Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I think the idea that the AI tries to counterteam you gives the whole thing a more... epic feel, like you're struggling against a monolithic, intelligent opponent who's probing at your team for weaknesses with its minions and trying to crack you open. Much more appealing than imagining it's all random and you're only struggling futilely against the purposeless universe until you, and everyone you know, dies, leaving nothing behind but a stupid plastic trophy in the front hall.

However, comparing the silliness of the in-battle AI to any algorithms it might run while selecting teams probably isn't a good idea. While it probably rolls the actual opponents semi-randomly (why send a Gardener out against a Typhlosion Eruption team?), a basic system looking for type advantage among the NPC's pokes against your pokes wouldn't be too hard to program, then probably by stats...

But who knows. I've only seen a few hundred Maison battles myself, which is hardly a valid statistical sample.

One thing about the whole ejection of cards: I've straight up dropped my 2DS system onto a tile floor hard enough to pop out its rear panel (accidentally), and the game still didn't eject. I mean, the only reason I got a 2DS is because the 3D does nothing but hurt my eyes, but so far I've had nothing but a good time with mine.
I think the confirmation bias for a lot of people stems largely from the high number of specialty trainers in the Maison, particularly between 41-50, where the streaks of poor players typically end- your Chefs, Psychics/Hex, and especially your Black Belts/Scientists/Skaters with their significantly narrower pools of Pokemon.

The kinds of people that think the AI cheats are also (usually, from what I can tell) the kinds of people that don't look up sets and don't run damage calcs, which makes run-ins with the Set4 trainers between 41-50 even worse. A guy that uses a Noivern because it's one of his favorites and is baffled that his Flamethrower did laughable damage to AV Magnezone4, for instance.

When these players crack 40, it's not unreasonable to assume that they'll fight at least two if not three of any specialty trainer types. Should a team have problems with powerful Rock types, then face a Scientist followed by a Black Belt who can both run all fossils and JUST SO HAPPEN to lead a Banded Armaldo4 then a Tyrantrum4, they're going to think something's amiss. A Psychic followed by a Hex Maniac and a lead that has some issues with setters or ghosts or whatever? Something has to be amiss.

But you only need to read some of their warstories to realise that these people are basically guaranteed to be full of shit, and project the fact that they don't run calcs, or even know what some of these base stats are. A while back I read an amusing rant on reddit where some guy sacked his lead Garchomp against a Veteran's lead Articuno, then was absolutely floored when his CB Gale Wings Talonflame couldn't KO a Suicune and was Surfed for the loss. I didn't read a lot of the actual bitching on his part, but he did specifically use the words "cheating" and "cheap." I think a lot of these people understand EV training and basic effective stat spreads but not much else; certainly not enough to know what they're doing.

Every time someone has told me they fought rigged teams, with something ridiculous like eight consecutive Fire-typed leads to their own Scizor, or Quick Claw Sheer Cold Walrein (lol) I ask for replays and tell them to begin a new streak and save all the battles so I can be put in my place, and not once has anyone done so. I wonder why.

It's one of the reasons this is the only place I come to for anything Maison-related, because anywhere else has naysayers and most of all flagrant bullshitters. These pages would be loaded with mostly rants, bad warstories, and tales of the horrifying and legendary Quick Claw Walrein (you CANNOT have a cheat topic without at least three people talking about that fantasy Walrein.)
Okay, let me clarify: the Battle Maison is NOT rigged. Whether or not the computer starts with a counter is random, but they do like to pack unusual move sets and items on plenty of different pokemon. That's just the name of the game. They don't "always" bring counters to your strategy like I said earlier, that was just plain ignorant. Do they occasionally bring stuff that one ups your team a little too much? Sure, but that's what makes it fun. I don't know about other people, but I sometimes play best with my back against the wall.

Incidentally, Baton Pass Scolipede isn't particularly great either. I've gotten a few nice win streaks using him, but I typically do better just bringing a well balanced team (Mega Slowbro in particular likes the Maison).
Here's my input on the Maison (not) cheating.

I've noticed no unexpected skew in trainer distribution - special trainers seem to show up on occasion, with those that are one of a kind being pretty rare. Total duds and bad sets that get rolled over in an unremarkable fashion seem quite common - if it is trying to pick good match-ups, it's not doing a very effective job at it with what you see from it.

