Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Hey guys first time poster here long time lurker as they say.
I've finally achieved a respectable streak of 104 in super singles. I haven't broken 100 since my 3rd gen days haha so I'm pretty proud of it.

It's not an original team at all, though, I have to say that the comprehensive maison guide up on the main site is fantastic. I copied my Scizor and Suicune EVs straight from there.

My team:

Lead pokemon:
Ability: Multiscale
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: adamant
Iv's: Not perfect but up there
Ev's: Attack and Speed maxed, the rest in hp
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Extremespeed

Ability: Pressure
Item: chesto Berry
Nature: bold
Iv's: "outstanding" range but not perfect, took an hour and a half of resetting, all my pokemon are 100% legit
Ev's: a little bit of speed, like 60, the rest dumped in hp and defense

(Mega) Scizor:
Ability: Technician
Item: Scizorite (duh)
Nature: adamant
Iv's: perfect attack. "Relatively superior" range
Ev's: maxed attack obviously. I believe I put a lot in its hp as well while giving it a small amount of speed but I'd have to go back and check. It's the same as the one in the guide though.

My loss was totally embarrassing, it was a complete misplay on so many fronts. Yeah there was some hax involved but my lousy play overshadowed it in my opinion. I'll post the video:


The reality was that I had never faced a protean greninja in the battle maison before and thus was totally unprepared for it. I was expecting it to have torrent and that's why I didn't switch out Dragonite. Oh well.
The dumbest thing was that I didn't bullet punch it with Scizor afterwards now that it was an ice type. Yeah I must've been half asleep or something.

Here's a better video I think:

Again I suffer from not knowing maison sets. Slowbro with flamethrower?? Wtf?

I have a few more vids but they drag on for too long.

One major issue I had with this team was the lack of a good rock switch in. With powerful moves like head smash running around, even Dragonite can get Ohkod sometimes through his ability. If I had aegislash instead of Scizor, this would be remedied. Just a thought.
My #1 fear throughout this streak was, believe it or not, choice scarf rampardos with mold breaker.
I faced him once but his head smash missed. Whoo!
Hey guys first time poster here long time lurker as they say.
I've finally achieved a respectable streak of 104 in super singles. I haven't broken 100 since my 3rd gen days haha so I'm pretty proud of it.

It's not an original team at all, though, I have to say that the comprehensive maison guide up on the main site is fantastic. I copied my Scizor and Suicune EVs straight from there.

My team:

Lead pokemon:
Ability: Multiscale
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: adamant
Iv's: Not perfect but up there
Ev's: Attack and Speed maxed, the rest in hp
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Extremespeed

Ability: Pressure
Item: chesto Berry
Nature: bold
Iv's: "outstanding" range but not perfect, took an hour and a half of resetting, all my pokemon are 100% legit
Ev's: a little bit of speed, like 60, the rest dumped in hp and defense

(Mega) Scizor:
Ability: Technician
Item: Scizorite (duh)
Nature: adamant
Iv's: perfect attack. "Relatively superior" range
Ev's: maxed attack obviously. I believe I put a lot in its hp as well while giving it a small amount of speed but I'd have to go back and check. It's the same as the one in the guide though.

My loss was totally embarrassing, it was a complete misplay on so many fronts. Yeah there was some hax involved but my lousy play overshadowed it in my opinion. I'll post the video:


The reality was that I had never faced a protean greninja in the battle maison before and thus was totally unprepared for it. I was expecting it to have torrent and that's why I didn't switch out Dragonite. Oh well.
The dumbest thing was that I didn't bullet punch it with Scizor afterwards now that it was an ice type. Yeah I must've been half asleep or something.

Here's a better video I think:

Again I suffer from not knowing maison sets. Slowbro with flamethrower?? Wtf?

I have a few more vids but they drag on for too long.

One major issue I had with this team was the lack of a good rock switch in. With powerful moves like head smash running around, even Dragonite can get Ohkod sometimes through his ability. If I had aegislash instead of Scizor, this would be remedied. Just a thought.
My #1 fear throughout this streak was, believe it or not, choice scarf rampardos with mold breaker.
I faced him once but his head smash missed. Whoo!

Good to see a new poster in here. There's some fantastic resources in the OP that you probably skipped out on. First off is the Maison set database. Had you looked, you would have seen that Choice Scarf Rampardos (set3) does not appear after battle 40. Another one is the damage calc with pre-loaded Maison sets. To get your own team in there, simply build a replica of your team in Showdown, click the Import/Export button, Copy/Paste it into the "import sets" field at the bottom of the calc, and eliminate all the double spaces after each move.

Most trainers that appear after battle 40 can only run set4 pokes, so you can assume that's what you're facing for the majority of your run. However, some trainers can run different sets, so do keep track of their names and pre-battle lines.

Finally, there's a Battle Maison IRC channel in CGI IRC ( #battlemaison ) where some of the players with the longest streaks hang out. It is fairly inactive though.

Good luck on your Singles streak!

