OI! I'm da big boss in town nao!
An Empoleon RMT
An Empoleon RMT

I built this team when with Slowpokez on the team lumineon chatbox extremely late at night. He had been talking about how he was keen to make a team with a SubPetayaEmpoleon, and seeing as how my most recent (and possibly most sucessful) team was based around a SubPetayaEmpoleon, I decided I'd help in the making.
And thus the team was born
And thus the team was born
I haven't actually tested this team yet, but I have heard from slowpokez that he has been doing very well with is so far on Shoddy, and that it is performing well. I understand that he has hit the leaderboard with this team with one of his Shoddy alts, so yeah, looks to be fairly good.
The team focuses around using residual damage paired with an annoying stall element which is tormenttran to help empoleon sweep. It makes sure all of empoleons counters are checked, and thoroughly softened up by Posion and Sand Storm before he sets up, as well as makes sure empoleon can sweep without being threatened by other annoying scarfers or set-up-sweepers.
Empoleon can use toxic spikes to its advantage to win against things like blissey/vappy/etc who are giant threats to subpetaya empoleon which is why roserade happens to be the best possible lead for this team. With TTar giving me SS support as well as checking things like blissey, heatran making things kill themself, roserade poisoning shit, gliscor setting up rocks and beating stall, latias revenge killing, and empoleon sweeping, the team can work extremely well in todays metagame which leads to an overall solid well built good team.
When building the team first thing we did was pick empoleon as this is what gave slowpokez the idea to make this team, as he figured it was a great sweeper with the right support especially with the fact that it 4x resists the most common priority move that seems to be flying around on every team; Scizor's bullet punch. So next thing we did was unusual as you don't normally pick a lead second or even third/fourth. We put roserade in as a nice quick sleeping lead that can give me T-spikes support, which is absolutely VITAL to Empoleon sweeps, as well as sleep to help empoleon set up with ease. Roserade also helps me check things like cune/vappy who can stop empoleon sweeps easily. After that we realized how nicely tormenttran would fit in with subpetaya empoleon and t-spikes support seeing as how he spreads the residual damage around and makes things actually kill themself/hinders pokemon from using moves to stop empoleon from setting up. After that we realized my team was very weak to that annoying fat pink thing Blissey. We put in TTar to keep it in check as well as give me SS support to aid Empoleon/Roserade/Heatran in spreading residual damage around. He also easily traps things like blissey with a CB pursuit being able to OHKO almost all bliss on the run. Even with TTar the team was slightly weak to stall so we decided to add in a quick taunter as well as a check for lucario. Gliscor seemed to be the best bet being able to also survive a CBcrunch from ttar making him check ttar as well. He extremely helps with beating stall and getting a boost from the SS support.
Last member on the team was a hard decision. We was originally going to use roar latias and keep it more stall oriented but slowpokez realized we had no real check to things like DDgyara/DDmence who could be a huge problem. We threw latias in to check infernape, mence, and gyara all in one. As Lati also makes for great Scizor Bait for Empoleon to set up on. (i.e: CBScizzy locked either Bullet Punch or Pursuit)
The team was finished.
The team was finished.
Main advantages of the team
o It takes full advantage of residual damage and annoying things like tormenttran.
o It helps empoleon sweep extremely easily with the right support.
o It's just really fun to use overall.
At a glance

In Detail

Roserade @ Focus sash

Timid (+ Spe, - Atk)
6 HP / 252 Sp atk / 252 Spe
Natural Cure
- Leaf storm
- Hidden power Ground
- Toxic spikes
- Sleep powder
Roserade is on my team for a few reasons. It helps spread around residual damage making empoleons sweep easier and making tormenttran rape a lot harder. T-spikes helps empoleon wear things down like blissey/snorlax/any bulky waters. Leaf storm is the only STAB move on the set which can be used to hit things like azelf who resist hidden power ground and will usually taunt me before i can set up t-spikes or sleep powder them. Leaf storm also hits hippowdon/tyranitar for SE damage. Sleep powder can be used to put slower leads like non lumberry gross to sleep then proceed to set up on them. I chose hidden power ground to hit occa berry metagross without having the berry resist a non stab weak hp fire as well as hitting heatran leads, and infernape leads. 252 Sp atk is standard and there just for hitting as hard as possible. 252 Spe helps outspeed things you really need to outspeed late game like possibly offensive cune which you cannot outspeed without timid. Natural cure also makes roserade sort of a status absorber for my team giving me a toxic spikes absorber as well so whenever anyone sets up t-spikes on me i can possibly cripple their team by absorbing them. Overall roserade is a very vital member to the team.
Roserade vs other common leads.


Empoleon @ Petaya Berry

Modest (+ Sp atk, - Atk)
12 HP / 12 Def / 252 Sp atk / 232 Spe
- Surf
- Ice beam
- Agility
- Substitute
Subpetaya empoleon is the star of the show as well as one of the BEST underrated sweepers of all time. Yo agiligross im really happy for you and imma let you finish but subpetaya empoleon is one of the best sweepers of all time! ALL TIME! Using t-spikes and residual damage support he can very easily set up as well as sweep even his counters away. Ice beam / Surf allows for the best coverage that empoleon can have still using a STAB move. After subbing down to the torrent/petaya level surf is going to hurt like a BITCH. Pretty much even anything that resists it will be dead in a turn or two. Ice beam helps cover flyers, dragons, grass types. The EVs are standard, allowing maximum damage dealing, outspeeding of +Nature Base 80s that hold a Choice Scarf (Like Jolly Mamoswine or a +1 DD Dragonite) after one Agility, and almost everything in the metagame after a second Agility. Once again subpetaya is one of the most underrated sweepers there is but i honestly have no idea why. It's just amazing with the right support.

