Battle Maison Discussion & Records

So, I got some mons bred for a Trick Room Endeavor Aron doubles team, and before I start training them, I want to refine the team here first:

Quiet (Didn't have a Sassy or similar parent, but I can breed one if necessary) - Pressure
252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD
-Trick Room
-Night Shade
Trick room setter and partner for Aron. Protect for free turns if needed or to guard against spread if Aron faints first.

Aron@Berry Juice
No set nature - Sturdy
No EVs
Not bothering breeding (beyond getting a level 1 Aron) this as the effects will be negligible at level 1 and lower stats will actually be an advantage. Berry Juice to avoid Unnerve shenanigans, Protect for a free turn to set up TR, Toxic and Swagger to annoy opponents if needed.

Elektross@Life Orb
Quiet - Levitate
252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpA
-Discharge Thunderbolt
-Giga Drain
-Knock Off
Mostly here as a partner to M-Camerupt - Levitate makes it immune to EQ and other ground attacks, and M-Camerupt is immune to Discharge, so they make great Doubles partners. I would use Flamethrower over Giga Drain, but I already have M-Camerupt for fire coverage, and Elektross doesn't have much in the way of other Special coverage. Knock Off is for some (minor) physical coverage, and Life Orb is over Assault Vest to use Protect.

Quiet (My team's not very loud :P) - Solid Rock
252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpA
-Flamethrower Eruption
-Earth Power
Fairly simple M-Camerupt. Protect for Doubles, Flamethrower over Heat Wave for Accuracy reasons, Earthquake for Physical spread, Earth Power for Sheer-Force STAB Special Ground move.

I'm not (currently) planning on taking this team farther than the Chatelaine, so I'm not looking to keep this streak going into the hundreds, just for something that can get me there and take her out pretty easy. I feel fairly confident about this team but I'm not quite sure. Thoughts?
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So, I got some mons bred for a Trick Room Endeavor Aron doubles team, and before I start training them, I want to refine the team here first:

Discharge on Eelektross proved remarkably disappointing for me. With the spread attack penalty, it's surprisingly weak, the high paralysis chance can sometimes benefit the opponent under Trick Room, and though it plays well with Camerupt, it's awkward alongside of Dusclops and Aron. I'd recommend going with boring old Thunderbolt instead. You might also consider replacing Flamethrower or Earthquake with Eruption on Camerupt, as its spread power is quite impressive, and so long as you keep Trick Room up, you'll mostly be using it from full health.

Either way, though, that team can definitely get you to 50, so if that's your goal, you should be fine.
I wanted to use Mega Salamence in the Battle Maison and this is the team i came up with:

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Atk / 28 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute

Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ground]

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 236 HP / 252 Def / 20 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Rest

28 Spe on Salamence let me outspeed positive natured Base 80 Pokemon as Mega and Ludicolo 4 premega. Rest is maximum firepower and bulk. Magnezone covers all its weaknesses while also defeating LO Tornadus, which is a huge threat in general. It can also deal with annoying electric types. Suicune absorbs ice type attacks and does what it always does.
My best streak so far was 282 wins, but i made a mistake so this team has potential for more. While there are some Problems (electric types), i could deal with everything so far.
Does anyone have suggestions for this team? I intend to go past 500 with it. (if i do i will make a more detailed post about it)
YES. Just beat Super Singles with a goddamn Mega Beedrill. That completes my trophies. I did XY maison about a year ago but I guess we'll date it today.




Beedrill @ Beedrillite - Adamant - Swarm - EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Poison Jab / U-Turn / Knock Off / Protect

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy - Brave - EVs: 252 HP /252 Atk /4 SpD - IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/x
Shadow Sneak / Iron Head / Sacred Sword / King's Shield

Garchomp @ Lum Berry - Jolly - Rough Skin - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Iron Head / Swords Dance

Swords Dance Beedrill didn't seem like it was playing to its strengths. You have to switch out most of the time anyway, so you might as well capitalize on that. I considered the best mons for switch-ins and ended up using the Aegis and Chomp from my triples team. Of course they did most of the work, so in a way this team is a testament to how goddamn strong they are, carrying a damn Beedrill to 50.

Adamant because Jolly outspeeds nothing of value, and its job is to hit hard. Knock Off is best coverage, but X-Scissor is an option, even with U-Turn.
Aegislash is Aegislash.
Lum Berry so that Chomp can do his job. Iron Head might seem redundant, but I've found it by far the most reliable, and when you're basically relying on only two pokemon, staying power is way more important than luxury coverage like fangs or rocks.

That's not to say Beedrill is useless, its unresisted STAB OHKOs anything hovering around 70 def. I have also seen it survive Zoroark's Sucker Punch and Houndoom's Flame Charge, and it can take special hits just fine, including non-stab SE like Pory2's Psychic. And of course it's lightning fast. It's certainly not the worst mega you could use in singles, but AegisChomp core was the real star here.

Threats are strong ground types mostly. Only real answer is boost Chomp and out-quake them.

Chatelaine battle: SQ5W-WWWW-WWWZ-QKLR
Battle 51 (for good measure): XQWW-WWWW-WWWZ-QKNJ (if Hurricane had hit, Aegislash would clean up)

Bisharp @ Life Orb - Adamant - Defiant - EVs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 132 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Knock Off / Iron Head / Sucker Punch / Protect

Gallade @ Galladite - Jolly - Justified - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Close Combat / Psycho Cut / Ice Punch / Protect

Chandelure @ Assault Vest - Modest - Flash Fire - EVs: 92 HP / 252 SpA / 164 Spe - IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Flamethrower / Shadow Ball / Energy Ball / Psychic

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers - Modest - EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 240 SpA / 8 SpD - IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Thunderbolt / Hydro Pump / Will-O-Wisp / Protect

I wanted two things: use an ORAS mega, and don't use the typical Aron or Greninja support. I ended up with what I call 'Team Elboys.'

Bisharp + M-Gallade offensive core is nothing new. Pretty straightforward. Defiant is absolutely hilarious in maison, especially with Sucker Punch. EV spread lets it outspeed all variants of Cresselia, and Armaldo (Iron Head OHKOs). Rest dumped into HP, lets it survive some non-stab SE like Eelektross's flamethrower.
Jolly Gallade is an absolute must to outspeed musketeers. I considered Leaf Blade, but ice coverage is just way too important, and I haven't had much trouble dealing with water/ground types.

