Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I reached a streak of 133 straight wins in super rotations but I don't want to post the team yet. I want to try again after making some changes but first, I have to ask. How do you guys deal with Pokemon that have OHKO moves AND out speed the majority of your team? I hate that horrible feeling I get when Pinsir4 rotates in and lands a Guillotine.
Just had an actual streak for a while.
78 wins in Super Singles, I'm only giving out the replay to those who ask for it just for personal reasons.
This is perhaps the worst team that made it on to the leaderboard.

Azumarill (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 6 Def / 29 SpA / 21 SpD
- Knock Off
- Play Rough
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet

Blaziken (M) @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
IVs: 28 HP / 0 Atk / 21 Def / 19 SpA / 27 SpD
- Flare Blitz
- Brick Break
- Protect
- Knock Off

Sylveon (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 248 SpA / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 SpA
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Shadow Ball

This team has little to no strategy that went into the teambuilding. I just took some good pokes I had lying around and slapped a team out of them. I'll probably breed for a better Blaziken sooner or later, that one sucked. This team's goal is to destroy most opponents before they become able to pose a threat. Almost all of my losses have been due to hax, and simply playing intelligently is more than enough to secure a win in almost all cases. The moves were chosen in such a way as to minimize the amount of hax that could happen due to a miss, notably dropping High Jump Kick on Blaziken for the MUCH weaker Brick Break. Hidden Power Electric on Sylveon helps deal with certain Empoleon sets in a last-mon situation(last-mon situations usually the only time you pick a move other than Hyper Voice). The loss I suffered was due to a misplay that stemmed from not knowing back-ups (Flare Blitz also had a chance of KOing its target). This team is nowhere near satisfactory enough for a very long streak, however, and I probably won't reach 100+ until I can re-breed Blaziken.

Great job man. With that team, that's impressive haha. I feel like Low Kick is better than Brick Break. At least half of the Pokémons is heavier than 50kg (which is where Low Kick's power becomes bigger than Brick Break's), the other half is mostly NFE and birds (which you shouldn't be using Brick Break on anyway). It also has more PP, in case you find yourself being stalled out. I would also run Earthquake instead of Knock Off. It gives better coverage overall, and your other 2 mons are weak to Poison so you might want to have a reliable check to them.

A little offtopic here. I was going through my PC to check if I had a spare Torchic/Blaziken to give you and I found out I was using an untrained Blaziken on Battle Spot (no EVs). That's probably why it wasn't killing anything.
I actually forgot Low Kick was a thing, which is why I wasn't using it. Knock Off is really useful and is defintely worth using over Earthquake, particularly when I fight a trainer that isn't listed in the spreadsheet, and ESPECIALLY against Chesto+Rest mons if Azu is crippled or dead.
I reached a streak of 133 straight wins in super rotations but I don't want to post the team yet. I want to try again after making some changes but first, I have to ask. How do you guys deal with Pokemon that have OHKO moves AND out speed the majority of your team? I hate that horrible feeling I get when Pinsir4 rotates in and lands a Guillotine.
There are a few cautionary measures you can take, but unfortunately you may not be able to implement any of them without making major changes to your team. A pokemon with Sturdy is an obvious solution, as is a pokemon that is immune to most OHKO moves (Gengar is immune to all but Sheer Cold and is faster than all Sheer Cold users). You could try a Focus Sash, but it'd only work once and only if you're at full health.

As in turskain's team, you could try a pokemon with Prankster and Substitute. A pokemon with Speed Boost, Protect, and Substitute also works pretty well. Substitute in general is great against enemy OHKO moves, but of course Pinsir4 can still be a big problem if you're not able to outspeed it somehow. I guess you might consider removing Pinsir4's scarf with a (very) fast Knock Off, but that may or may not work depending on how the AI rotates and who Pinsir4's teammates are.

A few other things worth mentioning: Fissure is the most common OHKO move beyond battle 40, so a ground immunity can be very helpful. It'll also protect you against Donphan4, which is the only Maison pokemon with a OHKO move and a Quick Claw. Do be wary of Landorus1, though, as it has both Fissure and Smack Down.

Anyhow: I'm here to announce a finished streak of 934 wins in X/Y rotations. The loss is still fresh, and I'm not happy that I lost just as 1000 was coming over the horizon. Looking over the battle video, I realized that I made a really terrible mistake at the end, without which I'd have probably won - it was a mistake similar to what ended CarlMcQ's rotations streak. On the one hand, I'm glad that my team could have won that battle, but it's also frustrating to know that my streak didn't have to end when it did.

