Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Lost all my battle maison stuff, along with my Y cartridge, as I stupidly left my old DS on a bus! I guess I was kinda getting over FWG anyway though. Luckily, I got a bred Scyther from Wonder Trade shortly after finishing OR. I borrowed a friend's 6 IV Ditto to breed an Altaria, and I'm really liking their defensive combination.

Haven't broken 50 yet, but that's mainly due to getting rusty, indecisiveness about moves/EVs, and having to use Milotic over Suicune. I guess Milotic's flaws weren't so clear in rotations where it can switch in and attack at the same time. In Super Singles, I actually have trouble against some bulky fire types (and let's face it, I lost against Volcarona4 using my old team so I wasn't doing great against them in Super Rotations either).

I was lucky enough to catch a 5IV Suicune (31 in Atk rather than SDef, but oh well) tonight, so I'll be looking forward to trying that out and never having to run Sleep Talk again. Calm Mind should also help against those bulky fire types, freeing Altaria from the burden of risking burns.

Speaking of M-Altaria, Return is crazy powerful considering it's only coming off 110 base Atk. I actually ran Facade for a little while so I could safely set up on certain fire-types that Milotic sucked at dealing with (Chandelure, Ninetales, Volcarona). It wasn't too bad, I mean it's still stronger than Dragon Claw thanks to the Pixilate boost. Having to get an extra Dragon Dance in when I wasn't dealing with a W-O-W user was annoying though, so now that I have a more reliable fire-killer I'm back to Return's sweet 206 base power.

Phione I feel like Iron Defense would take better advantage of the things that differentiate M-Slowbro from Suicune. Even when using things that resist it, I've sometimes had trouble dealing with Escavalier's Megahorn, so being able to remove weakness to it in one turn seems pretty amazing. Burn does affect your bulk of course, but Toxic is the only status your really care about after a few turns of setup so as long as you have a partner that can take care of Toxic users you should be fine. Not to mention you can always use Rest over Slack Off anyway, since you're invincible after setup.

Well, I guess I better actually get to training this Suicune rather than just theorymonning. All the best for your streaks, everyone :)
Anyone got any tips against Morgan? I've actually gotten all the statues in X and I'm currently working on them in AS, but Morgan has always caused trouble for me. Even though I've beaten her twice, both of the times were close calls with some really shaky teams that I built specifically to counter her but neither of which worked properly in practice. This time I thought I'd sweep her team with M-Altaria after setting up behind a Reflect, but her Cobalion landed a critical Iron Head just after I had gotten the crucial third boost and I lost the match. I used a rain team from 1 to 49 but I don't see it working very well against Morgan.​
I remember in X I fell short of 50 in Rotations. I decided to give it another go in AR. I didn't really breed mons specifically for Maison. I'm just randomly breeding singles mons that I like and trying to fit them in Maison teams.

My 94 win Rotations team

My idea of how to play Rotations is to fill my team with brainless spammy pokemon that can cover a multitude of threats on its own. The idea of my team is to use Talonflame and Exploud, the two most brainless pokemon I've ever used, and just spam the crap out of their attacks. The team is filled with weaknesses (which I'll get to in a bit) and really shouldn't have even broken 50 but I somehow got to 94. My team is:


Exploud (Scrappy) @ Choice Specs
- Boomburst
- Fire Blast
- Surf
- Focus Blast

Exploud is my lone special attacker, so I put it in the lead spot to soak up any possible 1st turn intimidates. Basically, just spam Boomburst. It's slow, but it somehow wins games on its own.

Talonflame @ Choice Band
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Tailwind

Talonflame's BB is one of the most spammable moves in competitive play. In Maison rotations, there's plenty of stuff that can stomach a hit and hit Talon back really hard (Terrakion survives with red health, for example), so I would recommend using teammates to weaken the fatter threats before spamming BB. U-Turn is a wtf useless move, but this is my singles Talon and I don't really need anything other than BB. U-turn also allows me to take an intimidate and turn out, though that takes Godly predictions.

- Return
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Power up Punch

I tried a few things in the 3rd slot, but had more success with Kanga than with the other few things. Not because it's a good fit on the team, but because it's Mega Kangaskhan... It helps turn the rocks and steels that trouble Talonflame/Exploud into liabilities by setting up on them (Ttar for example eats up BB and BB.... ermm Brave Bird and Boomburst), and it just destroys things on its own.

Darmanitan @ Choice Scarf
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Earthquake

Darmanitan's in the back just to clean up, and to act as an emergency revenge killer if Talonflame goes down (typically to its own recoil).

Team analysis:

Triple choice items and doubling up doubly on weaknesses seems like a recipe for disaster. Two normal types, two fire types. A lot of battles come down to predictions (ie straight up guesses). I don't recommend using this team for a serious streak, though I do like the idea of using Talon/Exploud together to just brainlessly spam. Mega Gardevoir sounds like a decent alternative to Exploud. Exploud's too slow to be good

At the start of battle, you look at what's a better move to spam. If nothing can OHKO Exploud, I'll typically lead with a Boomburst. If there are annoying Rock/Steel types, I'll open with Kangaskhan PuP (if you catch Ttar, Bisharp, Probo etc. you just win right there). If I just need something weakened to open up a Talonflame sweep, I'll just go for whatever mon has a good matchup universally against everything.

Chatelaine battle:

I went into the battle blind. I coulda counter-teamed but decided I wanted to beat Morgan with the team that got me this far in the first place.

