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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

After many attempts, I managed to win all the trophies. I would like to send my current streak in the Super Double (I am currently in 145 Win Streak, I'm trying to get to 200 w: D).

What should I do to enter the top24?

I send the replay? Disclose my team?
Since your streak is still going on, there is not much reason to add you yet, since that would require frequent updates on the leaderboard as you make progress. When you lose, however, just post the Battle Code here, and you'll be added :) And feel free to write about your team as well - that makes this thread so much more enjoyable!
You most likely haven't started running into set 4 Pokemon yet, but Tyranitar4 is all kinds of bad news for just about everyone on your team, Aegislash included.

252+ Atk Tyranitar Superpower vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Audino: 174-206 (82.8 - 98%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Superpower vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Slaking: 154-182 (68.4 - 80.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield: 68-80 (40.7 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Muk: 90-108 (49.7 - 59.6%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Black Sludge recovery

All of those put their target in range of a KO from Tyranitar's teammate. More importantly, Flash Cannon is far and away the best attack your team has against Tyranitar, and it still only does 55-64.7% to him. If you lose Aegislash to something before Tyranitar comes out, you are seriously up a creek without a paddle.

Just something to keep in mind - don't sacrifice Aegislash without good cause!

Yeah, sounds like a stinky shit creek without a paddle all right. I've already encountered the T-Wave-Tar set, and my heart was pounding by the end of the battle. God knows how I'll fare against an offensive T-Tar. That is why I hope that loosing Muk's Toxic-immunity will be worth exchanging for Slowbro's Water attacks, as well as hopefully being stall-ey-goodness enough.
But then, this is just another pet-peeve of me of not being able to bring all five for good measure, since each roster has it's advantages and disadvantages.
How about increasing Sableye's level? Since Sableye is not using Endeavor and has no need to maximize the move's damage output, it could be level 5-10 and still get massively KO'd by anything. At level 7 with a Bold nature, 252HP/252Def, and an Attack IV of 0:

0- Atk Sableye Return (40BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 2-3 (6.6 - 10%) -- Lv7 has 30 HP
0- Atk Sableye Return (40BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 2-3 (16.6 - 25%) -- Lv1 has 12 HP

Both calcs have a 1/16 chance to roll 3 damage, so Lv1 Sableye will get KO'd in 6 confusion hits, while Lv7 Sableye would survive 15. Lv7 (which seems like the sweet point for minimizing confusion self-hit damage) has 30/24/18 defensive stats - it should still die to anything.

Because having just lost due the AI using a sequence of moves it uses, conservatively speaking, less than 5% of the time, the risk that changing the level would alter anything the opponent does outweighs the benefit of something that will happen a very small percentage of time against Gothitelle leads. Beyond the 10% Brightpowder miss, it would be very rare for Glalie to not stall out 10 Psychic PP since Gothitelle's MO is to use the Flatter/Psych Up combo on anything without a Sub, and if Sableye can use Taunt even once or twice before hitting itself that many times there won't be enough PP left. I think not giving the Download Porygons a 50% Special Attack boost (both in terms of letting Glalie boost without having as many Subs broken and leaving Durant with more health in the event it needs to come back in) would have more of an effect than that.
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Lost my Super Singles streak at 113 wins earlier today. I used a very unoriginal team of Scizor, Garchomp, and Suicune in my alpha sapphire game.

This is my first time posting a streak, so if any more proof is needed let me know.

Small analyses of each mon:
Scizor @ Scizorite
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Swords Dance

Standard Scizor set. The SpDef and a bit of HP can be swapped out for Spe if you want to outspeed certain pokemon, but I never felt the need to, since I always wanted bulk more. Superpower is for Magnezone, since otherwise you get destroyed.

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Rough Skin
-Fire Fang
-Swords Dance

Swords Dance can be subbed out for another move, since I can't remember the last time I used it. I had the idea of using a choice band, but stuck with lum berry because confusion can really screw things up. Fire fang is a nice coverage move, the 95% accuracy only screwed me up one time, so I think its worth it most of the time. Honestly, this was the most useless mon of the 3, and could've been subbed out for anyone with fire and ground type attacks.

Suicune da god @ Leftovers
-Calm Mind
-Icy Wind

Suicune was the entire reason I got so far. Being able to switch in to so many special moves, rest stall, calm mind up, and sweep with scald is something not every pokemon can say about themselves. Chesto berry is not worth it at all, leftovers is just too good for stalling out. EV-wise, I ignorantly picked the set that jumpman used without actually thinking about why, but I'd assume the Spe is for outspeeding certain mons after an icy wind.