I'll post a detailed team write-up and proof a little later. Such write-ups can take a little while, and I don't feel like writing it at the moment.
I reached a streak of 133 straight wins in super rotations but I don't want to post the team yet. I want to try again after making some changes but first, I have to ask. How do you guys deal with Pokemon that have OHKO moves AND out speed the majority of your team? I hate that horrible feeling I get when Pinsir4 rotates in and lands a Guillotine.

Actually none of the Pinisirs seem to run Guillotine at the Maison according to turskain's calculator. That being said dealing with Pinsir4 is still a pain.
934 in Rotations is insane. I'm very curious to hear about the team you used.

Actually none of the Pinisirs seem to run Guillotine at the Maison according to turskain's calculator. That being said dealing with Pinsir4 is still a pain.
Guillotine isn't implemented as a move in the Showdown calculator, so it shows up as an empty slot. Same for status moves and other moves that it doesn't have - if there's less than 4 moves in the set, you'll have to check the spreadsheet for the rest.
934 in Rotations is insane. I'm very curious to hear about the team you used.

Guillotine isn't implemented as a move in the Showdown calculator, so it shows up as an empty slot. Same for status moves and other moves that it doesn't have - if there's less than 4 moves in the set, you'll have to check the spreadsheet for the rest.

Ah I see. Thanks.
Ah I see. Thanks.
I merged upstream movelist changes which added most status moves into the calculator, and put in dummy OHKO moves for posterity (the calculator does not implement OHKO move logic, I believe, so they're the same as status moves for now). It should now have most moves - clear browser cache to make sure they're updated. Also put in Counter/Mirror Coat/Metal Burst/Perish Song/Mean Look/Block, since why not.

Using it for look-ups is still not a good idea - the calculator also lacks held items such as Lax Incense, Bright Powder, Quick Claw, and Focus Sash, so it will not inform you of those.
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It's a new year, and with a new year comes a changing of the guard. I've been #1 on the singles leaderboard for over a year now, but it's time for someone new to take the reins (I'm referring to The Dutch Plumberjack , but Jumpman16 could be at like 9000 wins for all I know).

Team Plaguarism's longest run has finally ended; the final total was 3250 wins. Here's the team again:


Whimsicott (M) @ Focus Sash (Fluffy Bunny)
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid
EVs: 44 HP / 244 Def / 220 Speed
~ Taunt
~ Encore
~ Switcheroo
~ Memento


Durant (F) @ Choice Scarf (The Bug Life)
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 220 HP / 4 Atk / 108 Def / 84 SpDef / 92 Speed
~ Entrainment
~ Protect
~ X-Scissor
~ Aerial Ace


Drapion (M) @ Black Sludge (Plaguarism)
Ability: Battle Armor
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpDef
~ Substitute
~ Protect
~ Acupressure
~ Knock Off

Battle video for 3251: B7PG-WWWW-WW3C-6B3P

Punk Guy Deimos leads with Skuntank4, who requires a switch to Drapion and sitting around waiting for it to Explode. I get an Attack boost and a SpDef boost while waiting, getting my health down pretty low (to bait a Focus Blast from Emboar4 if it switches in next, thus preventing it from using Substitute and automatically winning the battle). Blaziken4 comes in next. I didn't actually track the boosts Drapion had, so I was hoping Speed was one of them (to bait a Flame Charge, which Whimsicott can Encore and which fails to OHKO Durant without a crit), but it wasn't. I switch in Whimsicott; Blaziken uses Flare Blitz and reveals itself to have Speed Boost. My only hope is to make it kill itself with Flare Blitz recoil and hope that the third Pokemon is something worthless (like Weezing4). Whimsicott Mementos Blaziken, Durant comes in and gets immediately outsped and killed by Flare Blitz. I bring in Drapion, use Protect, and throw up a Sub. Blaziken burns with Flare Blitz on the turn I Sub, and I know the battle is over at that point; a burned Drapion at under half health literally can't beat anything Punk Guy Deimos can run. I KO Blaziken with Knock Off to avenge my (preemptive) loss; Weavile4 comes in and promptly KOs Drapion with Ice Punch.

There was no way for this team to win this battle the way it played out; Drapion simply couldn't inflict enough Flare Blitz recoil by Sub/Protect stalling to change the outcome, and switching to Whimsicott is a vastly superior move against Blaze Blaziken4. Ironically, the 252 Speed Durant I switched away from makes this match-up trivial, but at a huge cost of being increasingly vulnerably to Breloom4 and Carbink4 that ultimately isn't worth it.

Some final thoughts:

The Dutch Plumberjack either will, or already has, passed my streak. And while I'm always disappointed whenever someone passes me, he totally deserves it; his team is amazing. Well done, friend!

