Autumn Friendly 2012

I came 361st.
I'm... pleasantly surprised, solely because I only played for about three hours in total.

Also, I like the breakdown of most used moves and stuff... 97% of Garchomps had Earthquake, and 0.8% of them were Brave 0_o Didn't think Trick Room Garchomp was a thing...
Congrats to everyone that did well in this tournament!! Ruben, Cybertron, Sejun, Osirus, Satoru...great job!!

Ruben 2 times Autumn Friendly Champion!! I hope you'll able to play again in Play! Pokémon events as soon as possible!
i came in 1593rd to be honest its a hell of a lot higher than i thought what with me getting quite a few opponents D/Qing on me and such that and its a big improvement from last year when i was 4836th, Congrats to everyone who did well :D this rank of mine is a personal best at least


is a Contributor Alumnus
92nd... for someone that pretty much never battles, doesn't D/C on people, and doesn't use hacks of any kind ("legal" or even just "battle legal") that's not bad.
17th place! A number I am very pleased with (although barely missed the top 20 mark, lol). Congrats to all the other Smogonites who played.
Something's familiar about #4, though...I think I lost to an OT Aris...
I got 4th place as Aris.(9th last AutumnFriendly) It was a fun tournament, and I learned quite a bit about my playstyle too. Congrats to all who played haha.
I had 1821 with 87 wins and 13 losses but didn't get into the rankings due to DCs(I am sure my DC ratio was that high but whatever).This would probably have put me into the top 100.I will probably not participate seriously in such a tournament as I don't want to waste my time again without any result.
Congratulations to everybody who did well and especially to the winner Ruben,who should stop bragging so much because there is no need to prove himself when he'd been the winner of the competition twice...
Congrats to Ruben for winning again! Too bad I didn't get a rank... :( (probably would've been top 100)
Didn't get to place. I had way more D/Cs this time around than last time, probably had a D/C rate around 30%. I would have been around 15th if I did place because I ended the tournament around 1920. Oh well, I'm not wasting my time with these tournaments anymore unless BW2 really does have a good implementation for disconnecting.
I got disqualified as well, unfortunately. Though by judging by my score, I'd probably be around 84th place... just like the Spring Friendly. Oh well, I can't wait until they start doing tournaments with the new games, I hope we get the All-Star Cup.

Score: 1802
50 Wins 9 Loses
I know I should be happy with getting to 81st, top100. But really I can't lie cause I just am not happy......however i am happy that I beat so many 1800+ players, too bad they didn't let me have the points haha

All in all, congrats Ruben ^_^ TPCI should really have a look at letting you back into the VGC, would be amazing to see you at VGC13 in the UK bud.
Finished 201st with 50 or so matches actually finished and a record of 1850. I only lost about 20% of the time, and I probably played a lot more than 50 matches but the DC rate was sooooooo damn high.
How do all you people have so much time aaaaaa

Sorry, grats to Ruben and everyone in the top 10, I swear I'll do better next time :p


The hero Smogon needs, but not the one it deserves
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*Super late post* Congrats to everybody who participated in this thing and placed well! I got 694th place, but out of 3923, I'd say that's pretty good. I oughta brush up for the next one, maybe..

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