Counterteaming isn't the only accusation of cheating thrown at the Maison. The battle RNG favoring the AI and rolling crits every other move and activating BrightPowder every time is common - along with outright impossible occurrences like Pokémon holding both Quick Claw and Bright Powder at the same time. Which is often combined with the story of the mystery Quick Claw Sheer Cold Walrein (possibly based on Quick Claw Horn Drill Rhydon4 from GenIV Frontier and other famous sets that haven't existed for two generations now) with Bright Powder from the real Walrein4 added on top of it for good measure. This could be caused by Glaceon1 having Snow Cloak with Quick Claw, Donphan4 having Sand Veil with Quick Claw, or the player using inaccurate moves and missing "too much" against a Quick Claw user.

Then there are claims that the AI reads your moves and plays specifically to counter them, consistently winning supposed "50-50s" - this is most commonly directed at Rotations with its high amount of randomness, but also seen in every other mode. The success of Klefki spamming Substitute while having ineffective attacks thrown at it proves it false in Rotations, and the amount of attacking into Protect that the AI does in Doubles/Triples seems like damning evidence against it - along with switching out of unfavorable match-ups generally being a favorable play.

A relatively common example (directly based on real, easily provable events unlike most of these, yay!) is Yawn, which the AI often uses right when you switch, supposedly proving that the AI knew you were going to switch. Staying in on the AI using Yawn proves this wrong pretty conclusively - the AI appears to not recognize Yawn state at all, and uses Yawn against Pokémon already afflicted by it on a regular basis.

Like ReptoAbysmal noted, most of the cheating claims seem to show a complete lack of evidence (despite the battle video upload function being right there), unawareness of Maison set data, usage of inaccurate moves, using favorites/avoiding strong Pokémon and being pissy at the AI's Veterans and Battle Chatelaines carrying legendaries against them, and generally low standards of play.

Howewer, I'm all for research and testing Wonder Guard Raikou definitely sounds like a neat experiment.
Guys, I'm having some great success in Triples with a new team, I'm at 160 and going. I'll post full details at 250 or when my streak ends, but the team consists of Tailwind Tornadus/M-Blastoise/Rain Dance Thundurus. Blastoise megas first turn while using Protect, while the other two set up with priority. Then Water Spout destroys most things; luckily, the others still prove useful with Thunder and Hurricane (Hurricane even hits across the field). The other three can easily be tweaked to fit a team.
Guys, I'm having some great success in Triples with a new team, I'm at 160 and going. I'll post full details at 250 or when my streak ends, but the team consists of Tailwind Tornadus/M-Blastoise/Rain Dance Thundurus. Blastoise megas first turn while using Protect, while the other two set up with priority. Then Water Spout destroys most things; luckily, the others still prove useful with Thunder and Hurricane (Hurricane even hits across the field). The other three can easily be tweaked to fit a team.

Just as a note, M-Blastoise attacking twice with Mat Block support does quite a bit more damage than M-Blastoise attacking once in the rain. Could it be possible to jam Rain Dance onto Tornadus' moveset and run Mat Block Greninja?
I can understand someone deducing that Walrein has a Quick Claw if they weren't watching closely enough to see that their own attack missed first before Walrein hit them with a Sheer Cold or whatever, but from a global perspective, hax is less prevalent than ever before. I mean, look at this Subway trainer:

A lot of his Pokemon have persisted as some of the more annoying set 4 stuff you can face in the Maison like Walrein, Pinsir, Whiscash, and Donphan, but he only has 12 Pokemon you can possibly face, and 11 of them have OHKO moves (the one exception being the Maison's CounterSash Gliscor 4)! Your odds of running into multiple OHKO or hax item users are severely diminished this generation.