The backups were chosen to switch in on Gallade and Bisharp's weaknesses.

I considered Talonflame, but immunity on the switch was too tempting, and I wanted a strong special attacker. Assault Vest lets it take on some other ghosts, but obviously has its downsides. There is probably a far more optimal build. EV spread from flavor0's doubles team.
Rotom's EV spread from The Dutch Plumberjack's doubles team.

Threats are things with Focus Sash.

Unfortunately I didn't record anything, I sort of just marathoned until my streak ended at 100. Lost because I prioritized killing Froslass over Medicham, when I should have made it suicide with HJK as usual then dealt with the rest. Ended up with solo Rotom vs the last mon. Probably the only time Meganium ended a streak.

I'll try to get a post-50 battle at some point for proof.

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak - Adamant - Gale Wings - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Brave Bird / Flare Blitz / Tailwind / Protect

Sceptile @ Sceptilite - Timid - Overgrow - EVs: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe - IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Grass Knot / Dragon Pulse / Focus Blast / Protect

Rotom-Wash @ Wide Lens - Modest - Levitate - EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Discharge / Dark Pulse / Hydro Pump / Protect

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy - Brave - EVs: 252 HP /252 Atk /4 SpD - IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/x
Shadow Sneak / Iron Head / Sacred Sword / King's Shield

Garchomp @ Life Orb - Jolly - Rough Skin - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Dragon Claw / Earthquake / Rock Slide / Protect

Weavile @ Focus Sash - Jolly - Pressure - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Ice Punch / Knock Off / Protect / Fake Out

Discussed here and here.

I think one of the replays is no longer up.

Altaria @ Altarianite - Adamant - Natural Cure - EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 4 SpD / 188 Spe - 31/31/31/x/31/31
Return / Dragon Dance / Roost / Heal Bell

Blaziken @ Expert Belt - Adamant - Speed Boost - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Low Kick / Flare Blitz / Knock Off / Protect

Swampert @ Assault Vest - Adamant - Torrent - EVs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 44 SpD / 84 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Earthquake / Waterfall / Ice Punch / Rock Slide

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers - Sassy - Iron Barbs - EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 140 SpD - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
Gyro Ball / Power Whip / Leech Seed / Protect

Discussed here.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite - Jolly - Scrappy - EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe - IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31/
Sucker Punch / Crunch / Double-Edge / Fake Out

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy - Brave - EVs: 252 HP /252 Atk /4 SpD - IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/x
Shadow Sneak / Iron Head / Sacred Sword / King's Shield

Yes, that's right. That's the Kang build I used. I started with multi just to grind BP, breeding a couple of my XY mons. I went in with this not expecting to go far, and I ended up getting to 50. Steven is just too damn good. The other partners were a huge letdown.

That said, I highly regret using this dumb team and wish I tried an ORAS mega like the others. I'm going to try this again from the start, but with Mega Lopunny instead of Kang. Wish me luck


My XY teams are boring or copypasted, I'll post them later.
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Hello, #battlemaison. I have a streak of 690 ongoing wins in Super Doubles in Pokémon XY, enough for the second place on the leaderboard. Battle video incoming hopefully no sooner than the 1000-win mark.

The streak is played in XY Maison because acquiring a Mega Stone in ORAS would've taken some time. The team is what could be the final version of Lucario/Greninja.

Gastrodon @ Assault Vest
Ability: Storm Drain
Nature: Modest
EVs: 180 HP, 92 Def, 220 SAtk, 12 SDef
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
-Sludge Bomb

Hi! Nice team you posted there, thanks for sharing.

I just want to point out a minor thing, that Gastrodon still has 4EV left unused. Not sure whether it's a mistype or not.
hiten, there are indeed 4 unused EVs on the set since the only stat you could put them in is Speed, which I wanted to keep at 59 to move in the same speed tier as Brave Aegislash when originally EV'ing it (which isn't that useful, to be frank). 4 Speed EVs would tie Pokémon with 60 Speed - if you were investing in Speed, it would be best to move 8 EVs from Defense for a spread of 180/0/84/220/12/12 to hit 61 Speed, outspeeding Regigigas, Hippowdon, Probopass and Forretress.

Moving before Regigigas can use Confuse Ray is good - but Gastrodon doesn't scratch Regigigas in the first place and Lucario/Greninja has Aura Sphere for it most of the time. The difference is pretty small, so I'm not sure if the change would be worth it.
Okay, so I finally got all the trophies in ORAS.


That being said, all of my winning streaks failed miserably and I wasn't able to beat any of my previous records (which weren't that impressive to begin with) even though I had more experience this time and thought I had improved my teams. I might try Triples again some day since I'm quite confident about the team, and maybe try something new with Singles too once I get my SubToxic Aegislash ready.

Anyways, I was at least able to come up with a good team against the Chatelaines in Multi Battles. I used Steven as my partner but I wanted to make a team of two that would be independent and wouldn't rely on the AI partner and I think I did a pretty good job.


Bronzong @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Trick Room
- Explosion

You lead with this guy. The only Pokemon that Nita or Morgan have that can hit this thing super effectively is Thundurus, and it's not an issue:

252 Atk Thundurus Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Bronzong: 104-124 (30.7 - 36.6%) -- 65.3% chance to 3HKO

You set up screens and Trick Room and go boom, possibly dealing some decent damage in the process. Next you send out the sweeper.


Slowbro @ Slowbronite
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Iron Defense
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off

The same M-Slowbro that I used in Rotations. Thanks to Bronzong, you now have an insanely fast M-Slowbro behind dual screens and you're immune to critical hits. Set up to become invincible and sweep with Shadow Ball, which deals at least neutral damage to all your opponents. There is a possibility that Tornadus or Latias ruins your day with Double Team or Calm Mind respectively, but this only becomes a problem if Steven is unable to do anything. In my match, Steven's M-Metagross weakened Cobalion and his Aerodactyl KO'd Cobalion and Tornadus and also weakened Latias, so I was pretty much just giving Steven dual screens support during the first half of the match and cleaned up in the end with M-Slowbro. Steven is a surprisingly good partner, no wonder he's the champion.

