Well its time for a postgame so here it is, but first a little background
Yeah well this Mafia was focused around a ‘rewards’ system where you gained rewards if you created statues. I should note here that there was no obligation for any of you to bother creating these statues and that you could have played this as a normal mafia game. Anyway I also wanted to see negotiation and deals being done to control these statue pieces (once people realised there significance). Also I added a Wolf who would be proactive in getting these statues laid. The idea being that the wolf would deal between all factions opening up the opportunity for a double cross once a statue had been constructed.
Pretty quickly I had a problem. First and foremost you need to have the game balanced and thus the rewards need to not be ‘broken’ (Ampharos Mafia was in the back of my mind when creating this mafia) but the rewards also have to be worth time and effort. After all a faction would be guttered if they go something shit in return for spreading effort in creating these statues.
Statue 1, 5 pieces, Extra kill (20% of the player list rounded up) (EXODIA)
Statue 2, 3 pieces Double Steal (Hermes)
Statue 3, 4 pieces Continuous Safeguard (Delphi)
Yeah those were the statues and there rewards. The Exodia reward went through a number of revisions going from 1 extra kill per night, to a total of 3 kills over time to the current reward in the game.
I think these rewards were very powerful and decided that with thieving being very important in this game I gave each (village) faction 2 thieves and the secret mafia faction 1 (with the ability to give the thief role to somebody else after death). I felt, that with the huge number of thieves in the game the statues would appear late game thus preventing a faction whitewashing others very early on. The Exodia statue was the one I was most concerned about especially since the statues priorities were set to the highest priority. However I felt with its massive 5 pieces needed and wit the large number of thieves around, it would not be created (if all) later in the game.
A few people were upset with me when the statue of Delphi was first created. Bagman got annoyed because he reckoned that the other factions could get the statue whereas in reality the chances of another faction getting the statue were very small. Also in the event of a tie then the faction who created the statue gets the reward.
One thing I never counted on was the Statues getting created so fast. I knew that they would be created eventually, however imo having the statue abilities available for use around N3 was FAR too early. I think that I should have stressed the importance of keeping the thieves active as on 2 occasions a thief was idled (not counting Jig) which may have delayed the statue creation. In hindsight, I may have increased the number of pieces a statue needed before it got created had I known that the statues would have been created so easily. In part, the Statues coming into effect so early meant that IPL was pretty much broken with the Control Rod. This lead to something insane such as the 10 kill spree in a single night (though admittedly 7 of those can be solely chalked up to Exodia).
I would actually like to apologise to the Insane Fanatics here as they had a good chance of a win before IPL and Improbability crushed them with Exodia. Such an eventuality such as Exodia + IPL (alive) + a large number of people alive was not expected and in hindsight I should had prepared for this. It was my failure as a host which resulted in that huge number of kills occurring (and thus by extension the Insane Fanatics being wiped out) due to me not preparing for that possible outcome. So I express my appoligies for that.
Statue Creation
A few people asked about this so here goes. The Statues were created when a faction had all pieces. The reason this bit of info was kept secret was because I did not want an ‘auto cleansing’ to take place seeing as the Mafia had a hard enough job as it was. Anyway once the statues were up everyone voted. Every vote that was from a user belonging to the faction that created the statue was worth +2 so it was very hard for the statues to change hands. Also It encouraged factions to go after the statue pieces rather than poach another factions statue later.
Well the items themselves added a nice dimension to the game I think. The statue pieces have already been discussed. The Armour pieces were only useful to Jig but the last 4 items were stand alone.
The Mayor and the Zero vote items were designed to cancel each other out. I felt that with steals flying everywhere both items would change hands quickly enough. The Trade item was gmax’s idea and it basically swapped a players items in exchange. However in my view these items paled in comparison to…
The Control Rod
Yeah this item gets its own sub section because it was that good. In fact, looking back it might have been broken. The Item I am talking about, the Control Rod.
This item was designed to give the wolf reason to stick around. Thus providing the ultimate reward for surviving. If a statue was created then the control rod was able to get its powers. The only rewards the wolf could get though, was the safeguard and the extra kills. It was pretty much THIS item that made me not have a statue with a BG reward. This item I felt was so strong that I prevented anyone from stealing it and it was the one item that died with the holder. It was also this item that made IPL’s W/C to be the last one standing because I felt that anything else might be to easy. To give an example of this items strength if the Exodia statue was constructed and 10 people were alive on the player List then IPL would have 3 kills (2 of them unblockable) which is insane. I suspose I could have nerfed it but limiting its number of uses however I was unsure if the statues would ever get created and also, I felt that if the control rod was broken then the statues themselves would be broken as really, the item fed off the statues abilities and without them it was useless. I had toyed with the idea of fixing the wolf so that it could ally with one faction and help them get a statue and then backstab the said faction but could not really get that to work without breaking the wolf even more or opening up the possibility of a wolf only hitting people of a certain faction.
THE factions
K im starting of with the faction US labelled “Most Broken,” the Insane Fanatics.
The Insane Fanatics needed to eliminate both the Guardians and the Explorers to win. In addition with the statues in the game I wanted to give the Mafia the opportunity to worm there way into village leadership. They started off secret because I was trying to avoid the 2v1 gang up early on in the game. The mafia were also a stopgap in case things got out of hand where they could kill anyone in the game with a lynch redirect so if IPL got too dangerous (for example) then they could kill him if need be.
Im not going to lie though, the Mafia were strong, however the fact that both the Guardians and the Explorers could kill during the night and the sheer number of inspectors meant that they still had to really on secrecy to win. Also I felt that if with the 9 man factions having 2 thief’s and a safeguard each that they had a much better chance of gaining control of the statues.
Anyway the insane fanatics played so well that they deserved to win in my opinion. Not only did Altair use his mole role to effectively lead the Explorers but Johann (with his homemade fake claim) lead the Guardians. Heck Altair was so close to getting control of Exodia until Improbability convinced the other explorers to vote him for Exodia instead of Altair. However, Johann gained control of the Hermes and Delphi statues. I still believe that there greatest mistake was not killing IPL with the redirect. After all IPL had survived a kill attempt from Altair the previous night so (in my mind) IPL was a better target than Badal (who could be killed at leisure)
I was shocked though at just how easily both ‘village’ factions were lead by the Mafia. There was really no excuse for this as with an Allience checker and inspector each the Mafia should have struggled to lead a faction.
