STATUS: finished and updating with dual screens
- Azelf is a fast,frail,suicide lead,that can reliably set up Stealth Rock. it also has good dual base 125 attack stats.
- Priority can defeat, Azelf as it is very frail.
name: Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-Turn / Fire Blast / Psychic
move 4 :U-Turn / Fire Blast / Psycic
item: Focus Sash
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Set Description
- Azelf is a fast user of Stealth Rock and with a Focus Sash can always get it up reliably.
- Taunt helps Azelf stop slower leads like Hippodown and Heatran from setting up Stealth Rock.
- U-Turn is Azelf's best option as it can be used for Scouting and escaping Shadow Tag
- Fire Blast is used for Scizor and Doryuzzu
- Psychic is Azelf's best STAB move but has bad coverage and let's Tyranitar switch in.
- Azelf can use the Trick and Choice Scarf strategy to force Switches,cripple Walls and help sweepers set up.
- Explosion can be used although it's power has been halved.
- You can run max Attk over SAttk to power up U-Turn.
- Good Team Mates are Pokemon like Mothra that appreciate the opponent having Stealth Rock and it not having it.
- Pursuiter's can switch in and hit Azelf with a powerful hit and trap it. Tyranitar also has Sandstorm to cancel out the Focus Sash
- Voltros and other Mischevious Heart users can use Priority Taunt preventing Azelf's main purpose.
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Grass Knot / HP Fighting
item: Life Orb
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Set Description
- Azelf has a great Special Attack stat and Nasty Plot allows Azelf to abuse it.
- Psychic is Azlef's main attack scoring a 1HKO on Blissey and Snorlax
- Fire Blast is for Scizor,Doryuzzu and other Steels who resist Psychic
- Grass Knot helps Azelf beat Bulky Water Types and Tyranitar.
- HP Fighting allows Azelf to beat Dark types and Heatran.
Additional Comments
- Azelf can use Leftovers to survive for longer, although it misses out on some KO's, especially Tyranitar.
- As a compromise between a Life Orb and Leftovers you can use Expert Belt.
- Roobushin us a good partner, as it can beat Blissey,Snorlax,Heatran and Tyranitar.
- Pursuiter's can switch in and hit Azelf with a powerful hit and trap it.
- Heatan resists most of these moves and can use a STAB Fire Blast
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Stealth Rock / U-turn
item: Light Clay
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Set Description
- Azelf can quickly set up Dual Screens against many slow threats, preventing sweeps.
- It also can help your team set up frail sweepers such as Blaziken
- Taunt can prevent Set Up
- If you already have Stealth Rock, you can use U-Turn.
- Focus Sash means you can take a hit.
- See lead.
- Brick Break destroys the screens.
[Team Options]
- A Fighting type like Roopushin is good partner as it can eliminate Tyranitar, Heatran and Blissey.
- Stealth Rock weak Pokémon are good partners as Azelf prevents stealth rock and can set it up, helping them score important KO’s
- Things that can take hits From Priority users and faster Pokémon like Doryuzzu are great as Azelf is weak to these 2 things.
- You can abuse Azelf’s high Special Attack and Speed and run a Choice Specs set.
- You can also use its high Attack and run a Choice Band set
- Snorlax and Blissey take low damage except Psycho Shock from Azelf's attacks and can end it's sweep.
- Heatan resists all it's moves except for Hidden Power and can kill Azelf with a STAB Fire Blast.
- Tytanitar and Pursuiter's can come in on a Psychic and can trap azelf as it tries to escape.
- Voltros and other Mischevious Heart users can use Priority Taunt to prevent Stealth Rock
- Anything with Priority can beat Azelfs Frail Defense's.
- Azelf does not have a Dream World ability.