Akela vs Tavok; An Interesting battle!

1v1 FE Flash
Standard Flash Rules


Gambo (Snorlax (M))
Nature: Quiet (+SpA, -Spe)


- Normal:Normal STAB; +1 BAP on attacks that match dominant arena type after 3 actions. Unable to have Thrash or Outrage disrupted by oncoming damage.


- Inmunity (Passive): This Pokemon's body has an immensely strong immune response to venom and does not take poison damage when Poisoned. Toxic Poisoning will not do damage; however, it will continue to grow more severe.
- Thick Fat (Passive):This Pokemon has a great deal of extra fat or muscle that increases its resistance to extreme heat or extreme cold, reducing the type effectiveness of Fire- and Ice-typed attacks to the next level of resistance (2x weak becomes neutral, neutral becomes resistance, etc.)
- Gluttony (Unlocked) (Passive): This Pokemon devours healing and stat increasing berries at 50% health (flat) instead of 25% health (flat). It also regains two (2) HP per action when holding Leftovers.


HP: 130
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 26 (-) (Evasion drop: -10%)
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 9
Base Rank Total: 23

EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
KOC: 0

Moves (117/121)

- After You
- Amnesia
- Attract
- Belch
- Belly Drum
- Bide
- Blizzard
- Block
- Body Slam
- Brick Break
- Bubblebeam
- Bulldoze
- Captivate
- Charm
- Chip Away
- Confide
- Counter
- Covet
- Crunch
- Curse
- Defense Curl
- Double-Edge
- Double Team
- Dynamic Punch
- Earthquake
- Endure
- Facade
- Fire Blast
- Fire Punch
- Fissure
- Flamethrower
- Fling
- Focus Blast
- Focus Punch
- Frustration
- Giga Impact
- Gunk Shot
- Headbutt
- Heavy Slam
- Hidden Power (Ground)
- Hyper Beam
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam
- Ice Punch
- Icy Wind
- Incinerate
- Iron Head
- Last Resort
- Lick
- Lovely Kiss
- Mega Kick
- Mega Punch
- Metronome
- Mimic
- Mud-Slap
- Natural Gift
- Odor Sleuth
- Outrage
- Pay Day
- Power-up Punch
- Protect
- Psychic
- Psych Up
- Psywave
- Pursuit
- Rage
- Rain Dance
- Recyle
- Reflect
- Refresh
- Rest
- Retaliate
- Return
- Rock Slide
- Rock Smash
- Rock Tomb
- Rollout
- Round
- Sandstorm
- Screech
- Secret Power
- Seed Bomb
- Seismic Toss
- Self-Destruct
- Shadow Ball
- Shock Wave
- Skull Bash
- Sleep Talk
- Smack Down
- Snatch
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Stockpile
- Strength
- Submission
- Subsitute
- Sunny Day
- Superpower
- Surf
- Swagger
- Swallow
- Sweet Kiss
- Tackle
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Punch
- Toxic
- Uproar
- Water Gun
- Water Pulse
- Whirlpool
- Whirlwind
- Wild Charge
- Work Up
- Yawn
- Zap Cannon
- Zen Headbutt
One of Tavok's first Pokémon, Gambo is the MvP of the team, being the one with the most training and experience.

He has showed his worth against many opponents, winning most of the fights he's been at, even managing to KO two of the Battle Pike Queen's Pokémon in the team's first confrontation with her.

Gambo is quite curious, trying to understand everything that is around. He's also a quick learner, managing to perform many moves just after trying a couple times.

He doesn't talk much, but he has a deep trust in both his trainer and his partners. He's also the one most of his teammates look up to, and he supports all of them as much as he can.

If there is a tough fight coming, Gambo is the one to fall back on.
Ditto [Reproductive Fluid] [-]

Lax Nature (+1 Def, -1 SpD)
Type: Normal
Egg Group: Ditto
Abilities: Limber, Imposter (Locked)
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3 (+)
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1 (-)
Spe: 48
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

MC: 0
AC: 0/5

Attacks: [1/1]
Level Up [1/1]

Tavok Sends out and Equips
Akela Sends out, Equips and Orders
Tavok Orders
Ditto w/Metal Powder: Transform > Brick Break > Focus Blast
IF Protective/evasive Maneuver A1, THEN push actions back
Team Akela:

Ditto [Reproductive Fluid] [-]
Type: Normal
HP: 90
EN: 100%
Item: Metal Powder
Stats: 2/3/2/1/48 SC: 1 WC: 1
Ability: Limber
Status: Normal

Team Tavok:


Gambo (Snorlax (M))
Type: Normal
HP: 130
EN: 100%
Item: Exp Share
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion
Field Effects: None!

Round 1: Transform!

"I Transform and you fling an Exp Share at me?
I Break your Brick like skull and you Counter me?
I Blast a Ball of Energy and you jealously steal my item?
What did I ever do to you?" thoughts of a Ditto!

