ASBuddies: Predictions Tourney! Signups HERE

Approved by Frosty.

HELLO THERE, BETTING ADDICTS! Came here to fulfill your dreams of easy fortune? Well, you can always try (and maybe succeed!)

Here's how everything is going to work:

  • You sign up.
- The sign up cost is of 3 CC. You post something among the lines of "In" or "I have so much CC I take baths in hot tubs full of them so I might toss some here" in this thread.

  • You PM predictions.
- Send your predictions to the host (that would be me) at the start of very round.

- For this round, you have, let's say... the next 5 days to send predictions. For every subsequent round, you'll have 4 days to send them in: the same time people have to pm their teams.

- You can also make bets of 5 CC (no more, no less) for each battle, which you'll pm together with your predictions. You may only bet on one team in the same battle (duh) and you can't bet on battles you are involved (so, if you are battling yourself or being a ref in the fight).

  • You cross your fingers.
- You wait until the round ends, at which point I'll post another thread with the predictions everyone made and who got them right and wrong and stuff. And then you can rant, I guess.

- I'll also post bets results, so you can take a look at what you won (or lost). Yay (or nay)!

  • And really the only thing everyone cares about: the rewards.
- First, we have the prediction ones. Everyone who gets 11+ matches right will take a share of the UC. If no one get that result, the loot of UC will be divide amongst the ones with the best results. That's right folks, you don't get CC back, you get UC! The UC will be distributed equally.

- Continuing with the prediction ones, there is a big, BIG reward for those that manage to get 14+ predicts right. You get one beautiful, shiny and fully functional:


- As for bets, the UC (yep, that's right, you get UC, not CC) accumulated will be equally shared amongs those that bet on the winning team.

Those are some wonderful prizes, am i rite.


People participating:

- Frosty
- SubwayJ
- Maxim
- Pwnemon
- Gale Wing Srock
- Dogfish44
- rickheg
- smashlloyd20
- Flame Emblem
- Elevator Music
- Rainman Legends
- Geodude6
- Saleem S
- tavok
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Flame Emblem : Once you sign up, you need to PM Tavok with your predictions. There are eight battles in round 1, four battles in Round 2, and so on till the finals and the bronze battle.
If you are the only one who got 11+ Predictions right, then you will get 30 UC as prize (as of now) and if you got 14+ predictions right, then you will get a Master ball in addition.

But if you and one more person got 11+ Predictions right then you will get 15 UC and the other person gets the other 15.

As for bets, you get paid at the end of the round and to participate you would need to pay 5 CC in addition to the 3 CC you already paid during registration for every battle that you would like to bet on.
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Well, as I said in IRC and PM:

You can't bet if you are taking part of the battle, but you can PREDICT on it.

Also, EVERYONE who gets 14+ predicts gets a Master Ball, even if by some miracle everyone manages to get 14+ right. Which would mean a sudden increment on TLRs attempts and legends being everywhere.

And I'm taking part of this, too. I'll be PMing to Frosty, so no, I won't cheat.


I now have money to pay.
19 CC -> 16 CC
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Signups are closed (a little late)!

So, I actually lied about this. I am not going to post predictions and bets until after the round is over: I'm doing it right now!

Frosty thought it would be nice for you to root for people and stuff, showing that no one cheats, and it also has the added benefit of maybe, just maybe, preventing him killing me in case I disappear.

So, here they are!

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal
Betting 5 CC on them. CC 16 -> 11

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors


Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris
Betting on them. CC 11 -> 6

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6

ZtFE vs The Polar Express
Betting 5 CC on you. CC 6 -> 1.
  • Team Shockingly Normal
  • Team Bacon
  • Eleetvator [BET 5 CC]
  • Jigsaw
  • Team Banhammer [BET 5 CC]
  • Team TBD
  • Pwnemon + Geodude6 [BET 5 CC]
  • The Polar Express [BET 5 CC]
Round 1:

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal
#aopsgate vs Team Bacon
Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name
vs The Crystal Warriors
Team Banhammer
vs Eternalis Drifteris
Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare
MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6
ZtFE vs The Polar Express

Betting on:
Team Bacon
Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name
*crosses fingers for no engiDQ*

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal -
Team Shockingly Normal

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon -

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors -
Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name

Jigsaw vs GENGAR GANG -

Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris -
Team Banhammer

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare -
Team TBD

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6 -

ZtFE vs The Polar Express -
The Polar Express
15,262 Dicks vs Team Shockingly Normal

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a better name vs The Crystal Warriors

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon


Team Ban Hammer vs Cosmos

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6

ZtFE vs Polar Express

Also putting 5 CC on Jigsaw and Polar Express.

