Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Finally did it! [: Multi was a real pain though considering all I had was the AI to work with. Had to redo that one multiple times because of their stupid decisions.


In Singles I used a bunch of shit honestly and I'm still climbing at around 70 just alternating between teams and using shit I like. Although the most effective teams I've used by far have been Mega Khan / Aegislash / Latios and Mega Gyarados / Thundurus / Scarf Chandelure. Breloom is also an absolute murderer here, though I can't remember what I used it with.

252 Atk 4 Def 252 Spe

-Power Up Punch
-Fire Punch
-Sucker Punch

Stance Change
252 SAtk 4 Atk 252 HP

-Shadow Sneak
-King's Shield
-Sacred Sword
-Shadow Ball

Latios@Life Orb

-Draco Meteor
-HP Fire

In Doubles my team was Offensive Tailwind Suicune, SD Zard X (leads), Adamant Sash Landorus-T straight from VGC13, and Thundurus with Grass Knot since I didn't have much on Water/Grounds and Maison counter teams like hell so I saw a lot of Swampert and Whiscash.

252 SAtk 4 HP 252 Spe

-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam

Charizard@Charizardite X
252 Atk 144 HP 112 Spe

-Swords Dance
-Flare Blitz
-Dragon Claw

4 HP 252 Atk 252 Spe

-Knock Off
-Rock Slide

Thundurus@Life Orb

-Grass Knot
-HP Ice
-Thunder Wave

For Rotation I ran Breloom, Greninja, Aegislash and Mega Mence in the back. Standard stuff, the AI is easy to take advantage of here especially when 90% of their Pokemon are vulnerable to Greninja or Mence so you really don't have to predict much to wear them down or just outright sweep.

Greninja@Life Orb
252 SAtk 252 Spe 4 HP

-HP Fire
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

252 Atk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Mach Punch
-Rock Tomb
-Bullet Seed

Stance Change
252 SAtk 252 HP 4 Atk

-Shadow Ball
-Kings Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword

120 HP 252 Atk 136 Spe

-Dragon Dance

Triples was a ton of fun for me because of how utterly cheap Mat Block Greninja is and the type of shit it let's you pull.
I led with Mat Block Ninja (right), Zard Y with Heat Wave (center), and Chlorophyll Venusaur on the left with Sleep Powder to cripple anything that Charizard can't just nuke. The item didn't really matter on it so I just used Wide Lens so Sleep Powder wouldn't miss as much.
The back was mostly filler because the leads killed almost everything but I had Scarf Terrakion to check fast Fire types and random Chlorophyll users (Victreebel came up a lot) that could pose an issue for my VenuZard core and check Blissey and other special walls, and then I had the same Landorus-T as before with a Sitrus since Greninja already carried Sash and Talonflame, while extremely uncommon in Maison, posed an issue and I needed at least one switch in. Lastly I had a standard LO Latios just because it's a solid mon overall and it checks other Dragons well. I literally took no damage vs Dana with this team.

Greninja@Focus Sash
252 SAtk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Mat Block
-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump
-Dark Pulse

Charizard@Charizardite Y
Solar Power
40 HP 252 SAtk 216 Spe

-Heat Wave
-Fire Blast

Venusaur@Wide Lens
252 SAtk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Energy Ball
-HP Fire
-Sludge Bomb
-Sleep Powder

Terrakion@Choice Scarf
252 Atk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Sacred Sword
-Close Combat
-Rock Slide
-Stone Edge

252 Atk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Rock Slide
-Knock Off

Latios@Life Orb
252 SAtk 252 Spe 4 HP

-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Pulse

Multi was the hardest one because the AI partners are so utterly retarded. I tried a few times with Maxie but he's clearly autistic so I ended up finally getting to 50 and winning with Wally, I brought Mega Salamence and Aegislash yet again I just wanted to get this one over with already so I just brought the most broken shit I could think of.

120 HP 252 Atk 136 Spe

-Dragon Dance

Stance Change
252 SAtk 252 HP 4 Atk

-Shadow Ball
-Kings Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword
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Guys, I just got a fun idea, and I'd like to hear people's opinons.

