name: Assault Vest
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Knock Off / Volt Switch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Quark Drive
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
tera type: Ground
- Assault Vest allows Iron Treads to utilize an offensive spread while still letting it be a fairly safe option against Miraidon and Flutter Mane.
- Iron Head allows Iron Treads to beat Tera Fairy Miraidon.
- Knock Off can remove crucial items from foes like Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, and Corviknight.
- Volt Switch is useful for grabbing momentum on non-Ground-type foes that switch in on Iron Treads like Corviknight, Koraidon, Dondozo, and Pelipper.
- A Jolly nature gives Iron Treads a Speed boost from Quark Drive, which is often crucial to be able to beat Choice Specs Miraidon one-on-one, and lets it pick off foes that would normally outspeed it without Electric Terrain.
- Ground is the preferred Tera type to boost the power of Earthquake while weakening incoming Fire- and Fighting-type attacks; alternatively, other Tera types can provide defensive utility but not any offensive boost.
- This set works best on offensive teams where it is paired up with teammates that are weak to Fairy-type moves, such as Miraidon, Koraidon, Great Tusk, and Chien-Pao. Iron Treads allows these Pokémon to be played more freely because it can reliably deal with Flutter Mane and opposing Miraidon while applying offensive pressure itself.
- Flutter Mane is another great teammate because Iron Treads lures Corviknight and weakens it with Knock Off or Volt Switch, this gives Flutter Mane an easier time to break through enemy teams.
- Written by: [[ox04, 507268]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fc, 511624], [Lasen, 273339]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lunaflare, 430518], [autumn, 384270]]
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