Miserable matchup. I got lucky with the win. I still remember a good chunk of that battle (wish I saved it, it was wild). Half my team was rendered completely useless due to being slower normal types. The battle went something like:
Turn 1: Tflame BB, Latias dragon pulses, both at roughly half health
Turn 2: Lati dragon pulses, Exploud BB, Lati faints, Exploud loses health
me: Terrakion... OK Exploud is useless, just sack it and hope Terrak CC's and gets the defense drop, bringing it within TFlame range
Turn 3: Virizion Stone edges? Exploud survives and brings Viriz to red health. This was awesome as it allowed Darm to lock itself into EQ, thus hitting Terrakion harder.
Rest of battle: Darm+Tflame wins with EQ+BB

Losing battle:

Completely miserable. Is it wrong that I'm scared of Regirock? I shoulda locked Exploud into Surf instead of BB, but no I insisted on playing braindead and spamming my normal move. Lando's Fissure on Exploud didn't matter. Well... it did in the sense that if it missed and I killed Lando with Exploud, I prob woulda won, but it's not THE reason I lost. The reason I lost is because I built a team that's so stacked with similar weaknesses that I end up being scared of Regirock.
DoomOvDoom Sorry to hear about your loss, Cobalion's defense is crazy. What are your partners for M-Altaria? My strategy against Morgan (and the many Musketeer/Dragon teams I faced later in my streaks) was to spam Scald with Milotic, and switch to my grass resist(s) if I saw a Leaf Blade coming from Virizion. Cobalion and Terrakion hate Scald thanks to low SDef and a weakness, respectively. Catching Virizion with it and getting a burn happens reasonably often, too. Once Terrakion was down, Volcarona could safely Quiver Dance every other turn and sweep at +2/3. I could see this working even better for Altaria, since it can set up on everything but Cobalion while my Volcarona had to worry about Stone Edge from Virizion.
Dang. Lost my Multis streak on battle 43, and while I can't be assured that I'd have won from one turn going differently, I do know that Steven's Metagross did us a huge disservice by attempting to use Meteor Mash against a Greninja beginning the turn with Ice typing, as opposed to Bullet Punch. Greninja's partner was a full HP Gogoat, so I'm quite certain it wasn't going to attack it instead. By failing to use BP, Greninja went first and Dark Pulsed for the KO.

Had it been around, it would have easily disposed of the Floatzel that came up next. Instead what happened was the battle coming down to Floatzel VS Aerodactyl, and Thunder Fang did little enough that Floatzel's Life Orb recoil didn't push it over the edge; instead, Floatzel fainted after Aero had already fainted first =/

If it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss some easy OHKOs and maintain momentum with Grass Knot, I'd dump it for Sludge Wave in a heartbeat. I fought an excessive number of grass types that I had to attack through other means and typically had no KO options for. I would have annihilated that Gogoat in the battle I lost, for instance.

Unfortunately, Rock Slide (even with no Atk investment) also has its uses, but alas my Landorus is Timid, not Naive/Hasty, so I guess it isn't an option regardless. I was also meeting a ton of Drifblims and Honchkrows. Not an issue for Blastoise, but I prefer not switching whenever possible.

Most battles were cake, so I'll give it another shot tomorrow. Usually Metagross would opt to Bullet Punch low HP targets or OHKOs with a speed advantage, so it was annoying to watch it allow itself to be killed.
So this will probably be discussed in another thread, but I think maison is about to get a whole lot easier.

(Event Garchomp with Dragon Dance)

Well, as easy as SRing for a good one if DD can't be passed down and it's a random nature with random IVs.

Either way, Garchomp won't make things a whole lot easier than good old Dragonite already does. It comes down to increased speed and STAB Earthquake versus double the bulk with Multiscale and a better movepool (Roost being the main one, but Fire Punch and Extreme Speed too). Looking at the speed tiers between Dragonite and Garchomp, Dragonite can already set up on pretty much everything using Multiscale + Roost; the one thing Garchomp would fare better against would be Mold Breaker Haxorus.
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Dang. Lost my Multis streak on battle 43, and while I can't be assured that I'd have won from one turn going differently, I do know that Steven's Metagross did us a huge disservice by attempting to use Meteor Mash against a Greninja beginning the turn with Ice typing, as opposed to Bullet Punch. Greninja's partner was a full HP Gogoat, so I'm quite certain it wasn't going to attack it instead. By failing to use BP, Greninja went first and Dark Pulsed for the KO.

Had it been around, it would have easily disposed of the Floatzel that came up next. Instead what happened was the battle coming down to Floatzel VS Aerodactyl, and Thunder Fang did little enough that Floatzel's Life Orb recoil didn't push it over the edge; instead, Floatzel fainted after Aero had already fainted first =/

If it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss some easy OHKOs and maintain momentum with Grass Knot, I'd dump it for Sludge Wave in a heartbeat. I fought an excessive number of grass types that I had to attack through other means and typically had no KO options for. I would have annihilated that Gogoat in the battle I lost, for instance.

Unfortunately, Rock Slide (even with no Atk investment) also has its uses, but alas my Landorus is Timid, not Naive/Hasty, so I guess it isn't an option regardless. I was also meeting a ton of Drifblims and Honchkrows. Not an issue for Blastoise, but I prefer not switching whenever possible.

Most battles were cake, so I'll give it another shot tomorrow. Usually Metagross would opt to Bullet Punch low HP targets or OHKOs with a speed advantage, so it was annoying to watch it allow itself to be killed.

Steven probably did not recognise Gre's type switch to Ice, seeing as Bullet punch should be a clean KO. I find that at least on this front, he seems to be quite consistent with his use of bullet punch as he will literally only use it if it will knock out the other pokemon. I doubt they do acknowledge speed ties or clear knock outs as Metagross has an alarming tendenct not to get off guaranteed, if weak, damage if faced with a faster Pokemon that will knock it out
Anyone got any tips against Morgan? I've actually gotten all the statues in X and I'm currently working on them in AS, but Morgan has always caused trouble for me. Even though I've beaten her twice, both of the times were close calls with some really shaky teams that I built specifically to counter her but neither of which worked properly in practice. This time I thought I'd sweep her team with M-Altaria after setting up behind a Reflect, but her Cobalion landed a critical Iron Head just after I had gotten the crucial third boost and I lost the match. I used a rain team from 1 to 49 but I don't see it working very well against Morgan.​

I went into this battle with three plans.