The ORAS Maison is more or less a copy of X&Y Maison. Therefore, it is ultimately no point of making 2 different "sections" for XY streaks and ORAS streaks. Even though many players (including myself) would like to fight for a top spot at a new leaderboard, the new streaks will utimately be nothing else than inferior streaks compared to the best X&Y streaks. The way I see it, ORAS didn't contribute to this thread at all except giving us a few more move choices and some mega evolutions, of which only a few are viable for the Maison. So I thought for myself: Wouldn't it be fun to make up our own format for the ORAS Maison by limiting the pokemon choices, much like the VGC 2014 format? My suggestion is that we add a new list for ORAS streaks (beside the regular one) that must be done with only Pokemon obtainable in ORAS. I did some research, and found that many of the top pokemon in X&Y Maison are not obtainable in ORAS, just check out this list:

- Dragonite
- Kanganskhan
- Aegislash
- Greninja
- Scizor
- Durant
- Cloyster
- Gliscor
- Ferrothorn

And these are just from the top of my head. Notice that almost every team on the leaderboard has at least one of these, usually more than one as well. If these (and other pokes, obviously) were "banned", we would be forced to come up with new, innovative teams and strategies that are completely different from the best XY streaks! Wouldn't that be a fun challenge for us all? I think so, but more importantly: what do you think? :)

EDIT: Due to some confusion, here is what I suggest:

- One leaderboard list for unrestricted streaks for both XY and ORAS
- A new list that allows a player to use pokemon obtainable in ORAS only.

I understand if people don't want this, as it basically messes with the in-game rules (not really, it just creates a new "tier" that forces us to come up with new ideas, lol), but it's just a suggestion. Go ahead, shoot at me :D
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Guys, I just got a fun idea, and I'd like to hear people's opinons.

The ORAS Maison is more or less a copy of X&Y Maison. Therefore, it is ultimately no point of making 2 different "sections" for XY streaks and ORAS streaks. Even though many players (including myself) would like to fight for a top spot at a new leaderboard, the new streaks will utimately be nothing else than inferior streaks compared to the best X&Y streaks. The way I see it, ORAS didn't contribute to this thread at all except giving us a few more move choices and some mega evolutions, of which only a few are viable for the Maison. So I thought for myself: Wouldn't it be fun to make up our own format for the ORAS Maison by limiting the pokemon choices, much like the VGC 2014 format? My suggestion is that ORAS streaks must be done with only Pokemon obtainable in ORAS. I did some research, and found that many of the top pokemon in X&Y Maison are not obtainable in ORAS, just check out this list:

- Dragonite
- Kanganskhan
- Aegislash
- Greninja
- Scizor
- Durant
- Cloyster
- Gliscor

And these are just from the top of my head. Notice that almost every team on the leaderboard has at least one of these, usually more than one as well. If these (and other pokes, obviously) were "banned", we would be forced to come up with new, innovative teams and strategies that are completely different from the best XY streaks! Wouldn't that be a fun challenge for us all? I think so, but more importantly: what do you think? :)
I'd rather not, sorry. You've said it yourself: many of the good pokemon are unobtainable in ORAS, so that would leave the new megas (in most of which I honestly see at least some potential for at least some format - the only ones that I see as outright unviable right now are Pidgeot, Sharpedo, Steelix, Glalie -although some fun Moody stuff surely isn't out of the question-, and maaybe Beedrill, but we've just seen a streak with freaking Mega Audino in the high 200s so I'm surely gonna be surprised by some of these, not to mention that the leaderboards also have a low end to shoot for with some more 'fun' teams, which these could feature on ^_^) and the old mons with tutor moves with subpar teammates, and it would outright ban them from e.g. Mat Block and TruAnt teams. It just doesn't sit right with me that we'd never be able to teambuild with every option available :\ all the megas and ORAS tutor moves being banned from XY and everything unobtainable banned from ORAS, I'd rather not on that one.

(As a small side challenge it sure sounds like fun though, don't get me wrong, but I have some ideas that require both ORAS and XY stuff that I'm dying to try out, and I'm sure many, many others do too)
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I'd rather not, sorry. You've said it yourself: many of the good pokemon are unobtainable in ORAS, so that would leave the new megas (in most of which I honestly see at least some potential for at least some format - the only ones that I see as outright unviable right now are Pidgeot, Sharpedo, Steelix, Glalie -although some fun Moody stuff surely isn't out of the question-, and maaybe Beedrill, but we've just seen a streak with freaking Mega Audino in the high 200s so I'm surely gonna be surprised by some of these, not to mention that the leaderboards also have a low end to shoot for with some more 'fun' teams, which these could feature on ^_^) and the old mons with tutor moves with subpar teammates, and it would outright ban them from e.g. Mat Block and TruAnt teams. It just doesn't sit right with me that we'd never be able to teambuild with every option available :\ all the megas and ORAS tutor moves being banned from XY and everything unobtainable banned from ORAS, I'd rather not on that one.