Slipperjeans: Standard Kidnapper. He succeeded in hitting Zorbees and then had to idle till Zorbees came back. Still I think he did decently for his first mafia game.
Johann: Johann played brilliantly and was the other half of the Insane Fanatics ‘Moling Duo’ Imo he had a pretty shit fake PM but no-one cared and he ended up becoming “leader” of the Guardians. As far as Johann’s proper well he did a good job protecting people however he did not protect Altair N4 opting instead to protect Dogfish which I was kinda confused with considering that Altair was your factions killer at that time. The Lynch redirect was given to the Mafia as a means of safeguarding against anything becoming too powerful. I was concerned with IPL being too strong with the Control Rod and a lynch redirect would have killed IPL in the event that he became too powerful. Instead Badal got killed which imo was a waste of a redirect when you could have killed Badal with your own kill. IPL on the other hand had survived the Insanes Kill the night before so I was certain that the redirect would be used to kill him. Anyway Johann should be bloody happy with how he played and his faction deserved the win.
StevenSnype: Standard Mafia inspector. I think him and Johann tried the whole ‘Twin Claim’ thing but it did not seem to work out. Hit Nachos with his safeguard which in turn got rid of Nachos protection allowing the kill to go forward. Played o.k though considering that it was his first time as a Mafia.
Dogfish44: Mafia needed a thief (according to gmax) so I gave them one. I did not get to see very much of Dogfish due to us being in shitty time zones. I know that IPL found him out thus finding the Insane Fanatics but aside from that he followed orders and worked with his team.
Altair: Lol he was pretty enthusiastic about his role. Asked for claims N0 which in my opinion might have been a little early considering that the rules stated that there was a mole in this game. On the other hand the Mafia were secret so I guess people might have felt that there was little to fear. Really funny when Altair mentions Dora The Explorer when there was in fact a role named Dora the Explorer. Altair pretty much tried to mole everyone and led to some weird stuff like Uncle Sam claiming Explorers while Altair claimed Explorer and then told the Guardians that he was a guardian moling the Explorers. Imo Altair fooled many of you and I was pretty surprised at the amount of info he got considering that I told you guys that there was a mole in the Rules. He came so f**king close to getting Exodia too which would have been GG.
The Explorers
The Explorers was the village faction and they summoned Exodia. They lost Nachos and Yeti early on which did leave a power vacuum. Altair stepped in to lead for them and you guys kinda… let him. I kinda hoped that Aura Guardian would have stepped up to lead his faction earlier than he did but oh well. I feel that Improbability played very well in is first ‘Village’ mafia obtaining 4 Exodia Pieces and then gaining control of Exodia and using it to help crush the Insane Fanatics. Aura Guardian then picked up where Improb left off and basically cleaned up.
Aura Guardian: Aura Guardian was pretty lucky. Surviving lynch after lynch he was a constant for the explorers and he was able to survive for a little while. Aura Guardian was given the inspector role because he was somewhat experienced and could always step up into a leadership position if needed.
Yeti: Yeti pretty much trolled everyone with her talk of SANDS and MUDS. A few non-players gave Yeti a hand in this. The trouble was, I could not really interfere without screwing over Yeti (and half of me wanted to watch you guys search for a non existent item) so I left it as is. I’m not sure whether his smoke and mirrors tactic worked but it pissed off IPL which resulted in IPL killing Yeti N1
dukefan5: Yeah another person who played decently. Pretty much protected anyone who was leader at a guess until he died. Standard BG role and he played pretty standard
Nachos: I don’t have much to say about Nachos. Standard Allience checker and was killed by the Insane working together well to eliminate his protection. It’s a shame really as I would have liked to see him lead the Explorers
Improbability: Improbability played damn well for his first time as a villager. IN fact whether it was by fluke or not he pretty much screwed over the Insane Fanatics by himself. He pushed for himself to be given Exodia over Altair (which prevented the Insane from holding Exodia) and then used Exodia to destroy the Insane Fanatics that night. Altair got a last ditch kill on him before dying which was unfortunate
Game Freak201: Game freak was the second Explorer thief and he did pretty well. He held the Meteor which made his vote Zero. I was actually pissed that he kept holding it as the item was meant to be ‘hot potato’ but it never got switched around. Anyway Game Freak got the Exodia Head which let Improbability summon Exodia for the Explorers, triggering that huge massacre.
badalcristiano: Badal idles. So yea I gave him Mayor. I don’t have much to say on Badal as he pretty much voted however the fuck he wanted.
BunnyMaster: BunnyMaster was the silencer and killer for the Explorers and he did a damn good job at picking targets. Heck, his silences were likely key to Aura Guardian surviving so many lynchs. BunnyMaster played a solid game while managing to keep a lowish profile.
RaRe555: Another player who I think had a good game. His screwed over Jig N0 in redirecting her toward a player with no Sentinel Item which was actually the piece she needed I think. I don’t think he ever really trusted Altair. He used his redirects wisely and played very well until he was smashed during that massacre.
The Guardians
The Guardians could have played better I think. They were let down when Uncle Sam died which was a huge loss for them since Uncle Sam was controlling the faction very well. They also had a bit of bad luck with Zorbees being kidnapped which sucked for him. However Johann got himself into a position of power very quickly and when Wickdaggler died Johann became leader. I was very upset though when Wick broke his silence restriction so I took away there night kill that night which in hindsight might have been too harsh of me. It’s a shame that they never won a lynch since it meant that they played catch up for large amounts of the game.
wickdaggler: Poor Wickdaggler. I don’t really think this was one of his better games. Johann moled him pretty well and Wick broke his silence so I had to decide to either kill him or give out a punishment. I decided that godkilling Wick was silly as if he had followed his silence he would have died in the lynch. So I took away his factions kill for that night which in hindsight might have been a bit harsh as it was Wicks fault not there’s.
coolking49: Coolking had an alight game. Stole a few useful Items and was the killer for his faction for a while. Killed BunnyMaster on suspicious of Bunny being mayor. Ironically it was IPL who had the mayor item who was helping the Explorers. I think he lead his faction for a bit as well. Hit his partner thief N0 which I was confused about but I guess it was a communication error?
capefeather: Drew all manner of shit N0 for reasons im not sure of. Was killed D1 after pretty much everyone inspected him.
