Autumn Friendly 2012

Ill probably go over the thread soon and pick up some more movies to record.
ill put up a playlist when I'm done I suppose :P
Against Name: 17-11900-94137
Against Lewis: 71-64051-32762

These battles where pretty cool, I think. The battle against Name was with lots of switching against a Trick Room team who got his TR up 2 times and the second battle... well, just watch it. It was so close.
Day 1
--- -
David [1435] SPAIN 3-0 DC
QuinnGX [1515] USA 1-3 L (Early hax cost me the game)
Yaros [1466] SPAIN 3-0 W
Xylaan [1500] USA 4-0 W
KoreanName [1601] SOUTH KOREA 2-1 DC (A good battle, shame it was sullied)
Alvarao [1500] SPAIN 3-3 DC
Snow [1500] NONE 3-0 W
Devasya [1500] UK 3-0 W
Nathan [1484] USA 4-0 W
YZ [1478] NONE 2-0 W
Snow [1460] NONE 3-0 W
Kuro* [1486] USA 1-0 W
Chris [1483] FRANCE 3-0 W
Georgie [1410] NONE 4-0 W
Cheeryl [1668] SINGAPORE 0-3 L (The most solid loss in the tournament, predicted everything correctly)
Divus [1577] NONE 0-1 L (Draco Meteor miss, Muddy Water d-miss - Ice Beam crit, Rock Slide flinch/crit)
Mat [1421] NONE 3-0 W
Nicolas [1421] NONE 1-0 W
Jeremy [1500] FRANCE 3-0 W
Robert [1434] USA 3-0 W
Lupe HG [1470] MEXICO 3-0 W
Prince [1500] USA 4-0 W
JTG [1579] MEXICO 4-0 W
Kuro* [1791] USA 3-3 DC (DC as soon as I took advantage and about to sweep to win)
Luna [1615] GERMANY 4-0 W
Francis [1603] PORTUGAL 0-1 L (Several key misses)
Sidney [1466] CANADA 4-4 DC
Fubuki [1555] NONE 2-0 W
Leon [1500] USA 4-0 W
Fred [1710] FRANCE 3-0 W
Emerald [1416] AUSTRALIA 4-0 W
Kuno [1538] MEXICO 1-0 W
Trond [1418] NORWAY 4-0 W
Kevin<3 [1759] USA 3-0 W
Pedrito [1611] SPAIN 4-0 W
Devin [1550] USA 4-4 DC
Brandon [1532] NONE 2-0 W
Kuro* [1442] AUSTRALIA 4-0 W
David [1500] USA 3-1 W
Skye [1709] NONE 4-2 DC (Countered TR and killed the 2 leads after T2, proceeded to DC)
11:11PM [1722] USA 2-0 W
Jenna [1503] NONE 3-0 W
Jorge [1543] GUATEMEHALA 3-0 W
Noah [1573] NONE 4-0 W
Tony [1550] USA 4-1 DC (Seriously?)

