VGC Are ya gonna eat that sandwich? (Koraidon)

Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

Koraidon is a strong and fast physical attacker that sets up sun to increase its damage and benefit its teammates. Thanks to its high Attack, it can threaten many Pokemon in the metagame such as Rillaboom, Urshifu-S, and Terapagos. Collision Course can threaten Incineroar and is Koraidon's preferred STAB move thanks to the lack of drawbacks. Flare Blitz can OHKO Amoonguss and Rillaboom. Flame Charge is used to deal chip damage and outspeed threats such as Calyrex-S and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate and Parting Shot from Incineroar and Icy Wind from Flutter Mane. The EV spread allows Koraidon to survive an Ice Spinner from Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. With a Jolly nature, Koraidon can outspeed maximum Speed Ogerpon, and with an Adamant nature, Koraidon can OHKO Zamazenta-C with Flare Blitz after Terastallizing. Tera Fire allows Koraidon to OHKO Calyrex-S while also granting defensive capabilities, allow Koraidon to resist Fairy- and Ice-type moves such as Moonblast from Flutter Mane and Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I.

Kyogre and Pelipper can replace Koraidon's sun with rain and threaten it with Ice Beam or Hurricane, respectively, or with Origin Pulse or Weather Ball if Koraidon has Terastallized. Flutter Mane outspeeds and threatens Koraidon via Moonblast and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can Terastallize into a Fire-type to resist Flare Blitz or into a Fairy-type to resist Collision Course and remove its Fire weakness. Calyrex-I can also threaten Koraidon via Glacial Lance or, if Koraidon has Terastallized, High Horsepower. Flutter Mane is a solid partner for Koraidon, as Koraidon can boost its Speed under the sun, and Flutter Mane can help Koraidon outspeed foes with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave as well as reset sun with Sunny Day in the face of Kyogre and Pelipper. Raging Bolt resists both of Kyogre's and Pelipper's Water- and Flying-type moves while threatening them with its Electric-Type STAB attacks like Thunderbolt and Thunderclap. Ogerpon-C provides redirection and strong Rock- and Grass-type coverage that can pressure Calyrex-I and OHKO Kyogre and Pelipper. Entei can be used as a secondary single-target nuke that can OHKO Flutter Mane and threaten Calyrex-I with burns from Sacred Fire. Chi-Yu can support Koraidon with Snarl to devastate Calyrex-S or Taunt to deter status conditions such as Will-O-Wisp from Incineroar and Spore from Amoonguss while also launching powerful Heat Waves under sun. Ditto has a great matchup against the Calyrex formes, as it copies their potential stat boosts, reverses Trick Room in the face of Calyrex-I, and threatens Calyrex-S with an OHKO.

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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

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Koraidon is a strong offensive threat that benefits from the sun, aiming to deal immensely powerful single targeted attacks alongside its teammates. Thanks to its attacking moves, redundant high base Attack stat, and decent bulk, it can threaten or beat many Pokemon in the metagame such as Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Amooguss Amoonguss, and restricteds such as Terapagos. Collision Course is a strong and reliable STAB move and Flare Blitz is used to deal massive damage under sun. Flame Charge is used to outspeed threats that Koraidon normally wouldn't, such as Flutter Mane and Choice Scarf Landorus This wording is phrased in a way that implies that Flame Charge instantly allows Koraidon to outspeed its threats, when in reality, the Speed boost only applies after the move is used, nothing too serious but can simply rephrase it. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate, Parting Shot, and Icy Wind. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live an Ice Spinner from an Adamant Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly, while also having defensive capabilities resisting previous weaknesses such as Fairy- and Ice-type moves. You could also give some explanation on why some would rather run the Jolly / Adamant nature. For example, does the nature allow Koraidon to reach an important Speed or damage threshold?

