Battle Maison Discussion & Records

If I have 150 wins in XY super doubles, would I have a record? I can't tell if it's still being updated; 116 as the lowest record seems low to me.

Yes. The leaderboard is updated very regularly, and it's not a typo. The leaderboard was originally only going to have the top 10 streaks in each format (meaning 308 would be the lowest in Doubles, which is not low by any definition of the word), it's now open to any streak over 70 to encourage more posting :)
If it weren't for M-Gyarados being able to kill my other two leads, plus Slaking not having an ally that can remove Truant, I'd have found a team I wanted to play far more than ten battles with. Bronzong/M-Gyarados/Beheeyem/Slaking/Togekiss/Gourgeist. Surprisingly synergetic for both switching and doling out carnage, that team was surprisingly really fun to use.

Gourgeist and Beheeyem completely exceeded my expectations. When Gourgeist wasn't shrugging off hits for Gyarados (or punishing HJKs) it dealt lots of abuse on its own with a Life Orb; I reminded myself early on to be on the lookout for Trick or Treat candidates, because the added weakness to Dark allowed Gyarados and Beheeyem (almost always sitting on at least +2) to OHKO several walls.

Beheeyem ate all manners of shit and survived a crit Terrakion Stone Edge with 25%. It was taking so comparitively little damage even without Gyarados' Intimidate helping it that I dumped its Sash for Lefties. I suppose its teammates' much more expansive/exploitable weaknesses helped, because the AI wasn't really targeting it much; at least, never ganging up on it. I kept waiting for the opportunity to pass Togekiss some Nasty Plots, but running the calcs, it had no reason not to kill the bastards itself. Had I faced more Psychics/Hex, this guy probably would have been much less useful, but the AI ran far more Electric leads, so Gyarados was the one doing all the switching.

Truant Slaking is awful, but that behemoth took a Tyrantrum4 Head Smash and Aurorus4 LO Thunder in one turn and killed them both the following turn, which none of its teammates could do, so I'll give it that. He made a pretty damn good meat shield, taking a few ghost moves here and there, and unlike Gyarados, it could use Earthquake without hitting Bronzong/Beheeyem.

While they only fought ten battles, they did bring the streak to 200, significant only because that's twenty separate teams, instead of just the two that made up 2/3rds of my 315 streak. On to 300!
Lol xD
Wanna watch the longest battle in Maison history? XD

Me: Durant, Dragonite, & Suicune
Enemy: Floatzel, Ludicolo, Lanturn
98 turn battle
This is literally the longest battle ever lol

Edit: Also I won with Lanturn using Struggle
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If it weren't for M-Gyarados being able to kill my other two leads, plus Slaking not having an ally that can remove Truant, I'd have found a team I wanted to play far more than ten battles with. Bronzong/M-Gyarados/Beheeyem/Slaking/Togekiss/Gourgeist. Surprisingly synergetic for both switching and doling out carnage, that team was surprisingly really fun to use.

Gourgeist and Beheeyem completely exceeded my expectations. When Gourgeist wasn't shrugging off hits for Gyarados (or punishing HJKs) it dealt lots of abuse on its own with a Life Orb; I reminded myself early on to be on the lookout for Trick or Treat candidates, because the added weakness to Dark allowed Gyarados and Beheeyem (almost always sitting on at least +2) to OHKO several walls.

Beheeyem ate all manners of shit and survived a crit Terrakion Stone Edge with 25%. It was taking so comparitively little damage even without Gyarados' Intimidate helping it that I dumped its Sash for Lefties. I suppose its teammates' much more expansive/exploitable weaknesses helped, because the AI wasn't really targeting it much; at least, never ganging up on it. I kept waiting for the opportunity to pass Togekiss some Nasty Plots, but running the calcs, it had no reason not to kill the bastards itself. Had I faced more Psychics/Hex, this guy probably would have been much less useful, but the AI ran far more Electric leads, so Gyarados was the one doing all the switching.

