Archen vs TheWolfe

Archen TheWolfe

Much apologies for my lateness, thanks for putting up with it.

rules said:
Open Challenge!
Match type: 2v2 LC Singles
DQ time: 2 Days
Arena: ASB Arena
Switch: OK
Items: Training
Abilities: All

Wolfe mons:

SirRonLionHeart - Gligar (M)
: Careful (Adds one (1) Rank to Special Defense; Subtracts one (1) Rank from Special Attack)
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Will always hit foes with Dig (except other Flying types) and Dive. Cannot be hit by Dive unless the attacking Pokemon has a size class greater than four (4). Immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
KOs: 2

Hyper Cutter: (Innate) This Pokemon always keeps its claws/teeth/pincers extremely sharp, and thus cannot have its attack reduced.
Sand Veil: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.
Immunity: (Dream World; Innate) This Pokemon’s body has an immensely strong immune response to venom and does not take poison damage when Poisoned. Toxic Poisoning will not do damage; however, it will continue to grow more severe.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

EC: 2/6
MC: 2
DC: 2/5

-Faint Attack
-Fury Cutter
-Knock Off
-Poison Sting
-Quick Attack
-Razor Wind
-Rock Climb
-Stone Edge

Total Moves: 20

Cuauhtemoc - Scratchet (M)
: Adamant (Adds one Rank to Attack; Subtracts one Rank to Special Attack)
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions on Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Submission, and Vital Throw. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
KOs: 0

Scrappy: (Passive) This Pokemon's Normal and Fighting attacks carry a special signature that can damage Ghosts, even if they have phased out.
Prankster: (Passive) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Vital Spirit: (Dream World; Passive) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 0
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

-Brick Break
-Confuse Ray
-Focus Energy
-Fury Swipes
-Rapid Spin
-Rock Smash
-Stealth Rock

Total Moves: 16

Arch mons:

Rhyhorn(*)Ranger Rick(Male)
Brave (+1 Atk, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)

Summary: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.

Summary: Rock STAB; reduced damage from all special attacks by two (2) Base Attack Power during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4+
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 22-
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 14

EC: 1/9
MC: 2
DC: 1/5


Lightningrod: (Innate) These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an Electric attack, they transfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. A boost gained this way by an opponent's attack will be maintained at the end of each round. Self-targeted attacks do not maintain boosts. If a Pokemon has a type immunity to Electric attacks, Lightningrod will not activate.

Rock Head: (Innate): This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.

Reckless (DW) (Innate , Locked) This Pokemon has an innately aggressive nature that lets it use all-out attacks with recoil more effectively. Recoil attacks from this Pokemon have two (2) more Base Attack Power, and recoil percentage is unaffected.


Horn Attack(*)
Tail Whip(*)
Fury Attack(*)
Scary Face(*)
Rock Blast(*)

Dragon Rush(*)
Rock Slide(*)

Poison Jab(*)


Shroomish (Mario) (Male)
Quirky (No effect on stats)
Summary: Grass STAB; immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.

Effect Spore: (Innate)This Pokemon has a stockpile of defensive spores which it releases on opponents who strike with contact attacks. There is a 10% chance each of poison, paralysis, and sleep.
When disabled, the Pokemon's Powder attacks are 10% more accurate.

Poison Heal:(Innate)Pokemon with this ability have internal structures that absorb the toxins in poison and uses them to recover two (2) HP/action instead of taking poison damage. When a Pokemon with Poison Heal inflicts Poison on themselves with an attack, it uses up one of their Recovery Moves. If Toxic'd, the Toxic counter will still go up each round and Toxic will do the relevant damage for that round should their ability be disabled.

Quick Feet(DW):(Innate) ( Locked)This Pokemon feels a sense of anxiety when afflicted with a status condition and its speed increases by 50% (x1.5). Although it can still be fully paralyzed, it will not suffer the Speed drop.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

EC: 1/6
MC: 2
DC: 1/5

Stun Spore
Leech Seed
Mega Drain

Seed Bomb
Drain Punch
Helping Hand

Sunny Day

Will edit in rules gotta go find the,.

Archen sends out and equips
Wolfe sends out, equips, and orders
Archen orders
I ref
"It's time for Cuauhtemoc to take the stage!"


Cuauhtemoc - Scratchet (M)
Get equipped with EXP. Share!