AnotherHulk (Heracross) (F) (Lvl.50) @ Heracronite
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/xx/31
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Feint
- Bullet Seed
- Arm Thrust
- Pin Missile
There's lazy and then there's needlessly gimping yourself, though. M-Heracross loses a lot of coverage without Rock Blast and is able to kill a lot of things it can't touch otherwise. While you may prefer not to aggress most fliers and fires with Heracross to begin with, rock weaknesses are still very common. While Skill Link is a great ability, there's also little real reason to run Arm Thrust instead of Close Combat, which is much stronger. Given that Heracronite comes at the cost of Moxie, Guts, and speed, you should be packing as much damage as possible into whatever turns it spends alive.
That would explain me feeling kind of disappointed with the damage Arm Thrust did the couple of times I bothered to use it...I'll test CC out and see what transpires.

That would also partly explain me lying and continuing my streak after the previous post...oh and not using AnotherHulk in that timeframe. I tried to raise an Imperfect Aerodactyl1 and found myself getting sucked back in. Once I saw the lowest listed Triples streak within reach, I was like, "eh, fine".

On a barely related note:
Battle #121: vs. Ibiza (Muk/Tyranitar/Claydol/Walrein/Dragonite/Beartic) (Set 4)--Quick Claw, Lax Incense, Custap, ExtremeSpeed on one team...Jesus.

So yeah, I may or may not be on the leaderboard now...either way, a little surreal.

EDIT: I also wish to apologize to Aircraft Cemetery for making fun of his inability to deal with Carracosta4 way back on my second post. It seems that, in the time since, he's become a very proficient player. Good shit on the Singles streak, man.
It is... my first time coming here, but I have seen this thread long time ago, so I want to share my.... failure. I play in Alpha Sapphire, Japanese Language.

I played in Triples with the team that was suggested by Eppie to NoCheese, the Talonflame / X / Greninja formation, with slight modification, and managed to get so far. I call this team the "Impenetrable Fortress Formation" since it leaves almost no chance to attack while shooting shots like war panzers or something.

As quoted by NoCheese:
"The Greninja / X / Talonflame core is a staple of triples maison play, and for good reason, as a huge fraction of the time, you are able to buy your team a free Tailwind, and hopefully sweep the opponent's lead three Pokemon in the first two turns with two attacks from your central Pokemon and one from each of Greninja and Talonflame. Following in Eppie and SimicCombine's footsteps, after much discussion, I ended up settling on Mega Blastoise as my central nuke."
From this, I built my own team to conquer the Battle House.

Heatnix, Adamant Fiarrow M, Gale Wings @_Sky Plate
252 HP + 252 Atk + 4 Speed?
-Brave Bird
Heatnix is... I imagine him to be a bit ax-crazy, thanks to his Gale Wings enabling him to strike enemies first in addition to mainly providing uninterrupted Tailwind, making me imagine he laughs maniacally when shooting Brave Bird. His HP had rescued him from some faintings despite unbuilt Spd (which he rarely needs anyways, except against status moves from faster Pokemon). Taunt is chosen over Flare Blitz despite encountering many OHKO opportunities should he has one as it helps preventing many unpleasant things like Trick Room, this formation's major weakness. I sometimes have to choose to sacrifice him for Tailwind or Protect or switch to other Pokemon when something like Ptera (Aerodactyl) or Scarfed Terrakion comes, though.
Once, Tailwind was also stolen by Snatch.


Navitzer, Modest Kamex M, Mega Launcher @_Kamexnite
252 SpA + 252 Speed + 4 HP
-Water Spout
-Aura Sphere
-Ice Beam
The leader of the team, Navitzer's name came from Naval Howitzer for good reason. His Water Spout is the primary artillery weapon that casts destruction upon most Pokemon that don't resist it, while the two side supporters take the rest. His secondary cannons may be useful in tighter situation when his HP falls low or against something that resists Water. I believe it is common to know Protect is very useful in Triples and at times I indeed had to use it on first turn against something like Scarfed Electric Pokemon.


Kirito, Timid Gekkouga M, Protean @_Focus Sash
252 SpA + 252 Speed + 4 HP
-Mat Block
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
The other side supporter and the fastest to most unscarfed Pokemon, Kirito provides many techniques to prepare formation. These include Mat Block (Tatami Gaeshi) to block first turn attacks while preparing Tailwind for the formation to plow through the opponent next turn. Three other attacks are used to pick off enemies before they can move in addition to the first artillery strike, including Dark Pulse (Eiton - Aku no Hadou), Ice Beam (Hyuuton - Reitou Beam), and Grass Knot (Mokuton - Kusamusubi. And yes, I often imagine him calling his attacks like that). The problem I face is often, scarfed Pokemon that outruns him (or actually quicker) like Thunders (Jolteon, I have to decide as at times it targets Navitzer instead, same with scarfed Livolt (Manetric) and Marumain (Electrode)) and Ptera (Aerodactyl, once I was undone by a skater by flinching Rock Slide before Mat Block).