Plan A was Endeavour Aron, it failed fast after the AI refused to rotate until he was dead.

Plan B was Tailwind/Sunny Day Talonflame then Eruption Choice scarf Typlhosion, also failed fast as Terrakion absorbed Eruptionthen hit back hard.

So I was left with Plan with C, which I hadn't thought through but as it turned out is perfect for this battle.

It was Cresselia w/leftovers with

Psychic/Protect/Moonlight/Calm Mind.

There is nothing in Morgan's team that can hurt Cresselia to any great degree, certainly nothing that a Moonlight can't repair. Even with a critical hit it only takes 25% damage max from anything they have to offer. I got 6 calm minds in, mixed in with protects and moonlight, then it was 4 OHKO with Psychic. I wouldn't recommend this set in other battles as you won't be able to touch Dark pokemon, but it's perfect for Morgan.

Edit: May have been Shadow Ball on Cresselia.
I went into this battle with three plans.

Plan A was Endeavour Aron, it failed fast after the AI refused to rotate until he was dead.

Plan B was Tailwind/Sunny Day Talonflame then Eruption Choice scarf Typlhosion, also failed fast as Terrakion absorbed Eruptionthen hit back hard.

So I was left with Plan with C, which I hadn't thought through but as it turned out is perfect for this battle.

It was Cresselia w/leftovers with

Psychic/Protect/Moonlight/Calm Mind.

There is nothing in Morgan's team that can hurt Cresselia to any great degree, certainly nothing that a Moonlight can't repair. Even with a critical hit it only takes 25% damage max from anything they have to offer. I got 6 calm minds in, mixed in with protects and moonlight, then it was 4 OHKO with Psychic. I wouldn't recommend this set in other battles as you won't be able to touch Dark pokemon, but it's perfect for Morgan.

Edit: May have been Shadow Ball on Cresselia.
Protect is pretty much a waste of a turn, allowing Terrakion a chance to get a free Swords Dance or Latias the chance to get a free Calm Mind. Terrakion can also flinch you with boosted Rock Slides, which can be pretty annoying. I would choose Moonblast as the attack, since it hits Latias harder than anything else and still does super-effective damage to Terrakion and Virizion. It's worth noting that even Moonblast only does 25% to Latias, assuming that Latias and Cresselia have the same number of Calm Minds. Unaware Clefable is a really good back-up; you can focus on boosting Cresselia and spamming its attacks, then if it faints (hopefully after taking down Cobalion), you can just spam Moonblast with Clefable without worrying about Terrakion's offensive boosts or Latias's offensive and defensive ones.
Steven probably did not recognise Gre's type switch to Ice, seeing as Bullet punch should be a clean KO. I find that at least on this front, he seems to be quite consistent with his use of bullet punch as he will literally only use it if it will knock out the other pokemon. I doubt they do acknowledge speed ties or clear knock outs as Metagross has an alarming tendenct not to get off guaranteed, if weak, damage if faced with a faster Pokemon that will knock it out
The AI definitely recognizes Protean type changes after they happen and chooses attacks accordingly; that's a large part of why Greninja is so effective in the Maison. The AI's tendency to use priority attacks to KO isn't completely certain - for example, against a 1HP Cloyster, Arcanine4 will sometimes go for Close Combat over Extremespeed, Conkeldurr4 may use Superpower over Mach Punch, and so on - and Talonflame4 may rarely Flare Blitz on your 1HP Greninja over Quick Attack or Gale Wings Brave Bird.

For foolproof strategies against Morgan in Super Rotations, Mega Slowbro with Iron Defense is the best thing I can think of. She leads with Terrakion3, Cobalion2 and Virizion3 (and Latios1, which doesn't matter); Terrakion3 has Swords Dance, but after Slowbro has gotten in Iron Defenses it will be unable to break it even with +6 and due to the AI rotating erratically, it will set up much more slowly than Slowbro. Virizion's Leaf Blade deals 44.5% max to 252/0 Mega Slowbro; walled after one Iron Defense. Just send in Mega Slowbro, use Iron Defense and apply Calm Minds for Latios as needed - Slack Off is best for recovery since status is not a risk in this battle. Maybe use Ice Beam as your attacking move to break Latios faster.

Cresselia also works, but there's a risk of getting overpowered by Terrakion3 if it gets many Swords Dances under its belt while you CM up or if you get crit.

On the topic of Mega Slowbro: while it sucks in Singles in my opinion, Rotations seems like the best mode for it, as you can give it Screen support that can't be crit through (bar Mold Breaker) and become invincible to most attacks after a Calm Mind or Iron Defense.
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So this will probably be discussed in another thread, but I think maison is about to get a whole lot easier.
Well, as easy as SRing for a good one if DD can't be passed down and it's a random nature with random IVs.

Either way, Garchomp won't make things a whole lot easier than good old Dragonite already does. It comes down to increased speed and STAB Earthquake versus double the bulk with Multiscale and a better movepool (Roost being the main one, but Fire Punch and Extreme Speed too). Looking at the speed tiers between Dragonite and Garchomp, Dragonite can already set up on pretty much everything using Multiscale + Roost; the one thing Garchomp would fare better against would be Mold Breaker Haxorus.
confirmed fake by serebii
Protect is pretty much a waste of a turn, allowing Terrakion a chance to get a free Swords Dance or Latias the chance to get a free Calm Mind. Terrakion can also flinch you with boosted Rock Slides, which can be pretty annoying. I would choose Moonblast as the attack, since it hits Latias harder than anything else and still does super-effective damage to Terrakion and Virizion. It's worth noting that even Moonblast only does 25% to Latias, assuming that Latias and Cresselia have the same number of Calm Minds. Unaware Clefable is a really good back-up; you can focus on boosting Cresselia and spamming its attacks, then if it faints (hopefully after taking down Cobalion), you can just spam Moonblast with Clefable without worrying about Terrakion's offensive boosts or Latias's offensive and defensive ones.

