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Battle Maison Discussion & Records

I'm still not sure what this does differently from Sableye other than give you more of a chance to lose by missing against Evasion items. The other concerns sound decent in theory but if Drapion can make it 3000+ battles without an early Explosion or Flame Body it's probably going to be exceedingly rare compared to something like Absol evading Taunt and setting up a Sub on turn 1.

I could sit here and whip up a pro-con chart off the top of my head if I wanted to, but I know you won't listen so I'll save both of our times. Sure, I could get to 1000+ wins using Whimsicott or level 1 Sableye, but the thing is, I wouldn't personally feel satisfied with the resulting streak because it would feel more like I did a streak on your behalf, in the case of Sableye (also, can you remind me how exactly Whimsicott doesn't have a problem with missing against evasion items? Trick and Switcheroo aren't in the never-miss category a la Swift, Aura Sphere, and No Guard). This is the same reason I don't use competitive teams other people made. So, yeah, say what you will, call me a hipster, or arrogant, or whatever, but if I can find the slightest justification for using something else (reduced chance of 2nd poke Flame Body/Static ruining you in the case of Sneasel lead) I'll give it a go. My reasons are more personal than anything, honestly, which is also why I didn't respond to your comments re: Doublade.
I could sit here and whip up a pro-con chart off the top of my head if I wanted to, but I know you won't listen so I'll save both of our times. Sure, I could get to 1000+ wins using Whimsicott or level 1 Sableye, but the thing is, I wouldn't personally feel satisfied with the resulting streak because it would feel more like I did a streak on your behalf, in the case of Sableye (also, can you remind me how exactly Whimsicott doesn't have a problem with missing against evasion items? Trick and Switcheroo aren't in the never-miss category a la Swift, Aura Sphere, and No Guard). This is the same reason I don't use competitive teams other people made. So, yeah, say what you will, call me a hipster, or arrogant, or whatever, but if I can find the slightest justification for using something else (reduced chance of 2nd poke Flame Body/Static ruining you in the case of Sneasel lead) I'll give it a go. My reasons are more personal than anything, honestly, which is also why I didn't respond to your comments re: Doublade.

That would be interesting to see what I missed because I could think of zero pros it had over Sableye. Feeling as though you'd be running a streak on my behalf is odd because your team is the same as VaporeonIce's aside from the most superfluous member, and you don't seem to have any misgivings about that. I would ask why you'd bother posting your set if you didn't want any feedback - would you rather everyone pat you on the back and say 'wow, very clever!' and let you make another team that tops out at 300 because of significant weaknesses? If it's hipster cred you're going for just stick a Magikarp with Splash in as the lead and you can still get the same 200-300 streak with the right breaks.

Somewhat ironically, Sableye and Whimsicott would also give you a better chance against Static (even though this is a non-existent concern with Drapion for reasons previously discussed in this thread)/Flame Body thanks to Flash and Memento allowing Durant to survive more often than it otherwise would.
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Lost at 108 wins in Super Doubles


Now to work out something useful to do with the shiny timid Cresselia I got off GTS. Anybody got any suggestions?

Well done on the streak :)
suggestions for your cresselia u got from GTS.....dump it, it's probably hacked! (Timid probably won't help u much either as cress speed is not her best asset :)
Whelp, I brainfarted a tad, though it hasn't cost me my streak yet- just interrupted.

Not long ago I rolled Audino for my Mega slot, and glancing at it inside the box, I suddenly remembered the one VaporeonIce used and the extremely impressive tank it was. I should have bred a new one, because the one I had was Quiet and originally intended to be kinda bulky but use Calm Mind. But like a doofus I hadn't glanced at the nature and likely assumed it'd be Relaxed because that's what I'd have used otherwise.

So without a care in the world I crammed a bunch of Hondew Berries in its mouth and murdered some waves of Sandshrew, popped a Tentacruel balloon, and voila- Audino is ready to go with a worthless nature.

My first "god damn, this IS sturdy" was during battle XXX (hint: I managed to make it to triple digits with all randoms again, yay. But I want to see if I can get to a certain number before I lay the teams and streak out) when Audino just gulped down an Archeops4 Earthquake which, granted, is not that strong when STABless and spread, followed by... Slaking4's Life Orb Gunk Shot. Supereffective, off retarded base attack and inflated thirty percent. Gonna have to roll bigger numbers than that, I'm afraid, fatty.