Rock Smash ~ Brick Break ~ Rock Smash

Hp: 90
En: 100
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: None


Hp: 90
En: 100
Size: 3
Weight: 5
Status: None​

Brick Break: The Pokemon's appendages glow white and it strikes the opponent with precise damaging strikes. The energy radiated from the blow destabilizes Light Screen and Reflect, breaking them upon contact.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rock Smash:
The Pokemon smashes the ground or a free-standing boulder near the opponent, shattering it to pieces. The quick impact of the rocks can lower the opponent's Defense by one (1) stage. If combined with a contact attack that can flinch, lower defense, or has a high critical-hit rate, it increases the Base Attack Power of the combining attack (e.g. Crabhammer from 9 BAP to 13.5 BAP) by one and a half (1.5x.) If combined with a move with "Bone," "Gear," "Rock," or "Whip" in it (e.g. Bone Rush, Gear Grind, Rock Slide, Vine Whip), the Base Attack Power of Rock Smash doubles (2x), the attack always lowers defense, and the attack retains the combining moves contact property. Combinations with multi-hit moves only lower defense once. Sheer Force will remove the defense lowering effect and get the BAP boost.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sandstorm: The Pokemon kicks up large quantities of sand or gravel, creating a huge sandstorm that lasts for four (4) rounds. The flying gravel and rocks will damage Pokemon that do not have hard bodies (Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-types) by two (2) damage per action. Special attacks targeted at Rock-types during Sandstorm are reduced by two (2) Base Attack Power. Sandstorm also activates Sand Rush, Sand Power, and Sand Veil.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Scary Face: The Pokemon makes an intimidating face at its opponent, scaring it slightly and make it hesitant to attack, lowering their speed by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Stomp: The Pokemon stomps down hard with its foot or equivalent. If its opponent is much taller than the user can raise its leg, the Pokemon aims for a vulnerable area like toes or a tail. The force can cause the attack to flinch the opponent. The attack does more damage against smaller foes. If the opponent has used Minimize, the Base Attack Power increases by two (2).

Attack Power: 9 + (User Size Class - Target Size Class) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive


Scratchet used Rock S,ash. (-2 en)
Crit: 8958 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (4 + 3 + 4.5 - 3) x 1.5 = - 12.75 Hp
Rhyhorn's balls defense dropped. (-1)

Rhyhorn used Sandstorm. (-9 en)
A sandstorm was brewed.
- 2 Hp scratchet .


Scratchet used Brick Break. (-5 en)
Crit: 8760 no
Effect: N/A
Damage: (8 + 3 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) x 1.5 = - 26.25 Hp

Rhyhorn used Scary Face. (-6 en)
Scratchet's speed sharply fell. (-2)

-2 Hp scratchet


Scratchet used Rock Smash. (-2 en)
Crit: 1804 no
Effect: duh
Damage: (4 + 3 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) x 1.5 = - 15.75 Hp
Rhyhorn's defense fell. (-1)

Rhyhorn used Stomp. (-7 en)
Crit: 9996 no
Damage: (11 + 6 - 4.5) = - 12.5 Hp

- 2 Hp scratchet .


Hp: 71
En: 91
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: -1 spe



Hp: 45
En: 78
Size: 3
Weight: 5
Status: - 1 def
I know I got some atk and def numbers wrong, but it doesn't make a fucking difference, plus I'm too sick to change it.
Hp: 71
En: 91
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: -1 spe


Hp: 45
En: 78
Size: 3
Weight: 5
Status: - 1 def​
Brick Break: The Pokemon's appendages glow white and it strikes the opponent with precise damaging strikes. The energy radiated from the blow destabilizes Light Screen and Reflect, breaking them upon contact.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Dragon Rush: The Pokemon rushes at the foe while charged with fearsome energy. When the attack hits, the energy may scare the foe and make them flinch.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Tail Whip: The Pokemon wags its tail cutely, causing the opponent to contemplate how cute it looks and lower its guard slightly, lowering its defense by one (1) stage. If Tail Whip is added to a combination, that combination will have 25% more Base Attack Power, but will only be able to affect one foe. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Thunderbolt: The Pokemon releases a yellow bolt of electricity towards the opponent. Thunderbolt has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special| Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental


Scratchet used Brick Break. (-5 en)
Crit: 1827 no
Effect: n/a
Damage: (8 + 3 + 6 - 4.5 + 2) x 1.5 = - 21.75 Hp

Rhyhorn used Tail Whip. (-4 en)
Scratchet's defense fell.


