[ASBuddies Finals] Match 1 - Team DeadFrost vs Team Bacon

Team deadFrost (O-A | A-X):

Lucario [Glow] (F) | Sableye (Zant) (M)
Fighting/Steel | Ghost/Dark
84 | 90
80 | 100
Soothe Bell | Everstone
5/3/5/2/104/3/4 | 6/5/3/3/43/1/2
Steadfast/Inner Focus/Justified | Keen Eye/Stall/Prankster
+12% Accuracy | -10% Evasion
Normal | Normal
Frosty's Bench:

Infernape [M] [Rosso]
HP: -1
EN: 93
Status: KO'd
Team Bacon (A-B | A-B):

Lira (Aromatisse (F)) | <Banette> [Chuck] (M)
Fairy | Ghost
110 | 100
100 | 100
Life Orb | Banettite
2/3/5/3/29/2/2 | 4/3/4/3/56/2/2
Healer / Aroma Veil | Frisk / Insomnia / Cursed Body
No Stat Changes | -10% Evasion
Normal | Normal​
Tavok's Bench:


Stalker (Kitsunoh (M))
HP: 80

EN: 84
Status: +1 KOC (Infernape)

Matezoide's Bench:

<Greninja> [Trent] (M)
HP: 100
EN: 60
Status: Normal
Field Effects: None

Round 2: Quick Guard
Team Bacon went for the double switch, and hoped for a counter switch. Team deadFrost stayed with Glow, and have set themselves up to get their first KO.
The battle takes a new form, as both the teams bring out their slow pokemon this round. Glow goes from the slowest pokemon on the field, to the fastest pokemon on the field after the switches. And with two prankster pokemon on the field, we see a new battle this time around; A Priority battle!

Chuck wanted to stop Zant from performing any tricks by Taunting him, but Glow didn't want to leave his team mate to take that. So, Glow stopped Chuck's taunting with a Quick Guard that protected Zant, while Zant thanked his team mate for a helping hand and imprisoned two of the attacks that threatened his survival. Lira was out of this Priority battle, but it eventually ended up affecting her attack on Zant.

Glow and Zant, made sure that Zant could survive this round, and then proceeded to work on Lira. Meanwhile, Chuck and Lira were struggling to follow Team Bacon's plan of taking out Zant.

Lira, now looks severely weakened by the double team on her by Glow and Zant, and could possible faint in the rounds to come.

Banette Mega Evolves!

Speed Order: Lucario, Mega Banette, Sableye, Aromatisse

Rolls: 6820 6098 1414 7175 9930 8443 5103 4405 5356 1588 7283 1457 5430 256

Action 1:

Turn Order: Lucario (+3), Mega Banette (+1), Sableye (+1), Aromatisse

Lucario uses Quick Guard for Team!
EN Used: 5

Mega Banette uses Taunt on Sableye!
Sableye is protected by Quick Guard!
EN Used: 10

Sableye uses Imprison (Dazzling Gleam - Knock Off - Taunt)!
EN Used: 8

Aromatisse uses Dazzling Gleam on Opps!
Fails due to being Imprisoned!

Action 2:

Turn Order: Lucario, Mega Banette, Aromatisse, Sableye (STALL)

Lucario uses Poison Jab on Aromatisse!
Critical Hit Check (625): 6820 (No)
Damage: (8 + 7.5 - 4.5)*1.5 = 16.5
Effect Chance (3000): 6098 (No)
EN Used: 6

Mega Banette uses Struggle on Sableye!
Critical Hit Check (625): 1414 (No)
Damage: (5 + 10 - 7.5)*1 = 7.5
Recoil: 3
EN Used: 5

Aromatisse uses Moonblast on Sableye!
Critical Hit Check (625): 7175 (No)
Damage: (10 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5 + 3)*1.5 = 28.5
Effect Chance (3000): 9930 (No)
Recoil: 2
EN Used: 6

Sableye uses Pain Split on Aromatisse!
Sableye HP: 54 | Aromattise HP: 91.5
Damage: 18.75 | Healed: 18.75
Sableye HP: 72.75 | Aromattise HP: 72.75
EN Used: 6 + 18.75

Action 3:

Turn Order: Mega Banette, Aromatisse, Lucario (-2), Sableye (STALL)
Mega Banette uses Shadow Claw on Sableye!
Critical Hit Check (1250): 8443 (No)
Damage: (7 + 3 + 10 - 7.5)*1 = 12.5
EN Used: 4

Target: 5103 (Sableye)
Aromatisse uses Struggle on Sableye!
Critical Hit Check (625): 4405 (No)
Damage: (5 + 3 - 7.5 + 3)*1 = 3.5
Recoil: 1.4 + 2
EN Used: 5