I realised my error when I recalled I hadn't updated Audino's slot on my spreadsheet, loaded that and immediately realised I'd screwed up. So I finished the present battle and backed out, then grudgingly pulled out my otherwise worthless Slugma for some egg hatching...

The team Audino is presently with is pretty stupid for how much wreckage it's caused, but the RNG decided to give me four fucking Helping Hand users, so the move sees a lot of use, particularly with two of the slayers which use overpowered spread moves.
Just some thoughts rolling through my head while I keep the endless research going:

Have created a few wacky things since my most recent streak was ended:
- a near-copy of Uphaze's Triples trophy team (PokeGen Emile Louis/Bathory, Godzilla replaced with my Imperfect Gigalith4, my trusty Aron (InspireZheng) used (so no Stealth Rock), my Taillow (MoreNuggets) lacks Quick Attack and uses Mirror Move instead, my Clawitzer (Ruger1132) carries Water Pulse over Scald and is Modest instead of Quiet)
- a near-copy of mongoose700's hexa-Round team (PokeGen 4 of them, SamiClone used for the Greninja slot & Grass Knot-->Round, a new Aurorus raised from my Imperfects Aurorus3 & Aurorus4 with no Discharge)
- A hodgepodge Maison team (Breloom4/Walrein4/Chandelure4/Vaporeon4/Porygon-Z2/Imperfect Gallade4--all stats, moves, & Nature intact, but Lum Berry replaced for Galladite)

The first of these has definitely been the most enjoyable to use, mainly because it was given problems by unusual threats, aside from the typical TR counters: Light Screen setters, Set 2 Worker teams, and Sitrus Berry holders, forcing me to think a little creatively while running through the first 30 battles.

Was thinking of adding a new squad into the fold; I encountered a decent opposing hyper offense team earlier today and thought "hmmm, nice balance of physical and special attackers, no type overlap, some speedy sets...might give it a shot"
(Poliwrath/Mamoswine/Mismagius/Electivire/Espeon/Rampardos) (Set 3)

Was flipping through
Toxic is pretty common. 21 of the "set 4 + Legendaries" Pokemon have it (including the Trick + Toxic Orb Metagross), and your opponent gets three Pokemon on their team, giving them three chances. In contrast, only five non-legendary Set 3 Pokemon have it and 6 non-legendary Set 2 Pokemon. It's pretty common in Set 1 (something like 14 users), but I don't know the relative frequency of Toxic Pokemon among the opponents you face. That said, the high number of Toxic users post-battle 40 doesn't even include the Will-o-Wisp/Swagger/Leech Seed users.

I had not realized how expansive the Toxic-carrying roster was, makes me kinda want to get back on the ToxiCity kick and keep building upon that.

Was re-reading through VaporeonIce's 1449-win Triples team and honed in on one particular item:

Here's what can OHKO Mega Audino (from the post-battle 40 sets):

Without a crit:
Porygon-Z 2 Adaptability or +1 Hyper Beam (guaranteed)

...and that's it.

It got me wondering: would Porygon-Z2 qualify as the hardest hitter the Maison can throw at you in terms of raw damage output, at least on the special side? Would Lickilicky4 Explosion cover this from the physical side?

The rest of this "KawaiiEmpire Threat List" would be interesting to cobble together in some form or fashion:

With a crit:
Muk 4 and Toxicroak 4 Gunk Shot (18.8% chance)
Gengar 4 Sludge Bomb (50% chance)
Tyrantrum 4 Head Smash (31.3% chance)
Archeops 3 Head Smash (37.5% chance)
Medicham 4 High Jump Kick (18.8% chance)
Escavalier 3 Iron Head (43.8% chance)
Victreebel 4 Sludge Bomb (guaranteed)
Slaking 4 Gunk Shot (50% chance)
Magnezone 3 or 4, Heatran 1, 2, or 4 Flash Cannon (31.3% chance)
Aurorus 4 Refrigerate Hyper Beam (guaranteed)

Am still tinkering with the idea of a team featuring a Maison-based Heatran/Cresselia/Regigigas core. Though I wouldn't necessarily lead off with all three (Cress can potentially function as good switch-in for the other two), I was wondering: would the best combination be Heatran1/Cresselia4/Regigigas4?

