Ubers AV Iron Treads [QC: 2/2] [GP: 1/1]

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name: Assault Vest
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Knock Off / Volt Switch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Quark Drive
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
tera type: Ground

  • Assault Vest allows Iron Treads to utilize an offensive spread while still letting it be a fairly safe option against Miraidon and Flutter Mane.
  • Iron Head allows Iron Treads to beat Tera Fairy Miraidon.
  • Knock Off can remove crucial items from foes like Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, and Corviknight.
  • Volt Switch is useful for grabbing momentum on non-Ground-type foes that switch in on Iron Treads like Corviknight, Koraidon, Dondozo, and Pelipper.
  • A Jolly nature gives Iron Treads a Speed boost from Quark Drive, which is often crucial to be able to beat Choice Specs Miraidon one-on-one, and lets it pick off foes that would normally outspeed it without Electric Terrain.
  • Ground is the preferred Tera type to boost the power of Earthquake while weakening incoming Fire- and Fighting-type attacks; alternatively, other Tera types can provide defensive utility but not any offensive boost.
  • This set works best on offensive teams where it is paired up with teammates that are weak to Fairy-type moves, such as Miraidon, Koraidon, Great Tusk, and Chien-Pao. Iron Treads allows these Pokémon to be played more freely because it can reliably deal with Flutter Mane and opposing Miraidon while applying offensive pressure itself.
  • Flutter Mane is another great teammate because Iron Treads lures Corviknight and weakens it with Knock Off or Volt Switch, this gives Flutter Mane an easier time to break through enemy teams.

- Written by: [[ox04, 507268]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fc, 511624], [Lasen, 273339]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lunaflare, 430518], [autumn, 384270]]
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I do not think Rapid Spin should ever be optional on the clear 2nd best spinner in the game.

Iron Treads @ Assault Vest
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe (offensive)
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe (mixed bulk)
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpD / 252 Spe (special bulk)
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off / Iron Head
- Volt Switch / Iron Head

Treads has a unique and great speed tier, so it should be maximised. With that established, I want to emphasise the relative merits of the 3 EV spreads:

1) Tera Ground EQ can often clean up with the offensive spread at +1 speed. Note that Tera Ground EQ is always a 2HKO vs 0/0 Leftovers Tusk if Tusk is at -1 defence for the second hit (371 - 158 + 23 - 236 = exact kill with min rolls)

2) 248 HP (not 252) is very important on the mixed bulk spread so that all residual damage (Salt Cure, Rocky Helmet, Spikes, Burn etc.) rounds down. Even with Leftovers, HP should not be maxed on Treads (aim for a lower Leftovers threshold because 384 is exactly divisible by 4, 6, 8, 16, and 32, so it is the worst possible number for residual damage)

3) The special bulk spread always survives Shadow Ball into Focus Blast from Timid Gholdengo. Note that uninvested Tera Ground EQ still always OHKOs 0/4 Gholdengo and 248/8 Clodsire in a pinch (and Flutter in Ubers)
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I can definitely see where the Spin not being optional is coming from and I will be implementing that. But other than that I am not sure about any of these other spreads, the only other spread I see being used is the same as for SpDef Treads: 204 HP 252 SpDef 48 Spe (16 Def IVs) with a Careful nature. This spread just acts as a more reliable Miraidon check. Shoutout to S-Matrix for that spread btw.

The reason why I don't see a reason for the other spreads is because Iron Treads already has so many viable sets, so if your goal is to act more defensively you either shouldn't use AV in the first place, or use the above spread from S-Matrix.

Another thing is that I don't see why Ice Spinner would be used, I mean this looks more like a OU analysis not Ubers. Like Gholdengo, Ice Spinner for Dnite and Chomp? Also I try to be as professional as possible about pokemon so I am aware of the uneven HP number gimmick since it's pretty well known, no need to point at the obvious. But then I don't understand why do you have 4 HP on the Offensive spread? That's exactly why I put my EVs in SpDef, but it doesn't matter all that much anyway. I also went through why I think Iron Head is necessary (second bullet point), so since you don't even have an argument for dropping it, it is out of the question.

I must say that I don't really get why this post was made in the first place? I mean almost everything you listed is already included or is irrelevant for the above reasons. In any case thanks for the feedback.
I don't understand why do you have 4 HP on the Offensive spread?

322 doesn't divide exactly by 4, 6, 8, 16, or 32, so the 4 HP EVs have no impact on residual damage. This is better than 4 SpD because 1) it's absolute i.e. the extra SpD point doesn't always impact damage rolls and 2) it benefits both sides of the spectrum.