Scratchet used Brick Break. (-9 en)
Crit: 2594 no
Effect: n/a
Damage: (8 + 3 + 6 - 4.5 + 2) x 1.5 = - 21.75 Hp

Rhyhorn used Dragon Rush. (-7 en)
Hit: 3249 yes
Crit: 4935 no
Effect: n/a
Damage: (10 + 6 - 4.5 + 2) = - 13.5 Hp


Scratchet used Nrick Break. (-13 en)
Crit: 475 yes
Effect: n/a
Damage: (8 + 3 + 3 + 6 - 4.5 + 2) x 1.5 = - 26.25 Hp
Rhyhorn fainted.

Hp: 57
En: 64
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: -1 spe


Hp: -24.25
En: 67
Size: 3
Weight: 5
Status: fainted
Archen sends out (automatic) and equips
TheWolfe orders
Archen orders
I ref
"Beat that shroom up!" >:3

Rock Smash ~ Frustration ~ Rock Smash
Sub: IF Shroomish uses Leech Seed, THEN use Taunt and push actions down.
Sub: IF Shroomish uses Stun Spore, THEN use Taunt and push actions down.
Hp: 57
En: 64
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: -1 spe


Hp: 90
En: 100
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: None​

Frustration: The Pokémon goes into a rage, directing its hatred and violence at the opponent. Its Base Attack Power rises by two (2) if the target has more HP than the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mega Drain: The Pokémon shoots a green beam of energy at the opponent; when hit by the beam, the opponent's outline turns red, and the Pokémon's outline turns white as energy is transferred from the opponent to the Pokémon. The amount healed is half the damage dealt.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Rock Smash: The Pokemon smashes the ground or a free-standing boulder near the opponent, shattering it to pieces. The quick impact of the rocks can lower the opponent's Defense by one (1) stage. If combined with a contact attack that can flinch, lower defense, or has a high critical-hit rate, it increases the Base Attack Power of the combining attack (e.g. Crabhammer from 9 BAP to 13.5 BAP) by one and a half (1.5x.) If combined with a move with "Bone," "Gear," "Rock," or "Whip" in it (e.g. Bone Rush, Gear Grind, Rock Slide, Vine Whip), the Base Attack Power of Rock Smash doubles (2x), the attack always lowers defense, and the attack retains the combining moves contact property. Combinations with multi-hit moves only lower defense once. Sheer Force will remove the defense lowering effect and get the BAP boost.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

SolarBeam: The Pokemon spends time absorbing sunlight, before firing a colossal beam of solar energy at their opponent. Because of the time required to charge the attack, without strong sunlight the attack will be used last during among actions with the same priority. If Sunny Day is active, the attack will occur at a normal priority level. If it is raining, hailing, sandstorming, foggy or if there is anything else obstructing direct sunlight, the base Attack Power of SolarBeam will be cut in half. If the Pokemon are inside a structure where no sun reaches at all, the attack cannot be used.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: Charge: 1, Hit: -1. (All Priority 0 in Sun) | CT: Elemental

Sunny Day: The Pokemon calls upon the sun to shine very brightly by sending a red beam into the sky that clears the sky of clouds and intensifies the sunlight. For four (4) rounds, bright sunlight is in effect. In Moonlight the red beam greatly amplifies the moonlight's intensity, creating the same effect. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack in the sun it will pick up additional heat, increasing its Base Attack Power by three (3) Pokemon cannot be frozen during Sunny Day. If a Pokemon uses a Water-type attack in the sun much of it will evaporate, reducing its Base Attack Power by three (3). Sunny Day lasts for four (4) rounds and activates Solar Power, Chlorophyll, and Leaf Guard. This move will fail if the arena is indoors.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set


Shroomish used Sunny Day. (-10 en)
The sunlight turned harsh. (4r /12a)

Scratchet used Rock Smash. (-2 en)
Crit: 5240 no
Effect: 6098 no
Damage: (4 + 3 + 6 - 3) = - 10 Hp
Shroomish's defense dropped/fell. (-1)


Shroomish used Mega Drain. (-8 en)
Crit: 9509 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (6 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 7.5 Hp
+ 3.75 Hp Shroomish.