This team has over 2000 more wins than the next best Durant team (no, I don't see the johnjohn streak as legit), and GG Unit's (amazing) Glalie team took a truly Herculean effort to get that high. I think we should seriously question the assumption that Durant teams are particularly good. They can certainly get to moderate streak lengths quickly, but compared to the best of what everyone else has to offer, they are extremely unreliable. I did a lot of plagiarism work trying to get around their problems, but ultimately, they have match-ups that are simply unwinnable with only moderate amounts of hax, whereas more balanced teams can work around bad match-ups. I ran the numbers, and this particular match-up (facing a set 4 Punk Guy/Girl + having them lead with Skuntank4 + having a Speed Boost Blaziken4 as a back-up) was around 1 in 43,000, not accounting for the possibility that they would rather send in their other back-up before Blaziken (e.g. Tyranitar4, Muk4). But ultimately, I think this streak length is probably about what you would expect if you played this team perfectly, as it has other unwinnable situations (e.g. lead Zapdos2 who dodges Taunt turn 1, manages to Double Team up, and dodges Entrainment; a second Pokemon who gets a Flame Body burn followed by Scrafty4/Umbreon4 third Pokemon; Breloom4 gets an Effect Spore paralysis/sleep when Durant uses Aerial Ace and Drapion can't set up on the next Pokemon even if Memento puts it at -2; there are a few more possibilities I came up with).

I'm definitely not going to try to beat this team's streak. In theory, I would like to give Team Growl another chance, but as turskain identified, it just takes FOREVER to build these long streaks, and it really doesn't seem worth it. I've honestly just lost the motivation. I continue to be impressed by cool new stuff people come up with, and I want to theorymon and come up with other cool streaks too, but the time it takes to get a 2000+ win streak (particularly with the slow-ass teams I tend towards) really sucks that excitement away quickly. I do have one more (Singles) pet project that I'm trying out just to see how far they can get, but I'm certain that team can't get as far as this one (barring, you know, a ridiculous string of earth-shattering luck), and I would be surprised if they managed to approach Team Growl. I've been getting into other games, and it's nice to remember that games can be fun and exciting rather than a grueling and tedious field test of a Maison team. Don't get me wrong, I love the Maison, and I'm glad I managed to make some good teams and help other people make good teams. The problem is that we're just too damn good at it now :)

Thanks to everyone who made this thread so great; smashing in the faces of thousands of Pokemon wouldn't be nearly as satisfying without other people's awesome creativity and theorymon to inspire my own thinking. Special thanks to jumpman, or as I think of him, "the godfather of it all," for bringing the monstrosity that is Drapion to light all those years ago (and for being an awesome mad scientist), to turskain for um, posting a Singles team that I then pilfered? (and generally just being mindblowingly good at the Maison and super helpful to anyone who asks), and to NoCheese for all his hard work in making this thread so awesome. And to other folks too, I just don't like naming tons of people :)

Good luck, all!
I actually forgot Low Kick was a thing, which is why I wasn't using it. Knock Off is really useful and is defintely worth using over Earthquake, particularly when I fight a trainer that isn't listed in the spreadsheet, and ESPECIALLY against Chesto+Rest mons if Azu is crippled or dead.
AnybodyAgrees, check out this post.
It has the names for the different trainers in ORAS, such as Lucetta becoming Naveen and Roux becoming Frank. That's probably why you say a trainer isn't listed in the spreadsheet. I wouldn't say it's definitely worth using over Earthquake. It is a great move but Earthquake provides better offensive coverage.

Just a little bit of data for you now. There are 36 ChestoRest sets in the Battle Maison, the combination of Low Kick/Flare Blitz/Earthquake AT LEAST 2HKOs any of them EXCEPT for:
Swampert2 (62.5% chance to 2HKO), Gyarados2 (71.9% chance to 2HKO without intimidate), Swampert4, Gyarados4, Suicune1 and Cresselia1.

Against these mons, you should switch Blaziken out anyway. ALL of them OHKO/2KHO your Mega Blaziken, and Knock Off does not 2HKO any of them (doesn't do even half to Cresselia1 holding an item). This means you can kill anything else before they can use Rest (unless they Rest turn 1, which is extremely unlikely). For this reason, I would not run Knock Off over Earthquake. But then again, it is your team and your game. By all means, feel free to run whatever pleases you.
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I merged upstream movelist changes which added most status moves into the calculator, and put in dummy OHKO moves for posterity (the calculator does not implement OHKO move logic, I believe, so they're the same as status moves for now). It should now have most moves - clear browser cache to make sure they're updated. Also put in Counter/Mirror Coat/Metal Burst/Perish Song/Mean Look/Block, since why not.