Truant Slaking is awful, but that behemoth took a Tyrantrum4 Head Smash and Aurorus4 LO Thunder in one turn and killed them both the following turn, which none of its teammates could do, so I'll give it that. He made a pretty damn good meat shield, taking a few ghost moves here and there, and unlike Gyarados, it could use Earthquake without hitting Bronzong/Beheeyem.

While they only fought ten battles, they did bring the streak to 200, significant only because that's twenty separate teams, instead of just the two that made up 2/3rds of my 315 streak. On to 300!

What evs are you running on Beheeyem? Surviving a crit stab Stone Edge doesn't leave much room for special attack. Is there a post that goes into detail on your team comp? To be honest, any team that uses Beheeyem and Slaking has to be at least somewhat cool.
What evs are you running on Beheeyem? Surviving a crit stab Stone Edge doesn't leave much room for special attack. Is there a post that goes into detail on your team comp? To be honest, any team that uses Beheeyem and Slaking has to be at least somewhat cool.
The only team writeups I have are from way back, my first post in this topic, when I reached a streak of 315. That post should do a pretty adequate job of explaining my style and why I have no further writeups, but I'll summarize things again-

I have a handful of boxes of pokes with 0 Speed IVs and negative natures. One of those boxes contains nothing but Mega Evo-capable pokemon, while among the remaining boxes contain twelve pokes that know Trick Room. I use an RNG website to pick a Mega Stone holder and a TR setter, plus four more random pokemon, and then fight ten battles with them in Super Triples. When item conflicts arise, I use an alternate moveset with a different item if possible, or use a different one altogether. Because the TR setters aren't in their own box, it's possible to draw two or more at a time, so some of the setters have entirely offensive movesets.

At one time I had only 80 pokes altogether and didn't use many experimental things, so most teams were able to easily handle 50 battles, but boredom would usually set in, so I cut that number to ten and bred a loooot more stuff. My main allure to this style is mimicking the AI's tendency to cause horrible losses with completely batshit insane teams due to the nightmare move Trick Room.

That number is up to 156 unique species. I had a spreadsheet with all of them on it, but I haven't updated it in a long time. I'll post it after cleaning it up in a while if you're interested.

Beheeyem is Relaxed with 252 HP/164 Def/92 SDef. Some of its tanking was primarily Gyarados' work with Intimidate, but that Terrakion crit ignored the attack cut and I was very surprised that it lived with "that much" HP. The idea behind the set was to use Nasty Plot and then pass those boosts onto another special attacker; it's been paired with Mega Blastoise and Exploud thus far, and when I safely pull it off, the effect is devastating. During this particular run, though, Beheeyem was doing the killing by itself. During several battles it reached +4 with most or all of its HP intact, so the sailing was pretty smooth.

Really, if it could learn Aura Sphere and maybe Dazzling Gleam/Moonblast, Beheeyem would be an A+ TR sweeper or Specs Analytic user. Thunderbolt and Energy Ball only do so much, and its merely average stat spread means it's not really suited for anything else.
I've never really played the battle maison before, and I was wondering what would be a good Mega to use?
That depends on the format. Mega Kangaskhan is amazing in super singles because of parental bond, and Mega Gyarados is pretty good imo because of mold breaker. Mega Lucario has STAB aura sphere that can hit across corners in super triples. Look in the leaderboards and there are several Mega Evolutions in those teams including the ones I mentioned.
So ive looked through most of the pages (however 130 is a lot) and i cant seem to find why i cant use Ageislash? is just says "banned". Ive removed items, changed skillsets. nothing.
I see a lot of Charizard Y in this thread running Modest. For all base speed 100s, especially those with 4x weaknesses, I find that I feel insecure leaving them vulnerable to be outsped by timid or jolly 100s. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is there are known best strategy in choosing between +speed and +attack?

No. i had my wife trade me over a honedge from X and i ran it through Victory road with exp share.
Can you use it online?

