Tournament Baby Random Battle Kick Off Tournament - Finals [Won by Michielleus]

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Hosted by Celever, Ghostilex, meamPearl and 35Q71N | Approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat

Baby Rands Logo.jpg

Logo by me​

Welcome to the inaugural Baby Random Battle tournament! The format has just been released after many months of gestation so now it's time to celebrate its launch with a tournament held in a single elimination, best of 3 series.

Disclaimer number 1: this is NOT a spotlight tournament. Its purpose is to promote this new format which is meant to be a permanent ladder

What is Baby Random Battle?
As the name suggests, Baby Random Battle (or in short, Baby Rands) mixes together random battles with Little Cup in an unprecedented way, since your teams will consist of base stage pokemon whose level ranges from 5 to 9. Since the babies are the protagonists, don’t be surprised to see an abundance of the item Eviolite, pokemon with pretty different skillsets from their “parents” and funny rolls with multi-hit moves. Ah, and Duraludon, the very small baby Duraludon


The winner of this tournament will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month and, most importantly, eternal glory and the right to brag for winning the first ever baby rands tournament

How does the tour work?

It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. Battle each other in the format “Baby Random Battle”. This format can be found under 'Randomized Format Spotlight', at the top of the third column. Alternatively, use /challenge Baby Random Battle. You can also run the entire series and keep track of the results of each game with /challenge Baby Random Battle@@@bestof=3
3. The first player to 2 wins advances to the next round.

Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.

We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts, Celever, Ghostilex, meamPearl and 35Q71N here on Smogon.