-TheLucarioEffect-: -TheLucarioEffect- played o.k. He had a basic BG role so that his team could be protected from non-exodia kills. He got statues after the massacre the previous night but was lynched before he could use them. Unfortunately he ended up protecting Johann for most of the game who was not even on his team. Not much else to really say I guess.
danmantincan: Standard Safeguard for the Explorers. Safeguards were key to keeping the thieves holding onto there items however danmantincan cycled through his team pretty well trying to keep his team members protected. Played a decent game until he was killed.
Quagsires: I think he played pretty well. Somehow he figured out that Badal was mayor and he used his persuade very well. It was just a shame that with IPL helping the Guardians his persuades never really came off.
zorbees: Zorbees got kidnapped and therefore was out of the game for a fuck load of time. Ah well. I really would have liked to see his impact on the game had he not been kidnapped but I guess that’s Mafia.
Captain Bagman: Bagman played very well I think for the Guardians. He formed a connection with imperfectluck and I think that they worked out deals together. He was instrumental in creating the Delphi statue and by extension the Hermes statue thus giving IPL his powers. He survived for a while although his ability was largely useless after all 3 statues were summond.
UncleSam: Got a Fake Role PM very quickly. Only downside was that it was a similar PM to somebody else in the game. Gave Altair his fake name of Indiana jones. Started a massive mole campaign between Altair and Uncle Sam as they both tried to mole into each others factions. Uncle Sam as imo the “brains” behind the Guardians and I have to say he did a swell job trying to organise his faction.
imperfectluck: Was hands down one of the best players to watch in this Mafia. IPL got a Fake Role PM pretty fast and people apparently went along with his whole “Worship IPL Thing”. As a host it was pretty funny to watch to I kept a count in the thread for my own interest. Anyway I picked IPL as the Wolf for a few reasons. Firstly I knew that he was a competent player and I kinda figured that he would be the kinda guy that would not hesitate to be and ‘active wolf’ which was kinda what I wanted him to be. IPL acted as an info broker I believe, between factions while actively looking for Statue pieces. His role was designed to work with a faction to help them get a statue then, unknown to them, use his control rod to harness the power of that statue for his own ends. He carried out his role perfectly, gaining control of all 3 statues in a very fast amount of time. He was also a ruthless bastard taking out Jig before she got her last statue piece and taking down the Insane Fanatics for the hell of it. He also had the luck of the Irish as on the night of that 10 kill massacre not one person attempted to kill imperfectluck, the confessed Neutral who received powers from statues being created. I think he missed the possible win near the end (though to be fair he did not know that there was no red-vote if a statue holder was lynched after receiving powers). Had he lynched Aura Guardian there would have been no Exodia strike from the Explorers and he would have been able to put pressure on the Explorers to worry about the Guardians rather than the possible wolf.
jigglypuffers42: Jig was another one who was happy with their role. She told me that he was worried about making enemies but did deals to obtain Items. RaRe555 redirected Jig into one of the few players with no items N0 which meant that jig was a little behind at the start of the game. Poor jig though. Was very vocal about getting armour pieces and I suspect that Jig may have let slip that she got power-ups for each armour piece she got. IPL got nervous and launched a pre-emptive strike against her. I think telling IPL that her WC could change might not have been the greatest move either.
Personally I would have been slightly happier if Jig had kept a low profile for this one. There was no rush to get the armour and with her night powers she could very easily find out who had the items.
On the other hand I still think Jig played well and god a bit of bad luck which slowed her down a bit in finding her items.
Well I took away a few things from this game. Words cannot express how annoyed I was at the statues being summoned so early after spending huge amounts of time trying to prevent that from happening.
I also reckon kidnaps are stupid now and its unlikely I would use on again in a mafia of mine. As far as the game itself went I think it was only o.k. The ideas I had with the Statues never quite played out as planned but it was still fun to test out that new concept.
Best Insane Fanatic: Johann.
Best Guardian: Coolking49/ EDIT o.k US as well
Best Explorer: Aura Guardian/Improbability
Best Move: Improbability convincing the Explorers to vote him for Exodia instead of Altair
Luckiest Player: Aura Guardian for not dying
MVP: I have to give this to IPL since he really did play a great game, pushed hard for the statue creations etc etc.
Yeah well this Mafia was focused around a ‘rewards’ system where you gained rewards if you created statues. I should note here that there was no obligation for any of you to bother creating these statues and that you could have played this as a normal mafia game. Anyway I also wanted to see negotiation and deals being done to control these statue pieces (once people realised there significance). Also I added a Wolf who would be proactive in getting these statues laid. The idea being that the wolf would deal between all factions opening up the opportunity for a double cross once a statue had been constructed.
Pretty quickly I had a problem. First and foremost you need to have the game balanced and thus the rewards need to not be ‘broken’ (Ampharos Mafia was in the back of my mind when creating this mafia) but the rewards also have to be worth time and effort. After all a faction would be guttered if they go something shit in return for spreading effort in creating these statues.
Statue 1, 5 pieces, Extra kill (20% of the player list rounded up) (EXODIA)
Statue 2, 3 pieces Double Steal (Hermes)
Statue 3, 4 pieces Continuous Safeguard (Delphi)
Yeah those were the statues and there rewards. The Exodia reward went through a number of revisions going from 1 extra kill per night, to a total of 3 kills over time to the current reward in the game.
I think these rewards were very powerful and decided that with thieving being very important in this game I gave each (village) faction 2 thieves and the secret mafia faction 1 (with the ability to give the thief role to somebody else after death). I felt, that with the huge number of thieves in the game the statues would appear late game thus preventing a faction whitewashing others very early on. The Exodia statue was the one I was most concerned about especially since the statues priorities were set to the highest priority. However I felt with its massive 5 pieces needed and wit the large number of thieves around, it would not be created (if all) later in the game.
A few people were upset with me when the statue of Delphi was first created. Bagman got annoyed because he reckoned that the other factions could get the statue whereas in reality the chances of another faction getting the statue were very small. Also in the event of a tie then the faction who created the statue gets the reward.
One thing I never counted on was the Statues getting created so fast. I knew that they would be created eventually, however imo having the statue abilities available for use around N3 was FAR too early. I think that I should have stressed the importance of keeping the thieves active as on 2 occasions a thief was idled (not counting Jig) which may have delayed the statue creation. In hindsight, I may have increased the number of pieces a statue needed before it got created had I known that the statues would have been created so easily. In part, the Statues coming into effect so early meant that IPL was pretty much broken with the Control Rod. This lead to something insane such as the 10 kill spree in a single night (though admittedly 7 of those can be solely chalked up to Exodia).
