Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I mean, I literally got to 90 wins on my first attempt with my truant durant team.

It's a good setup, but if you're bad at the game, then you're going to lose no matter what team you use. Especially if you just cry "hax" instead of learning from what happened.
I figure if we were really derailing the thread that badly, NoCheese would have administered some figurative spankings by now.

And I've been saying that quote from the beginning. No one bats an eye when they crit the AI whether they needed it to secure the KO or was simply steamrolling the opponent. Ditto for side effects, even if said side effect completely dooms or shuts down the target. And of course the fact that statistically, goodstuffs teams will still win more battles than they lose; it's just losses matter more than wins when you're trying to earn something. They don't acknowledge that.

The guy leading Azumarill deserved to lose for a number of reasons, but many teams would get so much farther if they just looked things up.
I end up looking things up a lot. Not even Maison specific things, mind you. I only came into Gen6 a few months before ORAS came out, and hadn't played a pokemon game since Gen1. I'm constantly looking up pokemon's bulbapedia pages just to see wtf type they are, and what they're weak to. I'm a super noob, I'm just smart at vidja games.
I hate plugging Serebii's site but I find the pokedex pages there have less shit to wade through. Conciseness is best when you're trying to absorb a lot of useful information quickly. Bulbapedia's pages contain more but a lot of it is fluff or inpertinent to ingame battling, whereas the former's pages have minimal amounts of scrolling for the things you'll actually want to read.

What Bulbapedia is more useful for (at least until this site gets its content reconfigured, if that's on the table) is obscure move and ability details, as Serebii copies pretty much everything, right or wrong, and there isn't much priority placed on fixes.
I figure if we were really derailing the thread that badly, NoCheese would have administered some figurative spankings by now.

Nah, it's all good. I certainly get frustrated by all those who scream about hax and cheating without thinking at all, so I understand blowing off a bit of steam about that. If you go through the very early pages of this thread, before Eppie took over and we got some organization going, post quality was low and there were a number of "the AI cheats" and "the AI perfectly counterteams you" posts here too, though not from any of our regulars. I fully intend to avoid that in the future. With Sun and Moon in the works, the thread we have for whatever facility is included will absolutely include some rules concerning unsubstantiated whining about AI cheating or the like.

It's a good setup, but if you're bad at the game, then you're going to lose no matter what team you use. Especially if you just cry "hax" instead of learning from what happened.

This sums things up pretty nicely. If you think about how you could have played/teambuilt better, you'll learn how to build better teams and play those teams better. If you just whine about hax and cheating, you won't see nearly as much improvement. One of the very nice things about the maison community here is that this concept is pretty well ingrained!
I suppose it's finally time to post a streak I've been building off and on since the last one, now that it has come to an end. So here it is: my Super Rotations saga. 399 wins was no easy feat considering that unlike other formats, it is nearly impossible to predict what your opponent will do. As much as I wanted to make it to 400 at least, I'm fairly happy with my results and my team. The loss was not because of hax or an ill-equipt team, but due to my own mistakes. I'll probably try another streak with this team when I'm feeling up to it.



Sylveon (M) @ Leftovers ** Beelzebub
Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Bold
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 Spe
- Protect
- Heal Bell
- Wish
- Hyper Voice

Shamelessly stolen from this post. Sylveon is the man behind the curtain who keeps the cogs of the machine oiled and working. Its main job is as a cleric, making sure that Kangaskhan is always in peak condition to sweep.


Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite ** HesterPrynne
Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Protect
- Return
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch

Mega-Khan is the main sweeper of the team, sometimes pummeling through opponents without even needing help from her teammates. Protect allowed me to safely pass Wishes from Sylveon. I know many others have ran Sucker Punch or Fake Out, but I never found myself in want of either move over Protect. I don't regret any move on this moveset; it worked very well for me overall. I usually used Power-Up Punch once to set Kangaskhan before attacking with a more damaging move. Very few things in the maison can withstand +2 Return, and most of the things that can handle Return can't handle Earthquake. Of course, this set is completely walled by ghosts, but that's where the next team member comes in.


Gengar (M) @ Focus Sash ** Mephisto
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Destiny Bond

Gengar was rarely used, but came in handy against Hex Maniacs. Destiny Bond saved me a few times by taking out something buffed up or otherwise threatening. Shadow Ball was the most often used attack do to the fact that ghost is a terrific attacking type. Focus Sash allows Gengar to tank a hit and still dish out another one, which is mostly what I used Gengar for.


Dragonite (F) @ Lum Berry ** Asura
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk. / 252 Spe
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Outrage

Dragonite usually did not see battle at all because most opponents were dealt with by Kangaskhan/Sylveon alone. When it did come in, it almost always got a DD off and proceeded to sweep through the opponent.

The general way that I used this team went something like this:
1. Are there any Ghost-types on the field?
2. Is there anything that can OHKO Kangaskhan?

If the answers to these questions were "No", then the usual course of action would be to Mega and Power-Up Punch with Kangaskhan the first turn. If the answer to either of the questions was "Yes", then I would usually throw out a Hyper Voice with Sylveon. The next turn, the first course of action is to assess the situation. Was either Kangaskhan or Sylveon at around half health? If so, I would usually try to heal them with Sylveon's Wish. If at any point both pokemon were around the half health mark, Sylveon was always the priority. It may seem tedious to waste turns Wishing and Protecting, but I found that it tends to prevent tragedies from happening if you focus on Sylveon and Kangaskhan's HP and always try to keep it as close to full health as you can. You never know when the AI will get a lucky crit that wouldn't have killed you at full health, but kills you at 2/3rds health.

Gengar and Dragonite, as I've mentioned, were mainly used for back-up. This team very heavily revolves (pun intended) around Sylveon and Kangaskhan, and it is usually those two alone that carry the team to victory.