(As a small side challenge it sure sounds like fun though, don't get me wrong, but I have some ideas that require both ORAS and XY stuff that I'm dying to try out, lol)
Thanks for responding!

I also think it would be lame to not be able to use everything avaivable! Looking back at my post (which I have edited btw), I see that I was a bit unclear- let me clarify my suggestion. =)

Since ORAS didn't bring us too many new options for the maison except some new megas (most moves were already avaivable through transfer), I personally think we could simply list X&Y streaks AND unrestricted ORAS streaks TOGETHER, since the differences between them aren't too much (don't quote me on this, as it remains to see). And to make things more interesting, I came up with the suggestion with ORAS-pokes only as a seperate list. In other words, one should still be allowed to use anything one might want to in ORAS! But since the current top teams would be just as effective in the "new" Maison as in the XY one, people might not be motivated to innovate as much as they would if some pokemon were banned in a seperate cathegory! :)

Sorry for the confusion, I hope this clarified things (Not that I'm expecting you to change your opinion, but at least people can understand what I mean now) =)
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Like you said, ORAS maison is XY maison, which was designed and balanced around XY. Only makes sense to use XY mons in it. You're right that the records might as well be together, except for the multi section because new partners.

Speaking of multi, finally beat it with (surprise) kanga and aegis. I tried some different combos, but the XY core + Steven was the only reliable one (ironic cause all his moves can miss and have procs, except bullet punch). I thought I could run yzard with Maxie but it was a letdown. I was surprised at how sophisticated he was, I expected him to just spam eruption and kill me with EQ but he ran fire blast, earth power and flash cannon. But the AI just counterpicked way too easily. I feel Archie might have been better, really wish they were both available.

For reference, Steven's set is megagross (zen headbutt, bullet punch, hammer arm, meteor miss) and sash aerodactyl (rock slide, fire/thunder/ice fang).
On the subject of an ORAS Pokemon only leaderboard, I'm amenable, but only if there's actually enough people putting up streaks. I really don't want a separate board if only a few people are going to limit their teams by these rules. So for the moment, please feel free to post ORAS-only streaks and identify them as such, but I will not be separating them out unless we get a critical mass of worthy ones. Winning a race when you're the only one in it is rather unexciting, after all.

Leaderboard is updated through here, so let me know if there are any errors or omissions. And best of luck on the streaks!!
Yeah I'd rather not limit my teams to get on an ORAS only leaderboard, considering I used Aegislash in like, most of my teams in addition to some ORAS only stuff like Mega Mence to get all the trophies. There shouldnt be any rules that would restrict players from doing whatever they need to do to win, even if that should happen to be using Greninja every time or something.
Yeah I'd rather not limit my teams to get on an ORAS only leaderboard, considering I used Aegislash in like, most of my teams in addition to some ORAS only stuff like Mega Mence to get all the trophies. There shouldnt be any rules that would restrict players from doing whatever they need to do to win, even if that should happen to be using Greninja every time or something.
Agreed :) Luckily, the discussion is about whether or not we should include an additional cathegory (since gamefreak didn't give us any), not about using it instead of the normal rules :) I think very few are interested in doing the latter.
Artic i think you will have trouble drumming up support for your idea at the moment, since although you want to force people to innovate, i think people are going to naturally gravitate towards trying new things (megas, tutors for 6th gen mons) anyways and don't want to be constrained in their teambuilding. so i don't think your end goal is really necessary right now, but maybe later when people have exhausted the new ORAS ideas they wanted to try.
As far changes from one game to the next, has anyone discovered any worthy movepool additions outside of "you can now have some past-gen tutor moves on Pokemon that weren't available before gen VI?"

Freeze Dry on Glalie caught my eye as a special way to make Unaware Quagsire eff off. I suppose the extra PP and freeze chance could be useful too, but the only other stuff the super effectiveness on Water would matter against would be Clawitzer (thanks to Aura Sphere, the only Pokemon besides Cobalion that can show up 2nd and require Glalie to KO it without having a Substitute for the final opponent) and Oblivious Walrein (which I'm not sure how Glalie would perform against in a stallfest; normally Durant is alive to give it Truant once Glalie has stalled out the OHKO moves so Walrein can be Taunted to death).

