Art for Articles Mk II

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Welcome to the second iteration of Art for Articles! Apart from the various Pokémon analyses that's hosted on Smogon, there are also a large number of on-site articles about various subjects, be it battle strategies, in-game mechanics, or anything else that's related to competitive Pokémon play. And all of these articles can be improved with appropriate illustrations, which is why this thread exists within Smeargle's Studio. Any contributions to this project is greatly appreciated and will be counted towards earning you an art badge, as specified in this thread.

However, since these are images that will go directly on-site, we reserve the right to reject any images we don't feel represent the article, or if it's lacking in quality. So in an attempt to avoid situations where someone makes an image that won't be used, we're now only accepting contributions from approved artists, along with artists who already has been rewarded with the art badge. These are the same requirements for contributing art to The Smog, so if you get approved to contribute art for this project, you may also choose to contribute to that webzine as well.

If you'd like to apply to draw images for any of our articles, please make a new thread in this subforum titled (Artist) Your Username, and Bummer will try to respond to it in a timely fashion. Even if you're rejected, you'll get advice on how to improve your art, and then have the option to apply again in the future when you've improved. Here's some general guidelines about writing your application. If you have a personal thread here in Smeargle's Studio where you showcase your art, that too can be used to support your merits.

Look over the index of available articles (seen below) and decide for yourself which one you'd like to illustrate. When you've made your choice, make a new post in this thread stating the name of the article, as well as a link to it.

Along with your reservation, we'd also appreciate if you could give any details on what you were planning to draw, as opposed to just saying "I'll take this one". The title of most articles can alone give you a good idea of what the illustration should contain, or you can read through the article to find more examples. Nonetheless, stating your intentions is still good practise, as someone more knowledgeable on the subject may suggest or correct something before the image is completed, which is especially true if you'd like to draw a Pokemon that may not be the best example but still relevant to the article. If unsure, you may even ask in this thread what the image should contain. We're all here to help.

There are no set deadlines for any of the articles, but if you reserve one, do try to get it done in about a month's time or less. Moreover, you may only reserve two articles at a time. If you'd like to change your reservation, just make a new post.

Even if you're approved or badged, we will judge each image independently, and we'll either give suggestions or reject an image if we feel it doesn't represent the article well.

Some of the articles are still a work-in-progress, and if any of the links in the index is broken or leads to a locked thread, feel free to bring it up in the thread or contact any of the studio's moderators (elcheeso, RitterCat, Zracknel, Bummer). Additionally, not all articles in the index may be eligible for art; it depends how creative you are.

With that said, let's start illustrating! Here is the format the index will follow:

article / assigned artist(s)

Tournament Guide
LC Move Legality
LC Speed Tiers
VGC Speed Tiers
RU threat list
BW Ingame Tiers
Move Tutors - brightobject
DPP tips
Pal Park
Colo + XD tm locations
GSC tips
GSC Tm locations
Intro To 5th Gen wifi
DW Guide
Capturing DP Legends
EV Manual
Breeding Guide Part III
Breeding Guide Part IV
Capturing FrLg Legends
Capturing RSE Legends
Ev Training in emerald
Ev training in FrLg
Battle Pyramid
DP Battle Tower Pokemon
DP Battle tower intro

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Yo macle are there any art from the old thread that hasn't been uploaded? :0

Also I'll finally put this thread on watch so I don't miss stuff when I don't check smeargles :x
I'd like to reserve BW2 Changes and Move Tutors :) if that's possible that is
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brightobject - I prefer if people only placehold one article at a time, but I'll raise that limit to two. I also encourage anyone placeholding to give a brief idea of what they're going to draw, so that we can come with suggestions or feedback in an early stage (if needed).
brightobject - I prefer if people only placehold one article at a time, but I'll raise that limit to two. I also encourage anyone placeholding to give a brief idea of what they're going to draw, so that we can come with suggestions or feedback in an early stage (if needed).

Alright, well for BW2 Changes, I'm thinking of drawing something based around Kyurem and its White- and Black- Forms, as those were the flagships 'mons of the games--possibly a kyurem morphing into a kyurem white, or branching off into both? Still experimenting but you get the general idea.

As for MoveTutors, I can just have a picture of a kindly old man telling the silently listening Pokemon at his feet how to _______________________ (really any unique move tutor move will do).
Hope that's sufficient!
I think I'll take "EV Training in FR".

I'm thinking to do a fire/ice type Pokemon holding a Bellsprout upside down, depressed, and using Ice Beam/Flamethrower.

Another thought may be the training pokemon throwing a "bellsprout" over his shoulder into a pile of already dead bellsprout.
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I'd Like to submit this for the EVS and IVS article
Sure! Although if I may so suggest, the black outlines around the pills and lids could be thicker, and if you have time, the outlines of Eevee's head as well. Width variety is nice, but it can only go so far before things begin to seem weird.
I was told by Bummer to post this here :]

Hi, I'd like to request a logo for the POCL team, The Milan Bisharps. POCL is like the PO version of SPL, and the Bisharps need a new logo for this season. The auction is tomorrow, but the actual fighting doesn't start until next week afaik. It'd be nice if someone could do this before that ^.^ Thanks in advance~
Hey folks! I'm looking to have some art done for Smogon's facebook page and was directed here by Bummer. We'll be hosting a large scale giveaway soon and I was hoping to have some art to go along with it like we had with a recent Ditto giveaway. I'm looking for some piece featuring a shiny Eevee, preferably using what appears to be Hyper Voice.

Thanks in advance!
That is hella slick, TeraVolt . Granted, I don't think the logo of Milan's football team will do it much justice here, so if possible, I'd rather see you incorporate the text 'Milan Bisharps' where the logo is now. Rohail has the final say, though.
That is hella slick, TeraVolt . Granted, I don't think the logo of Milan's football team will do it much justice here, so if possible, I'd rather see you incorporate the text 'Milan Bisharps' where the logo is now. Rohail has the final say, though.
Oohh that's a football logo? I Googled Milan Flag and that logo was on most of the flags that showed up ._. shows what I know about sports. Here's an updated version:
Thanks so much TeraVolt, that's some epic art n_n I just gotta run this by the managers of the team before making it the official logo. I'll let you know what they say, great job though! :D
Hey folks! I'm looking to have some art done for Smogon's facebook page and was directed here by Bummer. We'll be hosting a large scale giveaway soon and I was hoping to have some art to go along with it like we had with a recent Ditto giveaway. I'm looking for some piece featuring a shiny Eevee, preferably using what appears to be Hyper Voice.

Thanks in advance!
Is this pic satisfactory?

Forgot the tip of his tail >_>
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This thread might be a bit dead but I need to finish up these two (and maybe finish some others too while I'm on break :))

I've been working on the Move Tutors and BW2 Changes articles (Bummer it says I'm working on DPP tips, maybe change that?)

WIPs (I've been thinking about just going traditional for the final product, but I have two compositions I could go with here)

for the BW2 changes article I've scrapped the original idea (above) and was thinking of going in this direction, any feedback?
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