Even more important than that are critical hits being nerfed. If there was still a 2x multiplier, stuff like Garchomp, Infernape, and Froslass would be much more universally reviled as streak enders, but now something decently bulky (like in the base 80-90 range) with no investment can survive their neutral critical hits. Something as seemingly hax-proof as a Durant lead would go down to Protect follwed by a crit from even more random stuff like Breloom, Nidoking, Floatzel, and Zoroark (or even just a QC Earthquake rather than a QC Fissure from Donphan).
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Just as a note, M-Blastoise attacking twice with Mat Block support does quite a bit more damage than M-Blastoise attacking once in the rain. Could it be possible to jam Rain Dance onto Tornadus' moveset and run Mat Block Greninja?

I prefer it my way because if I can get Rain Dance AND Tailwind set up Turn 1 while Blastoise Protects, then it'll be faster AND have full health for sure. Your way is fairly reliable but things can still be faster than Greninja + status screws me over, as well as Fake Out and whatnot. Greninja is instead on my backup line.
Like ReptoAbysmal noted, most of the cheating claims seem to show a complete lack of evidence (despite the battle video upload function being right there), unawareness of Maison set data, usage of inaccurate moves, using favorites/avoiding strong Pokémon and being pissy at the AI's Veterans and Battle Chatelaines carrying legendaries against them, and generally low standards of play.
You think that's bad, try dealing with it in person. I was at an MtG tournament two weeks ago, where there were about 10 people who played Pokemon, when I brought up the Battle Maison, and all of these complaints about the hax just erupted. When I said that, "you know, the Maison's movesets have been completely taken from the code, and there are even people with 1,000 + winstreaks out there? Hell, I've got nearly 100 and only failed because I screwed up. The game doesn't cheat." Oh, the disbelief....

Okay, onto doubles. I'm using Charizard-Y to bring the sun, but I'm thinking a mixed Typhlosion like so:


Rash @ Choice Scarf
Atk 4/SpA252/Spe252
Earthquake/Eruption/Solar Beam/Swift

would be better against Pokemon that are potentially Flashfire than purely special sets. I was thinking about 176 Spe (to outspeed up to the Accelgors) which would give 76 Atk/4Hp, but then you don't outspeed Pinsir4, and that guy is potentially a problem... I've never SEEN him, but 17 trainers have him. It's hard to tell if that's a lot. Solarbeam at high speed brutalizes a lot of other troublesome pokemon who laugh at Eruption,

For backup, I was actually thinking a Gastrodon and a Chlorophyll Adamant Leafeon - even uninvested the Leafeon laughs at EQs and Rock Slides, and with sun up from Charizard I can afford to not invest in his speed for HP...
I want a quick team to get the Doubles Trophy. Was thinking of using the Disquake combo and two other strong Pokes. Zapdos/ScarfChomp/CBTalonflame/Mega-Kang sounds good but I don't have a Timid Zapdos let alone one with HP Ice. Could I replace Zapdos with Rotom-W?
You think that's bad, try dealing with it in person. I was at an MtG tournament two weeks ago, where there were about 10 people who played Pokemon, when I brought up the Battle Maison, and all of these complaints about the hax just erupted. When I said that, "you know, the Maison's movesets have been completely taken from the code, and there are even people with 1,000 + winstreaks out there? Hell, I've got nearly 100 and only failed because I screwed up. The game doesn't cheat." Oh, the disbelief....

Okay, onto doubles. I'm using Charizard-Y to bring the sun, but I'm thinking a mixed Typhlosion like so:


Rash @ Choice Scarf
Atk 4/SpA252/Spe252
Earthquake/Eruption/Solar Beam/Swift

would be better against Pokemon that are potentially Flashfire than purely special sets. I was thinking about 176 Spe (to outspeed up to the Accelgors) which would give 76 Atk/4Hp, but then you don't outspeed Pinsir4, and that guy is potentially a problem... I've never SEEN him, but 17 trainers have him. It's hard to tell if that's a lot. Solarbeam at high speed brutalizes a lot of other troublesome pokemon who laugh at Eruption,

For backup, I was actually thinking a Gastrodon and a Chlorophyll Adamant Leafeon - even uninvested the Leafeon laughs at EQs and Rock Slides, and with sun up from Charizard I can afford to not invest in his speed for HP...
This Typhlosion's spread EQ against Heatran (i.e. a 4x weakness; this isn't even considering stuff like Arcanine and 252 HP Bold nature Chandelure 4):

4 Atk Typhlosion Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 92-112 (46.4 - 56.5%) -- 75.4% chance to 2HKO

...yeah, I'd probably leave the Rash Typhlosion at home. Base 84 Attack isn't doing you any favors.
You think that's bad, try dealing with it in person. I was at an MtG tournament two weeks ago, where there were about 10 people who played Pokemon, when I brought up the Battle Maison, and all of these complaints about the hax just erupted. When I said that, "you know, the Maison's movesets have been completely taken from the code, and there are even people with 1,000 + winstreaks out there? Hell, I've got nearly 100 and only failed because I screwed up. The game doesn't cheat." Oh, the disbelief....