Round 1

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal
#aopsgate vs Team Bacon
Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name
vs The Crystal Warriors
Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris
Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare
MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6
ZtFE vs The Polar Express
15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors


Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6
ZtFE vs The Polar Express

Also using 5CC to bet on Team Bacon!!
15,262 ricks vs Shockingly Normal

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon

Eleetvator vs The Crystal Wariors


Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris

TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnedude

ZtFE vs Polar Express

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors


Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6

ZtFE vs The Polar Express
Round 1:

15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal
Team Shockingly Normal to win and cant bet as I am reffing it.

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a better name vs The Crystal Warriors
Eleetvator to win and betting on them 22 - 5 = 17 CC

aopsgate vs Team Bacon
Team Bacon
to win and not betting. Guess going by heart is the best thing to do.

Jigsaw to win and not betting.

Team Ban Hammer vs Cosmos
Team Ban Hammer to win and betting on them 17 - 5 = 12 CC.

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare
Team TBD to win and not betting.

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6
Pwnemon + Geodude6 to win and cant bet as I am in it.

ZtFE vs Polar Express
Polar Express to win and betting on them 12 - 5 = 7 CC.
15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal
DF and Maxim know each other's teams very easily. Should be obvious here

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon
SUPER close match here, but id have to give the edge to aops+tort.

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors
Another very close match, but id have to give the edge to Leet+Emma. Leet is a very experienced doubles player, albiet rusty. Emma is....well emma. WW and akela wont go down without a fight though.

Jesus christ this will be close. Id give the edge to Gerard+avnomke, mostly because of gerard's terrifying reputation in doubles.

Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris
as much as id like to throw the underdog the win here, IAR+Texas form an insane duo and will be the team to watch this tourney.

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare
hahahahaha...............our chances of victory is probably 5%

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6
Have to go with mowing here. Mowtom has been proving himself to be very competant, and Gale is bringing in very good pokemon and is skilled himself

ZtFE vs The Polar Express
Giving edge to polar express. Flame Emblem might prove himself (herself? dunno) with this match, but it will be very tough against subway+frosty
15,262 Ricks vs Team Shockingly Normal

#aopsgate vs Team Bacon

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs The Crystal Warriors


Team Banhammer vs Eternalis Drifteris

Team TBD vs Bureaucratic Nightmare

MowWing vs Pwnemon + Geodude6

ZtFE vs The Polar Express

Stay tuned for results!

EDIT: blame Maxim for ruinning my no-edits post -.-
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tavok: 6 predictions right (which means onemore wrong one and I get no Master Ball T.T which will probably happen).
I get 5 UC from the bet to team Shockingly Normal.
I get 5 UC from my bet to team Ban Hammer.
I get 5 UC from my bet to Team The Polar Express (which now has some other name I don't remember right now. deadFrost?)

Dogfish44: 6 predictions right.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Eleetvator.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Ban Hammer.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team The Polar Express.

Frosty: 7 predictions right.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Bacon.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Eleetvator.
He gets 10 UC from his bet to team Gengar Gang ((5 [Frosty's bet] + 5 [rickheg's bet]) / 1 [Frosty] = 10)

Saleem S: 6 predictions right.

@rickheg: 6 predictions right.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team The Polar Express.

Elevator Music: 6 predictions right.

@SubwayJ: 6 predictions right.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Bacon.
He also gets a "We miss you" :(

@Geodude6: 5 predictions right.

@smashlloyd20: 6 predictions right.

Gale Wing Srock: 6 predictions right (see? going by heart is the way to go).
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team Eleetvator.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team EleetvatoBan Hammer.
He gets 5 UC from his bet to team The Polar Express.

Rainman Legends: 6 predictions right.

@Maxim: 4 predictions right.

And those are the results! I guess you could say the Frosty was the big winner this round, as not only was him the only one to get only predictions right (and therefore being the only one who can still get a Master Ball), but he was also the only one to get more than 5 UC from one of his bets.

And for the unlucky one, I think it would be Maxim, as him only making 4 right predictions means that he can't make any wrong call if he wants to get a share of the UC.