Try using an ev removing berry on its max stats and then entering, it is possible that it has too many. Also, if that doesn't work, try deleting one move and reentering. I think you can try to add it to your team before you save, and if it can be added, simply reset the game without saving the change to the pokemon.
I see a lot of Charizard Y in this thread running Modest. For all base speed 100s, especially those with 4x weaknesses, I find that I feel insecure leaving them vulnerable to be outsped by timid or jolly 100s. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is there are known best strategy in choosing between +speed and +attack?
Look at the speed tiers:

For base 100s, these are the Pokemon between Jolly and Adamant (inclusive):

167 - Flygon (1,2,3), Miltank (1,2,4), Ninetales (2,3,4), Salamence (3,4), Slaking (1,2,4), Staraptor (1,4), Starmie 2, Tentacruel (1,2), Typhlosion 2, Volcarona 2, Zapdos (1,3,4)
165 - Durant 1, Hydreigon (3,4), Serperior 4
163 - Haxorus (1,3,4)
162 - Archeops 2, Espeon 3, Froslass 2, Latias 4, Latios 4, Raichu 1, Tauros 1
161 - Arcanine (3,4), Darmanitan 1, Drapion (2,3), Durant 2, Electivire 4, Gliscor 4, Houndoom (2,3,4), Jynx 4, Leafeon 2
160 - Electrode 1
159 - Unfezant (2,3)
158 - Pyroar (3,4), Krookodile 4
157 - Manectric (1,2), Rapidash 1
156 - Delphox (2,4), Kangaskhan (2,3,4), Lilligant 1, Lucario (2,3), Moltres (3,4), Porygon-Z 4, Roserade 3
152 - Charizard (2,4), Entei 1, Flygon 4, Ninetales 1, Staraptor 3, Typhlosion (1,4), Volcarona 1

Most of these don't appear after battle 40. Excluding those that don't (as well as ones who are only used by one trainer after battle 40) leaves us with:

167 - Miltank 4, Ninetales 4, Salamence (3,4), Slaking 4, Staraptor 4, Typhlosion 2, Zapdos (1,3,4)
165 - Hydreigon 4, Serperior 4
163 - Haxorus 4
162 - Espeon 3, Latias 4, Latios 4
161 - Arcanine 4, Electivire 4, Gliscor 4, Houndoom 4, Jynx 4, Leafeon 2
159 - Unfezant 3
158 - Pyroar 4, Krookodile 4
156 - Delphox (2,4), Kangaskhan 4, Moltres (3,4), Porygon-Z 4
152 - Charizard (2,4), Entei 1, Flygon 4, Staraptor 3, Typhlosion (1,4), Volcarona 1

Most people don't want to weaken their attackers for the sake of a speed tie, so the 167 group is out already. Many of the remaining Pokemon aren't particularly good match-ups for Charizard anyway (Dragon Pulse won't OHKO the Lati twins and isn't a guaranteed OHKO on Flygon, Fire-types resist your strongest STAB and may have Flash Fire for immunity), or simply aren't considered threatening enough to warrant a Jolly nature (Krookodile 4 really isn't very strong; Mega Zard Y handily beats Kangaskhan 4 anyway). Jynx is probably the most annoying opponent of the bunch who you'd really like to KO (due to the threat of Lovely Kiss), but it's generally easier to have a teammate take care of her than to weaken MegaZard Y against almost every other opponent.

Mega Kangaskhan handles most of these opponents with Sucker Punch anyway, and often can't be OHKO'd by them even with a crit, meaning the extra speed is irrelevant more often than not.
Well I just learned that Avalanche has a lower priority than Focus Punch which stops you from making the target 'lose its focus' which resulted in me losing in a 1v1 against Breloom4 and my Avalugg. The fact that I was in that situation was down to me miss-clicking Waterfall instead of Destiny Bond with Sharpedo, which otherwise would have allowed me to win (I need to start using the touch screen instead of messing up the D Pad like I did / stop playing late at night). I avoided using Avalanche in the first place coz Breloom was just spamming Sub + Protect, but I managed to get him below 25% so he was just going for the Focus Punch, but between Rocky Helmet and his Poison Heal he was breaking even on HP every turn so I needed to attack instead of stalling with Recover, so I figured I would just finish him with Avalanche but yeah, Focus Punch goes first apparently :(

Anyway, this was the 51st battle, meaning I was able to get the trophy at least! May as well do the team write-up..