Okay, onto doubles. I'm using Charizard-Y to bring the sun, but I'm thinking a mixed Typhlosion like so:


Rash @ Choice Scarf
Atk 4/SpA252/Spe252
Earthquake/Eruption/Solar Beam/Swift

would be better against Pokemon that are potentially Flashfire than purely special sets. I was thinking about 176 Spe (to outspeed up to the Accelgors) which would give 76 Atk/4Hp, but then you don't outspeed Pinsir4, and that guy is potentially a problem... I've never SEEN him, but 17 trainers have him. It's hard to tell if that's a lot. Solarbeam at high speed brutalizes a lot of other troublesome pokemon who laugh at Eruption,

For backup, I was actually thinking a Gastrodon and a Chlorophyll Adamant Leafeon - even uninvested the Leafeon laughs at EQs and Rock Slides, and with sun up from Charizard I can afford to not invest in his speed for HP...
Entei could go mixed with EQ given its base 115 Attack if its allies are immune:

0 Atk Entei Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 124-148 (62.6 - 74.7%)
248+ SpA Entei Hidden Power Ground vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Heatran: 112-136 (56.5 - 68.6%)

I'm not very sold on the unsupported Scarf Eruption + ZardY play, though. I think ZardY benefits from the support of Mat Block Greninja or possibly a Fake Out user (such as Iron Fist Fire Punch Infernape @ Focus Sash) more than it does from a Scarfed Sun-boosted attacker.

Edit: thanks to Berry Juice for pointing out that Entei doesn't learn Earthquake while its lightweight fellow Volcano Pokémon, Typhlosion, does.

mirage_drag0n, Rotom-W is somewhat slow (base 86 Speed) and weak (base 105 Special attack) compared to Zapdos or Thundurus, which could be an issue. Maybe consider swapping the items so Rotom-W could attack while Chomp Protects on Ice Beam?

It should be good enough to get the trophy, though.
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I need a bit of advice on teammates. I'd go on IRC, but I'm on mobile right now. Are there any Pokemon that can switch in on Pokemon that threaten mega scizor besides azumarill? I've been using azu for a while, but my team is currently a bit too physical for my liking. I can get the build of my team if you need it, but it might take a bit.
I need a bit of advice on teammates. I'd go on IRC, but I'm on mobile right now. Are there any Pokemon that can switch in on Pokemon that threaten mega scizor besides azumarill? I've been using azu for a while, but my team is currently a bit too physical for my liking. I can get the build of my team if you need it, but it might take a bit.
Suicune's a good choice, but you'd need something for Electric-types. You could pair the two of them with Garchomp or Gliscor. Whichever you choose, watch out for Life Orb Tornadus; it can OHKO (252 HP/0 SpDef) Mega Scizor with a crit Hurricane, or it can confuse.
Suicune's a good choice, but you'd need something for Electric-types. You could pair the two of them with Garchomp or Gliscor. Whichever you choose, watch out for Life Orb Tornadus; it can OHKO (252 HP/0 SpDef) Mega Scizor with a crit Hurricane, or it can confuse.
I do have a garchomp on my team now (I may or may not have ripped aircraft cemetery's team from this thread and slapped my own azumarill on it,) so I've got that going already. What kind of suicune build do you think is best?
I do have a garchomp on my team now (I may or may not have ripped aircraft cemetery's team from this thread and slapped my own azumarill on it,) so I've got that going already. What kind of suicune build do you think is best?
Jumpman ran 196HP/252Def/60Spe Bold with Scald, Icy Wind, Calm Mind, and Rest with Leftovers; if you deviate from that, it should be pretty minor. You could replace Icy Wind with Sub and you could transfer some of the Speed EVs back to HP (I'm guessing the Speed EVs were to let it outspeed certain things after an Icy Wind, which is less necessary if you're not using Icy Wind). You could run Chesto Berry over Leftovers if you want. They all run pretty similarly, and the nuances between them are really only important if you're trying for a HUGE streak.
Jumpman ran 196HP/252Def/60Spe Bold with Scald, Icy Wind, Calm Mind, and Rest with Leftovers; if you deviate from that, it should be pretty minor. You could replace Icy Wind with Sub and you could transfer some of the Speed EVs back to HP (I'm guessing the Speed EVs were to let it outspeed certain things after an Icy Wind, which is less necessary if you're not using Icy Wind). You could run Chesto Berry over Leftovers if you want. They all run pretty similarly, and the nuances between them are really only important if you're trying for a HUGE streak.