I would actually like to apologise to the Insane Fanatics here as they had a good chance of a win before IPL and Improbability crushed them with Exodia. Such an eventuality such as Exodia + IPL (alive) + a large number of people alive was not expected and in hindsight I should had prepared for this. It was my failure as a host which resulted in that huge number of kills occurring (and thus by extension the Insane Fanatics being wiped out) due to me not preparing for that possible outcome. So I express my appoligies for that.
Statue Creation
A few people asked about this so here goes. The Statues were created when a faction had all pieces. The reason this bit of info was kept secret was because I did not want an ‘auto cleansing’ to take place seeing as the Mafia had a hard enough job as it was. Anyway once the statues were up everyone voted. Every vote that was from a user belonging to the faction that created the statue was worth +2 so it was very hard for the statues to change hands. Also It encouraged factions to go after the statue pieces rather than poach another factions statue later.
Well the items themselves added a nice dimension to the game I think. The statue pieces have already been discussed. The Armour pieces were only useful to Jig but the last 4 items were stand alone.
The Mayor and the Zero vote items were designed to cancel each other out. I felt that with steals flying everywhere both items would change hands quickly enough. The Trade item was gmax’s idea and it basically swapped a players items in exchange. However in my view these items paled in comparison to…
The Control Rod
Yeah this item gets its own sub section because it was that good. In fact, looking back it might have been broken. The Item I am talking about, the Control Rod.
This item was designed to give the wolf reason to stick around. Thus providing the ultimate reward for surviving. If a statue was created then the control rod was able to get its powers. The only rewards the wolf could get though, was the safeguard and the extra kills. It was pretty much THIS item that made me not have a statue with a BG reward. This item I felt was so strong that I prevented anyone from stealing it and it was the one item that died with the holder. It was also this item that made IPL’s W/C to be the last one standing because I felt that anything else might be to easy. To give an example of this items strength if the Exodia statue was constructed and 10 people were alive on the player List then IPL would have 3 kills (2 of them unblockable) which is insane. I suspose I could have nerfed it but limiting its number of uses however I was unsure if the statues would ever get created and also, I felt that if the control rod was broken then the statues themselves would be broken as really, the item fed off the statues abilities and without them it was useless. I had toyed with the idea of fixing the wolf so that it could ally with one faction and help them get a statue and then backstab the said faction but could not really get that to work without breaking the wolf even more or opening up the possibility of a wolf only hitting people of a certain faction.
THE factions
K im starting of with the faction US labelled “Most Broken,” the Insane Fanatics.
Greetings to all who call themselves "The Insane Fanatics"
You decided to join in this conflict, not because you wanted to control the ruins discovered, but because you love to cause mayhem, and wanted to do so.
Your allies are:
Altair: a Mole with inspection block and killing ability
Slipperjeans: Kidnapper
Johann: Bodyguard with one-time lynch redirect
StevenSnype: Full PM Inspector with every 3 night safeguard
Dogfish44: Thief
You know that a Canoe, Spear, Marco Polo and Robert Peary are not the names of any roles,
You also know that there are no roles in this game that can change priorities. Nor are there any twins or Rogues in the game.
You win if you eliminate The Explorers and The Guardians.
Good Luck, and don't get dehydrated!
The Insane Fanatics needed to eliminate both the Guardians and the Explorers to win. In addition with the statues in the game I wanted to give the Mafia the opportunity to worm there way into village leadership. They started off secret because I was trying to avoid the 2v1 gang up early on in the game. The mafia were also a stopgap in case things got out of hand where they could kill anyone in the game with a lynch redirect so if IPL got too dangerous (for example) then they could kill him if need be.
Im not going to lie though, the Mafia were strong, however the fact that both the Guardians and the Explorers could kill during the night and the sheer number of inspectors meant that they still had to really on secrecy to win. Also I felt that if with the 9 man factions having 2 thief’s and a safeguard each that they had a much better chance of gaining control of the statues.
Anyway the insane fanatics played so well that they deserved to win in my opinion. Not only did Altair use his mole role to effectively lead the Explorers but Johann (with his homemade fake claim) lead the Guardians. Heck Altair was so close to getting control of Exodia until Improbability convinced the other explorers to vote him for Exodia instead of Altair. However, Johann gained control of the Hermes and Delphi statues. I still believe that there greatest mistake was not killing IPL with the redirect. After all IPL had survived a kill attempt from Altair the previous night so (in my mind) IPL was a better target than Badal (who could be killed at leisure)
I was shocked though at just how easily both ‘village’ factions were lead by the Mafia. There was really no excuse for this as with an Allience checker and inspector each the Mafia should have struggled to lead a faction.
Dear Slipperjeans,
You are a Number One Fan.
You are a person who loves to watch someone or someones. Not just like, but LOVE. You will go to just about any extreme to go meet what you idolize, and are truly crazy about them. You became one of The Insane Fanatics due to your high knowledge of your obsession, and your insanity to meet them.
Due to your love of your idol, you will begin to hunt them down. So, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Go crazy about <User>". You will see that <User> is who you love, and you will chase them down to try to meet them and get an autograph. <User> will flee from your craziness. Unfortunately, because you're slower then them, you can't catch up for an autograph. Because they are not around, they cannot be targeted by any actions, except lynches, for 2 cycles because they are hiding from you. <User> will be unable to post and their night action will fail. In addition they will be unaffected from all night actions during the night. If they post, you will be able to track them down and accidentally kill them in a fit of wild excitement. Thus, <User> will die. You can however, send a letter of apology to <User> when <User> is fleeing from you.. If done so <User> will come out of hiding early if you wish it. To release <User> from hiding before the 2 cycles are up send a PM to ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night/Day X - I’m Sorry <User>”. As stated above <User> will forgive you and will be able to post
You are allied with The Insane Fanatics. Your team's details are in a separate PM
Slipperjeans: Standard Kidnapper. He succeeded in hitting Zorbees and then had to idle till Zorbees came back. Still I think he did decently for his first mafia game.
Dear Johann,
You are a Furniture Store.
You are a large store that sells many different kinds of furniture, ranging anywhere from beds, to dressers, to clocks, to lamps, to just about any furniture the mind can think of. You joined The Insane Fanatics because your deals are INSAAAAAAAAAAANE!
In order to sell products, people like to try them first. Therefore, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Let <User> try out our beds". You will let <User> lie down on one of your beds, and <User> will be blocked from all kill attempts due to looking so peaceful in their sleep. You cannot, however, use this on yourself, since you aren't trying to sell anything to yourself.