45P / 33W / 4L / 8DC
17.7% DC Rate

Day 2
--- -
Vincenz [1472] PERU 3-0 W
Astrid [1355] AUSTRIA 2-0 W
Andrew [1500] USA 4-2 W
Isiah(m) [1556] AUSTRALIA 3-0 W
Kirino [1576] NONE 2-0 W
Shyla [1627] GERMANY 0-2 L (Muddy Water d-miss, Icy Wind miss - Close Combat crit)
Pro-D [1744] NONE 2-0 W [62-87644-22125]
Samuel [1448] CANADA 4-0 W
Logan [1499] USA 4-1 W
Ashlex [1499] MEXICO 3-0 W
Titrix [1500] Guademehala 4-0 W
Alex [1503] USA -- DC
Kevin [1461] CANADA 4-1 W
Henoche [1503] NONE -- DC
Momo [1477] MEXICO 4-0 W
Antonio [1480] SPAIN 2-0 W
Pagong [1642] USA 3-0 W
Andy [1666] UK -- DC (My brother :o, wasn't our fault so it was Nintendo :/)
Manuel [1712] SPAIN 1-0 W
Ash [1580] USA 0-1 L (Draco Meteor miss, Heat Wave miss - 2to3 crits)
Sascha [1702] GERMANY 3-1 W
Gin [1733] NONE 2-0 W
MrJohn [1782] NONE 0-2 L (Muddy Water D-Miss followed by crit)
Cameron [1738] USA 2-0 DC (Why?)
Oji [1675] USA 1-1 DC (Yeah I'm watching you ¬_¬)
Matti [1719] GERMANY 0-2 L (It was a great game but a few peices of Para-Hax cost me)
Mr.PKMN [1777] GERMANY 2-1 W
Antonio [1578] COSTA RICA 1-0 W
Sakura [1610] MEXICO 1-3 L (A few crits on there part cost me my leads)
Alana [1435] USA 4-0 W
Lajos [1708] GERMANY 3-0 W
Jason [1473] USA 3-0 W
Bonta [1655] CHILE 2-0 W
GT-Tavo [1668] COSTA RICA 2-0 W
BigM [1435] USA 4-0 W

35P / 25W / 5L / 5DC
14.2% DC Rate

Day 3
--- -
Tiago [1386] PORTUGAL 4-0 W
Ilian [1434] AFGANHISTAN 4-1 W

2P / 2W / 0L / 0DC
0% DC Rate

Day 4
--- -
Enrique [1401] SPAIN 2-0 W
Ced [1768] FRANCE 4-2 DC (Really? Deserve your ranking ;))
Fish151 [1810] USA 0-3 L (I remember I was out-predicted but I did get a peice of hax which didn't help)
AsaelDJ [1610] MEXICO 3-0 W
Matt [1318] USA 4-0 W
Anthony [1448] USA -- DC
Carlos [1686] SPAIN 0-1 L (Quick claw activating all the time cost me + D.Rock Slide flinch)
AsaelDJ [1626] MEXICO -- DC
Ash [1650] SPAIN 4-2 W
Denaysh [1673] AUSTRALIA 1-0 W [76-46243-50449]
AsaelDJ [1608] MEXICO 3-0 W
Lea [1403] GERMANY 4-0 W
KoreanName [1840] SOUTH KOREA 0-2 L (1 misprediction cost me)
Martin [1696] CZECH REPUBLIC 0-3 L (Early Para-hax + a few bad crits/misses)
Arveen [1507] USA 4-0 W
Pagong [1728] USA 3-2 W
Ppchuy [1500] MEXICO 4-0 W
Naxyr [1549] USA 0-2 L (Mispredicted and took a N.Gem+Helping Hand Metagross Explosion)
Juan [1612] SPAIN 0-3 L (2 D.Meteor Misses then a Ice beam crit)
Fred [1602] FRANCE -- DC
Yama [1633] MEXICO 3-1 W
Tyrantm [1950] CHILE 0-2 L (Another solid loss, went back and forth but I took the loss with a Icy Wind crit on Latios I think)
David [1599] JAMAICA 2-0 W
Junior [1538] NONE 2-2 DC (Ok, enjoy keeping your 5 points)
Daniel [1395] MEXICO 3-0 W
Crypt [1600] USA 0-3 L (Stupid Mother-ducking Sableye, worst luck in entire tournament, 100% Confuse Ray+Hit myself)
Neloks [1475] ITALY 2-0 W
Fosil [1528] MEXICO 1-0 W
Lollo [1718] ITALY 4-2 DC (9.9)
Julius [1956] MEXICO 2-0 DC (Deserves that rating xD)
Romain [1387] NONE 4-0 W
Mimo!!! [1694] NONE 3-0 W
Marbi [1398] USA TEAM-P DC
Martin:) ---- DC
Severus [1418] USA 4-4 DC
Josh [1687] USA 0-1 L (Icy Wind miss vs VeryLowRedHP Sala + Dragon Pulse Crit at 1-1)
Karia [1588] NONE 2-0 W
BigBoss [1612] NONE 3-0 W
Keys [1515] FRANCE 3-0 W
Phatsu [1639] FRANCE 2-0 W
Lobo [1435] MEXICO 4-2 DC (.......some people just take my breath away......bum bum, take my breath away xD)
Nicolas [1623] MEXICO 4-0 W
Nicolas [1623] MEXICO -- DC
Nick [1469] USA 4-0 W
Dylan [1276] AUSTRALIA 2-0 W
Max [1342] UK 3-0 W
Oztill [1709] MEXICO 1-1 DC (Not sure if wifi went or if trolling ¬_¬)