I'm actually kinda glad my streak broke. It means I can experiment with ORAS implemented megas. Might try stuff with megagross or mega sableye.
Well, using a Slowbro was a very bad idea. My streak was broke by a combination of confusion hax and a STAB Shadow Ball from a Gengar, which I might've been able to outlast with Tough Muk. Maybe I'll try using an Umbreon, since that helped to break my streak, but I'm not using Slowbro again.
No particularly big news here, but after finally getting lucky and pulling a master ball from "Pick Something Up" in my Secret Base, I decided I'd put in the time to SR a 5IV perfect Suicune. I didn't quite keep to my word, as 30 / 24 / 31 / 31 /31 / 31 proved too good to decline, but I'm still happy. My old Soul Silver 31 / 7 / 28 / 31 / 29 / 30 did lots of great work for me (and before retiring it, I even fixed its EVs to correct my wasted overinvestment in Speed), but in the end, the opportunity to squeeze out even just a few more stat points was too tempting, and was worth the hours of resetting it took.

After putting in all that time to grab a new Suicune, it'd be silly not to play it, so I'm jumping back into Singles for a bit. I planned to channel the spirit of my last generation team of Garchomp / Suicune / Ferrothorn and lead with Choice Band Garchomp, but sadly, though it still cleans reasonably well once you add in Iron Head, there's a few too many ways things can go badly leading with it this generation thanks to the addition of the Fairy type, so I'm running DD Dragonite instead. Since I have a free mega slot, Mega Scizor seems like a clear upgrade over Ferrothorn. I just wish the unboosted KO with Bullet Punch against Slurpuff4 was 100% instead of 50%, since Slurpuff has rather painfully good coverage against my team, particularly if it catches Dragonite mid-Outrage. And I forgot how enjoyable Suicune's physical bulk can be, especially now that I've snagged a couple of extra points of Def compared to my old spread and IVs. Being able to safely switch into and at least partially set up against crit-happy Barbaracle4 (Substitute + Chesto Berry proving their worth) is very satisfying.

Fundamentally, the team is almost certainly less reliable than something with Mega Kangaskhan (when Slurpluff is a big threat, that's usually a warning sign!), but it is still reasonably solid, and I'm definitely enjoying the change of pace.

Continued good luck with the streaks all!
MegaMetagross can outspeed Slurpuff even in its base form and cleanly KO with Iron Head after Mega. My set of Iron Head/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Bullet Punch served me great for over 200 battles until I forgot that Garchomp4 doesn't know Outrage (switching into a Swords Dance was in hindsight, a bad idea.) Before that hilariously stupid misplay, I did feel like I was on to a real winner.
No particularly big news here, but after finally getting lucky and pulling a master ball from "Pick Something Up" in my Secret Base, I decided I'd put in the time to SR a 5IV perfect Suicune. I didn't quite keep to my word, as 30 / 24 / 31 / 31 /31 / 31 proved too good to decline, but I'm still happy. My old Soul Silver 31 / 7 / 28 / 31 / 29 / 30 did lots of great work for me (and before retiring it, I even fixed its EVs to correct my wasted overinvestment in Speed), but in the end, the opportunity to squeeze out even just a few more stat points was too tempting, and was worth the hours of resetting it took.

After putting in all that time to grab a new Suicune, it'd be silly not to play it, so I'm jumping back into Singles for a bit. I planned to channel the spirit of my last generation team of Garchomp / Suicune / Ferrothorn and lead with Choice Band Garchomp, but sadly, though it still cleans reasonably well once you add in Iron Head, there's a few too many ways things can go badly leading with it this generation thanks to the addition of the Fairy type, so I'm running DD Dragonite instead. Since I have a free mega slot, Mega Scizor seems like a clear upgrade over Ferrothorn. I just wish the unboosted KO with Bullet Punch against Slurpuff4 was 100% instead of 50%, since Slurpuff has rather painfully good coverage against my team, particularly if it catches Dragonite mid-Outrage. And I forgot how enjoyable Suicune's physical bulk can be, especially now that I've snagged a couple of extra points of Def compared to my old spread and IVs. Being able to safely switch into and at least partially set up against crit-happy Barbaracle4 (Substitute + Chesto Berry proving their worth) is very satisfying.

Fundamentally, the team is almost certainly less reliable than something with Mega Kangaskhan (when Slurpluff is a big threat, that's usually a warning sign!), but it is still reasonably solid, and I'm definitely enjoying the change of pace.

Continued good luck with the streaks all!
I don't suppose you had soft reset before choosing "Pick something up" because the items you get are organized into tiers and any other request with a payout as such would have provided something "equally" extremely rare. I ask only because I had taken the time to compile such a list of these tierings, and have covered everything except the Master Ball parallels, because unfortunately I had the good sense to create this list AFTER I had gotten a Master Ball myself.

Little bits of side research I've done on the Master Ball leads me to believe "Gather Berries" nets a Lansat. Some items are part of extensive groups (as in a Heart Scale and Elixir have three different parallels apiece; Sitrus Berries belong to three groups, and so on) so there's a chance the Master Ball does also, but all evidence I've compiled over several hundred pal requests indicates this is very unlikely.

The list isn't something I'd post here, but since you mentioned the MB I wanted to ask, just in case. I don't like leaving little projects unfinished, especially when I'm learning something from them =P
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I keep increasing my Win Streak (current 145w on Super Doubles)

I'll just focus to reach at 200W then i'll switch to Triples cuz, triples are my favorites style of battles on this mansion.