Also, you have a small budget to make 1 TV add. Thus, once during the day, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Give TV add about <User>". You will make an add, showing <User> sitting down on a couch, and due to the pure awesomeness of the add, everyone will be convinced to lynch <User> instead of their original target. However, due to your low budget, you can only use this action once.
You are allied with The Insane Fanatics. Your team's details are in a separate PM
Dear StevenSnype,
You are Kefka Palazzo.
You were once the Right-hand man of an Emperor, but then became an experiment for Magitek Knights. You gained great power, but also lost your sanity, going to extremes such as poisoning waters and capturing Espers. You even made an ascension to being a God, but was knocked down by an Esper girl and her friends. You've joined The Insane Fanatics due to your loss of sanity from the experiments.
After you began to gain spells from being an experiment, you decided it'd be good to try one out. Once a night, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Cast Trine on <User>". <User> will be blinded for a moment, and before <User> can dig out a remedy, you will take a peek at their Role PM.
Also, you are known for your very loud and quite annoying laugh. Thus, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Laugh at <User>". You will suddenly send out a loud and maniacal laugh at <User>, and because of the noise, nobody will try to perform actions on him. However, killers just seem to go right through the noise. Because you don't have the best vocal cords, you can only perform this action once every 3 nights, beginning the night you use this power.
You are holding the Head of Hermes. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Hermes pieces.
You are allied with The Insane Fanatics. Your team's details are in a separate PM
Dear Dogfish44,
You are Catwoman.
A famous thief, you are very good at what you do. You are excellent at stealing a variety of things and thus have entered this conflict since you have heard that there are many things to steal. You joined the Insane Fanatics because they understand your obsession with cats and because they are seeking to defeat The Guardians and The Explorers which seek to control the treasure for themselves.
Using your stealth and cunning you will endeavor to steal as many goods as you can. This will involve you using everything at your disposal. Therefore one a night, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Give <User> a Lap Dance”. You will give <User> a lap dance. <User> is a gullible fool and will think that him and you had something together and will give you all the items he holds as a gift. What happens next is up to you.
You are holding the Ring of Solomon. It is a mystical Ring of great power. However holds it has their vote count for +1.
You are allied with The Insane Fanatics. Your team's details are in a separate PM
Dogfish44: Mafia needed a thief (according to gmax) so I gave them one. I did not get to see very much of Dogfish due to us being in shitty time zones. I know that IPL found him out thus finding the Insane Fanatics but aside from that he followed orders and worked with his team.
Dear Altair,
You are the Joker
You are an insane clown who will kill anyone or anything without a shred of remorse. You are unpredictable but very, very cunning. You are the leader of The Insane Fanatics because well, you are insane.
You bring several abilities to the table, for example if a Guardian Role PM inspector inspects you then they will see this…..
Dear Altair,
You are Wadjet
You are an Egyptian goddess and protector of Egypt and its Pharaohs.
Being a goddess which gives you great power however, Osiris has forbidden any gods (or goddess’s) besides his son, from interfering in this conflict. You will still help though but your powers are severely limited since you do not want Osiris from discovering your meddling. As protector of Egypt you want the ruins untouched by these foreign invaders, The Explorers. Thus you are allied with The Guardians as you wish to protect the ruins.
Your powers are strong and therefore once a night you can send a PM ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X – Empower <User>”. <User> will have his priority raised to god-like levels giving <User> the highest priority in the game for the night. However you cannot target the same person in a row as Osiris will be aware of this and reprimand you.
You are allied with the Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
If a Explorer Role PM inspector checks you they will see this…
Dear Altair,
You are a Priest
You are an Egyptian priests and protector of Egypt. Although you are not an explorer you are aware that The Explorers can increase Egypt’s economy and perhaps give you a slice of the earnings in gratitude. Therefore you have allied yourself with them since The Guardians are cheap and offer nothing in return for your services.
Being a priest gives you great powers which you wish to use to help your allies The Explorers. Your powers are strong and therefore once a night you can send a PM ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X – Set minions of chaos on <User>”. <User> will have his priority lowered due to him cowering in fear while the minions of chaos hunt him for the night. This gives <User> the lowest priority in the game for the night. However you cannot target the same person in a row as the minions of chaos might accidently kill <User> due to boredom.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
However since you are an insane clown it is possible that certain people can pierce your fake role and discover the real person underneath.
In addition to your fake role you have the ability to kill people. Therefore once a night you can send a PM ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - <User> Wanna know how I got these scars?” You will slit <Users> throat and cut a smile into there face before departing. Your Kill power will be passed on to somebody else on your team if you die.
You are holding Exodia The Forbidden One. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Exodia parts.
Your team’s details are in a separate PM
Altair: Lol he was pretty enthusiastic about his role. Asked for claims N0 which in my opinion might have been a little early considering that the rules stated that there was a mole in this game. On the other hand the Mafia were secret so I guess people might have felt that there was little to fear. Really funny when Altair mentions Dora The Explorer when there was in fact a role named Dora the Explorer. Altair pretty much tried to mole everyone and led to some weird stuff like Uncle Sam claiming Explorers while Altair claimed Explorer and then told the Guardians that he was a guardian moling the Explorers. Imo Altair fooled many of you and I was pretty surprised at the amount of info he got considering that I told you guys that there was a mole in the Rules. He came so f**king close to getting Exodia too which would have been GG.
The Explorers
The Explorers was the village faction and they summoned Exodia. They lost Nachos and Yeti early on which did leave a power vacuum. Altair stepped in to lead for them and you guys kinda… let him. I kinda hoped that Aura Guardian would have stepped up to lead his faction earlier than he did but oh well. I feel that Improbability played very well in is first ‘Village’ mafia obtaining 4 Exodia Pieces and then gaining control of Exodia and using it to help crush the Insane Fanatics. Aura Guardian then picked up where Improb left off and basically cleaned up.
Dear Aura Guardian,
You are Internet Explorer.
You are a web browser that lets people use the Internet. You are a common web browser and thus many Explorers have installed you on their laptops. You are allied with The Explorers since they love technology and will use you often. Also your rivals Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are trying to cash on The Guardians and you don’t like that.
You are very smart but you are not all knowing. Therefore once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Google <User>”. You will look up <User>’s data on the net and find out everything about them, including there Role PM.
