[ASBuddies Round 1] Team MowWing vs Team Pwnemon + Geodude6

Just a note: I had to edit the previous round to take into account Colossoil's Rare Candy/Pressure. However, I did not want to delay the reffing any more, so I didn't actually alert any of this. If this would change your orders for the last round, please let me know.

Team MowWing

Mowtom: AO


Togekiss [Joy] (F)
: 100
Energy: 88
Stats: 1/3/5/4/92(20.5)
Abilities: Hustle / Serene Grace / Super Luck
Other: +10% Accuracy. Paralyzed (15%)
Item: Scope Lens
Field: None

Gale Wing Srock: AO


Colossoil [Joey] (M)
: 1
Energy: 79
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110
Abilities: Rebound / Guts / Pressure
Other: +14% Accuracy
Item: Rare Candy
Field: None

Team Pwnemon + Geodude6:

Pwnemon: AO


Sableye [Nelson] (M)
: 90
Energy: 100
Stats: 4/3/3/3/43
Abilities: Keen Eye / Stall / Prankster
Other: -10% Evasion
Item: None
Field: None

Pyroak [Ambrose] (M)
: 65
Energy: 46
Stats: 4/4/3/3/52
Abilities: Rock Head / Battle Armor / Chlorophyll
Other: -10% Evasion
Item: Expert Belt
Field: None

Geodude6: AO


Gengar [Goh] (F)
: 58
Energy: 65
Stats: 2/2/5/3/127
Abilities: Levitate
Other: +19% Accuracy. -1 Speed. Substitute (4 HP)
Item: Gengarite
Field: None

Gengar's Gengarite is reacting to the energy in Geodude6's Mega Bracer! (Gengar > Mega Gengar)

Action 1:
Colossoil used Sucker Punch + Fake Out combo (Sableye)
[to crit <625] 2673 no
(10 + 3 + 9 - 4.5 + 1) = 18.5 damage
-14 energy

Sableye flinched

Gengar used Taunt (Togekiss)
Togekiss fell for the taunt! (Taunted 6 actions)
-10 energy

[paralysis check <1500] 7176 no
Togekiss used Dazzling Gleam
[(6 + 3 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 1.5] = 22.5 damage (Sableye)
[(6 + 3 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 0.67] = 10.05 damage (Gengar)
The substitute faded
5 energy

Action 2:
Gengar used Sludge Bomb (Togekiss)
[to crit <625] 7704 no
[to poison <3000] 6484 no
[(9 + 3 + 10 - 6) * 1.5] = 24 damage
-6 energy

Colossoil must cool down

Sableye used Poison Jab (Togekiss)
[to crit <625] 1006 no
[to poison <3000] 1966 yes
[(8 + 6 - 6) * 1.5] = 12 damage
Togekiss was Poisoned
-6 energy

[paralysis check <1500] 4714 no
Togekiss used Extrasensory (Gengar)
[(8 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 1.5] = 21 damage
-6 energy

-2 HP (Togekiss) [Poison)

Action 3:
Gengar used Sludge Bomb (Togekiss)
[to crit <625] 6835 no
[(9 + 3 + 10 - 6) * 1.5] = 24 damage
-10 energy

Colossoil used Crunch (Gengar)
[to crit <625] 9114 no
[to lower defense <2000] 4828 no
[(8 + 3 + 9 - 4.5 + 1) * 1.5] = 24.75 damage
-5 energy

Sableye used Ice Punch (Togekiss)
[to crit <625] 272 yes
[to freeze <1000] 8484 no
[(8 + 3 + 6 - 6) * 1.5] = 16.5 damage
-6 energy

[paralysis check <1500] 1344 yes
Togekiss is paralyzed! It can't move!

-2 HP (Togekiss) [Poison]


Team MowWing

Mowtom: AO


Togekiss [Joy] (F)
: 19
Energy: 77
Stats: 1/3/5/4/92(20.5)
Abilities: Hustle / Serene Grace / Super Luck
Other: +10% Accuracy. Paralyzed (5%). Poisoned
Item: Scope Lens
Field: None

Gale Wing Srock: AO


Colossoil [Joey] (M)
: 1
Energy: 60
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110
Abilities: Rebound / Guts / Pressure
Other: +14% Accuracy
Item: Rare Candy
Field: None

Team Pwnemon + Geodude6:

Pwnemon: AB


Sableye [Nelson] (M)
: 49
Energy: 88
Stats: 4/3/3/3/43
Abilities: Keen Eye / Stall / Prankster
Other: -10% Evasion
Item: None
Field: None

Pyroak [Ambrose] (M)
: 65
Energy: 46
Stats: 4/4/3/3/52
Abilities: Rock Head / Battle Armor / Chlorophyll
Other: -10% Evasion
Item: Expert Belt
Field: None

Geodude6: AO


Gengar [Goh] (F)
: 12
Energy: 39
Stats: 2/2/5/3/127
Abilities: Levitate
Other: +19% Accuracy. Taunted (3 actions).
Item: Gengarite
Field: None

Mowtom / Gale Wing Srock order.
Pwnemon / Geodude6 order.
I ref.
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Could you please update a few things?
Gengar is Mega Evolved in the post round.
Togekiss is taunted for 3 actions.
Also could you update Gengar's Energy as per Colossoil's pressure for the last rounds' Focus Blast? It wouldn't have mattered earlier I guess.

Sorry it gets a bit confusing when we discuss and our TZs don't match that well for an IRC discussion. And I apologize for bringing this so late, but I think I informed you in our conversation.
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Could you please update a few things?
Gengar is Mega Evolved in the post round.
Togekiss is taunted for 3 actions.
Also could you update Gengar's Energy as per Colossoil's pressure for the last rounds' Focus Blast? It wouldn't have mattered earlier I guess.

Sorry it gets a bit confusing when we discuss and our TZs don't match that well for an IRC discussion. And I apologize for bringing this so late, but I think I informed you in our conversation.

Yeah doesn't matter too much... Now I know why you guys don't like Co-Op battles...
Consider this my resignation of this battle... Just going to complete it for the sake of being a sport.
Skill, Experience and Luck are way too overpowered to be conquered by Effort and determination. This fight doesn't even seem fair to me right now, but we knew that from the start didn't we? Lol. I just didn't expect so much Hax.

Endure ~ Crunch(Mega Gengar) ~ Crunch(Mega Gengar)

No mood for flavor or subs... GG
"Don't" *cough cough* "be that way..."
Dazzling Gleam~Dazzling Gleam~Dazzling Gleam
sableye: toxic colossoil ~ moonlight ~ recover
if you miss toxic then keep using it till it hits

geodude use disable dazzling gleam ~ chill ~ sludge bomb togekiss
Round 3
MowWing vs Pwnemon+Geodude


PSN, Dazzling Gleam disabled 3a|KO|Status|Fine|KO

I have now reffed at least one round from half the matches in ASBuddies thus far >.>

Also, Pwnemon+Geodude got haxxed pretty majorly and lost Gengar because of it.
Colosoil used Endure!
-15 en

Sableye used Toxic!
Hit? (<1081) 1122 no
-7 en

Gengar used Disable!
-6 en

Togekiss used Dazzling Gleam!
Full Para? (<61) 251 no

-2 hp Togekiss


Sableye used Toxic!
Hit? (<1081) 434 yes
-11 en

Gengar chilled!
+12 en

Colossoil used Crunch!
-Def? (<241) 256 no
Crit? (<76) 506 no
-5 en
-(8+3+2+1+4.5)*1.5=27.75 hp Gengar

Togekiss struggled!
Full para? (<61) 580 no
-5 en
-(5+3-6)=2 hp Sableye
-1 hp Togekiss

-1 hp Colossoil
-2 hp Togekiss


Sableye used Recover!
-11 en
+20 hp

Togekiss struggled!
Full para? (<61) 356 no
-5 en
-(5+3-6)=2 hp Sableye
-1 hp Togekiss

-2 hp Togekiss


-5% para Togekiss
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GDI, I derped so hard lol...


"It is time D' Burd, Go do your thing!"


"Are you sure?"
D' Burd | TalonFlame (M) #Flying Gem


"Me? Am I ever?"
damn makes me wish we'd kept p2x7 his rng loved us...

feint + feint togekiss ~ cooldown ~ helping hand aurumoth

if togekiss uses endure a1 then use toxic togekiss that action
if aurumoth uses counter and kiss is dead then use thunderpunch talonflame (stall) that action
if talon uses protect and kiss is dead then use feint talon that action
if kiss is ko'd then use helping hand aurumoth that action
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Aurumoth @ Expert Belt

Thunder Talonflame~Hydro Pump Talonflame~Hydro Pump Talonflame
IF Talonflame uses a Flying-type move targeted at you THEN Counter.
IF Togekiss uses Endure A1 THEN use Blizzard. Takes highest priority.
IF Talonflame uses Protect A1 or A2 THEN use Heal Pulse Sableye.
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"All we need is a 2/3 chance to go our way..."
"That's the spirit!"
Endure~Air Slash (Aurumoth)~Air Slash (Aurumoth)

"Ha! A 2/3 probability to have a fighting chance or 1/3 to suck up the defeat."
"Either way we want to get that Bug out and get you your first Tournament KO D'Burd."