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Pelipper and Kyogre can turn off and replace Koraidon's sun with rain, while dealing super-effective damage with Hurricane or Ice Beam. Flutter Mane can use Koraidon’s sun against it allowing it to outspeeds and hits attack Koraidon for super-effective damage via Moonblast, and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can terastilize into a Fire-,or Water-, or Dragon-type While yes, technically dragon tera is true. It’s usage in San Antonio was only like 3% which is actually the least used tera type for Caly-I suggesting low competitive viability and possibly inferior to Fire, Water and Fairy tera to resist Flare Blitz, while also hitting Koraidon for super-effective damage via Glacial Lance and High Horsepower. Flutter Mane can boost its speed under the sun and deal massive damage with Choice Specs, or it can help Koraidon outspeed opponents with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave. Raging Bolt resists both of Pelipper's and Kyogre's Flying- and Water-type moves, while dealing heavy damage back, also mention that it appreciates the Sun which increases SpA to show off synergy. Incineroar and Rillaboom can provide a more defensive backbone alongside Koraidon Also mention their pivoting prowess, and can use Fake Out for Koraidon to attack undamaged. Since this Koraidon’s speed investment is quite relatively low, you could mention how fake out also allows Koraidon to attack that could of outsped it

You can also mention Ogerpon-Cornerstone as a partner, as it can pressure Caly-I offensively through being able to deal super effective damage towards it, even towards its common water and fire tera types, as well as Kyogre and Pelipper too since it’s naturally faster than those two! As well as defensive merits in terms of follow me redirection and sturdy

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I will recheck this before granting a QC stamp, let me know when this is implemented.

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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

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Koraidon is a strong offensive threat that benefits from the sun alongside its teammates. Koraidon does benefit from sun but more importantly it sets up sun
Thanks to its attacking moves, high base Attack stat, and decent bulk If you would like to talk about Koraidon's bulk you should mention which Pokemon it can survive attacks from, otherwise remove this it can threaten or beat many Pokemon in the metagame such as Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Amooguss Amoonguss, and restricteds such as This implies Koraidon is favourable against many restricteds but it only really has positive matchups into Terapagos and Zamazenta-C Terapagos. Collision Course is strong and reliable STAB move and Flare Blitz is used to deal massive damage under sun. This is pretty much dex info, mention what KOs Collision Course and Flare Blitz achieve Flame Charge is used to outspeed threats that Koraidon normally wouldn't, This is fluff such as Flutter Mane and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate, Parting Shot, and Icy Wind. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live an Ice Spinner from an Adamant You don't need to mention Adamant because this means it will survive Ice Spinner from all Chien-Pao Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. Mention what the Attack and Speed investment do, you also need to compare Jolly and Adamant Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly Mention what KOs Tera Fire gets, while also having defensive capabilities resisting previous weaknesses such as Fairy- and Ice-type moves Mention examples of these attacks and their users.

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Pelipper and Kyogre can turn off and replace Koraidon's sun with rain, while dealing super-effective damage with Hurricane or Ice Beam You should mention Weather Ball and Origin Pulse threatening Koraidon after it terastallizes too. Flutter Mane outspeeds and hits Koraidon for super-effective damage via Moonblast, and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can terastilize into a Fire-, Water-, or Dragon- These aren't common Tera types for Calyrex-I at the moment, you could talk about Tera Fairy resisting Collision Course instead type to resist Flare Blitz, while also hitting Koraidon for super-effective damage via Glacial Lance and High Horsepower when terastallized. Flutter Mane can boost its speed Speed under the sun and deal massive damage with Choice Specs, or it help Koraidon outspeed opponents with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave. It isn't very clear that Flutter Mane should be used as a partner for Koraidon Raging Bolt resists both of Pelipper's and Kyogre's Flying- and Water-type moves, while dealing heavy damage back. Incineroar and Rillaboom Rillaboom is not a common partner for Koraidon, mention Ogerpon-C instead can provide a more defensive backbone alongside Koraidon, and can use Fake Out for Koraidon to attack undamaged. Mention Chi-Yu as a partner and you can optionally mention Entei

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Good job, this looks fine to me. You may mark this as QC 1/2 after implementing the check.

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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

Koraidon is a strong and fast physical attacker that can sets up the sun increasing its damage and benefiting its teammates. Thanks to its high base Attack stat it can threaten many Pokemon in the metagame such as Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Amoonguss, Zamazenta-C, and Terapagos Cut this down to three examples. Collision Course can threaten Incineroar, and is Koraidon's preferred STAB move thanks to the lack of drawbacks. Flare Blitz is Koraidon's strongest move under sun, and OHKO Amoonguss and Rillaboom. Flame Charge is used to deal chip damage and outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate, and Parting Shot from Incineroar, and Icy Wind from Flutter Mane. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live an Ice Spinner from Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. With a Jolly Nature, Koraidon can outspeed maximum Speed Ogerpon-C or -H, and with an Adamant Nature Koraidon can OHKO Zamazenta-C With? after terastallizing. Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly, which can OHKO Calyrex-S, while also having defensive capabilities resisting previous weaknesses such as Fairy- and Ice-type moves such as Moonblast from Flutter Mane and Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I.