You are holding the Legs of Hermes. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Hermes pieces.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Aura Guardian: Aura Guardian was pretty lucky. Surviving lynch after lynch he was a constant for the explorers and he was able to survive for a little while. Aura Guardian was given the inspector role because he was somewhat experienced and could always step up into a leadership position if needed.
Dear Yeti,
You are Neil Armstrong.
You were the first man on the moon and thus you are very famous. Since you spent time on the moon and brought back samples you are labelled as an explorer. You feel pure joy whenever you explore. Thus in order to replicate this feeling you have teamed up with The Explorers.
You are familiar with space travel and thus once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Taking <User> into space”. <User> will pay you a large amount of money to take your place and fly into space and be protected from other night actions during the night. However since space travel can still be dangerous you cannot protect <User> from Night kills. In addition you cannot fly into space yourself anymore because you are too old. Therefore, you are unable to protect yourself.
You are holding the top right piece of the Statue of Delphi. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Delphi Statue pieces.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Yeti: Yeti pretty much trolled everyone with her talk of SANDS and MUDS. A few non-players gave Yeti a hand in this. The trouble was, I could not really interfere without screwing over Yeti (and half of me wanted to watch you guys search for a non existent item) so I left it as is. I’m not sure whether his smoke and mirrors tactic worked but it pissed off IPL which resulted in IPL killing Yeti N1
Dear dukefan5,
You are Christopher Columbus.
You are the famous explorer who discovered South America. As a result of this thousands of natives were killed. You feel guilt over this so you’re decided to team up with The Explorers to “find your roots” (and perhaps find more gold!).
You are an excellent sailor and you will put these abilities to good use in this fight. Once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Taking <User> on a voyage”. You will take the user for a boat ride and sail away. As a result of this <User> will be protected from kills during the night. You cannot target yourself with this ability since you suck at multi-tasking and cannot both captain a ship and watch for potential assassins.
You are holding the Greaves of the Sentinel. This item does absolutely nothing and is worthless in this game.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Dear Nachos,
You are Captain James Cook.
You are an excellent Captain and you discovered many things. You also drew a map of NZ which only had 2 mistakes so you are pretty awesome. Your superiors feel that your talents are best served by allying yourself with The Explorers, since you take orders pretty well you are allied with The Explorers.
Since you are known for being very handy drawing maps and suchlike once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Drawing Map of <User>”. You will draw a map that reflects <User>’s life up to know. By the end of the night you will use this map to determine who <User> is allied with.
You are holding the Right Arm of the Forbidden One. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Exodia pieces.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Dear Improbability,
You are Indiana Jones.
You are a fictional character with a talent for finding artifacts of a certain nature. You are skilled with a guns and whips. You hate snakes, just hate them. Due to your love of finding artifacts and restoring them to Museums you have teamed up with The Explorers.
Some people brand you as a thief and while you deny this term you cannot shake the fact that you are really good at taking things. Therefore suchlike once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Whip <User>”. You will lash out with your whip and take all the items that <User> is carrying and keep them for yourself.
You are holding the Left Leg of the Forbidden One. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Exodia pieces.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Improbability: Improbability played damn well for his first time as a villager. IN fact whether it was by fluke or not he pretty much screwed over the Insane Fanatics by himself. He pushed for himself to be given Exodia over Altair (which prevented the Insane from holding Exodia) and then used Exodia to destroy the Insane Fanatics that night. Altair got a last ditch kill on him before dying which was unfortunate
Dear Game Freak201,
You are Lara Croft.
You are a famous Video Game character very skilled in “liberating” items. You are also and excellent fighter using various guns to good use. Being hot is just a bonus. You are passing through Egypt when this conflict broke out and thus you decided to help The Explorers since you Identify with them and you just want the conflict to end.
You plan to steal items to help the Explores win this fight so once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Seduce <User>”. You will use you your skills and beauty to subdue <User> and then you will steal all the items he or she has.
You are holding the Meteor. You found it during your travels and are still fascinated by its beauty. Since you are obsessed over it your vote counts for Zero during the day, thus you may want to share this Meteor to others so that all can appreciate and share in its beauty.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Dear badalcristiano,
You are Alexander the Great.
You are an excellent strategist and Warrior and you conquered much of the World. You are filled with pothos (Greek word for longing) in that you always want to go ‘A bit further’. You conquered Egypt before and while you don’t share any affinity with The Explorers, you hate resistance so you have allied yourself with The Explorers in order to crush The Guardians.
You are a very skilled warrior but in this conflict you do not wish to fight. If there was a war on then sure but this seems such a petty squabble to you thus you have no night action. However, due to your Aura of Power your vote counts for 2 during the day.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Dear BunnyMaster,
You are Jack West Jr.
You are the (Australian) hero in the books Seven Ancient Wonders, Six Sacred Stones and Five Greatest Warriors which are written by Matthew Reilly. You are a former soldier and you are awesome at shooting and hand to hand combat. You are very clever and you are fascinated with ancient items. You also have a bio mechanical arm which you got as a result of sacrificing your own arm so that you could save a child. Your Mechanical arm also has some C4 in it for emergencies. You just don’t F**king die either but ultimately you are a good guy and that’s what matters most. You are allied with The Explorers because The Guardians have taken your adopted daughter Lily hostage.
You are not a hugely violent man but your daughter is kidnapped so you will do anything to get her back. Thus once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Strapping C4 to <User>”. User will have C4 explosive attacked to him and be paralysed with fear, preventing him from posting in the thread for the day. In addition you are also the killer for your faction.
In addition to your action above on certain nights you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Shoot <User>”. You will shoot <User> and he will be killed. However, because you have to reload, you can only do this every other night, beginning Night 1. If you die this ability will be passed on to another member of your team
You are holding the top left piece of the Statue of Delphi. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Delphi Statue pieces.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
Dear RaRe555,
You are Dora the Explorer.
You are a TV character that will teach children Spanish. You will attempt to do this by asking the children questions which will then be answered. You are hated by the host and thus you are in this game mainly because the host feels like killing her and partly to piss off the unfortunate player who gets this role. You are allied with The Explorers because the host told you to and you are a little girl so you ALWAYS do as you are told.
You have an antagonist called Swiper. Since you are a stupid kid you will tell it to stop and it will listen. Therefore once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Swiper, no swiping! <User 1> redirected to <User 2>”. <User 1> will be ashamed of their actions, listen to you and instead target <User 2>. You cannot redirect kills (or affect Lynches in any way) and you may not target the same <User> twice in a row.
