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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

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#2000: CW5W-WWWW-WW36-SQBD
#2112: XEJW-WWWW-WW36-SPK7
(team writeup here)

I never planned on posting a 2k streak with my triples team back when I was hoping to hit that number in that format, because I didn't want to tie Mercury or beat him by only a couple battles... the number I was planning on posting was either 2105 (my birthday) or the same number I hit here. Since this team is named after a Rush song too, this number is equally appropriate here for posting the 2k+ streak... Just for today, team Marathon will be named after a different Rush song.

I honestly don't have too many words handy right now, but since is the 2k post for this team, I'm just gonna leave something here that I had been meaning to include in my 1k (yes, I totally could have made that one longer... but the character limit exists :T) It's my almost-but-not-completely comprehensive list of "what to do against lead X," so if anyone is wondering how a team that manages to hit 2k with a freaking Mega Gyarados would even work and is able to make sense of my hastily written thoughts, enjoy. There are still a couple entries missing for rarer leads, but then again, this is the kind of list that's never finalised—even now I'm still on a very rare occasion figuring out better tactics. A significant one happened even in like the 1900s iirc, concerning Slowbro and Slowking and also Greninja—my usual play against the Slowthings was setting up Aegislash within one TR cycle (i.e. one round of KS recovery possible), which leaves Aegislash at a little below 50% and therefore helpless against a second mon Greninja (maybe unless a lot of low damage rolls, don't recall the details, but w/e), and when all is said and done Greninja can still get pretty annoying if it haxes Gyarados. My first idea was to just stall for a couple more rounds of KS recovery and therefore beat the Slowthings when TR was still up and be able to smash any second mon Greninja with Iron Head—but why wouldn't I just actually set up Gyarados on them? Even a partially set up Gyarados is a lot harder for the AI to take down than a fully set up Aegislash, and the Slowthings open with TR in 99% of cases (in the event of that final percent you can just set up Aegislash anyway I guess...), so that would allow a setup of using Sub as the Slowthing sets up TR, Mega Evolving and setting up a first DD on the predicted Psychic, setting up a second DD on the first Surf, setting up a new Sub after the second Surf breaks the first one (a crit Surf never breaks the Sub and it always breaks to two Surfs, how great is that?), setting up a third DD on the third Surf, and KOing the Slowthing after TR runs out—which is a better setup than a 50% (or whatever) +6 Aegislash. Right, here it is for real.

This is largely based off the list I included with my Greninja writeup and therefore not comprehensive by a long shot... I intend it to be eventually, but right now there's still a lot of non-set4 Pokemon missing. Those will be filled out in due time as I'll be forced to figure out strategies for them, and naturally the other ones will be amended too as comes to mind (heck, I wrote a significant portion already when I was hoping to include this with my 1k, so it's pretty likely that it still holds some outdated entries as is x__x) Also, these were jotted down kinda quickly, so apologies in advance for any colloquial grammar or entries that must be reread a couple times. Nevertheless, this should give a decent idea of what the team can do and how it generally functions.