Round 1

SilverEscaper  vs  slime texas
batsy1729  vs  Rowlet69420
JonAmon 25  vs  dcx
HoopsspooH  vs  Atlantid
Lareikha  vs  Deadpurp
zhuzhuli  vs  TpOi2006
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  KarlGaff
ultraplayer  vs  euph181215
mdill97  vs  glowbrogang
Killer beetles  vs  pokevin03dragonite
bolg  vs  IsuCunei
Pichudood  vs  Shruzz
Gyarikkuho  vs  Mavity
NinjaDJCee  vs  stucksmilin
Pied  vs  Samg004
Gurds  vs  Quoise
PanDag  vs  ZaynX
NAMAN07  vs  Nuage
Wooper Person  vs  Bear4950
Michielleus  vs  Thootjuh
skystriker14  vs  dmbros
Heartminn  vs  ExguardiaN
MultiAmmiratore  vs  Fad IV
gomdol2  vs  CxDubb
valdorD  vs  maxhooij
Victreenie  vs  bloccked
Adora690  vs  Celever
Ghostilex  vs  MoronicLunatic
Cryometer  vs  Zygarde12
Calleb  vs  sugazzZ
TNTDestroyer  vs  Vitoran
Sylveesnom  vs  tkcannihilator
franciosco  vs  Ibby
arpit  vs  Ev_Evan
Betathunder  vs  A Welcome Guest
Jonathan81  vs  Aqua Jet
Lucas Ricardo  vs  Morbachad
roxie  vs  Kochu_shak
Boom4Life  vs  elvisma
Shivam_Z  vs  Wenlas
Charliereall  vs  skiddo
RadarUndetectable  vs  YBW
QUICK_KILL_HER  vs  Shinx The Jinx
cicepece11  vs  Volfgang_Whiskey
retnas11  vs  Elfuseon
propedro  vs  Akuu
Panty&Stockings  vs  MNDL
qngche  vs  Fluore
NobodyActually  vs  Lialiabeast
Dragonillis  vs  Witlix
dropmeadraco  vs  Add1subtract1
Beuto  vs  hammy3581
Kiwi_33  vs  Fireon1234
ProPainFire  vs  Nashrock
Referrals  vs  ZephyrBreezy
jjjnkn  vs  Dr_Chunkalicious
McBaggins98  vs  polyphant
SnoozeCruise  vs  Mossful
Seyhura  vs  Wernher_1
joemonke  vs  Shoot
Kizaco  vs  berry
Simratking  vs  Pjort
Fragments  vs  Scizormasta
bhkg  vs  Alive Toaster
Skadoty  vs  RainLiquidation
Peachy07  vs  bmoney77
Uta The Clown  vs  avarice
Spedonic  vs  OmegaLordz
rangersxx30  vs  IcyHallsz
Behold713  vs  Starnonilganzo
koopa003  vs  Kinetic
Angrypoppy  vs  anguscloud
rammus20xx  vs  TheAura
trey123  vs  STORM2384882
paktu  vs  Wubben
TheRumpleMan  vs  UiPokehero69
Hamish150  vs  Muddyswamppert
treeboyisanerd  vs  Unfunnydededenotxd
SHSP  vs  LizarDune
Noel2000  vs  JesusGameplays2
gali  vs  Portrait or Ruin
MEBBAR  vs  bigguac
des121  vs  Mudkipz87
velvet  vs  Awesome me 1233
constanded  vs  haxlolo
sharpclaw  vs  Ryus0ken
meamPearl  vs  gombs-y
DragonPhoenix333  vs  Ultimate_Octo
Jyz fefwewfw
nd_  vs  SrDekat
Mitsuki  vs  Muralik29
Daven_dillon  vs  Micoy
BuilderMelo  vs  spoolk
Prqk  vs  ViviSnugs
Scizor Boladão  vs  Rhik
MarinaraSlim777  vs  NoivernSkrub
Guiiszs  vs  Scout_cat246
WuzHere11  vs  darthannapolis
crassidens  vs  HarryOtter69
ccgray  vs  Mcthelegit
Astrø  vs  Brichi_
recti  vs  Inazuma-Fulgur
ZeroNo  vs  Allan2004
RedS_18  vs  Nakoruru_XD
Irpachuza  vs  hidin
Seo.  vs  relaxray
eveonline1111  vs  RacingMaster
flameingpigey2  vs  Martinique Jason
Knele97  vs  JustOut459
Gerrychu29  vs  demixelz
memedose46  vs  Torpedoed
Super eevee  vs  snorlax142857
napimsiken  vs  Bye 1
AceKun  vs  Bye 2
someone random  vs  Bye 3
RCM4444  vs  Bye 4
Bac0nat0r  vs  Bye 5
Yoshigamer33  vs  Bye 6
35Q71N  vs  Bye 7
jake5622jake  vs  Bye 8
Rain sweeper 123  vs  Bye 9
MaypleTreeway  vs  Bye 10
Zcarlett  vs  Bye 11
Memoriazero  vs  Bye 12
HaunterBoy28  vs TheKingKarp
Luchin2901  vs  Bye 14
VulweHmmmm  vs  IcyPenguin2
Guard Spec  vs  Bye 16
mets3569  vs  Bye 17
Turito  vs  Bye 18
TheIronPikachu  vs  Bye 19
Aman2056  vs  Bye 20
Hairoll  vs  Bye 21
Saaaaakill  vs  Bye 22
iamhumanhello  vs  Bye 23
satvik123  vs  Bye 24
Perry  vs  Bye 25
samuelthestrong  vs  Bye 26
Sparzza  vs  Bye 28
Lokitheblu  vs  m rodrigues
Drookez  vs  Bye 30
Aplay1o1  vs  Bye 31
PsychocatKing  vs  Bye 32
Unstoppable1  vs  Bye 33
Zeobushi  vs  Bye 34
Stories  vs  Bye 35
srvoltmike  vs  Bye 36
R1C3M4N  vs  Bye 37
John Dozo  vs  Bye 38
Dorron  vs  Bye 39
Msousagamer  vs  Bye 40
nemoauditur  vs  Bye 41
Tails72  vs  Zoyotte
swinubfan44  vs  Hacker
RudeLiees  vs  Bye 44
Ki-Ray CYBRX  vs  Bye 45
BrutalBjörn  vs  Bye 46
Hubriz  vs  Bye 47
TsuShirogane  vs  Bye 48
Nkj  vs  Bye 49
blazingaareen  vs  Bye 50
MichaelderBeste2  vs  Bye 51
KoboldSorcerer  vs  Bye 52
bryght  vs  Bye 53
PokeDestined99  vs  Bye 54
Lun6r  vs  Bye 55
UwU1v1  vs  Bye 56
Jalkolt  vs  Bye 57
Concept Everything  vs  Bye 58
Supered999  vs  Bye 59
PogRamsey  vs  Bye 60
jyusaan  vs  Bye 61
landorockz  vs  Bye 62
platinumCheesecake  vs  Bye 63
2P1D  vs  Bye 64
Narth_02  vs  Bye 65
yeet and bye  vs  Bye 66
Anthonyy23  vs  Bye 67
Sunrose  vs  Bye 68
Pochebear101  vs  Bye 69
HolaSoyBalto  vs  Bye 70
Fant'sy Beast  vs  Bye 71
AndraKinG  vs  adorluigi
Tonerii  vs  Chris Chien Pao
Borischo  vs  Bye 74
Poyo006  vs  Goro Yagami
Manan999  vs  Bye 76
Cilantro38  vs  Bye 77
exithe  vs  Frozoid
Xeno_vibinq  vs  Bye 79
Hrmbe4pres  vs  Bye 80