"You do realize that you are fighting a losing battle don't you?"

D' Burd | TalonFlame (M) #Flying Gem

Protect(Togekiss) ~ Overheat(Aurumoth) ~ COMBO(Return + Acrobatics)[Gem](Aurumoth)

IF Togekiss is KO'd before you would act on action 3, THEN use Flare Blitz(Aurumoth) that action instead.

IF the COMBO(Return + Acrobatics) is deemed illegal, THEN please catch me on IRC and ask me to bang my head against the wall AND use COMBO(Acrobatics + Acrobatics)[Gem](Aurumoth) on action 3 instead.

Edit: Was going to try (Razor Wind + Acrobatics) on action 3 << so not going to work.
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Round 4
MowWing vs Pwnemon+Geodude


PSN|-1 SpA, cooling down|Status|Fine|KO



Thanks to a silly sub from Pwnemon, MowWing manages to keep Togekiss alive and ORKO Aurumoth, reducing the battle to a 3v2 where one side can one send out one mon at a time. This is looking to turn into a serious upset.

(Also I am a terrible ref sorry)
Togekiss used Endure!
-15 en

Sableye used Toxic!
-7 en
Togekiss is already poisoned???

Talonflame used Protect!
-7 en

Aurumoth used Blizzard!
Freeze? (<121) 535 no
Crit? (<76) 31 yes
-8 en
-(11*.75+2+1.5)*1.5/2.5=7.05 en Talonflame
-(11*.75+3+3)=13.25 hp Talonflame

-2 hp Togekiss


Talonflame used Overheat!
Crit? (<76) 791 no
-8 en
-(13+3)*1.5=24 hp Aurumoth
-2 SpA

Togekiss used Air Slash!
Flinch? (<721) 392 yes
-5 en
-(8+3+3+3)*1.5=25.5 hp Aurumoth

Aurumoth flinched!

Sableye struggled!
Ref note: this is why you order things in the cooldown action
Target? 442 Talonflame
Crit? (<76) 1114 no
-5 en
-(5+1.5)=6.5 hp Talonflame
-2.6 hp Sableye

-2 hp Togekiss


Sableye used Helping Hand!
-4 en

Togekiss used Air Slash!
Flinch? (<721) 853 no
-9 en
-(8+3+3+3)*1.5=25.5 hp Aurumoth

Talonflame used Acrobatics+Return!
Crit? (<76) 1169 no
-21.5 en
-(11+10+3+3)*1.5=40.5 hp Aurumoth

-2 hp Togekiss


+1 SpA Talonflame
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Calling DQ.

Me: 15 UC
P2X7: Nada
Mowtom: 2 CC
Togekiss: 3 MC
Reuniclus: 3 MC
Gale: 2 CC
Colossoil: 3 MC, 1 KOC
Talonflame: 3 MC, 1 KOC
Pwnemon: Nada
Geodude: 2 CC
Gengar: 3 MC
Aurumoth: 3 MC​
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Guys, I would like to apologize for using the action lock in this battle. Normally, I don't mind if folks want to change their orders; even after my post. Unless I have only one way to counter play, which is not normally the case with anyone. This battle was a special case, wherein our team was considerably lacking in training, experience and skill. We had to utilize what we had, to make this a fairly even contest.

Again, I would like to apologize if this made you guys feel bad. It was anyone's game until the last round and we were at a similar pressure while ordering first in the first round. Heck we even threw the game, I don't know how we came back. May be Beginner's Luck struck at the wrong time for you guys. Regardless, I would like to thank you guys for a good battle and as I always quote, "Class is permanent and Form is temporary." So one misplay in a thousand good plays is not bad; and you guys know that both of you are better than us regardless of one battle. So...

!! GG !!
we got majorly outplayed, my only request is that you give geodude his counters Avnomke because he didn't dq; only i had to order so only i dq'd. gg.