Very typical battle that demonstrates the general way that I used this team. Healing when injured is a general rule of thumb, but sometimes healing can put you in a potentially risky situation, as seen by the presence of Heatran2. The general rule of Sylveon's HP taking priority over Kangaskhan's can be seen here, as I heal Sylveon until the AI makes a move where Sylveon is able to keep the recovered HP. In hindsight, the last switch to Kangaskhan without Protect was perhaps risky; at the moment I thought that EQ was a clean OHKO on Entei (it isn't).

This was honestly a fairly narrow victory that could have gone very wrong. The battle starts with a legendary 2 weak to EQ + Floaty combo and adds a Cobalion3 to the mix just to be cute. Sylveon dies early, which is something that one should never, ever let happen when using this team. Cobalion uses Psych Up to steal Kangaskhan's boost and I'm sure I'm done for.. But miraculously, I get extremely lucky and manage to KO the Cobalion with Destiny Bond. After that, Zapdos is a clean OHKO for Dragonite (I tried Kang first because I was stupid and forgot that it outsped me).

Cobalion, particularly Cobalion4, is definitely one of the biggest threats to this team. All members of the musketeer trio are annoying for this team to deal with as they limit Kanagaskhan's ability to sweep, but Cobalion is by far the most threatening one. One should always exercise caution when faced with Cobalion. Only Cobalion4 and Cobalion2 can OHKO Mega-Kangaskhan, but all sets are dangerous because they are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to both Sylveon and Kangaskhan. Gengar can help deal with it, especially if it is lucky enough to come in on a Fighting move. It is worth noting that Cobalion1 and Cobalion2 are outsped by Mega-Kangaskhan, but +2 Earthquake is not a clean OHKO, so it is wise to try to get some chip damage on Cobalion before attempting this. To make matters worse, Cobalion is ofter accompanied by Levitating/Flying pokemon such as Zapdos, so Earthquake is not always a safe option. Cobalion3 is just a sin of the Battle Maison and potentially threatening to any team.

Entei4. Like Cobalion, Entei can deal massive damage to both Kangaskhan and Sylveon, and to top it off, can burn with Sacred Fire. It is outsped by Mega-Khan but has a chance to survive a +2 EQ. I usually took it out by boosting Mega-Kahn and hitting it hard.

3 Pokemon that resist the combo of Return/Earthquake. When using this team, it is extremely annoying to see a combination of Pokemon like Rampardos, Bastiodon, and Drifblim. In this situation, both Return and Earthquake can end up not dealing damage. This is a situation where throwing out Hyper Voices is the better play than Kangaskhan. The annoying thing about it is that it is highly possible (and from my experiences, very probable) for the AI to constantly put Bastiodon in front of you and protect the Drifblim so that Kangaskhan can never cleanly sweep. While this example is not particularly deadly, it can still be annoying when the battle drags on simply because in Rotations you can't always kill the thing you need to kill. This kind of team synergy can also make threats like Cobalion even deadlier. Combos like Cobalion/Regirock/Cresselia should definitely be approached with extreme caution.

Evasion. The bane of the Battle Maison. One thing this team lacks is a direct answer to horrors such as Zapdos2 and Blissey4. My general go-to strategy was to try to OHKO them with Kangaskhan as quickly as possible. Of course, it's perfectly possible that "as quickly as possible" could mean that you miss the 1st, 2nd, and 10th hit while they proceed to boost. Basically, pray that you eventually hit it and realize that even the best teams and strategies could probably be cheesed out with the right amount of bad luck.

Hex Maniacs. While not overly threatening, these are something worth paying attention to on the simple premise that the usual Kangaskhan setup + sweep is not the answer to them. While easily able to be dealt with by Sylveon and Gengar, it is easy to go on auto-pilot while on a high streak because most good Maison teams have a general go-to strategy that works 90% of the time. Thus, I am noting Hex Maniacs only because instead of setting up Kangakhan, the general strategy with them is to throw out Hyper Voices to soften things up. If Trick Room goes up, stick to Sylveon. Once everything is within KO range, Gengar can clean up with Shadow Balls/Psychic.

I'm sure there are many more things to watch out for, but those are the things that come to mind, other than obvious atrocities like Walrein4 (which everyone should fear like a Puritan fears the Devil, because it is coming for your soul).

The loss was at battle #400 against Worker Ivan. It basically came down to me fighting stupidly and not paying as much attention as I should have. This team got me pretty far, and I think it's fairly decent, but it cannot be mindlessly used like this. Yes, Armaldo can OHKO Dragonite with Stone Edge. Lesson learned. In short, I should have been more cautious with Kang/Dragonite and realized how threatening the Armaldo was. This battle is basically a perfect example of what NOT to do when using this team.

So yeah... I really enjoyed this team and had a lot of fun building up this streak. :3
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Hey everyone. While I have been mulling this over for quite some time, it wasn't until registering earlier today that I finally decided to "put pen to paper" regarding this matter, so to speak. With that in mind...