Venusaur1234: go to Gliscor. If set 1, set up a Sub to discourage it from using status moves, go back to Gyarados, and set up a Sub and six DDs; if set 2, switch-stall it out of Roar and either both Power Whip and Venoshock or Earthquake by always going to Aegislash from Gyarados or Gliscor and to Gyarados from Aegislash, and set up either Aegislash or Gyarados after either of these combinations has been stalled; if set 3, go to Aegislash and set up fully; if set 4, see below.
Venusaur4: switch to Gliscor and stall Sludge Bomb; then, make sure you have up a Sub to discourage it from using Leech Seed, go back to Gyarados, and set up a Sub and six Dragon Dances; alternatively, switch-stall Sludge Bomb and Leech Seed between Aegislash and Gliscor, and then go back to Gyarados.
Charizard1234: straight Waterfall OHKO.
Charizard34: straight Waterfall OHKO.
Charizard4: Mega Evolve + DD + Waterfall OHKO; if Air Slash flinch, go to Gliscor on the Focus Blast, stall Heat Wave, and go to Aegislash and set up fully (preferably after Gliscor has gotten back to somewhat safer health)
Blastoise1234: go to Aegislash. If set 1, go to Gliscor after dropping its Attack a couple stages with King's Shield, stall both Aqua Tail and Rock Slide, go to Gyarados and set up a Sub and six DDs; if set 2, set up Aegislash (possibly switch back and forth to Gyarados to tank a final Hydro Pump if at low HP, and if Aegislash faints to crits, PP stall Blastoise dry with Gliscor and set up Gyarados) and IH + SS KO; if set 3, go to Gliscor, stall Aqua Tail and Avalanche, and fully set up Gyarados; if set 4, see below.
Blastoise4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor, stall Waterfall, KO with Earthquakes and don't waste too many subs because it can't touch you anyway and Gyarados or Kingdra might show up.
Raichu4: go to Gliscor, straight Toxic; it can't touch you but will use Encore, so yeah. After three turns, switch back and forth to Aegislash, and set up a free Sub on the turn Raichu succumbs to Toxic damage.
Nidoqueen4: drop its Attack via Intimidate switches; go to Gliscor on its ninth Earthquake; stall Poison Jab; pivot back to Gyarados via Aegislash; don't Mega Evolve, set up a Sub, and boost to +6.
Nidoking4: switch between Gyarados and Aegislash to stall it out of Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash.
Ninetales4: Sub first, make sure you get two DDs, but don't sweat it if it boosts and you therefore cannot come out on top with a Sub; KO Flash Fire variants with +2 non-Mega Waterfall, KO Drought variants with +2 Mega Crunch.
Vileplume4: go to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake 3HKO.
Dugtrio4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Arcanine4: DD once, Waterfall OHKO.
Poliwrath4: go to Aegislash on Waterfall/FP/CT, go to Gliscor on EQ, Sub / Protect stall Waterfall, switch stall Earthquake PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, fully set up Aegislash.
Alakazam(12)34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Alakazam4: Mega Evolve + Sub, and DD as it switches out.
Machamp4: go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until it's in EQ KO range from burn damage and CC defense drops.
Victreebel1234: go to Aegislash, PP stall set 1 with Gliscor and set up Gyarados, PP stall set 2 with Aegislash and set up Gyarados, set up Aegislash on sets 3 and 4.
Victreebel4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Tentacruel1234: throw up a Sub to scout, set up Mega Gyarados as far as possible on set 4, set up Aegislash on set 3, 2HKO set 2 with +1 Crunch, OHKO set 1 with +1 Crunch.
Tentacruel4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up as far as possible (usually fully cause gotta love liberal Protect usage)
Golem4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Rapidash4: non-Mega DD once, Waterfall KO.
Slowbro4: Sub as it sets up TR, Mega Evolve + DD as it uses Psychic, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, set up a new Sub as it breaks the old one, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, Crunch KO before it resets TR. Alternatively, or in the extraordinarily unlikely event that it uses Psychic on turn 1 (happened once for both Slowbro and Slowking combined in, at the time of writing, almost 3k battles), go to Aegislash and set up fully during one TR cycle.
Dewgong4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Surf, fully set up Gyarados.
Muk4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Gengar4: go to Gliscor on Thunderbolt, Sub / Protect stall Shadow Ball, switch stall Sludge Bomb and most of Thunderbolt PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, wait out the last couple of Thunderbolt PP with Gliscor, go back to Gyarados after it wastes its final PP, and set up a Sub and two DDs as it Struggles to death.
Electrode4: switch to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake KO (even Sub at risk of Taunt because if it Taunts that turn you'll at least burn one of your Taunt turns)
Exeggutor4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Marowak4: use Intimidate switches, and see what move it's using most. If it's easiest to (switch) stall it out of Earthquake, do so, and fully set up Aegislash and KO with Sneak; alternatively, go to Gliscor and KO with Earthquakes while maintaining a Sub.
Weezing4: set up a Sub, and freely boost to +6.
Kangaskhan4: go to Aegislash, set up fully on Scrappy sets, non-Scrappy sets will switch out
Starmie4: Mega Evolve + straight Crunch KO.
Mr. Mime4: go to Aegislash, SD once, Sneak KO.
Jynx4: Mega Evolve, go to Aegislash, wait out Blizzard PP, go back to Gyarados, and freely set up a Sub and six DDs.
Pinsir4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Tauros4: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall
Gyarados1234: Sub (also Mega Evolve if there's no Intimidate to determine whether it's set 3), win the boosting war
Gyarados34: Mega Evolve, win the boosting war
Gyarados4: win the boosting war.
Lapras4: go to Aegislash, switch back to Gyarados as Perish count reaches 1 to reset the battle.
Vaporeon1234: go to Aegislash; if set 3 or 4 see below, if set 2 stall Hydro Pump / sack Aegislash to do so with Gliscor and set up Mega Gyarados, if set 1 set up Mega Gyarados right away.
Vaporeon3: straight switch to Gliscor on Yawn, stall Blizzard + Muddy Water, fully set up Gyarados.
Vaporeon4: go to Aegislash on Ice Beam, go to Gliscor on Shadow Ball, stall Ice Beam, stall until given room to inflict Toxic, wait until it dies, don't bother too much trying to maintain a Sub.
Jolteon: switch to Gliscor, immediate Sub (even in case of Swagger because lol what's it gonna do); if it's set 4, Sub again as it breaks the first Sub with Hyper Beam, and KO with Earthquake.
Flareon12: identified as set 1 or 2 by lack of White Herb, Sub, fully set up if set 2, DD once + 2HKO if set 1.
Flareon34: identified as set 3 or 4 by triggering White Herb, Sub, set up as many DDs as allowed by stat drops or straight Waterfall OHKO if you're lazy)
Flareon4: Sub, set up a couple DDs if given room by Superpower stat drops / Giga Impact recharge turns, Waterfall KO (or straight Waterfall OHKO if you're lazy)
Aerodactyl34: go to Aegislash, set up on set 4, Toxic stall set 3 with Gliscor.
Aerodactyl4: go to Aegislash, stall Stone Edge, set up fully.
Snorlax4: use Intimidate switches to get it to -6, set up Gyarados as far as possible.
Articuno12: go to Aegislash, set up fully against set 1, stall set 2 out of Sheer Cold / Ice Beam PP (or do so with Gliscor if Sheer Cold hits)
Articuno34: go to Aegislash, set up fully on set 3, stall set 4 out of Blizzard and fully set up non-Mega Gyarados
Articuno1234: go to Aegislash, proceed accordingly
Zapdos12: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall set 1 and Static set 2, if Pressure set 2 then Sub / Protect stall Heat Wave, switch stall Charge Beam between Aegislash and Gliscor, and fully set up Gyarados.
Zapdos34: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall.
Zapdos1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately.
Moltres12: set identified by White Herb or lack thereof; if set 2, bounce Sky Attack off Aegislash, go back to Gyarados on Fire Blast, go to Gliscor as it charges for a second Sky Attack, Protect, Sub / Protect stall Fire Blast, Toxic. If set 1, DD once; Waterfall KO if it uses Air Slash and Gyarados didn't flinch, just hammer away if it uses Tailwind / WoW, will outline this more clearly soon
Moltres34: non-Mega DD; if set 3 sets up Sunny Day, DD again and Waterfall OHKO, otherwise +1 Waterfall OHKO.
Moltres234: DD once, proceed appropriately (+1 Waterfall OHKO on set 2, if Sky Attack flinch just go straight to Gliscor)
Dragonite4: go to Aegislash, KS, go back to Gyarados, +2 Mega Crunch OHKO.
Meganium1234: go to Gliscor; if set 3, stall Seed Bomb and fully set up Gyarados; otherwise, stall the appropriate move and set up Gyarados (make sure you have a Sub up while switching out of sets 1 and 4 so as to discourage the use of status moves)
Meganium1: go to Gliscor, switch-stall Solar Beam, go back to Gyarados, set up fully.
Meganium2: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Petal Blizzard, go back to Gyarados, set up fully.
Meganium4: Substitute, freely set up to +6.
Typhlosion1: non-Mega DD twice, Mega Crunch OHKO.
Typhlosion4: non-Mega DD once, set up a free Sub on the Solar Beam, Waterfall OHKO.
Feraligatr4: Mega Evolve and pulverise it in the boosting war.
Crobat4: switch-stall Taunt and Aerial Ace between Gliscor and Aegislash, start Sub / Protect stalling Cross Poison; if it's Infiltrator, don't stall CP and set up Aegislash, if it's Inner Focus, do stall CP and fully set up Gyarados.
Lanturn34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Ice Beam and use Toxic, if set 4 see below
Lanturn4: go to Gliscor, stall Ice Beam, switch-stall Charge Beam with Aegislash, go to Gyarados, set up fully.
Ampharos4: switch to Gliscor, Earthquake KO with unbroken sub.
Politoed4: Mega Evolve + Sub, if the Sub survives go to Gliscor, stall all attacking PP, fully set up Gyarados; if the Sub breaks, sack Aegislash before going to Gliscor.
Quagsire4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and like 5HKO it with (non-Mega) Crunch or (if Unaware) chip away at it with non-Mega Crunch and 2HKO it with Mega Crunch.
Espeon4: go to Aegislash, +2 Sneak KO
Umbreon4: go to Gliscor, stall its attacking PP, go back to Gyarados, set up fully
Slowking4: Sub as it sets up TR, Mega Evolve + DD as it uses Psychic, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, set up a new Sub as it breaks the old one, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, Crunch KO before it resets TR. Alternatively, or in the extraordinarily unlikely event that it uses Psychic on turn 1 (happened once for both Slowbro and Slowking combined in, at the time of writing, almost 3k battles), go to Aegislash and set up fully during one TR cycle.
Forretress4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Steelix4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until you get a free Sub from Swagger / Curse and KO with Earthquakes.
Granbull4: go to Aegislash, set up on it, Sneak KO; if deemed too risky, go to Gliscor and stall it down with LO recoil
Scizor4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Shuckle4: throw up a Sub, set up until sandstorm runs out, Mega Waterfall OHKO.
Heracross4: Intimidate stall it to -6, Sub / Protect stall Megahorn, fully set up Gyarados. Ursaring4: go to Gliscor and Earthquake 3HKO (it doesn't use Return fsr)
Skarmory4: batter away at it with Gyarados and Aegislash until it's dead, usually comes down to Waterfall 3HKO.
Houndoom4: +1 non-Mega Waterfall KO
Kingdra4: take advantage of its tendency to use Protect every other turn by dropping its SpA by having its Meteors bounce off Aegislash; if it uses Surf as you switch back to Gyarados and its SpA has already been dropped at least once, feel free to Mega Evolve and DD once (it'll probably use Protect) and have the remaining Meteors bounce off the Subs. Set up Mega Gyarados as far as possible.
Donphan4: switch-stall EdgeQuake PP, Sub / Protect stall Seed Bomb PP, set up non-mega Gyarados
Porygon2: switch to Gliscor, stall Tri Attack, Toxic
Miltank4: switch-stall EdgeSlide PP, fully set up Mega Gyarados
Blissey4: Sub, fully set up non-Mega Gyarados
Raikou12: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Raikou34: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Raikou1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Entei12: Pressure Speed tier confirms set; if set 1, go to Gliscor on the Stone Edge, stall its dangerous moves, Toxic stall; if set 2, Mega Evolve, throw up a Sub, and set up as far as possible. If Flash Fire, assume set 2.
Entei34: again, Pressure confirms set via message order. Set 3 will use Solar Beam (iirc?), so that would mean you can go to Aegislash or Gliscor and PP stall it... if that's too risky, immediate Waterfall will gimp potential Eruption and allow Gyarados to set up safely if it's indeed Eruption, but if it's Solar Beam, Gyarados won't be able to set up properly before it Struggles to death, so you'll have to set up Gliscor instead. If set 4, Mega Evolve + DD once + Waterfall OHKO. If Flash Fire, assume set 4.
Entei1234: Mega Evolve + Sub, proceed appropriately
Suicune12: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Suicune34: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Suicune1234: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Tyranitar4: switch to Gliscor, Intimdate stat drop prevents Rock Slide from breaking Sub, KO with Earthquakes.
Sceptile4: go to Aegislash, set up fully; if you're unlucky with SpD drops, switch-stalling Energy Ball and Leech Seed is feasible.
Blaziken1234: go to Aegislash; if set 1 and it doesn't Wisp, aim to KO with +2 Head + Sneak; if set 1 and it does Wisp go to Gliscor and Toxic stall; if set 2 without Speed Boost, KS, go back to Gyarados, and KO with +1 Waterfall; if set 2 with Speed Boost, go to Gliscor, and KO with Toxic + Earthquake; if it uses Thunder Punch, KS and go to Gliscor; if it's set 3 set up a Sub as it switches out, if it's set 4 see below.
Blaziken4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall to KO it via Flare Blitz recoil and finish it off with Earthquake.
Swampert1234: go to Aegislash; if set 4 see below, if set 3 switch / KS stall EdgeQuake PP and fully set up Gyarados, if set 2 go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall its attacking PP, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 1 switch-stall it out of Roar PP (by switching to a Ground-immune Pokemon after every turn) and fully set up Gyarados.
Swampert4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and 3HKO it with Waterfall while it Rests.
Ludicolo4: go to Aegislash, KO with +2 Head + Sneak. Usually should waste time with Fake Out and Leech Seed, but very sketchy matchup x___x +1 Mega Crunch OHKO works too (and is most likely the safer option all things considered), but you'll either take significant damage or get Leech Seeded.
Shiftry4: Intimidate stall down to -6, Sub / Protect stall Low Kick, fully set up Gyarados
Gardevoir4: go to Gliscor on Thunderbolt, go to Aegislash on Moonblast, +2 Sneak KO
Breloom4: go to Gliscor; if Poison Heal, stall Focus Punch and fully set up Gyarados; if not, wait for it to die and aim to come out on top with a Sub.
Slaking4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Exploud4: +1 Mega Waterfall OHKO
Hariyama4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Aggron4: go to Gliscor, KO with Earthquakes from behind a Sub.
Medicham4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Manectric4: go to Gliscor, Sub as it switches out
Flygon4: switch / KS stall EdgeQuake, Sub / Protect stall Outrage, fully set up Gyarados on Crunch.
Altaria4: go to Aegislash, get it put to sleep, go to Gliscor, go back to Aegislash, spam KS until it wakes up, go back to Gliscor, Toxic stall
Whiscash4: switch to Gliscor, stall Muddy Water, fully set up non-Mega Gyarados.
Claydol4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Cradily4: go to Gliscor, stall Giga Drain, fully set up Gyarados.
Armaldo4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Milotic4: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible; if Competitive, sack Aegislash, stall its attacking PP with Gliscor, and fully set up Gyarados.
Absol4: Mega Evolve + DD; if it sets up a Sub, great, stall Punishment and set up fully; if it doesn't, burn fodder Gyarados or Aegislash before bringing in Gliscor and aim to get rid of Punishment PP before KOing it with Earthquakes from behind a Sub. Always switch out right away if Gliscor get hits by Swagger and Absol still has Punishment PP remaining.
Walrein4: fully set up non-Mega Gyarados while dodging Sheer Cold with Substitute; if too many Sheer Colds hit, sack Aegislash, and also make it waste all its Sleep Talk PP before attacking because +6 non-Mega Crunch doesn't KO.
Salamence3: Intimidate stall down to -6, Sub / Protect stall Dragon Rush and Outrage, fully setup non-Mega Gyarados.
Salamence4: switch-stall / Sub / Protect stall Outrage and Earthquake, fully set up Mega Gyarados.
Metagross4: go to Gliscor, stall Meteor Mash, fully set up Gyarados.
Regirock12: go to Aegislash, set up on set 1, switch / KS stall set 2 out of EdgeQuake PP and then set up on it if it hasn't exploded yet
Regirock34: go to Aegislash; set up on set 4, switch-stall set 3 out of EdgeSlide PP before setting up on it
Regirock1234: go to Aegislash, proceed appropriately
Regice12: go to Gliscor, stall set 1 out of Ice Beam and then Toxic, if set 2 go to Aegislash as soon as you notice and KO with +2 Iron Head
Regice34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Ice Beam, switch stall Charge Beam, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 4 stall Blizzard and Toxic stall
Regice1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately
Registeel12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, PP stall Iron Head and fully set up Gyarados; if set 2, Earthquake 2HKO.
Registeel34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Flash Cannon, switch-stall Charge Beam, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 4 just go back to Gyarados, throw up a Sub, and set up fully
Registeel1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately
Latias12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, stall it out of its attacking PP and set up Gyarados; if set 2, have its Meteors bounce off Aegislash, go back to Gliscor after lowering its SpA, and Toxic stall.
Latias34: go to Gliscor; set 3 will lock into Thunderbolt so throw up a Sub as it switches out, straight Toxic on set 4.
Latias1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly
Latios12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, stall it out of its attacking PP and set up Gyarados; if set 2,
capitalise on its tendency to alternate Protect and attacking moves: use Protect; if it uses Protect too, bounce the incoming DM off Aegislash, if it uses DM, set up the requisite Sub on the following Protect. Stall Meteor and Toxic stall.
Latios34: go to Gliscor; set 3 will lock into Thunder so throw up a Sub as it switches out, straight Toxic on set 4.
Latios1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly
Torterra4: don't Mega Evolve, throw up a Sub, and set up fully.
Infernape4: switch in Gliscor on Fake Out, Protect, go to Aegislash on (hopefully) baited Encore, King's Shield to lower its Attack, go to Gyarados on (hopefully) baited Encore, DD once, Waterfall 2HKO (or OHKO if it did use FB at some point and break its own Focus Sash)
Empoleon4: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up DDs, you usually should be able to get two of them, KO with Crunch.
Staraptor34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Luxray1234: go to Gliscor; if set 1, Sub + Earthquake KO; if set 2, Earthquake (it'll always Roar out Gliscor, and obviously it's always safe to switch back to Gliscor); if set 3 or 4, see below.
Luxray34: go to Gliscor, stall Ice Fang, Toxic
Roserade4: go to Gliscor, stall nine Giga Drains and make sure you have a Sub up, go back to Gyarados on the tenth, set up a Sub and six DDs.
Rampardos4: start by using Intimidate switches between Gyarados and Aegislash, after it uses 2 / 3 Earthquakes go to Gliscor and stall remaining Rock Slide / Head Smash PP, fully set up Gyarados.
Bastiodon4: go to Gliscor, stall Rock Slide, fully set up Gyarados.
Vespiquen4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Floatzel4: go Aegislash, drop Attack twice with KS, go to Gyarados, don't Mega Evolve and set up a Sub and six DDs
Gastrodon4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and like 5HKO it with (non-Mega) Crunch.
Ambipom4: KO with Gliscor Earthquakes from behind a Sub.
Drifblim4: just go to Gliscor because 0 SpA Drifblim Shadow Ball vs. 212 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 36-43 (20.3 - 24.2%) -- possible 8HKO after Poison Heal, Toxic
Lopunny4: non-Mega Sub + six DDs.
Mismagius4: go to Aegislash, do nothing, go to Gliscor on the second last Perish turn and set up a Sub as it switches out.
Honchkrow4: go to Gliscor, use Sub / Protect until it uses Sucker Punch, Toxic stall
Skuntank4: lol. Just go to Gliscor I guess, this piece of shit uses randomly any move against Gyarados and naturally becomes even more likely to use Fire Blast when at -3 Attack from KS so yeah...
Bronzong4: PP stall it by waiting it out with Aegislash and Sub / Protect stalling with Gliscor, fully set up Gyarados.
Spiritomb4: if Pressure, set up a Sub and six DDs. If Infiltrator, get Aegislash burned, go to Gliscor, and Toxic stall it.
Garchomp1234: Mega Evolve + DD once; if set 1 or 2, DD again and Waterfall OHKO, if set 4, Waterfall 2HKO, if set 3, fully set up Aegislash.
Garchomp4: Mega Evolve + DD once + Waterfall 2HKO.
Lucario4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hippowdon4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Crunch, go to Gyarados, set up fully.
Drapion4: go to Gliscor, stall Night Slash, switch between Gliscor and Aegislash to stall Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash. If it leaves Gliscor room to 2HKO with Earthquake that's fine too.
Toxicroak4: switch continuously between Gyarados and Aegislash, it won't be able to land a single hit, set up a Sub and two DDs as it Struggles to death.
Abomasnow4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Weavile4: go to Aegislash, Head + Sneak KO
Magnezone4: go to Gliscor, stall Flash Cannon and Tri Attack (mostly via switch-stalling with Aegislash), Earthquake KO
Lickilicky4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Rhyperior4: start by using Intimidate switches between Gyarados and Aegislash, after it uses 2 / 3 Earthquakes go to Gliscor and stall remaining Rock Slide / Hammer Arm PP, fully set up Gyarados.
Tangrowth4: switch / KS stall Earthquake, fully set up Aegislash.
Electivire4: go to Gliscor on Thunder Punch, Protect, go to Aegislash on Ice Punch, go to Gyarados on Earthquake. Repeat five times, switch-stall the remaining Earthquake and Ice Punch PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, possibly have Aegislash take a Fire Punch to unfreeze it if you're into that sort of thing, and then KO the -6 Electivire with Gliscor while making sure to come out on top with a Sub.
Magmortar4: go to Gliscor, stall Overheat, Earthquake KO.
Togekiss4: go to Aegislash, straight Iron Head KO; if it crits, go to Gliscor and Toxic stall
Yanmega4: straight Waterfall, go to Aegislash, aim to finish it off with +2 Sneak but if it gives you the chance to set up more SDs via dumb Detect usage (usually) then terrific
Leafeon1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall set 1, for other sets go to Aegislash and set up fully
Leafeon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Glaceon4: go to Aegislash on Blizzard / Detect, go to Gliscor on Shadow Ball / Detect, stall Blizzard, Toxic stall
Gliscor4: drop Attack to -6 via Intimidate switches, DD once + Sub + break Sash with Crunch, set up as far as possible, Waterfall KO
Mamoswine4: switch / KS stall EdgeQuake, Mega Evolve + Sub and set up Gyarados as far as possible
Porygon-Z4: go to Gliscor, stall Tri Attack, Toxic (finish off with Earthquake because gets Recover happy at the end)
Gallade4: Mega Evolve + DD on the Psycho Cut, switch-stall Close Combat with Aegislash, fully set up Mega Gyarados
Probopass4: go to Gliscor, Sub once to have its break its own Sturdy via LO recoil, Earthquake KO
Dusknoir4: Mega Evolve, Sub, set up Gyarados, Crunch KO after TR has run out (be wary of Destiny Bond)
Froslass1234: go to Gliscor; if set 4, Gliscor dies, set up Gyarados; if set 3, it most likely sets up Hail, aim to KO with +2 Sneak; if set 1, aim to KO with +2 Sneak; if set 2, try to switch-stall Taunt while keeping Gliscor at high health and Toxic stall.
Froslass34: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up Gyarados
Froslass4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up Gyarados.
Heatran12: the set is identified by the bopping of the White Herb; Sub + set up Mega Gyarados on set 2, 2HKO set 1 with Gliscor.
Heatran34: set 4 SHOULD use Dragon Pulse? iirc.... Off the top of my head, go to Aegislash, if set 3 sets up Sunny Day, sack it and set up Gyarados after stalling Solar Beam + Fire Blast, if set 4 uses Dragon Pulse set up on it..... but not sure lol
Heatran134: non-Mega DD, proceed appropriately??
Regigigas12: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Regigigas34: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Regigigas1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Cresselia12: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible if set 1 and set up fully if set 2. Cresselia34: throw up a Sub, set up Gyarados as far as possible on set 3, set up Aegislash on set 4.
Cresselia1234: Sub, proceed appropriately.
Serperior4: go to Aegislash, stall Leaf Storm. Aegislash can set up fully on Overgrow sets but will (unless you're lucky with double King's Shields) faint against Contrary sets, so against those you can set up Gyara instead for +3 and a Sub, which usually is fine.
Emboar4: non-Mega DD once, Waterfall OHKO / 2HKO if it uses Sub.
Samurott4: go to Aegislash, set up fully; try to PP stall Hydro Pump by alternating Protect turns with it, which /usually/ works out fine, and if it doesn't, switch back to Gyarados to burn a final PP. At +6, Iron Head + Shadow Sneak KO.
Musharna4: Mega + Sub, set up as far as reasonably possible (usually until +4)
Unfezant4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Zebstrika34: go to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake KO
Gigalith4: go to Gliscor, Toxic, Sub / Protect until it dies, try finishing off with Earthquake and an intact Sub if possible
Excadrill4: switch stall Earthquake while dropping its Attack to -6 via Intimidate and speeding up the process with King's Shield; set up Aegislash as far as possible and finish it off right before it faints to Life Orb damage.
Conkeldurr4: go to Aegislash, KS in case it uses Fling, go to Gliscor, have it lower its own stats by absorbing Superpower with your Subs, stall Rock Slide, fully set up Gyarados.
Seismitoad4: go to Aegislash, go back to Gyarados as it uses Dig, DD to waste a turn; rinse and repeat until its Attack is at -6, and set up a Sub and six DDs with non-Mega Gyarados, using the Speed advantage gained from using DD on its Dig turn to set up the Sub before potential Poison Touch shenanigans.
Throh4: go to Gliscor, Sub/Protect until it dies from burn damage or you can KO it with EQ
Sawk4: switch back and forth between Aegislash and Gyarados until it's out of Stone Edge + CC PP, switch back and forth between Gliscor and Gyarados until it's out of Taunt PP, set up Gyarados as far as possible.
Lilligant4: go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall.
Krookodile4: go to Aegislash, KS in the event of Pursuit, go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall.
Darmanitan4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Scrafty4: go to Aegislash, boost to +6, IH KO/2HKO. Try lowering its Attack with KS at times, but don't go overboard doing so and risk mispredicting in the process. If things go awry with Bulk Up boosts, can always go to Gliscor to stall its attacking PP.
Cofagrigus4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up as many Dragon Dances as possible (usually just the full six).
Carracosta4: switch stall Rock Slide and Earthquake while dropping its Attack all the way down, Sub + Mega Evolve, set up six Dragon Dances.
Archeops4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall. Probably also possible to PP stall and set up on this one, but lazy.
Zoroark4: lol
Gothitelle4: Mega Evolve + Substitute, freely set up to +6.
Reuniclus4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Magic Guard sets and fully set up Gyarados, partially set up Gyarados on other sets if they start using Recover.
Vanilluxe4: go to Aegislash, straight IH KO.
Escavalier4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect, 4HKO with Earthquake when given the chance
Ferrothorn4: go to Gliscor, PP stall Gyro Ball, Payback, and Curse; then, use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack to -2, set up a Sub and keep Dragon Dancing until it's Struggled to death.
Klinklang4: go to Gliscor, switch-stall Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon, fully set up Aegislash
Eelektross4: go to Gliscor, Toxic; only set up a Sub right before it succumbs to more reliably maintain it.
Chandelure4: Mega Evolve + straight Waterfall / Crunch OHKO in case of Infiltrator.
Haxorus4: Mega Evolve + Sub + +2 Crunch OHKO (iirc, always seem to time it right in practice though)
Beartic4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Cryogonal4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Accelgor4: go to Gliscor, you'll get Encored but it can't touch you so just spam Toxic, after three turns switch back and forth to Aegislash and Sub as it succumbs.
Mienshao4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until HJK kills it
Druddigon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Golurk4: go to Gliscor, 3HKO with Earthquake while maintaining a Sub.
Bisharp4: switch-stall Sucker Punch PP, KO it with Gliscor's Earthquakes from behind a Sub. Works fine too if Defiant, just don't be a moron and switch Gyarados back in.
Bouffalant4: go to Gliscor, Toxic.
Braviary4: if not Defiant, go to Aegislash and set up fully, if Defiant, go to Aegislash, SD once, Iron Head KO.
Mandibuzz4: Mega + Sub, set up to at least +4; makes sense to spam Sub a couple times first though to make it waste some Punishment PP before it gets too powerful.
Durant4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hydreigon4: go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Protect, go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Toxic stall.
Volcarona4: DD once, non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, don't try anything fancy.
Cobalion12: go to Aegislash; set up fully on set 1, Sub / Protect stall set 2 out of attacking PP and fully set up Gyarados.
Cobalion34: go to Aegislash; set up on set 4, if it (via Swagger) turns out to be set 3 go to Gliscor and act accordingly, but be aware that it's too erratic to reliably stall out of Iron Head PP.
Cobalion1234: go to Aegislash and act accordingly
Terrakion12: go to Aegislash and use KS to scout the set; set up fully on set 2, switch-stall set 1 out of EdgeQuake PP aided by KS while dropping its Atk to -6 and stall it out of Close Combat PP with Gliscor, and then fully set up Mega Gyarados.
Terrakion34: Mega Evolve + DD once, Waterfall OHKO.
Terrakion1234: Mega Evolve + DD once, Waterfall OHKO if it uses Rock Slide, see plan for sets 12 if it uses Stone Edge.
Virizion12: go to Aegislash, set up fully on set 2, set 1 IH+SS KO after getting Taunted.
Virizion34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Virizion1234: go to Aegislash first, proceed appropriately.
Tornadus12: non-Mega DD once; set 1 will almost always use GK whereas set 2 is more unpredictable, but LO recoil gives away the set either way if its attack hits. If its attack hits and set 1 is confirmed, OHKO with non-Mega Waterfall after LO recoil. If set 2, go to Aegislash and spam King's Shield until either Hurricane PP is gone or Aegislash faints. Then, go to Gliscor, stall its remaining attacking PP, fully set up Gyarados, wait until it uses all its Sub PP, KO. If it uses Hurricane and misses, rinse and repeat.
Tornadus34: go to Aegislash; if set 3, go to Gliscor, stall Air Slash via Sub / Protect, and stall Dark Pulse + Focus Blast via switch-stalling; if set 4; IH + SS KO.
Tornadus1234: DD once in case it's Tornadus1, and proceed according to set.
Thundurus12: go to Gliscor, Sub. Set 2 will switch out; if set 1, switch-stall Thunderbolt and Protect between Aegislash and Gliscor, (it will use Thunderbolt over Toxic or vain Rest against Gliscor), force it into a Rest twice via Toxic, go back to Gyarados while it sleeps, Sub, and set up six DDs.
Thundurus34: go to Gliscor. If set 3, Toxic, and use Sub / Protect until it faints; if set 4, switch-stall Taunt and Focus Blast with Aegislash, and then Toxic and Sub / Protect.
Thundurus1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly.
Landorus12: go to Gliscor, stall either Smack Down + Fissure or whatever move it locks itself into, go back to Gyarados, set up fully or as far as possible.
Landorus34: go to Aegislash; switch-stall Earthquake and Rock Slide between Aegislash and Gliscor if set 3; if set 4, go back and forth between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS every other turn until it explodes or is out of Earthquake PP, and set up Aegislash if Earthquake PP is gone and it's still alive.
Landorus1234: go to Aegislash and act accordingly.
Chesnaught4: switch-stall Stone Edge + Earthquake PP aided by KS, fully set up Aegislash, IH KO.
Delphox4: Mega + Sub on Psychic, set up DDs as it wastes its own SpA to Overheat.
Greninja4: Mega + Sub right away, then boost; getting to +3, which is an OHKO even on Torrent ones (+1 is a 2HKO, +2 doesn't hit a significant benchmark) is feasible.
Talonflame4: straight non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, +1 Gale Wings Brave Bird would hurt.
Pyroar4: DD once and non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, nothing fancy.
Florges4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Gogoat4: go to Aegislash on Wild Charge, set up fully.
Aromatisse4: go to Aegislash or Gliscor, stall Dazzling Gleam, set up Gyarados fully.
Slurpuff4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect / Toxic.
Barbaracle4: go to Aegislash to tank the Stone Edge, use KS to drop its Attack even further, go to Gliscor on Shadow Claw; if it doesn't crit, go back to Aegislash to lower its Attack even further. Eventually, Sub / Protect and Earthquake 2HKO when Sub isn't broken.
Clawitzer4: go to Gliscor, stall Dragon Pulse, keep Sub / Protecting until it Struggles to death to get back at reasonable HP
Tyrantrum4: go to Aegislash, stall Head Smash by alternating KS/SD, set up fully in the process and finish it off with SS.
Aurorus4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect, Earthquake KO after three rounds of Life Orb recoil.
Sylveon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hawlucha4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Carbink4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Goodra4: go to Gliscor, stall Blizzard, Earthquake 3HKO when Sub isn't broken.
Trevenant4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until TR runs out, Toxic, Sub / Protect stall it down.
Gourgeist4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor (dodging Trick-Or-Treat via the Aegislash switch), KO it with Toxic damage + LO recoil + Earthquake maybe, try measuring out its demise carefully while occasionally trying to fish for free turns by trying to use Sub or Protect on Trick-Or-Treat.
Avalugg4: Intimidate switches + KS until it's (mostly) out of Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash.
Noivern4: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. non-Mega DD once, then Mega Crunch potential OHKO; if the KO is missed and Gyarados is KOed (it survives one Hurricane on non-Mega + one on Mega, but hax happens), finish it off with Shadow Sneak.

