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  • If a person asks about a specific move, item, type, etc., link them to the appropriate Smogon Dex page (e.g.
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Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (2nd Gen Version)

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  • Try to explain your question as best as possible. The more information we have, the more able we will be to give you the correct answer.
  • When answer a question with a Yes or No answer, please quote the question you are referring to.
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  • Try searching Smogon's resources before posting.
  • If a person asks about a specific move, item, type, etc., link them to the appropriate Smogon Dex page (e.g.
  • Do not ask about ROMs or other illegal issues.
Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (3rd Gen Version)

Rules and Guidelines
  • Try to explain your question as best as possible. The more information we have, the more able we will be to give you the correct answer.
  • When answer a question with a Yes or No answer, please quote the question you are referring to.
  • Try searching Google before asking here.
  • Try searching Smogon's resources before posting.
  • If a person asks about a specific move, item, type, etc., link them to the appropriate Smogon Dex page (e.g.
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  • If you want to display the Pokemon that you have bred or ask a question like, "Is this good enough?", please use this thread.
If a pokemon uses rage, and on the same turn is attacked with a multi-hit move, does its attack increase for each hit? or just once?
Although these are probably very opinionated questions, may someone please tell me if there are any good warstories, netbattle videos, or youtube videos (or any other video website) of third generation battles around? Or at least a good rate my team of a third generation team?

I want to get into third generation battling since the kids around my neighborhood mostly only have gba pokemon games :P.

Please and thank you ^^.

Also, I know I should ask this in everstone's thread but just in case someone can answer it more quickly or something (without having to waste another post), does anyone know of a good flawless or at least very close to flawless ivs for hidden power ghost/bug spreads on emerald's broken rng? I'm trying to get a good Poliwrath and Sandslash ^^.

Edit: Sorry for all the questions but I have one more, what are the 200 sets about or mean, I saw a 200 set for Sceptile and Metagross is it like a type of metagame or something? Sorry for my ignorance.
On YouTube there will probably be some videos of 3rd Gen battles.

Send me a PM if you want your team rated or some general help with making a team, and i'll help you out.

HP Ghost spreads
31 /31/30/31/31/30

HP Bug spreads:

The 200 Metagame was the metagame when only Ruby and Sapphire were available, so there were 200 pokemon.
Could someone give me the stats of the frontier BRAIN pokemon, I'm especially interested in anabel's raikou and latios speed, her snorlax defence and the moveset + def and speed from greta's gengar.
Why were dragon moves so unpopular in the 3rd gen? on all the third gen analysis's dragon moves are hardly mentioned. I realize that it was a special type and nite/mence/gon were all more physical but even on the special sets it's hardly even mentioned. Heck the words "dragon claw" or "outrage" don't even appear in dragonite's analysis for R/S.
is there any way of transferring a save file from a ROM on the computer to your actual GB cartridge?

I know its do-able in later gens, thats why I ask.
Apparently, the roaming Lati@s and legendary Cat/Dogs were set to IV extremely dismal IVs. My question is: is it possible for these Pokemon to be shiny?

Edit: And if it is possible, is it true that if you Mean Look Raikou/Entei, and they use Roar on you, they will be "gone" from your game forever?
@Mr.Void-the reason is most of the special pokemon like Latias and Dragonite who learnt Dragon moves and were good specially learnt BoltBeam which meant there was no need for dragon moves as Ice is stronger against most and Kingdra whose the only one not hit supereffectively by Ice was rarely seen.

@Dunk-yes i'm pretty sure it is possible to get them shiny. Not sure about second Q, I never used any of them competitively so used Master Ball on them as it was easier.
Right, since Smogon is very strict about rules, and they keep it that way, instead of me making a thread just for this simple question, might as well post it in this thread that clearly states what I want to ask what I want to get in return (hopefully).

My question is: Is it legal to have a Pokemon with max stats in R/B/Y? I ask this question because I was at a R/B/Y tournament today, which was the beginning of the tournament, and the results have the final group of competitors duking it out (which I am made it to) and will continue tomorrow (Saturday).