I've been practically obsessed with the battle facilities since last gen--in the contexts of both a) themselves as separate entities and b) how they can be applied to the greater metagame. I basically started with Battle Subway (with very little success--I think my best streak was 14 in Super Doubles), but didn't really get hooked until PWT came out. While that entity in general is a blast to use, it wasn't until starting Rental Masters that I realized I wasn't hooked as PWT in and of itself so much as I was hooked on PWT and its relation to the BS--after a while, RM was the only mode I was playing with any consistency. Once I discovered PokeGen, I got to work exploring this relation--slapping together teams of Subway sets and trying them out against the various non-RM modes of PWT, and sometimes going back to BS to do the whole "Human Subway vs. AI Subway" thing. It got to the point where I went back to Gen IV Battle Frontier and was theorymoning those Frontiermons vs. both BS and PWT, and vice versa. Since joining Pokemon Showdown, I've gone and created pretty much every BS set and tried them out against the wide world of PS. (I lost all of that data from the most recent PS crash, but I'm very gradually working on fixing that).
So, now that we're all in the Battle Maison era, that 'research' is extending onto here. I'm not particularly interested in acheiving long streaks or obtaining all the tropies or whatnot; just keeping the data flow and conjecture--that you all have built upon--flowing. That is not to say that I haven't given the aforementioned goals a shot...
(Full disclosure: - I have used PokeGen creations for most of the streaks I'm about to mention here, so these should NOT be considered for the leaderboard. They are merely mentioned here for completeness & posterity:
- PokeGen edits are highlighted in red. Maison sets used, legit or PokeGen-ed, that are different from the real deal are to be henceforth referred to as 'Imperfects'.
- In case I provide replays and whatnot, you will usually be able to tell PokeGen edits in the from them having no nicknames and being housed in Premier Balls. In most cases, legitimate 'mons will have a nickname.)

- Super Triples, 58 wins: A mix of my youngest brother's 'mons bred and raised for Singles competition
(Azumarill/Volcarona/Cloyster/Garchomp/Greninja/Ferrothorn/Dragonite/M-Blaziken/M-Sableye/Excadrill), plus my own Imperfect Zapdos3:


Zapdos @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Rash
IVs: 31 Def/SpA/Spe
- Rain Dance
- Light Screen
- Drill Peck
- Thunder

- Super Triples, 57 wins: DawnofMeats' DPP-OU-for-BW-OU team (all PokeGen, all 6IVs)
- Super Triples, 79 wins: 5 different teams, none of which I can remember, switched every 15 battles
- Super Triples, 127 wins: R Inanimate's first streak team (HaiteiRaoyue/Nabata PokeGen), featuring:


SamiClone (Greninja) (Lvl. 53) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/13/31/31/31/31
Naïve Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Mat Block


InspireZheng (Aron) (Lvl. 1) (M) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: N/A
IVs: xx/0/31/0/31/31
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Sleep Talk
- Toxic
- Protect
- Endeavor


Garchomp (Lvl. 75) (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw


OwlShield (Aegislash) (Lvl. 52) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head
- Shadow Sneak

- Super Triples, 347 wins: R Inanimate's second streak team (five PokeGen, five 6IVs), with an event Scizor thrown in when I was unable to get a Bismarck clone through the Poke Transfer filters:


Scizor (Lvl. 67) (M) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
IVs: 19/8/24/23/13/30
Admant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch

As one can see, I'm a Triples guy. That does not necessarily mean I have no interest in the other formats--I just don't have enough interest to bother playing them.

Anyways, to facilitate this research, I have some ideas for Maison challenges to undertake (ones that I do plan on undertaking in the future):
  • Maison Trainer Dress-Up: Simply adopt the Maison roster from a particular Maison trainer(s), teambuild off of that, and go foward with the whole "Maison vs. Maison" idea that was pitched on this thread a bunch of pages back (and that I distinctly remember featured someone mentioning Whimsicott2)...more on this in a bit.
  • Rental Masters in Gen VI: Back when I was gunning for 50 wins in White 2 RM, I took the time to write down as many of the teams I drew as possible, win or lose, the idea being that once I got my sea legs under me in the Maison, I would start building those teams I liked and unleash them upon the Maison. While I have only done this once in the time since(Slaking3/Nidoking4/Marowak4/Exeggutor4/Snorlax3/Ursaring3), I like the concept enough that I now throw it to you all.
  • Grafting: Take your built Maison team and swap one member out for a Maison set that you 'graft' onto the team, mainly to see how it affects your team's performance, both within and outside the Maison. Of course, you are welcome to place bigger grafts upon your team and see if they still stick.
  • Online Competition Dry Runs: Outside of the parameters of "Maison vs. Maison", but still a cool concept. I understand that some folks tune up their OC teams by running them through short portions of the Maison when permitted (current VGC teams obviously excluded), but no one seems to take said teams and just go on a tear of long streaks. Inspired by watching GS*MikeyFromSantee start his Festive Feud run by running his FF team through a Super Triples battle, I like the possibilities of this one.
  • Mono-Tier Teams: Pretty much what it sounds like, as the variety of tiers represented within the Maison roster makes a whole bunch of these teams potential winners. I'm particularly interested in what NU and Monotype teams could be produced from such an effort.
To facilitate the discussion for these ideas, I will be presenting two teams that I have built specifically for this purpose shortly.
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k, so I just had a battle with a Roller Skater where she actually switched pokemon. First poke was Lanturn, which my lead kangaskhan hit with earthquake. It managed to survive with very, very little health, and it did basically no damage to me, so I queued up a Power-Up Punch to finish him off and secure a boost. And she switched in Eelektross.

Wtf actually prompts the AI to make a switch? Will they only do it if their about to die? Is it just insanely rare? I didn't know they could even do it!
If you hit the opponent with a particular move, and the opponent has a Pokemon that is immune to that move as a back-up, they may switch to the immune Pokemon in anticipation of you repeating that same move and getting a free switch-in. In your case, you hit Lanturn with Earthquake, so the opponent switched to Eelektross because it is immune to Earthquake due to Levitate.

It's a relatively rare occurance, and honestly is not necessarily going to put you at a disadvantage (depends on the Pokemon - the switch-in could very well be immune to the move but that doesn't mean it'll actually counter what it switched in to). However, it's always worth keeping it in mind and switching moves in certain situations as a precaution, such as when you know another move is strong enough to KO the opponent after it was hit by the first move (much like using Power-Up Punch on Lanturn after Earthquake!). Obviously this won't come into play if nothing is immune to your move though (e.g. nothing is immune to Ice Beam so it's safe to spam).