DEADLINE is Sunday 30th at 11:59 GMT+-0. Glhf everyone!">Dawn Dreams[/USER]  vs  Jyz fefwewfw
nd_  vs  SrDekat
Mitsuki  vs  Muralik29
Daven_dillon  vs  Micoy
BuilderMelo  vs  spoolk
Prqk  vs  ViviSnugs
Scizor Boladão  vs  Rhik
MarinaraSlim777  vs  NoivernSkrub
Guiiszs  vs  Scout_cat246
WuzHere11  vs  darthannapolis
crassidens  vs  HarryOtter69
ccgray  vs  Mcthelegit
Astrø  vs  Brichi_
recti  vs  Inazuma-Fulgur
ZeroNo  vs  Allan2004
RedS_18  vs  Nakoruru_XD
Irpachuza  vs  hidin
Seo.  vs  relaxray
eveonline1111  vs  RacingMaster
flameingpigey2  vs  Martinique Jason
Knele97  vs  JustOut459
Gerrychu29  vs  demixelz
memedose46  vs  Torpedoed
Super eevee  vs  snorlax142857
napimsiken  vs  Bye 1
AceKun  vs  Bye 2
someone random  vs  Bye 3
RCM4444  vs  Bye 4
Bac0nat0r  vs  Bye 5
Yoshigamer33  vs  Bye 6
35Q71N  vs  Bye 7
jake5622jake  vs  Bye 8
Rain sweeper 123  vs  Bye 9
MaypleTreeway  vs  Bye 10
Zcarlett  vs  Bye 11
Memoriazero  vs  Bye 12
HaunterBoy28  vs TheKingKarp
Luchin2901  vs  Bye 14
VulweHmmmm  vs  IcyPenguin2
Guard Spec  vs  Bye 16
mets3569  vs  Bye 17
Turito  vs  Bye 18
TheIronPikachu  vs  Bye 19
Aman2056  vs  Bye 20
Hairoll  vs  Bye 21
Saaaaakill  vs  Bye 22
iamhumanhello  vs  Bye 23
satvik123  vs  Bye 24
Perry  vs  Bye 25
samuelthestrong  vs  Bye 26
Sparzza  vs  Bye 28
Lokitheblu  vs  m rodrigues
Drookez  vs  Bye 30
Aplay1o1  vs  Bye 31
PsychocatKing  vs  Bye 32
Unstoppable1  vs  Bye 33
Zeobushi  vs  Bye 34
Stories  vs  Bye 35
srvoltmike  vs  Bye 36
R1C3M4N  vs  Bye 37
John Dozo  vs  Bye 38
Dorron  vs  Bye 39
Msousagamer  vs  Bye 40
nemoauditur  vs  Bye 41
Tails72  vs  Zoyotte
swinubfan44  vs  Hacker
RudeLiees  vs  Bye 44
Ki-Ray CYBRX  vs  Bye 45
BrutalBjörn  vs  Bye 46
Hubriz  vs  Bye 47
TsuShirogane  vs  Bye 48
Nkj  vs  Bye 49
blazingaareen  vs  Bye 50
MichaelderBeste2  vs  Bye 51
KoboldSorcerer  vs  Bye 52
bryght  vs  Bye 53
PokeDestined99  vs  Bye 54
Lun6r  vs  Bye 55
UwU1v1  vs  Bye 56
Jalkolt  vs  Bye 57
Concept Everything  vs  Bye 58
Supered999  vs  Bye 59
PogRamsey  vs  Bye 60
jyusaan  vs  Bye 61
landorockz  vs  Bye 62
platinumCheesecake  vs  Bye 63
2P1D  vs  Bye 64
Narth_02  vs  Bye 65
yeet and bye  vs  Bye 66
Anthonyy23  vs  Bye 67
Sunrose  vs  Bye 68
Pochebear101  vs  Bye 69
HolaSoyBalto  vs  Bye 70
Fant'sy Beast  vs  Bye 71
AndraKinG  vs  adorluigi
Tonerii  vs  Chris Chien Pao
Borischo  vs  Bye 74
Poyo006  vs  Goro Yagami
Manan999  vs  Bye 76
Cilantro38  vs  Bye 77
exithe  vs  Frozoid
Xeno_vibinq  vs  Bye 79
Hrmbe4pres  vs  Bye 80