I think the 100% crit rate for Frost Breath (and to a lesser extent, the 90 BP rather than Freeze Dry's 70) is too much to pass up, not just for the occasions that Moody leaves you with -1 or worse Special Attack after 40+ turns, but against the numerous Ice resists that can boost their Special Defense and either wall or eventually overpower Glalie (Chandelure, Volcarona, Suicune, Entei, Registeel, Cobalion).

The other obvious possibility would be Mega Glalie, but Moody without Leftovers is a non-starter for the Maison, no matter how tempting

+6 252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Suicune: 154-182 (74.3 - 87.9%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after 3 layers of Spikes

appears (and yes, Glalie setting up its own Spikes to break most Sturdy/Sash users while also fitting the bill of "move that won't KO a Truant lead when you need to stall around for better boosts" would probably be just as viable as running Earthquake for coverage and bypassing most Flame Body/Static users). You need to be able to keep a Substitute up as often as possible for when your Moody boosts won't allow you to KO something.
If the Maison is functionally identical in ORAS, can we "add" to any current streaks from XY? I'm not looking forward to having to do another 1700 wins in Triples just to get to square 1. I know the enforcement of that will be pretty difficult and I guess it does sound kinda shady. Thoughts?

Edit: and frankly the BP in ORAS are so much more valuable than in XY. I'd much rather save up for sweet tutored moves than more rare candies.
I've seen a couple of people asking about good teams to farm BP with by just knocking out 50 battles quickly and figured I'd chime in with the team I'm currently running, since I'm currently running it because it's fast.

Latios @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed
Timid Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Kangaskahn @ Kangaskahnite
Ability: Scrappy-> Parental Bond
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Return
- Earthquake

Darmanitan @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn

The first 40 battles all fly by, and there's enough versatility in the team that you can knock out the next 10 battles reliably. My current streak's 115, so it's definitely got enough flexibility mixed with raw power to get a decent streak going.

The main reason I would recommend this team over something that's trying to run dual setup-sweepers or something that's going disable-setup is because the strategy for this team basically boils down to this:
Step 1: Bring out the team member that isn't threatened by your opponent.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

There's no complicated interactions going on, here, you just have a lead that hits like a truck, a bulky pivot that can clean up certain select threats, and another attacker that hits like a truck. Handles most situations with little to no guesswork.

Anyone who cannot get a hold of a competitive Latios could easily substitute a Starmie for similar results. There's some loss in power there that fails to grab a couple of OHKOs that would become troublesome for longer streaks, but I bet that team would still get you to 50 without a whole heap of trouble.

Wouldn't Greninja be better than Latios?
I like Artic's idea for the ORAS specific ladder. I don't think that everyone totally understands what he's laying down though, using a Pokemon that is ORAS exclusive doesn't put your team on the ORAS ladder, the 'open' ladder covers everything from stuff only on XY and a mix of stuff from both sets of games, the ORAS ladder would be for teams that are fully ORAS exclusive. Think of it like we got ORAS before XY, or something like that. Obviously we couldn't implement the ladder straight away as we'd need several entries first, but I think it would be a cool thing to have down the track...

On a side note: as if we haven't made some sort of weekly / monthly teambuilding challenge where we see who can get the biggest streak in a specific format with restrictions / themes for teams (not fully evolved teams, teams with a BST less than ___, team has to include [pokemon here] etc...). I'd love to see some of the crazy ideas that would come out of that!
I'd rather not, sorry. You've said it yourself: many of the good pokemon are unobtainable in ORAS, so that would leave the new megas (in most of which I honestly see at least some potential for at least some format - the only ones that I see as outright unviable right now are Pidgeot, Sharpedo, Steelix)
Now, now ;)

I can see how most people wouldn't be drawn to it, especially considering its situational ability and general lack of new toys/loss of Sheer Force, and that Mega Camerupt immediately springs to mind as the premier TR absuing mega, but I'm completely thrilled to add M-Steelix to my lineup.

After witnessing the severe damage attack-oriented Ferrothorn was able to do by itself over the course of 100 battles, with its paltry base 94 attack no less, I see a lot of promise in M-Steelix. Ten more base speed but 31 more base attack will still give its Gyro Ball a ton of OHKO power; the Maison is no stranger to Sandstorm, plus there exists the prospect of my drawing a Tyranitar and getting the weather automatically. Most of Steelix's Sheer Force moves are crappy, so it's nice to get a Life Orbish boost to its higher-powered moves.