Yes, I know the Bronzong doesn't do anything with the 4 Attack IVs. It originally had Gyro Ball and Rock Slide instead of dual screens.
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I decided to try to incorporate Diggersby onto a doubles team because... idk, doubles are fun and Diggersby is fun. I've gotten the 50 win trophy but I don't know if this team will be able to go on for much longer. Not only because of the team itself, but I just don't know enough about the Maison pokemon and all their sets. Gardevoir hasn't been *super* good so I'll probably change that first.

1. Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
31/31/31/x/29/31 whoops I should probably breed a 31 Sp. Def IV one
4 HP - 252 ATK - 252 SPE
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance
- Protect

2. Diggersby @ Choice Scarf
Huge Power
4 HP - 252 ATK - 252 SPE
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Return
- U-Turn

3. Hydreigon @ Assault Vest
4 HP - 252 SP. ATK - 252 SPE
- Hyper Voice
- Heat Wave
- Dragon Pulse
- Dark Pulse

4. Gardevoir @ Leftovers
4 HP - 252 SP. ATK - 252 SPE
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Will-o-wisp

Diggersby is too awesome. Choice Scarf + max speed puts him above all unboosted Electric types which is nice since Gyarados doesn't really like those. I might change Protect on Gyarados as I've used it only a couple times in my first 70 battles, but for what? Ice Fang?

Hydreigon has been alright, Levitate plays well with EQ and Hyper Voice/Heat Wave are nice because I'm very indecisive. Intimidate + Assault Vest allows it to take a few hits and hit back hard with its Modest nature.

I mainly put Gardevoir in there to cover Diggersby's weaknesses along with Hydreigon. However, every time I send it out it feels like I'd be better off with something else. Problem is, I can't think of anything else to use. It helps me beat Fighting types I guess, but half the time it's up against some Dynamicpunching Machamp which is horrible no matter what I put up against it. I'm not sure how I feel about Trace, and I've used Calm Mind exactly 0 times in the first 70 battles including regular doubles.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to ask for help, which is really the only reason I wrote this up xD So any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
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Team Torkoal returns!! managed to get 68 straight wins this time, before sucumming to my demise.
A minor edit this time, and that is Altaria. After having some fun with Sharpedo for a while with destiny bond, and loosing nearly always at match 40 something, I thought i'd try Mega Altaria to abuse its dragon imunity while still being able to set up. Its been rough since it was traded from X version, which re-set the base power of return and I lost a game where altaria did like 1/8th of a Glaceon's hp after 6 Dragon dances... yeah something was wrong. So Grinded through the elite 4 once or twice and gave it a couple of haircuts, and it loves me with max affection now. No troubles since

Durant (male) *Flik
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
Held item: Choice Scarf
Iv's: 31/31/31/**/31/31
evs: hp/ def and speed. I copied the spread from the guy who used cloyster and garchomp, and was 1st before dropping to 2nd.
Iron Head

Torkoal (male) *Smokey Joe
Ability: White Smoke
Nature: Naive
Held Item: Focus Sash
Iv's: 31/31/31/31/22/31
Ev's: 252 sp atk. 4 atk. 252 speed
Shell smash

Altaria (female) *MoominDreams
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Adamant
Held item: Altarianite
Iv's 31/31/31/**/31/31
EV's: 4 hp. 252 atk. 252 speed
Dragon Dance

Before Altaria, I tried a Sharpedo with Destiny Bond as mentioned above and that was working fine, but found that having 2 Pokemon on the team, both very frail wasn't working out. I was going to try and use Crawdaunt again, seeing as how I kept getting fire type leads. Someone suggested I used a mega on my team, like Gyarados, and thought about it, but breeding Magikarp would take a while. I tried Sharpedo until I lost a consecutive win before changing it. I thought i'd give Altaria another shot, and it seems to do well. It takes fire attacks well, and can set up dragon dance on an opponent who didn't get Durant's Truant past too it. But Since it was bred on X I didn't get a hidden ability one with cloud nine. But natural cure HAS come into play against a few wilo-wisp pokemon, so that worked out well.

Durant still does his job. use Entrainment on turn 1. pass the Truant ability to opponent, then switch. simple.

But the team doesn't work without Torkoal. 100% of the time after Durant has used Truant (successfully) I switch to him, and begin the set up of protect, smash, protect. etc... simple stuff. Who ever thought it was a good idea to give this thing Shell smash, I don't know. But I can easily get a plus 6 Eruption going with this thing! I was using Super Power before, but I had to eventually run into Chandelure, with flash fire, so scrapped that move for Earthquake instead. Eruption is super powerful and Kos most water and fire types at max (plus 6) sp. atk. But I always have a damage calculator at hand just in case i'm not sure if eruption will ko or not. If after the first Pokemon I encounter a sturdy user or focus sash holder, I tend to loose eruptions power after taking the hit, which leaves me to set up altaria. But Torkoal's plus 6 Earthquake, can still clear some Pokemon that aren't levitating or flying types. and even at 1 hp, you can Eruption to brake the 3rd pokemon's sash or study.

The team has had some struggles though.

Scrafty with sub punch.
Breloom with sub punch which cost me this run
Mismagius with Perish song.... You can die in the fiery pits of hell for all I care. You and your perish blocking shenanigans >:(
and any lead Pokemon with Protect

Heres the video and how I lost the run. XMBW-WWWW-WWWP-MY2Z
Now I wasn't paying attention to the match at all. I didn't notice that the lead Gigalith in this battle had used stealth rocks on me, so didn't understand why Torkoal had taken damage. this came back to bit me, during the second pokemon golem, where it survived my earthquake and Koed me. I send in Durant thinking i can set up on it with Altaria, but nope, straight after entrainment it used explosion on me. I'm stuck with a turn of truant as Breloom comes out, and in that turn it uses substitude, at which point, I know the run is over. Not only that, buts its a toxic orb, poison heal one. Theres nothing I can do. I switch to Altaria to brake the sub, but die after 2 hits, and X scissor does hardly anything to it. GG to AI hax.
In hindsight, switching streight to altaria after the Torkoal death would of been the better play since it was on 1 hp, and I could of switched into whatever pokemon the next one was and set up again. Or just attacked right away with Altaria on Breloom.
OH Well
A Ghost type instead of Gardevoir, I'd say - Focus Sash Gengar, or the always impressive Aegislash - there's nothing more hilarious than switching a Ghost type into a High Jump Kick. Aegislash doesn't play well with EQ, but with King's Shield and its bulk it can handle a bit of friendly fire.