Nina, Modest Nymphia F, Pixilate @_Choice Specs
252 HP + 252 SpA + 4 Speed
- Hyper Voice
- Something
- Another thing
- And another thing (well, Calm Mind for BS-Triples)
I came to fall in love to this little cutie ever since she was just announced during the Generation VI hype. The 4th sister of my Eevui sisters from my X, not only Nymphias are cute, they're terrifyingly destructive. Pixilated Hyper Voice is very powerful indeed and she has very good reason to be the top Pokemon in BS-Triples. She is the back-up sweeper in case the main artillery goes down too early. I rarely uses other moves though, I think I only used Shadow Ball twice or thrice. Her problem is physical Poison attacks that can OHKO her, or common physical attack in general since it damages her so badly despite her defenses (and most of time, that involves quicker Pokemon that resists Fairy).


Excadrill (French), Jolly Doryuzu M, Sand Force @_Life Orb
252 Atk + 252 Speed + 4 HP
- Protect
- Sword Dance (changed to Iron Head since embarrassing defeat)
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
A french Excadrill I got from Wondertrade before. He was either from someone doing giveaway or a breed reject (despite perfect IV) for not having his hidden ability. Still, his power is great, along with decent speed to outrun enemies when Tailwind stops and Heatnix is already down. His problem is his low HP which makes him lots of victim to OHKO when the enemy does outrun him. The original team suggested Garchomp but no, I hate Gaburias. I. Hate. Freaking. Garchomp. Thanks to his typing, he can take Rock attacks intended to Heatnix quite well. Not having single-target Iron Head turns to be my undoing, though....

And the last slot was a Latios, before changed to Cresselia

Latios, Timid Latios M, Levitate @_White Herb
252 Speed + ?? SpA + ?? HP
-Draco Meteor
-Shadow Ball
I got this from GTS when I was looking for one to complete my X Pokedex, before recently caught my own honest one in AS. Well, most likely this Latios was hacked or at least RNG-sniped, but still, he's perfect. He's yet another fighter to complement my type coverage, before I decided to change him to my newly caught Luna-tan after my longest streak ended (although said next streak ended much earlier by my own undoings.)


ルナたん, Bold Cresselia F, Levitate @_Leftovers (now Rocky Helmet)
252 HP + ?? Def + ?? SpD (again, I forgot)
-Lunar Dance
-Helping Hand
-Trick Room
One of the loveliest legendary and the only one originating from my AS (everyone else came from my English-language X), Luna-tan's HP isn't perfect, but she takes damage very well. It is rare to see her fainted in less than 3 turns. She's the Anti-Trick Room support, considering how Trick Room turns to be major threat to this team as they have explained before. Lunar Dance is there for recovering Navitzer's health after I call him back when he has been damaged. Sometimes I switched Kirito to her to provide Helping Hand support instead when I'm confident that the team can OHKO three Pokemon without him. Levitate helps her avoiding Excadrill's Earthquake too. Her biggest problem is Taunt, although it is very rare (it is more common to see Crobats taunting Kirito before he can even use Mat Block). And being left alone.

Video Code: F7TW-WWWW-WW28-VGHM

streaks total. Now, for my defeat in 794th streak... it was against some random person who happened to have Trick Room. I wasn't sober enough to see what was really happening as I was just tired from campus, though. My mistake not to prioritising destroying Trick Room Furefuwan (Aromatisse), and more. I had haxxed too with flinch and others, but I can barely complain seeing how terrible I played it.

Another time later, I was overconfident with the winds on us and got undone by a skater. But that was 400th streak or something. Even worse gameplay, I didn't want to upload it.
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Excellent work, PsychicAcademic --it's rare that I see Excadrill on any Maison teams these days, so it's cool to see you pulling one out for this.
I wouldn't worry too much about the loss, either--that would be a fairly tricky frontline for any team to handle, and I get the feeling at times that people underestimate Beauties Lucetta & Lucille, like going up against them is an auto-win or something. Even sober, you would have won but would certainly have to fight for the victory.

Side note: I'm planning to test out a bunch of Toxic-carrying Maison sets against both teams in that replay. Even under AI control, your Formation looks terrifying to face.
Excellent work, PsychicAcademic --it's rare that I see Excadrill on any Maison teams these days, so it's cool to see you pulling one out for this.
I wouldn't worry too much about the loss, either--that would be a fairly tricky frontline for any team to handle, and I get the feeling at times that people underestimate Beauties Lucetta & Lucille, like going up against them is an auto-win or something. Even sober, you would have won but would certainly have to fight for the victory.

Side note: I'm planning to test out a bunch of Toxic-carrying Maison sets against both teams in that replay. Even under AI control, your Formation looks terrifying to face.
Thanks, although it is all thanks to Eppie and NoCheese who mentioned this strategy that I saw it around two years ago. I tried that tactic before in my English X but discontinued it out of boredom around 220th streak despite knowing it was very effective, until AS came and I could waste more time with my game on bus or trains. Until I fell that time anyways.

My mistake is that I forgot Furefuwan has Trick Room since it didn't use it in first turn. By the time Trick Room is over it's already too late. Since then I get Luna-tan to replace Latios and stop Trick Room users.... I didn't exactly underestimated her, but I was only so focused to get at least 800th streak before going to sleep that time and completely forgot and ignored that Trick Room Furefuwan despite being alerted by instinct that it is a TR threat before first turn. Moral of story is, never play Pokemon, especially Battle HaxxeHouse when tired.