I actually hit 2k. Seven or eight months overdue and with a different team, granted, but the number is actually here. Can I just have a moment to say how happy I am for having hit this number after all, after burning out as bad as I did on my way there with team Clockwork Angels and being just generally way out of shape afterwards? I outlined the details in my 1k already, and honestly, I really felt as if I was a mediocre player who had just happened to have a really lucky month... but I guess I'm back at it. It's funny how this is a repetition of events—I was so confident triples was the format where I'd be getting the Starf Berry, but I ended up getting it in Rotations of all formats, which was my very first "did I actually just do this" moment, and now I'm not hitting 2k in triples but in singles.

The cute number drought that I mentioned in my previous post is for the most part over. There's been 2k, there's been 2^11, there's been my birthday, there's been this—but the actual big fish and the actual numbers that I really want to hit are still coming up. Wish me luck guys, the marathon continues.


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~(=_=)~ hello.....


#2000: CW5W-WWWW-WW36-SQBD
#2112: XEJW-WWWW-WW36-SPK7
(team writeup here)

I never planned on posting a 2k streak with my triples team back when I was hoping to hit that number in that format, because I didn't want to tie Mercury or beat him by only a couple battles... the number I was planning on posting was either 2105 (my birthday) or the same number I hit here. Since this team is named after a Rush song too, this number is equally appropriate here for posting the 2k+ streak... Just for today, team Marathon will be named after a different Rush song.

I honestly don't have too many words handy right now, but since is the 2k post for this team, I'm just gonna leave something here that I had been meaning to include in my 1k (yes, I totally could have made that one longer... but the character limit exists :T) It's my almost-but-not-completely comprehensive list of "what to do against lead X," so if anyone is wondering how a team that manages to hit 2k with a freaking Mega Gyarados would even work and is able to make sense of my hastily written thoughts, enjoy. There are still a couple entries missing for rarer leads, but then again, this is the kind of list that's never finalised—even now I'm still on a very rare occasion figuring out better tactics. A significant one happened even in like the 1900s iirc, concerning Slowbro and Slowking and also Greninja—my usual play against the Slowthings was setting up Aegislash within one TR cycle (i.e. one round of KS recovery possible), which leaves Aegislash at a little below 50% and therefore helpless against a second mon Greninja (maybe unless a lot of low damage rolls, don't recall the details, but w/e), and when all is said and done Greninja can still get pretty annoying if it haxes Gyarados. My first idea was to just stall for a couple more rounds of KS recovery and therefore beat the Slowthings when TR was still up and be able to smash any second mon Greninja with Iron Head—but why wouldn't I just actually set up Gyarados on them? Even a partially set up Gyarados is a lot harder for the AI to take down than a fully set up Aegislash, and the Slowthings open with TR in 99% of cases (in the event of that final percent you can just set up Aegislash anyway I guess...), so that would allow a setup of using Sub as the Slowthing sets up TR, Mega Evolving and setting up a first DD on the predicted Psychic, setting up a second DD on the first Surf, setting up a new Sub after the second Surf breaks the first one (a crit Surf never breaks the Sub and it always breaks to two Surfs, how great is that?), setting up a third DD on the third Surf, and KOing the Slowthing after TR runs out—which is a better setup than a 50% (or whatever) +6 Aegislash. Right, here it is for real.

This is largely based off the list I included with my Greninja writeup and therefore not comprehensive by a long shot... I intend it to be eventually, but right now there's still a lot of non-set4 Pokemon missing. Those will be filled out in due time as I'll be forced to figure out strategies for them, and naturally the other ones will be amended too as comes to mind (heck, I wrote a significant portion already when I was hoping to include this with my 1k, so it's pretty likely that it still holds some outdated entries as is x__x) Also, these were jotted down kinda quickly, so apologies in advance for any colloquial grammar or entries that must be reread a couple times. Nevertheless, this should give a decent idea of what the team can do and how it generally functions.