47P / 25W / 9L / 13DC
27.6% DC Rate

129P / 85W / 18L / 26DC
Overall Rate: 20.1%

Finished with a score of 1802 I think, but it didn't calculate my last few battles. I believe I peaked at 1897 before the long run of hax and DC's.

The main thing now is I have a new-found hatred for ConfuseRay Sableye....takes no skill to use and relies on luck >.<

Edit: Huge difference in Day 4 than the other days lol. Edited in match facts too.....well for DC's + Losses haha, barely got any good hax in the tournament at all.
I finished with 1499 at 26 battles, horrible I know but I had a lot of fun so I din't care. I was at 11 wins 15 loses I think. I lost to a lot of Hispanic people that were good. Good Game to everyone. My name trainer name is C-Bizzz in-case your wondering if you battled me.

EDIT: I had no idea how to play this confusing team...
1st match with David from spain
3-0 fairly easy match...except he dc'd on me.

Faced Marco from the US (I think)
3-1, GGs.

Faced Ruzgar from Canada using a mono dark team.
He got 4-0'd though. Completely ripped to shreds due to my fighting types.

Faced Chiri from the US.
Won 2-0, GGs. Protect ferrothorn was obvious.

Faced Cyrus from California
Rain team without the use of Ludi neither kingdra, rather using pokes like D-nite, scizor and Jellicent.
He was using a trick room team using toed, jelli, porygon2 and scizor.
It took 20 minutes to take that team down and I was about to win 1-0...until he dc'd on me. I resent him fully for that...It was a REALLY good match.

Faced: Touya (wasn't looking at the flag)
Won 3-0, fairly easily.

Faced DEAN from Canada
Won 3-0 handily, GGs.

Faced Andrew from Nevada, US
using a heavily reliant sand team using ttar, garchomp, excadrill and alakazam
Alakazam got bitch slapped by hitnontop olololololol.
Won 3-0 though, ggs.

Faced Harry from Canada (1500+)
He forfeited at 4-1, at least he didn't dc. GG's

Faced Hilbert, no location. (1500+)
Holy damn, his team was SCARY. You need to see what he did.
I still won 1-0 though, GGs. Battle no.: [B]60-53940-22582[/B]

Faced [URL=""]pokemonrocks777[/URL]
Wasted his white herb latios and critted his Garchomp with CC first turn... :[
Tyranitar worried me though, luckily i picked cress and she saves the day, not sure if the Hydro pump missed mattered, I had light screen up at the time.
Battle no.: [B]41-55344-39287[/B]
1-0, Great match.

Faced Luiza from Brazil
Defeated her 3-0. I was caught off guard as to how her gliscor lived the HP ice and lost my concentration which made me lose terrakion.
Edit, turns out I know what type my HP is...great. =/ (btw it's not HP dark)

Faced ASH from US
An easy match and when I mean easy, he's the type to use Fly Staraptor (which even missed Terrakion) and inner focus D-nite.
4-0, GG's

Faced [URL=""]CoolStoryBrobat[/URL]
He had the lead on me but I was going to bring it back. Should have EQ rather than protect with garchomp. When I did try to attack after it he got frozen...and cress got para'd by thunder then got fully para for the rest of the match...
Battle video: [B]27-32199-78025[/B]

Faced ALEX from Costa Rica
Bloody annoying match. His politoed right, hit 3 Hypnosis in a ROW AND a Focus Blast...
I'm going to stop, too much crap right now.
However, I managed to win 2-0
Battle no.: [B]34-16067-25331[/B]

Faced Boss from US
Fresh 1500 player with varied pokemon that seemed ingame or traded/poketransfered
Won 3-0 handily, GGs.