My detailed team is :

Aron (M) @ Shell Bell
Nature: Modest (The nature doesnt matter anyway)
Trait: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: Zero
Lv. 1 stats: 12/6/7/4/6/5
Moveset: Protect/Endeavor/Roar/Toxic

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Scrappy/Parental Bond
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed/252 Atk/4 HP
Lv. 50 (mega) stats: 181/177/120/72/120/167
Moveset: Fake Out/Power up Punch /Sucker Punch/Rock Slide

Conkeldurr (M) @ Flame Orb*
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Guts
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/ 4 Def
Lv. 50 stats: 212/211/116/67/85/65
Moveset: Drain Punch/Knock Off/Ice Punch/Mach Punch

Greninja (M) Shiny @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Trait: Protean
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30
EVs: 4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed
Lv. 50 stats: 148/103/87/154/91/190
Moveset: Scald / Ice Beam / HP Fire / Grass Knot

My Strategy till now is being focused on Flinch/Endeavor then Power up Punch then Endeavor again...

It is explained on this vid : JKMW-WWWW-WWXA-DXUG
i have an ongoing 250 win streak in oras super singles, looks pretty promising.. using Greninja, MBlaziken, and Gliscor

Greninja, Life Orb
31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Protean
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Blaziken, Blazikenite
31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost / Speed Boost
Low Kick
Flare Blitz

Gliscor, Toxic Orb
31/31/31/x/31/31 Careful Poison Heal

the supereffective coverage of this team is completely out of control, there are very few pokemon that arent 1-2hko's, and thats with minimal setup. gliscor is the backbone of the team, and is a direct copy of the dutch plumberjack, but i lucked into this combo (greninja happens to be the same as well, but its because i wanted a water or grass special attacker after settling on blaziken to cover gliscor's ice hate... greninja is a BEAST).

so far ive only been walled by lead stall weezings (wtf), ice punch / air balloon electivires who hax, stockpile lanturn... scarf landorus... i nearly lost to scarfdactyl after a stone edge crit that i hope i couldve played a little better. about 1 in 50 battles comes down to 1v1 or 1v2, but so far ive gotten lucky with those and i think as i keep using the team ill be able to prevent those situations from ever occurring. basically, as long as you can keep all 3 of these guys alive you have a really really high chance of just ohkoing the other pokes.

ill post vids/proof when i lose!

Not really going to go too much into detail since I didn't really revolutionize anything.
I mainly used offensive stuff. For doubles I used a tr team.

dd lum berry dnite
lo ninja
av azu

mental herb tr cress
av conk
sash ttar

sash mat block ninja
banded terrak
dd dnite
av conk
scarf darmanitan
lo thunurus-t
Video: 23MW-WWWW-WWXB-YN78

scarfed darmanitan
mega mane
dd dnite
av conk

sash ninja
scarfed darmanitan
Partner: Troy
Well, using a Slowbro was a very bad idea. My streak was broke by a combination of confusion hax and a STAB Shadow Ball from a Gengar, which I might've been able to outlast with Tough Muk. Maybe I'll try using an Umbreon, since that helped to break my streak, but I'm not using Slowbro again.
Hrm. Did you save the battle video of it? Cursebreon and Swagbreon have never caused much trouble for me in doubles - I can't help but feel you lost that because something went very wrong before you wound up with Slowbro out against Gengar + Umbreon.

However, before you tackle the Maison again with this team, this is also an example of how things can go wrong for a team with such a specific combo instead of just a lot of positive synergy like a Sandstorm team. Slaking ruins Gengar and isn't threatened by any of its attacking moves, but if it gets slept, your opening gambit fails and you have both wasted your first turn and you're forced to spend your second turn cleaning up the mess the first turn caused for you, so you don't actually get to make any headway against the opponent's team until your third turn. At that point, you're well behind, and it's entirely possible you don't have anyone who deals with your opponent's front line sufficiently well enough to get back into the battle.

It's exactly this kind of team that can be very attractive to play in a competitive Doubles environment, where win/lose ratio is more important than consecutive wins, but is ultimately a bad fit for the Maison, where only consecutive wins matters. In a competitive environment, it's OK to just outright lose to teams that lead a certain way, but in the Maison it will eventually stop you, no matter how rare those hard-counter teams are.

I think you got a little bit unlucky in this streak, and if you like this team and you're only concerned with earning the Doubles Trophy I absolutely encourage you to give it another try. (Go back to Muk before you try Umbreon.) But if you're looking for a streak that will break the top 10 on the leaderboard, this team has a central gambit which is just a bit too inconsistent to achieve that. You might be able to reach 100, or even 200 and pick up the berry rewards, and it can certainly win consistently enough to fill your BP needs, but if you want a long streak, this is not a team that will get you there. (At least, my team wasn't.)
Hrm. Did you save the battle video of it? Cursebreon and Swagbreon have never caused much trouble for me in doubles - I can't help but feel you lost that because something went very wrong before you wound up with Slowbro out against Gengar + Umbreon.