As for EVs, the big point with mono attacking Sub Cune is that you really, really want to avoid Speed ties, since those can result in a foe moving twice in a row (after you one turn, before you the next) which can leave you caught without a Sub on a crit, and also makes timing when to re-Sub much harder. I've been happy with 107 Speed, which for my 30 IV Suicune requires 16 EVs. With a 31 IV in Speed, only 12 EVs are needed. Of course, Sub stalling is a lot easier when you are faster than your foe, so further Speed creep is a possibility, but 107 is a solid starting point when Icy Wind isn't part of the equation.

Itemwise, I feel increasingly strongly that Sub Cune wants Chesto Berry rather than Leftovers. One of Sub Cune's real strengths is its ability to stall out many powerful *physical* attacks. A lot of physical attackers can be beaten by Pressure + Substitute stalling out their single most threatening attack, and then being able to set up through their weaker ones. With a Chesto Berry, Suicune gets a "free" first rest, making it much easier to Sub stall out a single attack with 10 or 15 PP. Leftovers naturally makes you better once you are actually able to start setting up, but for getting to the point where setting up is possible, Sub Cune does better with a Chesto Berry.

In short, I feel that Substitute + Chesto Berry make a very strong package when combined with Pressure, and that once you commit to running one of them, you really should run the other as well. If you're not going to run Substitute, Jumpman16's Icy Wind + Leftovers set and spread are where you'll want to be.

EDIT: Interestingly, in checking over this post, I noticed that my current Maison spread is off. Somehow I used 20 Speed EVs when I could have gotten away with 16. Whoops!!
6000 ongoing wins in Super Triples.

Lucario/Greninja for Triples (#0001 - #3303)
Greninja/Charizard for Triples V4 (#3304 - #3820)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out (#3821 - #4540)

Greninja/Charizard for Triples V5/V6 (#4541 - #4777)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out V2 (#4778 - #5000)

Greninja/Charizard for Triples V6 (#5001 - #5060)
Lucario/Greninja for Triples (#5061 - #5120)
Greninja/Charizard for Triples V6 (#5121 - #5200)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out V2 (#5201 - #5300)
Lucario/Greninja for Triples (final) (#5301 - #6000)

Total win counts:
4063 wins using Lucario/Greninja for Triples
894 wins using Greninja/Charizard for Triples
1043 wins using Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out
Three new battle videos.

Battle video: #1665 - LX8W-WWWW-WWWA-4Q8T vs. Alakazam/Trevenant/Dusknoir/Mismagius/Claydol/Spiritomb
Nearly lost battle against Anastasia.

Battle video: #3805 - LJRW-WWWW-WWWA-CX3M vs. Latias/Regigigas/Terrakion/Raikou/Zapdos/Thundurus

Battle video: #4694 - G99G-WWWW-WWWY-47UC vs. Registeel/Landorus/Latias/Entei/Heatran/Terrakion
Nearly lost battle with Greninja/Charizard for Triples.

Battle video: #5723 - RM7G-WWWW-WWX6-K3FR vs. Landorus/Moltres/Articuno/Regigigas/Zapdos/Latios
Moltres used Tailwind. Battle ends in Garchomp facing off versus Zapdos2 one-on-one, and missing a lethal hit with Bright Powder - thankfully, no further hax occurred.