Faced Casey from Oregon, US (1500+)
Using very in-game stuff again (telekinesis golurk wtf)
4-0'd him. 

Faced Topanga from Vietnam 0_o (1774)
He used a hail team based in the party using surf/blizzard gyarados and gastrodon
then used Rotom-F and Obamasnow, scarfed Rotom-F was what I feared.
Completely smashed me o_o 0-3

Faced Leon (no location)
Was a REALLY good match but
he dc'd on me at 2-1 when my last turn helping hand + STAB Close combat + fighting gem.

Faced Nacho (no location) using a hail based team
His team however dropped like flies and Jynx got sucker punch'd like a bitch.
3-0 easy, (4-0 if I had bothered to wide guard at the turn before last)

Faced LEO (1500+)
lv. 46 tornadus told me everything was in-game
I won 4-0 but how in the name of hax was he able to pull off
3 sp.def drops in a row ._. Light screen helped though.

Faced Akiza (no location)
I have no idea why he dc'd when he was winning.
Probably thought my last pokemon wasn't Gastrodon and dc'd when I ko'd his darmanitan in the sun
He had leafeon to finish my pokemon off.

Faced ZAKRO from Mexico
Pretty interesting team, Swampert was bulky as f*** lived SO many attacks
Won 2-0 though, GGs.
Gotta have to show the battle video
Battle no.: [B]35-31885-12744[/B]

All I can say is team needs more SWAGger.
But the bitch dc'd JUST before sending data... -_-

Faced -KGC- Dominican Republic (1660+)
Used a very strong rain team, he eventually won 2-2 (I forfeited)

Faced Shaoran from Spain (1600+)
An alright match, won 2-0 GG's.

Faced Lucky from Cali, US (1550+)
Full blown sun team with 50/50 fire/grass
Lost out 0-2, GG's.

Faced TOUKO from Mexico (1660+)
Her switching out mid game cost her BIG
Won 3-0
Battle no.: [B]93-70560-85800[/B]

Faced John from US (1504)
Got hit by a nub guillotine by gliscor and OHKO'd Chomp...
Then first turn para by discharge on cress from electabuzz. (she loves getting para'd)
I won 2-0 after going through that dumb stuff

Faced MIGUEL from Spain (1886)
Full blown rain team
I lost because I didn't think to switch into Gastrodon earlier then when I did
it got critted by Dragon Gem Draco Meteor.

Faced BRIANNA from US (1604)
She was going to win with Amoonguss and TTar but for some odd reason she dc'd.
Not that I'm complaining, I know I didn't dc on purpose.

Faced ELODIO (1500-) From Mexico
He dc'd on me at 4-2 =/

Faced Bill (1750) No location
Terrakion/whimsicott lead, his terra got critted by dragon claw first turn.
Then took out his weavile after top lived two assaults. Unfortunately he ragequit after that...

Faced Cath (1653)
Don't know why he trick roomed so many times but damn cress with trick room just didn't die anyway
Lost 0-3.

At this point i'm starting to care less about this tournament.

Faced Niamh from UK (1486)
She had a pikachu in her team...
Her Gengar had Sucker Punch...SUCKER PUNCH
Easy 4-0 GG's.

Faced FABIO from Italy (1600+)
His team spelt trick room on point.
My leads just kinda went havoc on everything. Though Hitmontop suffered big time and gastrodon got critted.
Thundurus got revenge crit though and I won 2-0...except he yep, he dc'd.

Faced Brian from US (1771)
2nd time i've seen a crobat and cloyster on preview.
Lost my Thundurus early on with HURT (by Cloyster)
Really tough game, had to play well and right and I got the lucky crit in the end.
He shouldn't have kept my hitmontop alive after all those CCs =P
Battle no.: [B]71-58348-63450[/B] Great match.
Note on that match: THANK Arceus Protect didn't work twice for him.