Also, and this is just my fear of hax springing out, ditch Diggersby's Rock Slide for Ice Punch - coverage for Dragon and Flying types, hits 4x on quite a few targets, and has 100% accuracy.

As far as a fourth move on Gyarados, what about an Earthquake too? Or Iron Head, maybe, to annhilate Fairy types?
Chesnaught came up for the first time in all my rolls, and while I didn't use it as a lead, it still got quite a bit of screen time and blood on its hands, and I'm slightly bummed that it took this long for me to be able to use it (well, "be able" as in conforming to my arbitrary and silly rules, but whatever.)

Bulletproof is so frigging handy in the Maison, particularly for Focus Blast immunity, which everyone and their fucking brother uses even when it's probably the least reliable option. It blocks a handful of other stuff, too, but having a non-ghost free switch for FB was great.

Spiky Shield's unique quirk, on the other hand, didn't come up much, but a little bit of side damage never hurt. I deleted Quick Guard for type coverage almost immediately after breeding it, but I've come to really like its movepool. This guy gets along really well with other TR flunkies, supports itself with Hammer Arm, and while it's not AS ripped as other fighting types, it was hitting like a truck with its STABs and still able to OHKO a number of bulky threats.

But that fucking BULLETPROOF. I LOVE that ability. Well, I also love the AI behaving like a puppy that runs headfirst into a wall no matter how many times you throw a ball at it, or pretend to throw a ball, for that matter.

I haven't settled on a team for a semi-long haul yet, nor has my present streak lost yet, but the past few teams have all been pretty synergetic and dominated with relative ease. Of the past 30 battles, only two had the potential to be close, because they were Veterans (both Alfie) and I had a little coin flipping to do. Luckily my setters weren't targeted either battle.

I haven't tried Battle Maison yet, but I am planning to use Sticky Web Galvantula and Gooey Goodra alongside a really bulky, but slow Physical Attacker. Any suggestions? I'm thinking Mega Mawile or Mega Medicham, but I am open to suggestions.
I used a Gooey Goodra/Mega Mawile combo in Multis for a while with X, and they worked pretty well together. I haven't tried them as a pair in this yet, though.
Okay, I have.. a question. Is the AI in ORAS smarter, or am I just somehow dumber?

I'm not a GOOD Battle Maison player, but I was trying to milk Super Singles for some basic items and tutorings (I gots a notion for a Mega Salamence DD team), and a team that got me up to 50+ in XY can't even crack TWENTY wins. A fairly standard Powerup Punch MegaKanga, Poison Heal specdef Gliscor, and Lefties Aegislash isn't the most original team, but it's reliable... except in ORAS, for me. Five tries in, and only one has gotten over ten wins, and half the battles were down-to-the-wire.

I mean, I don't EXPECT to breeze through, but in X/Y the Kangaskhan can at least set up and sweep for the first ten, maybe twenty battles easily. Yet in OR I'm constantly struggling. I'm... gonna take a break. I've been making bad plays. Breed some Salamences and HA Talonflames. Or play Borderlands 2.

Oh,, Salamence Super Singles. Need advice for the last slot. The team so far is:

Adamant 132 HP/252 ATK/124 Spe Salamencite
Dragon Dance

Crunch is the best option in Sally's limited movepool for physical coverage, but it does hit rock/steel/ghost neutrally or better - the ghost being the most important part, I think. The speed is so that after one DD I outspeed choice Garchomp, and even before transforming I outspeed a ton of minor and major threats.

Brave 196 HP/252 Atk/60 SpD Leftovers
King's Shield
Sacred Sword
Shadow Sneak

What for a final teammate, though? I'm actually thinking a good old fashioned CroCune with Chesto to absorb statuses (bonus: also resists ice thrown at Sally), but are there any other possibilities that I'm overlooking?
Okay, I have.. a question. Is the AI in ORAS smarter, or am I just somehow dumber?

I'm not a GOOD Battle Maison player, but I was trying to milk Super Singles for some basic items and tutorings (I gots a notion for a Mega Salamence DD team), and a team that got me up to 50+ in XY can't even crack TWENTY wins. A fairly standard Powerup Punch MegaKanga, Poison Heal specdef Gliscor, and Lefties Aegislash isn't the most original team, but it's reliable... except in ORAS, for me. Five tries in, and only one has gotten over ten wins, and half the battles were down-to-the-wire.

I mean, I don't EXPECT to breeze through, but in X/Y the Kangaskhan can at least set up and sweep for the first ten, maybe twenty battles easily. Yet in OR I'm constantly struggling. I'm... gonna take a break. I've been making bad plays. Breed some Salamences and HA Talonflames. Or play Borderlands 2.

Oh,, Salamence Super Singles. Need advice for the last slot. The team so far is:

Adamant 132 HP/252 ATK/124 Spe Salamencite
Dragon Dance

Crunch is the best option in Sally's limited movepool for physical coverage, but it does hit rock/steel/ghost neutrally or better - the ghost being the most important part, I think. The speed is so that after one DD I outspeed choice Garchomp, and even before transforming I outspeed a ton of minor and major threats.

Brave 196 HP/252 Atk/60 SpD Leftovers
King's Shield
Sacred Sword
Shadow Sneak

What for a final teammate, though? I'm actually thinking a good old fashioned CroCune with Chesto to absorb statuses (bonus: also resists ice thrown at Sally), but are there any other possibilities that I'm overlooking?

Why not Earthquake or even Dragon Claw instead of Crunch on Salamence? There isn't a single Ghost type in the Maison that resists Flying so Double Edge will always hit harder than Super Effective Return; Double Edge (120) x Aerilate Boost (1.3) x STAB (1.5) = 234BP. Crunch (80) x Super Effective hit (2) = 160

For Aegislash I would strongly suggest dropping Sub for Swords Dance, Aegi can set up to +6 on so many things it's stupid. User Artic came up with arguably the best Aegislash build which is Adamant with 196 HP / 252 Atk / 28 Def / 28 SpD / 4 Spd. The HP number is for leftovers recovery and the speed is for outspeeding uninvested base 60's like Umbreon / the Regis etc. before they confuse you or something
EDIT: turskain knows better

For the third slot you need something to deal with status so you're already thinking in the right direction with Suicune so go with that if you have access to one. You can check out Jumpman16's singles streak to learn how to best use Suicune

I'm a bit confused... your Dragonite has Outrage or Dragon Claw?