Using it for look-ups is still not a good idea - the calculator also lacks held items such as Lax Incense, Bright Powder, Quick Claw, and Focus Sash, so it will not inform you of those.

Wow thanks for the updates turskain.

Btw, does what the the height column in the data spreadsheet represent?
I've currently reached 800 wins in Maison super triples (ongoing) using the team I posted awhile ago (Garchomp/Aron/Greninja/Talonflame/M-Gardevoir/Scizor) for 735 wins and a sort of a odd team for (so far) 65 wins.

I will post Battle videos once I reach 1000 or lose but hopefully not that :)

Team 100%Hit 100%Crit

Musharna@Tanga Berry
-Helping Hand
-Trick Room

Smeargle@Focus sash LV.10
Ability:Own tempo
-Dark void
-Rain dance
-Spiky shield

Octillery@Scope lens
-Water Spout
-Focus Energy

Ability:Intimidate-›Huge power
-Play rough
-Iron head
-Sucker punch

Marowak@Thick club
Ability:Rock head
-Double Edge
-Knock off

Gardevoir@Iron Ball
-Dazzling gleam
-Focus Blast
-Trick room

I made this team trying to use trick room and gravity so I can use the godly Dark Void. Out of the pokemon with TR and gravity (Dusclops, Musharna, Audino...) I chose Musharna because of Telepathy. Psychic gives it an attack while actually being quite useful. Even if it takes Musharna 4 psychics to kill something how does it matter as long as its sleeping the whole time.:) Helping hand "helps" Marowak for some extra damage and is often better than just attacking itself. Gravity is just so good.
-Makes Dark void, Blizzard, focus blast etc. perfectly accurate.
-allows Marowak to slaughter Zapdos among others
-Prevents Hi jump kick, fly, and so on.
- Minimizes hax level even with blizzard:)
And Trick room is there for obvious reasons.

Smeargle. Unlike the usual Aron I opted for a less durable but way more useful (in gravity anyway) choice. Endeavor gives it an attack knocking something to 1 or 34 HP. Dark Void (I said this before) is awesome putting all three pokemon to sleep with no drawbacks. Just watch out for espeon (ive done this a couple of times) as magic bounce will put all your pokemon to sleep.
Rain Dance boosts Octillery water spout power. Spiky shield is basically a better protect breaking sashes and sturdy. It is ev'd to give it one higher speed than Musharna so gravity goes before Dark void.

I theorymonned about octillery awhile ago and Repto Abysmal recommended Scope lens with focus energy so i tried it. It is mindblowinly powerful with blizzard as a great coverage move. Focus energy is mandatory for 100% crit and protect is needed to preserve HP.

Mawile. Almost never used because of inacuracy. Gravity fixes that and makes it extremely powerful with good defenses thanks to intimidate. Play rough is its strongest STAB and is insanely powerful. Iron head is its secondary STAB and sucker punch is a great priority move when TR is down and Protect is great for spamming EQ.

EDIT:Added some details.
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How can one enter the ORAS Trophy Hall of Fame? Is posting this photo enough?

Anyway, I'm new to the community and I worked really hard for the 5 trophies, but I just got the last of the 5 trophies and my longest streak is only 57 (Super Multi, 30 of them with my friend, 27 of them with AI Steven Stone.)
I switched teams when I faced the Battle Chatelaines, so I'm not sure whether I should post about my team.

Anyway, it'll be soooooo cool if I can make it to the Hall of Fame!


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Updated through here. Sad to see team Plaguarism fall, but 3250 in singles is just an absolute monster, no matter how you look at it!!!

Theron and blookazoo, you've both described streaks with some good win totals but no proof videos or anything. Post such if you'd like, as I'd love to add you to the leaderboard!

Really good to see the discussion perking back up here, and best of lucks on the streaks all! As always, please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions.
Updated through here. Sad to see team Plaguarism fall, but 3250 in singles is just an absolute monster, no matter how you look at it!!!

Theron and blookazoo, you've both described streaks with some good win totals but no proof videos or anything. Post such if you'd like, as I'd love to add you to the leaderboard!

Really good to see the discussion perking back up here, and best of lucks on the streaks all! As always, please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions.

Sorry about that. My streak is only at 810 now though (hasn't broken 1000 yet). I think I mentioned a battle video here but I can post more if you'd like.
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It's a new year, and with a new year comes a changing of the guard. I've been #1 on the singles leaderboard for over a year now, but it's time for someone new to take the reins (I'm referring to The Dutch Plumberjack , but Jumpman16 could be at like 9000 wins for all I know).