Hmm I never considered Swords Dance terrakion, guess I got lucky as he never used it.

Cresselia was just filling a gap, I used a simialr team in XY, except I had Dragonite with sandstorm, and Aron managed to faint Virizion and Latias and also take Terrakion and Coballion to minimal health.

I didn't think I'd have to use Cresselia at all, turns out she was the MVP.
NoCheese Edit: The nested quote doesn't fully show up. The full team can be seen here, under the collapsed ORAS Teams Doubles heading.

Mega Swampert Rain

I have already posted this team one time but I'm just making the post uniform. In other news this team is currently sitting at 265 wins!


Swampert @ Mega Stone
Nature: Adamant
Torrent -> Swift Swim
4Hp / 252Atk / 252Spe
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Protect

As soon as I saw that my favorite gen 3 starter was getting a Mega I knew I wanted to make a team with it. I don't see any reason to run a different set, Protect is a must to receive the speed boost on turn 2 in most fights, Waterfall+EQ are the obvious stabs and Ice Punch rounds off the coverage nicely.

Politoad @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
4Hp / 252SpA / 252Spe
- Scald
- Hidden Power (Grass)
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance

Pretty standard rain setter stuff here. Choice Scarf because the speed is often needed. I chose Scald>Hydro Pump because 1 I don't like to miss and 2 even though you should never rely on hax the random burns are nice. Rain Dance is for facing other weather setters which is a huge help even though I either have to switch it out or just let it die afterwards. I'm considering Perish Song>HP Grass since I never really use it and Perish Song could kill or force switches on annoying Double team pokes and other pokes like that. I would REALLY like to know from someone who has used Perish Song in the Maison how the Ai handles it before I make that change though.


Thunderous-T @ Focus Sash
Nature: Timid
Volt Absorb
4Hp / 252SpA / 252Spe
- Thunder
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot
- Protect

Originally this was going to be a Zapdos but I really wanted a safe electric switch in for politoad while having atleast one poke immune to Swampert EQs. After seeing how similar to Syndrome445's rain team was I thought I'd give Thunderous a go. I chose timid for speed and Dark pulse because I thought it would be a good move to have since it Hits common TR pokes and the Lati twins for super effective damage.

Scizor @ Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant
244Hp / 252Atk / 12Spe
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Protect

Scizor kills Storm Drain Cradily... Yup that is its true purpose on this team as well as being a pretty safe switch into any grass attack. The set is very standard because standard Scizor is good, especially in rain. The Evs are from Jumpman16's Mega Scizor since I tried it out for my super singles trophy, I considered more speed but the low speed helps my TR matchup and the bulk is nice.

This team is the best I've ever done in doubles though I cannot stress enough how lucky I have been throughout this streak, the Hax Gods have smiled upon this team many times.

Storm Drain Cradily
Trace Gardevior (If it gets Swift Swim which has happened to me twice, very scary with energy ball)
Opposing Weather

Battle Videos:
#142 Shuckle Kills Mega Swamp M84-WWWW-WWWL-XCYG
#144 I Should Have Lost FSWG-WWWW-WWWL-XGCZ
#243 Bad Turn 1, Still Win LBEG-WWWW-WWWL-XCZT


Finally lost in Super Doubles after a streak of 409! This team did much better then I ever expected so I am very proud of this streak even though there are a lot of higher ones. The thing I think that helped the most was having a good mix of physical and special offensive pressure especially with my leads making the team fairly hard to wall. Anyways here are some battle videos and some explanations on how I played the team.
The opponent lead with Tangrowth and Kingdra which was a really bad Matchup for me due to Kingdra's Swift Swim. My goals where to take out Kingdra most likely with Thunderous thanks to sash and to keep Scizor healthy to clean up.

Turn 1 I know Kingdra is the real threat but if Tangrowth lives then it can OHKO Swampert with Power Whip and it wouldn't do much good to Protect with Swampert Since Kingdra will out speed me regardless so I Ice Beam Tangrowth and EQ with Swampert to Guarantee the kill and do right at 50% to Kingdra which sets up the K.O. for Thunderous. Things go as expected, taking out Tangrowth and putting Kingdra into K.O. range for Thunderous.

Turn 2 Out comes Leafeon....great, since Poli was so low I figured Kingdra would go for the K.O. on it while Leafeon would go for Leaf Blade on Swamps, just in case Kingdra missed I Double Target Leafeon with my Ice Attacks because I can't risk the switch and I can't afford to give a free turn by protecting. Kingdra uses Draco Meteor on Politoad which connects, Swampert uses Ice Punch on Leafeon getting the crit which kinda helped but didn't matter in the end, Leafeon takes out Swampert with Leaf Blade.

Turn 3 Out Comes Thunderous and Scizor. I am expecting Leafeon to Detect and Kingdra to Surf so I protect Scizor and go for the K.O. on Kingdra with Thunder. I almost predict perfectly since Kingdra went for Blizzard instead of Surf which thankfully did not Freeze which allows Thunderous-T to take it out with Thunder.

Turn 4 I'm nervous to see my opponents last Pokemon but am immediately relieved to see Meganium since it cannot touch Scizor. I use Thunder to finish off Leafeon (if I didn't get that crit I would've used Bullet Punch and Thunder taking it out anyways). Then Bug Bite Meganium for heavy damage, Meganium uses leech seed on Thunderous which doesn't even matter at this point.

Turn 6, thankfully Meganium didn't bother protecting allowing me to take it out instead of waiting an additional turn.
Turn 1 my opponent has Latios and Heatran so predicting the burn or protect from Heatran and for Lati to attack Swampert I Protect with Swampert and use Ice Beam on Lati for just general damage. So the turn went as expected though Heatran use Wil-o-Wisp on Latios for some reason?