Pelipper and Kyogre Kyogre and Pelipper Kyogre is more common than Pelipper so it should be mentioned first can turn off and replace Koraidon's sun with rain, while dealing super-effective damage threatening This sounds like dex info with Hurricane Ice Beam or Ice Beam Hurricane respectively, along with Weather Ball Origin Pulse and Origin Pulse Weather Ball after terastallizing. Flutter Mane outspeeds and hits threatens Koraidon for super-effective damage Dex info via Moonblast, and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can terastilize terastallize into a Fire-type to resist Flare Blitz and or a Fairy-type to resist Collision Course and remove its Fire-type weakness, while also hitting threatening Koraidon for super-effective damage via Glacial Lance and High Horsepower when terastallized. Flutter Mane is a solid partner for Koraidon, as it can boost its Speed under the sun and deal massive damage with Choice Specs, or it help Koraidon outspeed opponents with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave. Raging Bolt resists both of Pelipper's and Kyogre's Flying- and Water-type Kyogre and Pelipper's Water- and Flying-type moves, while dealing heavy damage back threatening them with it's Electric-type STAB moves like Thunderbolt and Thunderclap. Incineroar can provide a more defensive backbone alongside Koraidon, and can use Fake Out for Koraidon to attack that could otherwise been outsped. Ogerpon-C provides redirection and strong Rock- and Grass-type coverage that can pressure Calyrex-I, and hit both Pelipper and Kyogre super-effectively OHKO Kyogre and Pelipper. Chi-Yu and Entei can survive attacks from opposing Flutter Mane and inflict massive damage with Heat Wave and Sacred Fire under sun in return.

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Good work, I'd like to have a quick recheck after this!
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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

Koraidon is a strong and fast physical attacker that sets up the sun increasing its damage and benefitting its teammates. Thanks to its high base Attack stat it can threaten many Pokemon in the metagame such as Rillaboom, Urshifu-R, (It's not threatening Urshifu with its attacks, can replace with a Dark-type or add Sun earlier in the sentence.) and Terapagos. Collision Course can threaten Incineroar, and is Koraidon's preferred STAB move thanks to the lack of drawbacks. Flare Blitz is Koraidon's strongest move under the sun, and can OHKO Amoonguss and Rillaboom. Flame Charge is used to deal chip damage and outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane Calyrex-Shadow (Flutter Mane gets the speed boost from Sun and isn't slower than +1 Koraidon.) and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate and Parting Shot from Incineroar, and Icy Wind from Flutter Mane. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live an Ice Spinner from Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. With a Jolly Nature, Koraidon can outspeed maximum Speed Ogerpon, and with an Adamant Nature Koraidon can OHKO Zamazenta-C with Flare Blitz after terastallizing. Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly, which allows it to can OHKO Calyrex-S (Suggests that Tera Fire Flame Charge can OHKO Calyrex-Shadow), while also having defensive capabilities resisting previous weaknesses such as Fairy- and Ice-type moves such as Moonblast from Flutter Mane and Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I.