The opponent can also switch if they're locked into a move that your Pokemon is immune to (not necessarily at the first opportunity), which nerfed those Trick-Scarf strategies that were so popular in 4th gen...
Additionally, Trainers will only switch if their Ability makes them immune, and not their typing. So while Flygon won't switch in no matter how much you spam Thunderbolt, all it takes is one Earthquake to get it to appear.
B.L.S. (Bisharp's Last Stand or Boston Latin School)

Inspired by brakerider's annoying experience with his Triples battle #2452, I've attempted to recreate that team, mainly as a fun way to fool around in Battle Spot and test the efficiency of teams in Mock Battle (both the Maison's teams and the AI teams of the players). It's safe to say that, a bunch of EQ users with no Flyers or Levitators in sight, on top of a manual Perish trapper, is not a winning formula...but that's what drew me to that battle, and I try to (mostly) stay true to that vision. Given that my two youngest siblings attend(ed) the above school, I also felt this team was "calling to me", what with the matching acronym and all. Anyways:


BM842 (Gigalith) (Lvl.54) (M) @ Leftovers (Left)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef
IVs: 31/8/31/0/31/31
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Curse


BM845 (Krookodile) (Lvl.51) (M) @ Liechi Berry (Center)
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
IVs: 3/31/31/0/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Low Sweep
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Pursuit


BM828 (Heracross) (Lvl.53) (M) @ Salac Berry (Right)
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SDef/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/31/10/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Endure
- Reversal
- Megahorn


BM829 (Ursaring) (Lvl.52) (M) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Quick Feet
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk /4 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/31/23/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aerial Ace
- Earthquake
- Return
- Cross Chop


BM904 (Metagross) (Lvl.51) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def /252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/10
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Trick
- Meteor Mash


BM881 (Lapras) (Lvl.50) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 4 HP/252 Def /252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/20
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Block
- Perish Song
- Rest
- Body Slam

Note that, unlike in the actual battle, I have switched Krookodile & Gigalith's positions, mainly as a way to maximize Intimidate's usefulness. Otherwise, there's no real rhyme or reason to the team--it's just a faithful recreation of the original B.L.S.
Chef Berger mk.II
My first serious attempt at trying the "Maison vs. Maison" concept in full. I've created a number of Maison sets based off of Chef Berger/Beauty Bunnie's roster (all Set 3):
  • Empoleon
  • Samurott
  • Lanturn
  • Lapras
  • Walrein
  • Gastrodon
  • Cryogonal
  • Starmie
  • Whiscash
  • Seismitoad
  • Slowking
  • Glaceon
  • Abomasnow
  • Politoed
  • Vanilluxe
  • Slowbro
  • Floatzel
  • Quagsire
  • Froslass
  • Jynx
  • Gyarados
  • Kingdra
  • Carracosta
The team is called as such due to mk.I being a combination of Politoed3/Lapras3/Floatzel3/Jynx3/Quagsire3/Vanilluxe3 that was initially used to 'dry run' the concept, being dropped at battle 30 by Scrafty3/Cryogonal3/Serperior3/Absol3/Bisharp3/Hawlucha3
On top of that, I've bred a full team of Imperfects also meeting the criteria:


BM672 (Weavile) (Lvl.50) (M) @ Focus Sash (Left)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
IVs: 31/31/31/2/31/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Protect
- Night Slash
- Ice Punch


BM689 (Vaporeon) (Lvl.55) (M) @ Leftovers (Center)
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP/252 SAtk/4 Spd
IVs: 31/0/31/31/xx/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Blizzard
- Muddy Water
- Aqua Ring
- Yawn


BM589 (Dewgong) (Lvl.58) (F) @ Quick Claw (Right)
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 4 Def/252 SAtk/252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/16/31
Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Fake Out
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam
- Surf


BM701 (Beartic) (Lvl.57) (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Def/4 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/30
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Brick Break
- Rock Slide
- Avalanche


BM705 (Mamoswine) (Lvl.50) (M) @ Lax Incense
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
IVs: 31/31/31/22/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Hail
- Superpower
- Earthquake
- Fissure


BM110 (Aurorus) (Lvl.51) (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 SDef
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/xx
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Frost Breath
- Earthquake
- Giga Impact

There is some strategy involved here--leading with double Fake Out, so that Vaporeon (the slowest of the three leads) is mostly free to take the appropriate action. Dewgong and Vaporeon are positioned to take advantage of a SurfAbsorb combo (and a JetAbsorb combo, if the battle goes well enough). The bench is set to have Mamoswine come in fourth to take the fallen Weavile's place, get Hail set up for Vaporeon's Blizzards, and act from there (most battles so far have involved at least one Fighting-weak opponent out for Superpower to put in some work). Optimal scenario, Beartic gets in opposite of weakened last two foes or an isolated last foe and sets up SD to clean up. Aurorus is mainly there as filler and the sentimental leader of the team (have bred Imperfects of Aurorus234, this was the first one).

This latter team is currently at 31 wins. Obviously, having so many slow 'mons and no Flyers/Levitators on hand for Mamoswine to EQ spam is bad, and if this team makes it to 40 I'd be suprised. Still, a good way to see this concept at work and how much further it can be pushed.