I now have a starting core for a potential Hyper Voice spam team: Megamence/Sylveon/Pyroar1 is the core for now, hope to add a more polished Refrigerate Aurorus, a Boomburst user, and a primary Snarl user at some point. MASSIVE WEAKNESS TO SOUNDPROOF

Am hoping to learn how to utilize video capture tech at some point, as I have recently re-read most of Call_Me_Charlie's stuff on this thread and am loving his contributions to the Triples leaderboard...I want to be able to stick all of his Road to 176 & Road to 1000 replays onto one YouTube vid before they disappear or something happens to his SD card or he gets bored and deletes them to get going on a 2000-win streak or whatever.
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I may enjoy using unorthodox if not outright crummy sets, but I know I'd draw the line well before getting to something like Breloom4 in triples. Gimping yourself that much can't be that fun, really, and you'll feel a sting when you know you'd have had a battle won if that poke used or could have used something else.

If you're going to use something as flimsy as Breloom in triples, you owe it to yourself not to fuck around and should abuse Technician as well as the two primary moves which utilize it (Bullet Seed may be argued for or against.)

It also sounds like you're building up (or planning to) quite a wide assortment of pokes to experiment with; I know from experience that this snowballs and usually means you play much less and become bored before you really get to battle extensively. I suggest toning it down, finding your niche (in this case, probably recreating heavily suboptimal Maison sets) and concentrating on that. You'll enjoy the game more :)
Hi all, up to 110 wins with my updated Super Doubles team so far.

Just wondering if someone could offer a better EV spread for my Scarf Excadrill? (it's Adamant and currently running 6hp, 252atk, 252spe.)
Hi all, up to 110 wins with my updated Super Doubles team so far.

Just wondering if someone could offer a better EV spread for my Scarf Excadrill? (it's Adamant and currently running 6hp, 252atk, 252spe.)

I assume your Adamant Excadrill is perfect in the 5 relevant IVs? If this is true, then you can actually cut a fair bit of Speed. You hit 140 Speed now, which goes to 210 with the Scarf, but there is nothing in the Maison in the 202-210 range. See the Maison Speed Tiers here. Cutting to 135 Speed will put you at 202 with a Scarf, so you'll save some EVs without changing speed tier. You can even cut to 134 if you want, at the cost of a Speed-tie with Skarmory3. You probably do not want to cut further, since I suspect you'll want to continue to outrun Aerodactyl, Crobat, and Jolteon at 200.

So cutting to 212 Speed EVs is pure upside, and cutting to 204 is a possibility. Assuming you go with 212 (saving 40 EVs), put 4 in Defense and 4 in Special Defense (gaming the level 50 mechanics), and the remaining extra 32 in HP. If there's some sort of specific attack you want to survive, there's possibly a more specialized way of distributing these, but this is a basic improved spread.

To summarize then, I recommend a spread of: 36 / 252 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 212
I assume your Adamant Excadrill is perfect in the 5 relevant IVs? If this is true, then you can actually cut a fair bit of Speed. You hit 140 Speed now, which goes to 210 with the Scarf, but there is nothing in the Maison in the 202-210 range. See the Maison Speed Tiers here. Cutting to 135 Speed will put you at 202 with a Scarf, so you'll save some EVs without changing speed tier. You can even cut to 134 if you want, at the cost of a Speed-tie with Skarmory3. You probably do not want to cut further, since I suspect you'll want to continue to outrun Aerodactyl, Crobat, and Jolteon at 200.

So cutting to 212 Speed EVs is pure upside, and cutting to 204 is a possibility. Assuming you go with 212 (saving 40 EVs), put 4 in Defense and 4 in Special Defense (gaming the level 50 mechanics), and the remaining extra 32 in HP. If there's some sort of specific attack you want to survive, there's possibly a more specialized way of distributing these, but this is a basic improved spread.