I used this Excadrill since I hated Garchomp/Gaburias so much, though. I had bad dreams and was scared, not only because it stole Flygon's light, but also because I was completely swept by scarfed Gaburias back then in House Doubles in X (I was just using casual team of Delphox, Greninja (Kirito), Metagross, and Aegislash and it was not even 40th streak). But yes, Excadrill with no Mold Breaker is useful when his STAB Earthquake can hit anyone without harming my team, such as Levitate or with Protect. I find him to be very useful. I do like his design too, I wanted to get one I can nickname myself one day.

And I thought Occult Maniac Bezolbe (Anastasia in English, I believe) to be the most dangerous, I once nearly failed against her....
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Anastasia is indeed very dangerous because she can use both set 3 and set 4 pokes. Similarly to Roller Skaters, where Paralysis is a problem, Trick Room is horrible to deal with when facing most Hex Maniacs in general, and ESPECIALLY Anastasia, as it's impossible to tell which of her mons carries Trick Room until it's too late.
I'd have much less problem with Roller Skaters if it weren't for Archeops3, the only one of them to make me really nervous. Even without using a TR team, I just don't like facing it as a lead. Though while I can't dredge up any particularly bad memories of it, seeing a Dragonite lead on a skater team also makes me nervous.
Whelp I lost on battle 101 of Super Doubles because I decided to re-do the team and it ended badly, mainly due to poor play and unfamiliarity on my behalf. Forgot to save the video for 101 in my frustration but here is the code for battle 100:


Wasn't expecting to get half that far so I'm happy. Team was predominantly based around DoomOvDoom's so thank you again for the inspiration and posts, it was a great help!

Mega Salamence
Naive - Aerialate
Double Edge
Hyper Voice

Excadrill - Choice Scarf
Adamant - Mold Breaker
Drill Run
Iron Head
Rock Slide

Slowking - Assault Vest
Calm - Regenerator
Dragon Tail
Psyshock / Ice Beam

Sylveon - Choice Specs
Modest - Pixilate
Hyper Voice
Heal Bell
(Pretty silly set I know but eh, you never really press anything other than Hyper Voice anyway and cbf breeding for Hidden Power).
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Anastasia is indeed very dangerous because she can use both set 3 and set 4 pokes. Similarly to Roller Skaters, where Paralysis is a problem, Trick Room is horrible to deal with when facing most Hex Maniacs in general, and ESPECIALLY Anastasia, as it's impossible to tell which of her mons carries Trick Room until it's too late.
By instinct I just mark anyone that can have Trick Room to be threat. Reminds me, I once faced her and artificial stupidity comes from her: Trick Room twice. I should upload that later, perhaps, although I recall someone else already did and artificial stupidity like this is not uncommon.

Strangely, I find non-Psychicers to be more dangerous when they have Trick Room (such as this one... ugh). Most likely due to the more varied speeds. Most Psychicers and Hex Maniacs seem to be more predictable even when TR activates; only few of their Pokemon are actually speedy and their sets are... predictable, with general type themes of Psychic-Ghost-Dark and limited Pokemon choices. That one Anastasia may be exception, though, I realize status moves are major weakness.

I don't know if I want to try again to really climb the records in the leaderboard there (seems like I won't be there as I'm not even sure of Latios' legal origin; if only I caught my own perfect Latios much earlier). Well, I have to review this team too, for both this and BS-Triples (installed Snatch on Heatnix, but may need to relearn Protect when starts climbing streaks again. Oh well, Snatch is just 8 BP anyways).

I just remember though, can I get to leaderboard when I at least show this video? Second run before my foul gameplay against skater at around 400th streak. This is 385th streak with revised team, and all Pokemon are completely legal (changed the dubious Latios with my Cresselia, Luna-tan). I think I recorded this as I was threatened badly enough.
Video Code: PMEW-WWWW-WW3P-F78R
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Have added a new member to The Bench:


Hirota (Sylveon) (Lvl.52) (F) Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 100 HP/252 SAtk/158 Spd
IVs: xx/31/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hyper Voice
- Swift
- Misty Terrain
- Yawn

As most who have used it on here have done, Choice Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice Rampage, with a bunch of filler (Swift and Misty Terrain can be replaced, am keeping Yawn handy for breeding purposes). I kinda feared for its durability and some threats being able to outspeed it even under Tailwind, hence the HP investment. Named after comedy wrestler Sakura Hirota.

OR Triples streak is still ongoing...taking a break from that is far harder than it seems. One effect of this though, has been noticing that my particular frontline seems to throw Tentacruel4 into a state of stupidity; rather than follow its regular strategy, it just Surf spams, which comes in handy (Talonflame is 2-3HKOed by it, so plenty of time to Tailwind-->Protect-->Brave Bird-->so on and so forth). It also helps against Dewgong4; it always Stockpiles at least twice before going on the offensive, so I'm basically battling with a 2-on-3 advantage for several turns (its Surfs are powerful weak).

