Brandon entered the stadium, Mindstrike following close behind. Not seeing either of the trainers, he headed up to his podium to wait. Soon the first, TEA_DEMON, arrived, followed shortly by C$FP. As they prepared, Brandon checked the rules for the battle.
Porygon(*) Floyd
Nature: Quiet (Adds * to Special Attack; A 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on an opponent's attacks.)
Type: Normal
Normal: Normal STAB; Bite, Claw Sharpen, Crunch, Dig, Double Kick, Hammer Arm, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day, Wild Charge have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Download: (Innate) At the beginning of the match, the Pokemon analyzes the opponent and downloads data that lets it deal more damage. This Pokemon receives a one (1) stage increase on the offense that strikes an opponent’s weaker defense stat. (e.g. does more damage with special attacks when facing Aggron, which has higher defense, and attack when facing Hypno, which has higher special defense. For ties, Attack is raised.) This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Analytic (DW): (Can be Enabled) If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attack has +5% (flat) more accuracy do two (2) more damage. However, the opponents attacks have +10% (flat) accuracy.
HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 34 (-)
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Conversion 2(*)
Magnet Rise(*)
Ice Beam(*)
Trick Room(*)
Exeggcute(*) Jethro (M)
Nature: Rash (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)
Type: Grass / Psychic
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed, Growth, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, and Swords Dance have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference, Disable, Focus Blast and Recover have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Chlorophyll: (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Harvest (DW): (Innate) At the end of each round, this Pokemon recycles a held berry that was consumed during that round. If the Berry can be activated again, it will do so on the first action of the next round. If a berry cannot be recycled, Harvest will not regrow it. The Berry is consumed at the end of the battle.
HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 40
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Leech Seed(*)
Bullet Seed(*)
Stun Spore(*)
Sleep Powder(*)
Leaf Storm(*)
Giga Drain(*)
Trick Room(*)
Dream Eater(*)
Pawniard * [Soul Edge] (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+ * to Attack; - * from Special Attack)
Type: Dark/Steel
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ability 1: Defiant
Type: Innate
The Pokemon has a deep sense of honor, and whenever one of its stats are decreased by an opponent's move, it's Attack increases by two (2) stages.
Ability 2: Inner Focus
Type: Innate
When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Ability 3 (DW): Pressure
Type: Innate
This Pokemon’s presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.
HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 60
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Scratch *
Leer *
Fury Cutter *
Torment *
Faint Attack *
Scary Face *
Metal Claw *
Psycho Cut *
Suckerpunch *
Stealth Rock *
Aerial Ace *
Swords Dance*
X-Scissor *
Mudkip* [Swamp Thing] (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+ * to Attack, - * from Special Attack)
Type: Water
Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Ability 1: Torrent
Type: Innate
When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any water attack is increased by two (2). (eg Water Pulse goes from 6 to 8, Hydro Pump from 12 to 14)
Ability 2 (DW): Damp
Type: Innate
This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short circuits the opponent’s ability to use Selfdestruct or Explosion.
HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SAtk: * (-)
SDef: **
Spd: 40
EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Tackle *
Growl *
Mud-Slap *
Water Gun *
Bide *
Foresight *
Mudsport *
Avalanche *
Curse *
Yawn *
Dig *
Rock Slide *
Waterfall *
Magnemite* [Electro] (Genderless)
Nature: Modest (+ * to Special Attack, - * from Attack)
Type: Electric/Steel
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ability 1: Magnet Pull
Type: Can Be Activated
This Pokemon has the ability to generate a magnetic field that can attract or repulse Steel-type Pokemon. When attracted by Magnet Pull, Steel-types cannot move out of the immediate proximity without great difficulty, and can be pulled along by the Magnet Pull Pokemon. When repulsed, the Steel type is thrust violently away and contact attacks have immense difficulty striking the Magnet Pull Pokemon. The effect of both commands lasts for the following three (3) actions.
Command: (Ability: Magnet Pull (Attract) or Ability: Magnet Pull (Repulse) )
Ability 2: Sturdy
Type: Innate
This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing the Base Attack Power from an opponents incoming attacks by one (1). The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) Base Attack Power.
Ability 3 (DW): Analytic
Type: Can Be Enabled
If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.
HP: 80
Atk: * (-)
Def: ***
SAtk: **** (+)
SDef: **
Spd: 45
EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Metal Sound *
Tackle *
Thundershock *
Supersonic *
Sonicboom *
Thunderwave *
Spark *
Magnet Bomb *
Discharge *
Magnet Rise *
Thunderbolt *
Explosion *
Flash Cannon *
"Hmm, looks like C$FP will know right away what TEA_DEMON is using! That could be a pretty big advantage." Seeing that the trainers were ready, he addressed them. "OK, here's how things work. TEA_DEMON will send out his Pokemon first, then C$FP will send his out and tell them what to do. TEA_DEMON will give his orders next, then I'll figure out where everyone stands and update you guys." TEA_DEMON obliged, sending out his two Pokemon, Floyd the Porygon and Jethro the Exeggcute! "Let's see who C$FP will send in!"
C$FP, you're up!
Brandon looked around the stadium, but there was absolutely nothing special about it, so instead he decided to check the teams of the trainers while they finished their preparations.2v2 doubles
dq: 3 days
2 recoveries, 5 chills