Venusaur1234: go to Gliscor. If set 1, set up a Sub to discourage it from using status moves, go back to Gyarados, and set up a Sub and six DDs; if set 2, switch-stall it out of Roar and either both Power Whip and Venoshock or Earthquake by always going to Aegislash from Gyarados or Gliscor and to Gyarados from Aegislash, and set up either Aegislash or Gyarados after either of these combinations has been stalled; if set 3, go to Aegislash and set up fully; if set 4, see below.
Venusaur4: switch to Gliscor and stall Sludge Bomb; then, make sure you have up a Sub to discourage it from using Leech Seed, go back to Gyarados, and set up a Sub and six Dragon Dances; alternatively, switch-stall Sludge Bomb and Leech Seed between Aegislash and Gliscor, and then go back to Gyarados.
Charizard1234: straight Waterfall OHKO.
Charizard34: straight Waterfall OHKO.
Charizard4: Mega Evolve + DD + Waterfall OHKO; if Air Slash flinch, go to Gliscor on the Focus Blast, stall Heat Wave, and go to Aegislash and set up fully (preferably after Gliscor has gotten back to somewhat safer health)
Blastoise1234: go to Aegislash. If set 1, go to Gliscor after dropping its Attack a couple stages with King's Shield, stall both Aqua Tail and Rock Slide, go to Gyarados and set up a Sub and six DDs; if set 2, set up Aegislash (possibly switch back and forth to Gyarados to tank a final Hydro Pump if at low HP, and if Aegislash faints to crits, PP stall Blastoise dry with Gliscor and set up Gyarados) and IH + SS KO; if set 3, go to Gliscor, stall Aqua Tail and Avalanche, and fully set up Gyarados; if set 4, see below.
Blastoise4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor, stall Waterfall, KO with Earthquakes and don't waste too many subs because it can't touch you anyway and Gyarados or Kingdra might show up.
Raichu4: go to Gliscor, straight Toxic; it can't touch you but will use Encore, so yeah. After three turns, switch back and forth to Aegislash, and set up a free Sub on the turn Raichu succumbs to Toxic damage.
Nidoqueen4: drop its Attack via Intimidate switches; go to Gliscor on its ninth Earthquake; stall Poison Jab; pivot back to Gyarados via Aegislash; don't Mega Evolve, set up a Sub, and boost to +6.
Nidoking4: switch between Gyarados and Aegislash to stall it out of Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash.
Ninetales4: Sub first, make sure you get two DDs, but don't sweat it if it boosts and you therefore cannot come out on top with a Sub; KO Flash Fire variants with +2 non-Mega Waterfall, KO Drought variants with +2 Mega Crunch.
Vileplume4: go to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake 3HKO.
Dugtrio4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Arcanine4: DD once, Waterfall OHKO.
Poliwrath4: go to Aegislash on Waterfall/FP/CT, go to Gliscor on EQ, Sub / Protect stall Waterfall, switch stall Earthquake PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, fully set up Aegislash.
Alakazam(12)34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Alakazam4: Mega Evolve + Sub, and DD as it switches out.
Machamp4: go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until it's in EQ KO range from burn damage and CC defense drops.
Victreebel1234: go to Aegislash, PP stall set 1 with Gliscor and set up Gyarados, PP stall set 2 with Aegislash and set up Gyarados, set up Aegislash on sets 3 and 4.
Victreebel4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Tentacruel1234: throw up a Sub to scout, set up Mega Gyarados as far as possible on set 4, set up Aegislash on set 3, 2HKO set 2 with +1 Crunch, OHKO set 1 with +1 Crunch.
Tentacruel4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up as far as possible (usually fully cause gotta love liberal Protect usage)
Golem4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Rapidash4: non-Mega DD once, Waterfall KO.
Slowbro4: Sub as it sets up TR, Mega Evolve + DD as it uses Psychic, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, set up a new Sub as it breaks the old one, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, Crunch KO before it resets TR. Alternatively, or in the extraordinarily unlikely event that it uses Psychic on turn 1 (happened once for both Slowbro and Slowking combined in, at the time of writing, almost 3k battles), go to Aegislash and set up fully during one TR cycle.
Dewgong4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Surf, fully set up Gyarados.
Muk4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Gengar4: go to Gliscor on Thunderbolt, Sub / Protect stall Shadow Ball, switch stall Sludge Bomb and most of Thunderbolt PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, wait out the last couple of Thunderbolt PP with Gliscor, go back to Gyarados after it wastes its final PP, and set up a Sub and two DDs as it Struggles to death.
Electrode4: switch to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake KO (even Sub at risk of Taunt because if it Taunts that turn you'll at least burn one of your Taunt turns)
Exeggutor4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Marowak4: use Intimidate switches, and see what move it's using most. If it's easiest to (switch) stall it out of Earthquake, do so, and fully set up Aegislash and KO with Sneak; alternatively, go to Gliscor and KO with Earthquakes while maintaining a Sub.
Weezing4: set up a Sub, and freely boost to +6.
Kangaskhan4: go to Aegislash, set up fully on Scrappy sets, non-Scrappy sets will switch out
Starmie4: Mega Evolve + straight Crunch KO.
Mr. Mime4: go to Aegislash, SD once, Sneak KO.
Jynx4: Mega Evolve, go to Aegislash, wait out Blizzard PP, go back to Gyarados, and freely set up a Sub and six DDs.
Pinsir4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Tauros4: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall
Gyarados1234: Sub (also Mega Evolve if there's no Intimidate to determine whether it's set 3), win the boosting war
Gyarados34: Mega Evolve, win the boosting war
Gyarados4: win the boosting war.
Lapras4: go to Aegislash, switch back to Gyarados as Perish count reaches 1 to reset the battle.
Vaporeon1234: go to Aegislash; if set 3 or 4 see below, if set 2 stall Hydro Pump / sack Aegislash to do so with Gliscor and set up Mega Gyarados, if set 1 set up Mega Gyarados right away.
Vaporeon3: straight switch to Gliscor on Yawn, stall Blizzard + Muddy Water, fully set up Gyarados.
Vaporeon4: go to Aegislash on Ice Beam, go to Gliscor on Shadow Ball, stall Ice Beam, stall until given room to inflict Toxic, wait until it dies, don't bother too much trying to maintain a Sub.
Jolteon: switch to Gliscor, immediate Sub (even in case of Swagger because lol what's it gonna do); if it's set 4, Sub again as it breaks the first Sub with Hyper Beam, and KO with Earthquake.
Flareon12: identified as set 1 or 2 by lack of White Herb, Sub, fully set up if set 2, DD once + 2HKO if set 1.
Flareon34: identified as set 3 or 4 by triggering White Herb, Sub, set up as many DDs as allowed by stat drops or straight Waterfall OHKO if you're lazy)
Flareon4: Sub, set up a couple DDs if given room by Superpower stat drops / Giga Impact recharge turns, Waterfall KO (or straight Waterfall OHKO if you're lazy)
Aerodactyl34: go to Aegislash, set up on set 4, Toxic stall set 3 with Gliscor.
Aerodactyl4: go to Aegislash, stall Stone Edge, set up fully.
Snorlax4: use Intimidate switches to get it to -6, set up Gyarados as far as possible. Articuno12: go to Aegislash, set up fully against set 1, stall set 2 out of Sheer Cold / Ice Beam PP (or do so with Gliscor if Sheer Cold hits)
Articuno34: go to Aegislash, set up fully on set 3, stall set 4 out of Blizzard and fully set up non-Mega Gyarados
Articuno1234: go to Aegislash, proceed accordingly
Zapdos12: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall set 1 and Static set 2, if Pressure set 2 then Sub / Protect stall Heat Wave, switch stall Charge Beam between Aegislash and Gliscor, and fully set up Gyarados.
Zapdos34: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall.
Zapdos1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately.
Moltres12: set identified by White Herb or lack thereof; if set 2, bounce Sky Attack off Aegislash, go back to Gyarados on Fire Blast, go to Gliscor as it charges for a second Sky Attack, Protect, Sub / Protect stall Fire Blast, Toxic. If set 1, DD once; Waterfall KO if it uses Air Slash and Gyarados didn't flinch, just hammer away if it uses Tailwind / WoW, will outline this more clearly soon
Moltres34: non-Mega DD; if set 3 sets up Sunny Day, DD again and Waterfall OHKO, otherwise +1 Waterfall OHKO.
Moltres234: DD once, proceed appropriately (+1 Waterfall OHKO on set 2, if Sky Attack flinch just go straight to Gliscor)
Dragonite4: go to Aegislash, KS, go back to Gyarados, +2 Mega Crunch OHKO.
Meganium1234: go to Gliscor; if set 3, stall Seed Bomb and fully set up Gyarados; otherwise, stall the appropriate move and set up Gyarados (make sure you have a Sub up while switching out of sets 1 and 4 so as to discourage the use of status moves)
Meganium1: go to Gliscor, switch-stall Solar Beam, go back to Gyarados, set up fully.
Meganium2: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Petal Blizzard, go back to Gyarados, set up fully.
Meganium4: Substitute, freely set up to +6.
Typhlosion1: non-Mega DD twice, Mega Crunch OHKO.
Typhlosion4: non-Mega DD once, set up a free Sub on the Solar Beam, Waterfall OHKO.
Feraligatr4: Mega Evolve and pulverise it in the boosting war.
Crobat4: switch-stall Taunt and Aerial Ace between Gliscor and Aegislash, start Sub / Protect stalling Cross Poison; if it's Infiltrator, don't stall CP and set up Aegislash, if it's Inner Focus, do stall CP and fully set up Gyarados.
Lanturn34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Ice Beam and use Toxic, if set 4 see below
Lanturn4: go to Gliscor, stall Ice Beam, switch-stall Charge Beam with Aegislash, go to Gyarados, set up fully.
Ampharos4: switch to Gliscor, Earthquake KO with unbroken sub.
Politoed4: Mega Evolve + Sub, if the Sub survives go to Gliscor, stall all attacking PP, fully set up Gyarados; if the Sub breaks, sack Aegislash before going to Gliscor.
Quagsire4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and like 5HKO it with (non-Mega) Crunch or (if Unaware) chip away at it with non-Mega Crunch and 2HKO it with Mega Crunch.
Espeon4: go to Aegislash, +2 Sneak KO
Umbreon4: go to Gliscor, stall its attacking PP, go back to Gyarados, set up fully
Slowking4: Sub as it sets up TR, Mega Evolve + DD as it uses Psychic, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, set up a new Sub as it breaks the old one, DD once as it attacks the Sub with Surf, Crunch KO before it resets TR. Alternatively, or in the extraordinarily unlikely event that it uses Psychic on turn 1 (happened once for both Slowbro and Slowking combined in, at the time of writing, almost 3k battles), go to Aegislash and set up fully during one TR cycle.
Forretress4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Steelix4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until you get a free Sub from Swagger / Curse and KO with Earthquakes.
Granbull4: go to Aegislash, set up on it, Sneak KO; if deemed too risky, go to Gliscor and stall it down with LO recoil
Scizor4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Shuckle4: throw up a Sub, set up until sandstorm runs out, Mega Waterfall OHKO.
Heracross4: Intimidate stall it to -6, Sub / Protect stall Megahorn, fully set up Gyarados. Ursaring4: go to Gliscor and Earthquake 3HKO (it doesn't use Return fsr)
Skarmory4: batter away at it with Gyarados and Aegislash until it's dead, usually comes down to Waterfall 3HKO.
Houndoom4: +1 non-Mega Waterfall KO
Kingdra4: take advantage of its tendency to use Protect every other turn by dropping its SpA by having its Meteors bounce off Aegislash; if it uses Surf as you switch back to Gyarados and its SpA has already been dropped at least once, feel free to Mega Evolve and DD once (it'll probably use Protect) and have the remaining Meteors bounce off the Subs. Set up Mega Gyarados as far as possible.
Donphan4: switch-stall EdgeQuake PP, Sub / Protect stall Seed Bomb PP, set up non-mega Gyarados
Porygon2: switch to Gliscor, stall Tri Attack, Toxic
Miltank4: switch-stall EdgeSlide PP, fully set up Mega Gyarados
Blissey4: Sub, fully set up non-Mega Gyarados
Raikou12: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Raikou34: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Raikou1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Entei12: Pressure Speed tier confirms set; if set 1, go to Gliscor on the Stone Edge, stall its dangerous moves, Toxic stall; if set 2, Mega Evolve, throw up a Sub, and set up as far as possible. If Flash Fire, assume set 2.
Entei34: again, Pressure confirms set via message order. Set 3 will use Solar Beam (iirc?), so that would mean you can go to Aegislash or Gliscor and PP stall it... if that's too risky, immediate Waterfall will gimp potential Eruption and allow Gyarados to set up safely if it's indeed Eruption, but if it's Solar Beam, Gyarados won't be able to set up properly before it Struggles to death, so you'll have to set up Gliscor instead. If set 4, Mega Evolve + DD once + Waterfall OHKO. If Flash Fire, assume set 4.
Entei1234: Mega Evolve + Sub, proceed appropriately
Suicune12: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Suicune34: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Suicune1234: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible, Crunch 2HKO
Tyranitar4: switch to Gliscor, Intimdate stat drop prevents Rock Slide from breaking Sub, KO with Earthquakes.
Sceptile4: go to Aegislash, set up fully; if you're unlucky with SpD drops, switch-stalling Energy Ball and Leech Seed is feasible.
Blaziken1234: go to Aegislash; if set 1 and it doesn't Wisp, aim to KO with +2 Head + Sneak; if set 1 and it does Wisp go to Gliscor and Toxic stall; if set 2 without Speed Boost, KS, go back to Gyarados, and KO with +1 Waterfall; if set 2 with Speed Boost, go to Gliscor, and KO with Toxic + Earthquake; if it uses Thunder Punch, KS and go to Gliscor; if it's set 3 set up a Sub as it switches out, if it's set 4 see below.
Blaziken4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall to KO it via Flare Blitz recoil and finish it off with Earthquake.
Swampert1234: go to Aegislash; if set 4 see below, if set 3 switch / KS stall EdgeQuake PP and fully set up Gyarados, if set 2 go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall its attacking PP, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 1 switch-stall it out of Roar PP (by switching to a Ground-immune Pokemon after every turn) and fully set up Gyarados.
Swampert4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and 3HKO it with Waterfall while it Rests.
Ludicolo4: go to Aegislash, KO with +2 Head + Sneak. Usually should waste time with Fake Out and Leech Seed, but very sketchy matchup x___x +1 Mega Crunch OHKO works too (and is most likely the safer option all things considered), but you'll either take significant damage or get Leech Seeded.
Shiftry4: Intimidate stall down to -6, Sub / Protect stall Low Kick, fully set up Gyarados
Gardevoir4: go to Gliscor on Thunderbolt, go to Aegislash on Moonblast, +2 Sneak KO
Breloom4: go to Gliscor; if Poison Heal, stall Focus Punch and fully set up Gyarados; if not, wait for it to die and aim to come out on top with a Sub.
Slaking4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Exploud4: +1 Mega Waterfall OHKO
Hariyama4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Aggron4: go to Gliscor, KO with Earthquakes from behind a Sub.
Medicham4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Manectric4: go to Gliscor, Sub as it switches out
Flygon4: switch / KS stall EdgeQuake, Sub / Protect stall Outrage, fully set up Gyarados on Crunch.
Altaria4: go to Aegislash, get it put to sleep, go to Gliscor, go back to Aegislash, spam KS until it wakes up, go back to Gliscor, Toxic stall
Whiscash4: switch to Gliscor, stall Muddy Water, fully set up non-Mega Gyarados.
Claydol4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Cradily4: go to Gliscor, stall Giga Drain, fully set up Gyarados.
Armaldo4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Milotic4: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible; if Competitive, sack Aegislash, stall its attacking PP with Gliscor, and fully set up Gyarados.
Absol4: Mega Evolve + DD; if it sets up a Sub, great, stall Punishment and set up fully; if it doesn't, burn fodder Gyarados or Aegislash before bringing in Gliscor and aim to get rid of Punishment PP before KOing it with Earthquakes from behind a Sub. Always switch out right away if Gliscor get hits by Swagger and Absol still has Punishment PP remaining.
Walrein4: fully set up non-Mega Gyarados while dodging Sheer Cold with Substitute; if too many Sheer Colds hit, sack Aegislash, and also make it waste all its Sleep Talk PP before attacking because +6 non-Mega Crunch doesn't KO.
Salamence3: Intimidate stall down to -6, Sub / Protect stall Dragon Rush and Outrage, fully setup non-Mega Gyarados.
Salamence4: switch-stall / Sub / Protect stall Outrage and Earthquake, fully set up Mega Gyarados.
Metagross4: go to Gliscor, stall Meteor Mash, fully set up Gyarados.
Regirock12: go to Aegislash, set up on set 1, switch / KS stall set 2 out of EdgeQuake PP and then set up on it if it hasn't exploded yet
Regirock34: go to Aegislash; set up on set 4, switch-stall set 3 out of EdgeSlide PP before setting up on it
Regirock1234: go to Aegislash, proceed appropriately
Regice12: go to Gliscor, stall set 1 out of Ice Beam and then Toxic, if set 2 go to Aegislash as soon as you notice and KO with +2 Iron Head
Regice34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Ice Beam, switch stall Charge Beam, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 4 stall Blizzard and Toxic stall
Regice1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately
Registeel12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, PP stall Iron Head and fully set up Gyarados; if set 2, Earthquake 2HKO.
Registeel34: go to Gliscor, if set 3 stall Flash Cannon, switch-stall Charge Beam, and fully set up Gyarados, if set 4 just go back to Gyarados, throw up a Sub, and set up fully
Registeel1234: go to Gliscor, proceed appropriately
Latias12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, stall it out of its attacking PP and set up Gyarados; if set 2, have its Meteors bounce off Aegislash, go back to Gliscor after lowering its SpA, and Toxic stall.
Latias34: go to Gliscor; set 3 will lock into Thunderbolt so throw up a Sub as it switches out, straight Toxic on set 4.
Latias1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly
Latios12: go to Gliscor; if set 1, stall it out of its attacking PP and set up Gyarados; if set 2,
capitalise on its tendency to alternate Protect and attacking moves: use Protect; if it uses Protect too, bounce the incoming DM off Aegislash, if it uses DM, set up the requisite Sub on the following Protect. Stall Meteor and Toxic stall.
Latios34: go to Gliscor; set 3 will lock into Thunder so throw up a Sub as it switches out, straight Toxic on set 4.
Latios1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly
Torterra4: don't Mega Evolve, throw up a Sub, and set up fully.
Infernape4: switch in Gliscor on Fake Out, Protect, go to Aegislash on (hopefully) baited Encore, King's Shield to lower its Attack, go to Gyarados on (hopefully) baited Encore, DD once, Waterfall 2HKO (or OHKO if it did use FB at some point and break its own Focus Sash)
Empoleon4: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up DDs, you usually should be able to get two of them, KO with Crunch.
Staraptor34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Luxray1234: go to Gliscor; if set 1, Sub + Earthquake KO; if set 2, Earthquake (it'll always Roar out Gliscor, and obviously it's always safe to switch back to Gliscor); if set 3 or 4, see below.
Luxray34: go to Gliscor, stall Ice Fang, Toxic
Roserade4: go to Gliscor, stall nine Giga Drains and make sure you have a Sub up, go back to Gyarados on the tenth, set up a Sub and six DDs.
Rampardos4: start by using Intimidate switches between Gyarados and Aegislash, after it uses 2 / 3 Earthquakes go to Gliscor and stall remaining Rock Slide / Head Smash PP, fully set up Gyarados.
Bastiodon4: go to Gliscor, stall Rock Slide, fully set up Gyarados.
Vespiquen4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Floatzel4: go Aegislash, drop Attack twice with KS, go to Gyarados, don't Mega Evolve and set up a Sub and six DDs
Gastrodon4: use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack all the way to -6 even while it sets up six Curses; then, set up a Sub and six DDs with Gyarados and like 5HKO it with (non-Mega) Crunch.
Ambipom4: KO with Gliscor Earthquakes from behind a Sub.
Drifblim4: just go to Gliscor because 0 SpA Drifblim Shadow Ball vs. 212 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 36-43 (20.3 - 24.2%) -- possible 8HKO after Poison Heal, Toxic
Lopunny4: non-Mega Sub + six DDs.
Mismagius4: go to Aegislash, do nothing, go to Gliscor on the second last Perish turn and set up a Sub as it switches out.
Honchkrow4: go to Gliscor, use Sub / Protect until it uses Sucker Punch, Toxic stall
Skuntank4: lol. Just go to Gliscor I guess, this piece of shit uses randomly any move against Gyarados and naturally becomes even more likely to use Fire Blast when at -3 Attack from KS so yeah...
Bronzong4: PP stall it by waiting it out with Aegislash and Sub / Protect stalling with Gliscor, fully set up Gyarados.
Spiritomb4: if Pressure, set up a Sub and six DDs. If Infiltrator, get Aegislash burned, go to Gliscor, and Toxic stall it.
Garchomp1234: Mega Evolve + DD once; if set 1 or 2, DD again and Waterfall OHKO, if set 4, Waterfall 2HKO, if set 3, fully set up Aegislash.
Garchomp4: Mega Evolve + DD once + Waterfall 2HKO.
Lucario4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hippowdon4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Crunch, go to Gyarados, set up fully.
Drapion4: go to Gliscor, stall Night Slash, switch between Gliscor and Aegislash to stall Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash. If it leaves Gliscor room to 2HKO with Earthquake that's fine too.
Toxicroak4: switch continuously between Gyarados and Aegislash, it won't be able to land a single hit, set up a Sub and two DDs as it Struggles to death.
Abomasnow4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Weavile4: go to Aegislash, Head + Sneak KO
Magnezone4: go to Gliscor, stall Flash Cannon and Tri Attack (mostly via switch-stalling with Aegislash), Earthquake KO
Lickilicky4: switch between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS to try stalling out Earthquake PP; if you succeed, great, fully set up Aegislash, if it blows up before it runs out of Earthquake PP, too bad.
Rhyperior4: start by using Intimidate switches between Gyarados and Aegislash, after it uses 2 / 3 Earthquakes go to Gliscor and stall remaining Rock Slide / Hammer Arm PP, fully set up Gyarados.
Tangrowth4: switch / KS stall Earthquake, fully set up Aegislash.
Electivire4: go to Gliscor on Thunder Punch, Protect, go to Aegislash on Ice Punch, go to Gyarados on Earthquake. Repeat five times, switch-stall the remaining Earthquake and Ice Punch PP between Aegislash and Gliscor, possibly have Aegislash take a Fire Punch to unfreeze it if you're into that sort of thing, and then KO the -6 Electivire with Gliscor while making sure to come out on top with a Sub.
Magmortar4: go to Gliscor, stall Overheat, Earthquake KO.
Togekiss4: go to Aegislash, straight Iron Head KO; if it crits, go to Gliscor and Toxic stall
Yanmega4: straight Waterfall, go to Aegislash, aim to finish it off with +2 Sneak but if it gives you the chance to set up more SDs via dumb Detect usage (usually) then terrific
Leafeon1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic stall set 1, for other sets go to Aegislash and set up fully
Leafeon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Glaceon4: go to Aegislash on Blizzard / Detect, go to Gliscor on Shadow Ball / Detect, stall Blizzard, Toxic stall
Gliscor4: drop Attack to -6 via Intimidate switches, DD once + Sub + break Sash with Crunch, set up as far as possible, Waterfall KO
Mamoswine4: switch / KS stall EdgeQuake, Mega Evolve + Sub and set up Gyarados as far as possible
Porygon-Z4: go to Gliscor, stall Tri Attack, Toxic (finish off with Earthquake because gets Recover happy at the end)
Gallade4: Mega Evolve + DD on the Psycho Cut, switch-stall Close Combat with Aegislash, fully set up Mega Gyarados
Probopass4: go to Gliscor, Sub once to have its break its own Sturdy via LO recoil, Earthquake KO
Dusknoir4: Mega Evolve, Sub, set up Gyarados, Crunch KO after TR has run out (be wary of Destiny Bond)
Froslass1234: go to Gliscor; if set 4, Gliscor dies, set up Gyarados; if set 3, it most likely sets up Hail, aim to KO with +2 Sneak; if set 1, aim to KO with +2 Sneak; if set 2, try to switch-stall Taunt while keeping Gliscor at high health and Toxic stall.
Froslass34: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up Gyarados
Froslass4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up Gyarados.
Heatran12: the set is identified by the bopping of the White Herb; Sub + set up Mega Gyarados on set 2, 2HKO set 1 with Gliscor.
Heatran34: set 4 SHOULD use Dragon Pulse? iirc.... Off the top of my head, go to Aegislash, if set 3 sets up Sunny Day, sack it and set up Gyarados after stalling Solar Beam + Fire Blast, if set 4 uses Dragon Pulse set up on it..... but not sure lol
Heatran134: non-Mega DD, proceed appropriately??
Regigigas12: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Regigigas34: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Regigigas1234: go to Gliscor, Toxic
Cresselia12: Mega Evolve + Sub + set up as far as possible if set 1 and set up fully if set 2. Cresselia34: throw up a Sub, set up Gyarados as far as possible on set 3, set up Aegislash on set 4.
Cresselia1234: Sub, proceed appropriately.
Serperior4: go to Aegislash, stall Leaf Storm. Aegislash can set up fully on Overgrow sets but will (unless you're lucky with double King's Shields) faint against Contrary sets, so against those you can set up Gyara instead for +3 and a Sub, which usually is fine.
Emboar4: non-Mega DD once, Waterfall OHKO / 2HKO if it uses Sub.
Samurott4: go to Aegislash, set up fully; try to PP stall Hydro Pump by alternating Protect turns with it, which /usually/ works out fine, and if it doesn't, switch back to Gyarados to burn a final PP. At +6, Iron Head + Shadow Sneak KO.
Musharna4: Mega + Sub, set up as far as reasonably possible (usually until +4)
Unfezant4: go to Aegislash, set up fully
Zebstrika34: go to Gliscor, Sub, Earthquake KO
Gigalith4: go to Gliscor, Toxic, Sub / Protect until it dies, try finishing off with Earthquake and an intact Sub if possible
Excadrill4: switch stall Earthquake while dropping its Attack to -6 via Intimidate and speeding up the process with King's Shield; set up Aegislash as far as possible and finish it off right before it faints to Life Orb damage.
Conkeldurr4: go to Aegislash, KS in case it uses Fling, go to Gliscor, have it lower its own stats by absorbing Superpower with your Subs, stall Rock Slide, fully set up Gyarados.
Seismitoad4: go to Aegislash, go back to Gyarados as it uses Dig, DD to waste a turn; rinse and repeat until its Attack is at -6, and set up a Sub and six DDs with non-Mega Gyarados, using the Speed advantage gained from using DD on its Dig turn to set up the Sub before potential Poison Touch shenanigans.
Throh4: go to Gliscor, Sub/Protect until it dies from burn damage or you can KO it with EQ
Sawk4: switch back and forth between Aegislash and Gyarados until it's out of Stone Edge + CC PP, switch back and forth between Gliscor and Gyarados until it's out of Taunt PP, set up Gyarados as far as possible.
Lilligant4: go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall.
Krookodile4: go to Aegislash, KS in the event of Pursuit, go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall.
Darmanitan4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Scrafty4: go to Aegislash, boost to +6, IH KO/2HKO. Try lowering its Attack with KS at times, but don't go overboard doing so and risk mispredicting in the process. If things go awry with Bulk Up boosts, can always go to Gliscor to stall its attacking PP.
Cofagrigus4: Mega Evolve + Sub, set up as many Dragon Dances as possible (usually just the full six).
Carracosta4: switch stall Rock Slide and Earthquake while dropping its Attack all the way down, Sub + Mega Evolve, set up six Dragon Dances.
Archeops4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor, Substitute, Toxic stall. Probably also possible to PP stall and set up on this one, but lazy.
Zoroark4: lol
Gothitelle4: Mega Evolve + Substitute, freely set up to +6.
Reuniclus4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect stall Magic Guard sets and fully set up Gyarados, partially set up Gyarados on other sets if they start using Recover.
Vanilluxe4: go to Aegislash, straight IH KO.
Escavalier4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect, 4HKO with Earthquake when given the chance
Ferrothorn4: go to Gliscor, PP stall Gyro Ball, Payback, and Curse; then, use Intimidate switches to drop its Attack back to 0, set up a Sub and keep Dragon Dancing until it's Struggled to death.
Klinklang4: go to Gliscor, Earthquake 2HKO, don't bother too much trying to maintain a sub because its Protect usage is too erratic to do so without wasting basically all your PP
Eelektross4: go to Gliscor, Toxic; only set up a Sub right before it succumbs to more reliably maintain it.
Chandelure4: Mega Evolve + straight Waterfall / Crunch OHKO in case of Infiltrator.
Haxorus4: Mega Evolve + Sub + +2 Crunch OHKO (iirc, always seem to time it right in practice though)
Beartic4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Cryogonal4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Accelgor4: go to Gliscor, you'll get Encored but it can't touch you so just spam Toxic, after three turns switch back and forth to Aegislash and Sub as it succumbs.
Mienshao4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until HJK kills it
Druddigon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Golurk4: go to Gliscor, 3HKO with Earthquake while maintaining a Sub.
Bisharp4: switch-stall Sucker Punch PP, KO it with Gliscor's Earthquakes from behind a Sub. Works fine too if Defiant, just don't be a moron and switch Gyarados back in.
Bouffalant4: go to Gliscor, Toxic.
Braviary4: if not Defiant, go to Aegislash and set up fully, if Defiant, go to Aegislash, SD once, Iron Head KO.
Mandibuzz4: Mega + Sub, set up to at least +4; makes sense to spam Sub a couple times first though to make it waste some Punishment PP before it gets too powerful.
Durant4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hydreigon4: go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Protect, go to Aegislash, KS, go to Gliscor, Toxic stall.
Volcarona4: DD once, non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, don't try anything fancy.
Cobalion12: go to Aegislash; set up fully on set 1, Sub / Protect stall set 2 out of attacking PP and fully set up Gyarados.
Cobalion34: go to Aegislash; set up on set 4, if it (via Swagger) turns out to be set 3 go to Gliscor and act accordingly, but be aware that it's too erratic to reliably stall out of Iron Head PP.
Cobalion1234: go to Aegislash and act accordingly
Terrakion12: go to Aegislash and use KS to scout the set; set up fully on set 2, switch-stall set 1 out of EdgeQuake PP aided by KS while dropping its Atk to -6 and stall it out of Close Combat PP with Gliscor, and then fully set up Mega Gyarados.
Terrakion34: Mega Evolve + DD once, Waterfall OHKO.
Terrakion1234: Mega Evolve + DD once, Waterfall OHKO if it uses Rock Slide, see plan for sets 12 if it uses Stone Edge.
Virizion12: go to Aegislash, set up fully on set 2, set 1 IH+SS KO after getting Taunted.
Virizion34: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Virizion1234: go to Aegislash first, proceed appropriately.
Tornadus12: non-Mega DD once; set 1 will almost always use GK whereas set 2 is more unpredictable, but LO recoil gives away the set either way if its attack hits. If its attack hits and set 1 is confirmed, OHKO with non-Mega Waterfall after LO recoil. If set 2, go to Aegislash and spam King's Shield until either Hurricane PP is gone or Aegislash faints. Then, go to Gliscor, stall its remaining attacking PP, fully set up Gyarados, wait until it uses all its Sub PP, KO. If it uses Hurricane and misses, rinse and repeat.
Tornadus34: go to Aegislash; if set 3, go to Gliscor, stall Air Slash via Sub / Protect, and stall Dark Pulse + Focus Blast via switch-stalling; if set 4; IH + SS KO.
Tornadus1234: DD once in case it's Tornadus1, and proceed according to set.
Thundurus12: go to Gliscor, Sub. Set 2 will switch out; if set 1, switch-stall Thunderbolt and Protect between Aegislash and Gliscor, (it will use Thunderbolt over Toxic or vain Rest against Gliscor), force it into a Rest twice via Toxic, go back to Gyarados while it sleeps, Sub, and set up six DDs.
Thundurus34: go to Gliscor. If set 3, Toxic, and use Sub / Protect until it faints; if set 4, switch-stall Taunt and Focus Blast with Aegislash, and then Toxic and Sub / Protect.
Thundurus1234: go to Gliscor, proceed accordingly.
Landorus12: go to Gliscor, stall either Smack Down + Fissure or whatever move it locks itself into, go back to Gyarados, set up fully or as far as possible.
Landorus34: go to Aegislash; switch-stall Earthquake and Rock Slide between Aegislash and Gliscor if set 3; if set 4, go back and forth between Aegislash and Gyarados while using KS every other turn until it explodes or is out of Earthquake PP, and set up Aegislash if Earthquake PP is gone and it's still alive.
Landorus1234: go to Aegislash and act accordingly.
Chesnaught4: switch-stall Stone Edge + Earthquake PP aided by KS, fully set up Aegislash, IH KO.
Delphox4: Mega + Sub on Psychic, set up DDs as it wastes its own SpA to Overheat. Greninja4: Mega + Sub right away, then boost; getting to +3, which is an OHKO even on Torrent ones (+1 is a 2HKO, +2 doesn't hit a significant benchmark) is feasible.
Talonflame4: straight non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, +1 Gale Wings Brave Bird would hurt.
Pyroar4: DD once and non-Mega Waterfall OHKO, nothing fancy.
Florges4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Gogoat4: go to Aegislash on Wild Charge, set up fully.
Aromatisse4: go to Aegislash or Gliscor, stall Dazzling Gleam, set up Gyarados fully.
Slurpuff4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect / Toxic.
Barbaracle4: go to Aegislash to tank the Stone Edge, use KS to drop its Attack even further, go to Gliscor on Shadow Claw; if it doesn't crit, go back to Aegislash to lower its Attack even further. Eventually, Sub / Protect and Earthquake 2HKO when Sub isn't broken.
Clawitzer4: go to Gliscor, stall Dragon Pulse, keep Sub / Protecting until it Struggles to death to get back at reasonable HP
Tyrantrum4: go to Aegislash, stall Head Smash by alternating KS/SD, set up fully in the process and finish it off with SS.
Aurorus4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect, Earthquake KO after three rounds of Life Orb recoil.
Sylveon4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Hawlucha4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Carbink4: go to Aegislash, set up fully.
Goodra4: go to Gliscor, stall Blizzard, Earthquake 3HKO when Sub isn't broken.
Trevenant4: go to Gliscor, Sub / Protect until TR runs out, Toxic, Sub / Protect stall it down.
Gourgeist4: go to Aegislash, go to Gliscor (dodging Trick-Or-Treat via the Aegislash switch), KO it with Toxic damage + LO recoil + Earthquake maybe, try measuring out its demise carefully while occasionally trying to fish for free turns by trying to use Sub or Protect on Trick-Or-Treat.
Avalugg4: Intimidate switches + KS until it's (mostly) out of Earthquake PP, fully set up Aegislash.
Noivern4: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. non-Mega DD once, then Mega Crunch potential OHKO; if the KO is missed and Gyarados is KOed (it survives one Hurricane on non-Mega + one on Mega, but hax happens), finish it off with Shadow Sneak.