Scratchet used Frusteration. (-6 en)
Crit: 4773 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (8 + 2 + 3 + 6 - 3) = - 16 Hp


Shroomish used SolarBeam. (-7 en)
Crit: 1573 no
Effect: n/a
Damage: (12 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 15.5 Hp

Scratchet used Rock Smash. (-2 en)
Crit: 5460 no
Effect: 8447 no
Damage: (4 + 3 + 6 - 3) = - 10 Hp
Shroomish's defense fell/dropped. (-2)

Hp: 31
En: 54
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: None


Hp: 67
En: 75
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: None
Sun (3r/9a)

Also, Archen, I defaulted stun spore as off as you did not tell me you were activating it.
Hp: 31
En: 54
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: None

Hp: 67
En: 75
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: None​

Focus Energy: The Pokémon charges an aura that guides the user to an opponent's weak point, guaranteeing a critical hit on each attack for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Frustration: The Pokémon goes into a rage, directing its hatred and violence at the opponent. Its Base Attack Power rises by two (2) if the target has more HP than the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mega Drain: The Pokémon shoots a green beam of energy at the opponent; when hit by the beam, the opponent's outline turns red, and the Pokémon's outline turns white as energy is transferred from the opponent to the Pokémon. The amount healed is half the damage dealt.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

SolarBeam: The Pokemon spends time absorbing sunlight, before firing a colossal beam of solar energy at their opponent. Because of the time required to charge the attack, without strong sunlight the attack will be used last during among actions with the same priority. If Sunny Day is active, the attack will occur at a normal priority level. If it is raining, hailing, sandstorming, foggy or if there is anything else obstructing direct sunlight, the base Attack Power of SolarBeam will be cut in half. If the Pokemon are inside a structure where no sun reaches at all, the attack cannot be used.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: Charge: 1, Hit: -1. (All Priority 0 in Sun) | CT: Elemental


Scratchet used Focus Energy. (-11 en)
All scratchet's strikes will land true. (All crits 6A)

Shroomish used Mega Drain. (-8 en)
Crit: 1783 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (6 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 7.5 Hp
+ 3.75 Hp Shroomish


Shroomish used SolarBeam. (-7 en)
Crit: 3412 no
Effect: N/A
Damage: (12 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 13.5 Hp

Scratchet used Frusteration + Frusteration. (-24 en)
Crit: 723 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (10 (8 + 2) x 2.25 + 3 + 3 + 6 - 3) = - 31.5 Hp


Shroomish used Mega Drain. (-8 en)
Crit: 9877 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (6 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 7.5 Hp
+ 3.75 Hp Shroomish

Hp: 3
En: 19
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: Focused Energy (3A)


Hp: 43
En: 52
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: None
The Wolfe orders
Archen orders
I ref
"Whoa. I did not expect Cuauhtemoc would live that."

Return ~ Frustration ~ Return
Sub: IF Shroomish uses a successful protective/evasive move, THEN Chill.

Hp: 3
En: 19
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: Focused Energy (3A)


Hp: 43
En: 52
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: None​

Scratchet used Return. (-6 en)
Crit: yes
Effect: N/A no
Damage: (8 + 3 + 6 - 3) = - 14 Hp

Shroomish used Mega Drain. (-12 en)
Crit: 8198 no
Effect: N/A
Damage: (6 + 3 + 3 - 4.5) = - 7.5 Hp
+ 1.5 Hp Shroomish


Hp: -5
En: 13
Size: 1
Weight: 2
Status: 1 KOC


Hp: 31
En: 40
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: 1 KOC

TheWolfe sends out and equips
Archen orders
TheWolfe orders
I ref

Hp: 100
En: 100
Size: 2
Weight: 4
Status: None


Hp: 31
En: 40
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: 1 KOC


To come.


Gligar used Acrobatics. (-6 en)
Crit: 9018 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (11 + 3 + 4.5 - 3) x 1.5 = - 23.25 Hp

Shroomish used Mega Drain. (-8 en)
Crit: 6984 no
Effect: yes
Damage: (6 + 3 + 3 - 6) = - 6 Hp
+ 3 Hp Shroomish


Gligar used X-Scissor. (-6 en)
Crit: 1560 no
Effect: N/A
Damage: (8 + 6 - 3) x 1.5 = - 16.5 Hp

Shroomish Chilled. (+12 en)


Gligar used Acrobatics. (-6 en)
Crit: 4483 no
Effect: N/A
Damage: (11 + 3 + 4.5 - 3) x 1.5 = - 23.25 Hp
Shroomish fainted.


Hp: 94
En: 82
Size: 2
Weight: 4
Status: 1 KOC


Hp: -32
En: 44
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Status: 1 KOC



4 UC


2 cc


1 EC

2 MC

1 DC


*insert item based goodies here*


2 cc


1 EC

2 MC

1 DC

*insert item based goodies here*

Shroomish in particular:


Thanks for playing.