Right, since Smogon is very strict about rules, and they keep it that way, instead of me making a thread just for this simple question, might as well post it in this thread that clearly states what I want to ask what I want to get in return (hopefully).
My question is: Is it legal to have a Pokemon with max stats in R/B/Y? I ask this question because I was at a R/B/Y tournament today, which was the beginning of the tournament, and the results have the final group of competitors duking it out (which I am made it to) and will continue tomorrow (Saturday).
The point of why I'm saying this all is because I lost to a certain player who I was not too sure about by taking a look at his Pokemon. Since this was not an official big league tournament, and just for fun, there was still a game referee just in case. So he asked to check your game/Pokemon for any suspicious device using in the game to get non-in-game capabilities. As he checked their games one by one, it finally got to me, and I was good to go, as I don't use game altering devices (even though the rules said if we used the R/B missingno glitch in-game, it doesn't count as a 'cheat code' so it was okay).
Right anyways, moving on. So as time went by, battlers won and lost and moved up in the tournament to be continued tomorrow afternoon. The reason I'm bringing all this information to you is because when I lost against my opponent yesterday, it seemed somewhat unfair, and this is not out of being a poor sport for losing, but it was why his Pokemon were completely cremating my Pokemon to dust. So after the battle, we shook hands, I said 'GG' (as he did too) and I asked to check out his game.
So I looked at his team, his movesets, and lol they looked a lot like the one's in the Smogon R/B moveset page. But that's not the point, the point is, before I gave him his game back, I looked at his Pokemons stats, and took a mental note of each one's stats and when I got home today, I looked up the max stats of each Pokemon here on Smogon in the R/B moveset page. He had a late-game Tauros that came out on me and pretty much obliberated me. His Tauros had all stats to the max, so did all his other Pokemon as I still have the images in my mind right now, and I just want to know, is this cheating? If so, then how did the game referee let him even compete?
So the question is: Can your Pokemon in R/B/Y have max stats by training them using Stat EXP, and 'The Box Trick' or is this jut not legal and the game altering devices strike again? Or is it possible to get such a thing in-game and maxing out their stats? Like in the newer games, you get 510 max EV's as we all know, but can't exceed it, but if you keep traning your Pokemon and going with Stat EXP and The Box Trick, can their stats just keep going and going and reach their maximum? And I know I get a simple answer back, but if you can elaborate more on why you say "Yes" or "No", then I'd appreciate it more. Thank you.
Edit: Oh, and forgot to mention these but just in case: I have read all the R/B/Y articles here on Smogon; I did read all the links Hipmonlee posted for that one site that explains the workings of Stat EXP and 'The Box Trick' and so on and I did roam around on Google with this question on my mind, but nothing but bogus links and useless information came up on Google, so might as well ask the Pokemon game competitors here at Smogon to get the best result I possibly can to my question.
~ Aether Nexus