Faced Leo from US (1547)
First time i've seen latias and Azelf on preview
He had so many Psychic (and Dragon) types.
He used Chomp, and both Lati twins on me but my Cress and chomp raped through them
Under Light screen garchomp JUST WOULDN'T DIE, won 4-0 barely.
Battle no.: [B]48-51072-95183[/B]

Faced Heather from US (1647)
Using a rain/sun team
I fake'd out her Volcorona and had DD kingdra (though got intimidated)
After that she dc'd.

Faced Janel from US (1597)
Caught me off guard with round first turn but pretty much swept her
and won 3-0, GGs.

Faced Nikora from Italy (1454)
Didn't really expect much from this person
And used heal block on pokemon that don't heal...
won 3-0

Faced Fatum from Germany (1854)
Rain team with an arcanine in it on preview
I should have attacked Ludi when it switched out...
I think next time, I'll just use rain.
2-3 whatever.

Faced Howl (1600)
Totally unexpected scarf Staraptor caught me off guard
and with ghost gem gengar, garchomp got doubled on
Got a revenge crit on gengar and knocked out both his pokes after top faked out the bird
Then evire got taken care of and salamence's outrage hit the wrong pokemon for him
making cress icy wind it and basically won me the game 2-0

Faced David from Wales (1359)
Won 4-0 in 3 turns

Faced gerardo (1580+)
Won 3-0 after an easy match. GG's.

Faced Setzer from Columbia (1516)
Not very challenging although he knew what he was doing than most
Won 4-0 though, GG's
BUT THEN he dc's me while sending data, but it still sent so it's ok.

Faced AJ from US (1604)
Basically I had terrakion against his zapdos and volc mid-game.
that's when he dc'd.

Faced Chris (1677)
First time seeing slowbro and glalie on preview
Moody Glalie was interesting but it just kept raising acc while shooting non stab shadow balls
Light Screen SAVED me from Dragon Dem Draco Meteor from Latios enabling me to win 2-0, GG's.

Faced Louis from US (1615)
First time seeing machamp on preview
What an epic match. I kinda tip-toed against Thundurus but eventually sunk it.
This match has to go on battle video.
He deserved the win, 0-1 GG's.
Battle no.: [B]50-73294-17003[/B]

Faced Rachel from US (1464)
I on turn 3 she...forfeited o_o maybe she knew already she was at a loss
4-3 to me.

Faced Cybertron (1999)
Finally! A smogon user.
Let's see...I shouldn't have picked top or at least since I did, fake out cress
Bulky Thundurus caught me off guard but I froze it.
I never really attempted to hit cress, i assumed later it was choiced.
Eventually fell 0-2, GGs.

Faced Lea from Germany (1638)
After knocking out her Garchomp and getting a storm drain boost from her rotom, she dc'd.

Faced Joel (1515) from Jamaica

First Jamaican of the tournament lol
Garchomp had a very fun time EQ'ing stuff to death via helping hand

Faced Marcel From Germany (1800+)
Heavily dependent sand team
If I had chose to predict one turn and use recover,
I would have been able to fare much more even to the point of winning.
I sometimes question my ability to predict. 0-2

Faced Chris (1700)
Same guy with the glalie lol
Moody accuracy drop made him miss shadow ball on cress LOL.
He managed to get two speed boosts in a row though, but his sp.atk dropped haha
Crucial icy wind misses was cost me the game effectively cause it allowed slowbros to haunt me later
How the hell did that thing even live a STAB T-Bolt from Thundurus anyway...
On top of the hax he got gearing towards the end., 0-1
Battle video: [B]56-38289-46581[/B]

Faced Oji from US (1805)
Don't know what happened but the game cut off mid-battle, oh well.

Faced Noel from Spain (1400+)
Didn't expect much really...just a dragon noob
won 4-0

Faced PAIN (1720) from France
Full blown sand team again
Why doesn't my chomp get sand veil hax...

Faced Guhnaes (1745)
First time i've seen Parasect (lv. 49) and Lanturn on preview.
I knew rain wasn't coming since obamasnow was out (toed was in the preview)
I didn't play optimal looking back at it and he got a lot of hax inc a freeze and a crit.