Gengar (Teagan) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Hasty Nature
IVs: 30/x/0/30/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 135 / 75 / 58 / 181 / 95 / 178
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Counter
- Destiny Bond
Bred by friend of the Maison; The Dutch Plumberjack especially for me! We decided on hasty and 0 def so as to maximise Counter's efficiency. Probably should have put the 4 HP EVs into SpDef..

Sharpedo (Mitsukurina) @ Sharpedonite
Ability: Speed Boost (Strong Jaw)
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 146 / 189 / 60 / 66 / 60 / 147 (146 / 211 / 90 / 113 / 85 / 157)
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Destiny Bond
- Protect
This is from my original Destiny Bond team with Hydreigon and Aegislash, Sharpedo getting a Mega Evolution is really the only reason I wanted to retry it. R Inanimate's old double Destiny Bond team utilised Scarf Froslass as the second DBonder, I figured with Speed Boost and Protect that Sharpedo would do better in that role. His Crunch in Mega forme is crazy strong.

Avalugg (Heicenberg) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 31/31/31/x/0/0
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Lv. 50 stats: 202 / 138 / 259 / 50 / 51 / 29
- Avalanche
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Mirror Coat
My idea of a good 1v1 mon. He is actually pretty good too! Takes on physical attackers for days, and just Mirror Coats special attackers to death. This particular Avalugg is a spitback while going for a flawless egg (to TSV hatch), but the 0 SpDef IV stuck out to me and made me think it would make Mirror Coat more reliable. Basically the opposite of Counter Blissey, but better coz it has sturdy and actual offensive presense

So the team is pretty fun to use. I haven't been able to actually see how viable it is since I've only played 10 battles above 40 so far, and grinding through the pre-40 stuff is hardly a true test, however I breezed through the last 10 matches easier than ever, and like I mentioned, I lost to me being unco and not pressing buttons properly. Obviously there are a bunch of things that I probably lose to, but most of them are a combination of things that force me to be in a 1v1 at the end and that last mon has to be something that Avalugg can't beat (which are a few things, lol). Sometimes if Gengar is going to go down but Sharpedo can KO what's out then I'll sack Gengar to let Sharpedo revenge kill, which would put it in the same situation it would be in (coming out at full health against whatever they send out next) except already at +1, meaning I can Protect to get to +2 to outspeed literally everything. Avalugg has been put there specifically to battle 1v1 but he gets switched in every now and then to beat a physical opponent.

I'll be taking these guys through again to see if I can not misplay long enough to actually lose and maybe get a spot at the bottom of the leaderboard

Some replays even though they aren't really that important...
No. 36:

I'm not really paying attention so I assume Counter wil work turn 1, which allows a free turn for Gigalith to set rocks. I sack Gengar so Sharpedo can revenge and get to +1 easily. I send in Avalugg to deal with Conk, I survive rocks + Mach Punch + either Hammer Arm or Superpower (I don't know which set it is) and can stall either set. Avalugg is so bulky that it tanks Head Smash without sturdy and KOs

No. 48:


I get some lucky rolls with Poison and SpDef drops at the start, but I still need to sack Gengar to Regice. Sharpedo needs to go for the quick DBond on Virizion, leaving me in a dreaded 1v1, luckily it's just a Latios which is easy Mirror Coat fodder

No. 50:


Obligatory boss battle. She leads with what is possibly the best 'mon for me as Thundy is easy Counter bait. Lando is obviously going to use Extrasensory so that is a free switch and KO. I evolve Sharpy for kicks since I haven't done it in a while as I kill Tornadus with Destiny Bond.