Team Plaguarism's longest run has finally ended; the final total was 3250 wins. Here's the team again:


Whimsicott (M) @ Focus Sash (Fluffy Bunny)
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid
EVs: 44 HP / 244 Def / 220 Speed
~ Taunt
~ Encore
~ Switcheroo
~ Memento


Durant (F) @ Choice Scarf (The Bug Life)
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 220 HP / 4 Atk / 108 Def / 84 SpDef / 92 Speed
~ Entrainment
~ Protect
~ X-Scissor
~ Aerial Ace


Drapion (M) @ Black Sludge (Plaguarism)
Ability: Battle Armor
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpDef
~ Substitute
~ Protect
~ Acupressure
~ Knock Off

Battle video for 3251: B7PG-WWWW-WW3C-6B3P

Punk Guy Deimos leads with Skuntank4, who requires a switch to Drapion and sitting around waiting for it to Explode. I get an Attack boost and a SpDef boost while waiting, getting my health down pretty low (to bait a Focus Blast from Emboar4 if it switches in next, thus preventing it from using Substitute and automatically winning the battle). Blaziken4 comes in next. I didn't actually track the boosts Drapion had, so I was hoping Speed was one of them (to bait a Flame Charge, which Whimsicott can Encore and which fails to OHKO Durant without a crit), but it wasn't. I switch in Whimsicott; Blaziken uses Flare Blitz and reveals itself to have Speed Boost. My only hope is to make it kill itself with Flare Blitz recoil and hope that the third Pokemon is something worthless (like Weezing4). Whimsicott Mementos Blaziken, Durant comes in and gets immediately outsped and killed by Flare Blitz. I bring in Drapion, use Protect, and throw up a Sub. Blaziken burns with Flare Blitz on the turn I Sub, and I know the battle is over at that point; a burned Drapion at under half health literally can't beat anything Punk Guy Deimos can run. I KO Blaziken with Knock Off to avenge my (preemptive) loss; Weavile4 comes in and promptly KOs Drapion with Ice Punch.

There was no way for this team to win this battle the way it played out; Drapion simply couldn't inflict enough Flare Blitz recoil by Sub/Protect stalling to change the outcome, and switching to Whimsicott is a vastly superior move against Blaze Blaziken4. Ironically, the 252 Speed Durant I switched away from makes this match-up trivial, but at a huge cost of being increasingly vulnerably to Breloom4 and Carbink4 that ultimately isn't worth it.

Some final thoughts:

The Dutch Plumberjack either will, or already has, passed my streak. And while I'm always disappointed whenever someone passes me, he totally deserves it; his team is amazing. Well done, friend!

This team has over 2000 more wins than the next best Durant team (no, I don't see the johnjohn streak as legit), and GG Unit's (amazing) Glalie team took a truly Herculean effort to get that high. I think we should seriously question the assumption that Durant teams are particularly good. They can certainly get to moderate streak lengths quickly, but compared to the best of what everyone else has to offer, they are extremely unreliable. I did a lot of plagiarism work trying to get around their problems, but ultimately, they have match-ups that are simply unwinnable with only moderate amounts of hax, whereas more balanced teams can work around bad match-ups. I ran the numbers, and this particular match-up (facing a set 4 Punk Guy/Girl + having them lead with Skuntank4 + having a Speed Boost Blaziken4 as a back-up) was around 1 in 43,000, not accounting for the possibility that they would rather send in their other back-up before Blaziken (e.g. Tyranitar4, Muk4). But ultimately, I think this streak length is probably about what you would expect if you played this team perfectly, as it has other unwinnable situations (e.g. lead Zapdos2 who dodges Taunt turn 1, manages to Double Team up, and dodges Entrainment; a second Pokemon who gets a Flame Body burn followed by Scrafty4/Umbreon4 third Pokemon; Breloom4 gets an Effect Spore paralysis/sleep when Durant uses Aerial Ace and Drapion can't set up on the next Pokemon even if Memento puts it at -2; there are a few more possibilities I came up with).

I'm definitely not going to try to beat this team's streak. In theory, I would like to give Team Growl another chance, but as turskain identified, it just takes FOREVER to build these long streaks, and it really doesn't seem worth it. I've honestly just lost the motivation. I continue to be impressed by cool new stuff people come up with, and I want to theorymon and come up with other cool streaks too, but the time it takes to get a 2000+ win streak (particularly with the slow-ass teams I tend towards) really sucks that excitement away quickly. I do have one more (Singles) pet project that I'm trying out just to see how far they can get, but I'm certain that team can't get as far as this one (barring, you know, a ridiculous string of earth-shattering luck), and I would be surprised if they managed to approach Team Growl. I've been getting into other games, and it's nice to remember that games can be fun and exciting rather than a grueling and tedious field test of a Maison team. Don't get me wrong, I love the Maison, and I'm glad I managed to make some good teams and help other people make good teams. The problem is that we're just too damn good at it now :)