However, before you tackle the Maison again with this team, this is also an example of how things can go wrong for a team with such a specific combo instead of just a lot of positive synergy like a Sandstorm team. Slaking ruins Gengar and isn't threatened by any of its attacking moves, but if it gets slept, your opening gambit fails and you have both wasted your first turn and you're forced to spend your second turn cleaning up the mess the first turn caused for you, so you don't actually get to make any headway against the opponent's team until your third turn. At that point, you're well behind, and it's entirely possible you don't have anyone who deals with your opponent's front line sufficiently well enough to get back into the battle.

It's exactly this kind of team that can be very attractive to play in a competitive Doubles environment, where win/lose ratio is more important than consecutive wins, but is ultimately a bad fit for the Maison, where only consecutive wins matters. In a competitive environment, it's OK to just outright lose to teams that lead a certain way, but in the Maison it will eventually stop you, no matter how rare those hard-counter teams are.

I think you got a little bit unlucky in this streak, and if you like this team and you're only concerned with earning the Doubles Trophy I absolutely encourage you to give it another try. (Go back to Muk before you try Umbreon.) But if you're looking for a streak that will break the top 10 on the leaderboard, this team has a central gambit which is just a bit too inconsistent to achieve that. You might be able to reach 100, or even 200 and pick up the berry rewards, and it can certainly win consistently enough to fill your BP needs, but if you want a long streak, this is not a team that will get you there. (At least, my team wasn't.)

Yeah, I always remember to click that option whenever I lose. I'll see if I can find the battle code later on, and post it. I'm eating right not.

And I don't think that Umbreon would have enough synergy with my current team, so I'll probably build a new team around one. Slaking and Umbreon would just be too open to annihilation courtesy of Fighting teams. I'm going to need to figure out a team that will be able to get me much further, that's for sure, and since no one is suggesting any better alternatives, I guess that I'll have to figure one out for myself.

At the very least, I am back up to 10 wins, and have started recording enemy move sets in Word.
I don't suppose you had soft reset before choosing "Pick something up" because the items you get are organized into tiers and any other request with a payout as such would have provided something "equally" extremely rare. I ask only because I had taken the time to compile such a list of these tierings, and have covered everything except the Master Ball parallels, because unfortunately I had the good sense to create this list AFTER I had gotten a Master Ball myself.

Little bits of side research I've done on the Master Ball leads me to believe "Gather Berries" nets a Lansat. Some items are part of extensive groups (as in a Heart Scale and Elixir have three different parallels apiece; Sitrus Berries belong to three groups, and so on) so there's a chance the Master Ball does also, but all evidence I've compiled over several hundred pal requests indicates this is very unlikely.

The list isn't something I'd post here, but since you mentioned the MB I wanted to ask, just in case. I don't like leaving little projects unfinished, especially when I'm learning something from them =P

This is cool info, but no, I didn't soft reset immediately before, nor do I remember the other items I pulled. My base has 5 Pick Something Up trainers, so each morning I just quickly take my 10 shots at a Master Ball. I tried soft resetting earlier, but if I recall, I got the exact same items after the soft reset, so I gave up on trying to manipulate things and just hope to get lucky. Going forward, I'll be sure to pay more attention to the other items I pull, however, and if there's any specific ways I can help your testing, let me know.

After many attempts, I managed to win all the trophies. I would like to send my current streak in the Super Double (I am currently in 145 Win Streak, I'm trying to get to 200 w: D).

What should I do to enter the top24?
I send the replay? Disclose my team?

As cant say noted, ongoing streaks aren't leaderboard eligible unless they're at or over 1000 wins. But as soon as you lose, posting the code to the video of your loss is what we prefer for proof. While not quite a formal requirement, a discussion of your team, its strategy, notable threats, etc. is strongly encouraged and very helpful. Take a look at current leaderboard streaks to see the type of stuff people include.

You can get credit for the all five trophies immediately just by posting a picture of your ds with your character standing next to Wally by the 5 trophies in the Battle Maison lobby, preferably with enough of the lower screen menu to see your trainer name.
Okay, my streak for Super Triples ended at 560 straight wins. I used the same team I posted before except for two changes.


Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Tailwind
- Helping Hand
- Taunt
- Protect

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite (Center Position)
Ability: Trace
EVs: 180 HP / 252 SpA / 76 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice
- Energy Ball
- Protect

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 92 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Dark Pulse
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
- Protect

This is a tailwind team and once it gets set up, my attackers outspeed everything in the maison except for the scarfed Aerodactyl. Whimsicott sets up tailwind while Gardevoir and Hydreigon use protect (and mega evo), and then start sweeping the enemies with hyper voice. Hydreigon helps deal with the various steel, fire, and poison types that resist fairy, and Whimsicott can help M-Gardevoir get more KOs with helping hand if it survived that first turn. Trace also helps me reveal one of the enemies' ability, and on occasion trace intimidate to gain an advantage (and my leads are not hindered by it either). On a side note, M-Gardevoir can take special hits very well, even surviving a sludge bomb from Gengar or flash cannon from Magnezone as long as it's not critical.