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I'm working on Super Multis with a friend (XY Maison), but we're looking for better coverage 'mons in the back.
Current team:


Houndoom-Mega @ Houndoomite #Timid **Doomy
Ability: Unnerve (non-Mega) / Solar Power (Mega)
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Stats (after ME): 151/99/110/192/110/183
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb

This is my lead. I choose it because I always liked Houndoom since Silver and nobody else here (1° post) gave it a try.
Faster than Charizard after ME (and every 110 base Speed 'mons), great coverage, he work really good with Charizard and got free Solar Power boost.
I don't always Mega-Evo on Turn1, specially when I think Unnerve can be helpful.


Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y #Timid
Ability: Blaze (non-Mega) / Drought (Mega)
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 SDef
Stats: 153/111/98/211/136/167
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
- Solar Beam
- Protect

Charizard-Y is my friend's lead. Nothing to say about it, just standard Chary-Y.
Flamethrower is better than Heat Wave for some reasons: has it on Houndoom, can miss, spread moves deal 75% damage, etc.
Air Slash can be a choice over Dragon Pulse, but I tried it on "normal" Doubles and agree with turskain:


Latias @ Assault Vest #Timid
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Stats: 156/90/110/162/150/178 -- (effective SDef holding Assault Vest: 225)
- Psyshock
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

My second pkmn is Latias. She can cover both Houndoom and Charizard thanks to her Ground-Immunity, Fight, Water and Electric resistances.
She's an excellent all-in-one pkmn having great Bulk, Speed, Power and capable to deal Physical damage thanks to Psyshock. I prefer LatiAs over LatiOs 'cause she has better bulk.
I'm thinking about changing Thunderbolt and/or Ice Beam. Maybe Shadows Ball can be useful?


Aegislash @ Leftovers #Adamant?
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

Last one is standard Aegislash, BUT we're still wondering who can fit better.
Need something to cover Charizard (especially against Rock moves) and a Physical attacker. We've tried Garchomp too, but two Dragons seems bad.
Latias can be changed, too.
You guys got some advice?

p.s. sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian XD

First thing that comes to mind is you have no way to deal with Heatran. You can swap out Sludge Bomb on Houndoom for Hidden Power Ground which OHKOs all except Heatran1 (Focus Sash) and Heatran3 (Shuca Berry). 3 of the sets carry Earth Power but it doesn't OHKO Houndoom so that should be ok. Heatran4 (Scarf) as a backup 'mon could be annoying as it can come in, outspeed and KO a weakened Houndoom (which it probably will be due to Solar Power) with Earth Power, leaving you nothing to deal with it.

Your front row is also very weak to Rock types (despite both having Solar Beam), and these usually carry Ground moves so Aegislash isn't the best backup in this situation. You may be able to play around them with King's Shield though but I wouldn't bank on it.
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Why not Earthquake or even Dragon Claw instead of Crunch on Salamence? There isn't a single Ghost type in the Maison that resists Flying so Double Edge will always hit harder than Super Effective Return; Double Edge (120) x Aerilate Boost (1.3) x STAB (1.5) = 234BP. Crunch (80) x Super Effective hit (2) = 160

For Aegislash I would strongly suggest dropping Sub for Swords Dance, Aegi can set up to +6 on so many things it's stupid. User Artic came up with arguably the best Aegislash build which is Adamant with 196 HP / 252 Atk / 28 Def / 28 SpD / 4 Spd. The HP number is for leftovers recovery and the speed is for outspeeding uninvested base 60's like Umbreon / the Regis etc. before they confuse you or something

For the third slot you need something to deal with status so you're already thinking in the right direction with Suicune so go with that if you have access to one. You can check out Jumpman16's singles streak to learn how to best use Suicune
I think 196/28/28 on Aegislash is a mistake. The reason is that you lose out on overall bulk thanks to Shield Form's 60/150/150 defenses, and maximized Leftovers efficiency does nothing of value most of the time; the potentially risky match-ups for Aegislash usually involve surviving 1-4 hits before KOing the enemy with boosts, or surviving STAB super-effective attacks and crits - and maximum immediate bulk with 252 HP will do more in those cases.

A quick calc suggests that 196/28/28 would need somewhere around 18-20 turns of Leftovers recovery for it to become more efficient. The method I used to estimate that is simulating Leftovers recovery by adding base HP to Aegislash in increments of 10 (one turn of Leftovers recovery) and comparing a calc with 252/0 and 196/28. For a faster, automated way to calculate this, you can also try something like a defense EV calculator and increase base HP in increments of 10 before it starts considering investing in Defense more valuable. This one starts suggesting 196/28/28 when you set base HP to 253, or 19.3 turns of Leftovers recovery; right around the spot where the manual calcs arrived.

Now, the 196/60SDef spread proposed by iamfanboy is much more sane than 196/28/28; the special bulk allows it to exceed 252/0 against Special attackers after just 3-4 turns of Leftovers recovery (note: exceed means mostly "not being worse"; the difference is still very marginal at that point). Howewer, you still lose out on immediate survivability and physical bulk; I don't think that spread is worth it, either, as the immediate bulk is usually worth more in a pinch.

In short, 196/28/28 sucks (as should be obvious when you look at Aegislash's 60/150/150 defenses even without calcing it), and I embarrassingly used a 196/60 spread myself on Dragonite/Aegislash/Greninja V1 before I knew better. Additionally, I'd strongly suggest 79 Speed on it over 81 Speed. 81 Speed does NOT outspeed Umbreon (85 Speed prior to it using Curse) or Regigigas (60 Speed during Slow Start), or any Confuse Ray user for that matter; I examined this in more detail in the write-up for Dragonite/Aegislash/Greninja V2.
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I'm currently taking on the ORAS Multi (w/ AI) and I think this team is too "fun" to work for long, I don't expect to get far, but hey I'm having fun.

Typhlosion (Modest, Blaze, Choice Scarf)
Eruption, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Extrasensory

Lopunny (Adamant, Limber, Lopunnite)
Fake Out, Return, Ice Punch, High Jump Miss

Teammate: Archie

1. This is sort of an exciting fast suicidal team. Everything is frail from what I have to what Archie has.
2. Trick Room almost destroyed us. Thankfully Excadrill was using Dig and Throh got faked out and used Circle Throw next turn.
3. Aside from my only means of "crowd control", Fake Out does hella damage.

EDIT: I'm 33 wins now.