You now have 4 days as of this post to send predictions and bets. Good luck to everyone!

EDIT: Dumb thing not making tags even though it tells me it will :(
EDIT 2: Don't do ASB stuff in between classes.
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I think you made a mistake somewhere. Mowwing won, so I got 7 predictions right. Also many others have it wrong.
Could I please bet on Team deadFrost? I assure you guys that we would give our best either way, and me betting or not betting on that battle in insignificant from the battle perspective.
Hey you all people. I'm giving you 'till tomorrow to send predicts and bets.

*Goes and sends his*

Seriosly thought, I'm still missing a ton. Please send them in by tomorrow.
And the predictions for this round are...
Team Shockingly Normal
[BET 5 CC]
Team Ban Hammer [BET 5 CC]
Team deadFrost [BET 5 CC]
Team Shockingly Normal v Team Bacon

Eleetvator v Gengar Gang

Ban Hammer v TBD

MowWing v DeadFrost
Round 2:

Team Shockingly Normal vs Team Bacon
Eleetvator until we have a flash of inspiration for a real name vs GENGAR GANG
Team Ban Hammer
vs Team TBD
MowWing vs Team deadFrost

Betting on...uh....erm....
Screw it.

GENGAR GANG (if you two fail me I will murder all of your WoW action figures. And yes, paste this when you post the predictions)
Team Shockingly Normal vs. Team Bacon
Might as well cheer for myself, I guess.

Eleetvator until we have a flash of inspiration for a real name vs. GENGAR GANG
I'm not sure, but might as well guess.

Team Ban Hammer vs. Team TBD
Hoping for no chokes.

MowWing vs. Team deadFrost
Betting 5 CC on you. GOGO WIN!
Team Bacon vs Team Shockingly Normal -
Team Bacon

Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name vs GENGAR GANG -
Eleetvator until we have a flash of insight for a real name

Team Banhammer vs Team TBD -
Team Banhammer

MowWing vs The Polar Express -
The Polar Express
Round 2:

Team Shockingly Normal vs Team Bacon - Avnomke
Team Bacon to win and betting 5 CC on them, going by heart again ^_^ Cheers! 22 - 5 = 17 CC

Eleetvator until we have a flash of inspiration for a real name vs GENGAR GANG - Gale Wing Srock
Eleetvator to win, but this could go either way.

Team Ban Hammer vs Team TBD - ZhengTann
Team Ban Hammer to win and betting 5 CC on them, they are too tough together @_@ 17 - 5 = 12 CC

MowWing vs Team deadFrost - S0L1D G0LD
Please let me atleast get the prediction right this time ;-;
Can I please bet in this battle? There is no way this is going to go any other way. Betting 12 - 5 = 7 CC
Round 2

Team Shockingly Normal vs Team Bacon
Eleetvator until we have a flash of inspiration for a real name
Team Ban Hammer vs Team TBD
MowWing vs Team deadFrost

EDIT: Ugh, Gale, why do you post your bets in a way they don't appear when I click reply :(

Oh, and, since you can already predict for your battle, I guess why not bet. If you lose you are already losing the opportunity to get a Master Ball or more UC or a Legend, so it would be dumb to lose in purpose for a measly 5+ UC in exchange for 5 CC. If any of you wants to bet for his own battle, you have until tomorrow to do so.
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Here are the results (sorry for taking this long)!

- Team Shockingly Normal vs Team Bacon.
- Eeletvator vs Gengar Gang
- Team Banhhammer vs Team TBD
- Team deadfrost vs MowWing

1 Right Prediction, +5 UC, -10 CC

1 Right Prediction

1 Right Prediction, -5 CC

2 Right Predictions, +5 UC

Saleem S:
3 Right Predictions

Gale Wing Srock:
3 Right Predictions, +10 UC, -5 CC

Elevator Music:
3 Right Predictions

Which leaves us with...

Total Right Predictions:
Elevator Music: 9
Saleem S: 9
Gale Wing Srock: 9
Frosty: 8
tavok: 8
Dogfish44: 7
Rickheg: 7
SubwayJ: 6
smashlloyd20: 6
Rainman Legends: 6
Geodude6: 5
Maxim: 4

Which ends in no Master Ball for anyone and a ton of dead WoW action figures. And a lot of right predictions in order for some people to get UC.

You now have 3 days to send in predictions :)