But Yanmega 3 won't wake up if you take away it's lum berry. Just yawning first turn and then tricking 2nd would guarantee the sleep turn. So, just use this at every lead non-frisk yanmega. Shouldn't this work. You're the expert so i'm probably wrong, please explain it to me if that is the case
With Trick, sure, but without Knock Off you'll be regularly placed into compromising situations against leads like Espeon and Mismagius.
NoCheese , you can go ahead and put my 130 streak up there. I'm not sure I'd even want my inevitable 200 streak to go on the records board because it's just a complete copy of GG Unit 's team lol.
But here's the 130 picture:I took it when I got back home earlier, and I mentioned before that I had 100 wins at the time using the TruAnt team, so that lines up. I did save the battle video of the loss (which is rife with misplays - I promise I'm not netting all these wins with sheer luck; while I usually play well, I do make really poor decisions at times and often suffer the results): QGMG-WWWW-WWXU-Q7TJ.![]()
I say "at the time" with regards to the TruAnt team because I decided to play some more again this afternoon and ended up losing at 106. Enemy Floatzel killed Durant without letting it get off an Entrainment due to Protect, and I haven't really dealt with that situation before (I have faced enemy Protectors but they all allowed Entrainment at some point) so I kind of had no idea what to do and made some poor decisions. I didn't save the video though because I was mad at myself and it's full of a shitton of misplays too probably. I suppose I could have used it for the sake of mock battles (what do you do when you fail to get Entrainment off?? Cloyster can't survive enough attacks to get up the needed Shell Smashes against a Floatzel and I dunno that Drapion could deal with it well enough apart from stalling out Waterfall but...) but when I'm pissed off like I was I don't consider these things and just want to forget it happened.
But whatever it was, something about this loss flipped the switch that has been leading me to obsessively, feverishly play the Maison with every iota of free time I have and neglect my studies because of it, and now I don't care anymore. It can wait. And I 100% mean it this time. I'm going to start again this weekend (even though I have my Italian final, my last final, on Monday because whatever, I'm one of the two best students in the class) and hope I can resolve 200 wins by the following weekend, when I leave for Italy proper.
if Floatzel's first three moves were Protect-Waterfall-Protect, my plan was to switch to Cloyster and switch back to Durant. Waterfall + Low Kick does enough to Durant to make Floatzel not Protect the following turn. That's not flawless - if Low Kick crits on the switch, Durant may be in Aqua Jet KO range if the damage rolls leading up to that were high enough, and I distinctly remember a time a Floatzel "predicted" it would get a necessary Aqua Jet crit to KO a 30+% health Durant. Even in those cases, Drapion was able to set up by getting into an alternating Protect loop with Floatzel, which goes a long way towards being able to stall out Waterfall.
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