Hit me up if you see any huge weaknesses. I'm gonna keep playing this team until I finalise my doubles squad, turns out level 1 Magnemite + Latias isn't as fun / good as I hoped :( I've moved my M-Pidgeot+Sheer Cold idea to triples for now...
Look at the speed tiers:

For base 100s, these are the Pokemon between Jolly and Adamant (inclusive):

167 - Flygon (1,2,3), Miltank (1,2,4), Ninetales (2,3,4), Salamence (3,4), Slaking (1,2,4), Staraptor (1,4), Starmie 2, Tentacruel (1,2), Typhlosion 2, Volcarona 2, Zapdos (1,3,4)
165 - Durant 1, Hydreigon (3,4), Serperior 4
163 - Haxorus (1,3,4)
162 - Archeops 2, Espeon 3, Froslass 2, Latias 4, Latios 4, Raichu 1, Tauros 1
161 - Arcanine (3,4), Darmanitan 1, Drapion (2,3), Durant 2, Electivire 4, Gliscor 4, Houndoom (2,3,4), Jynx 4, Leafeon 2
160 - Electrode 1
159 - Unfezant (2,3)
158 - Pyroar (3,4), Krookodile 4
157 - Manectric (1,2), Rapidash 1
156 - Delphox (2,4), Kangaskhan (2,3,4), Lilligant 1, Lucario (2,3), Moltres (3,4), Porygon-Z 4, Roserade 3
152 - Charizard (2,4), Entei 1, Flygon 4, Ninetales 1, Staraptor 3, Typhlosion (1,4), Volcarona 1

Most of these don't appear after battle 40. Excluding those that don't (as well as ones who are only used by one trainer after battle 40) leaves us with:

167 - Miltank 4, Ninetales 4, Salamence (3,4), Slaking 4, Staraptor 4, Typhlosion 2, Zapdos (1,3,4)
165 - Hydreigon 4, Serperior 4
163 - Haxorus 4
162 - Espeon 3, Latias 4, Latios 4
161 - Arcanine 4, Electivire 4, Gliscor 4, Houndoom 4, Jynx 4, Leafeon 2
159 - Unfezant 3
158 - Pyroar 4, Krookodile 4
156 - Delphox (2,4), Kangaskhan 4, Moltres (3,4), Porygon-Z 4
152 - Charizard (2,4), Entei 1, Flygon 4, Staraptor 3, Typhlosion (1,4), Volcarona 1

Most people don't want to weaken their attackers for the sake of a speed tie, so the 167 group is out already. Many of the remaining Pokemon aren't particularly good match-ups for Charizard anyway (Dragon Pulse won't OHKO the Lati twins and isn't a guaranteed OHKO on Flygon, Fire-types resist your strongest STAB and may have Flash Fire for immunity), or simply aren't considered threatening enough to warrant a Jolly nature (Krookodile 4 really isn't very strong; Mega Zard Y handily beats Kangaskhan 4 anyway). Jynx is probably the most annoying opponent of the bunch who you'd really like to KO (due to the threat of Lovely Kiss), but it's generally easier to have a teammate take care of her than to weaken MegaZard Y against almost every other opponent.

Mega Kangaskhan handles most of these opponents with Sucker Punch anyway, and often can't be OHKO'd by them even with a crit, meaning the extra speed is irrelevant more often than not.
Electivire4 and Hydreigon4 are also bad for ZardY, and harder to find back-ups against - Chomp needs an Adamant nature with Choice Scarf to OHKO Electivire4 with Outrage due to its Shuca Berry, for example. I think the base-100 group is one of the cases where going max speed with a positive nature is worth it even if only to tie - you want at least 166 anyway when going it and tying Zapdos and Mence (and Reckless Staraptor) in a pinch may save you unlike something like Mat Block Greninja where 191 Speed only ties with Greninja2/3 that only appear on starter Pokémon Breeders.

With HP Ground, the Fire-types not named Entei1 (which KOs Zard with Stone Edge) or Moltres are all 2HKO'd - ZardY has Drought, so the threat level of these is a lot bigger than usual with the Sun up:

252+ SpA Delphox Overheat vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y in Sun: 75-88 (49 - 57.5%)
252+ SpA Pyroar Overheat vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y in Sun: 72-85 (47 - 55.5%)