Thanks to everyone who made this thread so great; smashing in the faces of thousands of Pokemon wouldn't be nearly as satisfying without other people's awesome creativity and theorymon to inspire my own thinking. Special thanks to jumpman, or as I think of him, "the godfather of it all," for bringing the monstrosity that is Drapion to light all those years ago (and for being an awesome mad scientist), to turskain for um, posting a Singles team that I then pilfered? (and generally just being mindblowingly good at the Maison and super helpful to anyone who asks), and to NoCheese for all his hard work in making this thread so awesome. And to other folks too, I just don't like naming tons of people :)

Good luck, all!

GREAT WORK! I will add that you're less than 2000 higher than the 2nd longest Durant streak ;)

I thought there was a discussion about Emboar a while back not being as much of a threat because a Sub on the switch to Whimsicott just means you can Encore it to death. If the threat of it caused you to prioritize boosting/staying at low health against Skuntank over being behind a Sub and having high health for unknown 2nd mon, maybe things would've gone differently. I feel like even at +0 Attack, playing the sub/protect game, hitting it with Knock Off on the last turn Drapion's behind a Sub, and then switching to Whimsicott (assuming that Blaziken is using Flare Blitz every turn) would result in enough damage for to get Blaziken off the field. 11 HP off of Blaze's 155 for every Drapion Sub it breaks, 47-56 HP from the Knock Off, and 55 HP of recoil on the Whimsicott switch - seems like having enough HP when Blaziken comes out for 4 Subs would do it, but I am always very shitty at figuring out what that exact number would be when factoring in Sub/Protect/Leftovers.

When you say moderate streak lengths, I'm sure I (or someone who uses my write-up) could start a streak over and get to top 10 on the singles leaderboard with Durant/Drapion/Cloyster in about a week's worth of playing, and I bet someone set on legitimately getting 1,000 with a Durant + 2 team could do so within a few attempts. In other words, it depends on one's definition of moderate.

I've seen a write-up for a Japanese team that got 1700 using Durant, Cloyster with Sub/Protect/Smash/Spear and Leftovers, and more or less the same Chansey set as NoCheese's team (this is where I got the idea of using Chansey on a more 'standard' stall-based team in the first place) as the switch-in to trouble leads.

The early self-KO/Blaziken combo is the main reason why I've got many Speed EVs on Glalie that are useless in >99% of battles. The one time I remember facing a Speed Boost Blaziken while not being boosted to my liking beforehand, Special Attack was at least high enough to 2HKO and I didn't care too much about being subbed for the 3rd Pokemon since Sableye was still healthy (aka whatever the lead was it wasn't Skuntank). I can remember a few others against Blaze ones that played identically to if they'd had Speed Boost because Glalie came out on top relatively quickly thanks to either evading an attack or two early on or having Defense at +3 or higher so the Sub could take a Flame Charge.
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When you say moderate streak lengths, I'm sure I (or someone who uses my write-up) could start a streak over and get to top 10 on the singles leaderboard with Durant/Drapion/Cloyster in about a week's worth of playing, and I bet someone set on legitimately getting 1,000 with a Durant + 2 team could do so within a few attempts. In other words, it depends on one's definition of moderate.

10th place on the board is 473, I've got 340 and still going with Durant/Drapion/Cloyster
of course i haven't touched it in months but w/e
10th place on the board is 473, I've got 340 and still going with Durant/Drapion/Cloyster
of course i haven't touched it in months but w/e

In other words, you are possibly 5-6 hours away from making the top 10, and someone starting from scratch would be pretty close after playing for about 2 hours/day for a week. In fact, once you disregard the johnjohn streak the bar for reaching the top 10 is even lower!
In other words, you are possibly 5-6 hours away from making the top 10, and someone starting from scratch would be pretty close after playing for about 2 hours/day for a week. In fact, once you disregard the johnjohn streak the bar for reaching the top 10 is even lower!
Yes, basically. Man, I didn't realize my streak was that close... maybe soon it will be time to break out OR again and see how far I can go.

(only tangentially related: we really do need to get rid of the johnjohn streak)
NoCheese said:
Theron and blookazoo, you've both described streaks with some good win totals but no proof videos or anything. Post such if you'd like, as I'd love to add you to the leaderboard!

I didn't think it was worth posting so I didn't save a video. Not sure if it is enough but this picture is all I have to show I made the streak of 133.