To summarize then, I recommend a spread of: 36 / 252 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 212

Fantastic, thank you very much for the detailed run-down. Now to wait for another Reset Bag to show up :/
Fantastic, thank you very much for the detailed run-down. Now to wait for another Reset Bag to show up :/
Using Reset bags is horribly inefficient if you want to simply adjust EV's. The main reason for keeping a Reset bag around is to check EV's to make sure you got them correct. Keeping a bunch of EV berries around is much quicker and cheaper.
Using Reset bags is horribly inefficient if you want to simply adjust EV's. The main reason for keeping a Reset bag around is to check EV's to make sure you got them correct. Keeping a bunch of EV berries around is much quicker and cheaper.
Plus, growing a bunch more (if you're running short or whatever) doesn't take as long as it would seem on the surface, so you'll be adjusting those EVs in (relatively) no time.

I may enjoy using unorthodox if not outright crummy sets, but I know I'd draw the line well before getting to something like Breloom4 in triples. Gimping yourself that much can't be that fun, really, and you'll feel a sting when you know you'd have had a battle won if that poke used or could have used something else.

If you're going to use something as flimsy as Breloom in triples, you owe it to yourself not to fuck around and should abuse Technician as well as the two primary moves which utilize it (Bullet Seed may be argued for or against.)

It also sounds like you're building up (or planning to) quite a wide assortment of pokes to experiment with; I know from experience that this snowballs and usually means you play much less and become bored before you really get to battle extensively. I suggest toning it down, finding your niche (in this case, probably recreating heavily suboptimal Maison sets) and concentrating on that. You'll enjoy the game more :)

- No doubt, Breloom4 is an example of the sorts of inefficient sets I use strictly when going on "fun runs", actively testing new teams, and when just BP gathering (super-long streaks could net me BP faster, of course, but those require concentration and sometimes are stressful. No need for that). Fun fact: the next two battles of my current team after your post involved the aforementioned team, and Breloom4 not only survived the first (landing the killing blow by outlasting Metagross4 with Leech Seed, 1v1), but factored heavily in the second one (was taken out, but not until after taking out two opponents and lasted until the second-to-last turn).

- This can actually serve as an example of another type of "Maison vs. Maison" challenge that I have thought of but didn't mention in my original post in this thread. Think of it as "Reverse-Grafting": take a Maison-based team, remove the most useless member, and replace it with a more viable, non-Maison set alternative, or a different species and set altogether. In this case, Breloom4 would be swapped with something along the lines of pidj's Triples streak Breloom. In a way, this current team is doing that right now (Megallade is enough of a departure from Gallade4, despite everything other than item matching up, to basically be a new mon).

- Actually, this is the sort of confirmation I needed to hone in on that niche: the fact even a couple of people have read my posts so far means that there is some intrigue there; that this subject has been brought up before in this thread shows that the concept has room to grow; it simply needs the right folks to show up, and suddenly I won't be the only doing it. While that merely would be a bonus goal achieved, the intrigue alone makes the endeavor worthwhile. Hell, simply trying to remove the "heavily suboptimal" stigma from some of these sets makes it worthwhile.
Many thx for the updated TR roster list, btw.

On a somewhat related note:
*looks at updated leaderboard*
Like I said before...surreal. Like I'm unworthy of being there or something. I'll keep putting in the effort to make myself feel worthy one of these days, though.
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Blew my randoms streak on battle 113 through a multitude of bad calls and a touch of bad luck in terms of AI decisions which possibly could have ended the battle in my favor. It didn't help that a key component in my failure, Staraptor4, had Reckless instead of Intimidate which really fluffed up its Brave Birds.

Mr. Mime/Staraptor/Slowbro/Cradily/Tyrantrum/Hawlucha - Set4, Socialite (F)

The battle began pretty uneventfully; Slowbro opted to Blizzard instead of TR, and failed to freeze Dusclops, enemy Staraptor targeted my own (under Protect) and Mime hit Swampert with Psychic for a moderate sum and fell to Waterfall.

Slowbro would reset TR on its next turn, but this didn't concern me much as Cradily had plopped down opposite Swampert. Without running calcs I was certain that Giga Drain would KO Swampert at that HP (this would eventually be confirmed) and so I brought in Goodra to set off Sap Sipper. This wound up being a waste of a turn as Cradily used Protect and not Giga Drain; little did I know that things had already begun rolling downhill fast.