Now, for the call for advice/help:
- if any of you have any data/replays/warstories/memories of your encounters with the Set 3 Water/Ice trainers (the Excel spreadsheet still has them listed as Chefs Dylan/Apollo, I believe), hit me up. Triples would be preferred, but any format works. Any combinations that gave you folks trouble might work in my favor later on.
- I lost all of my Festive Feud replays when I lost my previous 2DS to water damage (full participation), which was annoying. If you have any of those on hand, or your teams for that still intact, I would appreciate being able to theorymon those squads in the Maison. Of course, I will be looking back through the FF thread for further conjecture.
- I've made a couple of other teams based off of battles from prior streaks: Aggron1/Dusknoir1/Leafeon1/Mamoswine1/Togekiss1/Claydol1 & Charizard4/Cofagrigus4/Abomasnow4/Exploud4/Cradily4/Milotic4. As my current experiment is a Set 3 team, I would like any data on interesting Set 2 teams you have run into, for me to work on to complete the quartet (I'll have an even split between PokeGen teams and legit teams too, which will be nice).

Thx to all for making this such a long-running, fascinating thread to run through. Special thx to:
- those folks around pg. 45-46 who were stumped by Carracosta4 in Singles, that was amusing
- Uphaze for creating my favorite "trophy run" roster, such a nice variety of strategies and teams to behold
- Zarmwhirl on Youtube for getting me on the "search for Super Triples videos" train, a master of chaos that man is

Keep up the good work--I intend to figure out how to store threads onto and get this thread on there, as well as get on a heavy-duty printer and print this entire mess out, once it gets to 200 pages.

EDIT: And Chef Berger mk.II gets taken down right after this:
C4WG-WWWW-WW3N-5SWB: vs. Scientist Sigmund (Cradily4/Eelektross4/Victreebel4/Weezing4/Luxray4/Electrode4)
- The aforementioned lack of speed, several untimely misses, and a couple of burns to Weavile & Beartic combined to hand me a humiliating defeat where Weezing4 rallied from a 1-3 deficit and outstalled my entire bench at once. This also speaks to Weezing4's durability, though. (This is the first time I can recall where it has clearly contributed to my loss.)
Back to the drawing board...
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If you hit the opponent with a particular move, and the opponent has a Pokemon that is immune to that move as a back-up, they may switch to the immune Pokemon in anticipation of you repeating that same move and getting a free switch-in. In your case, you hit Lanturn with Earthquake, so the opponent switched to Eelektross because it is immune to Earthquake due to Levitate.

It's probably important to note that the omnipotent cheating AI would have been prompted to make the same switch even if had KOed your Earthquake user the turn before and the Pokemon you sent out next didn't have a Ground move because it's 100 percent based on the last move used.


...admit it. The guy really hasn't really crossed your mind for quite some time, because you've been doing your own thing, doing you. And your own progress, your own experiences, has taken you to highs you'd never thought possible. So while his own journey had once essentially been synonymous with yours, a long time ago, it's not about him.

Until it is.


Hi. Looks like you've found me again. Some of you may not have been sure how far you'd have to come. Some of you didn't even know you were looking for me in the first place. Some of you may not even remember me, a protagonist from a past generation. But I've been here, on my journey with my old team of dear friends. And if you've come to this post, you may as well engage me, be it to find out who the heck I am or to see just how far these familiar friends of mine have gone since you last saw them.

A friendly reminder:

(F) @
** Melbourne
Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
EVs: 252Atk/4SpD/252Spe
Lv. 50 (Mega)stats: 180/194/120/72/120/152(142 pre-Mega)
Nature: Adamant
~ Return
~ Power-Up Punch
~ Sucker Punch
~ Earthquake

** Holy Water
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 236HP/212Def/60Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 205/78/178/110/135/113
Nature: Bold
~ Scald
~ Icy Wind
~ Calm Mind
~ Rest

(F) @
** pH Balance
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 236HP/4Atk/4Def/252Def/12Spe
Lv. 50 stats: 180/116/146/58/139/117
Nature: Careful
~ Earthquake
~ Toxic
~ Substitute
~ Protect

Some slight updates—I've moved 40 EVs from Suicune's Defense to its HP, after a discussion with turskain, who is a big proponent of the Attack Survival Calculator. Takes physical hits the same and has 5 more HP to work with so things like Jynx4 and Greninja4 are slightly less annoying.

Speaking of Greninja4, after an Icy Wind its speed is 116 which made for a less-than-idea speed tie. So, when I discovered that having 147 Def on Gliscor was absolutely pointless, I shifted 8 Def EVs to Speed to avoid those ties.


It's been 363.4 days since I last posted. Anywhere. I've held my tongue, even nine months after I lost at #2,295, on terms I'm okay with. EZ2G-WWWW-WW3K-YMZU is the replay if anyone cares. Didn't care to show it then, and it doesn't matter much now. I'm not as symmetry-seeking as TheDutchPlumberjack but somehow I was able to find the link between 363.4 days and where I ended this video (hyperlinked):




…it's been fun, sometimes. Lonely, for sure, but that comes with the territory of a journey to true excellence. Kangliscune and I are always going to be somewhere in Mt. Maison.

You may stumble upon us again, at some higher cross-section of the mountain than this. You may tap me on the shoulder, and want to see how far I've come with my old friends.

TheDutchPlumberjack, you were Mt. Maison's most celebrated journeyman. You may still be. I might find you in some unexplored cave on this mountain, your green Hyrulian back to me. I may tap you on your shoulder and see what you have to say.

...or I may leave you be, peacefully, and wait for you to reveal yourself to us again.

And maybe, one day, one of you may find me again, somewhere in Mt. Maison. If you do, please, feel free to engage me. I may tell you the Kangliscune Playbook. I may tell you I'm at 5,000, or I may tell you I've lost. I may tell you I'm chasing turskain in Triples as a tribute to him and his wonderful damage calculator that let me input my friends' data accurately for a smoother journey. Or tell you I'm emulating VaporeonIce and trying, incredibly, to also take two separate teams over 2,000 in our Mt. Maison, arguably a greater feat than I've ever accomplished.