For the first 35 battles, I tried using a team that had Mega Charizard X as the main sweeper and Chansey for Gravity support. The evasion drop let Charizard use Dragon Rush without missing as well as hit fliers and Pokemon with Levitate/Air Balloon with Earthquake. It didn't really work out too well though since I mostly ended up using Flare Blitz and all the recoil put too much pressure on him. I had Sylveon be the cleric of the team with Wish and Heal Bell but having to heal Charizard after maybe 2 KOs was getting annoying, so I decided to try another Pokemon who can boost with Dragon Dance. (I can't remember who I used for the last member though.)

I changed my main sweeper to Mega Altaria with Vaporeon as the cleric. Keeping Chansey for Gravity support didn't seem too useful so I tried using another Pokemon who can setup. I picked Technician Breloom (with Swords Dance) mostly for the EdgeQuake resistance, without realizing the shared weakness in Fairy and Poison (after Altaria mega evolves). The fourth member was a Sturdy Magnezone for its large number of resistances. After about 10 battles, I switched out Breloom for Klefki and Magnezone for Eelektross. I could've used Klefki earlier but I didn't want to use it because many other people seem to use it, and I can see why. Another reason was because I usually hate using two Pokemon with the same typing, but Klefki's steel typing made it an exception for me, since it didn't share any weaknesses with the others. After making some changes to the EVs, the team is as follows.

Logia (Vaporeon) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 4 SpA / 28 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Heal Bell
- Wish
- Protect

The Cleric. Pretty straightforward. Scald for usable STAB, Heal Bell for statuses, Wish for healing, and Protect for healing himself with Wish and Leftovers. Max HP EVs for Wish passing (obviously), Def and SpD for Porygon2/Z Download, and the rest into SpA and Spe.

Hagrid (Klefki) (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 196 HP / 156 Def / 156 SpD
Bold Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Substitute
- Reflect
- Light Screen

The Dual Screener. HP EVs let Wish heal 3 Substitutes worth and the rest split into Def and SpD. I picked Flash Cannon for its STAB move since Altaria has the Fairy type coverage. I was wondering if I should replace this for Psychic to his certain Poison types.

Tempest (Altaria) (F) @ Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure -> Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 60 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Def / 68 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance

The Sweeper. Max Atk EVs for maximum strength, 4 Spe to avoid speed ties. The HP EVs, like Klefki, let Wish heal 3 Substitutes worth, and with the Def EVs, it survives against a critical hit Cross Poison from Crobat4 and if it gets poisoned afterwards (it rounds down right?) to give it a possible second chance. I don't know if this is worth it though.

Circuit (Eelektross) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature (28 Attack IVs, 0 Speed IVs)
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Knock Off

The Backup. I wanted another special attacker who also had ground immunity. When I thought of this, I thought its lowish speed could be a check for Trick Room teams too. Assault Vest gives it more bulk, while Flamethrower and Grass Knot provides coverage. I've been wondering if I should use Giga Drain instead for more healing option but I stuck with Grass Knot. Knock Off was mostly for utility, but I've been considering running something else in the last slot. Maybe Gastro Acid to get rid of Infiltrate but we all know how random the AI can be with rotating. Of course that would mean I need to replace its item. I kind of wish I can get Hidden Power Ice but I am horrible at breeding for 30 IVs (I don't have 30 IVs Ditto either).

Well there's the team. The way I lost involved Garchomp4 who boosted with Swords Dance and Beartic4 who used Brick Break. I don't know why but I forgot that Brick Break removes screens. Therefore, Mega Altaria couldn't keep a Substitute up nor get enough boosts.

On a side note, I was wondering why Mega Altaria wasn't up on the leader boards when I definitely remember others using it, only to see that there's a typo.
GREAT WORK! I will add that you're less than 2000 higher than the 2nd longest Durant streak ;)

I thought there was a discussion about Emboar a while back not being as much of a threat because a Sub on the switch to Whimsicott just means you can Encore it to death. If the threat of it caused you to prioritize boosting/staying at low health against Skuntank over being behind a Sub and having high health for unknown 2nd mon, maybe things would've gone differently. I feel like even at +0 Attack, playing the sub/protect game, hitting it with Knock Off on the last turn Drapion's behind a Sub, and then switching to Whimsicott (assuming that Blaziken is using Flare Blitz every turn) would result in enough damage for to get Blaziken off the field. 11 HP off of Blaze's 155 for every Drapion Sub it breaks, 47-56 HP from the Knock Off, and 55 HP of recoil on the Whimsicott switch - seems like having enough HP when Blaziken comes out for 4 Subs would do it, but I am always very shitty at figuring out what that exact number would be when factoring in Sub/Protect/Leftovers.