The reason why I don't see a reason for the other spreads is because Iron Treads already has so many viable sets, so if your goal is to act more defensively you either shouldn't use AV in the first place, or use the above spread from S-Matrix.

I agree that the offensive spread is optimal, but I have to disagree with the notion that the defensive alternative is non-AV or full SpDef. With respect to S-Matrix's spread, it's both passive and slow; at least fast Treads can pivot/attack/spin first in Terrain.

I think max speed is very necessary on Treads, but running that limits its EV options, which is why AV with other defensive spreads go a long way to compensate. For clarity on the OU point, 80 HP / 176 SpD / 252 Spe also survives 2 Shadow Balls from Timid Specs Flutter (except consecutive max rolls). Yeah, ignore Ice Spinner though, I was on autopilot.
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On other sets Iron Head isn't mandatory, but since you don't have the longevity of Leftovers and a defensive spread but still need to deal with Tera Fairy Miraidon it is a must to be able to beat it
Don't cross reference sets by saying it isn't mandatory, if you wanna say it isn't mandatory here maybe slash with volt switch for a set of eq knock volt spin since eq can probably beat a cm mirai that isn't super boosted, or just remove this.

Earthquake is self explanatory, but a unique thing for Earthquake on this Iron Treads set is that it can OHKO Flutter Mane since it has maximum Attack investment
If you have to start with saying something is self explanatory then it's probably redundant, you don't have to include it and you also don't have to explain the max attack since it's a simple 252/252 spread

Rapid Spin is always useful, given it's effect to clear hazards and provide a speed boost
This is pretty much dex info so it doesn't need to be included, unless you expand on it more and say the things it can spin on specifically or in the teammates section explain that it clearing hazards can support x teammates.

Teammates section is missing btw, I think for smth like this it's decently important since its offensive utility is somewhat niche for opening certain things up. Once that's added tag me and I'll give a final look and stamp
Flutter Mane is an another great pair because Iron Treads lures Great Tusk and can weaken Corviknight effectively with Knock Off / Volt Switch (especially with Stealth Rock), allowing Flutter Mane to break trough it much more easily.
Write this in a more structured format, just remove the slash and brackets to clean it up a bit.

QC 1/2
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Knock Off / Volt Switch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Quark Drive
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
tera type: Ground

  • Assault Vest allows Iron Treads to adapt an offensive spread while still being a fairly safe option against Miraidon and Flutter Mane. (added fullstop)
  • Iron Head is mandatory in order allows Iron Treads to beat Tera Fairy Miraidon.
  • Knock Off is very easy to use since it's so spammable thanks to its item removing effect, especially when comparing to Volt Switch which requires a higher skill cap to be used optimally. (this reads like we're calling the readers awful)
  • Knock Off can remove crucial items from foes like Koraidon and Iron Bundle (feel free to change this to different examples).
  • Volt Switch is useful for grabbing momentum on non-Ground-type pokémon used for switching into it foes that switch in on Iron Treads like Corviknight, Koraidon, Dondozo,(AC) and Pelipper.
  • Jolly is used as the nature of choice since the speed boosting Quark Drive is often crucial to be able to beat Choice Specs Miraidon 1v1 one-on-one and outspeed and pick off pokémon foes that might normally outspeed it without Electric Terrain.
  • Ground is listed as the only tera type simply because an offensive Iron Treads appreciates the Fire and Fighting neutrality whilst powering up its spammable Earthquake at the same time, other Tera types only offer defensive utility and not an offensive boost as well.
  • Ground is the preferred Tera type to boost Earthquake while weakening incoming Fire and Fighting attacks; other Tera types [like X] can provide defensive utility, but not any offensive boost.
  • This set works best on Offense and Hyper Offense teams where it is paired up with with Fairy weak offensive threats like Miraidon, Koraidon, Great Tusk,(AC) and Chien-Pao. Iron Treads allows these pokémon to be played more freely because it can reliably deal with Flutter Mane and opposing Miraidon trying to punish them while applying offensive pressure itself.
  • Flutter Mane is an another great pair because Iron Treads lures Great Tusk and can weaken Corviknight effectively with Knock Off or Volt Switch, this allows Flutter Mane to break trough much more easily.