Or this may be all you get:



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Well, I figured you were getting there at some point...I'll raise a bottle of Big Gulp to you now and upgrade to Sobe when you hit 4000. Strangely enough, this merely motivates me to go back and find your earlier work (you once used a Whimsicott Tailwind team for Triples, right? I'll go back and check...)

On a separate note, replays!
  • LXPW-WWWW-WW3M-AFL4: vs. Monsieur Harris, Set 3 (Leafeon/Floatzel/Excadrill/Probopass/Muk/Volcarona)--Mass Intimidate stands there and laughs as triple manual-weather trips all over itself. Not a memorable battle so much as a amusing one
  • UKYG-WWWW-WW3M-AF5K: vs. Veteran Stanislaw (Regigigas1/Cresselia1/Heatran2/Cobalion2/Zapdos1/Articuno2)--my favorite Legendary 'trio' leads off against me. One of my smartest-played battles, my favorite battle involving my tribute to the Generation V Guide to Gravity (the Dusclops) and a prime example of being able to Pain Split spam
  • QTKG-WWWW-WW3M-AFBU: vs. Psychic Haskell, Set 4 (Slowbro/Starmie/Slowking/Jynx/Medicham/Drifblim)--the Slowguys4 in tandem, always scary...too bad the rest of the team can't take advantage of TR.
  • MNRW-WWWW-WW3M-AFEX: vs. Artist Azure, Set 4 (Carbink/Metagross/Mamoswine/Magnzeone/Seismitoad) & Regirock1--Nothing special, just a recent Lansat battle with a R Inanimate team putting in some work
  • TEEG-WWWW-WW3M-AFJX: vs. Waitress Illisha, Set 4 (Carracosta/Dragonite/Dusknoir/Umbreon/Chansey/Aggron)--triple priority & playing at the wrong time (I specifically remember doing this battle as I was leaving from a bad day at work, wasn't concentrating on the task) kills a streak. Also, the massive amount of bulk on the opponent is something I might recreate in the future...
  • 856W-WWWW-WW3M-AH5A: vs. Veteran Eleanor (Cobalion4/Latios3/Virizion3/Cresselia3 /Thundurus4/Regice3)--the other R Inanimate team simply gets outplayed by a whole bunch of threats; there are issues with not always having the Excel spreadsheets and Notepad lists on hand...
Reading through the earlier pages on this thread, and I was reminded of something by Eppie:

- Luxray, Jynx and Regigigas are the three Pokémon that scare me the most.
- Assault Vest Snorlax survives Brave Bird + (Full HP) Water Spout + Grass Knot.

That trio sounds like such an odd mishmash of, if those three popped up against you as the leads and you knew Snorlax4 was waiting in the wings, would you faint?

EDIT 2: Still flipping through older pages, and I stumbled across some ReptoAbysmal material:

Breaking a thousand is still legit. To the Boy Who Cries Hax, it's unbelievable and insane. ;)

As for 12-16 battles an hour, I think you can easily do more than that, especially if your team is able to reach something like 753. Even without having party nukes like HH Eruption/Water Spout/etc that clear the floor, I was able to finish ten battles with my random gangs in a half hour or even less. It's the ones that go south that can take 5 minutes or more.


My randoms streak was killed in a really disappointing fashion on battle 58, which I could have easily won were it not for some atrociously bad luck.

Had I finished the ten, I would have listed the teams used up to that point along with the notes, but now I'd rather spend the entire time bitching going over that ill-fated battle.

My team: Bronzong/Mega Abomasnow/Gastrodon/Azumarill/Luxray/Gogoat
Owner Galton's team: Jynx/Chesnaught/Electrode/Typhlosion/Manectric/Forretress


Before you think I was given a pretty crappy team to begin with, hey, they were doing just fine. I rolled over two Veterans and beat another one (the first of the three, actually) in spite of losing Bronzong on Turn One due to a mispredict in which center Heatran 2 targeted it instead of Abomasnow. In another battle, Abomasnow blocked not one but two Turn One Fissures; while Bronzong was demolished by Sheer Cold the following turn, by then it was too late. Leading Gastrodon proved to be a good idea, as half of the battles began with Gogoat getting an easy Sap Sipper boost.

Since it's not a high streak, I'll just mention the many turds that hit the fan, set to max speed:

  • Electrode Taunts Bronzong Turn One, who holds a Macho Brace and not a Mental/Lum, since it allows Gyro Ball to OHKO much more.
  • Instead of absuing Mega Abomasnow's Hail, Jynx would rather spam Lovely Kiss, and sleeps two of my pokes during battle, Abomasnow being one of them (who wakes up before it can be wrecked, but it made no difference.)
  • Bronzong returns ASAP, this time the hell away from Electrode, and is also one of the only times Jynx uses Blizzard, which freezes Bronzong.
  • Bronzong stays frozen for the remainder of the battle while slowly being killed. The maddening part is, even as they fuck my team six ways from Sunday, be it Lovely Kiss or slow and painful death, as each one faints or is incapacitated, I'm thinking "I still have the resources to pull this through and OHKO them, especially Jynx, if BRONZONG WOULD JUST FRIGGING THAW OUT."
  • While Chesnaught and Jynx derp at Bronzong & Co, Luxray beats up what it can, taking down Electrode and Manectric (who did nothing but spam Trick, notably movelocking Luxray into Crunch.)
  • Forretress comes in, notices there's nothing it can do to troll me harder except explode, but only wounds us.
  • Typhlosion comes in, and despite MegaSnow being at full health, it refuses to Lava Plume and kill its Chesnaught hanging on by a thread.
  • MegaSnow even successfully Protects twice, trying to make this happen, while Jynx is hellbent on putting it asleep again; though in hindsight, Protect was meaningless, for if it killed Chesnaught, I'd still be slower and simply nuked the next turn. Finally, I'm hit with Extrasensory, Lovely Kiss, and Stone Edge. Game Over.
While the story itself is informative, it's the opposing team I'm interested in: Forretress4 is one of my favorite Maison sets, even though it has next to no utility in Doubles/Multis/Triples ("all hazards on one 'mon? How can I lose?"), and if this Ground-weak team could beat his ass, it could prove...interesting to use.
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Heh... sorry for making a crazy day just a bit crazier. I hadn't checked in on this thread for a little under two weeks (I think?), until I read the news just now in the irc channel, because of a "mourning period", so to speak. My mourning period isn't quite over yet, but since there's this one thing that I recall a certain man writing about fortrightness and leaving people in the dark about chasing moving targets, I feel I should post now anyways. Jumpman16 I'm sorry, about my own stupidity.