The point of why I'm saying this all is because I lost to a certain player who I was not too sure about by taking a look at his Pokemon. Since this was not an official big league tournament, and just for fun, there was still a game referee just in case. So he asked to check your game/Pokemon for any suspicious device using in the game to get non-in-game capabilities. As he checked their games one by one, it finally got to me, and I was good to go, as I don't use game altering devices (even though the rules said if we used the R/B missingno glitch in-game, it doesn't count as a 'cheat code' so it was okay).

Right anyways, moving on. So as time went by, battlers won and lost and moved up in the tournament to be continued tomorrow afternoon. The reason I'm bringing all this information to you is because when I lost against my opponent yesterday, it seemed somewhat unfair, and this is not out of being a poor sport for losing, but it was why his Pokemon were completely cremating my Pokemon to dust. So after the battle, we shook hands, I said 'GG' (as he did too) and I asked to check out his game.

So I looked at his team, his movesets, and lol they looked a lot like the one's in the Smogon R/B moveset page. But that's not the point, the point is, before I gave him his game back, I looked at his Pokemons stats, and took a mental note of each one's stats and when I got home today, I looked up the max stats of each Pokemon here on Smogon in the R/B moveset page. He had a late-game Tauros that came out on me and pretty much obliberated me. His Tauros had all stats to the max, so did all his other Pokemon as I still have the images in my mind right now, and I just want to know, is this cheating? If so, then how did the game referee let him even compete?

So the question is: Can your Pokemon in R/B/Y have max stats by training them using Stat EXP, and 'The Box Trick' or is this jut not legal and the game altering devices strike again? Or is it possible to get such a thing in-game and maxing out their stats? Like in the newer games, you get 510 max EV's as we all know, but can't exceed it, but if you keep traning your Pokemon and going with Stat EXP and The Box Trick, can their stats just keep going and going and reach their maximum? And I know I get a simple answer back, but if you can elaborate more on why you say "Yes" or "No", then I'd appreciate it more. Thank you.

Edit: Oh, and forgot to mention these but just in case: I have read all the R/B/Y articles here on Smogon; I did read all the links Hipmonlee posted for that one site that explains the workings of Stat EXP and 'The Box Trick' and so on and I did roam around on Google with this question on my mind, but nothing but bogus links and useless information came up on Google, so might as well ask the Pokemon game competitors here at Smogon to get the best result I possibly can to my question.

~ Aether Nexus
In RBY and GSC there is no limit like the 510 EV cap in Ruby, Sapphire, and on. The only restrictions put on the Pokemon is the amount of stat exp. it can gain in a certain stat. So yes, it is legal to have max stats in RBY.
Alright thanks. Also, another simple question for a simple answer. Can Sand Attack hit Flying-type Pokemon? I've never really seen the outcome of such an attack, and I know it's Ground-type so I assume it's going to miss it, but I've never done it in R/B/Y to see if it hits.

Edit: Instead of taking up another post, might as well ask it in this same post since my question above hasn't been answered yet, so this way I'll hopefully get my two questions answered. Anyways, onto my 2nd question. If you score a Critical Hit, does the Critical Hit negate or add STAB if a STAB move occurs?

Here is the scenario: I have a Persian with Slash. My opponent has, oh lets say a Chansey (the Chansey doesn't really matter, I'm just randomly throwing it in there so my opponent has a Pokemon for you to image being fought against). My Persian uses Slash, and since my Speed stat is a lot of higher than my opponents Pokemon I have a higher success rate of a Critical Hit %. So since stat-up moves like Swords Dancing up negates the CH of Slash, does this occur with STAB? Since Persian is Normal-type and so is Slash it gets the STAB 1.5 bonus, but will it add to Slash's power with a CH or will it just be a CH with no STAB damage added? Also, how much more damage does a CH do? Is there a set percentage/decimal number for the damage? Like how STAB is always x1.5+ damage. Would a Critical Hit be just as much damage as a STAB hit?
Are there any advantages to using Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow over Raichu? Does it have any special hidden bonus stats? IIRC, I once had a guidebook that said something about the starter Pikachu having a higher special or something like that. It most likely does not, but I figured I'd check here first.
Are there any advantages to using Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow over Raichu? Does it have any special hidden bonus stats? IIRC, I once had a guidebook that said something about the starter Pikachu having a higher special or something like that. It most likely does not, but I figured I'd check here first.
I don't think so. If there was, the Smogon Raichu RB page would say something like: "Make sure to use the Yellow edition Pikachu for that extra boost in it's Special." But then again, the Yellow edition follow-you Pikachu wont evolve into a Raichu (unless you trade it to another version and evolve it there or trade it back and then evolve, which I think you can. But I'm not 100% on that, just remember rumors of such a thing).