Lucario uses Hyper Cannon on Aromatisse!
Critical Hit Check (625): 5356 (No)
Damage: (23 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5)*1.5 = 43.5
Effect Chance (1000): 1588 (No)
EN Used: 24

Sableye uses Poison Jab on Aromatisse!
Critical Hit Check (625): 7283 (No)
Damage: (8 + 9 - 4.5)*1.5 = 18.75
Effect Chance (3000): 1457 (Yes)
EN Used: 6

Poison Damage on Aromattise = 2

Healer (3000): 5430 (No)
Team deadFrost (O-A | A-X):

Lucario [Glow] (F) | Sableye (Zant) (M)
Fighting/Steel | Ghost/Dark
84 | 57
45 | 61
Soothe Bell | Everstone
5/3/5/2/104/3/4 | 6/5/3/3/43/1/2
Steadfast/Inner Focus/Justified | Keen Eye/Stall/Prankster
+12% Accuracy | -10% Evasion
Cool down (1a), Sluggish (2a) | Imprison (Dazzling Gleam - Knock Off - Taunt) (3a)
Frosty's Bench:

Infernape [M] [Rosso]
HP: -1
EN: 93
Status: KO'd
Team Bacon (A-B | A-B):

Lira (Aromatisse (F)) | <Mega Banette> [Chuck] (M)
Fairy | Ghost
5 | 97
89 | 81
Life Orb | Banettite
2/3/5/3/29/2/2 | 7/3/4/3/65/2/2
Healer / Aroma Veil | Frisk / Insomnia / Cursed Body / Prankster
No Stat Changes | -10% Evasion
PSN (2 DPA) | Normal​
Tavok's Bench:


Stalker (Kitsunoh (M))
HP: 80

EN: 84
Status: +1 KOC (Infernape)

Matezoide's Bench:

<Greninja> [Trent] (M)
HP: 100
EN: 60
Status: Normal
Field Effects: None

Team deadFrost Orders
Team Bacon Orders
Fixes Errors/Refs
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Sableye: Feint (Aromatisse) - Moonlight - Payback [STALL] (Banette)
Aromatisse is to use Helping Hand A1 THEN Fake Out + Fake Out (Aromatisse) A1 AND Moonlight A3
Banette is to use Snatch AND Sableye is to use Moonlight THEN Punishment (Banette) on the first instance, Thief (Banette) on the second and push back
IF Sableye is to use Payback AND Payback is imprisoned THEN Punishment (Banette) [STALL] instead
Lucario: cooldown - Bullet Punch (Banette) - Heal Pulse (Sableye)
IF Banette is to use Will-o-Wisp (Sableye) AND Lucario isn't under cooldown THEN Quick Guard
IF Banette is to use Skill Swap (Sableye) AND Lucario isn't under cooldown THEN Quick Guard
IF Sableye has more than 70hp AND Lucario is to use Heal Pulse (Sableye) THEN Crunch (Banette)
Imprison (Payback, Endure, Pain Split) -> Knock Off (Sableye) -> Snatch (Sableye)

Unless Tavok has a better idea
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Yeah sorry but as you surely noticed Mat's orders were terrible.

Not like they are that great now but OH WELL.

Helping Hand (my partner) - Moon Blast (enemy ghost) - Moon Blast (enemy ghost)
Team deadFrost (O-A | A-X):

Lucario [Glow] (F) | Sableye (Zant) (M)
Fighting/Steel | Ghost/Dark
84 | 57
45 | 61
Soothe Bell | Everstone
5/3/5/2/104/3/4 | 6/5/3/3/43/1/2
Steadfast/Inner Focus/Justified | Keen Eye/Stall/Prankster
+12% Accuracy | -10% Evasion
Cool down (1a), Sluggish (2a) | Imprison (Dazzling Gleam - Knock Off - Taunt) (3a)
Frosty's Bench:

Infernape [M] [Rosso]
HP: -1
EN: 93
Status: KO'd
Team Bacon (A-B | A-B):

Lira (Aromatisse (F)) | <Mega Banette> [Chuck] (M)
Fairy | Ghost
5 | 97
89 | 81
Life Orb | Banettite
2/3/5/3/29/2/2 | 7/3/4/3/65/2/2
Healer / Aroma Veil | Frisk / Insomnia / Cursed Body / Prankster
No Stat Changes | -10% Evasion
PSN (2 DPA) | Normal​
Tavok's Bench:


Stalker (Kitsunoh (M))
HP: 80

EN: 84
Status: +1 KOC (Infernape)

Matezoide's Bench:

<Greninja> [Trent] (M)
HP: 100
EN: 60
Status: Normal
Field Effects: None

Round 3: Busy for Flavor
Team Bacon try to salvage something, while Team deadFrost press home the advantage.
The priority battle continues, while Lira faints and Zant survives.