Don't think I'm attacking you for your opinion or anything; I just wanted to mention I see it as highly viable in the same way that Abomasnow or perhaps Ampharos were. With a good movepool (but sadly four moveslot syndrome) and bulk similar to M-Aggron, I know I'll be getting great mileage out of it.

As for my own two cents on the ORAS-only streak, how would you handle egg moves that require "banned" pokes to pass on, since they no longer are exclusive to ORAS by knowing them? Obviously that'd mean you can't use them, but my point is more that it requires more scrutiny and fact-checking than is applied to fully unrestricted teams, and does anyone really want to bother with it? XY may not have had tutors, but many pokes got at least one excellent new move, and it's all but guaranteed that a lot of them require pokes unobtainable within ORAS to learn.

Edit: Since turn order is determined before any action takes place, if Prankster Sableye uses Nasty Plot on the turn it M-evolves, will it get that initial NP boost immediately, or will the game recalculate?

I suppose it doesn't really matter for what I'm considering doing with it, since it gains instant Taunt immunity save for assholes named Mold Breaker Sawk, but such an instance WOULD make Sableye extreme deadweight for me.
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Wouldn't Greninja be better than Latios?
Different. Not necessarily better. Greninja has different coverage (e.g.: I would say, in general, it's better to be locked into Thunderbolt than Grass Knot) and different resistances/switch opportunities. Most notably, Greninja can't switch in on Earthquakes that would be aimed at Darmanitan or Fighting moves that would be aimed at Kanga, which Latios does occasionally have to do.
Hello everybody,

there are many posts here I see, with great examples for teams for the Battle Maison. But is there a "recipe of success"? Teams which can't
fail at beating the Chatelaines? I'm stuck even at normal Singles Battle. Battle Maison is sometimes very cruel, in my opinion. I had a Toxic Orb Gliscor,
a Mega Kangaskhan and a Eviolite Chaneira. I got this team from a Youtube video. In helped in Pokemon Y, but now I play Alpha Sapphire
and, maybe I'm mistaken, but the battles seem to be a bit different. My goal is just to beat the Chatelaines and I need your help. But not only Nuit
but also the others.

Thank you very much for your help!
Hello everybody,

there are many posts here I see, with great examples for teams for the Battle Maison. But is there a "recipe of success"? Teams which can't
fail at beating the Chatelaines? I'm stuck even at normal Singles Battle. Battle Maison is sometimes very cruel, in my opinion. I had a Toxic Orb Gliscor,
a Mega Kangaskhan and a Eviolite Chaneira. I got this team from a Youtube video. In helped in Pokemon Y, but now I play Alpha Sapphire
and, maybe I'm mistaken, but the battles seem to be a bit different. My goal is just to beat the Chatelaines and I need your help. But not only Nuit
but also the others.

Thank you very much for your help!
While I don't have much Maison experience, I can tell you this much right off the bat:
1) Try to make your team as "hax-proof" as possible - this means things like Surf over Hydro Pump, and even 95% accuracy moves are still pushing how low your accuracy should be. The RNG for the Maison is slanted in the AI's favor, so teams should be made with this in mind.

2) Make sure your teams have good, competitive sets, including proper IVs, Nature, EVs, and abilities.

3) Don't be afraid to use gimmicks like Entrainment Truant Durant. The AI doesn't care, and isn't smart enough to switch out when you do things like Taunting them (at least, I'm 90% sure this is the case), or have protect work when they're not loafing around (allowing you to essentially neutralize that mon).

4) Your teammates need to have synergy. For instance, let's say your team has the Entrainment Truant Durant mentioned earlier. Make sure your whole team knows Protect (aside from maybe Durant), so as to capitalize on the opponent's Truant Pokemon. Then, you could have a set-up sweeper use the Truant mon to boost, then sweep the rest of the team.

5) Not so much a specific tip as a general teambuilding one: Look at the streaks posted here, and take ideas from some of the more successful ones. For instance, the leading Super Singles streak (XY, but ORAS and XY Maison is pretty much the same) is JohnJohn0624, with an ongoing streak of 1280. His information on his team is found here in this same thread, and while this does not post his strategy, others often do, such as Jumpman16, who has the next highest streak in singles. You can use these teams to get a feel for how Maison teams should look, what threats are, how to play, etc. These posts often contain battle video codes as well, so these are great resources for any aspiring Maison player.