I have taken enough off from the streak, however, to start something cool: a custom Set 1 Imperfect team. As I have saved every battle from my current streak (if you want to see a particular replay, let me know), I have a healthy sample size of battles to test it out against. The team is Carbink1/Eelektross1/Throh1/Pyroar1/Aerodactyl1/Starmie1; the strategy is simply Discharge/Wide Guard spam while Carbink sets up. Those who survive the onslaught when Eelektross goes down are then subject to Aerodactyl1 Rock Slide and possible paraflinch hax. Pyroar is meant to replace Carbink and continue the spread attack fun. Starmie is filler to set up once the opposing team is sufficiently weakened (should Throh actually go down). We'll see when I get a chance to play with this squad for real.

Battle #128: vs. Rosalind (Raichu/Nidoking/Nidoqueen/Tyrantrum/Weezing/Toxicroak) (Set 4) -- after hiding from me for a while, Weezing4 finally re-emerges for its first encounter against my current streak. Also, the NidoRoyals as opposing leads is always fun.
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Good to see a new poster in here. There's some fantastic resources in the OP that you probably skipped out on. First off is the Maison set database. Had you looked, you would have seen that Choice Scarf Rampardos (set3) does not appear after battle 40. Another one is the damage calc with pre-loaded Maison sets. To get your own team in there, simply build a replica of your team in Showdown, click the Import/Export button, Copy/Paste it into the "import sets" field at the bottom of the calc, and eliminate all the double spaces after each move.

Most trainers that appear after battle 40 can only run set4 pokes, so you can assume that's what you're facing for the majority of your run. However, some trainers can run different sets, so do keep track of their names and pre-battle lines.

Finally, there's a Battle Maison IRC channel in CGI IRC ( #battlemaison ) where some of the players with the longest streaks hang out. It is fairly inactive though.

Good luck on your Singles streak!

Thanks for the welcome and input.
That explains why I only faced the Rampardos once (and early on).

I'm going to try and beat my streak of 104, but I'm already getting bored of Dragonite/Suicune/Mega Scizor. I'd like to try something different, but at the same time, it needs to work just as well. Guess I have my work cut out for me. I'll keep brainstorming/reusing old ideas, I suppose.
I'd like to post that my tripples streak has ended at 722. My team had obvious flaws so I was surprised that it got past 500.

Here's my team and notes on how to use it.

Pompeii (Typhlosion) @ Choice Scarf
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Eruption
- Heat Wave
- Filler that was used a single digit number of times (Solar Beam)
- Filler that was never used (Focus Blast)

Spam Eruption. If health gets below 1/3, switch out and use Heat Wave.

リザードン (Charizard) @ Charizadite Y
252 SpA/ 252 Spe
- Heat Wave
- Solar Beam
- Dragon Pulse
- Protect

Spam Heat Wave unless Protect is needed to survive or coverage is really needed and the Screaming Lizard can't deal with it. Switch out if you would have to use two Protects in a row. The lack of final 4 EVs is so that opponents target リザードン over Pompeii and the nature is Modest because that's what the Japanese Charmander I got over wonder trade had. I do not recommenced Timid because the loss of power will cause you to miss some KOs after Pompeii's Eruption

ScreamingEft (Heilolisk) @ Life Orb
Solar Power
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Dragon Pulse

Spam Hyper Voice unless other moves are needed to KO a threat.

Mr. Huggy (Garchomp) @ Expert Belt
Rough Skin
4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spe
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head
- Protect (Unused)

Send in on the side unless you're switching him in to take a resisted hit. You should usually replace the Screaming Lizard when he goes down. Use whatever move is most effective.

Killer Keg (Exeggutor) @ Choice Specs
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Solar Beam
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Send in if リザードン goes down and there's not a better match up in the other options. He's just a fast and powerful grass type.

Sweat Pants (Talonflame) @ Choice Band (Yes, I got over 700 wins in Triples using a team with all three choice items and three rock weaknesses.)
Gale Wings
The EVs are whatever were on the Talonflame that I had laying around.
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Unused Filler (U-turn)
- Unused Filler (Tailwind)

If you've used Bird Spam in OU, then you know how to use this.

Basically, I lost because I didn't see Entei's Stone Edge coming until it was too late and Articuno used Hail. (Yes, you read that right. I lost because something used Hail.)
I'd like to post that my tripples streak has ended at 722. My team had obvious flaws so I was surprised that it got past 500.

Here's my team and notes on how to use it.

Pompeii (Typhlosion) @ Choice Scarf
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Eruption
- Heat Wave
- Filler that was used a single digit number of times (Solar Beam)
- Filler that was never used (Focus Blast)

Spam Eruption. If health gets below 1/3, switch out and use Heat Wave.