The same turn that Slowbro would deactivate TR and Cradily would tempt me to switch but not attack, enemy Staraptor would KO my own with Double-Edge. Scizor is brought in and takes down Slowbro easily while Staraptor nearly kills Goodra with Brave Bird, leaving it at 17 HP. With no viable target, Cradily of course is going to use Stockpile. My Goodra uses Curse, an option which seals its fate.

Now I start getting particularly stupid. With TR in play I don't need to use Bullet Punch on Tyrantrum4, which isn't a OHKO with a Life Orb; Superpower would have done the job, but Scizor will pay the ultimate price and be Head Smashed. Further, while I intended to use Gravity to allow Iron Tail to hit, I didn't calculate that -1 Brave Goodra with an Iron Ball outspeeds the amazingly slow Dusclops under TR, and whiff Iron Tail. From this point on I am convinced I am hopelessly checkmated, but running is against my nature. Tyrantrum has Rock Head, so its recoil didn't finish it, either.

Still, I can try. With TR in play I can at least take a shot at Cradily and attempt to crit (spoilers: I do not crit.) Disclops KOs Tyrantrum, Cradily outspeeds and easily slaughters Swampert, Absol pecks at Cradily with Superpower and is easily killed by that goddamn Reckless Staraptor which is basically inferior to mine in every way. Dusclops would Brick Break Staraptor for the finish and pretty much waste turns bringing Hawlucha to a sliver of health with Nightshade before Sky Attack finished it. I wondered if a miss would occur, but there was none. A miss would have at least let me have the pleasure of losing to a 1v1 with Cradily, who spent its turns maxing Stockpile and setting up an Ingrain.

Well shit. Had I not sacked Scizor, I could have switched out of that -1/-1 and had a valuable priority spammer for the remaining opponents. I really shot myself in the foot with that Iron Tail, though. Amusingly, any other physical attack would have been shittier in that battle- Earthquake would have done nothing to Staraptor before Gravity, which I would not have (and would ensure Tyrantrum kills Scizor) and Aqua Tail for all I know would have been absorbed by that shithead Cradily.

Might as well chronicle my merry band of murderers who got me to this point!

Battles 1-10: Carbink/M-Camerupt/Torterra/Vaporeon/Eelektross/Hydreigon
Battles 11-20: Aromatisse/M-Tyranitar/Carracosta/Marowak/Absol/Empoleon
Battles 21-30: Cofagrigus/M-Camerupt/Shuckle/Golem/Porygon2/Goodra
Battles 31-40: Slowbro/M-Heracross/Regirock/Heatran/Dragalge/Sylveon
Battles 41-50: Slowbro/M-Heracross/Regirock/Heatran/Dragalge/Sylveon
Battles 51-60: Hypno/M-Mawile/Regice/Vileplume/Porygon2/Lickilicky
Battles 61-70: Claydol/M-Slowbro/Carracosta/Emboar/Chesnaught/Thundurus-T
Battles 71-80: Dusclops/M-Abomasnow/Bouffalant/Quagsire/Torterra/Chandelure
Battles 81-90: Dusclops/M-Camerupt/Hariyama/Feraligatr/Tangrowth/Carracosta
Battles 91-100: Quagsire/Cresselia/M-Aggron/Donphan/Beheeyem/Tyrantrum
Battles 101-110: M-Audino/Musharna/Golem/Nidoqueen/Blissey/Thundurus-T
Battles 111-113: Dusclops/Staraptor/M-Swampert/Scizor/Absol/Goodra

Most of these teams were a real blast to use and made me feel as though I hadn't been screwed much, though I often get initially nervous when I see three weaknesses to one type or most teammates sharing a common weakness with another, with no viable switches.