With Sucker Punch, a slower base 90 Speed before Mega Evolving, a preference for using Power-Up Punch, and possibly Fake Out for a second priority move, Mega Kangaskhan is an exception that prefers Adamant in Singles, and can use either Adamant or Jolly effectively in other modes. For the rest of the base-100 crowd, I prefer religiously going for positive-Speed natures in the Maison, barring speed control ("Speed is the most important stat in the Maison").
Any thoughts on Sheer Force Feraligatr? I'm thinking a Jolly DD one might work out - it sits at 212 speed after one DD, has pretty wide coverage possibilities (Waterfall/Crunch/Ice Punch/Superpower/Earthquake/Aqua Jet). I don't see it replacing Suicune on a singles team, but in a Doubles team it could be pretty handy.
I haven't tried my Iron Ball SD Feraligatr since it hasn't come up in a roll yet, but the numbers were extremely promising. It's also more than bulky enough to survive the SD turn while Trick Room is set. I'm really eager to try it. I will say that I'd never advocate putting Superpower on a 1-stage boost attacking set, though.
I've been lurking for a long time in this thread, and finally decided to post proof of Battle Maison trophy completion in both Pokemon Y and Alpha Sapphire.


I also have a 228 win streak in ORAS super doubles; however, I used Silver_snake7's Mega Kang/Sylveon/Conkeldurr/Gastrodon template, and used protect on Gastrodon in place of Sludge Bomb. Because I switched one move from an established team (and turned out a less-successful performance), I do not believe it deserves a spot on the list. I was just trying to get the Starf Berry and was frustrated getting 100+ win streaks stopped short.

How would this be in triples for a core:

THE SET UP (Weavile) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Beat Up
- Feint
- Night Slash
- Ice Punch

THE KILLER (Terrakion) @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab

THE SUPPORTER (Whimsicott) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Tailwind
- Leech Seed
- Cotton Guard
- Protect

Pretty gimmicky, I know, but it's insanely powerful.
For a modest nature Hydreigon, are there any recommended amount of speed EVs or is it better off with max speed investment with timid nature? (This is without tailwind support)
Any thoughts on Sheer Force Feraligatr? I'm thinking a Jolly DD one might work out - it sits at 212 speed after one DD, has pretty wide coverage possibilities (Waterfall/Crunch/Ice Punch/Superpower/Earthquake/Aqua Jet). I don't see it replacing Suicune on a singles team, but in a Doubles team it could be pretty handy.
Depends on the team, but I can't imagine it hits any harder than Adaptability Crawdaunt, which I haven't had much success with no matter how badly I want it to work. Gatr's a little faster, though, so maybe it would perform better when it can't get a DD in. That might be something to recommend it.
Posting a streak of 6840 wins in Super Triples.

Loss: #6841 - 9WYW-WWWW-WWXG-HSB6

The battle was pretty simple, standard plays all the way through; no dramatic misplays or comebacks like in other battles I've posted from this streak. Zapdos2 burnt Garchomp with Heat Wave on the switch-in, and Entei2 Flamethrower OHKO'd Lucario (3/16 chance to KO); there was no coming back against a boosted Zapdos2 after its checks were lost to timely hax enabled by a very good hand of back-ups from the AI.

I thought about a lot of what-ifs on this, and couldn't find a way to change the way the battle went with the AI's moves and hax - all the moves I made seem like the safe, correct play for each turn. A high-risk switch to preserve Greninja on Turn 2 is the best I can think of, but it would have meant having a teammate possibly take Life Orb Hurricane from Tornadus1 and giving Zapdos2 and Virizion1 free turns - Tornadus is really threatening and the risk would be very much not worth it 99% of the time.

I'll post more later - I don't know what to think of this loss. It was a simple battle with straightforward plays, and I pretty much lost automatically with opportune hax.
Posting a streak of 6840 wins in Super Triples.

Loss: #6841 - 9WYW-WWWW-WWXG-HSB6

The battle was pretty simple, standard plays all the way through; no dramatic misplays or comebacks like in other battles I've posted from this streak. Zapdos2 burnt Garchomp with Heat Wave on the switch-in, and Entei2 Flamethrower OHKO'd Lucario (3/16 chance to KO); there was no coming back against a boosted Zapdos2 after its checks were lost to timely hax enabled by a very good hand of back-ups from the AI.