Speed Order: Ditto, Snorlax

Action 1:

Turn Order: Ditto, Snorlax

Ditto uses Transform!
EN Used: 9

Snorlax uses Fling!
Crit Check(625): 1656 (No)
Damage: (7 + 6 - 7.5)*1 = 5.5
EN Used: 3.5

Action 2:

Turn Order: Snorlax[A], Snorlax[T](-5)

Snorlax[A] uses Brick Break!
Crit Check(625): 3644 (No)
Damage: (8 + 6 - 3.5)*1.5 = 15.75
EN Used: 6

Snorlax[T] uses Counter!
Damage: 23.625
EN Used: 17.81

Action 3:

Turn Order: Snorlax[T], Snorlax[A]

Snorlax[T] uses Covet!
Crit Check(625): 8285 (No)
Damage: (6 + 3 + 6 - 7.5)*1 = 7.5
EN Used: 3

Snorlax[A] uses Focus Blast!
Accuracy Check(8000): 4028 (Hit)
Crit Check(625): 9878 (No)
Damage: (12 + 6 - 6)*1.5 = 18
EN Used: 8
Team Akela:


Ditto [Reproductive Fluid] [-]
Type: Normal
HP: 53
EN: 77%
Item: Metal Powder [Stolen]
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion

Team Tavok:


Gambo (Snorlax (M))
Type: Normal
HP: 96
EN: 76%
Item: Metal Powder
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion

Field Effects: None!
Tavok Orders
Akela Orders

Last edited:

Skull Bash - Focus Blast - Skull Bash
- IF Counter when you would use Skull Bash THEN Focus Blast and restart queue.
- IF Bide THEN start string of actions Rest - Sleep - Sleep Talk (Brick Break / Focus Blast / Body Slam / Pay Day).
Team Akela:


Ditto [Reproductive Fluid] [-]
Type: Normal
HP: 53
EN: 77%
Item: Metal Powder [Stolen]
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion

Team Tavok:


Gambo (Snorlax (M))
Type: Normal
HP: 96
EN: 76%
Item: Metal Powder
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion

Round 2: Rage Battle!

Both trainers try to reduce the gap for a final showdown, but Reproductive Fluid falls due to lower HP.

Speed Order: Snorlax[A] <-> Snorlax[T]

5180 7197 3865 4921 8286 3122 3938 5269 4352 363

Action 1:

Turn Order: Snorlax[A], Snorlax[T]

Snorlax[A] uses Rage!
Crit Check(625): 5180 (No)
Damage: (4 + 3 + 6 - 4.5)*1 = 8.5
EN Used: 2

Snorlax[T] uses Skull Bash!
Snorlax[T]'s +1 Def !
Crit Check(625): 7197 (No)
Damage: (13 + 3 + 6 - 4.5)*1 = 17.5
EN Used: 7

Snorlax[A]'s Rage +1 Atk, -2 EN !

Action 2:

Turn Order: Snorlax[A], Snorlax[T]

Snorlax[A] uses Brick Break!
Crit Check(625): 3865 (No)
Damage: (8 + 6 - 3.5)*1.5 + 2 - 2 = 15.75
EN Used: 6

Snorlax[T] uses Focus Blast!
Accuracy Check(8000): 4921 (Hit)
Crit Check(625): 8286 (No)
Damage: (12 + 6 - 6)*1.5 = 18
Effect Chance(1000): 5269 (No)
EN Used: 8

Action 3:

Turn Order: Snorlax[A], Snorlax[T]

Snorlax[A] uses Rage!
Crit Check(625): 3122 (No)
Damage: (4 + 3 + 6 - 4.5)*1 + 2 - 2 = 8.5
EN Used: 2

Snorlax[T] uses Skull Bash!
Snorlax[T]'s +1 Def !
Crit Check(625): 3938 (No)
Damage: (13 + 3 + 6 - 4.5)*1 = 17.5
EN Used: 7

Snorlax[A]'s Rage +1 Atk, -2 EN !
Team Akela:


Ditto [Reproductive Fluid] [-]
Type: Normal
HP: 0
EN: 63%
Item: Metal Powder [Stolen]
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion, +2 Atk(1R), KO'd

Team Tavok:


Gambo (Snorlax (M))
Type: Normal
HP: 63
EN: 64%
Item: Metal Powder
Stats: 4/3/4/4/26 SC: 4 WC: 9
Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Status: -10% Evasion, +2 Def(1R), +1 KOC(Ditto)

Field Effects: None!

Tavok wins and gets 1 CC
Gambo the Snorlax gets 4 MC and 1 KOC

Akela gets 1 CC

Reproductive Fluid the Ditto gets 1 AC

Gale Wing Srock gets 3 UC
Waaaaaaah, that KOed? Lol. And here I was thinking I would be able to pay day a little bit. Thats what i get for not calcing. Thanks for reffing Gale, and thanks for the battle akela.