Talonflame @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Att / 4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

Gyarados @ Muscle Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Att / 228 Spe
Nature: Adamant
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Protect

Lucario @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 96 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 156 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse
- Protect

Talonflame is not just a strong physical attacker with priority brave bird, but also a backup tailwind setter just in case the first one runs out and if the increased speed is still needed. Gyarados is also a strong physical attacker and can switch in on any bug or fighting type moves that target Hydreigon and soften the enemies with intimidate. Talonflame is also resistant to bug and fighting but also fairy. Lucario is very useful for having a STAB move that does not miss (I'm looking at you Glaceon!). Both aura sphere and dark pulse enable it to hit the opposite corner and flash cannon is mostly for fairy types. Despite having some resistances that can harm my leads, they can usually plow their way through the enemy leads.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Protect

I moved 8 EV points from HP to speed to let Mega-Gardevoir out speed my other attackers except for Talonflame. By letting her use hyper voice before the others, the other attackers can finish off any enemies that survived, especially for Hydreigon and Lucario with their cross-field attacks. The other change is swapping out energy ball for thunderbolt. At first, I had energy ball just to deal with the any water/ground types but hyper voice deals with them very well already. I had no idea what else to use so I just added thunderbolt mostly to deal with the Moltres and Articuno (I barely used it though).

X3XG-WWWW-WWXB-JRVS: First Veteran


AS2G-WWWW-WWXB-JS25: 6 potential trick room setters?

E6QG-WWWW-WWXB-JRTU: Hydreigon survives!

NRMG-WWWW-WWXB-JRPA: Losing battle

Sometimes, I just have no idea who the enemy targets (was thinking Garchomp would go after Hydreigon). And to think Lickilicky gets a triple kill with criticals (critical friendly fire!). This just shows that panicking and lead to bad misplays. (I have no idea why I used protect with Whimsicott instead of taunting Hippowdon)>.<

With this streak out of the way, I guess I'll try to get the missing trophies (rotation and multi).
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Correction: I can't find the codes for my battles. Then again, I don't even know where the codes that people give out to watch their battles are even supposed to go.
I was half expecting for all of my recorded battles to be assigned codes when I game-synched.

At least I figured out how to enable game chat, so that should be fun.
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Hello everybody, I've been lurking this thread while I was breeding my team for the Battle Maison and my hard work paid off when I managed to get a decent streak on my first serious run. I was able to get to battle No. 48 before being swept by Veteran Sibyl. Scarfed Terrakion caught me by surprise and then I misplayed a switch into my Aggron, not expecting Tornadus to use Focus Blast. I'd really appreciate advice on making my team better so I can win the singles trophy and shift my focus onto the next format.


The team in the video is as follows:

Greninja (Lilith ♀) @ Expert Belt
Protean, Timid
4 HP/ 252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Spd, 31/xx/31/31/31/31
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Surf
- Ice Beam

Garchomp (Tombstone ♂) @ Life Orb
Rough Skin, Jolly
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd, 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Aggron (Opal ♀) @ Aggronite
Sturdy, Impish
252 HP/ 138 Atk/ 120 Sp.Def, 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Thunder Wave
- Ice Punch
- Iron Head
- Toxic

I really needed a switch-in to take dragon, fairy and most importantly ice moves aimed at Garchomp (my previous attempt at getting this far was ended by a Weavile with Ice Shard) so I settled on Aggron as my bulky Mega. Aggron is the team member I need the most help with. I've since changed her EV spread to 252 HP/ 18 Atk/ 240 Sp.Def and her moveset to Ice Punch, Toxic, Earthquake and Heavy Slam. EQ is mostly filler, although it useful against all the poison types I use Aggron to wall. Aggron struggles at taking down bulky poison types that can shrug off/avoid EQ (Weezing) and steel types I'd rather not switch Greninja or Garchomp into (Ferrothorn notably, as Gyro-Ball will 2HKO Garchomp on the switch as I fail to OHKO it with EQ).

I'm happy with Greninja as my lead, but can never decide on what item she should hold. Focus Sash, Expert Belt and Life Orb are all really good contenders for her item slot.

That's all for now, hopefully I will post again with a singles trophy under my belt!
Correction: I can't find the codes for my battles. Then again, I don't even know where the codes that people give out to watch their battles are even supposed to go.
I was half expecting for all of my recorded battles to be assigned codes when I game-synched.

At least I figured out how to enable game chat, so that should be fun.

After you save a record, connect to the internet, use your vs. recorder, and upload a video. The code for it is given there. There should be a separate button for when you want to look up other people's videos using their codes.
After you save a record, connect to the internet, use your vs. recorder, and upload a video. The code for it is given there. There should be a separate button for when you want to look up other people's videos using their codes.