Hope I helped, and if any information is wrong, feel free to correct me. Best of luck!
Edit: Since turn order is determined before any action takes place, if Prankster Sableye uses Nasty Plot on the turn it M-evolves, will it get that initial NP boost immediately, or will the game recalculate?

I suppose it doesn't really matter for what I'm considering doing with it, since it gains instant Taunt immunity save for assholes named Mold Breaker Sawk, but such an instance WOULD make Sableye extreme deadweight for me.

Sableye will get +1 priority on that turn. Priority / speed brackets are decided before mega evolution happens within the turn itself. It's the same thing as Mega Venusaur getting the Chlorophyll boost if the sun is up on the turn it mega evolves..

Hello everybody,

there are many posts here I see, with great examples for teams for the Battle Maison. But is there a "recipe of success"? Teams which can't
fail at beating the Chatelaines? I'm stuck even at normal Singles Battle. Battle Maison is sometimes very cruel, in my opinion. I had a Toxic Orb Gliscor,
a Mega Kangaskhan and a Eviolite Chaneira. I got this team from a Youtube video. In helped in Pokemon Y, but now I play Alpha Sapphire
and, maybe I'm mistaken, but the battles seem to be a bit different. My goal is just to beat the Chatelaines and I need your help. But not only Nuit
but also the others.

Thank you very much for your help!

This question has been asked several times on the last few pages. I would recommend reading through the pages to see the answers there. Also, any team in the streak leaderboards or trophy hall of game has obviously beaten the Chatelaines, so I highly recommend reading through a few teams that interest you and take inspiration from those. There is no real 'bread and butter' team that you can just chose and easily win, and even if there was it would still require a high skill level to pull off (no offence, but your team could very well be strong enough to win but you just aren't playing it right).

The closest thing I can think of in regards to an 'instant win' team is Focus Sash / Choice Scarf, Protean Greninja with Ice Beam against the singles Chatelaine, but even that still has trouble with her Yache Berry Tornadus anyway...
Hello everybody,

there are many posts here I see, with great examples for teams for the Battle Maison. But is there a "recipe of success"? Teams which can't
fail at beating the Chatelaines? I'm stuck even at normal Singles Battle. Battle Maison is sometimes very cruel, in my opinion. I had a Toxic Orb Gliscor,
a Mega Kangaskhan and a Eviolite Chaneira. I got this team from a Youtube video. In helped in Pokemon Y, but now I play Alpha Sapphire
and, maybe I'm mistaken, but the battles seem to be a bit different. My goal is just to beat the Chatelaines and I need your help. But not only Nuit
but also the others.

Thank you very much for your help!

Just build around it I suppose.

Editing because I forgot Tornadus has prankster.

Focus Sash Greninja destroys Landorus and Thundurus. For Tornadus, you could use Infiltrator Crobat to get a 100% Toxic behind sub and ignoring evasion. Then use a tank, although Crobat is pretty tanky against him already. Just sac greninja for the safe switch in.
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First time poster,

I've used this thread for a lot of team ideas and sets. Here's my contribution back.

After a struggle to get to 50 in ORAS Super Multi Battle with various teams, I made it to a streak of 186 battles. I've only ever tried Steven as my partner. The accuracy on Steven's moves is shaky, but I wasn't interested in the other available partners.



My final battle was lost to Quick Claw Donphan hax. Donphan triggered two Quick Claws in a row at the beginning. This let it hit before Mat Block and then KO Greninja and Metagross. Once I saw Milotic come out, I knew that the streak was likely over.

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Mat Block
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

@ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: ?
Nature ?
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Hammer Arm

Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: ?
Nature ?
- Rock Slide
- Ice Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Fire Fang

The key was having Steven send out Metagross first. With Mat Block covering Metagross, Metagross is able to hit an opposing Pokemon extremely hard and not take damage. Again, the accuracy is shaky, but Metagross often OHKOs an opponent. If it misses, it's usually not too big of a deal.

The biggest threat are Pokemon faster than Greninja, Choice Scarf, and Fake Out. The most common Pokemon that are faster than Greninja are electric types. For those a switch to Garchomp is fine. There are also a few faster fliers. In that case I just survive a hit with Focus Sash and Ice Beam back. Choice Scarf can be a surprise factor. I didn't look at the sets of possible items for each Pokemon, so many battles became very close. A Fake Out on Greninja into a strong STAB Fire move can take out Metagross immediately and put me at a disadvantage. Aerodactyl and Garchomp can deal with these Fire types, but the difficulty is what may come after.

