This is my first post here on smogon though I have been lurking here for years. Anyway I am posting a super singles streak of 150 in ORAS. Heres the proof:
Now onto the team:
Salamence (F) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate/Aerilate
EVs: 6HP/252Atk/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 171-171/187-197/100-150/103-112/100-110/167-189
Nature: Jolly
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Return
~ Earthquake
I know there are more effective dragons out there, but Salamence is one of my personal favorites and I really wanted to abuse the power of its new Aerilate boosted return, so here we are. I went for the basic max speed/attack spread just to be as fast as possible. Mega-Salamence has naturally high speed already and due to the fact that I am using dragon dance I can potentially see running an adamant nature and dumping more evs into hp or defense. I lead with Salamence to get an intimidate off on whatever the first pokemon was. If it was something salamence could handle (non-ice/rock/fairy/dragon/anything that could carry those types of moves) I would stay in and mega-evo and go for a substitute. Intimidate combined with the huge defense boost salamence recieved gave the substitutes a surprising amount of survivability. At least half of the battles I was able to set up d-dances and subs without much issue. From there mence would rip apart the rest of the team with return (and earthquake when needed). If salamence was able to set up properly (knocking out the first pokemon with a sub and at least one ddance up) then It was almost always a clean sweep from there. Even without a boost return could one-shot a lot of things that didn't resist it. If the first pokemon was something salamence could not set up comfortably against, then I would turn to my back-up.
Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252HP/40Atk/216Spd
Lv. 50 stats: 177/170/120/54/127/85
Nature: Adamant
~ Bullet Punch
~ Bug Bite
~ Swords Dance
~ Roost
Scizor is a very ideal partner for salamence as it is able to switch into and set up against practically anything that that salamence can't deal with. The ev spread and moveset was adapated from the gen 5 bulky SD set. I wanted the extra special defense so scizor could comfortably take on bulky waters as well as just tank hits in general. Usually if salamence was forced to switch out against the first mon scizor would come in and set up to sweep to the rest of the team (unless of course they had a fire type). The pseudo-bulk from salamence's intimidate allowed scizor to set up easily against the dangerous physical attackers that salamence couldn't beat (rock types, dragon types and fighting types with rock coverage). I did find scizor's unboosted damage output to be very underwhelming due to the low amount of attacks evs, however due to his bulk he found an ample amount of opportunities to set up at least one SD so this was never really an issue.
Greninja (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6HP/252SAtk/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 148/99/87/155/91/191
Nature: Timid
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Grass Knot
~ Dark Pulse
This is really just the standard maison Greninja, nothing too interesting here. I wanted a special attacker and geninja's speed, power and coverage earned him the spot. I very seldom switched him into an attack unless I was absolutely sure it was going to be a resisted hit. Greninja acted as more of an insurance/back up and thus was the least used member of the team. Usually scizor or salamence went down I would switch into greninja to try and sweep.
This streak is over three months old so I don't remember the name or the class of the trainer that I lost too. The loss however was quite humiliating. The trainer led off with a cryogonal so I immediately switched to scizor to tank the on-coming blizzard. I didn't see how cryogonal could harm sczior so I went for an SD. This proved to be a huge mistake as I scizor was swiftly taken down by a sheer cold. I didn't know much about cryogonal's stats other than that it had horrible defense so I made another mistake by switching into salamence. I tried to mega evolve and go for a return only to be out-sped and killed by a blizzard. I knew I was probably dead but I sucked it up and sent in greninja. I surfed it which did almost half so I thought I may have had a chance. My hopes were immediately dashed when greninja was then hit by an icy wind. The combination of two more blizzards plus life orb finished me off. I was single-handedly destroyed by a snowflake.
I really want to break 200 with this team and now that I am on summer break I hope I will have the chance to do this. If anyone has suggestions for improving the team that would be great. I wouldn't mind switching out any member except salamence as he is the only semi-original thing about this team. Hopefully I will be back with a higher streak in the near future.