Okay, thanks! *Rubs hands together* Oh, this is going to be fu-un!

Anyways, the trouble maker in question is XUFG-WWWW-WWXB-KHU3

Okay, my streak for Super Triples ended at 560 straight wins. I used the same team I posted before except for two changes.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Protect

I moved 8 EV points from HP to speed to let Mega-Gardevoir out speed my other attackers except for Talonflame. By letting her use hyper voice before the others, the other attackers can finish off any enemies that survived, especially for Hydreigon and Lucario with their cross-field attacks. The other change is swapping out energy ball for thunderbolt. At first, I had energy ball just to deal with the any water/ground types but hyper voice deals with them very well already. I had no idea what else to use so I just added thunderbolt mostly to deal with the Moltres and Articuno (I barely used it though).

X3XG-WWWW-WWXB-JRVS: First Veteran


AS2G-WWWW-WWXB-JS25: 6 potential trick room setters?

E6QG-WWWW-WWXB-JRTU: Hydreigon survives!

NRMG-WWWW-WWXB-JRPA: Losing battle
Sometimes, I just have no idea who the enemy targets (was thinking Garchomp would go after Hydreigon). And to think Lickilicky gets a triple kill with criticals (critical friendly fire!). This just shows that panicking and lead to bad misplays. (I have no idea why I used protect with Whimsicott instead of taunting Hippowdon)>.<

With this streak out of the way, I guess I'll try to get the missing trophies (rotation and multi).

Edit: I just saw your battle. It was frustratingly close! I would have put Luke on the far side of the field, as far away from Hippowdon as possible, while having Talonflame hopefully be immune to Hippowdon's attacks. Even with that ridiculous kill that wayward exploding Lickilicky got, you might've been able to get the win if not for that.
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Hello everybody, I've been lurking this thread while I was breeding my team for the Battle Maison and my hard work paid off when I managed to get a decent streak on my first serious run. I was able to get to battle No. 48 before being swept by Veteran Sibyl. Scarfed Terrakion caught me by surprise and then I misplayed a switch into my Aggron, not expecting Tornadus to use Focus Blast. I'd really appreciate advice on making my team better so I can win the singles trophy and shift my focus onto the next format.


The team in the video is as follows:

Greninja (Lilith ♀) @ Expert Belt
Protean, Timid
4 HP/ 252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Spd, 31/xx/31/31/31/31
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Surf
- Ice Beam

Garchomp (Tombstone ♂) @ Life Orb
Rough Skin, Jolly
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd, 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Aggron (Opal ♀) @ Aggronite
Sturdy, Impish
252 HP/ 138 Atk/ 120 Sp.Def, 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Thunder Wave
- Ice Punch
- Iron Head
- Toxic

I really needed a switch-in to take dragon, fairy and most importantly ice moves aimed at Garchomp (my previous attempt at getting this far was ended by a Weavile with Ice Shard) so I settled on Aggron as my bulky Mega. Aggron is the team member I need the most help with. I've since changed her EV spread to 252 HP/ 18 Atk/ 240 Sp.Def and her moveset to Ice Punch, Toxic, Earthquake and Heavy Slam. EQ is mostly filler, although it useful against all the poison types I use Aggron to wall. Aggron struggles at taking down bulky poison types that can shrug off/avoid EQ (Weezing) and steel types I'd rather not switch Greninja or Garchomp into (Ferrothorn notably, as Gyro-Ball will 2HKO Garchomp on the switch as I fail to OHKO it with EQ).

I'm happy with Greninja as my lead, but can never decide on what item she should hold. Focus Sash, Expert Belt and Life Orb are all really good contenders for her item slot.

That's all for now, hopefully I will post again with a singles trophy under my belt!

If you got to 48 before being surprised by an unexpected set, you'll likely be able to give it another shot or two and get 50 with the same team. I'd switch the Life Orb over to Greninja (I don't have any concrete calcs on hand, but from experience it seems to boost Dark Pulse from a 3HKO to a 2HKO against opponents that aren't hit super-effectively by any of the moves, and then 20% of the time that 2HKO is essentially a OHKO) and give Garchomp a Lum or Yache berry. A Mega Metagross or Scizor could help in the situations that require Aggron now, but I'd give it a try with the same team members first.
If you got to 48 before being surprised by an unexpected set, you'll likely be able to give it another shot or two and get 50 with the same team. I'd switch the Life Orb over to Greninja (I don't have any concrete calcs on hand, but from experience it seems to boost Dark Pulse from a 3HKO to a 2HKO against opponents that aren't hit super-effectively by any of the moves, and then 20% of the time that 2HKO is essentially a OHKO) and give Garchomp a Lum or Yache berry. A Mega Metagross or Scizor could help in the situations that require Aggron now, but I'd give it a try with the same team members first.