#3669: CHUW-WWWW-WW3N-498R

Battle 3669 recap: a Roller Skater, lead Noivern. I hate lead Noivern4, because the best thing I can do is use Dragon Dance on a Hurricane (does ~50% on regular Gyara), Mega Evolve, and use Crunch (/usually/ OHKOes Noivern, and if it doesn't Mega Gyara survives the second Hurricane just barely). This Noivern uses Dragon Pulse though, confirming set 3. Because it's perfectly safe to try and get in a second DD, that's what I do. It crits, but Gyara survives. Then, for some reason, my dumb brain's thought process is "if +1 Mega Crunch is enough, then +2 non-Mega Crunch is too", which, quite clearly, is, well, wrong, so I lose Gyara for no reason while a 20% Noivern survives. I then send out Aegislash to finish it off, but I click Swords Dance first "because unboosted Aegi is awful". Second inexcusable misplay, and it's met appropriately with a Flamethrower burn. Even a burned +2 Sneak is enough to finish off Noivern, and Yanmega4 is next, finishing off Aegislash and leaving me with only Gliscor, which still can take _almost_ anything a Roller Skater can throw at me. Gliscor defeats Yanmega without much trouble.

I cross my fingers, thinking "please don't be Crobat, please don't be Crobat, please don't be Crobat."

It is Crobat. Crobat4 Taunts Gliscor to death without batting so much as an eye. Crobat3, on the other hand, can be beaten through its own Brave Bird recoil.

However, Infiltrator Crobat3 cannot.

If I had just clicked that Mega Evolve button, I would still have been going. If I had just finished off Noivern right away, I would still have been going. But I didn't, not much else to it. I don't really think I can chalk this loss up to "continuing to play after hitting #1". Noivern does have the habit of making my brain go up shit creek, and since I heavily rely on being "in the groove" for my consistency, this encounter's non-standard nature might have thrown me off in the same way had I still been chasing. Maybe if I had still been chasing, I would have been nervous enough to go for a straight Sneak after Gyarados died. I don't know, but I do think this brain failure could also have occurred before 3250. Which means the only thing I can blame myself for is choking like a complete beginner.

I guess I cannot really be sad about missing out on 4k lol, or maybe even about losing to Jumpman—the single most aggravating thing here is the way this loss came to be. If you're this far in, all you want to do is explore your limits and your team's limits. If battle 3578 happens, the one nigh-unwinnable matchup occurs, and a tiny bit of hax pulls me over the edge, then alright, apparently that's what this team had in it. However, there was absolutely no way in hell I should ever have lost this battle, meaning I "know" team Marathon is capable of more than 3668 and that I failed to bring it out. And that's really the sourest possible note this streak could have ended at.

On the bright side, exploring human's potential altogether is not my burden to bear anymore, and it's in good hands now. And it's been a wonderful journey nonetheless, and I probably will be able to look back on it like that in due time. Someone like me... should not want to "settle for nothing less than #1." Honestly, even now the feeling "omg I'm such an idiot" is way stronger than "I've come all this way for nothing". After all, I set out to _hopefully_ get my third 1k streak, and I did not expect to reach over 3,5k and top the leaderboard for two months... with a freaking Mega Gyarados of all things. I'm not pretending I've played as large a role as Jumpman, VaporeonIce, or GG Unit in making the leaderboard what it is now, but I do hope people will think of team Marathon when they look back at this leaderboard in a couple years. It's on me now to find a way to overcome the bitterness about the end of my run ._.

I guarantee that my involvement with the Maison doesn't end here, but I'm not sure when's gonna be the next time you guys will see that Starmie a friend of mine once gave me for my birthday as part of a "Pokemon Starter Kit". I have a couple other teams that I want to try out, and I have a (still rather short) ongoing streak in triples, but it's been really hard to find the motivation, and some early losses in doubles have been more demotivating than ever. I've already said a couple things about this, but the time investment required to set a competitive score here really makes you put things into perspective... and at times I honestly long for the days that a 100-win streak was a big deal to me. Atm I'm (still :p) playing other games and helping out on this site, but maybe the motivation to give Mt. Maison another go will strike again soon. Maybe I'll finally come up with a team that should be able to beat my X record in rotations, maybe my joy for doubles will re-emerge. Idk when that's gonna happen, but rest assured, even if it doesn't, this ramblin' kid isn't done ramblin' just yet.