I actually hit 2k. Seven or eight months overdue and with a different team, granted, but the number is actually here. Can I just have a moment to say how happy I am for having hit this number after all, after burning out as badly as I did on my way there with team Clockwork Angles and being just generally way out of shape afterwards? I outlined the details in my 1k already, and honestly, I really felt as if I was a mediocre player who just happened to have a really lucky month... but I guess I'm back at it. It's funny how this is a repetition of events—I was so confident triples was the format where I'd be getting the Starf Berry, but I ended up getting it in Rotations of all formats, which was my very first "did I actually just do this" moment, and now I'm not hitting 2k in triples but in singles.

The cute number drought that I mentioned in my previous post is for the most part over. There's been 2k, there's been 2^11, there's been my birthday, there's been this—but the actual big fish and the actual numbers that I really want to hit are still coming up. Wish me luck guys, the marathon continues.

You are far from a mediocre player!!! Great numbers and I wish I had your patience to work a method for every available lead! I always thought a Gyara/Gliscor/Steel type could do well In singles but I'm much too much of a maverick to achieve what
you are! Well done!
Now that the vgc 2016 rules are out (some uber cover legendaries are allowed), do you guys think there's a possibility that the battle maison in the upcoming pokemon game (pokemon Z perhaps) will allow ubers for us or the AI to use?
Now that the vgc 2016 rules are out (some uber cover legendaries are allowed), do you guys think there's a possibility that the battle maison in the upcoming pokemon game (pokemon Z perhaps) will allow ubers for us or the AI to use?

I highly doubt it. Ubers were allowed in 2010 VGC as well, but in-game facilities in HGSS still had them banned.
Saved by retarded AI logic yet again, though I'm not sure I would have been fully screwed otherwise.

Battle #1253 - VS Veteran Howell - Latias2/Moltres2/Regice2/Landorus2/Virizion/Regirock1

While attempting to get to 1,000 wins I learned to be wary of lead Moltres on Set 1 & 2 teams because it's established itself as giving no fucks about Aron much of the time. My first hard lesson came from switching Camerupt out merely for lack of viable targets for its STABs and losing Landorus-T to a crit Sky Attack; later, I kept Camerupt in and evolved it, not particularly concerned about Moltres, and while no crit occurred, I was taken by surprise and needlessly ate a really strong hit.

Slowbro will live through a crit, so while I wasn't terribly worried about survival (barring being used in tandem with EQ/Rock Slide) there was still the issue with the bloody 30% flinch rate.

Aaaaand lo and fucking behold. Turn 1, Moltres ignores Aron and opts to Sky Attack Slowbro. Of course it crits, leaving Slowbro with 32 HP; it also has the benefit of making her flinch, so no TR. I've got a Regice that has no reason not to target it with Thunderbolt for the easy finish next turn, and because Camerupt stayed in to protect my backup, it has no viable target, but fortunately Latias doesn't have much incentive to hit Camerupt at the moment either. I have an untouched Aron, so I decided I'd keep it in and forego risking a Protect on the grounds that one of them would pass on it to kill Slowbro, leaving Latias and whoever else to peck it to 1 HP and at least buy me an Endeavor and another round of Proect afterward.

I did not account for:
-Latias using Thunder instead of Mist Ball (used previously) and missing
-Regice using Thunderbolt against Aron
-No one telling Howell that Power Herbs are one-time-use, making a second Sky Attack about as brilliant a tactic as Napoleon fucking with Russia

So I'm met with the sight of a 12 HP Aron and Trick Room successfully activated. Slaughter ensued, with my knowing the sets of Regice, Regirock and Landorus only because they died without activating the items that would have indicated a Sitrus/Custap/Apicot Berry. Virizion is the only unknown set. Had TR not been set up, however, I'd have had to gamble with Landorus2 and some switching to prevent Camerupt from being slain too quickly. I reckon positioning would have been quite problematic one way or another, and it'd come down to the AI making more bad selections again (namely using Focus Blast and missing, and so on.)

It's taken months of extremely sporadic playing just to get to 1255 wins (as of today), and while deep down I want to lose sooner than later, I nevertheless cannot bring myself to just go back to randoms and potentially easily throw the streak away. My desire to go back to the randoms is what makes me want to play the Maison to begin with, though, so there's a conflict of interest. Maintaining the high number is still the priority for now.
For those who have long (or somewhat long) streaks, do you guys max out the PP for every moves or just the important ones? I know PP Ups can be found from certain secret base members and at the PokeMiles shop, but I still find it hard to keep them in stocks.
All moves, though at the moment I'm unsure if that includes Explosion or other suicide moves, since I rarely use them. You never know when you'll be involved in a stall war, and you never, ever want to be in a position to use Struggle.

I spent quite a bit of time maxing out my secret base rank, and then some helpful internet dude made 30 base QR codes for Ninja Boys, which have excellent jobs at max rank, and so I was getting a lot of PP Max and PP Ups that way. I was also a diligent Wonder Trader for a large portion of my XY days, and those guys are still shacked up in Poke Bank. I live in Eastern USA and so the pretty steady stream of JP trades quickly jacked up miles, which I used to buy PP Ups. Lastly, those wondertraded turds would fill up Bank and be frequently scoured for IDs, as I often visited the lotto and could get PP Maxes that way.

There was a stretch of about a month where I developed OCD toward getting all Vivillon patterns, and I got thousands upon thousands of miles by trading Elegant Vivillon, overwhelmingly the most common, to any foreign destination also trading an Elegant Vivillon.

A lot of time spent, all things considered, but unlike the rest of the game, Wonder Trade was very pick up and play and I had no trouble squeezing in 30 mins or less of that a day, sometimes more. Nearly all the food I eat is homemade and it wasn't much hassle to keep my 3DS on the counter by the stove and do a few stylus clicks every other minute. I haven't done any ambitious breeding projects for close to a year, so it's been a very long time since I've tried to get more of those items.
For those who have long (or somewhat long) streaks, do you guys max out the PP for every moves or just the important ones? I know PP Ups can be found from certain secret base members and at the PokeMiles shop, but I still find it hard to keep them in stocks.
In Singles and Rotations, usually max all of them, but it's not always necessary. Like ReptoAbysmal said, you never know when you'll be in a stall war. On my Mega Salamence/Aegislash/Chansey team, maxing Salamence's Roost was crucial, and maxing Dragon Dance was also really important. If you needed to max Return, you were probably doing something very wrong, because Salamence shouldn't need to use 20 Returns (though it's still good to be safe against Double Team users you can set up on). Greninja probably isn't going to be using all of its PP very often either.

For Triples, I really didn't bother maxing most moves, though. You want to be careful about certain opponents (if someone is your "designated answer" against a rogue Cresselia2, max out their PP), but generally, those battles should be over way too fast for it to matter for moves that don't already have low PP.
This'll most likely be my final update on my Super Singles streak for this year—otherwise, I'll have lost or will have neglected my relatives over the holidays, and I don't want that. Or I'll have had some outrageous luck with the matchups and won't have had any dumb battles like #2175 against Infiltrator Crobat + Nidoqueen + something, which was won from turn 1 but took 105 turns and half an hour real time lol, I could settle for that.

Either way, time for a serious cute number roundup.


#2517: 432W-WWWW-WW39-7P8M
#2366: RXBG-WWWW-WW37-ZM3E
#2229: UU9G-WWWW-WW37-GREC

23:28:27: <Lumari> #2228: vs. psychic haskell
23:28:31: <Lumari> lead dusknoir4
23:28:38: <Lumari> i.e. most likely a guaranteed win
23:29:00: <Lumari> sub, tr
23:29:07: <Lumari> dd, dbond
23:29:14: <Lumari> dd, sneak
23:29:24: <Lumari> dd, sneak
23:29:32: <Lumari> dd, dbond
23:29:36: <Lumari> more boosts i guess
23:29:44: <Lumari> dd, tr
23:29:51: <Lumari> dd, ps
23:29:58: <Lumari> dd, sneak
23:30:09: <Lumari> dd, sneak
23:30:21: <Lumari> sub, sneak, tr runs out
23:30:34: <Lumari> crunch, dead dusknoir
23:30:40: <Lumari> crunch, dead espeon
23:30:51: <Lumari> crunch, dead cofag
23:31:03: <Lumari> and that's the tie with team growl
23:31:32: <Lumari> battle 2229 coming after i take a pic of the record lady and brush my teeth and such
23:58:09: <Lumari> k #2229, vs. veteran jake
23:58:13: <Lumari> lead regice
23:58:16: <Lumari> potentially uh-oh
23:58:36: <Lumari> switch to gliscor on icy wind
23:58:37: <Lumari> yeeeeee
23:58:51: <Lumari> protect, back to 87 hp
23:59:01: <Lumari> go to aegislash
00:00:37: <Lumari> meanwhile gliscor is pretty much back to full from switching back into thunderbolts twice
00:00:47: <Lumari> go to aegislash for real now
00:01:38: <Lumari> and there's the paralysis on the swords dance
00:01:51: <Lumari> fortunately those tbolts still do nothing lmao
00:01:54: <Lumari> full para, too
00:02:24: <Lumari> regice dead
00:02:33: <Lumari> it's moltres
00:02:39: <Lumari> this battle keeps getting better and better
00:02:49: <Lumari> ks
00:02:57: <Lumari> because iron head + sneak should ko
00:03:04: <Lumari> good, it's moltres2
00:03:22: <Lumari> back to gyara on fire blast 1
00:03:37: <Lumari> back to aegi on sky attack
00:03:56: <Lumari> back to gyara on fire blast 2
00:04:18: <Lumari> to gliscor on sky attack 2
00:04:29: <Lumari> good thing i snatched that recovery after the icy wind o__o
00:04:37: <Lumari> protect
00:04:45: <Lumari> and free to sub :L
00:05:42: <Lumari> k fire blast pp gone, time to hit toxic
00:06:51: <Lumari> it's dead now
00:06:58: <Lumari> i'm utterly fucked if the last mon is suicune1
00:07:06: <Lumari> regigigas :)
00:07:18: <Lumari> regigigas2 :) :)
00:07:27: <Lumari> this'll be alright
00:07:43: <Lumari> but man
00:07:54: <Lumari> the battle that had me "beat" kangliscune had me work for it
00:08:10: <Lumari> and the battle that's bringing me past team growl isn't being much nicer lol
00:08:22: <Lumari> i hope the trend won't continue into battle 2341 ~_~
00:08:49: <Lumari> 2000 2048 2112 2229 down, 2341 2366 2430 2516 to go O______O
00:09:51: <Lumari> it was the first time in 3k battles that regice2 used icy wind on gyarados
00:10:09: <Turska> gyarados with a higher continuous streak length than megamence
00:10:12: <Turska> that's silly
00:10:30: <Lumari> i know haha
00:10:38: <Lumari> i don't think anyone expected this :o
00:10:53: <Turska> what're the 2430/2516 points?
00:11:05: <Lumari> triple greninja record and real drapula record

Battle 2228, which tied me with team Growl, wasn't particularly eventful, with Mega Gyarados easily setting up on Dusknoir4 and storming through the team—even with my old approach of setting up Aegislash ("help no setting up Gyarados on a TR user x__x") I still would have stormed through that battle without any trouble.

Battle 2229 was different. Regice was a lead that I really didn't like facing with my Greninja team, because the threat of Thunderbolt and Greninja's complete ineffectiveness against it obviously mandated a switch to Gliscor—but Regice2 would generally use Icy Wind against the faster Greninja, which Gliscor didn't entirely appreciate taking. Good thing it seemed to universally prefer Thunderbolt against Gyarados. Until this very battle lol. Usually, when facing Regice2, it'd reveal Icy Wind sooner rather than later, at which point I'd go to Aegislash and KO with a +2 Iron Head. Now, I had a seriously weakened and slowed-down Gliscor, and my usual gameplan would result in a +2 Aegislash in addition to a crippled Gliscor, which is nasty. I took the risk of switching Gliscor back in on a couple Thunderbolts, allowing it to recover back to nearly full, fortunately without Regice doing the dick move of using Ice Beam against a Steel-type like it did against turskain's Empoleon / Gliscor core... and as it turned out, I needed it. Regice got a paralysis off on Aegislash too, which didn't matter too much though, but the second mon was Moltres. Potentially pretty much this team's worst enemy after Absol4 when in the lead position because Moltres1 is a dickhead with a faster Will-O-Wisp and hard-hitting moves and Tailwind and more nastiness... in this battle I'd have to sack Aegislash against it either way and would therefore be able to get Gliscor in freely lol, good thing I recovered back to full. Scouting the set with King's Shield revealed the set to be that other one, so I went back to Gyarados on the Fire Blast and did my usual routine of going to Aegislash on the Power Herb Sky Attack, going back to Gyarados on the Fire Blast, going to Gliscor on the Sky Attack charge turn, Protecting on the Sky Attack, and killing it with Toxic. Good thing I recovered back to full ~_~ A lastmon Suicune1 would probably have had me screwed at that point—it requires 31 Sub / Protect PP to stall down, so usually when it comes out after Gliscor kills a Pokemon I'd have to go back to Gyarados on the Ice Beam, pray it doesn't freeze (which indeed hasn't happened yet up to this point—otherwise I guess I could waste a bunch more PP with Aegislash so Gliscor can stall it down, but sigh) and set up on it. Kinda hard to do with a Gyarados that has taken two Fire Blasts. Fortunately, it was Regigigas. The battle that had me "beat" Kangliscune had me work for it, and the battle that put me past the team that directly outclassed mine was a nailbiter too. After this battle, I'm guessing it might also make sense to PP stall Regice completely dry (Sub / Protect on its Ice PP and switch-stalling Thunderbolt), but that really relies on a +6 non-Mega Gyarados beating "everything" because it sacrifices pretty much all of Gliscor's PP and probably gets Aegislash paralyzed. Idk :t