リザードン (Charizard) @ Charizadite Y
252 SpA/ 252 Spe
- Heat Wave
- Solar Beam
- Dragon Pulse
- Protect

Spam Heat Wave unless Protect is needed to survive or coverage is really needed and the Screaming Lizard can't deal with it. Switch out if you would have to use two Protects in a row. The lack of final 4 EVs is so that opponents target リザードン over Pompeii and the nature is Modest because that's what the Japanese Charmander I got over wonder trade had. I do not recommenced Timid because the loss of power will cause you to miss some KOs after Pompeii's Eruption

ScreamingEft (Heilolisk) @ Life Orb
Solar Power
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Hyper Voice
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Dragon Pulse

Spam Hyper Voice unless other moves are needed to KO a threat.

Mr. Huggy (Garchomp) @ Expert Belt
Rough Skin
4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spe
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head
- Protect (Unused)

Send in on the side unless you're switching him in to take a resisted hit. You should usually replace the Screaming Lizard when he goes down. Use whatever move is most effective.

Killer Keg (Exeggutor) @ Choice Specs
4 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Solar Beam
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Send in if リザードン goes down and there's not a better match up in the other options. He's just a fast and powerful grass type.

Sweat Pants (Talonflame) @ Choice Band (Yes, I got over 700 wins in Triples using a team with all three choice items and three rock weaknesses.)
Gale Wings
The EVs are whatever were on the Talonflame that I had laying around.
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Unused Filler (U-turn)
- Unused Filler (Tailwind)

If you've used Bird Spam in OU, then you know how to use this.

Basically, I lost because I didn't see Entei's Stone Edge coming until it was too late and Articuno used Hail. (Yes, you read that right. I lost because something used Hail.)
Eh... I just want to mention that at least one support is good. At least a Tailwind or someone with back-up Sun would be good. I can imagine how hard the pressure will be though, facing full offense team you have. Like fiery hell.
Posting completed Singles streak of 291 wins.

(F) @
, Jolly, Truant
EVs: 164|0|156|0|0|188* / IVs: 31|31|31|xx|31|31
Entrainment | Protect** | Confide | X-Scissor
* - since battle 179
** - since battle 173

(F) @
, Adamant, Multiscale
EVs: 172|124|0|0|0|212 / IVs: 31|31|31|xx|31|31
Dragon Dance | Protect | Dragon Claw | Fire Punch

(M) @
, Timid, Volt Absorb
EVs: 0|0|4|248|4|252 / IVs: 31|10|31|30|31|31
Work Up | Protect | Shock Wave | Shadow Ball

You may notice this is pretty similar to Drabsol, except with Jolteon > Mega Absol and some minor alterations to Dragonite and Durant. Jolteon sees value thanks to Shock Wave and blistering fast speed, allowing him to not only allows him to circumvent Double Team, but also prevents a 2nd/last-mon Walrein4 from ending your streak due to Bright Powder miss + Sheer Cold hit. The blistering speed means that not having Speed boosting is a relatively minor issue as it's already in a titanic speed tier. Shock Wave's low Base Power has been a relative non-issue thanks to the Focus Sash. Furthermore, Jolteon is a surprisingly effective means of answering Klinklang4. The only real downside is that Work Up is exclusively obtainable on Eeveelutions in Generation V, meaning I had to breed Jolteon in Black.

I know what you're thinking about Shock Wave: "It's too weak! Surely you could alternate between Protect and attack until you hit?" Okay, you tell me that when you have to hit Tornadus2 twice (once through Substitute) and when you miss every attack after using all of your Protects. It's a low probability, but you may have noticed I'm a strict adherent of Murphy's law. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Durant's EVs have since been optimized from all of my other streaks. As Protect is now being used for Manectric4 (Protect -> Go to Dragonite -> Protect - > DD -> Protect and now Manectric4 has to Struggle) and Trace leads, Speed could be bumped down to 188 EVs to beat Scarf base 100s. The bulk dodges the OHKO from Mienshao3's CH High Jump Kick, which you probably won't need, but it could mean the difference between keeping Durant and losing it in an extreme worst-case-scenario. Do note that these EVs are not ideal prior to battle 40. Dragonite's EVs ensure no Aggron set can OHKO with Metal Burst, barring a critical hit.

Dragonite is going to be your go-to sweeper in most cases. She's by far the strongest sweeper, as pretty much nothing barring Metal Burst Bastiodon will take her down; plus, if Durant goes down turn 1 thanks to a Fire-type attack, you'll probably want Jolteon's blazing fast Speed tier + Focus Sash to be able to revenge kill. There are a few exceptions in which you will be setting up with Jolteon, which include:
  • Most users of any of these moves: Curse, Play Nice (before battle 30), Iron Defense (or anything that boosts the Defense stat), Double Team, Minimize. Exceptions include Registeel1 (also has Amnesia and Dragonite hits it SE anyway). Be aware that vs. Hippowdon4, you may need to have Dragonite stall out Sand turns in order to preserve Jolteon's Focus Sash.
  • Anything Choice-locked into a Ground-type move (Gogoat4, Landorus2, etc.)
  • Durant taken out turn 1 after Entrainment AND opponent can have Bastiodon4 ("B" set Pokemon). Jolteon fares much better here thanks to the Focus Sash, and even worst-case-scenario, Jolteon does enough with +6 Shock Wave for Dragonite to be able to come in for the RK.
  • vs. Pokemon Rangers, unless Walrein4 is leading, in which case it doesn't matter as long as Entrainment lands, or Lapras4 is, in which case you want to get Jolteon in on that to sack it to the Perish Song at worst. But in general, Jolteon should be able to sweep through all of their Pokemon (even Krookodile as it's 2HKOed by +6 Shadow Ball, and you have a Focus Sash) so just go with it since the ability to make 2nd or 3rd-poke Walrein4 a non-issue is pretty big.
You may notice that Jolteon's IVs correspond to Hidden Power Grass, even though I am not using Hidden Power. This is because I decided to go for a Jolteon I could use competitively in UU/RU once I was done with this streak, and HP Grass was the most likely one I'd use. It just didn't feel like a single extra point in Special Attack was worth the hassle of breeding another.