Turn 2 Waterfall on Heatran and Ice Beam to K.O. Latios, THANKS HEATRAN

The rest was pretty much autp pilot I saved this match because I've seen the Ai burn a lot of its own pokes but normally they had a possible ability that could benefit from it or just remain unaffected and I thought it was interesting.
Turn 1 They send Aggron and Meinshao comes out, I protect Swampert to prevent the OHKO and scald with Politoad on Aggron to take it out. Meinshao actually used Hi Jump Kick on Politoad but thankfully I got the lucky avoid.

Turn 2 Drought Ninetails comes out, now after fighting a few of these I know the Energy Ball is coming and that it will not K.O. also the ai hasn't once double targeted Swampert when I've ran into this Ninetails which has happened alot (maybe it is a OHKO on a regular Swampert?). Knowing these things I swap out Politoad for Thunderous to avoid my EQ. Meinshao goes for the Hi Jump Kick hitting Thunderous for decent damage and Ninetails did go for the Energy Ball allowing Swampert to pick up the double K.O. with EQ.

Turn 3
Charizard comes out, since the sun is out I expect it to use a dire type attack to K.O. Thunderous-T so I swap it out for Politoad to reset the rain which allows Swampert to K.O. with waterfall.
Turn 1 Here is where I lost, I go against lead Slowbro and Slowking so I know king is going to go for the trick room and that unfortunately the rain really worked against me. I go for scald to try to burn Slowbro and waterfall to attempt to flinch Slowking to prevent the TR setup which failed, Slowking used surf and got the crit on swampert which after doing a few replay battles this was the nail in the coffin.

Turn 2 I Protect with Swampert because I didn't notice the Surf on turn 1 was a Crit so I wanted to prevent the K.O. and stall out TR some. The Bros use psychic and surf doing big damage to Politoad.

Turn 3 they double surf taking out both of my Pokemon

Turn 4 I bring out Thunderous and Scizor which I double protect to stall out TR more.

Turn 5 I used Bullet Punch On Slowbro because I really thought it would K.O. though Slowking kills bro anyways with surf. Thunder takes out Slowking. Dimensions return to normal and rain stops

Turn 6 Gourgiest and Trevnant comes out which really scares me a lot. I use dark pulse on Gourgiest and for some reason I didn't double in with bullet punch even though in my mind I knew it would go for Rock Slide to K.O. Thunderous and I should have known it was faster then Scizor. On top of that Scizor flinches and Trevnant sets up TR.

Turn 7 Focus Miss hits and I Lose

Now I played this match really badly but still if multiple things where just slightly different I easily could have won. From playing a few replays if I would have swapped Politoad for Thunderous like I considered and just gone for EQ with Swampert the rest of the match would have been easy to play around. I guess I wanted politoad to stay in due to the resist to stall out TR as much as possible but live and learn.
Storm Drain Cradily: I got better at facing this Pokemon after facing it ALOT but just in general restricting my pokes main stab moves as well as being able to hit both my lead with SE DMG it is annoying.

Swift Swimmers: Namely Kingdra and Floatzle. Kingdra I have no way of OHKOing while it is faster then my whole team though Eq, Bug Bite, or thunder will 2HKO so if I plan ahead I can take it out with out too many issues. Floatzle is frail but the fast Aqua Tail does a whole lot of damage so watch out.

Random Grass Knot: Espeon, Raichu, Electross and Tornadus can all KO Swampert but after the Speed Boost Swamps can Out speed and take out all but Tornadus/Electross in one hit who I just double target or hit on turn 1 with Politoad.

Escavilier: Not really a threat per say but 2 EQs put it in Salac Berry range just shy of a K.O. letting it use its powerful Mega Horn which does about 60-70℅ (and never misses) on Swampert or takes out Politoad.

TR: Even though I rarely had an issue with it as you can see in my loss it can cause my team a lot of issues especially when it involves Slowking lead.
Now that I have more experience with this type of team I may try it again after I give rotations a go since I think I could go even higher.
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DoomOvDoom Sorry to hear about your loss, Cobalion's defense is crazy. What are your partners for M-Altaria? My strategy against Morgan (and the many Musketeer/Dragon teams I faced later in my streaks) was to spam Scald with Milotic, and switch to my grass resist(s) if I saw a Leaf Blade coming from Virizion. Cobalion and Terrakion hate Scald thanks to low SDef and a weakness, respectively. Catching Virizion with it and getting a burn happens reasonably often, too. Once Terrakion was down, Volcarona could safely Quiver Dance every other turn and sweep at +2/3. I could see this working even better for Altaria, since it can set up on everything but Cobalion while my Volcarona had to worry about Stone Edge from Virizion.

I had Aromatisse, Klefki, and Aegislash as my M-Altaria's partners. My basic plan was just to set up Reflect with Klefki and boost with M-Altaria until it's at +3 Attack and capable of OHKOing all of Morgan's Pokemon. Aromatisse was there to give Wish support in case M-Altaria took damage. It was a solid plan, I just had bad luck and ate a critical Iron Head at the worst possible moment. Granted, I wasn't aware that critical hits also ignore screens so I thought my Altaria would be safe. I've previously swept Morgan with Aegislash but this time I couldn't do anything because Terrakion just OHKO'd it with a +2 Earthquake through Reflect. I could update this team by adding something completely retarded like Lucky Chant + Wish Delphox so I can remove the possibility of crit hax while still being able to give Wish support.

turskain said:
For foolproof strategies against Morgan in Super Rotations, Mega Slowbro with Iron Defense is the best thing I can think of. She leads with Terrakion3, Cobalion2 and Virizion3 (and Latios1, which doesn't matter); Terrakion3 has Swords Dance, but after Slowbro has gotten in Iron Defenses it will be unable to break it even with +6 and due to the AI rotating erratically, it will set up much more slowly than Slowbro. Virizion's Leaf Blade deals 44.5% max to 252/0 Mega Slowbro; walled after one Iron Defense. Just send in Mega Slowbro, use Iron Defense and apply Calm Minds for Latios as needed - Slack Off is best for recovery since status is not a risk in this battle. Maybe use Ice Beam as your attacking move to break Latios faster.