- Actually, this is the sort of confirmation I needed to hone in on that niche: the fact even a couple of people have read my posts so far means that there is some intrigue there; that this subject has been brought up before in this thread shows that I simply need the right folks to show up, and suddenly I won't be the only doing it.
I'll be the last one to rain on your parade, but I do think you overstate the eagerness of people to try it, especially to the extent that you have. It was brought up before a very long time ago, yes, and you'll notice it never got off the ground; you'll also notice that in spite of certain pokes being prominent "threats" there is little to no desire to actually use them, especially in the same fashion, as they lack most of the positive traits of your more commonly seen streak-holding pokes. Most people that attempt some unorthodox teams spent a long time running numbers to gauge viability and other factors, whereas you are keen to PokeGen six Maison sets and slap 'em together. But it's better if that remains your "thing" as the more individuality in this topic, the better.

Edit: NoCheese, the second of my randoms streaks on the leaderboard- the 236- has always bugged me for a number of reasons, namely that I never properly chronicled the team and didn't lavish it with much polish upon its end; I just made a lengthy post about the bitter demise. If you wouldn't mind removing it and just leaving Team Aron and the Random 315, I'd appreciate that immensely.
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Edit: NoCheese, the second of my randoms streaks on the leaderboard- the 236- has always bugged me for a number of reasons, namely that I never properly chronicled the team and didn't lavish it with much polish upon its end; I just made a lengthy post about the bitter demise. If you wouldn't mind removing it and just leaving Team Aron and the Random 315, I'd appreciate that immensely.

Done. Your wording suggests that you don't want this 112 win streak included either, so I have not added it. If you would in fact like it added, just let me know!
Urgh. Reporting a streak of 122 in Super Rotations. No proof of course: my game cartridge decided to eject in my pocket today at work. ;_;
So obviously, I can understand if we can't accept / add this. Posting my team and shit anyway.

Buttfluff (Altaria) @ mega
Adamant, 252 HP, 92 Atk, 4 Def, 4 Sp. Def, 156 Speed
Ability: Natural Cure (Pixilate)

- Return
- Protect
- Dragon Dance
- Perish Song

Deathbringer (Aegislash) @ Sitrus Berry
Modest, 252 HP, 4 Def, 172 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 76 Speed
Ability: Stance Change

- Shadow Ball
- King's Shield
- Substitute
- Flash Cannon

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Modest, 252 Def, 204 Sp. Atk, 52 Speed
Ability: Water Absorb

- Scald
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Impish, 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Speed
Ability: Poison Heal

- Earthquake
- Protect
- Substitute
- Toxic

Altaria + Vaporeon + Aegislash are the lead trio, Gliscor in the back.
Team synergy is utterly disgusting. Mega Altaria covers Fire / Dark for Aegislash, and Grass / Electric for Vaporeon. Aegislash gives 0.1774 fucks about Fairy / Poison / Ice / Steel for Mega Altaria. Vaporeon smashes Fire types, while keeping the obnoxiously bulky + synergetic duo alive forfuckingever with Wish + Heal Bell. Scald burns also assist in stalling, while Water Absorb sponges Scald / Muddy Water / etc spam. Gliscor hardly ever shows up since no one dies, but when it does, Vaporeon + Gliscor cannot comprehend the concept of mortality. And even on a really bad day, Gliscor can PP stall for ages if you're fighting Gengar/Skarmory/Crobat/Bronzong/etc. Helps break Steels for the Workers that seriously park Klinklang + Magnezone + Aggron in Altaria's face. Once Fairy resists are adequately weakened and there isn't a threat of LO Sludge Bomb from Victreebel or some other obvious reason to not set up, simply click DD and spam Return. Weaken foes with Shadow Ball / Scald if needed.

Altaria is bulky, to aid setup and tank hits with that beautiful typing, with enough Speed to outrun max Speed Thundurus-I / Tornadus-I in a single boost. mono Fairy typing has no immunities and broad coverage, resisted only by Poison/Steel/Fire. I could run EQ as secondary coverage, sure, but the true terror of Mega Altaria is found in Perish Song. As I have extensively proven before, Perish Song cannot be countered, cannot be cured, and there is no salvation. You're fucked. Period. Across 4 mons * 120 battles, the only Soundproof mon was The Most Epic Bastiodon Ever. Comes in extremely useful to assure victory, and against trolls like a stupidly lucky Confuse Ray + Double team Regigiggles, Stockpile mons, SubSeed Venusaur, etc., it is an absolutely guarenteed solution. Once a single KO is scored, the foe can no longer switch out: which means death is assured and stall wars are very heavily weighted in your favor. Aggron walling you? Fuck that, its existence is numbered. Would not change it under any circumstance. Has won me a few dickish setups / trolls / stall wars I might have spent 20 turns trying to kill. Whole team was built around the horrors of Buttfluff.

