I glanced over the PRs and I think I would mainly just add in the new additions without drastically affecting the rest since, while I have a different opinion on some things, I don't think too many things drastically shifted in viability with the exception of a few. So rather than do a complete VR, I'll just note what changes I would make:

Arcanine: NEW -> S Rank: Arcanine is fairly meta defining imo, tho not as much as Kang. I would rank it higher than all the other S ranks personally and sit right below Kang, but just including it amongst S is fine.

Haunter: NEW -> A+ Rank: Haunter is very very good, and has really helped decentralize the Kang meta with its introduction (Kang is still top, but not what it used to be).

Ninjask: NEW -> B- Rank: Ninjask is a bit underrated imo - it is one of the few things to revenge Scyther, outspeeds most weather nonsense, and can be a dangerous SD Sweeper to clean a weakened team late game with Spikes. It is still a bit niche, but better than a lot of the stuff below B-

Pikachu: NEW -> C+ Rank: There are two types of people in this world. Those that use Raichu and those that use Light Ball Pikachu. I am part of the latter, and believe the Pika deserves a slightly higher slot.

Metang: NEW -> C Rank: I'm sorry but I really just don't think this mon is good. It can be somewhat useful vs non-EQ Kangs I guess but I really feel you always have a better option than running this thing. Maybe if Kadabra was freed this would get more mileage. Until then I'd get much more use out of Golem most situations than Metang.

Glalie: A+ Rank -> B Rank: The Glalie HO era ended when Arcanine entered the tier. It's still useable for sure but it will never have the same impact it used to have with the loss of Brightpowder and Arcanine being on most teams now, even as a lead. Qwilfish generally outclasses Glalie now in most lead HO situations.

Qwilfish: B+ Rank -> A- Rank: Not that big of a change, but I feel it's an important one. Qwilfish is the dominant HO Spike setter now with Glalie falling, as noted above. And you can even use Qwil spikes on a non-HO sort of.

Vileplume: S- Rank -> A Rank: Vileplume is still great, but the new additions have not been kind to it. I have yet to see the SD set sweep a team since the new meta started, and the support set has to be careful to never double into an Arcanine. The Sun set can still be ok too, provided you're not setting it up with an Arcanine still at full health. It's still a useful, versatile mon, but not nearly as tier defining as it used to be, and generally Ampharos works better in the support role.

Ampharos: S- Rank -> S Rank: Ampharos should join its brethren in the S Ranks as it's the clear dominant support option on most teams. You need a specific reason as to why you are using a different Heal Beller besides Ampharos, and while those reasons do exist, Ampharos is always first option.

Gligar: S-Rank -> A+ Rank: It hasn't changed much at all, but it's been harder to keep pace with a faster paced meta, and being KOd by Arcanine with minimal chip (FBlast does 88-102) really hurts it. It also loses the 1v1 vs. Ampharos which is sad. It can still sweep late game and can help check Scyther but it just isn't the same Gligar we've known in the past.

Walrein: S- Rank -> A+ Rank: You would think Walrein got better with the Arcanine meta, and yet it seems to actually get less use than before. This could be for a number of different reasons, including Ampharos skyrocketing in usage and Kang still able to switch in freely most of the time. It could probably stay S- Rank, but since I moved all the other S- ranks elsewhere I think we can just nuke that rank altogether.

Granbull: S- Rank -> A+ Rank: Granbull is just as good as it's always been. But I want to get rid of S- Rank, and can't justify ranking it alongside the other S Ranks.

Banette: B- Rank -> C Rank: I'd probably unrank it tbh, I don't see any reason to use this mon over Haunter or Sableye. But maybe there's still something of value there waiting to be explored.

Ninetales: C+ Rank -> UR: I don't see any reason to use this over Arcanine, like absolutely none. It gets Wisp I guess, but so does Haunter. It can counter an opposing Arcanine with its Flash Fire but so can another Arcanine with Flash Fire. It gets Hypnosis so you can spread the worst status in ADV UU. Just unrank this.

Magmar: C+ Rank -> C- Rank: The only reason to not unrank this is because it can still provide some coverage that Arcanine cannot if you happen to be needing it. I think it is extremely niche, but I can see someone getting some use out of it on a very specific team that thrives with a Fire + Boltbeam user.

Cradily: C+ Rank -> B+ Rank: I'm not that high on Cradily, but it's definitely much better now in the new meta. Last UUSD was the beginning of the Cradily revolution. Ability to soft check Kang + Arcanine is huge, though it can't check all variants as some Kangs run FP more frequently now and some RK9s run HP Fighting. But it's still a solid defensive pivot to have on a lot of teams, so I think B+ is appropriate.

Manetric: A+ Rank -> A- Rank: I think electrics are still good, but at this point Manectric and Electabuzz are basically the same viability wise, so I'd put them both in the same A- Rank.
There's probably other stuff that could move but I think the other stuff is far more subjective than these. These I think are all sensible moves that I think most people can agree with the general direction (if not the specific rank). I don't think we should do a huge overhaul on the VRs just yet though, I think we should wait for UUFPL to finish and get the final ADV UU slate completed. At least I think it's the final one, I can't see anything else being voted on after that unless we do some sort of omega drop at once.