Or I could go with this one. You're right, it sounds quite foolproof. I've never even thought of using M-Slowbro anywhere but its Ability is actually really useful since unfortunate critical hits are probably the main reason why I lose in Maison. I'm now racking up victories in Rotations with my old rain team but I might replace it with a team that focuses on M-Slowbro if I lose again. It's just that slowly setting up takes a lot of time. Even if it's more reliable, it will take a long time to get even to 50 victories, and that's one reason why I've been mostly using weather hyper offense in Rotations.
Or I could go with this one. You're right, it sounds quite foolproof. I've never even thought of using M-Slowbro anywhere but its Ability is actually really useful since unfortunate critical hits are probably the main reason why I lose in Maison. I'm now racking up victories in Rotations with my old rain team but I might replace it with a team that focuses on M-Slowbro if I lose again. It's just that slowly setting up takes a lot of time. Even if it's more reliable, it will take a long time to get even to 50 victories, and that's one reason why I've been mostly using weather hyper offense in Rotations.

I was looking over the rotations records before starting my current rotation trip. This team by Fatty McFat Cat proved to be really awesome, primarily utilizing Vaporeon Wish passing to Dragonite.
I'm back for another round of Battle Facility in ORAS!

Taking my old Shark Theme (team) from I modified it to add some ORAS flavor in the form of Mega Salamence. OU thought it was the most broken thing ever, so why not?

BASIC: Have Megamence mop up while Sharpedo draws attacks.
1. Garchomp, Aegislash and Togekiss have left the team.
2. Metagross to tank Ice, Rock, Dragon, Fairy attacks for Salamence. Bug and Grass attacks for Sharpedo.

Possible Improvements:
1. Maybe Metagross to equip leftovers, drop Hammer Arm and gain protect? Or thinking of another Steel type for this.
2. Conk can be swapped out for an electric resist or absorber..It has to be neutral vs Ice...

Current Progress:
After losing at 41 due to some silly plays combined with the AI's trick room, I'm back up to 48 and I think I'm doing OK so far.

Team Members:
Salamence "Sylphie" @ Salamencite
Sharpedo "Shark Weak?" @ Focus Sash
Metagross "Juggernaut" @ Choice Band
Conkeldurr "Gut Puncher" @ Assault Vest


Sharpedo "Shark Weak?" @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Destiny Bond
- Waterfall
- Crunch


Salamence "Sylphie" @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Protect
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse


Metagross "Juggernaut" @ Choice Band
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: (forgot, but I know it's complicated)
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm


Conkeldurr "Gut Puncher" @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Knock Off
My azumarill/MKanga/Gliscor team just lost battle #57 to a Vespiquen's... wait for it... confuse ray! (i just want the berries D': )

I'mma kill a man.
Okay, lots of stuff incoming. I'm planning on restarting my save file in X soon so I decided to submit my Maison win streaks and teams before that. No war stories or strategies this time, I'll come back to those later once I've finished my streaks in AS and hopefully beaten my old records.



Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- U-turn
- Fly


Empoleon @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Swagger


Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Synthesis



Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Extrasensory
- Grass Knot


Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Blizzard
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Protect


Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Thief


Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- X-Scissor



Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Heat Wave
- Solar Beam
- Ancient Power
- Protect


Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Eruption
- SolarBeam
- Flamethrower
- Extrasensory


Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Wide Guard
- Aerial Ace
- Iron Head


Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Thief


Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Thunder Punch
- Fake Out


Ninetales @ Choice Specs
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- SolarBeam
- Dark Pulse
- Extrasensory



Politoed @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Perish Song
- Protect
- Rain Dance


Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam
- Focus Energy


Ludicolo @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Surf
- Energy Ball
- Ice Beam
- Protect


Kabutops @ Assault Vest
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Rock Slide
- Knock Off
- Aqua Jet


My team:


Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Heat Wave
- SolarBeam
- Ancient Power
- Protect


Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- X-Scissor

AI partner's team:


Typhlosion 3:
Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Eruption
- Focus Blast
- Heat Wave
- Extrasensory


Archeops 3:
Archeops @ Choice Band
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aerial Ace
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
- U-turn

EDIT: Holy crap, my Multi win streak is the second highest in XY and one of the only two to have made it past 100. That's pretty awesome considering that my other win streaks aren't very impressive.
Last edited:
Concluding a streak of 55 wins in Super-Singles, ending with me losing to playing badly, again (using AS, if that matters, but I don't think it does).
Here's the team, along with some commentary on each:

Ability: Scrappy (Or Early Bird pre-battle 40 something when I used an Ability Capsule)
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
-Power-up Punch
-Sucker Punch
I think we all know just how much of a monster this thing is. I'm using the set VaporeonIce created, and it works like a charm. A battle with M-Khan generally starts this way: Is the opponent weak to EQ/Ghost type and not immune to EQ? If so, EQ. IF the opponent is neutral or weak to PuP, use that, and if the opponent can be finished off by PuP, do it. In other cases use Return for the sheer power of the move. If the opponent is a fast Fighting type (Hawlucha, for instance), switch to Aegislash to tank the hit and go from there. If I'm hit by intimidate turn one I'll generally switch out to Greninja or Aegislash, whichever is better suited to the opponent. After the first mon is down, M-Khan usually stays in if she's boosted (I might switch if she's not and in threat of death), as she's pretty fast and has good enough bulk to tank a hit (usually) and KO in return. She's probably the MVP of this team, and took on most of the other mons by herself. In the beginning I wasn't sure whether or not the Jolly nature would work (as VaporeonIce had Adamant), but in the end I was really glad I was forced to use Jolly (due to that being the only IV bred one I had), as M-Khan usually had the power to KO opponents and every point in speed helped. Changing Early Bird to Scrappy had no real effect on the gameplay, as 99% of the time you'll just want to mega-evolve turn one anyway. The moveset was all used quite a bit, with the exception of Sucker Punch, which only really started getting useful in only some situations past battle 41.