Walrein4 lead - If Entrainment misses and this thing lands an OHKO move, just quit.
Yanmega4 - Confide on the Protect, go to Dragonite, Fire Punch it into submission (2HKO while Yanmega gets like a 4HKO or something with -1 Air Slash, and you can stall for Lefties recovery if need be.)
Breloom4 - Straight switch to Dragonite and just start clicking Fire Punch.
Klinklang4 - Confide on the Protect, hard switch to Jolteon on the Thunderbolt, Work Up once. Even if you get poisoned, the 2HKO with Shock Wave is worth it.
Shuckle4 - Uhh, I fucked up here, so that's why I'm here. I guess a good strategy against this looking back would be to Entrainment on the Protect, then go straight to Dragonite and set up to around +2 and start Dragon Clawing it. It worked in a Mock Battle but I don't really think it'd be consistent.


G7JW-WWWW-WW3Z-KPCY: This illustrates the Fake Out lead strategy - basically, sacking Jolteon is worth it if it means ensuring the Entrainment goes up. I don't seem to have anything vs. Jynx4 saved, but it's the same idea (just without having to get rid of a HJK user)
F7AG-WWWW-WW3Z-LE3A: This one was just silly so I had to share it.
X9KW-WWWW-WW3Z-L4BM: Nidoking4 can be mildly problematic if it gets a low roll, it seems. Either way, some switching around should be able to neutralize it, and this shows that Dragonite can set up without Entrainment if need be.

How I lost


Providing this with no explanation, as I feel my catastrophically bad playing and lack of planning against Shuckle4 doesn't deserve an explanation.


I was kind of goofing off and didn't expect a fucking Jolteon to get a decent streak. But, it turns out, it's actually a surprisingly effective way of handling some specific streak threats (Klinklang4, Walrein4, Tornadus2) and I quickly found myself approaching 200 wins without issue. It's definitely not the best 'mon, but I was surprised at how much it pulled its weight (and how minor Shock Wave's low BP was.) I feel like it can do better than this.
Congrats on that streak, and good luck with the future Sneasel experimentation! That threat list is so wonderfully stally--I'll complete that "team" with Forretress4, Lapras4, or Cofagrigus4 and see how it fares in Triples at some point.

Side note: tried to use the Swirlix described by Theorymon in this post as the newest member of The Bench, was unable to part Blizzmarck with its Focus Sash, settled on giving the former a Focus Band instead, failed miserably and put my streak in some trouble against Veteran need better ideas for me to steal, Theorymon
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Eh... I just want to mention that at least one support is good. At least a Tailwind or someone with back-up Sun would be good. I can imagine how hard the pressure will be though, facing full offense team you have. Like fiery hell.
The lack of backup sun is why I'm surprised I got past 500. That and Fast Pokemon with Rock Type moves. Although, in hindsight, I just have this to say. I could have taught Sunny Day to Mr. Huggy. It never crossed my mind that he had an unused moveslot. I would be tempted to facedesk about that if it weren't for my laptop taking up about two thirds of my side table and the remaining third being mouse space. I should be grateful that I wasn't taken down by a Scarfed Rock Slide Skarmory again, but between losing because something used Hail (Just let how pathetic that sounds sink in.) and Suicune's Surf missing Zapdos because of BrightPowder on the final turn, (It didn't effect anything, but still.) I'd say this could be worse.

Congrats to Adamant Zorark. I'm not congratulating you on your streak, (even though is is a nice one) I'm congratulating you for successfully using Shock Wave. I never thought I'd see the day that move would be considered useful.
Congrats on that streak, and good luck with the future Sneasel experimentation! That threat list is so wonderfully stally--I'll complete that "team" with Forretress4, Lapras4, or Cofagrigus4 and see how it fares in Triples at some point.

Side note: tried to use the Swirlix described by Theorymon in this post as the newest member of The Bench, was unable to part Blizzmarck with its Focus Sash, settled on giving the former a Focus Band instead, failed miserably and put my streak in some trouble against Veteran need better ideas for me to steal, Theorymon
That makes sense, since it is mainly tailored against... ugh... Dark Void Double/Smeargles. Horror stories of BS-Triples... shudders....
Oh, I know, just messing around with stuff, trying different things (and completely screwing over Politoed4, who would be basically useless for two turns against my frontline with such a Swirlix in Blizzmarck's place)...I actually think ethan06 has a much more practical idea with his Double Guard Mienshao for BS Triples and will be taking that up once this current streak is over.