Aegislash was picked for massive synergy with Altaria in almost every way imaginable, as the duo only really falters against Fire types and Grass/Poison Leech Seed mons. SubSlash has been disgusting in every single metagame since early 2014, and this one specifically is from my gut-wrenchingly cursed Kansas City Regionals team. Same EVs / everything. Outruns +111 in Tailwind if anyone cares, after that it's an obvious spread. It's been highly effective for me for years. Anyway, SubSlash sets up on most of what Buttfluff hates, and obnoxiously spams Shadow Ball -> KS -> Shadow Ball -> KS for stupid damage to weaken the team for Return spam. Or just, ya know, spam Shadow ball since almost nothing resists it anymore (thanks Gamefreak) and KO everything with Aegislash. Flash Cannon bops Fairy types for Buttfluff, and is good to spam around Normal types.
Lefties was taken by Vaporeon, who makes better use of it. Aegis was left with Sitrus; comes in really handy for a guarenteed Sub if you survive the attack (which isn't hard for Aegislash to accomplish). Doesn't activate after two Subs at full HP, and it's immune to Super Fang so why not.

Vaporeon was chosen as the Wish spamming cleric we all know and love in Rotations. Sylveon is redundant with Buttfluff, Umbreon stacks Fairy weaknesses but is otherwise fine, Alololololololololomola is useless at killing Fire types, and there's no useful Wish Fire types. Electric is covered by Buttfluff and Gliscor, and Grass by Buttfluff and Aegislash. Giant HP for giant Wishes.
Modest was chosen for oomph, though a bulkier Bold spread could also be ok. I personally like the sting on Fire types and neutral switchins. Have swept a few times with it. Outruns max Speed Raikou in Tailwind, and can tank a MegaMence Double-Edge. Another "competitively centered mon runing in the Maison" like the rest of the team. Vaporeon + Buttfluff is major adorbs overload though. Covers Ice / Water divinly for Gliscor.

Gliscor, in the back, just broke Steels, and trolled the everliving fuck out of my foes by spamming Toxic / stalling PP or burn or Perish Song, etc. Definetly needs a better spread. Specially defensive maybe.

Can post shitty phone pic of my screen if no one believes the game cart eject. I may of shed a single manly tear. Can't remember if it was 122 or 123, so I'm going to say 122.
Will be trying the exact same team again with intent to not get trolled out of a better streak.

edit: here's a battle video of #119, at least. It's just 33 turns of "watch how much of an asshole Lilligant can be" so there's no point watching it.
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Fantastic, thank you very much for the detailed run-down. Now to wait for another Reset Bag to show up :/
I got a lot of those white new bags by just hitting the bag in Core Training screen while I was breeding. Just hit them until you get one, perhaps?

Although, seeing the spread others recommend, you just need 4 Speed effort berries instead of total replacements, it seems, so maybe that's quicker to do if you already have them? I also collected a lot of these from the berry master and a resort woman everyday.
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I got a lot of those white new bags by just hitting the bag in Core Training screen while I was breeding. Just hit them until you get one, perhaps?

Although, seeing the spread others recommend, you just need 4 Speed effort berries instead of total replacements, it seems, so maybe that's quicker to do if you already have them? I also collected a lot of these from the berry master and a resort woman everyday.

I always have the core training screen running and you'd think I'd have seen a few more reset bags in 300 hours playtime but so far just ONE :( Thankfully I do have the required berries though, completely forgot about that option haha. Cheers guys.
I read a while ago that Reset Bags come far more frequently when the currently training poke has 510 EVs and is doing the "eager" stance following the "..." bored stance. My own experiences lead me to believe this is pretty accurate. Just get rid of any non-reset bags, as you'll still quickly pile up random assorted bags while pummeling.
edit: here's a battle video of #119, at least. It's just 33 turns of "watch how much of an asshole Lilligant can be" so there's no point watching it.