Battle video: #5800 - DMXG-WWWW-WWX6-K3CB vs. Garchomp/Ferrothorn/Tyranitar/Gliscor/Dugtrio/Excadrill
Rasmus sends out Garchomp3 with Sand Veil in the right-side position. Misplay on Turn 1 against Ferrothorn1. Ends up being one Sand Veil miss away from losing. "Regular/hidden ability ratio being 2/1 on 2-abilitiers sucks."

Battle video: #6000 - R2UW-WWWW-WWX6-K38E vs. Mandibuzz/Beartic/Weavile/Luxray/Mismagius/Togekiss
Battle 6000.
Sometimes, Greninja may wind up in the center position on Turn 2 and use a second-turn Mat Block. This can happen when facing a Fake Out user that has a high chance of distrupting Mat Block, and you switch out Greninja on Turn 1 to keep its Sash when you don't need Greninja to attack if Rotom-W is the one getting Faked Out instead, and use Volt Switch on Rotom-W. When this happens, Greninja can be switched right back in on it, and use Mat Block on Turn 2 in the center when the Fake Out risk has passed.

When the lead opposition looks weak and you could grab a KO and possibly finish the faster by not using Mat Block (but there isn't a downside to using Mat Block, either) - don't do it. There is a risk of a hidden Zoroark4 sniping Lucario with it outspeeding pre-Mega Lucario, and I've had this happen a few times when getting cute.

Grass Knot + Aura Sphere just barely guarantees a KO on Emboar4 thanks to Grass Knot having 100BP against it (IB does not secure the KO).

When facing a Thunder Wave user in a side position, it is guaranteed to target the Pokémon facing it with Thunder Wave if it goes for the move as Rotom-W is immune to paralysis. Switching Garchomp in its place in anticipation is often a good option.

When Volt Switching with a possibility of Will-O-Wisp coming through Mat Block (Chandelure4, Spiritomb4, for example), Talonflame's Fire-typing makes it a preferable choice in most situations as Scizor and Garchomp don't enjoy being burnt.

Greninja survived an attack with Focus Sash broken with 1HP left once or twice in the last 1000 battles. 4HP/4Def/4SDef may have made the difference.

Mega Lucario took Aerodactyl4 Earthquake two or three times.

Garchomp's EVs have not mattered, outside missing a KO on Gengar once.

Scizor ate a friendly Discharge a few times.

When facing Manectric3 (Air Balloon) and Zebstrika2 (Magnet, Thunder/Discharge/Rain Dance/T-Wave), be very careful with using Discharge to bypass the possibility of Lightning Rod. Manectric3 has a 2/16 chance to OHKO Rotom-W at +2, and Zebstrika2 always OHKOes Rotom-W at +2. They may also glean boosts from friendly Electric attacks on Turn 1, letting it get to high boosts very quickly.

Rasmus's only Ferrothorn set is Set1, which has Thunder Wave (this is the reason why Mat Block was a misplay in #5800). Aura Sphere has a 10/16 chance to KO it.

AS + TB on Bronzong4 only has a 127/128 chance to KO (requires a 2/16 damage roll on AS and a 1/16 damage roll on TB to miss the KO - not accounting for crits and instant parahax). This happened once in the last 500 battles, and was the first time it happened.

6000 wins has taken around 300 hours of real-time, assuming a rate of 20 battles per hour. It has yielded roughly 42000BP, enough to max the BP counter at 9999 four times; or buy 875 Rare Candies or 210 Ability Capsules.
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6000 ongoing wins in Super Triples.

Lucario/Greninja for Triples (#0001 - #3303)
Greninja/Charizard for Triples V4 (#3304 - #3820)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out (#3821 - #4540)

Greninja/Charizard for Triples V5/V6 (#4541 - #4777)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out V2 (#4778 - #5000)

Greninja/Charizard for Triples V6 (#5001 - #5060)
Lucario/Greninja for Triples (#5061 - #5120)
Greninja/Charizard for Triples V6 (#5121 - #5200)
Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out V2 (#5201 - #5300)
Lucario/Greninja for Triples (final) (#5301 - #6000)

Total win counts:
4063 wins using Lucario/Greninja for Triples
894 wins using Greninja/Charizard for Triples
1043 wins using Mega Gardevoir with Triple Fake Out
Three new battle videos.