Bulky Waters are difficult to deal with if Greninja is down. The worst are Slowbro and Slowking if they have an Ice move. I didn't run into many of those two, but the few times I did, there were no Ice moves when it was down to Garchomp and Aerodactyl.
Whisper0101, very nice streak. Absurdly high for an AI Multis streak, even!

Against Donphan, playing under the assumption that it will activate Quick Claw is the way to go (it's a 3/16 chance - much more likely than BrightPowder/Lax Incense/a 90% accurate move missing) unless you're in a bad spot and have to risk it. With Mat Block Greninja, that usually means not using Mat Block since Quick Claw goes before it and using Grass Knot on Donphan instead, which has a chance to OHKO if it doesn't have Sturdy and gives Greninja resistance to Earthquake on top. When it survives, it can ideally be finished off with priority to put a stop to further QC hijinks - the AI's Mega Metagross "should" use Bullet Punch on it.

AI Multis is a separate matter because of the AI's Pokémon - but MegaGross survives Earthquake and has Bullet Punch to finish it off on turn 2, so attacking it right away seems like it should be the least risky option even so. Though the AI's other Pokémon could still a concern worth risking Mat Block for, and assuming it got EQ like in the battle video and Machamp CC'd Greninja for the KO, the Milotic might still have been too much to handle. It's a hard battle to win with the AI for sure - going for Mat Block might have been the correct choice in retrospect with Milotic showing up.

On beating Battle Chatelaine Nita in Singles, Focus Sash Cloyster sweeps her barring paralysis from Thunderbolt (she actually uses set3 with Wild Charge, heh) Hurricane confusion (unlikely since Focus Blast is preferred).
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On beating Battle Chatelaine Nita in Singles, Focus Sash Cloyster sweeps her barring paralysis from Thunderbolt (she actually uses set3 with Wild Charge, heh) Hurricane confusion (unlikely since Focus Blast is preferred).
Does Tornadus definitely go for the 1HKO? I could see it throwing out a Prankster Double Team.

Well done, Whisper0101 ! Steven's MegaGross looked like a pretty solid ally And Aerodactyl can at least outspeed and flinch stuff, but you did a great job of making use of it.
AI randomness could make Double Team a possible move - but from using Cloyster (and even Greninja in Doubles/Triples), it should be extremely rare and Spear would have to miss twice in a row afterwards for it to win, still, and Hurricane confusion seems to be a more common occurrence. Howewer, I just realized there's a way to eliminate the Hurricane risk: running a Jolly nature to outspeed Tornadus2 and just using Spear right out for the KO. With that, Jolly Cloyster should an extremely reliable 1-Pokémon solution to the Chatelaine, if you ever wanted to grind Ribbons for two random Pokémon at once.
Okay, I used the Truant Durant team JohnJohn0624 posted and it's totally awesome! I was able to beat Nuit in no time! Thank you very much for this team
and thank you Doubt for linking me there.

This AI abusing is just what I was looking for. Now, by any chance, are there more teams like this for the other Battle types?

There were two times where I struggled with this team. At one time, I encountered a Honedge with a Quick Claw. It was pretty nasty
because the Quick Claw activated four times and even two times in a row! After I beat Nuit, I wanted to try the team at the Battle Institute
and came across a Mismagius with Mean Look. This was pretty much a checkmate against me.

One question. In some of the battles, when I used Icicle Spear, the move missed! But it has an accuracy of 100. How can it be possible that it misses?
Okay, I used the Truant Durant team JohnJohn0624 posted and it's totally awesome! I was able to beat Nuit in no time! Thank you very much for this team
and thank you Doubt for linking me there.

This AI abusing is just what I was looking for. Now, by any chance, are there more teams like this for the other Battle types?

There were two times where I struggled with this team. At one time, I encountered a Honedge with a Quick Claw. It was pretty nasty
because the Quick Claw activated four times and even two times in a row! After I beat Nuit, I wanted to try the team at the Battle Institute
and came across a Mismagius with Mean Look. This was pretty much a checkmate against me.

One question. In some of the battles, when I used Icicle Spear, the move missed! But it has an accuracy of 100. How can it be possible that it misses?

Some Pokémon hold items which increases the evasion of those Pokémon.
Examples are: BrightPowder and Lax Insence.