DEADLINE is Sunday 30th at 11:59 GMT+-0. Glhf everyone!
Last edited:
SilverEscaper  vs  slime texas
batsy1729  vs  Rowlet69420
JonAmon 25  vs  dcx
HoopsspooH  vs  Atlantid
Lareikha  vs  Deadpurp
zhuzhuli  vs  TpOi2006
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  KarlGaff
ultraplayer  vs  euph181215
mdill97  vs  glowbrogang
Killer beetles  vs  pokevin03dragonite
bolg  vs  IsuCunei
Pichudood  vs  Shruzz
Gyarikkuho  vs  Mavity
NinjaDJCee  vs  stucksmilin
Pied  vs  Samg004
Gurds  vs  Quoise
PanDag  vs  ZaynX
NAMAN07  vs  Nuage
Wooper Person  vs  Bear4950
Michielleus  vs  Thootjuh
skystriker14  vs  dmbros
Heartminn  vs  ExguardiaN
MultiAmmiratore  vs  Fad IV
gomdol2  vs  CxDubb
valdorD  vs  maxhooij
Victreenie  vs  bloccked
Adora690  vs  Celever
Ghostilex  vs  MoronicLunatic
Cryometer  vs  Zygarde12
Calleb  vs  sugazzZ
TNTDestroyer  vs  Vitoran
Sylveesnom  vs  tkcannihilator
franciosco  vs  Ibby
arpit  vs  Ev_Evan
Betathunder  vs  A Welcome Guest
Jonathan81  vs  Aqua Jet
Lucas Ricardo  vs  Morbachad
roxie  vs  Kochu_shak
Boom4Life  vs  elvisma
Shivam_Z  vs  Wenlas
Charliereall  vs  skiddo
RadarUndetectable  vs  YBW
QUICK_KILL_HER  vs  Shinx The Jinx
cicepece11  vs  Volfgang_Whiskey
retnas11  vs  Elfuseon
propedro  vs  Akuu
Panty&Stockings  vs  MNDL
qngche  vs  Fluore
NobodyActually  vs  Lialiabeast
Dragonillis  vs  Witlix
dropmeadraco  vs  Add1subtract1
Beuto  vs  hammy3581
Kiwi_33  vs  Fireon1234
ProPainFire  vs  Nashrock
Referrals  vs  ZephyrBreezy
jjjnkn  vs  Dr_Chunkalicious
McBaggins98  vs  polyphant
SnoozeCruise  vs  Mossful
Seyhura  vs  Wernher_1
joemonke  vs  Shoot
Kizaco  vs  berry
Simratking  vs  Pjort
Fragments  vs  Scizormasta
bhkg  vs  Alive Toaster
Skadoty  vs  RainLiquidation
Peachy07  vs  bmoney77
Uta The Clown  vs  avarice
Spedonic  vs  OmegaLordz
rangersxx30  vs  IcyHallsz
Behold713  vs  Starnonilganzo
koopa003  vs  Kinetic
Angrypoppy  vs  anguscloud
rammus20xx  vs  TheAura
trey123  vs  STORM2384882
paktu  vs  Wubben
TheRumpleMan  vs  UiPokehero69
Hamish150  vs  Muddyswamppert
treeboyisanerd  vs  Unfunnydededenotxd
SHSP  vs  LizarDune
Noel2000  vs  JesusGameplays2
gali  vs  Portrait or Ruin
MEBBAR  vs  bigguac
des121  vs  Mudkipz87
velvet  vs  Awesome me 1233
constanded  vs  haxlolo
sharpclaw  vs  Ryus0ken
meamPearl  vs  gombs-y
DragonPhoenix333  vs  Ultimate_Octo
Dawn Dreams  vs  Jyz fefwewfw
nd_  vs  SrDekat
Mitsuki  vs  Muralik29
Daven_dillon  vs  Micoy
BuilderMelo  vs  spoolk
Prqk  vs  ViviSnugs
Scizor Boladão  vs  Rhik
MarinaraSlim777  vs  NoivernSkrub
Guiiszs  vs  Scout_cat246
WuzHere11  vs  darthannapolis
crassidens  vs  HarryOtter69
ccgray  vs  Mcthelegit
Astrø  vs  Brichi_
recti  vs  Inazuma-Fulgur
ZeroNo  vs  Allan2004
RedS_18  vs  Nakoruru_XD
Irpachuza  vs  hidin
Seo.  vs  relaxray
eveonline1111  vs  RacingMaster
flameingpigey2  vs  Martinique Jason
Knele97  vs  JustOut459