You are holding the Armour of the Sentinel. This item does absolutely nothing and is worthless in this game.
You are allied with The Explorers. You win if The Explorers eliminate all threats.
RaRe555: Another player who I think had a good game. His screwed over Jig N0 in redirecting her toward a player with no Sentinel Item which was actually the piece she needed I think. I don’t think he ever really trusted Altair. He used his redirects wisely and played very well until he was smashed during that massacre.
The Guardians
The Guardians could have played better I think. They were let down when Uncle Sam died which was a huge loss for them since Uncle Sam was controlling the faction very well. They also had a bit of bad luck with Zorbees being kidnapped which sucked for him. However Johann got himself into a position of power very quickly and when Wickdaggler died Johann became leader. I was very upset though when Wick broke his silence restriction so I took away there night kill that night which in hindsight might have been too harsh of me. It’s a shame that they never won a lynch since it meant that they played catch up for large amounts of the game.
Dear wickdaggler,
You are a Guillotine.
You are a medieval killing device with a very large blade. You were not a torturing device, but a quick kill as your blade cuts right through someone in a second. You have been built by The Guardians in order to aid in this conflict.
You are a very large and quite frightening device to anyone looking. Thus, once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Threaten <User> with appearance". <User> will see you, and be so scared of you that they will give you their role PM.
You are holding the Helm of the Sentinel. This item does absolutely nothing and is worthless in this game.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
wickdaggler: Poor Wickdaggler. I don’t really think this was one of his better games. Johann moled him pretty well and Wick broke his silence so I had to decide to either kill him or give out a punishment. I decided that godkilling Wick was silly as if he had followed his silence he would have died in the lynch. So I took away his factions kill for that night which in hindsight might have been a bit harsh as it was Wicks fault not there’s.
Dear coolking49,
You are a Criminal.
You were wandering about before a mugger came and stole all of your money. You were broke, and had no other option, but to steal something... Something expensive. You began to steal an expensive treasure before The Guardians saw you. Thinking that you were guarding the treasure, The Guardians drafted you to help.
Because you did make an attempt to steal, you figured out you're pretty darn good at it, so once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Hey <User>, what's that?". While <User> is looking away, you will swipe all items that they have.
You are holding the Gauntlets of the Sentinel. This item does absolutely nothing and is worthless in this game.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Dear capefeather,
You are Sly Cooper.
You are a famous thief, spy, and sneaky raccoon. You've been in three games, and are about to be in a fourth. You carry a large cane on your back you normally use to kill enemies. You decided to join The Guardians in an effort to sneak by The Explorers.
With great tracking, stealth, and stealing skills, you figured you could help out The Guardians for the moment. Once a night, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Sneak around behind <User>". You will begin to sneak around behind <User>, and because of your stealth skills they won't see you. You will see who <User> targeted that night. If <User> targeted no-one then you will find out who targeted <User>.
You are holding the Right Leg of the Forbidden One. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Forbidden One pieces.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
capefeather: Drew all manner of shit N0 for reasons im not sure of. Was killed D1 after pretty much everyone inspected him.
Dear -TheLucarioEffect-,
You are the Cave of Wonders.
You are a cave shaped in a tiger's head in the movie "Aladdin". However, you are also possessed, and can attack, or swallow up someone into your inner chambers to find the treasure. The Guardians decided you were just the right choice, considering what all you guard.
Because you are indeed a possessed cave that's just a head, you may send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Swallow up <User>". You will suck <User> inside of your chamber, and <User> will be guarded from all attacks on him. However, since you cannot suck yourself in, you cannot use this power on yourself.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Dear danmantincan,
You are a Snare.
You are a device normally used to trap animals, or legs. You can trap most anything, but each trap depends on your size. You are made from a wide variety of products, and are the perfect tool to stop things. You were made by The Guardians in order to stop anyone from passing.
Since you are known for trapping, once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Set myself in front of <User>". You will be set up in front of <User>, and be ready to catch anyone. If any other user tries to perform an action on <User>, they will be caught by you. However, since killers can simply slice themselves down, you cannot block kills. Also, since you cannot put yourself in front of you, you cannot use this action on yourself.
You are holding the Body of Hermes. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Hermes pieces.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Dear Quagsires,
You are the Gossip Spreader.
"Oh my gosh, did you hear what loudkirbyking did?" "Oh no, did you hear about ginganinja's awesome arrival?" As you spread gossip around town, you give juicy information to people that you know without much of a care. You've joined The Guardians in hope of getting good information to gossip about.
Spreading gossip is what you do best. Therefore, once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Spread Gossip about <User 1> to <User 2>". You will begin to gossip about <User 1>, and because of this gossip, <User 2> will have to vote to lynch <User 1>. If they don't, they will be godkilled.
You are holding the Left Arm of the Forbidden One. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Exodia pieces.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Dear zorbees,
You are a Young Boy.
You began to wander around Egypt, looking for someone to be your friend. Your mother let you walk around, as long as you come back before dinner, or if you begin to get too hot. The Guardians, however, decided to draft you because of your innocence.
With your innocence, and such desire you a friend, you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - <User>, are you my friend?". You will approach <User>, and ask if <User> is your friend. Due to your cuteness, and overall innocence, they will answer truthfully and you will find out there allegiance.
You are holding the bottom left piece of the Statue of Delphi. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Delphi Statue pieces.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Dear Captain Bagman,
You are the Shield Guard.
You are a brave soldier with a very large shield. People look up to you because you can defend against most everything, but, as you're used to your shield, it's normal for you. You joined The Guardians because, well, you can defend against most everything.
Large shields make perfect distractions, so you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Drop my shield near <User>". You will "accidentally" drop your shield in front of <User> and ask them to pick it up. When they bend down to get it, you will swipe all of their items.
You are holding the bottom right piece of the Statue of Delphi. Something special will occur if you get the rest of the Delphi Statue pieces.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
Captain Bagman: Bagman played very well I think for the Guardians. He formed a connection with imperfectluck and I think that they worked out deals together. He was instrumental in creating the Delphi statue and by extension the Hermes statue thus giving IPL his powers. He survived for a while although his ability was largely useless after all 3 statues were summond.
Dear UncleSam,
You are the Market.
Rustle and bustle occurs in markets, as people trade things, buy things, and sell things to many different stands. With everything going on, business has decreased in the market, though. You join with The Guardians to, not only get business, but since you feel they can help protect your merchandise the best.