I thought about a lot of what-ifs on this, and couldn't find a way to change the way the battle went with the AI's moves and hax - all the moves I made seem like the safe, correct play for each turn. A high-risk switch to preserve Greninja on Turn 2 is the best I can think of, but it would have meant having a teammate possibly take Life Orb Hurricane from Tornadus1 and giving Zapdos2 and Virizion1 free turns - Tornadus is really threatening and the risk would be very much not worth it 99% of the time.

I'll post more later - I don't know what to think of this loss. It was a simple battle with straightforward plays, and I pretty much lost automatically with opportune hax.
Damn. It's always hard to process losing a long streak; I can only imagine how hard it is when the streak is almost 7000 wins. Congrats on a truly amazing accomplishment!
Depends on the team, but I can't imagine it hits any harder than Adaptability Crawdaunt, which I haven't had much success with no matter how badly I want it to work. Gatr's a little faster, though, so maybe it would perform better when it can't get a DD in. That might be something to recommend it.

I am a pretty novice teambuilder, but I currently have an ongoing 150 win streak in Super Singles with a sheer force Feraligatr lead. I don't really want to tip my hand on team specifics until I reach 200 wins or lose; however, he's a fairly strong lead with good super effective coverage. I believe at least moderate streak lengths can be achieved with this pokemon.

Edit: Well, I definitely jinxed myself by posting, but I'm now posting a streak of 153 wins in Super Singles. Video: NJRG-WWWW-WWXG-N6RN The loss was ultimately a misplay - I forgot Weavile had Taunt on 2/3 sets with Fake Out. After trying to DD on the turn Weavile used Taunt, I knew I was in trouble. Even with that terrible misplay, I battled back to come within one flinch of winning - Garchomp vs. ~30% Starmie. I knew Starmie would Ice Beam Garchomp to 1HP before getting KO'd. However, that blasted Kings Rock procs a flinch, and it's game over. Ultimately my fault for the Taunt/DD misplay, but that is a frustrating timely flinch.

The team:

Feraligatr (M) @ Life Orb
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sheer Force
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Moves: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch

Lead. I would say I used DD ~50% of the time. Good super effective coverage, decent bulk.

Garchomp (F) @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Rough Skin
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Evs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Iron Head, Swords Dance

Switch option when opponent's lead had an Electric attack that could 1HKO Feraligatr. Would use SD when I thought it was safe. Iron head may seem somewhat odd, but I used it several times during the streak when I encountered Togekiss, or needed to break an Air Balloon without locking myself into Outrage. Focus sash absolutely saved me several times during the streak.

Scizor (M) Scizorite
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Special Defense
Moves: Bullet Punch, Bug Bite, Roost, Swords Dance

Switch option when opponent's lead had a grass attack that could 1HKO Feraligatr. When I was sure crits couldn't ruin me, I would boost to +6 and heal off any damage with roost, subsequently sweeping.

I really wanted to try a pokemon that had not made its way to the streak list, and when I learned Feraligatr was getting its hidden ability, I was excited. I found Sheer Force Feraligatr to be a capable Maison pokemon. I will say that I encountered lead grass/electric pokemon what seemed like 50% of the time, forcing a turn one switch way more often than I would have liked. I think other, more capable battlers, may find more success with Feraligatr in a spot other than lead.

My team has fairly strong synergy. Feraligatr covers fire weakness of Scizor. Garchomp covers electric and fire weaknesses of Feraligatr and Scizor respectively. Scizor covers grass and ice/fairy weaknesses of Feraligatr and Garchomp, respectively. If I noticed my team struggling against one type of pokemon in particular, it would be water. I had no super effective moves for water pokemon, and DD Gyarados was particularly scary. Taking those down usually involved multi-boosting my own pokemon and hoping I could take it down before fainting.

Can any Maison pros suggest different teammates that may prove better alongside Feraligatr?

I look forward to seeing if anyone else can have success with Sheer Force Feraligatr. I can see moderate success in Super Singles, but it may be better in doubles or triples as a strong filler to a strong core.
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Wow, what a thread. Really takes me back to the Battle Tower days. These streaks and analyses are as impressive as ever.

A request to those who have gotten some of those higher streaks: do you think you could post QR codes for the Pokemon you used? I'd love to try out some of them for myself, but I don't have the dedication to RNG and train my own stuff anymore.