Gerrychu29  vs  demixelz
memedose46  vs  Torpedoed
Super eevee  vs  snorlax142857
napimsiken  vs  Bye 1
AceKun  vs  Bye 2
someone random  vs  Bye 3
RCM4444  vs  Bye 4
Bac0nat0r  vs  Bye 5
Yoshigamer33  vs  Bye 6
35Q71N  vs  Bye 7
jake5622jake  vs  Bye 8
Rain sweeper 123  vs  Bye 9
MaypleTreeway  vs  Bye 10
Zcarlett  vs  Bye 11
Memoriazero  vs  Bye 12
HaunterBoy28  vs  Bye 13
Luchin2901  vs  Bye 14
VulweHmmmm  vs  Bye 15
Guard Spec  vs  Bye 16
mets3569  vs  Bye 17
Turito  vs  Bye 18
TheIronPikachu  vs  Bye 19
Aman2056  vs  Bye 20
Hairoll  vs  Bye 21
Saaaaakill  vs  Bye 22
iamhumanhello  vs  Bye 23
satvik123  vs  Bye 24
Perry  vs  Bye 25
samuelthestrong  vs  Bye 26
Sparzza  vs  Bye 28
Lokitheblu  vs  Bye 29
Drookez  vs  Bye 30
Aplay1o1  vs  Bye 31
PsychocatKing  vs  Bye 32
Unstoppable1  vs  Bye 33
Zeobushi  vs  Bye 34
Stories  vs  Bye 35
srvoltmike  vs  Bye 36
R1C3M4N  vs  Bye 37
John Dozo  vs  Bye 38
Dorron  vs  Bye 39
Msousagamer  vs  Bye 40
nemoauditur  vs  Bye 41
Tails72  vs  Bye 42
swinubfan44  vs  Bye 43
RudeLiees  vs  Bye 44
Ki-Ray CYBRX  vs  Bye 45
BrutalBjörn  vs  Bye 46
Hubriz  vs  Bye 47
TsuShirogane  vs  Bye 48
Nkj  vs  Bye 49
blazingaareen  vs  Bye 50
MichaelderBeste2  vs  Bye 51
KoboldSorcerer  vs  Bye 52
bryght  vs  Bye 53
PokeDestined99  vs  Bye 54
Lun6r  vs  Bye 55
UwU1v1  vs  Bye 56
Jalkolt  vs  Bye 57
Concept Everything  vs  Bye 58
Supered999  vs  Bye 59
PogRamsey  vs  Bye 60
jyusaan  vs  Bye 61
landorockz  vs  Bye 62
platinumCheesecake  vs  Bye 63
2P1D  vs  Bye 64
Narth_02  vs  Bye 65
yeet and bye  vs  Bye 66
Anthonyy23  vs  Bye 67
Sunrose  vs  Bye 68
Pochebear101  vs  Bye 69
HolaSoyBalto  vs  Bye 70
Fant'sy Beast  vs  Bye 71
AndraKinG  vs  Bye 72
Tonerii  vs  Bye 73
Borischo  vs  Bye 74
Poyo006  vs  Bye 75
Manan999  vs  Bye 76
Cilantro38  vs  Bye 77
exithe  vs  Bye 78
Xeno_vibinq  vs  Bye 79
Hrmbe4pres  vs  Bye 80

Taggy taggo
Hi, i´m sorry but this is my first tournament. In the bracket it says that i´m "bye 18". Could someone explain me what does that mean please?
Hello! In order to make the bracket reach a power of 2 or 3 in terms of size, in round 1 some players are given a free pass (=bye) for the next round. This means you don't have to play for this week and automatically advance to round 2, unless somebody decides to enter as a substitute midweek and gets randomly paired with you (you'll get pinged if that happens, don't worry)
Hello! In order to make the bracket reach a power of 2 or 3 in terms of size, in round 1 some players are given a free pass (=bye) for the next round. This means you don't have to play for this week and automatically advance to round 2, unless somebody decides to enter as a substitute midweek and gets randomly paired with you (you'll get pinged if that happens, don't worry)
Ohh ok thank you so much
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