Good to see you (back?) on the Maison train, always cool to see Perish Song users pop up on teams, even better to see one be the centerpiece. I wouldn't worry too much about the length of the replay, either--Lilligant4 is so rarely mentioned as anything worth worrying about I had to look. Hell, I'm watching it right now. It also reminds me that breeding for Lilligant4 would be relatively easy--I should get on that.
Good to see you (back?) on the Maison train, always cool to see Perish Song users pop up on teams, even better to see one be the centerpiece. I wouldn't worry too much about the length of the replay, either--Lilligant4 is so rarely mentioned as anything worth worrying about I had to look. Hell, I'm watching it right now. It also reminds me that breeding for Lilligant4 would be relatively easy--I should get on that.

Oh I maison like hell, it's just that 95% of it unworthy of posting lol. Gives me something to do while on break/lunch at work. Nothing relieves work stress like Teeter Dance and Double team.
I didn't see Mega Altaria in the OP at all. I felt that this needed to be fixed, and Rotations is imo where it seemed to work best. :P
Oh I maison like hell, it's just that 95% of it unworthy of posting lol. Gives me something to do while on break/lunch at work. Nothing relieves work stress like Teeter Dance and Double team.
I didn't see Mega Altaria in the OP at all. I felt that this needed to be fixed, and Rotations is imo where it seemed to work best. :P

Glad im not the only one who spends all their time in the maison even if most the effort isnt worth the posting lol! good job on the rotations tho..I gave up on rotations ages ago any streak that hits triple figures in that skidmark of a battle format deserves credit!
Team Breloom4/Walrein4/Chandelure4/Vaporeon4/Porygon-Z2/Imperfect Gallade4 continues rolling along...
Battle #35: vs. Cyril (Volcarona/Probopass/Gyarados/Donphan/Lickilicky/Starmie) (Set 4) -- Cyril draws a murderer's row of threats (and Probopass), and my team struggles accordingly. And then...incredible ending.

On the side, I've also created Imperfect Gorugiest3, plus have the resources to make the other, superior Gourgiest sets later on.

EDIT: Due to the insanity of the above battle, have also created this, possibly to be used in Flash Clash, deinfintely to be used for Maison at some point:

BM831 (Donphan) (M) (Lvl.50) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/6 Atk/252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Seed Bomb
- Earthquake
- Fissure

My third-ever 6IV mon, my second-ever 6IV mon to be raised & used, my first-ever 6IV Maisonmon. It's Donphan4, not much explanation needed.

For future reference, all Maison-based creations that match the Maison set in every way will be referred to as 'Replicas'.
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First post here for my on-going streak, currently at 101 in triples. I haven't really had a close match yet, even though this is my first attempt at triples (I started just to get the trophy).


The team is basically a copy of turskains record holding team, but with Rotom-W replaced by Specs Thunderus-I. This was mainly done because I didn't have a HP Water Rotom to hand, but its worked really well, and hits like a truck. I'll update with a spread in a bit.
:'( Just lost my streak of 176 in Super Doubles due to a series of lame critical hits... Including a crit on the last turn in a one on one situation from a -3 attack, choice scarf locked Braviary. Oh and a Magnezone surviving with what I can only guess was 1 HP at a crucial time. THE PAIN!



I know this team can go a lot further as it has amazing synergy and power. The roster was:

Salamence @ Salamencite
Intimidate | Naive | 6atk, 252spa, 252spe
Double Edge
Hyper Voice

Excadrill @ Choice Scarf (Thanks to NoCheese for the spread and maintaining the thread!)
Mold Breaker | Adamant | 36hp, 252atk, 4def, 4spd, 212spe
Drill Run
Iron Head
Rock Slide

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Stance Change | Quiet | 252hp, 6atk, 252spa
King's Shield
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Flash Cannon

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
Huge Power | Adamant | 252hp, 252atk, 6spe
Aqua Jet
Play Rough
Knock Off (considering changing for Facade so I can switch into things which threaten a burn more easily)

Dual spread moves to open and dual priority with huge bulk to clean if necessary. Echoing DoomOvDoom's thoughts on Mold Breaker Excadrill - it's brilliant.
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