15:07:41: <Lumari> ok !_!
15:07:48: <Lumari> let's do this
15:07:58: <Lumari> it's been 2333 battles, what's another eight right T__T
15:08:07: <Lumari> one increment of three and one of five, let's go
15:24:44: <Lumari> increment of three down :o
15:24:53: <Lumari> leads: mismagius, zebstrika, bastiodon
15:25:29: <Lumari> mismagius switched out to jynx, which had blizzard stalled by gliscor and naturally was set up on by mega gyara, ohkoed all of jynx, mismagius, cofag
15:25:46: <Lumari> zebstrika was beaten by gliscor, which also handled tyrantrum and nidoking
15:26:06: <Lumari> bastiodon was pp stalled by gliscor, and gyarados swept the team, don't even recall the backups
15:34:45: <Lumari> 2337: lead manectric3, killed by gliscor, follow-up gyarados4 doesn't bother resting back up from the initial toxic to pressure it, lastmon eel4 is killed by gliscor like that tends to happen to eel4
15:37:34: <Lumari> 2338: lead emp4, mega gyara gets to +2 with a sub at 25% as always, follow-up golurk and durant are killed too
15:44:55: <Lumari> 2339: lead aurorus nicely uses thunder on the switch this time and is subsequently killed by gliscor, gliscor pp stalls donphan and gyarados sets up on it, gyarados kills donphan and bisharp
15:45:27: <Lumari> 2340: vs scientist rosalind
15:45:29: <Lumari> lead skuntank
15:45:30: <Lumari> fuck
15:45:37: <Lumari> no fire blast burn please
15:46:00: <Lumari> explosion
15:46:01: <Lumari> ok
15:46:04: <Lumari> no crit though
15:46:08: <Lumari> aurorus up next
15:46:14: <Lumari> snow warning aurorus though
15:47:46: <Lumari> usual aurorus routing isn't working out bc it used psychic where it should have used its second hyper beam
15:48:12: <Lumari> used hyper beam now though
15:48:19: <Lumari> and will collapse after i set up this sub
15:48:45: <Lumari> eelektross is last
15:48:55: <Lumari> i.e. this'll be alright :)
15:49:15: <Lumari> toooooooxic
15:50:35: <Lumari> dead eel
15:50:45: <Lumari> that's the longest non-durant streak
15:50:50: <Lumari> i don't want to share it though :P
15:51:05: <Lumari> 2341: vs tourist aire
15:51:12: <Lumari> lead vespiquen
15:51:14: <Lumari> lol
15:51:54: <Lumari> it's so awful that i don't even remember what i do against it
15:52:00: <Lumari> so i'll just go to gliscor i guess
15:52:31: <Lumari> aerial ace on the switch, toxic, another aerial ace
15:52:57: <Lumari> so now i'll do earthquake so i can round out with protect + sub + protect
15:53:01: <Lumari> sounds like a plan
15:53:25: <Lumari> wait, should have protected first ~_~
15:53:34: <Lumari> another eq? another eq
15:54:00: <Lumari> meanwhile i'm almost back to full, god this pokemon is awful
15:54:15: <Lumari> 1-0
15:54:25: <Lumari> slowbro!
15:54:34: <Lumari> which gliscor handles too bc it has a sub up
15:54:45: <Lumari> uses tr right away
15:54:47: <Lumari> that's cool
15:54:55: <Lumari> bc can get real tricky otherwise
15:55:11: <Lumari> must have a sub up on the turn it inverts the speed tiers cause otherwise yeah gg gliscor
15:56:27: <Lumari> slowbro sets up a new round of tr on its second last turn alive
15:56:30: <Lumari> no huge deal
15:57:09: <Lumari> unless the last mon is swampert @__________@
15:57:25: <Lumari> uhhhh right
15:57:29: <Lumari> so what we have here is
15:57:40: <Lumari> trick room (which doesn't matter if you're switch-stalling, mind you)
15:57:48: <Lumari> a subbed gliscor with 24 sub / protect pp remaining
15:57:56: <Lumari> and 23 eq / toxic pp
15:58:02: <Lumari> and a completely fresh gyarados and aegi
15:58:19: <Lumari> probs just go for the good old intimidate curse pp switch-stall route cause why the hell not
15:58:27: <Lumari> go to aegi first, go to gyara next
15:58:44: <Lumari> just hope it doesn't use curse on its first two turns lol
15:58:47: <Lumari> first, waterfall
15:59:05: <Lumari> then, curse
15:59:12: <Lumari> 0 atk, 1 curse pp
15:59:31: <Lumari> +1 atk, 2 curse
15:59:51: <Lumari> +1 atk, 3 curse
16:00:07: <Lumari> +2 atk, 4 curse
16:00:12: <Lumari> i don't like where this is going
16:00:17: <Lumari> but gyarados isn't gonna fall
16:00:23: <Lumari> and if aegi does, i've got gliscor
16:00:26: <Lumari> this'll be alright
16:00:45: <Lumari> +1 atk, 4 curse
16:01:01: <Lumari> +2 atk, 5 curse
16:01:07: <Lumari> aegi back to full though :P
16:01:26: <Lumari> +2 atk, 6 curse
16:01:35: <Lumari> aegi gonna take a couple blows now
16:02:05: <Lumari> +1 atk, 6 curse
16:02:39: <Lumari> +0 atk, 6 curse
16:03:14: <Lumari> aegi at 57 hp because i've been using king's shield after curse boosts got maxed out
16:03:32: <Lumari> which might lead gyarados to eat a couple waterfalls at the end
16:03:34: <Lumari> but ya
16:03:39: <Lumari> -1 atk, 6 curse
16:04:06: <Lumari> -2 atk, 6 curse
16:04:40: <Lumari> and now one waterfall doesn't outdamage two rounds of leftovers recovery
16:04:41: <Lumari> yay
16:04:46: <Lumari> aegi at 43 hp btw
16:05:04: <Lumari> -3 atk, 6 curse
16:05:32: <Lumari> -4 atk, 6 curse
16:05:35: <Lumari> but eq pp are gone
16:06:02: <Lumari> -5 atk, 6 curse
16:06:11: <Lumari> probs should just set up now
16:06:33: <Lumari> a crit on the next turn is gonna make way more of a difference than missing that final attack drop
16:06:41: <Lumari> and i can set up mega gyara :')
16:07:44: <Lumari> waterfall pp gone too, dragon dances maxed out, sub up
16:07:47: <Lumari> let's finish this
16:08:06: <Lumari> ok wow so apparently mega waterfall legit 2hkoes
16:08:12: <Lumari> :D
16:08:18: <Lumari> 2341 wooooo
16:09:06: <Lumari> and i've even got time to go for 2366 later today lol
16:09:09: <Lumari> but damn
16:09:21: <Lumari> second place and longest non-durant streak for team marathon
16:09:29: <Lumari> glory to gliscor and mega gyarados :P
16:11:17: <Turska> congrats
16:11:27: <Lumari> ty :)
16:11:33: <Turska> longest non-durant for gyarados is serious
16:11:59: <Lumari> yeah :o
22:03:17: <Lumari> geeeengaaaar1
22:03:40: <Lumari> "bring it on"
22:07:40: <Lumari> shadow ball gone
22:07:43: <Lumari> hypnosis gone
22:07:45: <Lumari> no sweat
22:08:32: <Lumari> aegi was sleep foddered though but who cares, +6 non-mega gyara beats everything
22:08:48: <Lumari> except sash + static + brutal hax i guess
22:09:12: <Lumari> and sash isn't possible bc item clause :P
22:09:17: <Lumari> voooolc
22:09:24: <Lumari> ded
22:09:26: <Lumari> and flame body
22:09:28: <Lumari> uh-oh
22:09:35: <Lumari> magmortar
22:09:36: <Lumari> pfff
22:09:53: <Lumari> and one step closer :D
22:10:28: <Lumari> possible hurrrnadus now
22:10:41: <Lumari> nope, sub, it's torn2
22:10:49: <Lumari> time for the good old aegi sack
22:11:14: <Lumari> one hurr
22:11:16: <Lumari> two hurr
22:11:28: <Lumari> three hurr
22:11:34: <Lumari> four hurr
22:11:44: <Lumari> five hurr
22:11:55: <Lumari> (third miss btw, and ks succeeded on the other two :P)
22:12:02: <Lumari> six hurr
22:12:09: <Lumari> seven hurrr
22:12:20: <Lumari> eight hurr, first hit
22:12:35: <Lumari> nine hurr
22:12:49: <Lumari> ten hurrr
22:16:04: <Lumari> and thus i tied peterko
22:16:08: <Lumari> almost there now o__o
22:16:34: <Lumari> after a short break :P
22:21:55: <Lumari> ok short break over
22:34:18: <Lumari> 2366 coming up
22:34:36: <Lumari> 2364 and 2365 were not particularly eventful battles against lead emp4 and lead mence4
22:34:48: <Lumari> fingers crossed for something reasonable
22:34:57: <Lumari> tourist ibiza
22:34:59: <Lumari> lead muk
22:35:04: <Lumari> yeeeee this'll be alright
22:35:10: <Lumari> unless it blows up on the switch
22:35:24: <Lumari> which it did
22:35:33: <Lumari> metagross now
22:35:41: <Lumari> we good here lads
22:35:53: <Lumari> metagross of all things lol
22:36:06: <Lumari> the thing that went berserk and killed team growl's streak
22:36:15: <Lumari> is gonna give me the classic jumpman record
22:38:50: <Lumari> mash is gone and gyara's sub is up
22:38:54: <Lumari> time for a little dance
22:39:32: <Lumari> gross dead
22:39:40: <Lumari> and now it's garchomp
22:39:45: <Lumari> holy shit how appropriate is this
22:39:58: <Lumari> gyarados was eved for this thing
22:40:23: <Lumari> flinches to waterfall
22:40:28: <Lumari> mega evolving for cool points
22:40:43: <Lumari> garchomp is dead
22:40:49: <Lumari> that's 2366
#2366: RXBG-WWWW-WW37-ZM3E

Battles 2340 and 2341 were actually relatively standard, with the scariest moment being the moment battle 2340's lead was sent out, because it was Skuntank—literally the most erratic pos to be found in the Maison, it would use any move against Greninja and it will use any move against Gyarados. It will use Fire Blast against a Water-type, even without Special Attack investment and with two neutral STAB options at its disposal. This time it exploded right away, though. Gliscor muscled its way through a Snow Warning Aurorus with a couple hiccups and pulverised the lastmon Eelektross like it usually does to those, and it also played a pivotal role in battle 2341, where it beat lead Vespiquen and outstalled a follow-up Slowbro, after which Gyarados and Aegislash Intimidate switched this team into the longest confirmed non-Durant streak.

Battle 2366 was kinda standard too, but it had all the making of cuteness lol, although it didn't look like that at first. The lead was Muk, which is Aegislash bait, and I don't like winning my battles with Aegislash because dumb mon—but it exploded on the switch. Which isn't a terrific situation because Aegislash makes an awful lead and Fire-types are dumb, but the second mon was Metagross. It was done. Gliscor can freely switch into Earthquake, PP stall Meteor Mash, and pave the way for a full Gyarados setup, and so the very Pokemon that killed team Growl's streak became my ticket to tying the classic Jumpman record. The lastmon, Garchomp, was not only my Gyarados's bulk target but also (which I failed to realise in the log) team Drapula's third member lmao, talk about symbolism. With a lead role for Gliscor, with the battle playing out according to my preferred gameplan in a +6 Gyarados sweep, and with two damn iconic foes showing up, I couldn't have wished for a better battle 2366 :')

(note: removed a parallel factory warstory from turskain from the log)

16:18:46: <Lumari> 2430 coming up, vs. ace trainer colin
16:18:54: <Lumari> lead klinklang
16:19:01: <Lumari> this'll be a bit of switch-stalling
16:21:03: <Lumari> 0 flash cannon / 5 thunderbolt
16:22:16: <Lumari> 3-6
16:23:31: <Lumari> 4-9
16:23:54: <Turska> you switch stall klinklang?
16:23:59: <Lumari> yeah
16:24:14: <Lumari> it's either earthquake 2hko without a sub or a +6 aegislash
16:24:23: <Lumari> i'll take the +6 aegislash
16:25:48: <Lumari> 7-13
16:27:33: <Lumari> (ok pp gone, time to set up aegi)
16:29:12: <Lumari> aegi has killed klinklang, charizard, and exeggutor, and so i triple my greninja record
23:36:15: <Lumari> 2516 coming up
23:36:32: <Lumari> monsieur patrice
23:36:35: <Lumari> lead emboar
23:36:41: <Lumari> lol this was also the lead in #2000
23:36:47: <Lumari> dd once, waterfall
23:36:48: <Lumari> lgi
23:37:01: <Lumari> uses sub, honestly doesn
23:37:05: <Lumari> t matter
23:37:12: <Lumari> i'll take one focus blast either way
23:37:27: <Lumari> medicham now
23:37:31: <Lumari> let's set up aegi
23:38:30: <Lumari> +6 aegi, will be at 164 hp after lefties recovery, dead medicham
23:38:41: <Lumari> scrafty now
23:38:46: <Lumari> intimidate too
23:38:55: <Lumari> ks on the predicted payback
23:39:02: <Lumari> ouch, bulk up
23:39:10: <Lumari> and it uses protect on my sd
23:39:15: <Lumari> all i need is one protect
23:39:21: <Lumari> bc now it's safe to use iron head
23:39:37: <Lumari> dead scrafty
23:40:00: <Lumari> 2517 lgi, for posterity
23:40:07: <Lumari> roller skater ryker
23:40:13: <Lumari> lead eelektross
23:40:16: <Lumari> ooooohhh
23:40:25: <Lumari> this is stupidly convenient
23:40:30: <Lumari> bc now i can go to gliscor
23:41:18: <Lumari> and gliscor coming out on top with a sub also shuts down a couple big roller skater threats like braviary and another one that i had on the tip of my tongue literally a second ago
23:42:40: <Lumari> ok this was as smooth and as auto-won as gliscor vs. eel always is
23:42:49: <Lumari> crobat now
23:42:54: <Lumari> it better be crobat3 lmao
23:43:05: <Lumari> yeah, it is
23:43:08: <Lumari> infiltrator though
23:43:12: <Lumari> so aegi is gonna do the honours
23:43:14: <Lumari> (cry)
23:44:39: <Lumari> +6 aegi at full, -6 crobat that now just dies
23:44:45: <Lumari> charizard last mon
23:44:54: <Lumari> idk and idc whether it's set 3 or 4
23:45:01: <Lumari> because sneak and it's dead
23:45:09: <Lumari> bop, gottem
23:45:19: <Lumari> yaaayyyy

Nothing too eventful while hitting the final two cute numbers... the battle that had me triple my Greninja record had a lead Klinklang, which is tedious but not dangerous. With my Greninja team, I'd simply 2HKO it with Gliscor's Earthquake because Flash Cannon is pretty much guaranteed to break the Sub and stalling it isn't too feasible with Klinklang's liberal Protect usage. With this team, though, I can switch-stall both Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon between Aegislash and Gliscor, allowing Aegislash to set up fully. I _guess_ I could switch-stall Toxic too and have Gyarados set up to +2.... but I guess I'm too scared to miscount or take a Struggle crit? x__x Either way, a +6 Aegislash stormed through Klinklang and the backups Charizard and Exeggutor. Battle 2516 had a +1 non-Mega Gyarados KO Emboar and had Aegislash set up on the follow-up Medicham, only to face Scrafty as the last Pokemon—Scrafty, which Aegislash had been EVed to underspeed so it could set up on it. Aegislash was at +6 already, though, so it needed to hit it just once with Iron Head. Scrafty can bs its way through Aegislash with real clever Protect and Bulk Up usage (in which case I'd still have a Gliscor waiting in the wings), but it has never succeeded to do so up to this point—knock on wood—and didn't manage to do so this time either. A final relatively standard battle had me reach the number I had been shooting for—a Roller Skater led with some traditional Gliscor bait in Eelektross and followed up with a Crobat. Crobat4 would have made this battle the kind of "fun" I would have liked to see for a milestone like this, but it was Crobat3, which was easily set up on by Aegislash, which then also stormed through the final Charizard. Not the battle this number deserved, but 2229 provided the drama and 2366 provided the cuteness, so I guess it's fine...


Right, so between cute yet irrelevant numbers like tripling my Greninja record, a couple really significant other records went down over the course of these 400-ish battles:
- VaporeonIce's Team Growl record (2228);
- the longest confirmed non-Durant record, by GG Unit (2340);
- Jumpman16's Platinum record with team Drapula II (classic number 2366, final number 2516).

Especially when it comes to beating team Growl's streak, I... guess I've got some explaining to do, since I was so sure that team directly outclassed mine, meaning that me beating it sorta defies all logic lol.

00:10:09: <Turska> gyarados with a higher continuous streak length than megamence
00:10:12: <Turska> that's silly

...and silly it is indeed at first glance. In my 1k, I said VaporeonIce's team was the same concept done better, and with the straightforward building and the much better resiliency against special attackers, that would appear to be the case, but currently Team Marathon has proven itself to be not much of a slouch either... so time to look into this. As far as the main sweeper goes, it's apparent that Mega Salamence outclasses Mega Gyarados by a country mile, being a tad stronger, having reliable recovery, and having the Speed necessary to Sub on horrors like Absol, with Mega Gyarados only offering the ability to run double STAB moves (which really doesn't mean much considering the only reason it has room to do so is its lack of recovery) and its change in defensive typing upon Mega Evolution. Obviously Aegislash is still Aegislash, so it seems as though it's a mathematical certainty that Gliscor is better than Chansey. Which is an idea I really really like lol because Gliscor is badass, heck one of my main motivations for hitting this number was "proving" that Gliscor >> Chansey. Obviously Chansey outclasses Gliscor in sheer walling prowess (especially of special attackers, to the extent that it doesn't care about crits from them at all), has a much more manageable weakness, has (when running Growl) many more PP to burn while stalling out a foe, and has access to "immediate" recovery options in Soft-Boiled and Natural Cure (although the latter requires you to switch out, which is kinda eeehhhh against Fire-types). Gliscor, on the other hand, offers a seemingly less wide range of qualities, but it cannot be stressed how stupidly good its Sub / Protect shenanigans are. If it gets one free Sub, most foes are done for, period. No matter their boosting moves. It literally counters Garchomp4 unless +1 Dragon Claw crits, in which case I lose automatically, it beats Volcarona one-on-one, because all they can do is batter away at its Subs in vain while they either die to Toxic or get all their attacking PP stalled for a free Gyarados setup. They don't stand a chance, at all—also because Gliscor has a near-immunity to hax thanks to the Sub and the triggered Toxic Orb. Naturally you'll have to get it into play first to get its Orb activated and have to get that Sub up, but otherwise, there's really no words to describe how awesome and how valuable a near hax immunity is in a place where the main challenge is "counter the hax." Gliscor's defensive typing is better than Chansey's as well—while "defensive typing" is a bit relative for something with Chansey's bulk and Ice is a nasty weakness to cover, it does allow Gliscor to switch into a much wider range of moves and also renders it immune to Thunder Wave (and parahax from other Electric-type moves), which is kind of a huge convenience (I'd be surprised if I get a Pokemon paralyzed more than once every 300 battles, and that's even being cautious lol), and its Speed isn't to be undervalued either—even without investment it outspeeds and therefore manhandles every single OHKO move user except Landorus1 (which cannot do a thing to Gliscor because lol Fissure immunity), Pinsir4 (which is a pushover with a team consisting of a Steel / Ghost-type and two Earthquake-immune Pokemon), and Cryogonal3 (ok fine, but I'm not letting something as rare as this one spoil the sheer joy of outspeeding Articuno2 and Wailord)

I guess the bottom line is that Gliscor is just more reliable, and more reliable as a failsafe, at what it does. Many things can go wrong, and few Pokemon are more reliable and especially more consistent against a greater number of foes than Gliscor one-on-one—in any case, I don't think Chansey is one of them. As far as Mega Gyarados goes, no this record is no reason to delete the Mega Salamence paragraph from the Maison guide and replace it with a blurb on that other Intimidate + Dragon Dance mega (although I have given Gyarados a far more emphatic mention in MegaMence's paragraph and I have given Iron Head a full slash on Aegislash, oh and I've also given Glalie a mention in Drapion's paragraph lol)—Dragonite was kept because it's more "beginner friendly" than MegaMence, and on a similar note, it makes little sense to axe Mence because it has been outperformed by... an outrageously team-specific Pokemon. Aegislash and Gliscor wall a stupidly high number of Maison Pokemon, but in their flawed defensive synergy, they fail to cover four types in Fire, Ghost, Dark, and Water—all of which are covered by Water / Dark. However, a Water / Dark type helps them tank attacks of these types and boost once or twice or maybe thrice on foes of those types right away. Which obviously comes in really handy, but the team would be far more effective if a plan A consisting of switching OUT the lead and switch-stalling PP were available—PP stalling entire moves and setting up to +6 is better than tanking attacks and setting up once or twice or maybe thrice. With an Aegislash / Gliscor core forming the backup, such a lead should be weak to Rock and Electric, immune to Ground, and not weak to any of the four types Aegislash + Gliscor doesn't cover. Preferred typing? Water / Flying. Dayum. It's so easy to brush off that change in defensive typing as a nice perk, but it's so much more than that in practice—it effectively allows you to run two Pokemon in one slot. And to perfectly patch up the holes in Aegislash + Gliscor's defensive synergy AND provide you with an excellent crippling / stalling setup, you will need both those effective slots, and the fact that the primary slot allows elaborate setup and the secondary slot allows more immediate tanking / boosting is the icing on the cake. I'm not gonna pretend that Gyarados is the best Mega for singles even though it has the longest confirmed streak of all Mega now because lol of course it isn't, but it is the perfect partner for arguably the most potent stall / pivoting duo available. And the three of them have made up a pretty decent team.