Okay thanks! I was unsure about moving Life Orb over to Greninja from Garchomp, but I'll give it a shot! I'll have to give breeding a scizor a shot, but it can get very draining breeding for so long (even if I watch tv/videos while I hold up on the d-pad lol).
Edit: I just saw your battle. It was frustratingly close! I would have put Luke on the far side of the field, as far away from Hippowdon as possible, while having Talonflame hopefully be immune to Hippowdon's attacks. Even with that ridiculous kill that wayward exploding Lickilicky got, you might've been able to get the win if not for that.

Now that you mention that, yea I could've done that and win. ): I guess that explosion left me mentally unstable.
At the very least, I am back up to 10 wins, and have started recording enemy move sets in Word.
Already mapped by others in this thread. Collected in the first post. (It's the links before the actual records.) Sorry, if I realized you weren't using them, I would have already mentioned them.

Edit: So I watched the battle video you posted. There are two major errors I noticed.

First was the second turn Skill Swap from Audino after mega evolving. That was just wrong all around - with a confused teammate on the field, I feel like Heal Bell was the obvious call, but Heal Pulse would have also helped if you were hoping Healer would activate. I feel like that's what caused you to lose Slaking. Since Audino goes after Slaking, Heal Bell wouldn't have prevented that first self-hit, but at the very least it would have given you the chance to Slack Off + Heal Pulse on turn 2, which would have survived the double Payback and opened you up for Return + Heal Pulse on turn 3 (anticipating a Confuse Ray from Umbreon) which puts you in a relatively good position against this team: opening gambit successful, one pokemon up, and only one team member slightly injured. (Potentially confused, but that can be worked around.)

The second big mistake was trying to attack with a confused Aegislash who had the option to swap out. If Aegislash is confused, the only correct moves for it are King's Shield and swapping out - confusion is devastating to Blade Forme Aegislash, as you witnessed firsthand there.

In fact, in general, the correct answer to confusion in the Battle Maison is to swap out. Sometimes swapping can be dicey, but in many situations it is less dicey than staying in and hoping you don't take the confuse hit.

Also, Payback is a contact move, and Aegislash could have used King's Shield straight away to get an attack drop on Absol (and potentially Umbreon) so that the hit that activated Weakness Policy would have hurt even less. King's Shield + Heal Bell is a really good combo if you get an attack drop out of it. I don't really know if that would have changed the outcome of your fight, but it's another option you could have taken to think about in the future.

I also notice Slaking didn't get Lefotvers recovery, and it seems to have dealt more to Absol1 than the math says it should have gotten. Did you put a Silk Scarf on it? If that's the case, a Life Orb would have been much better - you'd have had an 87% chance to score the OHKO instead of a mere 35%, and the OHKO probably would have saved this battle for you.

There was definitely some bad luck here (you took every confusion hit possible), but there were also some misplays. Assuming that fourth mon is Victreebel1, this was probably winnable for you.

The good news is, your theorymoning for this team seems to have been pretty solid. I think Cleric Audino + First-turn-setup Mon + Aegislash is a good team core for doubles, you just need to find a setup sweeper and a fourth member who fit well together. (I would look at Gyarados for the setup sweeper first, just because Skill Swapping Intimidate is a gimmick I could not pass up, but I'm weird like that.)

Edit2: So, probably should have looked this up, but apparently Heal Bell does not cure Confusion. I still maintain that Heal Pulse was a much better action than Skill Swap, and double-switching your front line wouldn't have been terrible either.
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i have an ongoing 250 win streak in oras super singles, looks pretty promising.. using Greninja, MBlaziken, and Gliscor

Greninja, Life Orb
31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Protean
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Blaziken, Blazikenite
31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost / Speed Boost
Low Kick
Flare Blitz

Gliscor, Toxic Orb
31/31/31/x/31/31 Careful Poison Heal

the supereffective coverage of this team is completely out of control, there are very few pokemon that arent 1-2hko's, and thats with minimal setup. gliscor is the backbone of the team, and is a direct copy of the dutch plumberjack, but i lucked into this combo (greninja happens to be the same as well, but its because i wanted a water or grass special attacker after settling on blaziken to cover gliscor's ice hate... greninja is a BEAST).

so far ive only been walled by lead stall weezings (wtf), ice punch / air balloon electivires who hax, stockpile lanturn... scarf landorus... i nearly lost to scarfdactyl after a stone edge crit that i hope i couldve played a little better. about 1 in 50 battles comes down to 1v1 or 1v2, but so far ive gotten lucky with those and i think as i keep using the team ill be able to prevent those situations from ever occurring. basically, as long as you can keep all 3 of these guys alive you have a really really high chance of just ohkoing the other pokes.

ill post vids/proof when i lose!

i lost D: 20150212_235910.jpg

i definitely feel like that could have gone better. i left gliscor kinda vulnerable by underestimating raikou (dat dying crit), and didn't expect a sub from tornadus (because i tend to not look at sets unless i can immediately see a clear threat, which for the most part means a threat to gliscor because threats to the chicken and frog are much more obvious). a slightly healthier gliscor would have gotten his sub off and stalled tornadus out without having to trade 2 for 1. i think i may have been able to salvage the battle even after losing gliscor (hindsight is 20/20...) had i sacked chicken to break the sub instead of frog, because at least frog can ice beam latios, but since it was a toss up... my choice was unfortunate.