Banette Mega Evolves!

Speed Order: Lucario, Mega Banette, Sableye, Aromatisse

Rolls: 7622 5165 4480 1403 1467 123 2265 3636 4755 9186 2154 1903

Action 1:

Turn Order: Sableye (+6), Aromatisse (+5), Mega Banette (+1), Lucario (+3)

Sableye uses Fake Out Combo!
Critical Hit Check (625): 7622 (No)
Damage: (9 + 9 - 4.5)*1 = 13.5
EN Used: 21

Aromatisse faints!

Mega Banette uses Imprison (Payback, Endure, Pain Split)!
EN Used: 8

Lucario cools down!

Action 2:

Turn Order: Lucario, Mega Banette, Sableye

Lucario uses Bullet Punch on Mega Banette!
Critical Hit Check (625): 5165 (No)
Damage: (4 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5)*1 = 10
Effect Chance (3000): 4480 (No)
EN Used: 3

Mega Banette uses Struggle on Sableye!
Critical Hit Check (625): 1403 (No)
Damage: (5 + 10 - 7.5)*1 = 7.5
Recoil: 3
EN Used: 5

Sableye cools down!

Action 3:

Turn Order: Mega Banette (+5), Lucario, Sableye

Mega Banette gets ready to Snatch!
EN Used: 4

Lucario uses Heal Pulse on Sableye!
Sableye HP: +20
EN Used: 14

Sableye uses Punishment!
Critical Hit Check (625): 1467 (No)
Damage: (6 + 3 + 9 - 4.5)*1.5 = 20.25
Effect Chance (3000): 123 (Yes)
EN Used: 7
Team deadFrost (O-A | A-X):

Lucario [Glow] (F) | Sableye (Zant) (M)
Fighting/Steel | Ghost/Dark
84 | 69
28 | 33
Soothe Bell | Everstone
5/3/5/2/104/3/4 | 6/5/3/3/43/1/2
Steadfast/Inner Focus/Justified | Keen Eye/Stall/Prankster
+12% Accuracy | -10% Evasion
Normal | Normal
Frosty's Bench:

Infernape [M] [Rosso]
HP: -1
EN: 93
Status: KO'd
Team Bacon (X-B | A-B):

Lira (Aromatisse (F)) | <Mega Banette> [Chuck] (M)
Fairy | Ghost
-9 | 64
89 | 64
Life Orb | Banettite
2/3/5/3/29/2/2 | 7/3/4/3/65/2/2
Healer / Aroma Veil | Frisk / Insomnia / Cursed Body / Prankster
No Stat Changes | -10% Evasion
KO'd | Imprison (Payback - Endure - Pain Split) (3a), Punishment (Disabled) (6a)​
Tavok's Bench:


Stalker (Kitsunoh (M))
HP: 80

EN: 84
Status: +1 KOC (Infernape)

Matezoide's Bench:

<Greninja> [Trent] (M)
HP: 100
EN: 60
Status: Normal
Field Effects: None

Team Bacon Sends Out and Orders
Team deadFrost Orders
Fixed, saw the last column in NDA as YES. That was the Magic Coat column >.<
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... fsr I thought Sableye would use Moonlight A3.
Also, I didn't get an alert on this. Will write orders later, promise.
4 days passed

tavok - DQ Warning #3
Matezoide - DQ Warning #1

Although let's face it: there is no way we will reach DQ Warning #6, so this is mostly a waste of time from me. Still, I find giving out those oddly relaxing.

Alrigt, we forfeit.

Deadfox and Frosty want the LC tournament to begin after this is over, and we played poorly overral, theres just no way we can win anymore.

Sorta anti-climatic, but not anymore than our overral poor performance for a Final Round match. Lets just speed this up, get our prizes and move on.

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Although let's face it: there is no way we will reach DQ Warning #6
Is that a challenge?


We're screwed, everyone wants this to end, I don't have time nor motivation and that seems to be Mat's case too sooooooooooo


Oh, don't give me that look. This became anti climatic a very long while ago.
I can't really say anything about this, can I?

GG guys. despite the 10-day wait between posts, the rounds themselves were rather interesting to plan for.
GG. I actually had fun thinking about orders when I actually did it. You definitely deserve the win and those incredibly cool legends.
Starting up LC signups was definitely not intended to bring this on. Regardless GG to you both. Certainly a challenging tournament which you both played very well in.