Faced Siro (1563)
Dc'd just after preview and I lost points for it -_-

Faced Shaoran from Spain (1417)
Man...he dropped 200 points last time I saw him.
He put up more of a fight than last time. I was scared his Thundurus had HP grass (which turned out to be ice)
I was somehow poisoned by Thundurus and Rotom-W tried stalling me with protect
I lived the Shadow ball and killed it off with ice beam
Battle no.: [B]21-91798-05039[/B]

Faced JERIC from US (1849) [Hungersnorlax I believe]
Despite knowing this team, I still lost because of a crit and some other sorts.

Faced Uwe from Netherlands (1844)
First time seeing sableye
I was worried about Sableye screwing me over with Confusion hax
but in the end I managed to win 2-0 and then he dc'd =]

Faced Asher from the UK (1500+)
He knew what he was doing but won 3-0
Notes overall in the tournament:

Have yet to face many more smogoners though (faced a couple though)
Some trainers i've faced varied from very easy to very hard with a touch of balance
Some haxy games there and then, one even admittedly made me ragequit
There was a lot of dc'ers, much more than last time
Strong rain teams own my life somehow
So much Evire...
Don't care for this tournament anymore.

36-10-21 record so far.
I doubt with my dc rate (Cybertron and Ruben having no dc fanboys) that i'm going to place but if I do, i'd be very amazed. I even took losses even just to place.

Also within my code you will find all my brief encounters with who I faced, some of which contain battle vid nos. though i'm sure i've posted more than 5 so the ones earlier than the 5th from the bottom of the code I doubt will be left online anymore. Just to put that out there for the people who are making many series of tournament battle videos from the tournament to upload on YouTube.

Could have/Should have played a lot more but with people dc'ing on me I lost more resolve in doing so.


I'm the Best. You're a Towel.
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Well, good tourney, I have - 3 points that last year.

Points: 2055
wins: 135
Loss: 4
DC totals: 36

I dont know how is my rate dc's, is good? :P
That is a DC rate of about 40% (if the way I think it's calculated is correct) so you probably have little chance of being ranked, but that's what happens when you DC most of your losses as well :D

I think my DC rate is about 28%, I'm hoping that isn't too much but I fear it is just a little bit over the minimum.

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
That is a DC rate of about 40% (if the way I think it's calculated is correct) so you probably have little chance of being ranked, but that's what happens when you DC most of your losses as well :D

I think my DC rate is about 28%, I'm hoping that isn't too much but I fear it is just a little bit over the minimum.
How do you get 40% from that? From those numbers he gave, his D/C rate is roughly 20%, which should be good for getting onto the ranking. Well, provided that they don't still hold a grudge against him for that particular incident.
Finished with a score of 1805 with my complete rain team (Politoed, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Scizor, Gastrodon, Rotom-W). Did about 50 battles in about 14 hours, could of easily hit 2000+ if I had Wi-Fi at my house and didn't have to go to my college campus. But anyway a far better performance than last tournament, only about 15 Dcs. On top of that I won the bet against my friend, Elita, with her complete sand team (Tyranitar, Excadrill, Lilleep, Sigilyph, Garchomp, Hippowdon); she placed with a score about 1746. We only fought once and I took her down, but that storm drain Lilleep was not a joke!
That is a DC rate of about 40% (if the way I think it's calculated is correct) so you probably have little chance of being ranked, but that's what happens when you DC most of your losses as well :D.
You divide the number of disconnects by your total number of battles + disconnects. That gives him a disconnection rate of around 20%. I also feel as though the latter part of your post was a huge smack in the face :)
You divide the number of disconnects by your total number of battles + disconnects. That gives him a disconnection rate of around 20%. I also feel as though the latter part of your post was a huge smack in the face :)
It's okay, :) is envy, jealousy because surely I will win the tournament again, and he has not won anything yet!:P.