Even if the Yellow edition Pikachu or any Pikachu had a higher Special than Raichu did, then I'm sure there also would be a page just for Pikachu in the RB SmogonDex page; like how Haunter and Kadabra have their own page, but just not their own sets or information other than their base stats to show that you can use such things in RB. That or becuase if you can't get someone to trade with to get the Pokemon to evolve via link cable (Haunter, Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke) then they just list them as you can still use them since their base stats aren't that bad compred to their 3rd evolution stage's base stats.

The only reason you'd use Pikachu, or in this Raichu, is because it can obtain Surf from Pokemon Stadium once beating all the Stadium cups with just rented Pokemon Stadium Pokemon. You also have to carry your own Yellow edition Pikachu or a wild/traded Pikachu because once you beat the cups and your Pokemon are entered into the Hall of Fame in Pokemon Stadium, it shows you win a prize and it brings up your Pikachu from your party and says on your TV screen (or an emulator, but not discussing the emulator just stating it so please don't bust my nuts about it lol) that Pikachu wants to learn Surf and it says like any other time when your Pokemon learns a move "Pikachu is trying to learn Surf, would you like to replace a move for Surf?" and then choose and etc, you get my point.

Hope I helped. D:

~ Aether Nexus
I have always wonderd this.

In Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green, the cave i think its called mystery cave where you can obtain pokemon like Aipom etc. How do you activate it ive always been wondering how it works.

Any ideas?
I have always wonderd this.

In Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green, the cave i think its called mystery cave where you can obtain pokemon like Aipom etc. How do you activate it ive always been wondering how it works.

Any ideas?

Using Mystery Gift unlocks it as far as I know.
Hey, thanks man. Yeah I'm sure it doesn't have extra stats, but I just wanted to make sure. Might as well teach it Surf then evolve it, I can live without the gimmick of it following me around. On that note, any tips for beating the Round 2 Prime Cup with Pika on the team? I don't actually have to use it in battle, just have it on my roster of three, right?

I'm getting together with some buddies later in the summer for some high stakes pkmn and I want to beast with Surf Raichu.
Hey, thanks man. Yeah I'm sure it doesn't have extra stats, but I just wanted to make sure. Might as well teach it Surf then evolve it, I can live without the gimmick of it following me around. On that note, any tips for beating the Round 2 Prime Cup with Pika on the team? I don't actually have to use it in battle, just have it on my roster of three, right?

I'm getting together with some buddies later in the summer for some high stakes pkmn and I want to beast with Surf Raichu.
I'm sure you don't have to add it as the 3rd Pokemon choice for each 3 Pokemon you choose before a match in Stadium, but as long as your Pikachu is in your party of 6 Pokemon, then it will work. So your team can be like: Chansey, Exeggutor, Zapdos, Gengar, Lapras and Pikachu. You come up for the first match for a Boulder badge in whatever cup you're facing off in, and as long as you have Pikachu in your party, then it should work, you don't have to put him in your selection of 3 Pokemon for the battle.

Look it up on Youtube, they have a few videos of people recording their Pikachu learning Surf on Pokemon Stadium, so what I'm telling you now is from what I've seen from their videos. And have fun with your Summer battles and what not.

~ Aether Nexus
The only reason you'd use Pikachu, or in this Raichu, is because it can obtain Surf from Pokemon Stadium once beating all the Stadium cups with just rented Pokemon Stadium Pokemon.
Just want to point out that there's absolutely no need to cripple yourself with rentals. Feel free to bring in Mewtwo if that's your thing.

Also, you don't have to use Yellow. Red and Blue can get Surfchu the exact same way. I've done it. Multiple times.

Just wanted to kill some misconceptions here.
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