Because there are so many shops in you, you have a very wide variety of products. You can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Let <User> browse". You will allow <User> to browse through all of the stands, and they will be so distracted that they will be unable to complete their night action.
In addition you are also the killer for your faction. In addition to your action above once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled "Night X - Arrest <User> for stealing your property". You will give <User> one of your pieces of merchandise, then call guards. The guards will execute <User> for trying to steal. However, the guards will get suspicious of you if you do this every night, so you can only do this action once every other night, beginning on Night 2. If you die this ability will be passed on to another member of your team.
You are allied with The Guardians. You win if The Guardians eliminate all threats.
UncleSam: Got a Fake Role PM very quickly. Only downside was that it was a similar PM to somebody else in the game. Gave Altair his fake name of Indiana jones. Started a massive mole campaign between Altair and Uncle Sam as they both tried to mole into each others factions. Uncle Sam as imo the “brains” behind the Guardians and I have to say he did a swell job trying to organise his faction.
Dear imperfectluck,
You are Inferno Golem.
You are a Boss in the game Dragon Age (Awakening). You can smash through walls, throw Fireballs and generally rip things up. You are immune to Molten Lava and pretty much invulnerable. You have been awakened from your slumber during this conflict and now you will proceed to kill as many people as you can.
You have a number of powers. Therefore once a night you can send a PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X – Devastation” You will activate your supreme powers and attempt to cause chaos and destruction. In the body of the PM you can write the following actions that can be carried out at the same time.
“Kill <User>” and <User> will be blasted to pieces with a Fireball.
You can also write “Inspect <User>.” You will send your army of Golems (sadly made out of Steel) which will get information on <User> and by the end of the night you will know <User>’s full Role PM.
Since you are made out of Molten Lava and have an army of steel Golems you cannot be killed or Lynched or otherwise targeted. This protection will run out at the end of N2 due to an unusual rainstorm expected to hit Egypt at the end of N2.
You are holding the item “Control Rod”. This item is old and very ancient. Since it is an item only for Golems it cannot be stolen from you and it will crumble into dust. You are currently unsure of this items power but you are aware that for every statue fully created you will gain something very special thanks to this rod.
You are allied with yourself, you win if you Survive.
Dear jigglypuffers42,
You are an Ogre.
A feared creature in Dragon Age Origins you are commanders of the Darkspawn and use your massive strength to tear through the first few lines of an army. You are famous for picking up people in one hand and then beating the crap out of them with the other (or you can just crush the life out of him). However Ogres are excellent scavengers since they will steal items from the warriors they defeat. During a recent (unrelated) conflict you have lost your armour and thus you ant to find it. Since finding your armour is so important to you you have put aside you killing abilities in favour of hunting for your lost items.
Although you do not wish to kill you still command much respect and thus each night you can PM to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Send Shrieks to watch <User>”. Shrieks are the Darkspawn’s covert troops and they will watch <User>. By the end of the night you will be able to determine if <User> is holding any of your Armour Items.
In addition you may also send another PM each night to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Intimidate <User>”. You will appear before <User> with all your fearsome power. <User> will be terrified of being killed, unaware that you do not wish to kill anyone. <User> will flee from you. If <User> has any of your Armour Items they will leave them behind in order to run faster and you will be able to take those Armour Items for yourself. Note that if <User> has any other items then they will keep hold of them thus you can only steal your Armour Items.
Due to your awesome size, strength, and power once you have obtained an Armour piece it cannot be stolen back from you in any way. Also, if somebody dies holding an Armour piece then that piece will be automatically given to you.
You are holding the Large Diamond. Upon sending this item to someone you will gain all there items in return for giving them your Large Diamond.
You are allied with yourself. You win if there is one faction remaining in the game. In addition finding your armour is of the highest priority to you. Thus you cannot win until you find and own all of the pieces of your armour.
It might be possible for your Win Condition to change.
Congratulations you have obtained all 4 pieces of your armour!
You have now been upgraded into an Armoured Ogre!
Ogres usually have no armour and to be fair, they really have little need for it due to them being tough things to kill. However on occasion shields and breastplates have been tied together with bits of rope or wire and thus some Ogres have some primitive armour. The Sentinel Armour is of the finest make and thus you have become the strongest Armoured Ogre to ever exist!
Now that you have found your Armour you feel the hunger to kill again. In fact you wish to have revenge from everyone who had stolen bits of your armour. You are unsure of the people who stole from you so you have decided to kill everyone in this conflict.
You have lost your previous abilities and your previous win condition. However you have gained new abilities to make up for this.
Each night you may PM both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - Destroy <User>” You will cloak yourself in the night and then appear to <User>. You will then ram into <User> knocking him to the ground before following up with a grab attack, grabbing hold of <User> with one hand and choosing to either crush the life out of him or to beat him to pulp with your other fist thus killing him.
You may also send a PM each night to both ginganinja and loudkirbyking titled “Night X - ROAR at <User>”. <User> will hear your battle cry and hide in fear for the night. This will prevent them from completing their night action.
You are allied with yourself, you win if you Survive.
jigglypuffers42: Jig was another one who was happy with their role. She told me that he was worried about making enemies but did deals to obtain Items. RaRe555 redirected Jig into one of the few players with no items N0 which meant that jig was a little behind at the start of the game. Poor jig though. Was very vocal about getting armour pieces and I suspect that Jig may have let slip that she got power-ups for each armour piece she got. IPL got nervous and launched a pre-emptive strike against her. I think telling IPL that her WC could change might not have been the greatest move either.
Personally I would have been slightly happier if Jig had kept a low profile for this one. There was no rush to get the armour and with her night powers she could very easily find out who had the items.
On the other hand I still think Jig played well and god a bit of bad luck which slowed her down a bit in finding her items.
Well I took away a few things from this game. Words cannot express how annoyed I was at the statues being summoned so early after spending huge amounts of time trying to prevent that from happening.
I also reckon kidnaps are stupid now and its unlikely I would use on again in a mafia of mine. As far as the game itself went I think it was only o.k. The ideas I had with the Statues never quite played out as planned but it was still fun to test out that new concept.
Best Insane Fanatic: Johann.
Best Guardian: Coolking49/ EDIT o.k US as well
Best Explorer: Aura Guardian/Improbability
Best Move: Improbability convincing the Explorers to vote him for Exodia instead of Altair
Luckiest Player: Aura Guardian for not dying
MVP: I have to give this to IPL since he really did play a great game, pushed hard for the statue creations etc etc.