MY rateeee is 20?:D, goooooood! I'm happyyyyyy :3
How do you get 40% from that? From those numbers he gave, his D/C rate is roughly 20%, which should be good for getting onto the ranking. Well, provided that they don't still hold a grudge against him for that particular incident.
I chuckled a bit. That would be the first time (in my memory/current day) that an official thing has a personal hate against a person in pokemon.


I'm the Best. You're a Towel.
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
You divide the number of disconnects by your total number of battles + disconnects. That gives him a disconnection rate of around 20%. I also feel as though the latter part of your post was a huge smack in the face :)
Smack in the face or not, it is true :) (the him disconnecting part, but most people do this when they will lose a lot of points).

Thanks for telling me how to work it out properly though, my DC rate is actually lower than I thought so I might actually rank this time.

I think I could have come close to Ruben's score but most of my DCes happened on the final day of the competition. I got 3-4 in a row and then was stuck in a position where I needed to try and raise my score to get higher in the rankings, but was constantly paired with people who disconnect (mainly 1800s players) so it was impossible for me to improve. It was nothing to do with my team or my ability to play well, simply the flawed competitive system used for the tournament. I can't always complain about this as it effects everyone, but sometimes it's the luck of the draw. Some players get lucky by facing few DCers overall which allows them to DC when they do lose against good players who are at that time far lower ranked.

Also, I had work every day this competition was on except for the final day, in which I only gained about 70 points anyway because half of my games were disconnections. So, I wasn't able to just sit there and smash it all day and night.

Rant over :) I would be more than happy with a top 20 finish.

But to Ruben, I don't get why you're being so bitter and defensive either. I'm only joking around for the most part because you make posts that are exactly the same, it's your character and attitude and everyone seems to accept it. But when someone else is the same, you don't. You know that quite a few of your disconnections were you and not your opponent.. So I don't get it. I know you're not trying to hide it, but you always try to shift the heat when things like that happen. Just accept that if you do win, you basically cheated your way to the top in some people's eyes. If you can be happy with that and still feel some sense of achievement, then congratulations I guess.
Here's some of my video's from the competition, if anyone's interested.

Vs. Bonta from Chile: 59-62183-07753
Vs. RYAN from South Carolina: 84-09866-45785
Vs. Kira from Texas: 74-88677-61067
Vs. Ethan from New York: 43-13910-27679
Hey everyone. Know its late, laptop broke on me before the tourney finished.

Ended with 1755 after 99 battles. Didn't get time for the 100th but not too worried.
Probably a comfortable 1800 without all the dcers.


Here's a few haxxy scalps i claimed ;)

39-33122-16057 vs ?Donut. Who i'm guessin is Omega Donut. (Big shout to you in fact, without u i would have no pokes lol.) Noticed alot of hax in our match...nintendo must hate u haha! gg and keep up the good work.

44-30008-91626 vs Jenkins One of the +1900 i beat although his team outclassed mine here. So swagger n para hax was used much lol. Hope i didn't slow u down too much bro. gg.

90-96664-58876 vs Natsu Excadrill is a boss!!!!! gg

Buzzing now I got my lappy back, time to start the 2012/2013 team.
Rankings should have been released after a week long maintenance. Hopefully my tomorrow we'll get them.
Yeah I was looking forward to seeing them after the down time but I guess we may have to wait a few more days or even a week for them to surface.
Congrats Ruben!!

Also good job to Matty and Cybertron for placing 3rd and 5th!

I got 6th, very happy with that considering my D/C rate! Good job to everyone else who placed.

Pumped for the next tournament already which should count towards Worlds qualification :)

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
12th place, not too bad.

Might as well post the one battle vid that I saved and uploaded at this time:
I placed 5th! I though I had a shot at Top 3 but looks like there are others who were just a tad bit more dedicated than me for this tournament, haha. I had very few disconnections though, which is awesome to see, especially after getting DQed in the last Friendly because my DC rate was 47%...

I played only 90+ games this time around, compared to 123+ during the Spring Friendly (5th Place) and 156+ in the International Challenge (1st Place). Pretty pleased with how I did! Congrats to everyone who placed, especially Ruben, Matteo, Sejun, and Satoru!

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