since i've figured out now how to post battle vids... this is a real gem:
this was #50 in this streak, the chatelaine. ohgod, i messed it up so badly. since i dont look sets up unless i really have to, i went in to this battle thinking "pff frog is just gonna sweep entirely". NOPE. if you watch it, turn 1 is super lol... and then skip to like turn 45. cuz its 61 turns.

but heres a summary: since lando is scarfed he kills frog. so i stall him out with gliscor. then tornadus pops in and i swear to god that sub was so unexpected (you know... i should really be more careful around tornadus...). so i stall and kill tornadus with struggles over about 40 turns (only 40 because i hadnt used pp ups yet...). he doesnt even run out of pp, just attacking moves, so he cant break my last sub. the entire time im thinking "this isnt worth it, thundurus is just going to kill me, but 50 BP". out comes thundurus and immediately breaks the sub while i struggle. when it breaks after 2 random attacks, what does he do? SKY DROP. REPEATEDLY. AGAINST A FLYER. WTF.

heres a bit of a breakdown of how i play this team:

greninja leads of course.
* if the enemy has a weakness to him, pick the appropriate move. occasionally there is overlap between surf & grass knot, and sometimes between ice beam & dark pulse (looking at you, lati@s). look up weights when needed. i think i actually should dark pulse lati@s for the 20% hax, because the ohko on ice beam is pretty rare and only the dragon pulse variant doesnt ohko.
-- basically... psychic, ghost, water, ground, rock, grass, flying, dragon, fire. if a mon doesnt gain a neutrality through its other type, its a kill. if it does gain a neutrality and you can only do 1x damage to it, greninja prolly wants to swap.
* if a fighting type is shown, go to gliscor. even against infernape (unless 3rd), because the sash leaves you with only enough hp for 1 more attack.
* if an electric is shown, go to gliscor, because they die to him. dont get overconfident, electivires and lanturns especially (they carry ice coverage). theyll 100% use an electric attack unless youre on grass for some reason (but that shouldnt happen i think).
* if a bug is shown, go to blaziken, because hell just sweep those teams np.
* if a steel is shown, switch out. to whom depends on if theyre electric carriers.
* if a fairy is shown, blaziken usually has to eat the moonblast/dazzling gleam and return with a flare blitz... usually. aromatisse is gliscor food. none of the team resists fairy attacks, so they need to DIE IN A FIRE. really quickly. fortunately they mostly suck, they just hit hard cuz of the lack of resistance. (oh, its hilarious when gardevoir traces protean)
* if a dark is shown... well zoroark and absol are frail and DIE, but umbreon wants to be low kicked.
* if a poison is shown, go to gliscor. they like to explode. gliscor eats explosions. i hope its not weezing, for your sake, if its weezing4 you might as well just spam dark pulse or ice beam if youre healthy. hes not a threat per se but you have to make him struggle. crobat does brave bird or taunt, just kill the stupid thing. his ai sucks.
* if an ice is shown, burn it with chicken. np. or kick it, check its weight if you wanna keep the hp.
* if a normal is shown, chickens gettin a field goal with low kick. blissey doesnt have time to set up, takes 2 kicks.
* check the speed list for potential scarfers, frog is faster than most everything else but the scarfers can mostly 1hko. stall with gliscor for these specifically.

now that we know what to do to start the battle... (well, mostly)
when switching to blaziken, the most important thing to keep in mind is his speed. be sure to use protect against anything you need a boost to outspeed, because things have earthquake/water/psychic and a lot of those are things he'll mop up or ohko. at +1 hes at 228 speed, with 2 ties and 6 scarfers ahead of him. at +2 he beats it all. hes pretty straightforward, you just switch in to something that wont kill him and outspeed + ohko it in return for the most part. dont be afraid to use flare blitz, the battles are short.

as for how to play gliscor... well... hmm. liberal protect usage. stally goodness. as the streak went on, i actually depended on him a lot less than at first because it takes a bit of practice to know the limits of the other 2. the ai is fairly consistent in what moves it prioritizes against him, except for other stally pokemon. after a while, the only things i really needed him to stall were ice coverage, dangerous choicers, weezing4 (wtf), and fighters because almost everything else gets hit supereffectively before doing anything.

and believe it or not i end up switching out from frog more often than not and using the other 2 at least as much as him, but its more detailed cuz hes facing at least half of the enemies (since he ohkos the enemy lead like half the time).

for the record, there was a battle where walrein fissured blaziken after surviving a low kick at like 2 hp and i didnt even care. f u haxrein.

time to try again... i can do better. pls remind me to not stoopid against tornadus.

edit: oh sorry, NoCheese i'm on ORAS
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