Ngl, with Jumpman back at #1, the leaderboard... makes sense again. Apparently my hunches that you were still lurking in the dark and considered anything but a new record to be too small fry to post both were on point haha. This was my friend's reaction on Skype when I told her my record had been for all intents and purposes beaten:
[20:30:03] p squared: jumpman is a god
[20:30:30] p squared: oml
and I can only second that. Congratulations, I mean it, and kudos on overcoming that hardware failure bs all those months ago; the determination to keep coming back after something like that is incredibly impressive, even more than the team you've been using itself, and that's saying a lot. The cataclysmic faceoff between VaporeonIce and me couldn't go through, and it looks like this one is off as well, and for that I can only apologise. I just hope you can be able to look at this young Hylian warrior and tell me I made you work for it.


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While the story itself is informative, it's the opposing team I'm interested in: Forretress4 is one of my favorite Maison sets, even though it has next to no utility in Doubles/Multis/Triples ("all hazards on one 'mon? How can I lose?"), and if this Ground-weak team could beat his ass, it could prove...interesting to use.
Eh. I've lost to worse teams with better, and I've beaten better with worse than the one depicted in that post. It came down to my TR user being frozen and never thawing, though that initial Taunt didn't help. The only AI pokes in that lineup that are remotely worth anything (at least in Triples) are Jynx and Chesnaught, and even then they don't have terribly much going for them. Fake Out is an excellent move and Bulletproof is an easy ability to take advantage of what with the AI's penchant for spamming Focus Blast and some other stuff.

Your messing around reminded me of two things I'd been meaning to do, though. First is unearthing my dead google doc with all of my pokes on it, and second is splitting them into two broad groups. I kinda want to do a Set A and Set B type deal, only splitting them up in a way that attempts to organize by way of balance, dependency, and avoiding conflicts. So thanks for that memory refresh.
It is Crobat. Crobat4 Taunts Gliscor to death without batting so much as an eye.

I see what you did there.

While I want to say this would motivate me to go the whole "Roller Skater vs. the Maison" route, those Maison rosters seem so...variable, I guess? To me, Roller Skaters seem to be among the most sensitive trainers to variance in matchups--the team archetypes & strategies that struggle against them do so mightily (i.e., anything relying on Mat Block Greninja), but the archetypes & strategies that beat them do so in spectacular or brutal fashion (i.e., sand). There is no in-between with them, it seems.

I like the concept behind Noivern4, but if I ever use it as part of my research, it will definitely be under the umbrella of some other team structure. I mean, teambulding based off of the Set 2 Normal/Dark/Fairy trainers seems more appealing, and that roster just sucks.

EDIT: Still flipping through older stuff on this thread, came across some TDP stuff and saw

(btw Starmie is luf, Starmie is lyfe)

Well, of course, it's that sort of thought process that inspired me to create


BM860 (Starmie) @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
IVs: 31/13-14/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

One of my most prized Imperfects, I just need to figure out a solid team to plug it into...will be flipping through my Rental Masters records & some of the data on this thread where Starmie4 pops up. Also will be attempting to theorymon 'graft' it onto various leaderboard teams, see where its presence would actually improve a particular team.
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Well I'm completely bummed out. I suffered not a cart eject, or even a dead battery. My light turned red, and since I'm at work right now, I got up to get my charger; I plugged it in and when I reopened my 3DS it's simply off.

I've had instances where I set it down while open and it very briefly blacks out, but not this.

The last replay I've saved is 1,571 wins, and that's also the last time I saved period, so that's what my streak was listed as after I was disqualified. I played up to 1580 before getting my charger so it's not a big drop. Still, I'm extremely disappointed that my streak went down the shitter not from a loss, but my stupid handheld farting on me.

I won't be able to upload a photo or replays until I'm home, but apart from the photo I don't have many battles I haven't already talked about.

My team is completely unchanged apart from Camerupt, who was rebred after realising its Def was not 31. I was originally breeding Numel for someone else and immediately realised something was off when the eggs began hatching and the judge confirmed it after checking out the mother. All it meant was that my current Camerupt is not shiny and its base ability changed, a pointless effect since it evolves immediately or switches without doing so.

FUCKING SIGH. But at least I get to play with all the guys I bred over the years again, which is much less monotonous than TR-Protect-Protect-Scald-Endeavor-Eruption rinse and repeat with some variation.

The last thing I have to say without videos is that the AI practice of cockblocking my TR was much, much less common, and the rare instances I know it was being attempted, it was safe for me to thwart. Just this morning I had a Bronzong4 opposite Camerupt and center Lucario4, who never targets full HP Cam, and so I decided to risk both the Rock Slide and the Heatproof to potentially thwart an enemy TR. Lucky me Bronzong DID go for the TR and had Levitate, so I nipped both a TR user and Extremespeed turn one. Satisfying.

No, Rock Slide flinching was the name of the game, in addition to a lot of freeze horseshit, and battle 1571 is of an unusual perpetrator of such (given that it had both a STAB SE hit against Aron, as well as an overpowered Fighting move. Yet it chose to spam Rock Slide and got repeat flinches. I also got a low damage roll in there, which didn't help my damage control.

Fucking sigh again. My streaks are going to regularly top at 70-200 from here on out since I'm back to the RNG. When I get home I'll do a formal end-of-streak post and upload some viewable stuff.
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So I was just kind of looking here at random (I'm currently testing something in Super Singles and was looking here for inspiration, no I'm not posting about it yet, it's a secret, and no it is not the Zoroark / Durant / Blaziken team I was tweeting about, was having a streak of bad luck with that team) and noticed this gem in the Super Singles records:

OP said:
#18. @Ninjatom, (321) - Dragonite / Azumarill / Mega Kangaskhan
#19. @Lolnub, (315) - Durant / Garchomp / Mega Gyarados
#21. @insanemaniac, (289^) - Greninja / Mega Blaziken / Gliscor
#22. @taylorswift4life, (283) - Durant / Mega Salamence / Suicune

#20 is skipped. Just thought I'd let you know.
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