Nature: Quiet
252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpA
-Shadow Ball
-Flash Cannon
-King's Shield
-Sacred sword
Props to cant say for suggesting using this. Aegislash was vital in tanking fighting moves, and dealt good damage in return. Unfortunately, mine had 31 Speed IVs, meaning it outsped a little more than I would have liked, but was a generally solid team member nonetheless. I really liked Leftovers on it, as they helped patch up Aegislash's mediocre HP and let it's natural bulk in shield form and King's Shield go to work. This actually made the difference between beating the Chatelaine and losing on battle 43 (I think - it was in the 40's). Aegislash ended up surviving a Gliscor's Earthquake with 3 HP left as my last mon, so I'm really glad I put the leftovers on. Shadow Ball and Flash Cannon will be used the most, and Sacred Sword is only used when it would get super-effective coverage.

Greninja@Life Orb

Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
Another excellent mon. Not much to say that isn't obvious; switch in (preferably after another mon has been KO'd, as Greninja doesn't have the bulk to survive many hits), use super-effective move (or move that would give him the best typing), proceed. This was a good filler mon, and rounded out the team quite nicely, being capable of sweeps with very little support. Extrasensory really started to pick up after battle 41ish, and the rest of the moves are fairly obvious choices.
Ghost Types: Ghost types and this team don't go well together. Generally, M-Khan can Earthquake them, but ocassionaly, you get Levitate or Ghost/Flying mons who force me to switch, usually to Aegislash. Driflibim is especially annoying, as I have to switch and hope Hypnosis (if it's used) misses.

Trick Room: Ugh, Trick Room is annoying. This team has major problems with TR, eventually losing to it. The first problem is that M-Khan and Greninja are usually fast enough to outspeed mons TR trainers have, thus making them move last under TR. Aegislash generally goes first, but wants to go last, so that's not good. I usually play as normal under TR, as there's really not much I can do about it.

Focus Blast: Specifically, Focus Blast on non-Fighting types. As I don't want to download the online list of mons (is there one I can just view in my browser?), I'm usually blindsided by Focus Blast, which is quite frustrating. Often it'll OHKO M-Khan, and force me to do something else.
Battle 50: 945W-WWWW-WWWM-YPHQ
Vs. the Chatelaine. Only included it because it was the Chatelaine, as it was made hilariously easy by the strategy Cant Say gave. I switched Greninja for Talonflame for this match only, and made a couple of bad plays with it, but I still breezed through without losing a mon.

Battle 56: 9YNW-WWWW-WWWM-JG6M
My loss. I'm fairly sure I know what went wrong here. First off, Trick Room. If TR hadn't been up, I might've won, as Greninja probably would've OHKO'D Magmortar, and, well, M-Kang probably would have too. Instead of switching to Greninja I should've switched to Aegislash and stalled out the TR. I even thought to do so after I switched into Greninja, but decided not to. Ugh. After that there really wasn't much Aegislash could have done against Magmortar, so it is what it is, I guess.
So I pretty much lost due to being stupid on battle 56, but I'm still (somewhat) proud of this streak, as it got past 50 and made an excellent jumping-off point the rest of the Maison. Next up I'll probably do Doubles with Endeavor Aron, with Dusclops/two others (ideas?). I'm assuming Aron needs no IV or EV training, as won't really matter much either way as long as the moveset is right, but after that I'm not sure what I'll use (Elektross and M-Camerupt, perhaps?). From what I've seen this sort of team is really solid in Doubles, so I'm hoping it'll get me far.
Concluding a streak of 55 wins in Super-Singles, ending with me losing to playing badly, again (using AS, if that matters, but I don't think it does).
Here's the team, along with some commentary on each:

Ability: Scrappy (Or Early Bird pre-battle 40 something when I used an Ability Capsule)
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
-Power-up Punch
-Sucker Punch
I think we all know just how much of a monster this thing is. I'm using the set VaporeonIce created, and it works like a charm. A battle with M-Khan generally starts this way: Is the opponent weak to EQ/Ghost type and not immune to EQ? If so, EQ. IF the opponent is neutral or weak to PuP, use that, and if the opponent can be finished off by PuP, do it. In other cases use Return for the sheer power of the move. If the opponent is a fast Fighting type (Hawlucha, for instance), switch to Aegislash to tank the hit and go from there. If I'm hit by intimidate turn one I'll generally switch out to Greninja or Aegislash, whichever is better suited to the opponent. After the first mon is down, M-Khan usually stays in if she's boosted (I might switch if she's not and in threat of death), as she's pretty fast and has good enough bulk to tank a hit (usually) and KO in return. She's probably the MVP of this team, and took on most of the other mons by herself. In the beginning I wasn't sure whether or not the Jolly nature would work (as VaporeonIce had Adamant), but in the end I was really glad I was forced to use Jolly (due to that being the only IV bred one I had), as M-Khan usually had the power to KO opponents and every point in speed helped. Changing Early Bird to Scrappy had no real effect on the gameplay, as 99% of the time you'll just want to mega-evolve turn one anyway. The moveset was all used quite a bit, with the exception of Sucker Punch, which only really started getting useful in only some situations past battle 41.


Nature: Quiet
252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpA
-Shadow Ball
-Flash Cannon
-King's Shield
-Sacred sword
Props to cant say for suggesting using this. Aegislash was vital in tanking fighting moves, and dealt good damage in return. Unfortunately, mine had 31 Speed IVs, meaning it outsped a little more than I would have liked, but was a generally solid team member nonetheless. I really liked Leftovers on it, as they helped patch up Aegislash's mediocre HP and let it's natural bulk in shield form and King's Shield go to work. This actually made the difference between beating the Chatelaine and losing on battle 43 (I think - it was in the 40's). Aegislash ended up surviving a Gliscor's Earthquake with 3 HP left as my last mon, so I'm really glad I put the leftovers on. Shadow Ball and Flash Cannon will be used the most, and Sacred Sword is only used when it would get super-effective coverage.