Heatran @ Leftovers

Timid (+ Spe, - Atk)
252 HP / 140 Spe / 18 Sp atk / 100 Sp Def
Flash Fire
- Lava Plume
- Substitute
- Torment
- Protect
Tormenttran is amazing and a very key member to my team. It gives the team a sort of stall oriented style and gives me something just to annoy other opponents and cause damage to them without even touching them which really racks up with all the residual damage the team has flying around. Tormenttran works very well with subpetaya empoleon as well as toxic spikes support as you can take care of most things that wall empoleon or can hurt empoleon. Lava plume is the only attacking move on the set which means the set is only walled by gyarados, swampert, and other heatran. Swampert can be eventually stalled out with t-spikes support and gyara with possibly a burn. After you scare off something like skarmory and they switch in a heatran, you can torment them behind a sub when they break it. The next turn they won't be able to use earth power which means they'll most likely be completely walled by you and if they're choiced you can completely make them struggle. When they try to use the move the turn after, you protect and they cant use it for another two turns. "The ev spread allows for maximum leftovers recovery, Speed evs bring heatran to 245 which lets you outspeed zapdos and celebi at 244 spe. The Special Defense EVs allow Heatran to take 24% max from a neutral natured, 0 Special Attack Rotom’s Discharge, meaning they will never break your Substitute. This is important because you really do not want Heatran to randomly get paralyzed from Discharge. The Special Attack EVs ensure that you do a minimum of 33% to max HP Machamp, meaning that the Rest + Sleep Talk sets will be 3HKOed. You don’t have to worry about DynamicPunch with Torment. Heatran always 3HKOs bulky Rotoms, so not even the Rest + Sleep Talk versions can stop you." Credit to Philip7086 for this great set.

Latias @ Choice scarf

Timid (+ Spe, - Atk)
6 HP / 252 Sp atk / 252 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Trick
Latias can help the team in so many ways it's unbelievable. Latias is my main infernape check being the best counter for him there is. Draco meteor is for beating +1 mence who is a big problem to the team, and thunderbolt is for beating +1 gyara who is another big problem. Latias is there to revenge kill infernape, gyara, mence and many others. Latias can also work as my water killer killing things like vappy/empoleon/suicune and crippling things like blissey by tricking them a scarf which will usually ruin them for the rest of the match. Draco meteor hits hard and even though scarflatias is extreme pursuit bait, thats the good part of using scarf latias on my team. If i can allow latias to be pursuited after taking out mence or gyara who could threaten my team, i can then proceed to bring in empoleon on a resisted 60 power pursuit from scizor/tyranitar and then set up when they switch out. It works amazingly and adds to the fact that latias is a really vital member to the team. Even though latias does not resist SS, the boost of SS outweighs the downfall of having one pokemon who doesn't resist it (excluding roserade since it's a lead).

Tyranitar @ Choice band

Adamant (+ Atk, - Sp atk)
248 HP / 104 Atk / 156 Sp Def
Sand Stream
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone edge
This is kingdrom's bulky CBtar set, and if you know me whatsoever you'll know i love this set so anytime i get the chance to use it; i do. I needed a bulky pursuit trapper and a useful pokemon who can set up SS and actually do something for my team. CBtar just seemed like a nice fit since the things i needed to pursuit trap were just trapped much easier by TTar then scizor. EQ hits steels and lots of different things extremely hard, Crunch is a STAB move that has amazing coverage, pursuit for trapping things, and SE for the hardest hitting STAB move on the set which pretty much wrecks everything. SE hits most scizor for over 75%. This set was originally going to belong to resttalk TTar but both me and crudkip didn't really like it and i just said why not throw a CBtar in. First, 252 Ev's were invested in Hp, which ensures survival of CB Scizor Bullet Punch after SR over 90% of the time, as well as contributing to general bulkiness. The SDef Ev's allow him to survive two Surfs from 299 SAtk (Leftovers Starmie) as well as never falling from three consecutive Earth Powers from Timid Heatran after SR. The rest was placed into attack, with an extra point taken from Hp (because it happened to be insignificant in the above objectives) and put into attack to yield a jump point. Overall, this Tyranitar reaches 403 Hp, 544 Attack, and 412 SDef. To give a comparison, this Tyranitar gives up roughly 10% of its power when compared to max attack CB Tar, but is 16% more defensive on the special side.

Gliscor @ Leftovers

Jolly (+ Spe, - Sp atk)
252 HP / 40 Def / 216 Spe
Sand Veil
- Earthquake
- Taunt
- Roost
- Stealth rock
Gliscor is the final member on the team and one of the most important ones. He can function as the tyranitar check being able to switch in on things like an EQ and usually one or 2HKO back with an EQ while not even being OHKOd by a CB crunch. EQ is the main STAB move on the set, Taunt is for breaking stall which the team would be weak to without, roost is for healing and stalling things out, SR is for setting up entry hazards that really help spread residual damage which is one of the key points on this team. 40 def / 252 hp gives him overall bulk hitting 296 def / 396 HP IIRC. 216 spe jolly outspeeds max spe jolly lucario by two points meaning lucario is pretty much going to die when this one comes out. Gliscor can survive two adamant e-speeds or a close combat and OHKO with EQ. Taunt really really helps for things like blissey who can be super annoying. Gliscor has overall good synergy with other members on the team and is a really important part of the team for helping to break stall as well as check specific things like lucario who were originally a massive threat to my team. Gliscor happens to be the best lucario check as well as fit the role for the other things i needed on my team so when we decided on putting him on the team it really just came together.
Threat list
Defensive Threats

Offensive Threats