasty.)

This analysis is about this Quilava set, so while you can discuss sun teams in detail, make sure to keep the focus on Quilava and how it interacts with its teammates.)

Paragraph 2:
Sunny Day Quilava fits best well on sun and offense teams centered around Sunny Day as a powerful wallbreaker. Chlorophyll users like Gloom, Sunflora, Tropius, and Weepinbell can benefit from Quilava setting up sun (Mention how these Pokemon can sweep because of Quilava wallbreaking how they help it against bulky waters in return, especially since Corsola is a common threat and totally walls this set). Each Chlorophyll user can set up Sunny Day, reducing the need for Quilava to switch-in switch in multiple times to set up, and allowing it to abuse the sun with Fire Blast (Reword this section to add how Quilava is benefitting from the sun after its teammate has likely gone down rather than switching into any attack on its own, as it lacks the bulk to really do that effectively, esp on offense). Quilava values paralysis spreaders like Castform and Porygon because they can immobilize hindering opposing Chlorophyll threats as well as faster Pokemon like Ponyta and Volbeat. On semi-sun teams, physical Physical wallbreakers such as Anorith, Cubone, and Choice Band Seaking are appreciated by Quilava as they help break special walls like Drowzee, Porygon, and Noctowl. Sun teams may struggle with faster threats when the sun isn't activated (RSC) Pokemon such as Onix and Nosepass Koffing are capable of dealing with Aipom and Doduo, while other bulky Pokemon such as Koffing faster threats like Aipom for Quilava and Volbeat can be used to check wallbreakers like Anorith its Chlorophyll partners if sun isn't up, (AC) and Cubone while maintaining momentum they can set sun for the team it as well (Volbeat can be OHKOed by D-Edge and doesn't OHKO Cubone back if it tries to switch in, and it only ties Aipom).

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Good work, QC 1/2 when implemented
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name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Blaze
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Quilava is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate Speed that can take advantage of use Sunny Day to destroy special walls (mention a few). Quilava is a reliable Sunny Day user because it is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate Speed to abuse its Special Attack. In addition to helping Quilava's teammates (mention a few), Sunny Day deters potential Water-type checks like Clamperl and Chinchou by reducing their damage output (just info and it only applies to their Water-type moves). Combining Sunny Day with Fire Blast can make switching into Quilava extremely challenging, with Pokemon such as Porygon and Delcatty vulnerable to a 2HKO under sun (you could move this up to the first line as the examples). Substitute allows Quilava to safely get itself into Petaya Berry range and block potential status from Castform and Drowzee that may weaken Quilava. Quilava can also safely gets get into Blaze range thanks to its synergy with Substitute. Hidden Power Ground is used to threaten a 2HKO against Ponyta, and a 3HKO against standard Tentacool, two Pokemon that would otherwise check Quilava. When Quilava is reduced to Petaya Berry and Blaze range, it can use sun-boosted Fire Blast to OHKO physically defensive Lileep and Rhyhorn. Fire Blast also provides a 68.8% chance to OHKO specially defensive Delcatty. Naive nature is preferred over Hasty as it makes it more difficult for Quick Attack users such as Doduo and opposing Quilava to pick it off.

Sunny Day Quilava fits well on sun and offense teams, functioning as a powerful wallbreaker. Chlorophyll users like Gloom, Sunflora, Tropius, and Weepinbell can benefit from Quilava setting up sun. Quilava is also able to break through checks to Grass-types (mention some), (AC) which would can allow them to clean. Pokemon Bulky Water-types such as Corsola and Wartortle wall this set, so Pokemon such as Gloom and Sunflora are able to pick off bulky Water-types for Quilava. Each Chlorophyll user can set up Sunny Day, benefitting Quilava by allowing it to freely abuse the sun with powering up Fire Blast and reducing the need for Quilava it to switch in multiple times set up sun for itself, as it is somewhat frail. Quilava values paralysis spreaders like Castform and Porygon hindering opposing Chlorophyll threats as well as faster Pokemon like Ponyta and Volbeat. Physical wallbreakers such as Anorith, Cubone, and Choice Band Seaking are appreciated by Quilava, (AC) as they help break special walls like Drowzee, Porygon, and Noctowl. Pokemon such as Onix and Koffing are capable of dealing with faster threats like Aipom for Quilava and its Chlorophyll partners if sun isn't up, and they can set sun for it as well.

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Good work, QC 1/2 when implemented
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name: Sunny Day
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Blaze
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Quilava is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate Speed that can take advantage of use Sunny Day to destroy special walls (mention a few). Quilava is a reliable Sunny Day user because it is a powerful wallbreaker with adequate Speed to abuse its Special Attack. In addition to helping Quilava's teammates (mention a few), Sunny Day deters potential Water-type checks like Clamperl and Chinchou by reducing their damage output (just info and it only applies to their Water-type moves). Combining Sunny Day with Fire Blast can make switching into Quilava extremely challenging, with Pokemon such as Porygon and Delcatty vulnerable to a 2HKO under sun (you could move this up to the first line as the examples). Substitute allows Quilava to safely get itself into Petaya Berry range and block potential status from Castform and Drowzee that may weaken Quilava. Quilava can also safely gets get into Blaze range thanks to its synergy with Substitute. Hidden Power Ground is used to threaten a 2HKO against Ponyta, and a 3HKO against standard Tentacool, two Pokemon that would otherwise check Quilava. When Quilava is reduced to Petaya Berry and Blaze range, it can use sun-boosted Fire Blast to OHKO physically defensive Lileep and Rhyhorn. Fire Blast also provides a 68.8% chance to OHKO specially defensive Delcatty. Naive nature is preferred over Hasty as it makes it more difficult for Quick Attack users such as Doduo and opposing Quilava to pick it off.

Sunny Day Quilava fits well on sun and offense teams, functioning as a powerful wallbreaker. Chlorophyll users like Gloom, Sunflora, Tropius, and Weepinbell can benefit from Quilava setting up sun. Quilava is also able to break through checks to Grass-types (mention some), (AC) which would can allow them to clean. Pokemon Bulky Water-types such as Corsola and Wartortle wall this set, so Pokemon such as Gloom and Sunflora are able to pick off bulky Water-types for Quilava. Each Chlorophyll user can set up Sunny Day, benefitting Quilava by allowing it to freely abuse the sun with powering up Fire Blast and reducing the need for Quilava it to switch in multiple times set up sun for itself, as it is somewhat frail. Quilava values paralysis spreaders like Castform and Porygon hindering opposing Chlorophyll threats as well as faster Pokemon like Ponyta and Volbeat. Physical wallbreakers such as Anorith, Cubone, and Choice Band Seaking are appreciated by Quilava, (AC) as they help break special walls like Drowzee, Porygon, and Noctowl. Pokemon such as Onix and Koffing are capable of dealing with faster threats like Aipom for Quilava and its Chlorophyll partners if sun isn't up, and they can set sun for it as well.

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Appreciate the work from you Miss, implemented and ready for QC2!