Now onto the team:
Salamence (F) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate/Aerilate
EVs: 6HP/252Atk/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 171-171/187-197/100-150/103-112/100-110/167-189
Nature: Jolly
~ Dragon Dance
~ Substitute
~ Return
~ Earthquake
I know there are more effective dragons out there, but Salamence is one of my personal favorites and I really wanted to abuse the power of its new Aerilate boosted return, so here we are. I went for the basic max speed/attack spread just to be as fast as possible. Mega-Salamence has naturally high speed already and due to the fact that I am using dragon dance I can potentially see running an adamant nature and dumping more evs into hp or defense. I lead with Salamence to get an intimidate off on whatever the first pokemon was. If it was something salamence could handle (non-ice/rock/fairy/dragon/anything that could carry those types of moves) I would stay in and mega-evo and go for a substitute. Intimidate combined with the huge defense boost salamence recieved gave the substitutes a surprising amount of survivability. At least half of the battles I was able to set up d-dances and subs without much issue. From there mence would rip apart the rest of the team with return (and earthquake when needed). If salamence was able to set up properly (knocking out the first pokemon with a sub and at least one ddance up) then It was almost always a clean sweep from there. Even without a boost return could one-shot a lot of things that didn't resist it. If the first pokemon was something salamence could not set up comfortably against, then I would turn to my back-up.
Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252HP/40Atk/216Spd
Lv. 50 stats: 177/170/120/54/127/85
Nature: Adamant
~ Bullet Punch
~ Bug Bite
~ Swords Dance
~ Roost
Scizor is a very ideal partner for salamence as it is able to switch into and set up against practically anything that that salamence can't deal with. The ev spread and moveset was adapated from the gen 5 bulky SD set. I wanted the extra special defense so scizor could comfortably take on bulky waters as well as just tank hits in general. Usually if salamence was forced to switch out against the first mon scizor would come in and set up to sweep to the rest of the team (unless of course they had a fire type). The pseudo-bulk from salamence's intimidate allowed scizor to set up easily against the dangerous physical attackers that salamence couldn't beat (rock types, dragon types and fighting types with rock coverage). I did find scizor's unboosted damage output to be very underwhelming due to the low amount of attacks evs, however due to his bulk he found an ample amount of opportunities to set up at least one SD so this was never really an issue.
Greninja (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6HP/252SAtk/252Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 148/99/87/155/91/191
Nature: Timid
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Grass Knot
~ Dark Pulse
This is really just the standard maison Greninja, nothing too interesting here. I wanted a special attacker and geninja's speed, power and coverage earned him the spot. I very seldom switched him into an attack unless I was absolutely sure it was going to be a resisted hit. Greninja acted as more of an insurance/back up and thus was the least used member of the team. Usually scizor or salamence went down I would switch into greninja to try and sweep.
This streak is over three months old so I don't remember the name or the class of the trainer that I lost too. The loss however was quite humiliating. The trainer led off with a cryogonal so I immediately switched to scizor to tank the on-coming blizzard. I didn't see how cryogonal could harm sczior so I went for an SD. This proved to be a huge mistake as I scizor was swiftly taken down by a sheer cold. I didn't know much about cryogonal's stats other than that it had horrible defense so I made another mistake by switching into salamence. I tried to mega evolve and go for a return only to be out-sped and killed by a blizzard. I knew I was probably dead but I sucked it up and sent in greninja. I surfed it which did almost half so I thought I may have had a chance. My hopes were immediately dashed when greninja was then hit by an icy wind. The combination of two more blizzards plus life orb finished me off. I was single-handedly destroyed by a snowflake.
I really want to break 200 with this team and now that I am on summer break I hope I will have the chance to do this. If anyone has suggestions for improving the team that would be great. I wouldn't mind switching out any member except salamence as he is the only semi-original thing about this team. Hopefully I will be back with a higher streak in the near future.