"My Pokemon are extremely rare ones I've acquired from the black market." -Owner Galton
*sends out Roserade and Eelektross*
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Why not Earthquake or even Dragon Claw instead of Crunch on Salamence? There isn't a single Ghost type in the Maison that resists Flying so Double Edge will always hit harder than Super Effective Return; Double Edge (120) x Aerilate Boost (1.3) x STAB (1.5) = 234BP. Crunch (80) x Super Effective hit (2) = 160

For Aegislash I would strongly suggest dropping Sub for Swords Dance, Aegi can set up to +6 on so many things it's stupid. User Artic came up with arguably the best Aegislash build which is Adamant with 196 HP / 252 Atk / 28 Def / 28 SpD / 4 Spd. The HP number is for leftovers recovery and the speed is for outspeeding uninvested base 60's like Umbreon / the Regis etc. before they confuse you or something
EDIT: turskain knows better
I, uh, misread Aerialate; I didn't realize it turned the moves into FLYING; I thought it just gave STAB on Normal moves and left them Normal. So, yes, Earthquake is definitely better. HERPDERP.

Swords Dance is interesting for sure, and three setup pokemon certainly is a threat... +2 Shadow Sneak KOs most ghosts...My thought on the spread is I was using it on MegaKanga's team, and switching it into physical threats that nailed him - powerful fighting and normal moves, and with King's shield to nerf physical attacks I imagined a slightly higher Specdef helped cover his weaknesses... but 7 more HP is appealing, so I'll go with that. So much for all my careful work EV'ing him!

And i'm soft resetting for a decent Bold Suicune, right now I'm agonizing over a 31/x/18/30/31/31. Dammit, Defense is the most important stat, but... *soft reset* Bye.
Hello there.
I'm quite new to this, so I wanted to hear you guys' opinions on my team for super doubles.


Kangaskhan @Kangaskhanite
Abillity: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly
6x 31IV
EV: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe

- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch


Landorus-T Choice Band
Abillity: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
6x 31IV
EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Spd

- Explosion
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge


Rotom-W Focus Band
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Modest
6x 31 IV
EV: I can't remember excatly..

- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Protect


Blissey Leftovers
Abillity: Natural Cure
Nature: Bold
6x 31IV
EV: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp Def

- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Toxic
- Protect
I got through Super Doubles with Salamence-Mega, Landorus-T, Tyranitar and Scizor. Hyper Voice + Earthquake wrecks so many things. Now that I'm at battle 70 I'm replacing everything but Mence for better type synergy, having too many close calls against Blizzard users. I still can't decide on my last poke, might take some actual playing to do that. If anyone is interested, here's what I'm about to take on a serious streak, after some EV training:

Salamence @ Salamencite
4 Def 252 SpA 252 Spe
Hyper Voice
Draco Meteor

Excadrill @ Choice Scarf
Mold Breaker
52 HP 252 Atk 204 Spe
Iron Head
Rock Slide
Drill Run

Aegislash @ Air Balloon/Leftovers
Stance Change
252 HP 4 Atk 252 SpA
Shadow Ball
Flash Cannon
Shadow Sneak
King's Shield

Last slot is either going to be Gyarados or Azumarill. I'm not 100% sure about a set and I can't decide what's more important to me, a natural ground immunity or a resistance to Dark. I think I'll probably have to play with them to find out. Most battles were 4-8 turns of using spread moves, even when I had two 4x Ice weaknesses in front, so even the original version was reasonably good.
Hello there.
I'm quite new to this, so I wanted to hear you guys' opinions on my team for super doubles.


Kangaskhan @Kangaskhanite
Abillity: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly
6x 31IV
EV: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe

- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch


Landorus-T Choice Band
Abillity: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
6x 31IV
EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Spd

- Explosion
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge


Rotom-W Focus Band
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Modest
6x 31 IV
EV: I can't remember excatly..

- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Protect


Blissey Leftovers
Abillity: Natural Cure
Nature: Bold
6x 31IV
EV: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp Def

- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Toxic
- Protect

Welp, that sucked. At my 38th battle, the opponent starts with Medicham and Breloom vs my Rotom-W and Landorus-T. I want to U-turn my Landorus away, but the medicham is faster and use Ice Punch. Insta-kill. I had Rotom to use Hydro Pump in-case the U-turn didn't kill medicham, but once again the Breloom is fastest and use Seed Bomb. At that time, I knew I had lost, which I also did.

I guess I have to find a new team. I've fallen in love with Barbaracle's design. Can someone recommend a good setup with him?
I’ve been playing Omega Ruby since Christmas, but before then, I played a LOT of XY Maison. To celebrate the arrival of 2015, I’m posting my ongoing streak of 2015 wins in XY Super Singles. The team is unchanged. Here are the proof videos:

#2000: JA6W-WWWW-WWWZ-Q76J: Magmortar 1 is a new and interesting lead (funny how I got another new lead, Dugtrio 1, when I first hit 1000). That said, it gets absolutely stomped, allowing Drapion to easily destroy Ace Trainer Jai.

#2015: 89MW-WWWW-WWWZ-Q78E: Nothing special. Lead Nidoqueen allows me to keep my whole team alive.
While the team itself is unchanged, the strategy has developed a bit as a result of the following battle, which was probably my closest one in this entire streak:

It was battle #1757 against a Tourist with Breloom 4, Blaziken 4, and Ludicolo 4 (Team Hoenn!). Here’s the video: UHYW-WWWW-WWWZ-QCFP

Lead Poison Heal Breloom 4 has always caused problems for my team. My general strategy was to Taunt, use Entrainment on it (sacrificing Durant), then set up Drapion as much as I can until Breloom faints (which is just two Acupressures; Breloom always seems to Sub up on its first free turn, taking away a bunch of its health). This way I have Whimsicott at full health, allowing me to Memento whatever comes in (and Encore EQ a little bit to stall out its PP, if the second Pokemon has EQ). That gives me decent odds of setting up Drapion, particularly because the AI generally selects moves randomly (excluding immunities) after it runs out of PP for its strongest move. Unfortunately, Blaziken 4 was second, who uses the far more dangerous Flare Blitz instead. Fortunately, the two boosts I got were Attack and Evasion. After stupidly trying to set up another boost while it broke my Sub, I got lucky when it missed again and stalled out its Flare Blitz PP. It can’t break the Sub with Flame Charge or Thunder Punch, which allowed me to set up until I was able to get some Attack and Speed, KO Blaziken, and make short work of the back-up Ludicolo 4. Note that I waited to attack until I got two attack boosts; I know that +2 Knock Off will take out 50% of Blaziken’s health (because +6 has always OHKO’d), but it’s a little above 50% and I don’t want to trigger its Blaze ability. Once I’m at +4, I know I’ll KO.