Battle video: #1665 - LX8W-WWWW-WWWA-4Q8T vs. Alakazam/Trevenant/Dusknoir/Mismagius/Claydol/Spiritomb
Nearly lost battle against Anastasia.

Battle video: #3805 - LJRW-WWWW-WWWA-CX3M vs. Latias/Regigigas/Terrakion/Raikou/Zapdos/Thundurus

Battle video: #4694 - G99G-WWWW-WWWY-47UC vs. Registeel/Landorus/Latias/Entei/Heatran/Terrakion
Nearly lost battle with Greninja/Charizard for Triples.

Battle video: #5723 - RM7G-WWWW-WWX6-K3FR vs. Landorus/Moltres/Articuno/Regigigas/Zapdos/Latios
Moltres used Tailwind. Battle ends in Garchomp facing off versus Zapdos2 one-on-one, and missing a lethal hit with Bright Powder - thankfully, no further hax occurred.

Battle video: #5800 - DMXG-WWWW-WWX6-K3CB vs. Garchomp/Ferrothorn/Tyranitar/Gliscor/Dugtrio/Excadrill
Rasmus sends out Garchomp3 with Sand Veil in the right-side position. Misplay on Turn 1 against Ferrothorn1. Ends up being one Sand Veil miss away from losing. "Regular/hidden ability ratio being 2/1 on 2-abilitiers sucks."

Battle video: #6000 - R2UW-WWWW-WWX6-K38E vs. Mandibuzz/Beartic/Weavile/Luxray/Mismagius/Togekiss
Battle 6000.
Sometimes, Greninja may wind up in the center position on Turn 2 and use a second-turn Mat Block. This can happen when facing a Fake Out user that has a high chance of distrupting Mat Block, and you switch out Greninja on Turn 1 to keep its Sash when you don't need Greninja to attack if Rotom-W is the one getting Faked Out instead, and use Volt Switch on Rotom-W. When this happens, Greninja can be switched right back in on it, and use Mat Block on Turn 2 in the center when the Fake Out risk has passed.

When the lead opposition looks weak and you could grab a KO and possibly finish the faster by not using Mat Block (but there isn't a downside to using Mat Block, either) - don't do it. There is a risk of a hidden Zoroark4 sniping Lucario with it outspeeding pre-Mega Lucario, and I've had this happen a few times when getting cute.

Grass Knot + Aura Sphere just barely guarantees a KO on Emboar4 thanks to Grass Knot having 100BP against it (IB does not secure the KO).

When facing a Thunder Wave user in a side position, it is guaranteed to target the Pokémon facing it with Thunder Wave if it goes for the move as Rotom-W is immune to paralysis. Switching Garchomp in its place in anticipation is often a good option.

When Volt Switching with a possibility of Will-O-Wisp coming through Mat Block (Chandelure4, Spiritomb4, for example), Talonflame's Fire-typing makes it a preferable choice in most situations as Scizor and Garchomp don't enjoy being burnt.

Greninja survived an attack with Focus Sash broken with 1HP left once or twice in the last 1000 battles. 4HP/4Def/4SDef may have made the difference.

Mega Lucario took Aerodactyl4 Earthquake two or three times.

Garchomp's EVs have not mattered, outside missing a KO on Gengar once.

Scizor ate a friendly Discharge a few times.

When facing Manectric3 (Air Balloon) and Zebstrika2 (Magnet, Thunder/Discharge/Rain Dance/T-Wave), be very careful with using Discharge to bypass the possibility of Lightning Rod. Manectric3 has a 2/16 chance to OHKO Rotom-W at +2, and Zebstrika2 always OHKOes Rotom-W at +2. They may also glean boosts from friendly Electric attacks on Turn 1, letting it get to high boosts very quickly.

Rasmus's only Ferrothorn set is Set1, which has Thunder Wave (this is the reason why Mat Block was a misplay in #5800). Aura Sphere has a 10/16 chance to KO it.