Also, am flipping through the Brawl & Blast cookbook for ideas (granted, these are teams designed for NU, but I think you can still cobble together some viable stuff from these).
So my Singles streak cracked 200 wins, which was kind of my initial goal. It's still ongoing, so we'll see how long I can stretch that. Now I'm starting to theorycraft a team for Doubles. Maybe you guys can look at it and lemme know if there's any glaring problems with it I'm missing.

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Sucker Punch
-Drain Punch
-Fake Out

Good ol Mega Khan, here to just muscle it's way through teams.


Thundurus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
-Hidden Power Ice

Solid poke overall. Can prevent Tailwind by just outright killing the fliers that carry it, or Prankster Taunt. Prankster Taunt also prevents Trick Room leads from setting up.


Heatran (?) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
IVs: Currently soft resetting for one, trying for flawless.
EVs: 24 HP / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
-Earth Power

Tons of resistances that let it switch in on many attacks. Particularly useful if it can switch in on enemy fire attacks to activate Flash Fire. Honestly, just a fan of Fire type in general, so wanted one on my team. Since I'm currently trying to get one, I figure it'd be cool to use it.


Gengar (?) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
IVs: Haven't bred yet, obviously planning for 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Destiny Bond
-Sludge Bomb

Another solid poke that is able to switch in on a lot of stuff. Specifically wanted to switch in on Fighting moves targeted at Kangaskhan, and having Levitate to avoid Earthquakes aimed at Heatran is also nice. I also just really like the idea of giving the enemy the middle finger and taking them down with me with Destiny Bond.

Nothing terribly gimmicky or tricky. Just kind of an overall "throw good stuff at them until they crumble" team.
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Was planning to train a new Oddish since Vileplume can't get Grassy Terrain on its own, but have decided that Aromatherapy would make a better support move as it offers no benefit to the opponent. My only question is this, if anyone has seen it in effect:

Aromatherapy triggers Sap Sipper, but if your ally is also under an ailment when the move is used, will they ignore the healing effect for the attack boost, or do they get both the cure and the boost?
Posting a streak of 1 wins in XY Super Singles.

Mamoswine @ Icicle Plate
Ability: Refrigerate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Extreme Speed
- Shift Gear
- Thousand Arrows

Mamoswine softens up the team, and often can sweep on its own due to its super strong Fakespeed. Thousand Arrows achieves perfect neutral coverage. Everything else is self-explanatory.

Zapdos @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Tail Glow
- Substitute
- King's Shield

Zapdos can often sweep entirely after just one boost. With priority, you don't have much need to run speed. Sub is great for protecting from status.

Tyranitar-Mega @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 244 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Coil
- Knock Off
- Spiky Shield
- Diamond Storm

Coil is a great move that patches up Diamond Storm's shaky accuracy. This thing is extremely bulky after just one boost, and very few physical attackers can take it on after several.

The loss occured due to a Barbaracle that dodged Thousand Arrows with Bright Powder and proceeded to set up Shell Smashes and Double Teams. Even though most of the moves on the team could OHKO it at that point, none of them hit. Looking at the back-ups, (Chesnaught and Noivern,) the battle would have easily been won had I been able to take out the Barbaracle with Tyranitar or Mamoswine. It's a sad thing to see such a long streak come to an end, but all must eventually. I hope someone will be able to replicate this daunting feat before Sun and Moon's release.
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Posting a streak of 1 wins in XY Super Singles.

Mamoswine @ Icicle Plate
Ability: Refrigerate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Extreme Speed
- Shift Gear
- Thousand Arrows

Mamoswine softens up the team, and often can sweep on its own due to its super strong Fakespeed. Thousand Arrows achieves perfect neutral coverage. Everything else is self-explanatory.

Zapdos @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Tail Glow
- Substitute
- King's Shield

Zapdos can often sweep entirely after just one boost. With priority, you don't have much need to run speed. Sub is great for protecting from status.

Tyranitar-Mega @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 244 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Coil
- Knock Off
- Spiky Shield
- Diamond Storm

Coil is a great move that patches up Diamond Storm's shaky accuracy. This thing is extremely bulky after just one boost, and very few physical attackers can take it on after several.

The loss occured due to a Barbaracle that dodged Thousand Arrows with Bright Powder and proceeded to set up Shell Smashes and Double Teams. Even though most of the moves on the team could OHKO it at that point, none of them hit. Looking at the back-ups, (Chesnaught and Noivern,) the battle would have easily been won had I been able to take out the Barbaracle with Tyranitar or Mamoswine. It's a sad thing to see such a long streak come to an end, but all must eventually. I hope someone will be able to replicate this daunting feat before Sun and Moon's release.

Certainly made me smile!

It's always nice when *entirely legitimate* Pokemon put up a *massive* and surprising streak! To really sell it though, you need to whine more about the hax and claim the Maison counterteamed you too, preferably including a Pokemon with an illegal moveset and a Quick Claw that always triggered.