Kyogre and Pelipper can replace Koraidon's sun with rain, while threatening it with Ice Beam or Hurricane respectively, along with Origin Pulse and Weather Ball after terastallizing. Flutter Mane outspeeds and threatens Koraidon via Moonblast, and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can terastallize into a Fire-type to resist Flare Blitz or a Fairy-type to resist Collision Course and remove its Fire-type weakness, while also threatening Koraidon via Glacial Lance and when terastallized, with High Horsepower when terastallized. (Suggests Glacial Lance is used to hit Terastallized Koraidon.) Flutter Mane is a solid partner for Koraidon, as it can boost its Speed under the sun and deal massive damage with Choice Specs, or it help Koraidon outspeed opponents with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave, as well as reset sun with Sunny Day in the face of Kyogre and Pelipper (Choice Specs Flutter Mane is currently very niche and Focus Sash is the standard alongside Koraidon. Sunny Day was rather common as the last move pf choice and very important for Koraidon.). Raging Bolt resists both of Kyogre's and Pelipper's Water- and Flying-type moves, while threatening them with its Electric STAB attacks like Thunderbolt and Thunderclap. Incineroar can provide a more defensive backbone alongside Koraidon, and can use Fake Out for Koraidon to attack that could otherwise been outsped. (The last Koraidon in day 2 was all the way back in Bolonga, Chi-Yu is everything now.) Ogerpon-C provides redirection and strong Rock- and Grass-type coverage that can pressure Calyrex-I, and OHKO Kyogre and Pelipper. Chi-Yu and Entei can both survive attacks from opposing Flutter Mane and inflict massive damage with Heat Wave and Sacred Fire under sun in return. (These two don't feel like they should be paired, Entei can OHKO Flutter and works as a secondary single-target nuke with priority in the lategame. Chi-Yu is more built for Snarl spam and its ability to help against Calyrex-I with its more common Covert Cloak Taunt set. Ditto should also be mentioned as its a spectacular Koraidon partner, most notably for its match up into the Calyrex formes.)

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Chi-Yu can support Koraidon with Snarl and Taunt, while also launching powerful Heat Waves under sun. Ditto has a great atchup into the Calyrex formes, as it copy them and their potential stat boosts and outspeed them with Choice Scarf, or survive a hit with Focus Sash and retaliate back.

Expand more with Chi-Yu, what do these tools help beat specifically? and the Calyrex match up isnt as obvious, bring up how it can survive a hit and threaten to OHKO Calyrex-Shadow, and can reverse Trick Room against Calyrex-Ice. Ditto doesn't use Scarf on Koraidon teams for the record.

Only issues I have, once you're done feel free to mark as QC 2/2!

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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

Koraidon is a strong and fast physical attacker that sets up the sun increasing to increase its damage and benefitting benefit its teammates. Thanks to its high base Attack stat, (AC) it can threaten many Pokemon in the metagame such as Rillaboom, Urshifu-S, and Terapagos. Collision Course can threaten Incineroar, (RC) and is Koraidon's preferred STAB move thanks to the lack of drawbacks. Flare Blitz is Koraidon's strongest move under the sun, (RC) and can OHKO Amoonguss and Rillaboom. Flame Charge is used to deal chip damage and outspeed threats such as Calyrex-S and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate and Parting Shot from Incineroar, and Icy Wind from Flutter Mane. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live survive an Ice Spinner from Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. With a Jolly nature, Koraidon can outspeed maximum Speed Ogerpon, and with an Adamant nature, (AC) Koraidon can OHKO Zamazenta-C with Flare Blitz after Terastallizing. Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly, which allows it Koraidon to OHKO Calyrex-S, (RC) while also having defensive capabilities, (AC) resisting previous weaknesses such as to Fairy- and Ice-type moves such as Moonblast from Flutter Mane and Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I.

Kyogre and Pelipper can replace Koraidon's sun with rain, (RC) while threatening and threaten it with Ice Beam or Hurricane, (AC) respectively, along or with Origin Pulse and or Weather Ball after terastallizing if Koraidon has Terastallized (made the sentence clear). Flutter Mane outspeeds and threatens Koraidon via Moonblast, (RC) and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can Terastallize into a Fire-type to resist Flare Blitz or a Fairy-type to resist Collision Course and remove its Fire-type weakness, (RC) while also threatening Koraidon via Glacial Lance and, (AC) when Koraidon has Terastallized , with High Horsepower. Flutter Mane is a solid partner for Koraidon, as it can boost its Speed under the sun and help Koraidon outspeed opponents foes (opponent = trainer & foe = Pokemon) with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave, (RC) as well as reset the sun with Sunny Day in the face of Kyogre and Pelipper. Raging Bolt resists both of Kyogre's and Pelipper's Water- and Flying-type moves, (RC) while threatening them with its Electric Electric-type STAB attacks like Thunderbolt and Thunderclap. Ogerpon-C provides redirection and strong Rock- and Grass-type coverage that can pressure Calyrex-I, (RC) and OHKO Kyogre and Pelipper. Entei can be used as a secondary single-target nuke that can OHKO Flutter Mane and threaten Calyrex-I with burns. Chi-Yu can support Koraidon with Snarl to devastate Calyrex-S or Taunt to deter status conditions such as Will-O-Wisp from Incineroar or Spore from Amoonguss, (RC) while also launching powerful Heat Waves Wave under sun. Ditto has a great matchup into against the Calyrex formes, as it copy copies their potential stat boosts, and reverse reverses Trick Room in the face of Calyrex-I, or threaten and threatens Calyrex-S with an OHKO.