For the first few days, I just figured I got lucky, but that PH Breloom 4 was a lead that would always cause problems. I mean, it has everything my team hates: Substitute, Protect, a self-KO item (but only after Entrainment), and a move with over 15 PP that breaks Drapion’s Sub, even at -2 Atk. After a couple of days of ORAS, though, I got to thinking again. The reason I didn’t just stall out Focus Punch was because it has 20 PP, and Drapion can only stall out 15 PP of an attack the AI spams. But Breloom 4 doesn’t spam Focus Punch; it throws in Protects and Leech Seeds (and a Sub on its first available turn) as well. I figured I might just be able to get away with it stalling it out. Here’s what I came up with:

Turn 1: Taunt (it almost always chooses Sub)

Turn 2: Go to Durant, take the Focus Punch (Durant always survives). At this point, I know if it’s PH or not based on if it takes damage at the end of the turn.

If Poison Heal, then Turn 3: Go back to Whimsicott, take the Focus Punch

Turn 4: Taunt again (it generally tries to use Sub or Protect again; if it Protects, just Taunt again next turn)

Turn 5: Memento, send out Drapion

Turn 6: Use Protect to block Focus Punch

At this point, Breloom has used 4 Focus Punches and Drapion is at full health. Breloom now has pretty much no margin for error. I haven’t calculated it precisely, but if it uses anything besides Focus Punch on a turn when I don’t use Protect, I’m almost positive it can’t take out Drapion before its Focus Punch PP runs out, even if I don’t get any helpful boosts. Breloom loves to use its other moves (it will frequently throw out Leech Seeds on the turn I set up a Sub). What’s more, thanks to Memento, if Drapion gets a single Defense boost (since I’ll use Acupressure if I have a Sub up and used Protect last turn), Breloom can no longer break its Sub. Evasion also buys me free turns (and wastes Focus Punch PP). So basically, Poison Heal Breloom 4 is no longer a threat. It could theoretically cause problems, but in mock battles, the AI just never selects moves in a way that’s threatening. Even if it does so for ten turns or so, if it starts “messing up” even ONCE, I win. It’s a long and boring battle, but in terms of actual risk, it’s LESS of a threat than non-PH Breloom; Effect Spore Breloom can paralyze or sleep Durant when it uses Aerial Ace.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m devoting a lot more time and energy to Omega Ruby at this point, and I’m only planning to continue my XY Singles streak on commutes and other times when I can't focus on the game all that well. I’m glad I managed to reach this benchmark before that, though, thanks to my aforementioned obsession with symmetry.

Happy New Year, all!
Welp, that sucked. At my 38th battle, the opponent starts with Medicham and Breloom vs my Rotom-W and Landorus-T. I want to U-turn my Landorus away, but the medicham is faster and use Ice Punch. Insta-kill. I had Rotom to use Hydro Pump in-case the U-turn didn't kill medicham, but once again the Breloom is fastest and use Seed Bomb. At that time, I knew I had lost, which I also did.

I guess I have to find a new team. I've fallen in love with Barbaracle's design. Can someone recommend a good setup with him?

The only member of your team that looks any good is the Kangaskhan, you can do A LOT to improve the rest. Firstly, you have a Choice Band Landorus that can't even use its STAB option because you only have one ground immunity in Rotom. Explosion is also a waste of a moveslot, I would probably put Knock Off over it instead, although it probably wouldn't work so well with the Choice Band.

Apart from telling you to find out the EVs on your Rotom I need to ask (and I don't mean to sound rude) is Focus Band on Rotom a typo? Focus Sash is infinitely superior but you shouldn't even be using it anyway. Maybe you could pair it with Landorus in the front row and give it Discharge to form the popular Dis-Quake combo, I would probably give it a Choice Scarf and run Discharge / Volt Switch / Hydro Pump / Trick, but be warned as relying on the accuracy of Hydro Pump is a bad idea in the Maison

It's also probably not worth running Blissey at all, but if you must keep it then why not give it Helping Hand / Seismic Toss? Toxic Stalling isn't the most viable strategy in doubles

I think your team building just needs some work in general. I would recommend checking out a few of the top doubles streaks on the first page to see what works and see the thought process of the people who built the teams. You basically want to find something to base you team around and add Pokemon that can support it / help it succeed. I would also recommend looking at the speed tiers list so you know what you outspeed and what outspeeds you so you aren't surprised like in your loss (maybe even have the Maison Pokemon sets list opened at the same time, both can be found in the OP)
I'm so mad I lost the 50th battle in Multi.
What makes me angrier is I misplayed the boss battle. (Don't use Ice Punch on Tornadus, basically.)
(Forgot to save video.)

So I built a makeshift triples team with my Multi Battle hopefuls, don't have my 3DS right now so I will just name things I remember:

Zapdos @ Sitrus - Lightscreen, Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, Roost
Typhlosion @ Scarf - Eruption, Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Focus Blast
Lopunny @ Lopunnite - Fake Out, Return, Ice Punch, High Jump Kick

Tokegiss @ Leftovers - Follow Me, Air Slash, Protect, Dazzling Gleam
Garchomp @ Lum - Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Iron Head, Protect
Gengar @ Sludge - Protect, Will-O, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball

EDIT: Sorry, completed the moves list!
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The only member of your team that looks any good is the Kangaskhan, you can do A LOT to improve the rest. Firstly, you have a Choice Band Landorus that can't even use its STAB option because you only have one ground immunity in Rotom. Explosion is also a waste of a moveslot, I would probably put Knock Off over it instead, although it probably wouldn't work so well with the Choice Band.