- Written by: [[ox04, 507268]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fc, 511624], [Lasen, 273339]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
content good I started feeling nauseous towards the end so GP will have to pick up my slack, 2/2
amcheck implement what you want
add remove
(AC) = add comma
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Knock Off / Volt Switch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Quark Drive
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
tera type: Ground

  • Assault Vest allows Iron Treads to utilize adapt an offensive spread, (AC) while still letting it be being a fairly safe option against Miraidon and Flutter Mane.
  • Iron Head allows Iron Treads to beat Tera Fairy Miraidon.
  • Knock Off can remove crucial items from foes like Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, (AC) and Corviknight.
  • Volt Switch is useful for grabbing momentum on non-Ground-type foes that switch in on Iron Treads, (AC) like Corviknight, Koraidon, Dondozo, and Pelipper.
  • Jolly is used as the nature of choice since the speed boosting A Jolly nature gives Iron Treads a speed boost from Quark Drive, (AC) which is often crucial to be able to beat Choice Specs Miraidon one-on-one, (AC) and lets it pick off foes that would normally and outspeed and pick off foes that might normally outspeed it without Electric Terrain.
  • Ground is the preferred Tera type to boost the power of Earthquake while weakening incoming Fire and Fighting attacks; alternatively, other Tera types can provide defensive utility, but not any offensive boost.
  • This set works best on offensive teams where it is paired up with teammates that are weak to Fairy-types, such as Offense and Hyper Offense teams where it is paired up with with Fairy weak offensive threats like Miraidon, Koraidon, Great Tusk, and Chien-Pao. Iron Treads allows these pokémon to be played more freely, (AC) because it can reliably deal with Flutter Mane and opposing Miraidon, (AC) trying to punish them while applying offensive pressure itself.
  • Flutter Mane is an another great teammate pair because Iron Treads lures Great Tusk and Corviknight, weakening the latter with Knock off or Volt Switch, giving Flutter Mane an easier time to break through enemy teams. and can weaken Corviknight effectively with Knock Off or Volt Switch, this allows Flutter Mane to break trough much more easily.

- Written by: [[ox04, 507268]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fc, 511624], [Lasen, 273339]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
gp 1/1 GP Team done
credit lunaflare as well
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Knock Off / Volt Switch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Quark Drive
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
tera type: Ground

  • Assault Vest allows Iron Treads to utilize an offensive spread (RC) while still letting it be a fairly safe option against Miraidon and Flutter Mane.
  • Iron Head allows Iron Treads to beat Tera Fairy Miraidon.
  • Knock Off can remove crucial items from foes like Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, (AC) and Corviknight.
  • Volt Switch is useful for grabbing momentum on non-Ground-type foes that switch in on Iron Treads like Corviknight, Koraidon, Dondozo, and Pelipper.
  • A Jolly nature gives Iron Treads a Speed boost from Quark Drive, which is often crucial to be able to beat Choice Specs Miraidon one-on-one, and lets it pick off foes that would normally outspeed it without Electric Terrain.
  • Ground is the preferred Tera type to boost the power of Earthquake while weakening incoming Fire- and Fighting-type attacks; alternatively, other Tera types can provide defensive utility (RC) but not any offensive boost.
  • This set works best on offensive teams where it is paired up with teammates that are weak to Fairy-type moves, such as Miraidon, Koraidon, Great Tusk, and Chien-Pao. Iron Treads allows these pokémon Pokemon to be played more freely (RC) because it can reliably deal with Flutter Mane and opposing Miraidon (RC) while applying offensive pressure itself.
  • Flutter Mane is an another great teammate because Iron Treads lures Great Tusk and Corviknight, weakening the latter with Knock off Off or Volt Switch, giving Flutter Mane an easier time to break through enemy teams. (im not really sure what the point means - flutter mane is a good teammate bc iron treads lures in these mons? it ohkoes great tusk anyways (unless theres some wack tera that idk about), corv is fair but iron treads gets walled by it anyways so idk. you can honestly just say that flutter mane appreciates iron treads's knock support if that's what you mean here)

- Written by: [[ox04, 507268]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fc, 511624], [Lasen, 273339]]
- Grammar checked by: [[user1, userid1]]
ohkoes great tusk anyways (unless theres some wack tera that idk about), corv is fair but iron treads gets walled by it anyways so idk. you can honestly just say that flutter mane appreciates iron treads's knock support if that's what you mean here
Corv walls Treads and that's why it's a good lure, you can easily Knock it or Volt on it. Removed the Tusk part if you think it's too confusing, rephrased the other part to be as straight forward as possible. I'm marking it as done, if you notice anything let me know asap.
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