Porygon(*) Floyd
Nature: Quiet (Adds * to Special Attack; A 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on an opponent's attacks.)
Type: Normal
Normal: Normal STAB; Bite, Claw Sharpen, Crunch, Dig, Double Kick, Hammer Arm, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day, Wild Charge have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Download: (Innate) At the beginning of the match, the Pokemon analyzes the opponent and downloads data that lets it deal more damage. This Pokemon receives a one (1) stage increase on the offense that strikes an opponent’s weaker defense stat. (e.g. does more damage with special attacks when facing Aggron, which has higher defense, and attack when facing Hypno, which has higher special defense. For ties, Attack is raised.) This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Analytic (DW): (Can be Enabled) If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attack has +5% (flat) more accuracy do two (2) more damage. However, the opponents attacks have +10% (flat) accuracy.
HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: ***
Spe: 34 (-)
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Conversion 2(*)
Magnet Rise(*)
Ice Beam(*)
Trick Room(*)

Exeggcute(*) Jethro (M)
Nature: Rash (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)
Type: Grass / Psychic
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed, Growth, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, and Swords Dance have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference, Disable, Focus Blast and Recover have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Chlorophyll: (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Harvest (DW): (Innate) At the end of each round, this Pokemon recycles a held berry that was consumed during that round. If the Berry can be activated again, it will do so on the first action of the next round. If a berry cannot be recycled, Harvest will not regrow it. The Berry is consumed at the end of the battle.
HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 40
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Leech Seed(*)
Bullet Seed(*)
Stun Spore(*)
Sleep Powder(*)
Leaf Storm(*)
Giga Drain(*)
Trick Room(*)
Dream Eater(*)

Pawniard * [Soul Edge] (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+ * to Attack; - * from Special Attack)
Type: Dark/Steel
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ability 1: Defiant
Type: Innate
The Pokemon has a deep sense of honor, and whenever one of its stats are decreased by an opponent's move, it's Attack increases by two (2) stages.
Ability 2: Inner Focus
Type: Innate
When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Ability 3 (DW): Pressure
Type: Innate
This Pokemon’s presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.
HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 60
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Scratch *
Leer *
Fury Cutter *
Torment *
Faint Attack *
Scary Face *
Metal Claw *
Psycho Cut *
Suckerpunch *
Stealth Rock *
Aerial Ace *
Swords Dance*
X-Scissor *

Mudkip* [Swamp Thing] (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+ * to Attack, - * from Special Attack)
Type: Water
Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Ability 1: Torrent
Type: Innate
When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any water attack is increased by two (2). (eg Water Pulse goes from 6 to 8, Hydro Pump from 12 to 14)
Ability 2 (DW): Damp
Type: Innate
This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short circuits the opponent’s ability to use Selfdestruct or Explosion.
HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SAtk: * (-)
SDef: **
Spd: 40
EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Tackle *
Growl *
Mud-Slap *
Water Gun *
Bide *
Foresight *
Mudsport *
Avalanche *
Curse *
Yawn *
Dig *
Rock Slide *
Waterfall *

Magnemite* [Electro] (Genderless)
Nature: Modest (+ * to Special Attack, - * from Attack)
Type: Electric/Steel
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ability 1: Magnet Pull
Type: Can Be Activated
This Pokemon has the ability to generate a magnetic field that can attract or repulse Steel-type Pokemon. When attracted by Magnet Pull, Steel-types cannot move out of the immediate proximity without great difficulty, and can be pulled along by the Magnet Pull Pokemon. When repulsed, the Steel type is thrust violently away and contact attacks have immense difficulty striking the Magnet Pull Pokemon. The effect of both commands lasts for the following three (3) actions.
Command: (Ability: Magnet Pull (Attract) or Ability: Magnet Pull (Repulse) )
Ability 2: Sturdy
Type: Innate
This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing the Base Attack Power from an opponents incoming attacks by one (1). The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) Base Attack Power.
Ability 3 (DW): Analytic
Type: Can Be Enabled
If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.
HP: 80
Atk: * (-)
Def: ***
SAtk: **** (+)
SDef: **
Spd: 45
EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Metal Sound *
Tackle *
Thundershock *
Supersonic *
Sonicboom *
Thunderwave *
Spark *
Magnet Bomb *
Discharge *
Magnet Rise *
Thunderbolt *
Explosion *
Flash Cannon *
1. C$FP sends out Pokemon and issues actions
2. TEA_DEMON issues actions
3. I ref
4. TEA_DEMON issues actions
5. C$FP issues actions
6. I ref
7. 4-6 repeat with the order of 5 and 6 swapped each round
2. TEA_DEMON issues actions
3. I ref
4. TEA_DEMON issues actions
5. C$FP issues actions
6. I ref
7. 4-6 repeat with the order of 5 and 6 swapped each round