I don't want to claim team Marathon to be the best or ultimate non-Durant team, even now it has the longest confirmed streak, but I think it goes without saying that it's outdone everyone's expectations, not in the least my own. All things considered, though, I guess the power of the full team really is more than the sum of its parts in this case... One striking final edge that it has over team Growl is the lack of a "lead Garchomp4 Dragon Claw crit" situation. To the best of my knowledge, there's not a single singular instance of hax that essentially checkmates this team, and while, obviously, lead Starmie, lead Absol4 (fuck lead Absol4), lead Flame Body Chandelure, and many, many more have the potential to put me in a seriously suboptimal situation, none of them can be auto-losses without additional bs from the backups. I think that even a freeze on Gyarados from Suicune1 coming in on Gliscor can be overcome by stalling a bunch of PP with Aegislash to allow Gliscor to stall it down after all. Bad teams have several singular instances of hax that checkmate them. Decent teams only have a couple. Good teams have (close to) none and require multiple consecutive specific hax moments to be taken down—and especially when getting into the "multiple" area, the chance of those actually occurring naturally decreases exponentially, and if the trainer at the helm doesn't screw up, the streak can keep going for a lot of battles. Over 2500, it seems. Team Marathon is a good team :s And naturally there's Kangliscune too, which I'd still like to receive a fair trial. At the very least that one seems to have my team beat in terms of immediate power, and I'd like to see if my team's outrageous typing / switch synergy is enough to make up for that. I hope Jumpman's quietness is a calm before the storm haha, at the very least he wouldn't post any "petty" numbers—which 2k pretty much has become at this point :t

Speaking of Jumpman, beating Drapula's numbers is something I could have only dreamed of until very recently haha. Obviously I'm not gonna go all like "haha team Drapula sucks even Mega Gyarados is better" because I know firsthand from what little experience I have (and from turskain's factory warstories lol) how much dumber the Frontier is than the Maison.. with OHKO Dewgong and more fun stuff alongside OHKO Walrein, with how terrified Suizomence (which does have an ongoing 105 streak at this point though!!) was from the ubiquitous full elemental coverage, which is run by... one... Pokemon in the Maison, and the only reason Electivire4 can be switch-stalled down by this team in a united effort is because its set is rounded out by Earthquake T__T With how easily the only decent BoltBeamer (and, judging by 2229, a somewhat less decent one too) can screw over this team if the RNG + matchup are bad, I can only applaud a team that managed to hit these numbers in a far more hostile environment.

But most of all, it's the iconic nature of those numbers that drove me to hit them. I didn't post 2366 because that would have been too soon after 2112 (which I really wanted to make the 2k+ post lol), but yeah... I remember reading about some absurd ability Moody at some point during the BW days, when I was barely involved in Pokemon, and read how it had been banned from Ubers. I sorta understood where they were coming from, but more importantly
for this post, I also noticed the similarity to Acupressure, and in one of the threads on Moody's ban I came across over several sites, I legit don't recall where, I read that "some guy" got a 2366-win streak (I only found out the final number way after, like this summer or so) with Acupressure Drapion in the Battle Tower. My first thought was "literally wtf", and my second thought was "huh, whaddayaknow, I wouldn't "get" from any Pokemon at all how they'd be able to do that anyway, guess thinking out of the box gets rewarded and good to see that boss of a Pokemon get some love." When I actually had gotten back into Pokemon to a reasonable extent this gen and came across this thread looking to figure out a way to get the singles trophy, I noticed that that same "some guy" was still at it and was pretty high on the leaderboards with a team named Suizorus. After another half a year or so, he once again returned to top the leaderboard, while I was still plugging away in the 100s with a pretty crappy team. I guess I've improved during my time around here. Not in the least because I had a couple nice targets to shoot for x)

So anyway, after the cute numbers, it's back to the haunted wasteland, I guess. Good thing scurrying through haunted wastelands is something that gets easier the more you do it—after all, "it's been over 1,5k battles, what's another 100" is a tad less convincing than "it's been over 2,5k battles, what's another 100." And that's what I'll have to do right now. "It's been over 2,5k battles, what's another 100"—rinse and repeat. There is one final peg to knock down.

VaporeonIce I'm coming for you bro.


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To the best of my knowledge, there's not a single singular instance of hax that essentially checkmates this team, and while, obviously, lead Starmie, lead Absol4 (fuck lead Absol4), lead Flame Body Chandelure, and many, many more have the potential to put me in a seriously suboptimal situation, none of them can be auto-losses without additional bs from the backups.

Hax from the lead followed by additional bs from the backups IS what beats any singles team that wins more than 300 or so (that or external circumstances like the game getting turned off mid-streak). Something like Flame Body from a lead followed by the right backup with a stat-boosting move + Rest is essentially an auto-loss, and that sort of situation would be some lucky bs, but it can occur from so many different combinations of Pokemon that it'd seem to be pretty inevitable in the long run. Or when you're switching back and forth on an Explosion user and it eventually blows up on +0 Aegislash (I have seen stuff like Regirock and Lickilicky explode on Aegislash once out of Earthquake); that could lead to you giving a free turn to any one of those Fire types that Gyarados already has to take out as quickly as possible.
Hax from the lead followed by additional bs from the backups IS what beats any singles team that wins more than 300 or so (that or external circumstances like the game getting turned off mid-streak). Something like Flame Body from a lead followed by the right backup with a stat-boosting move + Rest is essentially an auto-loss, and that sort of situation would be some lucky bs, but it can occur from so many different combinations of Pokemon that it'd seem to be pretty inevitable in the long run. Or when you're switching back and forth on an Explosion user and it eventually blows up on +0 Aegislash (I have seen stuff like Regirock and Lickilicky explode on Aegislash once out of Earthquake); that could lead to you giving a free turn to any one of those Fire types that Gyarados already has to take out as quickly as possible.
Point very well taken, I worded that kinda badly yeah... obviously there are still volumes more possibilities of lead bs + backup bs screwing you over than just the one singular hax moment being triggered, so statistically that's also what you're more likely to lose your streak to in practice (and there's also misplays haha, that's what most teams on the leaderboard have lost to... honestly kinda curious as to how far all those teams could have gotten had the plays been flawless). As for my own team, while I'm not too worried about lead Flame Body hax + Rest booster backup in general because I have a fair bit of resiliency against those (a fresh Gliscor beats most of them one-on-one if it has to, and Aegislash beats Musharna and Cresselia; only Gyarados4 would have me probably fucked, but unless i'm horribly mistaken that hasn't happened yet, and it should be a stupidly rare occurrence anyway because it's not too common on teams with Flame Body users not to mention non-Mega Gyara resists Waterfall + Earthquake pretty badly so it should not be sent out second, and it's still 2HKOed by +2 Crunch so even if it does show up there may be a chance depending on circumstances), there was that one battle where Garchomp4 came out as the second mon after Flame Body hax from lead Talonflame, and I was pretty lucky Talonflame had attacked Gyarados, putting it into Stone Edge KO range, and Garchomp opted for attacking over setting up, allowing me to sack Gyarados and have Gliscor take it down without much trouble, but yeah... those are the dumb things that will screw me over at some point too if I don't misplay x_x

Same with the Fire-types; while the only one that I'm seriously scared of in a situation like that is Volcarona or maybe Chandelure (most Fire-types are all-out attackers anyway, so with some help from KS Gyarados will only have to tank their attacks at -3, it's easy af to bait Rapidash and Infernape into using Protect and Encore on the switch, and Intimidate nicely bops White Herbs), Lickilicky / Claydol / Regirock exploding before wasting all their Earthquakes isn't too rare for obvious reasons, and while Volcarona has yet to show up iirc, it did happen at some point that Regirock exploded right away after wasting all its EdgeQuake PP (good thing Lickilicky and Claydol have enough non-Explosion PP for Aegislash to always set up on them if they do waste all their EQ before exploding, and even Regirock always uses all its Drain Punches first except that one time) and Moltres1 came in. Had to sack Aegislash because I can't switch in Gyarados on WoW and Gliscor can't take two Overheats (obviously can't take WoW either but I had already activated its Orb while switch-stalling Regirock), Gliscor did beat it handily afterwards, and fortunately the lastmon (which I cannot remember) was not something Gyarados + Gliscor couldn't beat (Regice2 qualifies I guess if Gliscor has lost a fair number of PP, not much else comes to mind on set12 veterans, but forgive me it's late)
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Hey all. I just started my first real Battle Maison attempt and I was hoping I could get some advice from people with more knowledge and experience than me.

Greninja / Lum Berry
Protean, Timid, 252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Mat Block
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam

(Mega) Gardevoir / Gardevoirite
Telepathy->Pixilate, Modest, 252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Hyper Voice
Calm Mind

Talonflame / Sky Plate
Gale Wings, Adamant, 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd
Flare Blitz
Brave Bird

Garchomp / Life Orb
Rough Skin, Adamant, 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance

Rotom-W / Choice Specs
Levitate, Modest, 172 HP/120 Sp.Atk/216 Spd. 30 Def/Sp.Atk IVs
Hidden Power (Water)
Shock Wave

Whimsicott / Focus Sash
Prankster, Timid, 252 HP/252 Spd/4 Sp.Def
Helping Hand

As you can see, it's not the most revolutionary group. First turn is usually Mat Block/Mega evo + Calm Mind/Tailwind, then Hyper Voice spam with Greninja/Talonflame breaking sashes or picking off things Gardevoir can't quite knockout. It's gotten me to 100 victories so far with only a couple close calls, and the pure power being able to make up for me playing terribly. There's a few things I can't quite figure out what to do with though:

Rotom: Originally I wanted something sorta buff enough that I could switch in to questionable moves and still be able to fire back with some decent power. Electric and Water were two types I felt I could use more of, and bonus Levitate to avoid Garchomp's Earthquakes, so I just copied turskain's Rotom and made a few changes due to it not being frontline. While I think Rotom wasn't a bad choice, the changes I made weren't great (Specs + Protect? I don't even know what I was thinking) but I also don't think fully copying would be what I need either. I'm thinking drop Protect for Dark Pulse or Signal Beam, but I suppose replacing Specs with Leftovers/Sitrus Berry is also a choice (I'd miss the extra power though.)

Whimsicott/6th slot: My original test run was Greninja/Gardevoir/Whimsicott + 3 random in-game pokemon. While it didn't get past the Chantelaine, it did help me see that while the idea of my team could work, Whimsicott would not. In looking for a replacement I found this thread and discovered my idea wasn't original at all, but Talonflame was a big improvement. Now, Whimsicott is still "on the team" just because I don't know what to use for a real final pokemon and a backup Tailwind is more useful than my starter Delphox.
I haven't seen any huge holes in my offense, although something to take down Steels/Poisons more reliably than a suicidal bird would be nice. I'm leaning towards Blaziken at the moment: Fighting/Fire is perfect for Steel busting, and Grass/Steel/Ice resists would cover Rotom/Gardevoir/Garchomp's weaknesses nicely. Again though I'm not sure how I would build it: is full speed necessary with Speed Boost and that Blaziken would probably be switching in with a Tailwind already up? Low Kick vs Superpower vs Brick Break? Assuming Protect as a 3rd move, what for the 4th? Item? etc.

Greninja: Against things that outspeed Mat Block I really, really miss Protect, but Dark Pulse/Ice Beam have been incredibly good and Surf gets a surprising amount of use, too. After a Calm Mind Surf is merely a tickle to Mega Gardevoir (or if something is really wrong, normal Gardevoir has Telepathy), and it's been useful against Fires that resist Hyper Voice without having to switch in Rotom (also that annoying as heck Wide Guard Bastiodon, though I just realised Surf is a spread move. Oops.) Is there a better way to handle these and I can replace Surf, or should I just keep what works and figure out another way to deal with the times where I can't Mat Block?

Garchomp: I have never used Swords Dance. Replace with Rock Slide? ...Aerial Ace?

These are just the obvious flaws I can see, but if you veterans have any other advice I'd be glad to hear it. Thanks for reading!
Hey all. I just started my first real Battle Maison attempt and I was hoping I could get some advice from people with more knowledge and experience than me.

Greninja / Lum Berry
Protean, Timid, 252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Mat Block
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam

(Mega) Gardevoir / Gardevoirite
Telepathy->Pixilate, Modest, 252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Hyper Voice
Calm Mind

Talonflame / Sky Plate
Gale Wings, Adamant, 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd
Flare Blitz
Brave Bird

Garchomp / Life Orb
Rough Skin, Adamant, 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance

Rotom-W / Choice Specs
Levitate, Modest, 172 HP/120 Sp.Atk/216 Spd. 30 Def/Sp.Atk IVs
Hidden Power (Water)
Shock Wave

Whimsicott / Focus Sash
Prankster, Timid, 252 HP/252 Spd/4 Sp.Def
Helping Hand

As you can see, it's not the most revolutionary group. First turn is usually Mat Block/Mega evo + Calm Mind/Tailwind, then Hyper Voice spam with Greninja/Talonflame breaking sashes or picking off things Gardevoir can't quite knockout. It's gotten me to 100 victories so far with only a couple close calls, and the pure power being able to make up for me playing terribly. There's a few things I can't quite figure out what to do with though:

Rotom: Originally I wanted something sorta buff enough that I could switch in to questionable moves and still be able to fire back with some decent power. Electric and Water were two types I felt I could use more of, and bonus Levitate to avoid Garchomp's Earthquakes, so I just copied turskain's Rotom and made a few changes due to it not being frontline. While I think Rotom wasn't a bad choice, the changes I made weren't great (Specs + Protect? I don't even know what I was thinking) but I also don't think fully copying would be what I need either. I'm thinking drop Protect for Dark Pulse or Signal Beam, but I suppose replacing Specs with Leftovers/Sitrus Berry is also a choice (I'd miss the extra power though.)

Whimsicott/6th slot: My original test run was Greninja/Gardevoir/Whimsicott + 3 random in-game pokemon. While it didn't get past the Chantelaine, it did help me see that while the idea of my team could work, Whimsicott would not. In looking for a replacement I found this thread and discovered my idea wasn't original at all, but Talonflame was a big improvement. Now, Whimsicott is still "on the team" just because I don't know what to use for a real final pokemon and a backup Tailwind is more useful than my starter Delphox.
I haven't seen any huge holes in my offense, although something to take down Steels/Poisons more reliably than a suicidal bird would be nice. I'm leaning towards Blaziken at the moment: Fighting/Fire is perfect for Steel busting, and Grass/Steel/Ice resists would cover Rotom/Gardevoir/Garchomp's weaknesses nicely. Again though I'm not sure how I would build it: is full speed necessary with Speed Boost and that Blaziken would probably be switching in with a Tailwind already up? Low Kick vs Superpower vs Brick Break? Assuming Protect as a 3rd move, what for the 4th? Item? etc.

Greninja: Against things that outspeed Mat Block I really, really miss Protect, but Dark Pulse/Ice Beam have been incredibly good and Surf gets a surprising amount of use, too. After a Calm Mind Surf is merely a tickle to Mega Gardevoir (or if something is really wrong, normal Gardevoir has Telepathy), and it's been useful against Fires that resist Hyper Voice without having to switch in Rotom (also that annoying as heck Wide Guard Bastiodon, though I just realised Surf is a spread move. Oops.) Is there a better way to handle these and I can replace Surf, or should I just keep what works and figure out another way to deal with the times where I can't Mat Block?

Garchomp: I have never used Swords Dance. Replace with Rock Slide? ...Aerial Ace?

These are just the obvious flaws I can see, but if you veterans have any other advice I'd be glad to hear it. Thanks for reading!

Mega Gardevoir only needs 130 Speed after Mega Evolution to outspeed the entire Maison under Tailwind. It could be worth it to EV it for maximum bulk as well, with a spread like Modest 220/0/252/4/4/28 to maximize Gardevoir's staying power in the center while still having good enough Speed for Tailwind and decent power with base 165 SAtk and a Modest nature - similar to -FG-'s Mega Altaria center. Calm Mind is slow to set-up - to deal more damage at +1 over just using Hyper Voice right away, you would have to use HV 3 times after Calm Minding, after which the battle is already over. Use HP Ground for coverage, or possibly a situational move like Heal Bell or Encore if not breeding for it.

Greninja needs Focus Sash to be able to use Mat Block against faster foes that threaten with an OHKO, which includes most Choice Scarf holders.

Garchomp prefers a Jolly nature to be able to get the most out of its great base 102 Speed outside Tailwind.