Apart from telling you to find out the EVs on your Rotom I need to ask (and I don't mean to sound rude) is Focus Band on Rotom a typo? Focus Sash is infinitely superior but you shouldn't even be using it anyway. Maybe you could pair it with Landorus in the front row and give it Discharge to form the popular Dis-Quake combo, I would probably give it a Choice Scarf and run Discharge / Volt Switch / Hydro Pump / Trick, but be warned as relying on the accuracy of Hydro Pump is a bad idea in the Maison

It's also probably not worth running Blissey at all, but if you must keep it then why not give it Helping Hand / Seismic Toss? Toxic Stalling isn't the most viable strategy in doubles

I think your team building just needs some work in general. I would recommend checking out a few of the top doubles streaks on the first page to see what works and see the thought process of the people who built the teams. You basically want to find something to base you team around and add Pokemon that can support it / help it succeed. I would also recommend looking at the speed tiers list so you know what you outspeed and what outspeeds you so you aren't surprised like in your loss (maybe even have the Maison Pokemon sets list opened at the same time, both can be found in the OP)

Thanks mate!

I ended up changing my team into:

Kangaskhan @Kangaskhanite
Abillity: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly
6x 31IV
EV: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe

- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch

Eelektross @Assault Vest
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Modest
6x 31IV
EV: ~252 HP, 252 SpA, 4 Spd

- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Giga Drain
- Volt Switch

Barbaracle Life Orb
Abillity: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
6x 31IV
EV: 252 Atk, 4 HP, 252 Spd

- Shell Smash
- Stone Edge
- Razor Shell
- Dual Chop

Heatran Air Balloon
Abillity: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
6x 31IV
EV: 252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Spd

- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Protect

Is this any better?
Thanks mate!

I ended up changing my team into:

Kangaskhan @Kangaskhanite
Abillity: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly
6x 31IV
EV: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe

- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch

Eelektross @Assault Vest
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Modest
6x 31IV
EV: ~252 HP, 252 SpA, 4 Spd

- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Giga Drain
- Volt Switch

Barbaracle Life Orb
Abillity: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
6x 31IV
EV: 252 Atk, 4 HP, 252 Spd

- Shell Smash
- Stone Edge
- Razor Shell
- Dual Chop

Heatran Air Balloon
Abillity: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
6x 31IV
EV: 252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Spd

- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Protect

Is this any better?

It just looks like you've chosen things at random, none of the Pokemon compliment each other in any way. Let's start with Kangaskhan, it's biggest problem is it can't deal with Ghosts so well (Sucker Punch is too unreliable) and Fighting types threaten it with their strong STAB attacks. Volcarona is a good partner as it can use Rage Powder to redirect fighting type moves away from Kangaskhan, and Kanga can use Fake Out to stop rock types from getting a Stone Edge / Rock Slide in against Volc, and also allow it a chance to Quiver Dance which would then give it a hugely powerful Heat Wave to spam. Talonflame is also a good partner for Kanga as Brave Bird is easily spammable and deals with those fighting types, it also has Flare Blitz to deal with steel types. You should also consider Chandelure as a partner for Kanga, it has fire STAB for steels, ghost STAB for ghosts and nice coverage options like Energy Ball for rocks. All these combinations have one thing in common; they are weak to Terrakion. Kang+Talonflame can deal with lead Terra through Fake Out + Brave Bird but Terrakion as a backup could be dangerous, lucky you have two backups left! Intimidate Hitmontop could be handy with great support options like Wide / Quick Guard, Helping Hand and an additional Fake Out, although I've found it doesn't have much offensive presence. Landorus-T would work as a good Intimidate user that could actually do some good damage (and you already have one!), you could revisit you're old set but I would probably run a Scarf instead of Choice Band and get rid of Explosion (unless you run a Ghost / have Protect on your partner).

Not sure I know what else to suggest, you just need to think about how your teammates interact with each other.. As for the stuff you have listed; you'll probably find that Eelektross to be too slow and not do a whole lot of damage. Setting up Shell Smash with Barbaracle won't work without a Focus Sash / sufficient support, and even if you pulled it off then it won't last long, it only has single-target non-accurate moves to 'sweep' with, Dual Chop is also a weird option, it's not recommended to use dragon type moves unless you get STAB on them (Dragon Pulse on Charizard-Y is the exception). Heatran's build actually looks pretty good, but it doesn't really compliment the current team so well..

Like I said in my last post, have a look through the top doubles streaks (maybe even look in the doubles sub-forum to see what works there) and use them for ideas / inspiration. Also, the more you play you'll start to learn what threatens you and you'll be able to decide what you should add to your team to deal with those threats

Hope I've helped!
Hello! I've been following this thread for quite some time, and have been playing around with a super doubles team that I'd appreciate feedback on:

Lv. 1 Cottonee @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
IVs/EVs/Nature: Not important
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Encore
- Memento

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
- Mat Block
- Dark Pulse
- Surf
- Ice Beam

I'm a huge fan of Lv.1 cheese strategy, and I wanted to use something other than the ubiquitous Aron. I've had tons of fun Encoring Fake Out users and the like, and Memento finds lots of uses as well. I sometimes think that Helping Hand would be useful, but I'm not sure what to remove. Greninja is stupidly fast and strong. Dark Pulse hits the ghosts that Cottonee can't. I had trouble deciding what the last two moves should be, but I landed on Ice Beam to clear Dragons for Salamence and Grass types for Milotic and Surf to hit multiple opponents. I sometimes find myself longing for Scald to avoid freeze hax, but Surf has been pretty helpful. Many battles begin Mat Block + Endeavor and then Protect + Surf for two KOs.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
- Protect
- Dragon Dance
- Return
- Earthquake

Pretty standard 'Mence. Return is really scary powerful, but I wonder if I should run Jolly and/or Double Edge instead.

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
- Scald
- Icy Wind
- Toxic
- Rest

Milotic was the tacked-on last member of the team, chosen for Ice resist and strong Special Defense. She's pretty much Suicune with Higher Special Defense and better Defense when Resting. The EVs are pretty arbitrary, and any guidance would be appreciated. Milotic usually comes in with Salamence and enjoys an Intimidate drop, so I felt like I could afford to invest in Special Defense. I can see where Pressure would be helpful, and would much rather use one once I catch a 'Cune with good IVs. In the interim, I've got Milotic, who's done quite well in most circumstances. However, one-on-one she is quite sub-par, and I would appreciate any suggestions for a replacement, Suicune or otherwise. Edit: No Calm Mind, either :(

I'm having a lot of fun with Cottonee/Greninja, but I'd love to hear ideas to improve the bench. This team has taken on the Chatelaine, but always falls shortly after. I'd love to take Cottonee to 100 wins!

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