When you say moderate streak lengths, I'm sure I (or someone who uses my write-up) could start a streak over and get to top 10 on the singles leaderboard with Durant/Drapion/Cloyster in about a week's worth of playing, and I bet someone set on legitimately getting 1,000 with a Durant + 2 team could do so within a few attempts. In other words, it depends on one's definition of moderate.

I've seen a write-up for a Japanese team that got 1700 using Durant, Cloyster with Sub/Protect/Smash/Spear and Leftovers, and more or less the same Chansey set as NoCheese's team (this is where I got the idea of using Chansey on a more 'standard' stall-based team in the first place) as the switch-in to trouble leads.

The early self-KO/Blaziken combo is the main reason why I've got many Speed EVs on Glalie that are useless in >99% of battles. The one time I remember facing a Speed Boost Blaziken while not being boosted to my liking beforehand, Special Attack was at least high enough to 2HKO and I didn't care too much about being subbed for the 3rd Pokemon since Sableye was still healthy (aka whatever the lead was it wasn't Skuntank). I can remember a few others against Blaze ones that played identically to if they'd had Speed Boost because Glalie came out on top relatively quickly thanks to either evading an attack or two early on or having Defense at +3 or higher so the Sub could take a Flame Charge.

You're still at it with Durant? Damn, I'm impressed. I think 1,000 wins with a Durant + 2 team is actually quite difficult, but I've never tried it, so I can't say for sure. That said, 1700 with Durant/Cloyster/Chansey sounds quite impressive. I often wonder just how far Japanese Singles teams have gone; what's the highest you (or anyone else) has seen?

When the move runs out of PP, Encore fails, so Encore won't beat an Emboar who Subs on the switch. I tried using Encore and then Taunt, which will force it to take some Struggle damage, but not enough to finish it off, which is why I reverted to the "bait it into attacking" strategy. Then, once Struggle is up, Encore will fail and it will hit Whimsicott with an attacking move. If Encore forced it to Struggle, then yes, that would be a vastly superior strategy.

A full health Drapion who has a Sub on the switch-in can take 15 PP before being too low to Sub again; only 7 of them will be hits on the Substitute (I know this because it's how I beat Cobalion3 if it comes in second or third and uses Psych Up). So Drapion's HP would have to be a little over half, but you also have to have a Sub up when it comes in, which is probably about a 50/50 shot against Skuntank4. It looks like this particular match-up could have been winnable given how it played out, but I didn't have access to a damage calculator at the time to figure that out (I assumed that Knock Off did basically no damage, and I thought I might have had gotten a Speed boost with Acupressure because I wasn't watching what boosts I got). It also increases your risk against Blaze Blaziken due to the possibility of Flare Blitz burn, but Durant should be able to hit the large majority of Punk Guy/Girl Pokeomon with Entrainment.
That's a good question. The japanese community must be quite large and I would love to know their streaks in the Maison. Does anyone here speak Japanese and have access to these sorts of info?
I'm back, and currently up to 1500 wins in Triples, though my wifi is being incredibly retarded in my house so I haven't yet uploaded any videos as proof; I'll do that once I get the wifi up (though I may just wait until my loss or 2,000 wins).

And yes, I'm still using teams of semi-odd Pokemon. I'm glad to see that someone else was using a critical-hit Octillery in rain, because that's one of my strategies as well and HOLY CRAP does it kill stuff even at 50% health. With guaranteed crits from Focus Energy + Scope Lens or Razor Claw, Rain, STAB, and Sniper, that's x5.0625 damage if my calculations are correct, which means it does increased damage even on x4 resists. Base 105 SpAtk is far more than enough to take advantage of this. Kingdra is another Pokemon who can utilize this strategy, with better defenses than Octillery and a reliable move even with low health. Only issue is that Muddy Water is inaccurate, but Surf can still destroy things if you have a Wide Guard Pokemon with you.

All of these niche strategies are starting to become scarce but I'll try my best to keep searching and inventing. :D
I merged upstream movelist changes which added most status moves into the calculator, and put in dummy OHKO moves for posterity (the calculator does not implement OHKO move logic, I believe, so they're the same as status moves for now). It should now have most moves - clear browser cache to make sure they're updated. Also put in Counter/Mirror Coat/Metal Burst/Perish Song/Mean Look/Block, since why not.

Using it for look-ups is still not a good idea - the calculator also lacks held items such as Lax Incense, Bright Powder, Quick Claw, and Focus Sash, so it will not inform you of those.
I really, really wanted this nonetheless. A million thanks. The held items thing is slightly more trivial since I've committed most of those to memory, but the fewer tabs I need to jump back and forth between, the better.