To replace Whimsicott, a Steel-type to cover Gardevoir's weaknesses (and Chomp's) would work - there's not many choices, so either Scizor or WG Aegislash.
Mega Gardevoir only needs 130 Speed after Mega Evolution to outspeed the entire Maison under Tailwind. It could be worth it to EV it for maximum bulk as well, with a spread like Modest 220/0/252/4/4/28 to maximize Gardevoir's staying power in the center while still having good enough Speed for Tailwind and decent power with base 165 SAtk and a Modest nature - similar to -FG-'s Mega Altaria center. Calm Mind is slow to set-up - to deal more damage at +1 over just using Hyper Voice right away, you would have to use HV 3 times after Calm Minding, after which the battle is already over. Use HP Ground for coverage, or possibly a situational move like Heal Bell or Encore if not breeding for it.

Greninja needs Focus Sash to be able to use Mat Block against faster foes that threaten with an OHKO, which includes most Choice Scarf holders.

Garchomp prefers a Jolly nature to be able to get the most out of its great base 102 Speed outside Tailwind.

To replace Whimsicott, a Steel-type to cover Gardevoir's weaknesses (and Chomp's) would work - there's not many choices, so either Scizor or WG Aegislash.

Thank you, this is all very helpful.

But wow, I feel silly. I did actually check that Gardevoir's Speed wasn't that far over 130 (only by 2 points I think) but I completely forgot Mega Gardevoir gets a speed boost.
After mega evolving, Gardevoir only needs 76 speed EVs to reach 130 (which is what I did before), and putting the rest into HP. Be careful when facing those with priorities, especially technician Scizor. It can get hairy when it is paired with other threats.

Anyways, I decided to try the Battle Maison again after playing other games for a while. Unfortunately, I never got past 300 straight wins on several attempts, probably because I'm just winging it without looking up the sets out of laziness and/or having no internet connection. I didn't bother saving a video but thought I should share anyways. The team is mostly the same as before found here with a few changes. If anyone has any suggestions for changes, that would be appreciated.


Whimsicott (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Tailwind
- Helping Hand
- Taunt
- Encore

Gardevoir-Mega (F) @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 92 HP / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Protect

Hydreigon (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 92 HP / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Protect


Talonflame (M) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

Garchomp (F) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Protect

Lucario (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Psychic
- Protect
While only 130 speed is needed under Tailwind to out speed the entire Maison after battle #40, I decided to bump it up to 139 in case I run into Swift Swim Seismitoad under rain. Anything faster with Chlorophyll and Floatzel seem too fast to be giving up the extra bulk. The speed EVs are given in such a way to avoid awkward speed ties. This especially helps with Hydreigon being slower than the rest to avoid taking unnecessary Life Orb damage.

The other notable change is replacing Gyarados with Garchomp. While having a back-up Intimidate user was helpful, I wanted something that can use Earthquake but without STAB, it didn't seem all that strong. I tried using a Poison Heal Gliscor with EQ, Knock Off, and Facade, but it still didn't seem like it was doing much (although status wasn't an issue). Thus, I decided to add Garchomp who can also kill dragons should Gardevoir go down. Since the Life Orb was taken, I gave her a Lum Berry, which was pretty important, since having one of my back-ups (and one of two physical attackers) get burned or paralyzed meant it may not be able to finish the battle. For any reasons I have to use Earthquake in succession, I gave Lucario an Air Balloon.

The way most battles turn out, it is usually Tailwind - Protect (while Mega-evolving) - Protect, then Helping Hang - Hyper Voice - whatever coverage move until I win. Of course I can attack right away if I know it's safe or necessary such as having to take out a Trick Room user like Bronzong. I may have to break out of my usual pattern such as when I have to use Taunt on the very first turn. Regarding Whimsicott, I used Protect at first to bait enemy attacks, but then I decided that it's expendable, therefore I replaced Protect in favor of Encore. With it, I can lock enemies into moves like Fake Out, Curse, and Substitute, which are slowly taken down before it wears off. As for my Talonflame, his Sitrus Berry seemed not as useful for triples, so I gave it a Sharp Beak for stronger priority Brave Birds.
The threats are mostly the same as before, so I'll just copy and paste while making a some edits. As mentioned, I'm not looking up the sets, but I am keeping an eye out for any possible threats. For example, Bronzong, Gothitelle, and Slowbro are possible Trick Room setters, one of the Hariyama sets have the Belly Drum + Bullet Punch combo, and Skuntank and Forretress can have Explosion with a Custap Berry activating.

- Trick Room -
I need to prevent TR from being setup, so when a TR setter appears, it is either taunted or taken down. While most TR setters are weak to Dark Pulse, one particular threat is Aromatisse which is resistant to dark and immune to taunt if it has Aroma Veil (note that Slowbro and Slowking can have oblivious). Slowking also has the bulk to easily survive a Dark Pulse as well. If in range of Whimsicott and TR is put up, I can use Encore to change the dimensions again (then Taunt if I can't take it down right away) except for once again AV Aromatisse.

- Wide Guard -
Bastiodon4 is really the only Pokemon I seem to run into that have Wide Guard. Between Metal Burst, Wide Guard, and having abilities either Sturdy or Soundproof, it is a bit of a mind game. If it is spamming Wide Guard (like when encored), it is safe to use Earth Power. If using Metal Burst, it is best to use Hyper Voice AND Earth Power. Hyper Voice breaks Sturdy, then Earth Power finishes it. If it has Soundproof, then Earth Power OHKOs it. If on the opposite corner from Hydreigon however, it gets a little tricky. It would be best if it had Soundproof, so Gardevoir can't hit it, and I believe Metal Burst can't hit opposite corners so Hydreigon can snipe it (correct me if I'm wrong). As for Mienshao4, it really prefers to use High Jump Kick on Hydreigon instead while Regigigas4 is easy Taunt bait (if in range that is).

- Soundproof -
Pixilated hyper voice means only those with Soundproof are immune to it. I usually ignore them and deal with them later while I try to KO the other Pokemon. Strategy may have to change if something like soundproof Mr. Mime shows up which can threaten Hydreigon. Most of the others are weak to fighting STAB anyways.

- Fake Out -
Even though Gardevoir and Hydreigon use Protect on the first turn, Whimsicott is vulnerable to Fake Out and therefore unable to set up Tailwind on the first turn. I usually get it up on the second turn, while switching out with the others to take resisted hits as best as possible. This is where I miss having Intimidate. Most fake out users I faced aimed for Gardevoir instead however.

- Priority Attacks -
Other than fake out, there are other priority attacks that can put me at a disadvantage. Technician Scizor in particular can OHKO M-Gardevoir with a single Bullet Punch. Without Gyarados to take take Bullet Punch, I use Flamethrower right at first if possible and safe to do so while Gardevoir Protects while Mega-evolving. I also have to be cautious of sucker punch, especially from that moxie Honchkrow.

Other than these threats, this one particular Pokemon showed up.

Honchkrow3 | Modest | Life Orb | Air Cutter | Dark Pulse | Snatch | Shadow Ball | HP/SpA

The moment I saw Honchcrow steal Tailwind, I started to panic. It became worse when Whimsicott became paralyzed and failed to use Tailwind for maybe two more turns (forgot to save the video x.x). To be honest, I forgot this move existed, added by the fact that this is pretty much the only set to have Snatch. Good thing this isn't a physical set since it was able to score a KO and get a Moxie boost.
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Tried out the Maison for a little bit of fun, then had my streak ended at a measly 59 by a ranger with Sceptile4/Donphan4/Venusaur4. That is easily the worst matchup possible for me, as every slot has just the perfect matchup against my pokes (Unless I switch Sylveon in to Donphan4 and miraculously avoid either Fissure hitting or QC activating and 2HKOing me, I have literally no chance of beating that team bar hoping for double crits vs Venusaur4). Gonna post the team once I get a proper streak going.
Sounds like you desperately need a Steel type, which forces Venusaur4 into attempting Leech Seed and then alternating between its inoffensive moves. A Steel type with Taunt would shut it down completely, as its only attacking move is Sludge Bomb.

Having a group of perfect checks is one thing, but when those checks are some extremely basic Grass types, you need to seriously reevaluate your team. Rangers, Scientists and Punks are very common trainers post battle 40, and are pretty likely to carry some.
Hi everyone. New here.

I'm currently doing a run on Maison's super triples and have managed to get to a streak of 200 so far (best streak so far is 353). My team is based on an article I found on the Nugget Bridge by R Inanimate (http://nuggetbridge.com/blogs/blog/4-r-inanimates-blog-tactical-moon-tour/). I want to try to get to 1000 like he did but I couldn't seem to replicate his success so I made some modifications. I think though my modifications I could still use some improvement though so I thought I might come here for some advice. Current team I'm running is:

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Protect

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Mat Block
- Surf
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch
- Double-Edge

Aron @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
Timid Nature
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Toxic
- Swagger

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak

Usually I start with Aron (center), Greninja (left/right), Garchomp(right/left). Firstly my Talonflame has been a superstar in a lot of clutch situations but is quite brittle. Also tailwind doesn't get used all that much since I mainly use Talonflame as a backup. Not sure what other move I could run though (maybe roost or fly?). Secondly Kangaskhan fails me during situations when he's the last pokemon I have and I'm in a 1-1 or 1-2 fight. He's good for situations when I outnumber my opponent and need a Fake Out to keep them quiet while I KO them. I was thinking of running Mega Slowbro instead maybe?

Thanks for reading!
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Hi everyone. New here.

I'm currently doing a run on Maison's super triples and have managed to get to a streak of 200 so far (best streak so far is 353). My team is based on an article I found on the Nugget Bridge by R Inanimate (http://nuggetbridge.com/blogs/blog/4-r-inanimates-blog-tactical-moon-tour/). I want to try to get to 1000 like he did but I couldn't seem to replicate his success so I made some modifications. I think though my modifications I could still use some improvement though so I thought I might come here for some advice. Current team I'm running is:

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Protect

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Mat Block
- Surf
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam

Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Protect

Kangaskhan-Mega @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Parental Bond
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch
- Double-Edge

Aron @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
Timid Nature
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Toxic
- Swagger

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak

Usually I start with Aron (center), Greninja (left/right), Garchomp(right/left). Firstly my Talonflame has been a superstar in a lot of clutch situations but is quite brittle. Also tailwind doesn't get used all that much since I mainly use Talonflame as a backup. Not sure what other move I could run though (maybe roost or fly?). Secondly Kangaskhan fails me during situations when he's the last pokemon I have and I'm in a 1-1 or 1-2 fight. He's good for situations when I outnumber my opponent and need a Fake Out to keep them quiet while I KO them. I was thinking of running Mega Slowbro instead maybe?

Thanks for reading!

Fake out and mega khan in general i've not found to be that useful in triples (certainly not as effective as in singles or doubles) as it seems you found out yourself, she's good when your winning but when your backs against the wall she stuggles to win you back momentum. mega blastoise maybe better as he gives the mega launcher boosted cross field pulse and aura moves (that u haven't really got covered on your team) but can be game changers from the left side of the field in maison triples and gives u the bulky water type that traditionally holds well in the maison. How do you work your opening moves? As lvl1 Aron and matt block greninja do the same thing (give u 1 turn free set up) you could have 1 of them in the centre and run something else that can carry a lum berry and ready to destroy after 1 swords dance/nasty plot? But there are others here that are wiser then me!
Fake out and mega khan in general i've not found to be that useful in triples (certainly not as effective as in singles or doubles) as it seems you found out yourself, she's good when your winning but when your backs against the wall she stuggles to win you back momentum. mega blastoise maybe better as he gives the mega launcher boosted cross field pulse and aura moves (that u haven't really got covered on your team) but can be game changers from the left side of the field in maison triples and gives u the bulky water type that traditionally holds well in the maison. How do you work your opening moves? As lvl1 Aron and matt block greninja do the same thing (give u 1 turn free set up) you could have 1 of them in the centre and run something else that can carry a lum berry and ready to destroy after 1 swords dance/nasty plot? But there are others here that are wiser then me!

Usually my opening moves is like that of R Inanimate:

Turn 1: Greninja uses Mat Block, Aron uses Endevour, Garchomp uses Swords Dance.
Turn 2: Greninja uses Surf/Ice Beam/Grass Knot, Aron uses Protect, Garchomp uses Earthquake/Dragon Claw.

When things go well (which is usually) I KO 2-3 of their pokemon. Things usually go sour though when many things outspeed Greninja's mat block and end up killing Aron. A lot of my earlier runs were terminated when I ran Life Orb on Greninja instead of Focus Sash and would end up being OHKO by an enterprising Electrode or Aerodactyl. Once Greninja and Aron dies, I'm down in the count. Focus Sash Greninja has alleviated a lot of my issues and I've yet to be down in the count so far but I can't help but feel Mega Kangaskhan isn't as good in triples.

I've recently only found this thread and I've been digging around and damn there is quite a wealth of knowledge here to mine from. My suspicions of Mega Kang seem to be verified and I might try Mega Blastoise instead now since Slowbro doesn't seem to have the cross field pulse and aura moves. Thanks for the suggestions.
A few questions about the Battle Maison:

1. The "Pentagon Rule" is not in effect, right?
2. Is Kangaskhan-M arguably the best Pokémon to use in singles, assuming I don't go for one of those AI-abusing strategies like Entrainment Durant?
3. How do Thundurus, Garchomp, Gengar, Starmie, Metagross, Latios, Lucario, and the legendary dogs fare in singles, and do any of them work well with Mega Kanga? (Those are just some of the Pokémon that I have ready to go on previous gen games.)
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A few questions about the Battle Maison:

1. The "Pentagon Rule" is not in effect, right?
2. Is Kangaskhan-M arguably the best Pokémon to use in Singles, assuming I don't go for one of those AI-abusing strategies like Entrainment Durant?
3. How do Thundurus, Garchomp, Gengar, Starmie, Metagross, Latios and the legendary dogs fare, and do any of them work well with Mega Kanga? (Those are just some of the Pokémon that I have ready to go on previous gen games.)
1. Correct.
2. Depends on your definition of "best", and if by "best" you mean "most effective at what it does, most likely to perform consistently and with minimal support, and easiest to fit on teams", then no, that would be Gliscor (and I'm sure other people will put other mons forward, but I don't think this is an outrageously bold claim to make judging by the leaderboard).. But if you want the most easy-to-use / foolproof standalone sweeper, then M-Khan and Dragonite are probably your best bets, yeah.
3. From theory, Thundurus, non-Mega Metagross, Raikou, and Entei don't seem too good, for reasons like crappy movepools, bad bulk, and / or a lack of good setup moves. (Bulky Specs) Thundurus-T is excellent in Doubles / Triples though, if you're interested in those formats, and its Fighting resistance leads me to think it would work decently on a team with Kanga, but afaik such a pairing is untested as of yet.
Starmie and Latios are mostly outclassed by Greninja in Singles, but (somewhat ironically) they do sound like they should work decently with Kanga because they can cover its Fighting weakness. Although it should be mentioned that (for their coverage moves) the power creep has caught up pretty hard with Starmie in particular. Fwiw Latios also makes a pretty good switch option for a Kanga team in doubles (speaking from experience here), but again, idk if you're interested in that format. Gengar though is certainly workable (with Sash + Destiny Bond in particular) and would also work well with Kangaskhan by helping it out against Fighting-types.
Garchomp is definitely a good Pokemon in singles as an Electric-immune Dragon with Ground-type STAB (purely as a Ground-type Gliscor is better in most cases), but it doesn't seem to offer much in terms of covering Kanga's weaknesses to Fighting-types and status, so if you were to fit in on a team with Kanga, it would probably be as a third member to patch up any issues that Kanga and your second Pokemon have remaining. Same with Suicune, which is one of the best Pokemon in singles and (from a glance at the top of the leaderboard) also performs well on the same team as Kanga, but on that particular team it was added to patch up the last remaining notable flaw of the Mega Kangaskhan + Gliscor pairing (burns), not so much because of Mega Kangaskhan + Suicune being an excellent Maison core.

edit: Actually, from the mons you've offered, M-Khan (main sweeper) + Starmie / Gengar (Fighting-type check + burn absorber) + Garchomp (paralysis absorber) sounds like it should work decently, although I haven't theorymonned this extensively around specific threats.

Good luck!
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1. Correct.
2. Depends on your definition of "best", and if by "best" you mean "most effective at what it does, most likely to perform consistently and with minimal support, and easiest to fit on teams", then no, that would be Gliscor (and I'm sure other people will put other mons forward, but I don't think this is an outrageously bold claim to make judging by the leaderboard).. But if you want the most easy-to-use / foolproof standalone sweeper, then M-Khan and Dragonite are probably your best bets, yeah.
3. From theory, Thundurus, non-Mega Metagross, Raikou, and Entei don't seem too good, for reasons like crappy movepools, bad bulk, and a lack of good setup moves. (Bulky Specs) Thundurus-T is excellent in Doubles / Triples though, if you're interested in those formats, and its Fighting resistance leads me to think it would work decently on a team with Kanga, but afaik such a pairing is untested as of yet.
Starmie and Latios are mostly outclassed by Greninja in Singles, but (somewhat ironically) they do sound like they should work decently with Kanga because they can cover its Fighting weakness. Although it should be mentioned that (for their coverage moves) the power creep has caught up pretty hard with Starmie in particular. Fwiw Latios also makes a pretty good switch option for a Kanga team in doubles (speaking from experience here), but again, idk if you're interested in that format.
Garchomp is definitely a good Pokemon in singles as an Electric-immune Dragon with Ground-type STAB (purely as a Ground-type Gliscor is better in most cases), but it doesn't seem to offer much in terms of covering Kanga's weaknesses to Fighting-types and status, so if you were to fit in on a team with Kanga, it would probably be as a third member to patch up any issues that Kanga and your second Pokemon have remaining. Same with Suicune, which is one of the best Pokemon in singles and (from a glance at the top of the leaderboard) also performs well on the same team as Kanga, but on that particular team it was added to patch up the last remaining notable flaw of the Mega Kangaskhan + Gliscor pairing (burns), not so much because of Mega Kangaskhan + Suicune being an excellent Maison core.

edit: Actually, from the mons you've offered, M-Khan (main sweeper) + Starmie / Gengar (Fighting-type check + burn absorber) + Garchomp (paralysis absorber) sounds like it should work decently, although I haven't theorymonned this extensively around specific threats.

Good luck!
Thanks! I'm mainly interested in Singles; it seems like the fastest way to rack up wins and BP. I'm not exclusively interested in the mons I mentioned; they just came to mind because I have them mostly ready to go. Do you think the team you suggested in the edit sounds better in theory than something like M-Khan + Gliscor + Suicune?