AS + TB on Bronzong4 only has a 127/128 chance to KO (requires a 2/16 damage roll on AS and a 1/16 damage roll on TB to miss the KO - not accounting for crits and instant parahax). This happened once in the last 500 battles, and was the first time it happened.

6000 wins has taken around 300 hours of real-time, assuming a rate of 20 battles per hour. It has yielded roughly 42000BP, enough to max the BP counter at 9999 four times; or buy 875 Rare Candies or 210 Ability Capsules.
You're getting closer and closer to finding the answer to my "big question"...

Does the Maison display 10,000+ win streaks? Or does it do something weird once you get past 9,999 wins?

You're getting closer and closer to finding the answer to my "big question"...

Does the Maison display 10,000+ win streaks? Or does it do something weird once you get past 9,999 wins?

This has been answered already by hacking - with the release of the recent RAM exploits enabling full save editing, someone tried hacking a 9999-win streak into the save and playing forward, which resulted in battle 9999 repeating itself. So 9999 would be a perfect score and the highest streak that can be reached, if that is how it works.
This Typhlosion's spread EQ against Heatran (i.e. a 4x weakness; this isn't even considering stuff like Arcanine and 252 HP Bold nature Chandelure 4):

4 Atk Typhlosion Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 92-112 (46.4 - 56.5%) -- 75.4% chance to 2HKO

...yeah, I'd probably leave the Rash Typhlosion at home. Base 84 Attack isn't doing you any favors.
Wait, which calculator are you using? Pokemonshowdown has 65-76% on a Rash 4Atk Earthquake damage versus 252 HP Heatran; not GREAT by any means, but still better damage than Solarbeam or Eruption. Chandelure4 is still a 3HKO, but it nails him on the side he's not CM'ing up on, and with a team hit from Dragon Pulse he's not happy turn two. I wish it 0HKO'd more Pokemon but honestly....

Honestly, if I have my druthers I'll be switching the AV Gastrodon in. This is a case of, "What move DOES Typhlosion get which can actually deal damage to the things which resist its other moves, and especially Flash Fire users - that doesn't involve Hidden Power, because I DON'T GOT NO TIME FOR HIDDEN POWER?" Typh isn't winning any bulk contests, and damage taken ruins Eruption anyway. Rash doesn't turn any 2HKOs into 1HKOs that I could find on a cursory search.

It's just planning for a worst-case.
Wait, which calculator are you using? Pokemonshowdown has 65-76% on a Rash 4Atk Earthquake damage versus 252 HP Heatran; not GREAT by any means, but still better damage than Solarbeam or Eruption. Chandelure4 is still a 3HKO, but it nails him on the side he's not CM'ing up on, and with a team hit from Dragon Pulse he's not happy turn two. I wish it 0HKO'd more Pokemon but honestly....

Honestly, if I have my druthers I'll be switching the AV Gastrodon in. This is a case of, "What move DOES Typhlosion get which can actually deal damage to the things which resist its other moves, and especially Flash Fire users - that doesn't involve Hidden Power, because I DON'T GOT NO TIME FOR HIDDEN POWER?" Typh isn't winning any bulk contests, and damage taken ruins Eruption anyway. Rash doesn't turn any 2HKOs into 1HKOs that I could find on a cursory search.

It's just planning for a worst-case.
That's the calc for singles. Because Earthquake is a spread move, it gets a damage penalty in Doubles and Triples. (So that spread moves don't dominate the format(s) any more than they already do.) The calc Vaporeonice posted is the correct one for Doubles/Triples.
That's the calc for singles. Because Earthquake is a spread move, it gets a damage penalty in Doubles and Triples. (So that spread moves don't dominate the format(s) any more than they already do.) The calc Vaporeonice posted is the correct one for Doubles/Triples.
Well, Horn Drill me right in the Fissure. It's such a Struggle learning all the Tricks of Pokemon. I had Detected a few low Double Hits, but thought it was just Confusion on my part. This is certainly a Reversal of my Assurance. I Wish I were Mind Reader, so I could Minimize my Torment. It would Chip Away at my ego, but I've learned to Swallow my pride. I'll Reflect on my lack of Foresight, exit with Extremespeed, and may not show up Round here until I Recover.

....Trump Card. Really wanted to use it, couldn't think of a way.