Greninja@Life Orb

Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
Another excellent mon. Not much to say that isn't obvious; switch in (preferably after another mon has been KO'd, as Greninja doesn't have the bulk to survive many hits), use super-effective move (or move that would give him the best typing), proceed. This was a good filler mon, and rounded out the team quite nicely, being capable of sweeps with very little support. Extrasensory really started to pick up after battle 41ish, and the rest of the moves are fairly obvious choices.
Ghost Types: Ghost types and this team don't go well together. Generally, M-Khan can Earthquake them, but ocassionaly, you get Levitate or Ghost/Flying mons who force me to switch, usually to Aegislash. Driflibim is especially annoying, as I have to switch and hope Hypnosis (if it's used) misses.

Trick Room: Ugh, Trick Room is annoying. This team has major problems with TR, eventually losing to it. The first problem is that M-Khan and Greninja are usually fast enough to outspeed mons TR trainers have, thus making them move last under TR. Aegislash generally goes first, but wants to go last, so that's not good. I usually play as normal under TR, as there's really not much I can do about it.

Focus Blast: Specifically, Focus Blast on non-Fighting types. As I don't want to download the online list of mons (is there one I can just view in my browser?), I'm usually blindsided by Focus Blast, which is quite frustrating. Often it'll OHKO M-Khan, and force me to do something else.
Battle 50: 945W-WWWW-WWWM-YPHQ
Vs. the Chatelaine. Only included it because it was the Chatelaine, as it was made hilariously easy by the strategy Cant Say gave. I switched Greninja for Talonflame for this match only, and made a couple of bad plays with it, but I still breezed through without losing a mon.

Battle 56: 9YNW-WWWW-WWWM-JG6M
My loss. I'm fairly sure I know what went wrong here. First off, Trick Room. If TR hadn't been up, I might've won, as Greninja probably would've OHKO'D Magmortar, and, well, M-Kang probably would have too. Instead of switching to Greninja I should've switched to Aegislash and stalled out the TR. I even thought to do so after I switched into Greninja, but decided not to. Ugh. After that there really wasn't much Aegislash could have done against Magmortar, so it is what it is, I guess.
So I pretty much lost due to being stupid on battle 56, but I'm still (somewhat) proud of this streak, as it got past 50 and made an excellent jumping-off point the rest of the Maison. Next up I'll probably do Doubles with Endeavor Aron, with Dusclops/two others (ideas?). I'm assuming Aron needs no IV or EV training, as won't really matter much either way as long as the moveset is right, but after that I'm not sure what I'll use (Elektross and M-Camerupt, perhaps?). From what I've seen this sort of team is really solid in Doubles, so I'm hoping it'll get me far.

Why is your thought process 'open with Earthquake on Mega-Khan'? You should be wanting to use Power-Up Punch as your first move, followed up by Return. You only use Earthquake if faced with a Rock/Steel type (resists Return), and Sucker Punch if you are faced with an offensively-based Ghost type or something that is faster and can threaten Khan. It sounds like you were using Return as a 'last resort' move which doesn't make any sense

I would also recommend swapping something out (ie: Sacred Sword or Flash Cannon) for Shadow Sneak on Aegi and maybe even give it a Weakness Policy. I see no benefit to running Leftovers on Special Aegi as it should just be used to dish out as much damage as possible before dying (as opposed to Physical Aegi with Swords Dance + Shadow Sneak + Sacred Sword which needs Leftovers to give it sustain while boosting).

You could very easily get more than 55 wins with that team, I hope you give it another chance!
What's the best set for Mega-Kangaskhan to fly through 50 Super Single Battles?

Would it be Adamant Max Atk/Spd with Return/Power-Up Punch/Sucker Punch/Earthquake?
What's the best set for Mega-Kangaskhan to fly through 50 Super Single Battles?

Would it be Adamant Max Atk/Spd with Return/Power-Up Punch/Sucker Punch/Earthquake?
I would recommend Jolly, simply because M-Khan reaches ridiculous amounts of power after a single PuP and after that you're just looking to keep it alive while it sweeps. I used Jolly myself, and I can safely say it's a very viable choice, as the extra speed works better over the extra attack, which is just overkill after a short amount of time. Good luck!

Why is your thought process 'open with Earthquake on Mega-Khan'? You should be wanting to use Power-Up Punch as your first move, followed up by Return. You only use Earthquake if faced with a Rock/Steel type (resists Return), and Sucker Punch if you are faced with an offensively-based Ghost type or something that is faster and can threaten Khan. It sounds like you were using Return as a 'last resort' move which doesn't make any sense

I would also recommend swapping something out (ie: Sacred Sword or Flash Cannon) for Shadow Sneak on Aegi and maybe even give it a Weakness Policy. I see no benefit to running Leftovers on Special Aegi as it should just be used to dish out as much damage as possible before dying (as opposed to Physical Aegi with Swords Dance + Shadow Sneak + Sacred Sword which needs Leftovers to give it sustain while boosting).

You could very easily get more than 55 wins with that team, I hope you give it another chance!

Thanks for the tips :). I only open with EQ if EQ hits super-effectively (when PuP doesn't) or the opponent is ghost type, meaning no PuP or Return. Generally it goes PuP then return (or another PuP if I think it'll KO), and occasionally I'll use return straight off if I feel too threatened by the opponent (fast, frail mon that I don't want to spend more than one turn with). I'll probably switch out Sacred Sword for Shadow Sneak as it doesn't get used much, but I'm a little iffy on the Weakness policy - I'll try it out and then see which I like more. I'm definitely planning to return to Super Singles later, maybe between breeding for doubles/triples/whatever and IDK, maybe just because :P