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Clear Amulet (Koraidon) @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Nature: Jolly / Adamant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 236 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Collision Course
- Flare Blitz
- Flame Charge
- Protect

Koraidon is a strong and fast physical attacker that sets up the sun increasing to increase its damage and benefitting benefit its teammates. Thanks to its high Attack base Attack stat, (AC) it can threaten many Pokemon in the metagame such as Rillaboom, Urshifu-S, and Terapagos. Collision Course can threaten Incineroar, (RC) and is Koraidon's preferred STAB move thanks to the lack of drawbacks. Flare Blitz is Koraidon's strongest move under the sun, and can OHKO Amoonguss and Rillaboom. Flame Charge is used to deal chip damage and outspeed threats such as Calyrex-S and Choice Scarf Landorus. Clear Amulet blocks stat drops that would hinder or slow down Koraidon, such as Intimidate and Parting Shot from Incineroar (RC) and Icy Wind from Flutter Mane. The EV spread allows Koraidon to live survive an Ice Spinner from Chien-Pao, a Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I, and a Helping Hand-boosted Astral Barrage from Spell Tag Calyrex-S. With a Jolly nature, Koraidon can outspeed maximum Speed Ogerpon, and with an Adamant nature, (AC) Koraidon can OHKO Zamazenta-C with Flare Blitz after Terastallizing. Tera Fire bolsters Flare Blitz and Flame Charge significantly, which allows it Koraidon to OHKO Calyrex-S, (RC) while also granting having defensive capabilities, (AC) resisting previous weaknesses such as allowing Koraidon to resist Fairy- and Ice-type moves such as Moonblast from Flutter Mane and Glacial Lance from Calyrex-I.

Kyogre and Pelipper can replace Koraidon's sun with rain, (RC) while threatening and threaten it with Ice Beam or Hurricane, (AC) respectively, along or with Origin Pulse and or Weather Ball after terastallizing if Koraidon has Terastallized (made the sentence clear). Flutter Mane outspeeds and threatens Koraidon via Moonblast, (RC) and can also slow it down with Thunder Wave. Calyrex-I can Terastallize into a Fire-type to resist Flare Blitz or into a Fairy-type to resist Collision Course and remove its Fire Fire-type weakness, (RC) .(AP) while also threatening Calyrex-I can also threaten Koraidon via Glacial Lance and or, (AC) when if Koraidon has Terastallized, with High Horsepower. Flutter Mane is a solid partner for Koraidon, as Koraidon it can boost its Speed under the sun, (AC) and Flutter Mane can and help Koraidon outspeed opponents foes (opponent = trainer & foe = Pokemon) with Icy Wind or Thunder Wave, (RC) as well as reset the sun with Sunny Day in the face of Kyogre and Pelipper. Raging Bolt resists both of Kyogre's and Pelipper's Water- and Flying-type moves, (RC) while threatening them with its Electric Electric-type STAB attacks like Thunderbolt and Thunderclap. Ogerpon-C provides redirection and strong Rock- and Grass-type coverage that can pressure Calyrex-I, (RC) and OHKO Kyogre and Pelipper. Entei can be used as a secondary single-target nuke that can OHKO Flutter Mane and threaten Calyrex-I with burns burns can't ohko. if you mean sacred fire or flare blitz, mention it directly. Chi-Yu can support Koraidon with Snarl to devastate Calyrex-S or Taunt to deter status conditions such as Will-O-Wisp from Incineroar and or Spore from Amoonguss, (RC) while also launching powerful Heat Waves under sun. Ditto has a great matchup into against the Calyrex formes, as it copy copies their potential stat boosts, and reverse reverses Trick Room in the face of Calyrex-I, or threaten and threatens Calyrex-S with an OHKO.

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GP Team done
credit us both!